Position of planets in November. Major planets of the solar system

Useful tips


Almost all Aries this month will experience some discomfort in relationships with partners. Mars, your home planet, will be in the opposite sign of Libra and will do opposition connections to your Sun. Therefore, nervous conditions, conflict and impulsive actions will not be uncommon.

The most unfavorable for personal life can be second two weeks of the month. Starting approximately from November 17, 2017, you should be more restrained and express your dissatisfaction with your partners not in such a harsh form. Otherwise you may seriously quarrel and even break up. This is especially true for those relationships that are not very strong.

Personal life will now take up a lot of time, so work and professional achievements there won't be much time. However, work can be a salvation if you see that you cannot yet make a decision regarding a partnership.

Overcoming and struggle– important characteristics of this month for you. Perhaps your somewhat depressed state right now is due to the weather, which always puts pressure on you: there is no brightness and cheerfulness, darker and gloomier days, prolonged downpours. In order not to fall into depression, learn to see the positives in what surrounds you, find pleasant activities and cozy company.

Attention those who were born during the period from March 26 to April 15 any year. This month you can more vividly experience everything that was stated above. Impulsive and sudden movements, increased aggressiveness and nervousness can greatly spoil the nerves not only of you, but also of those around you. Channel those negative energies of the month into a direction where they can become positive. For example, load yourself with activities that you enjoy and that you do easily and simply.

Stress level : high.

Areas of greatest activity : partnerships.


Your work this month will not be very successful: there may be unpleasant changes, new complex tasks that will not be easy for you to cope with, or you may even have to look for a new job. This will be especially relevant in the second half of the month.

Problems at work can also affect your health. In general, you should take great care of your health this month. Lead healthy lifestyle and do not take rash, impulsive actions. There may be accidents, injuries and accidents. There is a possibility of contacting medical institutions or private doctors or healers.

But your personal life will not bring you any special problems: you will be happy with the current situation. The exception is first days of the month, when lovers can do something for you unexpectedly upset. If you are single, you can make new pleasant romantic acquaintances if you wish.

Attention to those who were born May 2 or 3 any year. This month, everything that happens to you will seem unreal to you. These could be strange events or meetings with unusual people. Some hidden secret abilities may appear. A very good month for creative people.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work, health, relationships with partners, personal life.


This month you will strive for relaxation and those activities that give you pleasure and after which you remain pleasant sensations. However, there will be no great successes in creativity or personal life yet.

You may quarrel with your lovers or there may be problems in your personal life. not the most pleasant surprises. However, you are not one of those who endure problems for a very long time, and very soon you will be able to breathe much easier. It will be easy for you to find something you like and take your mind off any sad thoughts.

At work, you may develop a love relationship, which may not have a very good effect on the performance of your duties. However, in general the work should give a satisfaction and should not bother you, although you may be a little distracted and more relaxed than usual. Only those who work with big money and whose work requires high accuracy of calculations should worry.

Attention those who were born during the period from 16 to 20 June any year. There is a serious crisis going on in your life right now. This crisis can occur in different areas of life, it all depends on the location of personal planets, but the general condition and well-being will be quite depressed. There may be health problems and inability to achieve your goals.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : creativity, love, children.


This month your family life may be quite hectic and will bring a bit of excitement. First two weeks for a month everything will be quite calm, but closer to the new moon - November 17-19, 2017- be more attentive to your family. There may be a crisis in your relationship with them, there may be quarrels and disagreements, or one of your loved ones will make you worry due to health problems or because of events in their lives.

This month is good for love and creativity. If you are a creative person, expect inspiration, new interesting ideas and new creative plans. Now it is important not to miss the opportunity to show your talents and skills. In addition to people of creative professions, teachers, politicians, healers and anyone involved in the occult sciences can also be successful.

Overall this month will be successful, despite some problems. Thanks to Jupiter's favorable aspect to your Sun, many things will work out the way you want. You can easily solve any problems. Particularly good luck awaits those born on the following dates: from June 26 to July 4.

Attention those who were born during the period from June 26 to July 4 any year. You will be very lucky this month! You will not underestimate your capabilities and will be able to cope with all tasks more easily. You can try playing the lottery or gambling!

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : family, creativity, children, love relationships.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


This month may offer you many things to do at the same time. If you are not particularly afraid of workload, a lot of new people in your life and a lot of communication and meetings, then this month will be very successful for you. This month you have the opportunity collect a lot of information, which will be necessary and useful for further work.

Your family will also require a lot of time and attention from you. It is possible that one of the relatives need your help or support that you are happy to provide. The month is good for charity events. You can help someone close or even strangers. All this will then return to you with triple force.

