Constructing a sentence with an inconsistent application examples. Combination of species and generic concepts in one row

    Aya, oh. 1. Lacking coherence, unity. Uncoordinated work. Uncoordinated actions. 2. Not subject to agreement with anyone. Uncoordinated project. 3. grams. One that does not have agreement on grammatical forms.... ... Small academic dictionary

    TABLE OF CONTENTS- SPELLING I. Spelling of vowels in the root § 1. Checkable unstressed vowels § 2. Unchecked unstressed vowels § 3. Alternating vowels § 4. Vowels after sibilants § 5. Vowels after ts § 6. Letters e e § 7. Letter th II. Spelling of consonants... ...

    STYLISTICS- @Word choice XXXV. Choice of words § 139. Semantic and stylistic selection of lexical means § 140. Elimination of clericalisms and cliches § 141. Pleonasms and tautologies § 142. Euphony of speech § 143 ... A reference book on spelling and style

    Populism is the ideology of the intelligentsia in the Russian Empire in the 1860s-1910s, focused on “getting closer” to the people in search of their roots, their place in the world. The populism movement was associated with the intelligentsia’s feeling of losing their ... Wikipedia

    Check neutrality. There should be details on the talk page... Wikipedia

Finding correspondence between a grammatical error and the sentence in which it was made is one of the most difficult tasks in the exam paper in the Russian language. Often in the works of school students they are found in the construction of sentences with inconsistent application.

Application in Russian grammar

The application is perhaps the most mysterious secondary member of the sentence, which is extremely difficult to distinguish from an inconsistent definition or predicate. So, an application is a member of a sentence, which in it performs the syntactic function of definition, but is expressed by a noun or a word that has turned into a noun. Being essentially a definition, the appendix agrees with the main word in case and number. For example: " Brother Andrey entered the room." Brother is an application that agrees with the word being defined in number and case. Or " The naughty cat made a mess in the room".

Application Boundaries

In Russian grammar, nouns can be applications (Mountain- giant towered above the sea), phrases (Guest , relative of neighbors, spoke clearly and thoughtfully), phrases with the conjunction How(To Father, as an elderly person, it was hard to climb the stairs), phrases with words by name, rank, surname, nickname, birth(Military , with the rank of colonel, helped women and children), names in quotation marks ( Magazine "Electron" the family has been prescribing for several years).

The last two examples illustrate cases of using an inconsistent application, where the form of the word being defined and the form of the application coincide only in the nominative and accusative cases. A violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application is a typical mistake made by students.

The question of defining applications as a member of a sentence

In Russian linguistics there is no consensus on the boundaries of application. This is a controversial part of the sentence.

The application is usually considered in a broad sense and in a narrow sense. So, in the narrow sense of the word, application is a noun definition. There is a category of scientists who classify as applications any adjective that complements a noun. Others believe that the application is a clarifying construction for the main members of the sentence. There is an opinion that the application is an additional clause. Such dissimilar points of view are explained by different criteria - semantic and grammatical - taken as a basis.

Application and definition

When performing a syntactic application, it can be emphasized with a wavy line, as any is similar to an application: it is expressed by a noun in the indirect case. The difference between an application and a definition is that an application, characterizing an object, gives it a different name. The definition has a descriptive meaning. Eg:

  • Woman, originally from Moscow, lived opposite.
  • Woman with brown eyes was walking down the street.

In the first sentence, the application is highlighted, which gave another, additional name to the subject: originally from Moscow Means Muscovite. In the second sentence there is an inconsistent definition with brown eyes, that is brown-eyed, which describes the subject. A violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application or inconsistent definition can be both grammatical and punctuation. It must be remembered that inconsistent applications that are names of something are enclosed in quotation marks: play "At the bottom", costume "Nike" coffee "Arbat".

Violations in sentence construction: inconsistent application

Inconsistent application is the name in most cases.

In this case, an application is considered inconsistent if it is in the indirect case in the presence of a generic word. For example, novel "The Path": Here "Path"- an agreed application, since it is in the same number and case as the generic word - in the singular, nominative case. If you use this phrase in the application, the application becomes inconsistent: in the novel "The Path", in the novel "The Path", where the application does not change. Case agreement between the generic word and the application is a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application.

Inconsistent application in examination paper

The final work on the Russian language includes a task - to find a sentence with an incorrect use of the application. This is a matching task, where you need to find various grammatical errors in a list of sentences, including a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application. The theory for this task, given in the tables below, helps to understand the material.

Examples will help you understand the essence of the task.

In accordance with the norms of the Russian language, changes in the main word together with the application in indirect cases are violations in the construction of the sentence. An inconsistent application, examples of use of which are given in the table, can change by case if the main word is missing in the sentence.

Punctuation when applying

Applications in the offer may or may not be separated. There are rules governing the segregation of applications.

