Adding numbers by passing through ten. Educational portal

Math lesson in 1st grade according to Federal State Educational Standard

Lesson topic: Addition single digit numbers with a transition through ten.

Lesson Objectives :

Familiarization with the methods of calculations with transition through tens, development of oral computing skills, ability to solve problems;

Development of logical-mathematical speech, attention, analytical thinking, formation of the ability to identify essential features and properties;

Cultivating interest in the subject and discipline.

Formation of universal educational activities:

1. Regulatory UUD:

Formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher;

Learn to express your assumptions based on the work of the textbook material;

Determine the success of completing the task in dialogue with the teacher.

2. Cognitive UUD:

Observe and draw conclusions.

3. Communicative UUD:

Listen and understand the speech of your comrades, the ability to work in pairs, and conduct a dialogue.

4. Personal UUD:

Formation of positive educational motivation, self-esteem skills, understanding the meaning of educational activities.


Technology of problematic dialogue.

Equipment: textbook “Mathematics” 1st grade M.I.Moro, cards for working in groups.

Lesson steps

Teacher's actions

Student Actions

I. Self-determination for activity

What do you think we will do in class today?

You are ready?

Let's get started.




II. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities

III. Setting a learning task.

1. Mathematical dictation.

Find the sum of the numbers 7 and 3.

How much more is 10 than 5?

Increase the number 6 by 3.

1st term 5, 2nd term 4. Find the sum.

Reduce 8 by 6.

2. Associative series.

On the desk:

2+7 = 5+1= 8+2= 9+4=

Look carefully at what is written on the board and tell me what you noticed that was new in the recording of the examples?

Record and calculate these amounts.

After solving the examples, children are asked to compare their calculations in their notebooks with the examples on the board.

What was the difficulty?

What is the purpose of our lesson?

So, what is the topic of today's lesson?

Write the values ​​of expressions on a line.

Peer testing in pairs.

Consider the row.

These are the amounts.

We will not be able to solve the last example.

Children try to complete the task on their own.

At the same time, 2 students work on closed boards.

Compare and find errors.

We don't know how to add numbers beyond ten.

Learn to solve examples with passing through tens.

Adding numbers by passing through ten.

IV. Building a project for getting out of difficulties.

Look carefully at the examples that you easily solved. How did you solve them?

How convenient is it to add numbers?

It is convenient to add to tens, it makes it easier to count.

V. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Well done!

Now let's go back to our example


Can anyone explain the solution to this example?

We add the number in parts. First we add enough to get 10.


We remember that 4 is 1 and 3. We have already added 1, now we need to add 3.

You can write it like this:



The student decides at the board.


VI. Independent work in groups with self-testing.

Gives a task to each group on cards.

Card 1.

8+4= 6+5= 7+4=

Card 2.

9+2= 7+6= 9+4=

Card 3.

6+6= 8+5= 9+2=

Children work in groups.

The consultant verifies the results.

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Offers work based on the textbook (page 64 No. 4).

In what example did we apply the acquired knowledge in the lesson?

What did you find difficult to decide?

Task No. 3, No. 5 (oral)

Children work in notebooks and at the board, answer questions, and analyze their activities.

VIII. Lesson summary


How would you rate your work in class?

Was it easy for you or were there difficulties?

Offers homework p.65№6

And for those who are curious, create 3-4 examples on your own for adding numbers going through ten.

Correlate the purpose and results of the action.

They discuss ways to “discover” new knowledge.

Analyze and evaluate the activities of the whole class and their own.

The very first examples that a child gets acquainted with even before school are addition and subtraction. It is not so difficult to count the animals in the picture and, crossing out the extra ones, count the remaining ones. Or shift counting sticks, and then count them. But for a child it is somewhat more difficult to operate with bare numbers. That is why practice and more practice are needed. Don’t stop working with your child in the summer, because over the summer school program It just disappears from your little head and it takes a long time to make up for lost knowledge.

If your child is a first-grader or is just entering first grade, start by repeating the composition of the number by house. And now we can take on examples. In fact, addition and subtraction within ten is the first practical use child's knowledge of the composition of numbers.

Click on the pictures and open the simulator at maximum magnification, then you can download the image to your computer and print it in good quality.

It is possible to cut A4 in half and get 2 sheets of tasks if you want to reduce the load on the child, or let them solve a column a day if you decide to study in the summer.

We solve the column and celebrate our successes: cloud - not solved very well, smiley - good, sunshine - great!

Addition and subtraction within 10

And now randomly!