Relationships with parents and children promise to be good, trusting, and there should be no quarrels. But things can happen to brothers, sisters, as well as people from your immediate circle misunderstandings, quarrels and even serious conflicts. You shouldn't trust people you don't know at all.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 21 August any year. This month will be quite busy for you. Success awaits those who work hard and spend a lot of effort to achieve their goals. You will be able to feel that you are capable of much, you will have self-confidence and strength to accomplish everything you plan.

Stress level : short.

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with people from your immediate environment; family.


The financial side of life will worry you most now. This month could be like... a month of ups and downs. In your work, you will want to take the initiative, because this is how you can get the desired profit or promotion.

However, now you shouldn’t take on any very serious work or long-term projects. It's best to start something that can be complete quickly. A good time for some DIY activity. If your work is related to activities that require physical labor, then you can expect success.

In the second half of the month not excluded monetary losses and unexpected unexpected expenses. Theft and fraud are possible. It is better to avoid investing money, especially if you have any doubts. It is dangerous to borrow and lend money.

In addition to matters related to earnings and money, this month you will devote a lot of time to family and family issues. It is possible that you will have to resolve some paper issues related to your home, utilities, etc.

Attention those who were born during the period from 17 to 21 September any year. This month will not be too easy for you. It will be more difficult for you than other representatives of the Virgo sign to achieve your goals. Take care of your health, don’t overwork yourself, and don’t get upset if everything doesn’t go the way you want.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : money.


This month, Mars will move through your sign, bringing excitement and tension wherever you appear. It will be difficult for you to communicate with partners in the second half of the month, but still there is a lot now Depends on you and your personal decisions.

Now you may feel irritated, unnecessary fuss, impulsiveness. You will constantly hurry somewhere, but you may be late. It will also be difficult for you to sit still; you will always want to move and change types of activities.

To stay in shape and throw out accumulated energy, we advise you to go in for sports, or at least move more during the day. If you already lead an active lifestyle, it will be easier for you to cope with the accumulated unspent energy. There is a possibility of injuries and accidents due to your own fault. We advise you to carefully follow safety precautions.

Venus, the planet of money, will be visiting your house of finances this month, so you are now struggling with money. there shouldn't be any major problems. You can borrow/lend money, draw up financial documents, invest money in business, look for new sources of income.

Attention those born between October 18 and October 20 of any year. Serious changes are coming in your life now, which you perceive quite painfully. Drastic and unexpected events will no longer make your life the same. Humble yourself and accept everything with a calm heart, because any change is for the better.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity aimed at obtaining personal benefit; relationships with partners; money, finance.


This month it's time to remember yourself and your desires. Treat yourself to something nice now, whether it's a night out with close friends or a trip to the spa. Pleasant surprises They will also be waiting for you on your birthday, because most Scorpios will celebrate their birthdays in November.

On the other hand, you don’t want to be too visible right now. Even if you will actively communicate with friends, this could be long-distance correspondence or telephone conversations. During this period, your plans may go through changes. An interest in secret sciences and something secretive may suddenly arise. Unusual abilities may open up. Now it is important to rely on your intuition, which is usually very strong for Scorpios.

This is a good month to get your body in order. If your soul is uneasy, first of all, take care of beauty and health. Change your image, buy new clothes, get a manicure-pedicure, a new hairstyle, etc. You will be pleased with the results and feel much better.

In the end of the month Unpleasant surprises may await you. Beware of secret enemies and people who they are hiding something. On unfavorable days of the month, it is better not to do anything important, communicate with other people only when absolutely necessary. Take care of your health and don't risk it.

Attention those who were born during the period from October 28 to November 5 any year. This month you will experience a lucky coincidence of circumstances, which may come in handy. The beginnings of this month will be very successful. For you, this month can become a month of new goals and fulfillment of desires.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity aimed at achieving personal goals.

Astrological forecast for the sign


It is better to reduce friendly communication to a minimum this month. In the first half of the month friends will not hinder you from achieving your goals, but on the contrary, they will help and support you. But here in the second half of the month the risk of betrayal increases, quarrels and disagreements between you and those people whom you consider friends and like-minded people.

In the first half of the month your circle of friends can expand a lot. Conjunction of your home planet Jupiter and good Venus November 13, 2017 can significantly improve your mood and well-being. You can have a great time recharge yourself with positivity.

In the second half of the month You shouldn’t start new things. This period is more suitable for rest and solitude. Plans and projects planned for this period may be destroyed through no fault of yours. Friends and like-minded people may let you down.

There may be health problems. This month you it's dangerous to overexert yourself and taking on too many things. Women may experience unwanted conception.

It is better to limit communication only with your closest friends and relatives. Thoughts alone can be very positive. You may come up with some good ideas that you can easy to implement. A good time to take stock, dream and make plans, because in a month you will be celebrating your birthdays!