Segregation of applications
Rule Example
The application is isolated if it is common and refers to a common noun or personal pronoun.

His friend, a former military man, was in the car.

An orphan since childhood, she did not receive a good education.

An application is isolated if it is common, refers to a proper name and appears after it.Nikitin, his brother’s colleague, did not show up at the unit.
An application expressed by a proper name is isolated if words can be substituted for it namely, more precisely, that is. Anna Ivanovna’s sister, (namely) Lidia Ivanovna, was resting in a sanatorium.
The application introduced by the union is isolated How. As a superstitious person, he did not tell anyone about the new business.

There are cases of isolating common applications using a dash. The dash is used to make the application more meaningful. Eg, The only joy in life was him - her cat. Uncommon single applications are most often separated from the defined word by a hyphen: old general, friend-palm reader, Siberian employee.

The application, like the definition, can be isolated.

In the creative works of pupils and students, there are applications and violations in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application. Exercises that students can perform to prepare for the exam are given below the table.

Punctuation for inconsistent application
Rule Example
Inconsistent applications after words by name, by nickname, by birth, by surname, by nickname, are isolated.

That student, named Mikhail, was a trickster and a magician.

The owner, nicknamed Bugai, was feared by his pets.

If at the words by name, by nickname, by birth, by surname, by nickname there is no enumerative intonation, then the application may not be isolated.The whole family loved the parrot named Tosha.
An inconsistent application denoting the name of works, establishments, enterprises, companies, etc., is enclosed in quotation marks.

There were no free tables in the Anchor restaurant.

There are many positive reviews about the film "On the Road".

Preparation exercises

  1. Correct sentence: The Sarenneft company held a board of directors meeting.
  2. Place punctuation marks: The leader of the first detachment, nicknamed the Leader, won the relay race.

In exam papers in the Russian language, a violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application is like a trap for inattentive graduates.

In the options from which you need to choose a sentence with an incorrect use of the application, there is also a correct one. For example, Izvestia published an article about agriculture. This is a well-formed sentence. And the proposal " Izvestia published an article about agriculture."- incorrectly composed.

Difficult cases of finding an application

The appendix is ​​still a controversial member of the sentence that causes controversy among linguists. A violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application is not the only mistake that students can make. The application can be confused with clarifying constructions or with the predicate. For example, There was no one in the apartment (it was always open). There is no application in this sentence, but there is in the sentence " My sister is my best friend" The application is also missing. Here the predicate is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

An application is an ambiguous member of a sentence, when using which it is necessary to take into account the norms and rules for constructing sentences with applications.

cm. the application is inconsistent (in the article there is an application).

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  • - definition expressed by a noun...

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  • - A simple verbal predicate that does not agree with the subject in person or number or both. Does not agree: 1) the predicate expressed by the verb is, with a subject having a plural form...
  • - see definition inconsistent...

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  • - A definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case. The application denotes a quality-property of an object, a generic attribute, characterizes a person in relation to his occupation,...

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  • - Appendix I cf. 1. process of action according to Ch. attach, attach 2. What is attached is added. II Wed. A definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case...

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"inconsistent application" in the books


From the book Calendar of Russian Nature author Strizhev Alexander


Annex 1

by Glad John

Appendix 1 The following document, which appeared in the journal Nature on September 16, 1939, is a joint statement of the most eminent American and British biologists of the time (some of them Nobel laureates) and has become widely known as the "Manifesto

Appendix 2

From the book Future Human Evolution. Eugenics of the XXI century by Glad John


From the book by Lucy [The Origins of the Human Race] author Johanson Donald

Appendix These notes were made by Jay Matters in connection with the drawings of Australopithecus afarensis on p. 263–265. The basis for my graphic work was the reconstruction of the skull and jaw of Australopithecus afarensis (presumably an adult male), collected by Dr. Tim from the California


From the book Food Plants of Siberia author Cherepnin Viktor Leonidovich


Annex 1

author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 1 Correlation between dog and human age, years (Kirk R.W., Bistner S.I.,

Appendix 2

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 2 Modern suture materials Based on their ability to biodestruct, suture materials are divided into absorbable and non-absorbable. Absorbable materials: catgut, collagen; materials based on cellulose (occelon, cacelon), polyglycolides (vicryl, dexon, maxon,

Appendix 3

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 3 Ratio of live weight and body surface area in dogs (Kirk R.W., Bistner S.I.,

Appendix 4

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 4 Rational regimen for the use of basic antibacterial drugs in dogs (Vaden S.L., Papich M.G.,

Appendix 5

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 6

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 6 Basic clinical and physiological indicators of the dog’s health (Kirk R.W., Bistner S.I., 1985; Jacobs R.M. et al., 1995; Morgan R.V., 1988, 1997, etc.) General urine test General blood test (manual and semi-automatic research methods ) Leukocyte formula (%) Biochemical

Appendix 7

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 7 Basic SI units

Appendix 8

From the book Physiology of Reproduction and Reproductive Pathology of Dogs author Dulger Georgy Petrovich

Appendix 8 Factors and prefixes for the formation of decimal multiples and submultiples and their

Appendix 1 Appendix: Russia and ergot. Today's day

From the book Christianity and Ergot by Absentis Denis

Appendix 1 Appendix: Russia and ergot. Today's day Everything has become clear and supple, alive and inevitable, like death And the ergot in my April bread is sweet, but merciless like a worm... Borya Bashutin And what is happening with ergot in Russia now?