And with passes (windows):

Examples for addition and subtraction within 20

By the time a child begins to study this topic of mathematics, he should know very well, by heart, the composition of the numbers of the first ten. If a child has not mastered the composition of numbers, he will have difficulty in further calculations. Therefore, constantly return to the topic of composition of numbers within 10 until the first grader masters it to the point of automaticity. Also, a first-grader should know what the decimal (place value) composition of numbers means. In mathematics lessons, the teacher says that 10 is, in other words, 1 ten, so the number 12 consists of 1 ten and 2 units. In addition, units are added to units. It is on knowledge of the decimal composition of numbers that the techniques of addition and subtraction within 20 are based. without going through ten.

Examples for printing without going through the tens mixed up:

Addition and subtraction within 20 with a transition through ten are based on techniques for adding to 10 or subtracting to 10, respectively, that is, on the topic “composition of the number 10,” so take a responsible approach to studying this topic with your child.

Examples with passing through tens (half a sheet of addition, half a subtraction, the sheet can also be printed in A4 format and cut in half into 2 tasks):

Lesson type: combined.

Type of lesson: non-standard using ICT.

Purpose of the lesson: To organize the activities of students in the perception, comprehension and primary memorization of new knowledge and methods of action on the topic being studied.



  • organize activities for students to familiarize themselves with computational techniques for cases of the form 7 + 4 and help them understand the practical significance of the material;
  • create conditions for schoolchildren to develop the ability to formulate problems and propose ways to solve them.


  • develop skills in the use of scientific methods of cognition /observation/;
  • develop the ability to exercise self-control and self-correction;
  • develop speech, memory, logical thinking, analytic skills, attention, interest in the subject.


  • cultivate perseverance, accuracy, the ability to work together, in pairs, and a sense of camaraderie;

Pedagogical technologies: information and communication technologies, technology of problem-dialogical teaching (leading dialogue).

Methods: verbal, visual, problem-based, independent work.

Equipment: textbook (Demidova T.E., Kozlova S.A., Tonkikh A.P. and others. My mathematics: Textbook for 1st grade in 3 parts. Part 3. - M.: Publishing House RAO, Balass.2008), pictures for the game, computer, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson.

Organization of work: frontal, individual, work in pairs.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Let's start our lesson!
And so that it serves us well,
Try to understand everything
Learn to think and reason.
Be diligent and attentive -
And success will definitely come to you!

I give you my smile. Please those around you with your smile. We smiled at each other and wished each other success. Since our overall success will depend on each of you.

We start our lesson in a good mood, and I hope that our mood will continue until the end of the lesson.

In previous lessons, together with our heroes Petya Zaitsev, Vova Kolesnikov and Katyusha Persikova, we traveled around the country of studying numbers from 10 to 20. This country has not yet been completely studied by us. Shall we continue our journey? And so, let's go!

II. Update background knowledge. Formulation of the problem. Discovery of something new.

Slide number 2

1. Game "Third Man": - Tuesday, Wednesday, May; - triangle, square, ray; - four, one, plus.

2. Number series. Slide number 3

Consider these series of numbers:

What are the similarities between the rows? What is the difference?

How from previous date what happens next?

Which next number in every row?

Name the largest and smallest number in the last row.

Tell us everything you know about the number 10.

How much is 10 less than 16? How much is 16 more than 10?

Decrease 10 by 1. Increase 10 by 8.

How can you get the number 10?

Open your notebooks and write down the date.

3. Mathematical dictation.

The first term is 6, the second term is 4. What is the sum? (10)

The minuend is 10, the subtrahend is 3. What is the difference? (7)

Name a number that is less than 10 by 8. (2)

How much should you increase 5 to get 10? (5)

Write down these answers in ascending order.

What happened? (Check from the board).Slide number 4

Guys, these numbers are not easy. Let's see what is encrypted under each number? (Work).

Let's remember the proverb about work. (Patience and work will grind everything down. You can’t even pull a fish out of the pond without work). These proverbs will become the motto of our lesson.

How much should you reduce the numbers 16, 15, 13, 17 to get 10?

Guys, have you forgotten that in class we should also help our friends? Let's hurry to help.

Let's open the textbooks on p. 20 No. 1.

Who needed help?

Help him quickly. He's already tired of waiting. (Mutual check)

Well done! Everyone helped correctly.

Now turn your attention to the board. They all received this task, not only Vova. And again we will need your help.

(4 clouds appear on the board one after another). Slide number 5

Examples are solved independently. Answers are checked on the slide.

How much did you get in last example? (Answer in the ear). How did you get the answer? (When adding units in this expression, you will need to make a transition through the digit.) cut

(There is a problem because not all students can solve this example.)

Determine the topic of the lesson. (Addition of numbers with transition through digit.)

