Training tasks that develop skills in working with physical and thematic maps, develop analytical skills and logic, and form knowledge of real geography. For everyone and about everything

About ten years ago I took my first plane trip. My father and I flew quite far - from Kyiv to New York. We took off at approximately 8 pm, and the exciting flight lasted almost 11 hours (to be honest, I slept for most of this time). When we disembarked at John F. Kennedy Airport, my wristwatch showed 7 a.m., but it was still deep night in the United States. The airport chronometer showed zeros—it was midnight. It was then that I decided to find out in detail about the difference in time and time zones, as much as possible.

What is a time zone and why was it introduced?

The fact that our planet revolves around the Sun became known back in the time of Copernicus. As transport developed, the speed of movement increased. Just 200 years ago, traveling around the world in 80 days seemed fantastic, but modern airplanes are capable of circling the globe in tens of hours. The issue of time difference has become more acute.

Time zones are a conditional division of parts of the planet along the meridian, 15 degrees each. Why exactly 15? It's simple. Our planet is spherical (that is, it has 360 degrees in projection). If you divide 360 ​​by 24 (hours of the day) you get exactly 15.

The concept of a time zone was first implemented in Victorian England. Until now, the Greenwich meridian, passing through the United Kingdom, is generally considered to be the zero meridian - the reference point.

Countries lying in multiple time zones

For the convenience of time calculation, many states that are conventionally located in several time zones reduce their number. For example, Ukraine, which is actually located in three time zones, has established a single time zone throughout the country - Kiev time. Russia also sets local time for its territories, which differs from the actual one.

Countries with large areas occupy several time zones. The larger and more strongly the state is extended along the parallels, the greater the number of belts it occupies:

  • Russia (11 belts);
  • USA (5);
  • Canada (4);
  • Australia (3);
  • Brazil (3);
  • Indonesia (3);
  • Mexico (2).


A) Australia - Canberra

B) Ireland - Dublin

B) Canada - Ottawa

Answer: 342.

Answer: 342

This northern island country is located in the Western Hemisphere. Its form of government is a republic. It stands out because within a significant part of its territory, natural landscapes have been preserved untouched by humans. A distinctive feature of its nature is the presence of active volcanoes. The main export items are products of the fishing industry and aluminum, smelted using cheap renewable energy sources.


In this case, it is a northern island country in the Western Hemisphere. This includes Iceland and Ireland. However, the presence of active volcanoes clearly points to Iceland.

Answer: Iceland.

Answer: Iceland

Identify the country by its brief description.

The territory of this country is located in the eastern part of the continent and is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. In terms of territory size and population, the country is one of the ten largest countries in the world. A distinctive feature of the geographical location is the presence of a land border with four CIS countries.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. The fact that the country is washed by the Pacific Ocean in the eastern part indicates Eurasia. The characteristics of the population and area of ​​the country help determine that this is China.

Answer: China.

Answer: China

Identify the country by its brief description.

The territory of this country is located in the southern part of the continent and is washed by the waters of two oceans. It is crossed by the Northern Tropic. Its population exceeds 100 million people. Currently, in the international geographical division of labor, the country acts primarily as a supplier of mechanical engineering products, but oil and petroleum products remain an important item of its export.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features.

From such characteristics as: washed by the waters of two oceans and intersected by the Northern Tropic line, it is easy to determine that this is Mexico. The population of more than 100 million people confirms the choice of Mexico.

Answer: Mexico.

Answer: Mexico

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country is located in the Western Hemisphere. The form of government is a republic. Its territory is washed from the north by one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. The official language is Spanish. The country is a member of OPEC. In addition to oil, bauxite and aluminum are important exports.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features.

In this case, it is a combination of two factors: geographic location and OPEC membership. Of the countries in South America (western hemisphere), washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, only one is part of OPEC. This is Venezuela.

Answer: Venezuela.

