Back to school after summer. Ask what your child doesn’t like about school

“Darling, I’m already ready for children.
- But not me!!!
- It's nothing you can do. Summer ends,we need to take them out of the village..."

Summer holidays are ending. It's time to return to "reality" in the form of a new school year. It doesn’t matter where the children were - in the camp, in the village, or lazing around at home. You will still have to get used to school life. This also applies to parents. Child and family psychologist Svetlana Roiz suggests preparing for the first days of school in the summer. What rules should be followed to make adaptation to school easy and calm?

  1. Daily regime.

Is it easy for you to return to work after vacation? This is also stressful for children. It makes sense to “set up” the correct routine already in August: go to bed and wake up earlier.

  1. Nervous system.

When the body is constantly under stress, zinc deficiency occurs. This, in turn, negatively affects the ability to remember and learn. While there is time, replenish your body with vitamins or dietary supplements. Not necessarily artificial: offer the student foods containing zinc.

  1. "Arsenal" of knowledge.

Our brain is already structured in such a way that it can’t be done without training. Have you ever wondered why the first months of the school year are reserved for revision? The fact is that over the summer children forget some of the material they covered earlier. While the holidays are not over, you can “wake up” your brain at a calm pace by leafing through the notebooks for the past year. If your child plans to attend sections or clubs, then, if possible, send him to study in the summer.

  1. Social skills.

Some children find it difficult to return to the team. Especially if they spent the holidays in relative solitude. The solution is to meet as a class back in August. You can do anything: go to the cinema, have a picnic or play games.

  1. "Fingerprint" in the classroom.

Adaptation to school will be easier if the child brings something from home with him to class. Alternatively, a book or a flowerpot.

  1. Positive attitude.

“It’s school again, nothing good awaits me” - many students go to their desks with this attitude. How to help little pessimists? Offer to remember all the pleasant moments of the holidays. Shift your attention from negativity to positivity. You can make a collage of funny photos or write down pleasant memories in a “summer diary.”

  1. Celebration of the end of the holidays.

It is always easier to adapt to the new if you put an end to the old. Help your child end the holidays beautifully. Was he at the camp or at grandma's? Greet him with a gift, sweets or a bouquet of balloons. The age of the student does not matter, the main thing is to make a surprise.

  1. "He's not the same anymore."

Over the summer, the child changes. Especially if he spent the holidays in a camp or some other place away from you. He made new acquaintances, knowledge, and perhaps his first love. Be respectful of your child's feelings. Accept them, be a friend. Know how to keep secrets that are entrusted to you. It is possible that your child is currently experiencing a huge range of emotions. This can also affect academic performance. If you feel that your power over your child is weakening, do not return it “by force.” Accept a new level of your relationship.

  1. School fair.

Preparing for the new school year is not complete without purchasing stationery, school uniforms and other useful things. If possible, let your child choose his own things. Of course, within reason.

  1. School is separate, home is separate.

Home is a safe space. Don't make it an extension of school, support the child.

  1. “Yes, for your sake...”

You want the best for your child, that's normal. But don't sacrifice yourself. By giving “everything,” you also give away unbearable responsibility for the result. Thus, you deprive the child of joy. Don't become a "victim", look for a compromise. Be an example. Do you demand respect from your child? Respect him. Do you need to exercise? Do morning exercises.

  1. School grades are subjective.

Grades in the diary do not always reflect the child’s real knowledge. Just remember this.

The child spends most of his time at school. But not all. An interesting life should await him outside the walls of the educational institution. It is from her that he draws inspiration to conquer new heights and grow up happily. Good luck adapting to school! And remember that no system is perfect: education is no exception.

Based on site materials

When a child returns to school after the summer holidays, he may face the problem of adaptation, as when entering 1st grade. Suddenly it turns out that part of the knowledge acquired over the past year has been forgotten, the student quickly gets tired of school loads, and his academic performance is poor because it is difficult for him to concentrate on lessons. Typically, such problems arise if no attention was paid to studying in the summer, the regime was not followed, allowing the student to rest for all three months.