What goals will we set for ourselves? (Learn to solve examples with transition through a category).

III. Discovery of something new.

1. Acquaintance with the method of adding single-digit numbers with the transition through the digit “by parts”.

We solve the example 7 + 5 using a graphical model:

(Click the mouse - the expression 7+5= appears); Slide number 6

How many units are missing from the first term before 10? (Three units).

Where can I get these three units? (At the second term).

What do I need to do? (Break the second term into parts)

(3 and 2.)

The next click - red balls fill the model of the number 10.

How many full tens did you get? How many units are left?

(1 ten and 2 units.)

What is the sum of the numbers 7 and 5? (12)

Think and explain why the first term was added to 10? (Easy to do calculations.)

Let's derive an algorithm for adding single-digit numbers with transition through digit:

1) Add to round ten

Add the remaining number.

IV. Primary consolidation. Working with the textbook.

1. Let's open the textbooks. Let's find number 3.

Let's look at Petya's drawings and read the notes. Let's tell you how Petya found the meaning of each expression.

How did he add 2 to 9? (Using a graphical model).Slide number 7

2. Now let's help Katya find the meaning of expressions, No. 4.

A). The first example is explained by one student.

B). Work in pairs. (The second example is solved in pairs.)

Checking from the board.

Slide number 8

What parts did you break the second term into? (3 and 1) Why?

What is the sum of the numbers 7 and 4?

C) Independent work. (One student at the blackboard.)

Solving the example without using a graphical model. Examination.

V. Physical education minute. A game of attention.

Petya, Katya and Vova decided to play hide and seek with you. If Petya appears, you clap your hands; if Vova appears, you stamp your feet; If Katya appears, you shrug your shoulders. (I show the pictures one by one.)

So, look again at the notes on the board and in the book. What can be concluded? How did you fold it?

Conclusion: to add single-digit numbers passing through ten, you must first add the first term to 10, and then add the remaining ones.

VI. Working with the textbook. Slide number 9

Compare numeric expressions. Explain to Vova how much the value of one expression is greater or less than the value of another.

1). The first example is collective.

2). Independent work. (2 and 3 examples)

Checking from the board.

2. Physical education for the eyes. (Use of an ophthalmic simulator located on the wall). Slide number 10 (The teacher moves the pointer in circles different color)

Look up at the meadow.
The beetle runs to the right and left,
A dragonfly is flying somewhere,
And towards her is a bee.
A bumblebee flew around the domain,
The ant is busy with work.

Guys, how many insects were running around our meadow.

1. Repetition and consolidation of what has been learned.

Guys, we have learned how to add single-digit numbers by moving through place value. Let's help our friends fill out the table. (The first two examples are together, and then independently). Slide number 11

Guys, what did you notice when adding numbers with transition through digit?

Conclusion: the first term does not change, the second one is successively increased by one, which means that the sum also successively increases by one.

Well done boys! What is mathematics without problems?

2. Let's help Petya solve the problem. P. 21 No. 7.

What are the components of the task? (Condition, question, solution, answer).

We read the problem to ourselves.

Reading aloud.

Read the condition.

We read the question of the task.

What does the problem say?

Is it parts or the whole?

What do you need to find?

3. We draw up a diagram for the problem. Slide number 12

What rule will you use to solve this problem? (We find the whole).

Write down the solution and answer to the problem in your notebook.

Standard check. Slide number 13

4. Task for the development of logical thinking.

How to rearrange two sticks so that you get two squares? Slide number 14

VIII. Reflection.

What new did you learn today in class while traveling through the pages of our book?

Let's remember what goal we set for ourselves at the beginning of the lesson?

What couldn't we do?

Have you learned now?

Let's remember the algorithm for adding single-digit numbers with transition through digit:

1). Add to round ten

2). Add the remaining number.

Did you find it difficult in class?

Were all the tasks difficult for you? Which ones?

Have you overcome difficulties?

What was interesting?

You helped our heroes find the meaning of expressions and solve the problem. They thank you for your help and tell you, “Thank you!”

Let's conclude the lesson by returning to our self-assessment algorithm and evaluating our work.

The guys who had it easy in class and who did well will get green emoticons.

Slide number 15

Those who had problems, something was unclear, it was difficult - they will take yellow emoticons for themselves.

Those who found it very difficult, and those who still find it difficult to add numbers when moving through a rank, will take red emoticons for themselves.

What will we draw in our diaries?

And now I want to evaluate the work of the whole class during the lesson. Do you want to know my opinion?