Answer: Venezuela

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country, small in territory and population, is located in the Western Hemisphere. The form of government is a republic. Its territory is crossed by the equator and washed by the Pacific Ocean from the west. The official language is Spanish. The country is a member of OPEC. In addition to oil, an important export item is tropical agricultural products - bananas, cocoa and palm oil.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features.

In this case, these are features of the geographical location (crossing the country by the equator, the Western Hemisphere, the Pacific Ocean) and membership in OPEC. Geographical features point to the north of South America, and OPEC membership points to Ecuador.

Answer: Ecuador.

Answer: Ecuador

Identify the country by its brief description.

The territory of this country is crossed by the Southern Tropic and washed by the waters of two oceans. The country has no land borders with other states. Most of the territory is located in the natural zones of savannas, semi-deserts and deserts. The population density is one of the lowest in the world. The country is one of the largest exporters of coal, iron ore, alumina and wool.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features.

Such a feature of the geographical location as the absence of land borders indicates that the country is surrounded on all sides by the sea. There are two such countries: Madagascar and Australia. The peculiarities of nature, as well as the status of the largest exporter of coal and iron ore, allow us to make a choice in favor of Australia.

Answer: Australia.

Answer: Australia

Identify the country by its brief description.

On the territory of this country is the southernmost point of the continent on which it is located. According to the form of government, it is a constitutional monarchy. Most of the population professes Islam. The main export items are consumer electronics, oil and liquefied natural gas, and tropical agricultural products.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features.

The location on the territory of the country of the extreme southern point of the continent and the monarchical form of government point to the south of Eurasia, where Malaysia is located.

Answer: Malaysia.

Answer: Malaysia

Identify the country by its brief description.

This peninsular country is located in the Northern Hemisphere. Its form of government is a constitutional monarchy. Its territory is washed by the waters of two oceans, and within its borders is the northernmost point of the part of the world in which this country is located. In the international geographical division of labor, it stands out as a major producer of oil and natural gas.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. The constitutional monarchy of the northern hemisphere, with the location of the extreme northern point pointing to Europe, and beyond that to Norway.

Answer: Norway.

Answer: Norway

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country has no land borders with other states. Russia has a maritime border with it. In terms of population, the country is one of the ten largest countries in the world. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. It is one of the world leaders in the production of many types of industrial products.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. A clear indication of the island country of monarchical rule, the largest in population, determines that it is Japan.

Answer: Japan.

Answer: Japan

The territory of this country is located in the Northern Hemisphere and has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Its territory is the northernmost point of the continent on which this country is located. The nature of the country is extremely diverse - here you can see desert landscapes, olive and orange groves, and evergreen forests. The form of government is a republic. Agriculture and light industry play an important role in the economy. The tourism industry is also of great importance


This country is located in the northern hemisphere and has access to one of the seas of the Atlantic Ocean. It is the northernmost point of the continent. This is Cape Blanco (Ben Sekka, Ras Engela, El Abyad). State - Tunisia.

Answer: Tunisia.

Answer: Tunisia

The territory of this country, located in the Northern Hemisphere, is washed by the waters of two oceans. The official state language is Spanish. The main natural resources are reserves of oil, natural gas and non-ferrous metal ores. The population exceeds 100 million people. The structure of the economy is post-industrial; the service sector accounts for more than 60% of GDP.


The key to defining a country is the mention of its geographical location in the northern hemisphere and two surrounding oceans, population and state language.

Answer: Mexico.

Answer: Mexico

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country is one of the most economically developed. Its territory is located in the southern hemisphere and is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. A significant part of the territory is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. In the global geographical division of labor, the country plays the role of a major supplier of iron ore, coal and liquefied natural gas, and livestock products.


The geographical position of the country in the southern hemisphere, washed by the Pacific and Indian Oceans, points to Australia. The presence of deserts and rich mineral resources confirms the assumption.

Answer: Australia.