Attention those who were born during the period from November 27 to December 17 any year. Most Sagittarius will now feel a surge of strength and a sincere desire to do something new and noticeable. You cannot overwork and overestimate your strength. If you act clearly and clearly, without haste or impulsiveness, everything will work out well.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends and groups of like-minded people.


This month it will be difficult for you to achieve your professional goals, although the lion's share of activity will occur at work. If you have planned to do something for yourself this month, you shouldn’t limit yourself, but you also shouldn’t overwork yourself. Just remember that you shouldn’t go too far: doing your best can be in vain. Don’t be upset if some of your plans are disrupted for now, you just need to take this period calmly.

There may be disputes and disagreements with superiors or people who are high authorities. It's important now show subordination and do not flattery for trouble. In the first half of the month There may be many small trips and movements, processing of various papers, work with documents. But during the period of negative aspects, it is better to postpone serious matters, as you can make mistakes that will cost you dearly.

This month you may receive new interesting ideas, which you can share with your close friends. You can make plans and look into the future, even if it seems too distant to you. Time flies quickly, and what you plan today may determine what your life will become very soon.

Attention those who were born during the period from 14 to 16 January any year. You may experience sudden blows of fate and unexpected events that can significantly change your life. At best, now you can be the initiator of changes, which at first may seem very painful, but soon everything will fall into place.

Stress level : average.

Areas of greatest activity : work, professional achievements.


This month you will be attract abroad: There is a chance to get pleasant travel experiences that you have probably been planning for a long time. Even if it seems to you that November is not a suitable month for travel, everything can change significantly, because there are warm countries in the world.

If you still prefer To stay home, you can safely take on learning something. This month you can gain very valuable knowledge that can be very useful to you in the future (especially for work and earnings). You can start learning foreign languages ​​or communicating with foreigners.

There is a slight increase in work this month (especially in the first ten days of the month). Despite the fact that you can relax at this time, gain impressions and knowledge for new things, work can bring pleasure a lot will work out. Schedule new projects for yourself. You can start new responsibilities or find a new interesting job.

At the end of the month it's worth

Solar and lunar
eclipses in 2019

Everyone knows the horror that solar and lunar eclipses have brought into people's lives for many centuries. Our ancestors gave them a mystical meaning. But it is also stupid to say the opposite, that Eclipses are just a beautiful spectacle, which is essentially just an astronomical phenomenon and does not change anything in the life of a modern person.

However, you should not be afraid of periods of Eclipses. For most people they go unnoticed. Solar and lunar eclipses can only affect those for whom the Eclipse points fall on some important points in their own natal chart. And it is not necessary that this influence will be negative. On the contrary, if Eclipse points aspect the harmonious elements of the map, they can open up new positive trends in life. And only if the Eclipse points intensely aspect the “sick” places of the natal chart, then we can expect not the most pleasant events in the areas of life affected by the Eclipse. Of course, this will not be the independent influence of the Eclipse alone. Just the moment of the Eclipse can be the last straw that fills the cup.

Knowing the features of your natal chart allows you to choose the right strategy for behavior during periods of Eclipses.
But, if you do not know how the Eclipse will aspect your chart and what area of ​​your life will be affected, then you can at least adhere to generally accepted precautions.

Eclipse dates in 2019

The maximum phase of the partial solar eclipse on January 6, 2019 will occur at 01:42 GMT, and at 4:42 Moscow time. It will be seen in the northeast of Asia, the north of the Pacific Ocean, and in Russia it can only be observed in the south of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin. There will be an eclipse in the zodiac sign Capricorn.

This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and you can watch it at 5:13 GMT, and it will occur at 8:13 Moscow time. The Total Lunar Eclipse can be observed in the central Pacific Ocean, North and South America, Europe, and Africa. The European part of Russia will be able to observe the maximum phase, the penumbral phase will only be observed in the Urals and Western Siberia, and its end will be observed by residents of Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far Eastern coast. The zodiac sign of this Lunar Eclipse will be Leo.

It will reach its peak at 19:24 GMT, and at 22:24 Moscow time. This is a Total Solar Eclipse and it will occur in the sign of Cancer. The maximum phase of the eclipse can be seen in the South Pacific Ocean, as well as in Chile and Argentina. Private only in the South Pacific and South America. Residents of Russia will not see this Solar Eclipse.

This time the Lunar Eclipse will be partial and will occur on July 16 at 21:31 GMT. In Moscow at this moment it will already be July 17 0:31. His zodiac sign is Capricorn. You can see it in South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, as well as almost throughout Russia, with the exceptions of Chukotka, Kamchatka and the Far Eastern coast.