I suggest you solve the crossword puzzle. And vertically you will read the word that I say to all of you. Slide No. 16

  • How many legs does a spider have?
  • How many suns are there in the sky?
  • The second month of spring.
  • What is 12 months?
  • You, me, and you and me. How many of us are there in total?
  • A is a letter, 5 is:
  • Are your girlfriends running around the edge of the forest in white dresses? What is this?

How do you understand the meaning of the word edge?

I thank everyone for their work. The lesson is over.

Summary of a mathematics lesson in 1st grade

on the topic “Numbers 10-20. Addition with passing through ten.

    Learning addition by passing through tens.

    Consolidation of skills oral counting within the top ten.

    Solution training word problem in two steps based on a diagram and a short note.

    Development of logical thinking.

    Development caring attitude to the house. pets.


    Org moment.

Let's get ready for the lesson. So that both you and your guests have good mood, repeat after me: - I’m in a good mood; I will be attentive in class, I will be patient, I will have time to do everything.

Guys, today you are not just students, you will be scientists. Who is a scientist?

The work of a scientist is difficult. Before you open something, you need to spend a lot of time preparatory work. This is what you will be doing today.

    Verbal counting

1.- Who has a cat or kitten at home? What do your pets like? (milk,….)

And Ryzhik loves fish and we go fishing with him!

Let's solve the examples on the slide: 4+5= 10-8= 6+4=

9-5= 2+5= 9-6= 2+4=

2. - And now next task(slide)

Here is a series of numbers: 10 11 13 16

3. - What are these figures called?

Which figure is the odd one out and why? On the desk:

Well done! You got it done quickly.

4. Mathematical dictation. Write the values ​​of expressions on a line.

Find the sum of the numbers 7 and 3.

How much more is 10 than 5?

Increase the number 6 by 3.

1st term 5, 2nd term 4. Find the sum.

Reduce 8 by 6.

Peer testing in pairs. Check the answers on the board. (They put a mark on the rulers in the margins).

What is mathematics without problems?

III. Formulation of the problem We select the answer and show the answer with a card.

Five geese were swimming in the pond, Ignat collected six honey mushrooms,

There are two left in the yard. And four mushrooms

How many geese were there? My sister collected it.

Count quickly! (5+2=7) How many mushrooms in total?

In the guys' basket? (6+4=10)

Natasha has ten dolls,

Masha gave her three.

Don't be lazy and don't yawn,

Count the dolls together.(13)

Sasha's dad bought an aquarium

I gave it to my son for the holiday.

Mom bought nine fish

And my grandmother gave me four more.

How many fish? How can Sasha find out?

Please, Sasha, friends, help -

Tell him the number of fish! (9+4=13)

For some reason, our results are different, and someone could not find the result. They were able to count, but they couldn’t explain how they counted. What do you think we will learn in class today? What was the difficulty? What is the goal facing us today? Children's answers

Lesson topic:“Adding single-digit numbers by passing through ten.”

    New material.

1) Solution of examples like: 9+4

Let's try to explain how to solve the example 9+4 (solve on a board with colored squares.)

Let's put 9 red squares in the first row. Let's add 4 blue circles. How many more blue circles can you add to the first row?

Student: You can add 1 more blue circle.

Teacher: How many circles did you get?

Student: 10 circles.

Teacher: How many circles are left to add?

Student: 3 mugs.

Teacher: How much do you get if you add 3 to 10?

Student: 13.

Teacher: So 9+4 =13. How many fish did they give to Sasha?

Student: 13 fish.

Teacher: Let's write the solution in a notebook: 9+4=9+1+3=10+3=13.

2) Work according to the textbook.

Now let’s practice solving such examples. Open the textbook on page 64.

Let's solve examples No. 1 (orally at the board)

V. Physical exercise.

Musical physical exercise “Dancing with kittens” Children repeat the movements of the heroes on the board.

VI. Working on a task.

Tell me, which animals are most afraid of cats? (mice)

That’s right, and now we will solve Murka the cat’s problem about mice!

We read the problem from the board, analyze it, and select the main words.

We write down the task in notebooks. If necessary, the slide contains a brief recording and presentation of the solution to the problem.

VII. Primary comprehension and consolidation

"Fun Train"

Teacher: Now let's find out which of Murka's friends will go home by train. To do this you need to solve the examples working in pairs. One explains, the other listens and, if necessary, helps.

(Children work in pairs, solve examples 8+5, 9+3)

Teacher: Who will travel in the first carriage?

Student: Ryzhik.

Teacher: Who will travel in the second carriage?

Student: Volume.

(Children use emoticons to evaluate their neighbor’s explanations)

VIII. Lesson summary. Reflection of activity.

What new things did you learn in class?