Answer: Australia

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country is located on one of the European peninsulas and has a land border with only two countries. This is one of the highly developed countries; in terms of the level and quality of life, it ranks among the first in the world and is part of the EU. The form of government is a monarchy. Large iron ore deposits are developed on its territory (mined ore is exported), as well as deposits of copper ore, lead and zinc. Currently, the country is experiencing positive migration and natural population growth.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, these are elements of the geographical location - on one of the peninsulas of Europe, has a land border with only two countries, the type of government - monarchy and a high level of development. The large Kiruna iron deposit is being developed here.

Answer: Sweden.

Answer: Sweden

Irina Myasnikova

Spain has land borders with five countries:

1.Portugal in the west of the Iberian Peninsula;

2.British possession of Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian Peninsula;

3.Morocco in North Africa (semi-enclaves of Ceuta, Melilla and Peñon de Velez de la Gomera);

4.France in the north;

5.Andorra in the north.

Identify the country by its brief description.

This country is located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. Has access to two oceans. It is the second most populous country of the continent on which it is located, a third of the population are children and adolescents. The population is characterized by migration decline. The capital is one of the largest cities in the world. The country is a major producer and exporter of oil. The country produces corn, wheat, soybeans, rice, cotton, and coffee.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, this is the country's access to two oceans, the capital is the largest city in the world, and a high proportion of children.

Answer: Mexico.

Answer: Mexico

Identify the country by its brief description.

The territory of this country is located in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. The form of government is a constitutional monarchy. The leading sector of the economy is the services sector, which accounts for more than 70% of the country's GDP. The territory includes island territories; one of the archipelagos belonging to the country has active volcanoes.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, this is a position in two hemispheres, a monarchy and the presence of volcanoes.

Answer: Spain.

Answer: Spain

Identify the country by its brief description.

The territory of this country is located in the Western and Eastern hemispheres. By land it borders only one state. The form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. The leading sector of the economy is the services sector, which accounts for more than 70% of the country's GDP. The country's capital is one of the world's largest financial centers.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, it is a position in two hemispheres, borders with only one state and the largest financial center in the world. This is Great Britain.



To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, this is a feature of the geographical location: the extreme point of a part of the world, a peninsular position, something that is washed by the waters of two seas. This is Norway.

Answer: Norway.

Answer: Norway

Identify the country by its brief description.

This highly developed country is a monarchy in form of government. Most of its territory is located in the Western Hemisphere, on two large islands, on one of which the country has a land border with only one state. The population exceeds 60 million people. Mechanical engineering, chemical industry, and metallurgy are well developed in the country. Oil, natural gas and coal are being extracted. About 2/3 of the electricity produced in the country comes from thermal power plants. The largest urban agglomeration in the part of the world where this country is located has formed around the capital.


To complete tasks of this type, you need to carefully read the description, choosing “keys”, that is, the unique features of the state or its distinctive features. In this case, these are the peculiarities of the situation on two large islands, mostly in the Western Hemisphere. This is Great Britain.

Answer: Great Britain.

Answer: Great Britain

Time difference with countries of the world, regions of Russia and Moscow.

Nowadays, time is set using Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which was introduced to replace Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The UTC scale is based on the uniform atomic time scale (TAI) and is more convenient for civilian use. around the globe are expressed as positive and negative offsets from UTC. It should be remembered that UTC time is not converted either in winter or summer. Therefore, for those places where there is a change to daylight saving time, the offset relative to UTC changes.

Principles of differentiation
The modern system is based on coordinated universal time (universal time), on which everyone’s time depends. In order not to enter local time for each degree (or each minute) of longitude, the Earth's surface is conventionally divided by 24. When moving from one to another, the values ​​of minutes and seconds (time) are preserved, only the value of the hours changes. There are some countries in which local time differs from world time not only by a whole number of hours, but also by an additional 30 or 45 minutes. True, such time zones are not standard.

Russia - 11 time zones;
Canada - 6 time zones;
USA - 6 time zones (including Hawaii, excluding island territories: American Samoa, Midway, Virgin Islands, etc.);
in the autonomous territory of Denmark - Greenland - 4 time zones;
Australia and Mexico - 3 time zones each;
Brazil, Kazakhstan, Mongolia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo - 2 time zones each.
The territories of each of the remaining countries in the world are located in only one time zone.