The maximum phase of this Solar Eclipse is expected at 5:18 GMT and 8:18 Moscow time. This is an Annular Solar Eclipse and it will occur in the sign of Capricorn. The partial eclipse will be visible in Asia and Australia, but the Annular eclipse will be visible in Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. In Russia it can only be observed in Transbaikalia and Primorye.

There are a large number of astronomical phenomena that are of great importance. One of such phenomena can be called the parade of planets in 2017.

The word “importance” was used for a reason, because the parade of planets is undoubtedly of great importance for the inhabitants of the earth and scientists exploring outer space with the help of probes. The parade of planets is also important for astrologers. The only negative is the inability to see its beauty with the naked eye. However, the most important thing for us is its powerful energy, which will help attract good luck in all areas of life.

The astronomical essence of the parade of planets

This astronomical phenomenon is beautiful, but only if all the planets of the Solar System are involved. You look through a powerful telescope and see how all the planets, without exception, are lined up in a row. This is amazing, because each of the planets has its own time of revolution around the Sun. For this, Jupiter needs, for example, 12 Earth years. It will take Neptune 165 years for the same maneuver.

A parade of planets is an unusually rare occurrence. The last time this happened was back in 1982, that is, 35 years ago. And the next full parade will be only in 2161, in 144 years. The frequency of this phenomenon is once every 150-170 years.

In 2017, 6 planets will take part in the parade: Earth, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter. Venus and Mars will not be visible because they will be “behind” the Earth. Such a parade already happens much more often - about once every 10 or 20 years. Everything will happen in November, but a more precise time will be known closer to the end of summer.

For scientists, the parade of planets is an opportunity for spacecraft to significantly reduce the distance required to travel. This phenomenon will also be important for people's lives.

Astrology and the parade of planets 2017

From an astrological point of view, planetary parades represent a burst of energy. This is explained by the fact that the energy of each planet is enhanced due to resonance. For the ancient Mayans, the parade of planets meant the end of the world, but in fact they were wrong. Planetary parades make our lives brighter. Tentatively, the entire month of November will be a month of increased luck for all people.

Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury will make the main contribution to creating favorable conditions.

  • Mercury will give impetus to new discoveries. It will give you curiosity and a desire to move forward. Thanks to him, November 2017 can be called a dynamic month, when increased attention to detail is required, especially when it comes to the financial sphere of life. Money signs will show you the right path.
  • Jupiter will help your inner spiritual world blossom during the parade of planets. He will teach you to appreciate every moment, and also show you the right path in love. Jupiter will help you find balance in any matter. This heavy planet will largely determine your mood.
  • Saturn will increase intuition, sharpen your sixth sense and create a favorable atmosphere for study, introspection, and self-discovery. During such periods, luck favors people who are engaged in the creative field. If you create something unusual, then Saturn will help you with this.

Venus and Mars will be in the shadow of the three previous planets, but they cannot be written off either. Venus is the patroness of pleasures and pleasure. This means that in November 2017 sexual energy will be slightly increased. Mars awakens leadership qualities in people. Beware of rash decisions during the period when the parade of planets is active, because the energy of Mars will enter into dissonance with the energy of other planets.

One way or another, astrologers call this period a gift from the Universe for all of us. This is the year of the Red Rooster, so the parade of planets will be special, because it awakens in people the desire to move forward, just like the eastern symbol of this year. Most astrologers gave a positive forecast for this year. Also, numerological analysis made it possible to hope for the best. Everything points to the fact that in November you will need to press the gas as far as it will go in order to leave all competitors and enemies behind you.

The opinion of psychics deserves a special word, who, although they are wary of the parade of planets, are waiting for its onset. This phenomenon will help them temporarily strengthen their skills, which will enable them to work more efficiently.

The beauty of the sky and space sometimes amazes us. This is the merit of solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, comets, and, of course, planetary parades. In November 2017, 5 planets and our Earth will line up. This will have enormous implications for astrological predictions and scientific research. For some, this time will be a chance to attract good luck, and for others, to lose it. Be careful and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.01.2017 03:04

Astrologers say that each Zodiac Sign will have especially successful days in 2019. IN...

November 2017 is the last month of autumn, which passes under the mysterious sign of Scorpio and is in a hurry to complete planned activities in order to prepare for the coming winter.

The influence of the sign Scorpio, in which Jupiter is located, the Sun for most of the month, and also Venus from November 7, emphasizes the themes of risks, transformation, and money.

In November 2017, issues related to the topics of debts, loans, insurance, inheritance, risks and changes will require attention more often than usual.

Important: the full moon on November 4, 2017 and the new moon on November 18, 2017 will take place in the zodiac signs Taurus and Scorpio, which are called money signs.

This suggests that in November 2017 there are special opportunities for those who would like to improve their financial condition, since the energies of the month support and emphasize the theme of money.