How can a child adapt to school after a long holiday? Developmental courses for children

Despite the fact that summer is intended for a break from school, you need to work with your children even during the holidays. Another thing is that teaching methods should differ from traditional ones. Today, modern development centers are engaged in the preschool development of children. They set themselves different tasks: from teaching mathematics and writing to comprehensive preparation for school. Which children's development center is better to choose?

The Soroban® School of Mental Arithmetic proposes to discard stereotypes about what studying should be like. The teaching principles here reflect the modern view of the intellectual education of schoolchildren. According to the creator of the largest child development center in Ukraine, the goals of teachers are:

  • interest students, awaken their cognitive interest and desire to learn;
  • make you believe in yourself, actually proving to the student that his mental potential has no limits;
  • explain in such a way that each student understands and can complete the teacher’s task;
  • teach schoolchildren to independently cope with difficulties and solve complex problems;
  • show that studying can be interesting and fun if you approach it correctly;
  • become a wise teacher and good friend for your students.

It is much easier for a child to get used to school if he feels comfortable there. So, the mental arithmetic center Soroban® takes care of the moral comfort of its students. This experience is also very useful for preschool children, because it forms in children a positive attitude towards school and learning.

What factors help a child quickly adapt to school after the holidays?

The easiest time for autumn adaptation is for those students who prepared for the new school year long before September 1. For successful studies, every student during the summer needs:

  • train and develop your abilities;
  • communicate as much as possible with peers and adults;
  • expand your horizons;
  • cultivate internal discipline and self-organization skills;
  • learn something new, master a science or activity that is not taught at school.

The Mental Arithmetic Center allows children to implement this plan without limiting their ability to devote time to their interests and develop in different areas of knowledge.

Mental arithmetic lessons help schoolchildren in learning mathematics. At Soroban® School, children learn to count faster than a calculator using the Japanese speed counting technique. This method is more effective than studying with a tutor. Soroban training develops memory, observation, analytical and logical thinking, imagination, and other abilities, which subsequently help the student understand exact science. Not to mention the ability to do quick mental calculations - not a single tutor can teach you this.

A unique feature of the mental arithmetic method is that it harmoniously develops all aspects of the intellect, stimulates the work of the right and left hemispheres, and reveals humanitarian, mathematical, and creative inclinations. Therefore, regardless of which direction is closer to the child, what educational profile he chooses in the future, the method of mental mathematics is universal for everyone.

You can find out more about the specifics of studying at the School on the official website.

The advantage of out-of-school education at the Soroban® mental arithmetic school:

  • minimum time for studying in class and at home;
  • maximum attention from the teacher at all stages of training;
  • adaptation to existing and preparation for future academic loads, assistance in solving problems of any complexity in any field of knowledge;
  • organic conditions for development (socially active environment, motivation, encouragement of teachers).

It is worth signing up for mental arithmetic courses and including mental arithmetic lessons in your holiday schedule in order to motivate your child, reveal his capabilities, and teach him how to learn. Soroban® is a useful intellectual, psychological and social experience that will help a student easily adapt to school after the summer holidays. This is an important developmental stage for children before entering primary school.

If you ask ten students if they miss school, seven of them will answer: “No!”, two will think and only one will nod weakly. They are interested in friends, but not in lessons and homework. Let's get into the rhythm of work together!

19:44 18.09.2012

Even an adult needs two weeks to adapt to work after a vacation. What can we say about the children who have enjoyed freedom from school all summer and now have to sit back at their desks! Psychologists believe that a first-grader needs 1.5-2 months, a fifth-grader needs a month, and other students need 2-3 weeks to get used to the new regime.

The very first weeks of school are difficult: the child has difficulty getting up in the morning, is unable to cope with homework on his own, and barely remembers the school curriculum. In class he is talkative, inattentive, and has difficulty concentrating. He simply forgot a lot during the holidays, so it’s stupid to be surprised that his grades are much lower than he would like. How can you make sure that your son or daughter associates September 1 with something cheerful and bright? What will help you overcome the stress of the first days? Psychologist Lesya Antonova talks about the secrets of quickly adapting to the school regime.