Despite the fact that the territory of China is located in five theoretical zones, a single Chinese standard time operates throughout its entire territory.

The only administrative-territorial unit in the world whose territory is divided into more than two is the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which is a subject of the Russian Federation (3 time zones).

In the USA and Canada, the borders are very winding: there are often cases when they go through a state, province or territory, since territorial affiliation with a particular zone is determined at the levels of administrative-territorial units of the second order.

UTC-12 - International Date Line
UTC-11 - Samoa
UTC-10 - Hawaii
UTC-9 - Alaska
UTC-8 - North American Pacific Time (USA and Canada)
UTC-7 - Mountain Time (USA and Canada), Mexico (Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan)
UTC-6 - Central Time (USA and Canada), Central American Time, Mexico (Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey)
UTC-5 - North American Eastern Time (USA and Canada), South American Pacific Time (Bogota, Lima, Quito)
UTC-4:30 - Caracas
UTC-4 - Atlantic Time (Canada), South American Pacific Time, La Paz, Santiago)
UTC-3:30 - Newfoundland
UTC-3 - South American Eastern Time (Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown), Greenland
UTC-2 - Mid-Atlantic Time
UTC-1 - Azores, Cape Verde
UTC+0 - Western European Time (Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London, Casablanca, Monrovia)
UTC+1 - Central European Time (Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Brussels, Vienna, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris, Rome, Stockholm, Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Warsaw, Ljubljana, Prague, Sarajevo, Skopje, Zagreb) Western Central African Time
UTC+2 - Eastern European Time (Athens, Bucharest, Vilnius, Kiev, Chisinau, Minsk, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Helsinki, Kaliningrad), Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, Turkey, South Africa
UTC+3 - Moscow time, East African time (Nairobi, Addis Ababa), Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
UTC+3:30 - Tehran time
UTC+4 - Samara time, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia
UTC+4:30 - Afghanistan
UTC+5 - Yekaterinburg time, West Asian time (Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent)
UTC+5:30 - India, Sri Lanka
UTC+5:45 - Nepal
UTC+6 - Novosibirsk, Omsk time, Central Asian time (Bangladesh, Kazakhstan)
UTC+6:30 - Myanmar
UTC+7 - Krasnoyarsk time, Southeast Asia (Bangkok, Jakarta, Hanoi)
UTC+8 - Irkutsk time, Ulaanbaatar, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Western Australian time (Perth)
UTC+9 - Yakut time, Korea, Japan
UTC+9:30 - Central Australian Time (Adelaide, Darwin)
UTC+10 - Vladivostok time, Eastern Australian time (Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney), Tasmania, Western Pacific time (Guam, Port Moresby)
UTC+11 - Magadan time, Central Pacific time (Solomon Islands, New Caledonia)
UTC+12 - Kamchatka time, Marshall Islands, Fiji, New Zealand
UTC+13 - Tonga
UTC+14 - Line Islands (Kiribati)

Before the introduction of standard time, each city used its own local solar time, depending on geographic longitude. The standard time system was adopted in the late 19th century as an attempt to end the confusion caused by each locality using its own solar time. The need to introduce such a standard became extremely urgent with the development of the railway, if train schedules were compiled according to the local time of each city, which caused not only inconvenience and confusion, but also frequent accidents. This was especially true for large territories connected by a railway system.

Before the invention of the railroad, traveling from one place to another took so much time. When traveling, time would only need to be advanced by 1 minute every 12 miles. But with the advent of the railroad, which made it possible to travel hundreds of miles a day, timing became a serious problem.

Great Britain

Britain was the first country to decide to establish one standard time for the entire country. The British Railways were more concerned with the problem of local time inconsistency, which forced the government to unify time throughout the country. The original idea belonged to Dr. William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828) and was taken up by Abraham Follett Osler (1808-1903). Time was set according to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and for a long time it was called “London time”.