Pay special attention to your health in the second half of the month, as the risk of infectious diseases increases during this period. Try to stay less in crowded places and dress appropriately for the weather.


Aspects of planets in astrology are the special position of the planets relative to each other, the “look” of one planet at another. Read more about the aspects

The beginning of November 2017 provides an opportunity to deal with accumulated ideas and plans. Right now they can get a new incarnation.

Use the beginning of the month to sort out money issues and business plans, starting November 4th.

Towards the end of the first half of the month, it is important to be more careful, as the risk of errors, difficulties and confusion in matters and papers increases. Do not plan important transactions and negotiations at this time, check the documents carefully.

from 02 to 04 November 2017- Venus in sextile with Saturn, opposition with Uranus, Sun in trine with Neptune.

  • A good period for creativity, learning, self-knowledge. However, control your emotions, as the risk of conflicts and misunderstandings increases.
  • In the business sphere, it is better to be careful and not enter into important contracts, since unforeseen material losses, such as embezzlement, theft, and fraud, are also possible.
  • When the Moon is in this earthly sign, the perception of the environment becomes somewhat slower, but emotions are stable. We are at peace with everyone around us, we feel harmony with nature. This is also a good time to resolve financial issues.
  • At this full moon, the Moon in Taurus is in opposition to the Sun in Scorpio, thereby raising the issue of your and other people's money, the accumulation of money and its use. The topics of loans, debts, purchases and sales may also require your attention.

from November 05, 2017- Mercury moves into Sagittarius before January 11, 2018.

  • This is a time of great opportunities in the field of communication. Even people who are usually taciturn can feel how tightness, shyness and uncertainty disappear somewhere, and communication becomes easy and free.
  • This is also a time of interesting meetings and acquaintances.

from November 07, 2017- Venus moves into the sign of Scorpio until December 01, 2017.

  • During this period, people become more sensitive, so extremes in the expression of feelings may be observed. Feelings sometimes cloud your mind, try to keep your emotions under control.
  • An additional source of money and income thanks to a partner is also possible. At this time, you can invest money in joint ventures, borrow money, as it will multiply.
  • During this period, your energy potential increases, you feel that you are capable of actions that previously seemed impossible. The ability to be creative and create something new increases. You can feel like an energy generator, that you can handle large-scale projects.
  • This is one of the best periods for setting goals, strategic planning, and preparation.
  • This aspect promotes changes in established systems, helps to use existing norms in a new way, control ongoing changes, and conduct fruitful experiments.
  • It’s good to lay the foundation for some undertakings and projects that help you reach a new level and free yourself from ordinary fears and inhibitions.

from November 12 to 14, 2017- Venus conjunct Jupiter, Mercury square Neptune.

  • This period gives mood swings and absent-mindedness. There may be confusion in papers, confusion in business and turmoil, and the likelihood of errors is growing.
  • It is very easy to take wishful thinking, to succumb to persuasion, to suffer from dishonesty. Be careful.

IMPORTANT DATES FROM 16 TO 30 November 2017

The beginning of the second half of the month will delight you with a good mood and new opportunities, especially in the intellectual sphere.

However, please note: from November 18 to 22, the risk of injuries and accidents increases and extra caution is required, especially when driving.

It is better to postpone matters that require a creative approach for the period from November 26 to November 30, 2017, but it is important to check all new ideas for practicality and adequacy of reality.

At the end of the month, special caution will again be required, as the risk of accidents increases, be careful and try to avoid places with large crowds of people.

from November 16 to 19, 2017- Venus in trine with Neptune, Mercury in sextile with Mars.

  • This period brings good mood, complacency, new ideas and options for solving problems appear. A good period for intellectual activity and the sphere of relationships. New opportunities are emerging.
  • Business or urgent trips are favorable.
  • In astrology, it is believed that the sign of Scorpio is associated with emotional stress, transformation, extreme situations, as well as the topic of money. Therefore, today is the day when you can lay the foundations for changes in your life, especially in the financial sphere.
  • Also, the energy of the new moon in the sign of Scorpio promotes good luck in commerce and success in work involving risk.
  • This is an inharmonious period when accumulated aggression is looking for a way out, and on such days people can unwittingly be involved in bad events that can affect the life of each participant in such an event.
  • These days it is dangerous to be in places with large crowds of people, to get involved in conflicts and showdowns. Be careful.
  • During this period, optimism and good mood increase. It is favorable to schedule and hold important meetings, as people become more sociable and open. Interest in foreign countries and foreign cultures is growing.
  • A very good moment for learning, interest in knowledge and the ability to learn new things increases. It is good to make requests at this time, as during this period the desire to help people increases.
  • This period gives flashes of insight, a creative approach to solving many issues. A happy accident, an unexpected turn of events, new information, a change of position, a change in laws, etc. helps.
  • Changes at work are possible these days. This could be the introduction of new methods or technologies, or the acquisition of new office equipment, the arrival of new employees, endowed with either special powers or special knowledge.
  • The information itself finds the person who needs it.
  • This period is favorable for serious matters, as attentiveness, accuracy and clarity increase, which allows you to avoid mistakes. Your studies will be successful.
  • Good days for scientific research and experiments, putting things in order, drawing up reports or certificates, planning, and completing important papers.
  • During this period, impulsiveness and unpredictability increase. The likelihood of emergency events and accidents increases. Equipment and power lines may fail.
  • You should be careful with fire, explosives, piercing or cutting objects, and beware of theft, robbery, and fraud. Be careful!