When was it difficult in class?

(Children use emoticons to evaluate their work in class.)

Target: consolidate the ability to perform addition and subtraction with the transition through ten.


  • consolidate knowledge of addition and subtraction of single-digit and double digit numbers with a transition through ten;
  • strengthen the ability to solve simple tasks species studied;
  • consolidate the ability to solve compound problems;
  • develop self-control skills, cognitive interest;
  • develop logical thinking, memory, speech, attention;
  • bring up communicative culture, hard work.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer, textbook “Mathematics. 1 class. Part 2" author. M.I.Moro, S.I.Volkova, S.V.Stepanova, workbooks, author. M.I.Moro, S.I.Bantova, Handout, pictures of circus performers, trains, cards with circular examples.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Stand up straight, pull yourself up
And they smiled at each other.

Let's sit down. We open the notebooks. What date is today?

What day of the week? What day of the week was yesterday? Will be tomorrow? Day after tomorrow?

What time of day is it now? (morning).

What month? (April).

What season? April - what is the spring month? What month of the year is it?

So, we write down in our notebooks: number, “Cool work.”

2. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Updating knowledge.

Guys, what did we do in previous lessons? (solved examples, problems,...)

What are we going to do today? (repeat).

That's right, today we will repeat and reinforce how to correctly add and subtract by passing through ten.

Today we are not quite regular lesson. Our lesson is a journey. And where we will go today, we will find out when we find the meaning of the expressions:

Arrange the cards in ascending order and turn them over. (On back side letters written on cards)

So, guys, we will attend a circus performance, meet the circus performers, and complete their tasks.

3. Calligraphy.

We'll go to the circus on a train. Its number is the number that is located between the numbers 9 and 11.

What is this number? (10). What is it like? (two-digit)

Why?(…). This means that to write it down, we need 2 cells.

The train is leaving.

4. Oral counting.

1) - We arrived at the circus. For our class there are 2 rows. The first option is seated in a row, the number of which contains 1 ten and 2 units. What row is this?

The second option is seated in a row, the number of which has 1 ten and 3 ones. What row is this?

We found out the row number. And what place you have, look at the cards that are on your tables.

Whose neighbors sit in seats 10 and 12? (the student who has seat No. 11 raises his hand).

Tanya has place No. 9, and Lera has No. 11. Kirill sits between them. What is his place?..

How should you behave at the circus? Don't forget that you can't make noise in the circus!

2) - What is the name of the stage in the circus? (arena)

On what geometric figure is the arena similar?

What else in the circus can be round? (hoops, rings,...)

And also the round wheels of the bicycle on which the clumsy bear rides.

There is a bear in the circus arena. They say he is a “clubfooted” bear, but he knows how to turn the pedals. Help Mishutka solve “circular” examples. (cards on the board)

3) Tasks:

There are 6 cats and 4 monkeys performing in the circus. How many cats and monkeys perform in the circus?

The trainer has 7 black dogs, and 5 more red ones. How many red dogs does the trainer have?

The gymnast has 8 red rings and 3 more green rings. How many green rings does a gymnast have?

5. Generalization and systematization of knowledge.

1) There is a baby elephant in the circus arena.

He is big-eared and funny and wants to make friends with the kids. He will become friends with you if you help solve the inequalities:

  • 11-1*14
  • 8*18-8
  • 14+1*15
  • 12*14-4

2) - Guys, who is the funniest in the circus?

Meet the clown Klepa. He has prepared problems for you.

Clown Klepa decided to weigh the cat. Standing on her hind legs she weighs 5 kg. How much will she weigh on 4 legs?

The clown Klepa has a brother. Find similarities and differences between them.

Physical exercise.

We stood up together and pulled ourselves together
And they smiled beautifully.
We sat down with the clown,
We got up and put on our hats.
Jumping with the monkey
We kick our legs.
We're juggling balls
We shrug our shoulders
And we sit down again
To solve problems.

3) Solving simple problems.

A juggler runs into the arena. He asks you to collect balls and rings. And for this you need to pose a question to the problem.

The juggler has 5 blue balls and 10 red ones.

- (How many balls does the juggler have?

How many more red balls are there?)

4) Solving a compound problem.

Clown Klepa performed 8 times this week, and his brother performed 3 times more. How many times did the brothers perform this week?

5) Work in notebooks with printed base(p. 44 No. 2). Finding the meanings of expressions.

Peer review.

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Guys, did you understand everything during the lesson? Were there any difficulties?

You have drawings of a clown on your tables. Draw his mouth. If you are in a good mood, then draw a smile, if not, then vice versa.

We will attach our clowns to the board.