The first to switch to the use of “London time” (1840) was the Great Western Railway. Others began to imitate it, and by 1847 most British railways were using single time. On September 22, 1847, the Railway Clearing House, which set standards for the entire industry, recommended that all stations be set to Greenwich Time with the permission of the General Post Office. The transition took place on December 1, 1847.

On August 23, 1852, time signals were first transmitted by telegraph from the Royal Greenwich Observatory.

Until 1855, the vast majority of public clocks in Britain were set to Greenwich Mean Time. But the process of officially switching to a new time system was hampered by British legislation, thanks to which local time remained officially adopted for many years. This led, for example, to such oddities as, for example, polling stations opening at 08:13 and closing at 16:13. Officially, the transition to new time in Britain took place after the introduction of legislation on the determination of time on August 2, 1880.

New Zealand

New Zealand was the first country to officially adopt standard time throughout the country (November 2, 1868). The country is located 172° 30" longitude east of Greenwich and its time was 11 hours 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time.

North America

In America and Canada, standard time was introduced on November 18, 1883, also by railroads. By that time, determining the time was a local matter. Most cities used "solar time" and the standard by which time was set was often a well-known clock in each locality (for example, clocks in church bell towers or in jewelry store windows.

The first person in the United States to sense the growing need for standardization of time was amateur astronomer William Lambert, who in early 1809 submitted to Congress a recommendation for the establishment of time meridians in the country. But this recommendation was rejected, as was Charles Dowd's original proposal, submitted in 1870, which proposed the installation of four, the first of which would pass through Washington. In 1872, Dowd revised his proposal, changing the center of reference to Greenwich. It was this last proposal of his, almost unchanged, that was used by the railroads of the United States of America and Canada eleven years later.

On November 18, 1883, the American and Canadian Railways adjusted the clocks at all railway stations according to (forward or backward). The belts were named Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.

Despite the adoption of standard time by major railroads in the United States and Canada, it was still many years before standard time became the norm in everyday life. But the use of standard time began to spread rapidly, given its obvious practical benefits for communications and travel.

Within a year, 85% of all North American cities (about 200) with a population greater than 10,000 were already using standard time. Only Detroit and Michigan stood out noticeably.

Detroit lived on local time until 1900, when the City Council decreed that clocks be set back twenty-eight minutes to Central Standard Time. Half the city complied and half refused. After considerable debate, the decree was lifted and the city returned to solar time. In 1905, Central Time was adopted by city vote. By city ordinance in 1915 and then by vote in 1916, Detroit switched to Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Standard time was introduced throughout the United States with the passage of the Standard Time Act in 1918. The US Congress approved the standards previously established by the railroads, and transferred responsibility for any subsequent changes to them to the Interstate Commerce Commission, the only federal transportation regulatory body at that time. In 1966, the authority to enact time-related legislation was transferred to the Congressional Department of Transportation.

The borders that exist today in the United States have been significantly changed compared to their original version, and such changes are still occurring today. The Department of Transportation processes all change requests and conducts rulemakings. In general, borders tend to shift westward. For example, at the eastern end, sunset may be replaced an hour later (clockwise) by moving to the adjacent time zone to the east. Thus, the boundaries of the time zone are locally shifted to the west. The reasons for this phenomenon are similar to the reasons for the introduction of “maternity” time in Russia (see Summer time). The accumulation of such changes leads to a long-term tendency for the belt boundaries to move westward. This is not uncontrollable, but is very undesirable as it entails late sunrise in such areas, especially in winter. According to American law, the main factor in deciding whether to change a time zone is “to facilitate business.” According to this criterion, proposed changes were both approved and rejected, but most of them were accepted.

developing work skills
with physical and thematic maps,
developing analytical skills
and logic that form knowledge
according to real geography


Use of maps, atlases, manuals and any reference materials
when solving problems, it is not only not prohibited, but encouraged.