Other influences of the month

In astrological forecast, I do not touch upon such a factor as the influence of the Moon, which can also be important and strong. You can subscribe to the daily calendar of lunar days or read it directly on the site.

Timing of video forecast by zodiac signs:

Important dates of the month for all zodiac signs - 00:00
Horoscope for Aries - 06:14
Horoscope for Taurus - 09:39
Horoscope for Gemini - 12:48
Horoscope for Cancer - 15:34
Horoscope for Leo - 17:39
Horoscope for Virgo - 20:04
Horoscope for Libra - 21:53
Horoscope for Scorpio - 24:26
Horoscope for Sagittarius - 26:38
Horoscope for Capricorn - 28:36
Horoscope for Aquarius - 30:52
Horoscope for the sign Pisces - 32:52

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With respect and good luck,

Selected astronomical events of the month (Moscow time):

Nov. 1— Venus passes 3.5 degrees. south of Vesta,
Nov. 1— the beginning of the evening visibility of Mercury and the morning visibility of Jupiter in the southern regions of the country,
Nov. 1— the beginning of possible morning visibility of comet P/Machholz (96P),
November 2— Venus transits at 3.5 deg. north of Spica,
the 3rd of November— asteroid (44) Nysa (9.6m) in opposition to the Sun,
November 4- full moon,
November 4— end of possible morning visibility of comet P/Machholz (96P),
November 6— The Moon (Ф = 0.95-) at the perigee of its orbit at a distance from the center of the Earth 361440 km,
November 6— coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.95-) of the stars of the Hyades and Aldebaran clusters when visible in the European part of Russia,
November 7— long-period variable star U Cygni near maximum brightness (6m),
November 8— Moon (Ф = 0.8-) at maximum declination to the north,
10th of November— Moon in last quarter phase,
10th of November— Moon (Ф = 0.4-) in the ascending node of its orbit,
11th of November— coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.31-) Regula with visibility in the Far East,
November 12— Mercury passes at 2.2 degrees. north of Antares,
November 12— maximum action of the Northern Taurids meteor shower (ZHR= 5) from the constellation Taurus,
the 13th of November- long-period variable star RS Libra near maximum brightness (6.5m),
the 13th of November— coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.27-) of the star Sigma Leo (4.1m) with visibility over most of the territory of Russia and the CIS,
the 13th of November— Venus passes at 0.3 deg. north of Jupiter,
15th of November— Moon (Ф= 0.1-) near Mars,
November 16— comet P/Schaumasse (24P) passes the perihelion of its orbit (1.206203 AU),
November 17— Moon (Ф= 0.02-) near Venus and Jupiter,
November 17— maximum effect of the Leonids meteor shower (ZHR= 20),
November 18th- new moon,
November 21— Moon (F= 0.05+) near Saturn,
November 21— maximum action of the Alpha Monocerotide meteor shower (ZHR = 5) from the constellation Monoceros,
November 21— The Moon (Ф = 0.1+) at the apogee of its orbit at a distance from the center of the Earth 406130 km,
November 21— long-period variable star R Aquila near maximum brightness (5m),
November 22— Moon (Ф= 0.11+) at maximum declination to the south,
November 22— Neptune in standing with the transition to direct movement,
November 24— Mercury reaches its maximum eastern (evening) elongation of 22 degrees,
November 25— Moon (Ф= 0.3+) in the descending node of its orbit,
November 25— long-period variable star RT Sagittarius near maximum brightness (6m),
November 26— Moon in first quarter phase,
November 27— lunar coverage (Ф = 0.55+) of the planet Neptune with visibility in Antarctica,
November 28— Mercury transits at 3 deg. south of Saturn,
29th of November— long-period variable star RT Cygni near maximum brightness (6m),
29th of November— Mars passes at 3 deg. north of Spica,
November 30th— Moon (Ф = 0.86+) near Uranus.