1 Create a stir

Children's enthusiasm for school decreases in proportion to the number of years they spend there. While elementary school students are quite easily captivated by their upcoming studies, high school students are less optimistic about the beginning of the school year. Alas, for the majority this is an unpleasant duty that must be served, and not at all “wonderful years.”

And here the reason is not only a very boring program, but also that the children themselves have changed: today they are more inclined to consume (pleasures, goods) than to achieve something on their own. However, we, parents, no matter what, must increase the prestige of education in the eyes of the child. Therefore, it is important to show that the beginning of a new school year is an important and significant event for which you need to prepare.

Start small: together, tidy up your cabinets, shelves, and desk. Make room for textbooks and notebooks. Check to see if the lamp works and if the chair is still comfortable.

Check out your school supplies and go shopping together. A visit to the school bazaar is always a joyful event for young shopping lovers. And it’s nice for everyone to come to school with new things.

Call your friends and classmates: who has already returned to the city, who is still on vacation? Find out the latest news from the teacher, rewrite the schedule. Finally, arrange a non-intrusive evening of memories at home and tell funny episodes from your school life with your husband. And such a nostalgic mood will be pleasant, right?

2 Start your routine early

During the holidays, children live as they please: they sleep long, have breakfast late, spend a lot of time at the computer or watching TV, and go to bed late. When suddenly on September 1 the child has to get up at 7 am, he will feel sleep-deprived, lethargic and irritable. And he will ignore half of the teacher’s explanations! But right now new topics begin. If he misses the beginning, interest in learning will noticeably decrease: why do homework if I still don’t understand anything!

Therefore, you should adapt to the new regime smoothly. A week before the start of school, start getting up earlier and doing exercises - be sure to do them together, otherwise nothing will work out. The amount of electronic entertainment should now be reduced to a minimum, and in your free time it is better to finish unfulfilled summer assignments and take a walk. It is important for even high school students to go to bed no later than 10 p.m. If you push yourself a little and start following these tips, then the first week of school will not become a lot of stress for your child: he will adequately bear the load, because the body has already adapted to getting up early! It is better to start visiting sections and clubs not on September 1, but a week later: when the child has already adapted to the school schedule.

3 Get interested in new subjects

When moving to high school, your child probably acquired new subjects: geography, algebra, history, chemistry. So far, the child only has a rough idea of ​​what he will be taught, but the new, more complex program scares him. Moreover, in the first days, each teacher will tell you how important his particular subject is. How to arouse interest in new knowledge? It is best if you look at the textbooks together before school starts.

Tell us how exciting the new subjects will be, how many interesting things your son or daughter will learn during their studies. Share your experience: tell me that unfamiliar words from a textbook once scared you, too, and then this particular subject became your favorite. Show with examples from your own experience how school knowledge (say, in physics, chemistry, geography) can be useful in everyday life - let your husband help you.

Offer to look at additional literature, for example, a collection of logic problems or a geographical atlas. Buy a brightly illustrated encyclopedia. In general, take all measures to make your child want to learn.

White bows, ironed shirts, armfuls of chrysanthemums - this holiday has a special atmosphere, and the child should feel it from the very morning. And here it all depends on the mood and imagination of the parents. Some mothers manage to create a cheerful surprise collage called “Hello, school!”, others limit themselves to a birthday cake, others arrange a trip to the cinema or an amusement park after school, or you can combine everything - there is never too much joy!

The most important thing is to accompany the student (even a high school student) to school and stand with him on the ceremonial line. After all, this is how we demonstrate that we take our child’s life seriously and are ready to share moments of joy with him. But be sure to discuss with your child your presence at the September 1 celebrations at school: some children want to look like adults and parental care will only upset them. Respect your student's feelings!