Task 1.
In big and small

About the first The largest country that lies entirely within its own part of the world
About the second It was the smallest in area among the republics of the USSR lying in the World Ocean basin
About the third This Slavic country has 500 km of access to the river on which four capitals stand, but the capital of this country is not located on this river
About the fourth In the 20th century, the capital of this country governed the territory that is now home to 6 different countries.
About the fifth "In Ukrainian this country is called Ugorshchyna


The first neighbors could be Canada, Australia, Sudan, China and Ukraine. The first two countries disappear: after all, not a single land neighbor of Canada, much less Australia, can have as many neighbors as X has. Turning to information about the second neighbor, we will have to abandon the “Sudan” version: there is no X who could would be adjacent to both Sudan and any of the former Soviet republics of the USSR.

With a simple glance at the map of Eurasia (that is, even if you are too lazy to look into reference books), it is not difficult to establish that three territories could lay claim to the title of the smallest republic of the USSR: Armenia, Moldova and Estonia. Armenia (although it was the smallest Soviet republic) disappears, since it has nothing to do with the World Ocean basin.

The problem is already approaching a solution. Here are the four remaining versions:

X borders China and Moldova. There is no solution.

X borders China and Estonia. Then X = Russia.

X borders Ukraine and Moldova. Then X can only be Romania.

X borders Ukraine and Estonia. Then X = Russia.

The remaining three neighbors will help us make a choice between Russia and Romania.

Third neighbor. There is only one river in the world, on the banks of which there are four state capitals. A river carrying two capitals are a rarity. (By the way, offer your students a task: find on the world map rivers on which there is more than one capital.) And there is only one four-capital river in the world - the Danube. Among the Slavic countries, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Ukraine have access to the Danube. Only Serbia and Bulgaria rule over the long, approximately half-thousand-kilometer sections of the Danube. The capital of Serbia, Belgrade, is located on the Danube, so the “Serbia” solution is not suitable for a third neighbor. All that remains is Bulgaria.

Now it is clear that X = Romania, first neighbor - Ukraine, second - Moldova(the second smallest republic of the USSR after “drainless” Armenia).

We extract additional information from the problem:

Belgrade (capital fourth neighbor - Serbia) was the capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which included 1) Serbia; 2) Croatia;
3) Bosnia and Herzegovina; 4) Slovenia; 5) Montenegro; 6) Macedonia.

Ukrainians call Hungary (fifth neighbor) Ugric, which makes us remember that the Hungarians belong to the Ugric subgroup of the Finno-Ugric language group. The Hungarians themselves call their country Magyarorshag- Country of the Magyars.

Task 2.
Between imperial names

The following is known about the land neighbors of country X:

About the first This is where fire is brought to the opening of the Olympic Games.
About the second The rivers that form the Shatt al-Arab originate here.
About the third The name of this country retains the name of the kingdom from which came the international statesman, after whom the largest port city in Egypt is named
About the fourth The capital of this country is located below all other capitals along the course of the largest of those rivers in its part of the world that flow into the World Ocean
About the fifth “The name of this country preserves the memory of its former affiliation with the empire, the core of which was located on the Apennine Peninsula

Identify country X and its neighbors.


First neighbor - Greece.

Second - Türkiye. The Euphrates and Tigris, which begin here, merge in the south of Iraq to form the Shatt al-Arab River. And it is this river that flows into the Persian Gulf. Meanwhile, the compilers of school atlases for some reason forget to label this river on the maps. The teacher should make up for this cartographic omission.

Third - Macedonia. Alexandria in Egypt is named after Alexander the Great. (Many other cities in the Middle East were named after him. In particular, the name of the city of Iskenderun in southeastern Turkey has been preserved: Alexander among Muslims is Iskander.)

Possibilities for plot development:toponymy and political geography.