Sun, moving along the constellation Libra, on November 23 it will cross the border of the constellation Scorpio, and on November 29 it will enter the constellation Ophiuchus. The declination of the central star by the end of November reaches 21.5 degrees south of the celestial equator, so the length of the day in the northern hemisphere of the Earth is close to its minimum. At the beginning of the month it is 9 hours 12 minutes, and by the end of the described period it decreases to 7.5 hours, taking a value of only half an hour more than the minimum length of the day. These data are valid for the latitude of Moscow, where the midday altitude of the Sun will decrease to 12 degrees in a month. You can observe the central luminary all day. But we must remember that a visual study of the Sun through a telescope or other optical instruments must be carried out (!!) using a solar filter (recommendations for observing the Sun are available in the Nebosvod magazine http://astronet.ru/db/msg/1222232) .

Moon will begin to move across the November sky in the constellation Aquarius at a phase of 0.86+. Having visited the constellation Pisces on the first day of the month, the night light briefly entered the constellation Cetus, and on the night of November 2-3 it will again pass through the southern part of the constellation Pisces south of Uranus at an almost full phase, which it will take already in the constellation Cetus on November 4. Having briefly entered the constellation Aries, the Moon on November 4 will move into the constellation Taurus at a phase of 0.99-. Here, on November 6, the next lunar occultation (Ф = 0.95-) of the stars of the Hyades and Aldebaran clusters will occur with visibility in the European part of Russia. At this time, the night star will be near the perigee of the orbit. Continuing its path through the constellation Taurus, the Moon on November 7, at a phase of 0.87, will reach the constellation Orion and maximum northern declination (at its greatest height above the horizon at its climax). On the same day, the night star will move to the constellation Gemini, where it will remain until November 9, when it enters the constellation Cancer at a phase of 0.67-, and will travel along it until November 10 (passing south of the star cluster Manger - M44). On this day, the lunar half-disk will pass into the domain of the constellation Leo and will enter the last quarter phase here near the ascending node of its orbit. Here the Moon on November 11 will cover Regulus with visibility in the Far East. Making our way further across the November sky. The Moon will cover several faint stars of the constellation Leo, and then, at a phase of 0.24, will leave it on November 13 to move to the constellation Virgo. Here the melting sickle on November 15, at a phase of about 0.1, will pass north of Mars, and then Spica. Moving into the constellation Libra on November 16th. The Moon will pass north of Jupiter and Venus on November 17 at a phase of 0.02-, and on November 18 it will enter the new moon phase and move into the evening sky. On the same day, the new month will move into the constellation Scorpio, and on November 19 into the constellation Ophiuchus, observed low above the southwestern horizon. On the night of November 21, the young month will enter the constellation Sagittarius, reaching a conjunction with Saturn at a phase of 0.06+. The Moon will pass north of the ringed planet and continue its journey through the constellation Sagittarius. Here the growing crescent will remain until November 23, observed low above the horizon, being near the apogee of the orbit and the maximum southern declination. The Moon will move into the constellation Capricorn at a phase of 0.24+ and will increase the phase here almost to half a disk. But the first quarter phase will begin on November 26 already in the constellation Aquarius. The next day, the Moon will cover Neptune at a phase of 0.55+ with visibility in Antarctica, ending the series of occultations. The next series of lunar occultations of Neptune will begin in 2023. The Moon will cross the border of the constellation Pisces on November 28 at a phase of 0.68+, and on November 29 it will visit the constellation Cetus. The Moon will finish its path across the November sky in the constellation Pisces near Uranus, increasing its phase to 0.9+.

Large planets of the solar system.

Mercury moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation Libra until November 5, then moving into the constellation Scorpio, and on November 11 it enters the constellation Ophiuchus. On November 27, the fast planet will enter the constellation Sagittarius and remain there until the end of the month. The planet is observed near the southwestern horizon against the background of the evening dawn, but only in the southern regions of the country. On November 24, Mercury will reach evening elongation (22 degrees), then begin its apparent approach to the Sun. The apparent diameter of the fast planet gradually increases over the course of a month from 5 to 7.5 arcseconds with a magnitude of about -0.3t. The phase decreases from 0.9 to 0.45, i.e. Mercury, when observed through a telescope, appears as an oval, turning into a half-disk, and then into a crescent. In May 2016, Mercury passed across the disk of the Sun, and the next transit will take place on November 11, 2019.

Venus moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation Virgo (north of Spica), and on November 13 moves into the constellation Libra, where it will spend the rest of the period described. The Morning Star gradually decreases its angular distance to the west from the Sun from 17 to 10 degrees. The planet is visible in the morning sky near the southeastern horizon. A small white disk without details is observed through the telescope. The apparent diameter of Venus is just over 10”, and the phase exceeds 0.95 with a magnitude of about -4m.