5 Organize a meeting of friends

For a successful evening you need a little: tea, sweets, pleasant music and a camera. Let your son or daughter invite their friends to bring photos and videos from their vacation. If there are also enthusiastic mothers in the class, you can have a picnic somewhere outside the city on the weekend: summer continues! A good option is to invite your classmates to the cinema. Such a cultural trip can also be organized together with mothers. Or you can arrange a “birthday day” for those children whose birthdays fall in the summer. After all, they often feel deprived: in the summer, the children go on vacation and almost no one comes to visit such birthday people.

6 Help with homework

Confusion, helplessness and inattention of a child after summer can surprise, upset, and infuriate. But all these “Get yourself together!”, “You could have done it before!”, “What are these tears?” have absolutely no effect. More likely, other phrases will help: “Don’t worry, you can handle it!”, “I believe in you!”, “We will succeed!”, “Who, if not you?” True, words alone are not enough.

Unfortunately, at first you and your husband will have to actively participate in the learning process: cram a foreign language together, explain equations with two unknowns, look for additional material for an essay. Don't worry: it won't be forever. The main thing is to set a certain rhythm, and then the child will integrate into his studies and will be able to do without your help. Almost. Any student will be helped to organize by having a lesson schedule posted on the door and a list of subjects that need to be given special attention (for high school students). You can introduce a strict regime of study and rest for the first weeks: this will help the child get into a rut.

7 Regulate your extracurricular load

So that our student does not become particularly relaxed, it is worth immediately discussing what additional sections and clubs he is going to attend. It’s good if, in addition to studying, a child’s life includes a hobby - drawing, music, a favorite dog. Attending a sports section or dancing, according to pediatricians, is not just desirable, but necessary. Sport will not only strengthen a child and accelerate his physical development, but will also help him become more confident and get rid of his complexes. By being interested in something besides studying, he will interest his classmates in his personality, and it will be easier for him to become a leader.

However, remember that extracurricular workload should not be excessive, especially for younger students! A child who runs to English after school, then to music school, and does homework until late in the evening, is unlikely to be able to answer normally in class the next day. Excessive stress also has a bad effect on the child’s fragile nervous system. Therefore, dose the load! Let the student choose a hobby to his liking - then his life will be full of bright emotions. And you make sure that the teenager has enough time for study, and for sports, and for walks with friends. And support him in all his endeavors, because this is what he expects most from his parents.

Text by Victoria Vitrenko

It's always stressful to go back to school after three months of vacation. After all, children are unaccustomed to the school regime, workloads, lessons during which they have to sit and not move, homework...

Therefore, the beginning of a new school year requires a certain adaptation of both schoolchildren and their parents to the new regime. Vladimir Rodionov, a leading specialist at the Institute of Pediatrics, advises how best to do this.

In general, the body needs about two weeks to adapt - that’s exactly how long it takes to overcome dissynchronization. And only in the third week after the introduction of the “new regime” do all body indicators return to normal.

Therefore, make sure that the student gets enough sleep. To switch the summer daily routine (usually in the summer, parents allow children to sleep longer and go to bed later) to the school one, you should go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier every day until you get back to normal.

It is advisable for schoolchildren to go to bed at 21-21.30. This is the best time to fall asleep - it is at this time that human biorhythms are tuned to sleep, simultaneously falling asleep with natural circadian rhythms. It has been proven that those who go to bed late already at a young age have health problems associated precisely with the dissynchronization of circadian biorhythms. First, sleep and mood disorders develop, and over time, pathologies of the digestive system, cardiovascular diseases, and endocrine disorders develop.

By the way, you need to sleep in complete darkness. After all, this is the only way the synthesis of the hormone melatonin occurs in the pineal gland, which regulates the activity of the endocrine system, blood pressure, slows down the aging process, improves brain function, strengthens the immune system, harmonizes biorhythms

And it’s better to get up no later than 7 am, and not half an hour before the first lesson. After hygiene procedures, I advise you to give your child a glass of warm water with lemon juice and honey - this activates and tones the body and strengthens the immune system. After that, you should do exercises or go for a run. During this time, an appetite should appear - this is a signal that you need to have breakfast.