Ancient Macedonia was more extensive than the present one; its territory extended to neighboring lands in present-day Greece and Bulgaria. Therefore, neighbors are jealous of the fact that a recently emerged independent state has “appropriated” a name that does not quite belong to it. Macedonia. Greece sees in this name of the country a claim to its northern lands, which are also historical Macedonia. The Greeks ensured that Macedonia appears on international lists not under its own name, but under the conditional, temporary name “Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.” For example, at the Olympic Games (where teams march in alphabetical order), the Macedonian team has to go to the letter "F" - FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).

Fourth - Serbia. The Danube is the second river in Europe after the Volga. The Volga, however, does not flow into the World Ocean. There are four capitals on the Danube, of which the lowest one is Belgrade.

Fifth neighbor - Romania; its territory was part of the Roman Empire. The name of this country is Romвnia- ultimately goes back to the toponym Roma- Rome.

Task 3.
The largest, full-flowing,
large, tall, long

The following is known about the land neighbors of country X:

Determine X and its neighbors.


Based on the number of neighbors, you can immediately determine that the search can be conducted only on three continents: Eurasia, South America and Africa.

If this is Eurasia, then:

the first neighbor is Russia;

the second is China (Yangtze);

third - Kazakhstan (Caspian).

No country can border Russia, China and Kazakhstan at the same time. If you look at a not very carefully drawn small-scale map, you might think that Mongolia might satisfy the condition. This is not so: Mongolia and Kazakhstan do not have a common border, China is wedging. But even if this is not visible on the map, it is still clear that with the “Mongolia” version we have reached a dead end: Mongolia cannot have five neighbors. So, the Eurasian trace turned out to be false.

Let's try to go through the South American one:

the first is Brazil;

second... The source of the Amazon is in Peru, the mouth is in Brazil.

All. We came into conflict with the condition. Goodbye America! Hello Africa.

First neighbor - Sudan.

Second - Congo (Kinshasa). Here, under the name Lualaba, the Congo River begins its flow, and here it connects with the Atlantic Ocean.

Third - Kenya(north-eastern shore of Lake Victoria).

Fourth - Tanzania(Kilimanjaro).

Fifth - Rwanda. It is generally accepted that the source of the Nile is located here. There are, however, competing versions, but they are not important for solving the problem. After all, already the first three neighbors make it possible to accurately determine X. This Uganda.

Directional sign to the source of the Nile. Installed on the Rukarara River in Rwanda by Polish water tourists. Rukarara is a river of the Kagera system.
The Kagera, in turn, flows into Lake Victoria, from which
The Nile flows out. It is believed that the watercourse from the source of Rukarara
to the Mediterranean Sea - the longest watercourse in the Nile system and the longest watercourse in Africa. According to updated data from the expedition,
organized in March 2006 by three researchers
(one Englishman and two New Zealanders), the length of this watercourse is 6,718 km
(and not 6,671, as previously thought). The source of Rukarara is located
in the Rwandan Nyungwe forest at an altitude of 2,428 m

Task 4. In labors and exploits

To my colleague
on Geographical Olympiad movement,
talented geographer, teacher A.Yu. Trifonov

There is information about the federal subjects bordering the federal subject X.

About the first Here is the northernmost of the Russian full-cycle ferrous metallurgy plants
About the second The northernmost cosmodrome in Russia is located here.
About the third Its territory is crossed by the Arctic Circle, and it is landlocked, but has several cities with a population of more than 50
thousand people
About the fourth Here Ivan Susanin accomplished his feat
About the fifth PAZ buses are produced here
About the sixth Russia's largest producer of potash fertilizers
About the seventh P.I. was born here. Chaikovsky
About the eighth The name of the main city means Red City
About the ninth "The titular people of this subject of the federation are the second largest people in Russia

Determine X and all neighbors.


First neighbor - Vologda Region(Cherepovets metallurgical plant "Severstal").

Second - Arhangelsk region(Plesetsk).