Appendix 3 Appendix 3 Aphorisms. Statements by famous people about sexual relationships

From the book All About Sex. 100% success: encyclopedia of sexual relationships author Ogorodnikova Tatyana Andreevna

Appendix 3 Appendix 3 Aphorisms. Statements by famous people about sexual relationships Eh? P. Abelard There is nothing better than a good wife and nothing worse than a bad one. ? K. Augusta Nuns and married women are equally unhappy, although in different ways. I love men

A definition is a minor member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, complement or circumstance, defines the attribute of the subject and answers the questions: which one? which? whose?

The definition can apply to words of different parts of speech: nouns and words formed from adjectives or participles by transitioning to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and non-agreed definition

An agreed definition is a definition for which the type of syntactic connection between the main and dependent words is agreement. For example:

A dissatisfied girl was eating chocolate ice cream on the open terrace.

(girl (what?) dissatisfied, ice cream (what?) chocolate, on the terrace (what?) open)

Agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives that agree with the words being defined - nouns in gender, number and case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) adjectives: dear mother, beloved grandmother;

2) participles: laughing boy, bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boy;

4) ordinal numbers: the first of September, by the eighth of March.

But the definition may not be consistent. This is the name of a definition associated with the word being defined by other types of syntactic connections:



Inconsistent definition based on control:

Mom's book was on the nightstand.

Wed: mom's book - mom's book

(mom’s book is an agreed upon definition, type of connection: coordination, and mom’s book is inconsistent, type of connection: management)

Inconsistent definition based on adjacency:

I want to buy her a more expensive gift.

Wed: a more expensive gift - an expensive gift

(a more expensive gift is an inconsistent definition, the type of connection is adjacency, and an expensive gift is an agreed definition, the type of connection is coordination)

Inconsistent definitions also include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseological units.

A five-story shopping center was built opposite.

Wed: center with five floors - five-story center

(a center with five floors is an uncoordinated definition, the type of communication is management, and a five-story center is an agreed definition, the type of communication is coordination)

A girl with blue hair entered the room.

(girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, type of connection - control.)

Different parts of speech can act as an inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

The bus stop has been moved.

(bus - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma cooked the meat in French.

(in French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had a knack for listening.

(listen is an infinitive verb)

4) comparative degree of an adjective:

He always chooses the easier path, and she always chooses the more difficult tasks.

(easier, harder comparative degree of adjectives)

5) pronoun:

Her story touched me.

(ee – possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrase


A special type of definition is application. An application is a definition expressed by a noun that agrees with the word being defined in case.

Applications denote various characteristics of the subject, which are expressed by a noun: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my little sister.

A group of Japanese tourists lived in the hotel with me.

A variety of applications are geographical names, names of enterprises, organizations, printed publications, works of art. The latter form inconsistent applications. Let's compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the Sukhona River.

(Sukhony is a consistent application, the words river and Sukhona are in the same case.)

My son read the fairy tale “Cinderella”.

(“Cinderella” is an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and “Cinderella” are in different cases

The topic of this lesson is “Applications”, during which the essence of the concept, its properties, and use in the Russian language are revealed. Being a special type of definition, applications can also be consistent or inconsistent. In addition, you will become familiar with how applications are emphasized in writing.

Topic: Secondary members of a sentence

2. Complete academic reference book edited by Lopatin ().

1. Highlight the words and applications to be defined, add a hyphen where necessary:

Mount Kazbek, Lake Baikal, voivode frost, design engineer, Anika warrior, self-taught artist, old watchman, Ivanushka the Fool, boletus mushroom, portrait artist, rhinoceros beetle, hermit crab, toolmaker, woman doctor, therapist, Moscow River, Mother Rus' , poor peasant, poor peasant, floss threads, skilled cook, skilled cook, hero artilleryman, little orphan, old father, drunkard watchman, drunkard watchman, construction engineer, Moscow city, Moscow city, Dumas son, gentleman officer, bomber plane, bird chaffinch, comrade general, general Ivanov, rooster fighter, newspaper “Teacher”, Lake Ritsa, village of Krutovka, box houses.