Mars moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation Virgo, approaching up to three degrees with Spica at the end of the month. The planet is observed in the mornings above the southeastern horizon for about three hours. The planet's brightness remains at +1.7m, and its apparent diameter increases from 3.9" to 4.3". Mars is gradually moving closer to Earth, and the next opportunity to see the planet near opposition will come next summer. Details on the surface of the planet (large) can be visually observed using an instrument with a lens diameter of 60 mm, and, in addition, photographically with subsequent processing on a computer.

Jupiter moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation Virgo, moving into the constellation Libra on November 14. The gas giant is not visible at the beginning of the month (only in the southern regions), and from the second week of November it appears against the background of the morning dawn of the country's middle latitudes, quickly increasing the duration of visibility to one and a half hours by the end of the described period. The angular diameter of the largest planet in the solar system is about 31” with a magnitude of about -1.7t. The planet's disk is visible even through binoculars, and through a small telescope, stripes and other details are visible on the surface. Four large satellites are already visible with binoculars, and with a telescope in good visibility conditions you can observe the shadows of the satellites on the planet’s disk. Information about satellite configurations is in this CN.

Saturn moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation Ophiuchus, moving into the constellation Sagittarius on November 19. The ringed planet can be observed in the evening (about an hour) above the southwestern horizon. The planet's brightness is +0.5t with an apparent diameter of about 15.5". With a small telescope you can observe the ring and the Titan satellite, as well as some of the other brighter satellites. The apparent dimensions of the planet's ring are on average 40×16” with an inclination of 27 degrees to the observer.

Uranus(5.9t, 3.4”) moves backwards through the constellation Pisces near the star Omicron Psc with a magnitude of 4.2t. The planet is visible in the night sky with a visibility duration of more than 10 hours. Uranus, rotating “on its side,” is easily detected with the help of binoculars and search maps, and a telescope with a diameter of 80 mm or more with a magnification of more than 80 times and a transparent sky will help you to see the disk of Uranus. The planet can be seen with the naked eye during new moons in dark, clear skies, and this opportunity will present itself in the middle of the month. The satellites of Uranus have a brightness less than 13t.

Neptune(7.9t, 2.3”) moves backward along the constellation Aquarius near the star lambda Aqr (3.7m), changing motion to direct on November 22. The planet is visible in the mid-latitude night sky with a visibility duration of about 10 hours. To search for the planet, you will need binoculars and star maps. The astronomical calendar for 2017, and the disk is visible in a telescope of 100 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 100 times (with a clear sky). Neptune can be captured photographically with the simplest camera with a shutter speed of 10 seconds or more. Neptune's moons have a brightness less than 13g.

From comets, visible in November from the territory of our country, at least two comets will have an estimated brightness of about 12t and brighter: P/Machholz (96P), and AS ASSN (C/2017 Ol). The first, with a brightness of about 5 tons, moves through the constellations Virgo and Libra ten degrees north of the Sun, but quickly decreases in brightness, so the chances of finding it are low. The second comet's brilliance is about 9 tons. Comet C/2017 Ol moves through the constellations Giraffe and Cepheus. Detailed information about other comets of the month (with maps and brightness forecasts) is available at http://aerith.net/, and observational results at

Among the asteroids the brightest in November will be Ceres (8.1t) - in the constellations Cancer and Leo, Pallas (8.2t) - in the constellation Fornax, Vesta (7.9t) - in the constellations Virgo and Libra, and Iris (6.9t) - in constellation Aries. In total, eight asteroids will exceed the brightness of Yut in November. Maps of the paths of these and other asteroids (comets) are given in the appendix to the KN (file mapknll2017.pdf). Information about asteroid occultations on stars at http://asteroidoccultation.com/.

Of the relatively bright long-period variable stars(observed from the territory of Russia and the CIS) the maximum brightness this month (according to the calendar memo of Fedor Sharov, source - AAVSO) was reached: X Eagle 8.9m - November 1, T Centauri 5.5m - November 5, U Cygnus 7, 2t - November 7, RU Hydra 8.4t - November 8, SX Cygnus 9.0t - November 8, X Cetus 8.8t - November 12, RS Libra 7.5t - November 13, RU Cygnus 8.0t - November 13, W Northern Crown 8.5t - November 15, W Lyre 7.9t - November 15, R Whale 8.1t - November 16, R Dove 8.9t - November 18, R Eagle 6.1t - November 21, S Eagle 8, 9t - November 24, RT Sagittarius 7.0t - November 25, T Zhural 8.6t - November 26, RT Cygnus 7.3t - November 29. More information at http://www.aavso.org/.

Clear skies and successful observations!

Observer calendar for November 2017