Third - Komi Republic(Syktyvkar, Inta, Vorkuta, Ukhta and Pechora have more than 50 thousand inhabitants. Evenkia is also located beyond the Arctic Circle, but without access to the ocean, but its entire population is not even half of 50 thousand, and besides, it will soon cease to be a subject federation and will be “absorbed” by the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Fourth - Kostroma region. The tragic events of 1613 took place in the area of ​​the large village of Molvitino (now Susanino), 50 km northeast of Kostroma. Ivan Susanin himself is from the village of Domnino or the nearby village of Derevenki.

Fifth - Nizhny Novgorod Region(Pavlovsk Bus Plant).

Sixth - Perm region. Berezniki (Uralkali) and Solikamsk (Silvinit) are the largest producers of potash fertilizers in Russia.

Seventh - Udmurtia. Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born and spent his childhood in the city of Votkinsk.

Eighth - Mari Republic. Yoshkar-Ola - Red city in Mari. Previously the city was called Tsarevokokshaisk.

Ninth - Tataria. The Tatars are the second largest people in Russia after the Russians (although most of the Tatars live outside Tatarstan).

X = Kirov region

Task 5.
Scylla of Catholicism
and Charybdis gas dictation

Country X shares land borders with five neighbors. The following is known about them:

Identify country X and its neighbors. Comment on your reasoning.


First neighbor - Lithuania. This is the easternmost Catholic country in Europe, which can be determined from the maps available in the atlases.

Second neighbor - Latvia. Among the countries adjacent to Lithuania, only its capital - Riga - is located at the mouth of the country's largest river.

Third neighbor - Russia. If you don’t know the leader of world gas production, this is a good time to reread your textbook on the economic and social geography of the world.

Fourth neighbor - Ukraine. Many countries are washed by two seas, but in Eastern Europe there is only one such sea - Ukraine. All the rest go out to only one sea (if at all). Russia, as everyone knows, is washed by the waters of 12 seas.

Fifth neighbor - Poland. The border reserve is the famous Belovezhskaya Pushcha, where they are restoring the bison population.

X = Belarus

Problem 6. Among celebrities

Galina Mitrofanovna Zaitseva,
Geography teacher at Vocational School No. 24
With. Kalinino Vurnarsky district

The following is known about the federal subjects bordering the federal subject X:

About the first Here is the mouth of the third longest tributary of the deepest river in the world that does not belong to the World Ocean basin
About the second The largest truck manufacturing plant in Russia is located here.
About the third Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, author of “History of the Russian State” was born here.
About the fourth This is the southernmost of the national-territorial formations of the Finno-Ugric peoples existing in the Russian Federation
About the fifth "Homeland of GAZelle

Identify neighbors (write in the right column) and X.


1. Mari El. Vetluga is the third longest tributary of the Volga.

2. Tataria. KamAZ in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny.

3. Ulyanovsk region.

4. Mordovia.

5. Nizhny Novgorod Region. GAS.

X = Chuvashia

Task 7.
Sea of ​​leaders: along the rivers,
by oil, by area

This sea washes the shores of countries about which the following is known:

About the first The longest watercourse on the continent flows into the sea on its territory.
About the second Formed in 1990 as a result of the unification of two countries
About the third The world's largest oil exporter
About the fourth Formed in 1993 as a result of separation from another country
About the fifth The actual capital of this country is in one city, while the internationally recognized capital is considered to be another city
About the sixth The reigning monarch traces his ancestry to the same family to which the Prophet Muhammad belonged
Oh seventh "The largest country on the continent

Identify the countries (write in the right column) and the sea.


1. Egypt. Nile.

2. Yemen. In 1990, Northern (YAR) and Southern (NDRY) Yemen united.

3. Saudi Arabia.

4. Eritrea. In 1993 it separated from Ethiopia.

5. Israel. The internationally recognized capital is Tel Aviv. In fact, the highest government bodies of Israel are located in Jerusalem, and Jerusalem, contrary to international law, has been proclaimed the capital of Israel.

6. Jordan. The monarchs of this country believe that they come from the Arab family of Hashim - the family of the prophet. The country is officially called the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

7. Sudan.