By the way, breakfast for a schoolchild is a must! And this should not be a cookie with tea, but a full meal. The best option is any porridge (cereals contain complex carbohydrates, which keep you feeling full for a long time and supply the body with energy) or egg dishes (proteins are absorbed better at the beginning of the day). For school snacks, provide an apple and dried fruit rather than buns or cookies. The child must have a hot lunch - either at school, if it is an extracurricular activity, or at home.

In the daily routine, set aside 2 hours for a walk or activity that the child chooses - she should have time to rest. And only after that let him sit down for his lessons. But so that they are ready by 21.00. If a child does homework until midnight, this will not have the best effect on his mental and physical health.

Now, a week and a half before the start, is the time to gradually return to the “school” daily routine. A sharp transition from a state of rest to a working mode is stressful for both children and adults. You can gradually begin to wake up in the morning and go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

Reset in knowledge

Our brain needs training. During the summer months, there is a “rollback” in knowledge, on average, to the second quarter of the previous year of study. And that is why the first few months of the school year, teachers practice repetition with children.

Homework during the holidays is often given to ensure that the child remains “in the process” of learning. It’s great if a child systematically studied (for example, foreign languages) during a free vacation in the summer.

In the remaining time, you can leaf through notebooks and, possibly, reference books for the previous year at a calm pace, without pressure or coercion. Or download a curriculum on the subject from the Internet and at least just look at the titles of the topics.

Additional classes

If during the school year it is planned that the child will go to clubs and sections, it is better to start studying in August.


The first months of school (especially at a new school, in a new class) are stressful. The education system is changing, but many children are still scared to go to school. And the life of teenagers (as it happens physiologically) is constant tension.

When a person is in a state of chronic stress, his brain experiences a deficit. Zinc affects the functioning of the hippocampus, which helps us and our children process and remember large amounts of information. Now is the time to use what you believe in - eat foods containing zinc, if you believe in vitamins, or take dietary supplements.

How to help your child get used to school: start early


For introverted, shy children who also spent the summer months alone, returning to the team is an additional burden and a possible source of tension.

You can suggest that on some of the remaining days of the holidays, the whole class can meet and go to the cinema or on a picnic. This will help reduce anxiety and may help children show aspects that they find difficult to show in school.


It is important to come to school a few days in advance, walk along the corridors, look at the new (or remember the old) office.

If a child brings something of his own to class - a book from the library, a flowerpot, a poster, a photograph - it is as if he is putting an imprint: “I am here.” This makes it easier to adapt and get used to the class. It’s great if a common newspaper is made in the class with photographs of all students.

Good memories

For those who tend to focus on the negative, who “have nothing good and never will,” who do not notice resourceful events and joys, you can make a collage of photographs (even taken on a mobile phone camera) of the most joyful moments of summer. Write down all the most significant things in a “journal of memories”, gratitude, successes.

Completing the Experience

Sometimes, when a child returns from camp, we have the feeling that it is as if he “didn’t come back.” Sometimes it is important for us, adults, to consciously put an end to different processes. This makes it easier to transition to other activities and acclimatize psychologically.

You can, for example, celebrate your return from camp, from vacation, or celebrate the end of your vacation. It will be great to greet even an adult child after any absence with a surprise - a balloon, a gift, a handmade poster, a cake.

Accepting Change

The child returned from camp and changed. It is important for us to give ourselves the opportunity to get used to him, who has changed over the summer. A child's life is constantly enriched by new relationships, new roles, knowledge, words and “systems”.

The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children. Our role next to the child, on the one hand, is unchanged, on the other, it also transforms. It is important to try to calm your anxiety and not seek to regain your power and authority by force.

These simple actions, but so important for emotional peace and self-confidence, will help you and your child quickly get into the rhythm of work and enter the new school year with confidence.