Agnia Barto to school. Topics of adjacent essays

Topic: A.L. Barto. To school.


  1. Educational:introduce a new poem by A. Barto;

formation of an idea about healthy life, about the role of the daily routine in the lives of schoolchildren.

  1. Developmental: develop expressive reading skills; learn to compare and contrast.

Development careful attitude to your health.

  1. Educational: fostering respect for the work of A.L. Barto;

instilling a sense of responsibility in students, the ability to value time and use it rationally.

Lesson plan:

During the classes .

Organizing time- positive attitude towards the lesson.

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,
We clap-clap our hands,
We shoulders chick-chick,
We kick stomp.
One here, two there,
Turn around yourself
One sat down, two stood up,
Hands raised up
One two Three
It's time for us to get busy!

Let's start the lesson. If you listen to me carefully, you will learn a lot of interesting things today.

Today we will get acquainted with a new poem famous poetess and writer Agnia Lvovna Barto. But first, let's talk a little about her work. When you were little, your mothers probably learned her poems with you. Let's remember some of them.

Look at the screen. Try to remember which poems of Agnia Barto these words are from. Read the poem

Slide captions:

Find out the poem! Bull, swings, Sighs, I'll fall. Loud, dropped, quieter, won't drown.

I left it in the rain, I got wet. I dropped it, tore it off, I won’t leave it.

Explain the words newcomer, turn-down collar, after, electricity Ivanina V.V. Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 25" Balakovo

A.L. Barto. "To school"

Now he's not just a boy, And now he's a newbie, He has a turn-down collar on his new jacket.

He woke up on a dark night, It was only three o'clock. He was terribly afraid that the lesson had already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes, grabbed a pencil case from the table, Dad rushed after him, caught up with him at the door.

Behind the wall the neighbors stood up, They turned on the electricity, Behind the wall the neighbors stood up, And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment and couldn't sleep until morning. Even my grandmother dreamed that she was repeating her lesson.

Even grandfather dreamed that he was standing at the blackboard and he couldn’t find the Moscow River on the map.

Why did Petya wake up ten times today? Because today he enters first grade.

It's time to go to school!

Choose which person you are friends with today! Thank you!

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
I'll collect my toys
And I’ll give it to Seryozha.

Wooden dishes
I won't give it away yet.
I need the hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame

And the bear is too dirty...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He'll give it to the boys
Or he'll throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
It's bad, without a wheel...
And then I need it too
Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book...
But it seems that I am Seryozha
I won't give you anything.

To school

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
That she repeats the lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

I walk down the street

I'm home down the street
I'm going with books
Maybe I'd like
Slide on the ice...

Here are the guys in pairs
They go to the park on foot,
Maybe I'd like
Throw a snowball at them.

Maybe I'd like
Sing about something
A girl I know
Push straight into the snow...

I don't touch anyone
I'm going my own way.

First lesson

This is my first time in class.
Now I'm a student.
The teacher entered the class -
Stand up or sit down?

How to open a desk
I didn't know at first
And I didn't know how to get up
So that the desk doesn't knock.

They tell me - go to the board, -
I raise my hand
How to hold a pen in your hand,
I don't understand at all.

How many schoolchildren we have!
We have four Asi,
Four Vasya, five Marus
And two Petrovs in the class.

I'm in class for the first time
Now I'm a student.
I'm sitting on the desk correctly,
Although I can't sit still.

On the way to class

Nikita hurried to class.
He walked without slowing down.
Suddenly a puppy growls at him,
A shaggy mongrel.

Nikita is an adult! He's not a coward!
But Tanyusha walked nearby.
She said: - Oh, I'm afraid! –
And immediately there were tears in a hail.

But then Nikita saved her,
He showed courage
He said: - Go quietly to class! –
And he drove the mongrel away.

His Tanyusha is on the way
Thanks for your courage
Save her one more time
Nikita wanted it.

You'll get lost in the forest
And I will come and save you! –
He offered it to Tanya.

Oh no! - she answered. –
I won't go for a walk alone
My friends will come with me.

You can drown in the river!
You'll drown someday! –
Nikita proposed to her. –
I won't let you go down!

I won’t drown myself! –
She responds angrily.
She didn't understand him...
But that’s not the point!
He's all the way to the corner
He saved Tanyusha bravely.
In my dreams I saved her from a wolf...
But then the guys came to class.

What to do with Alexey?

What to do with Alexey?
He's so distracted!
He's the school gate
Took them for football.

There's trouble with him, and that's all!
Rarely teaches lessons
And he says that three -
Excellent mark.

More than once he was shamed
They took me to the director
And they explained for a long time,
What does a sense of duty mean...

But he is used to reproaches -
He dozed off during class.

Suddenly a girl sat down with him.
She laughs at him
Then he will laugh loudly:
- Look at the handwriting like this! –
Then he whispers: - Sloth!
I've come to the end of the lesson!

He didn't pass on Monday
She shouts: - Slacker!
He won't give up on Saturday either!

He closed himself with a notebook -
I wanted to yawn furtively,
She laughs again!
What's so funny about that?!

Now this girl
Will kill him from the world!

No, he will teach her a lesson:
He'll get a quarter
To spite your neighbor
Decent marks.

Here he will correct the handwriting -
Let him laugh then!

Became literate

It's been a long time
We read
With difficulties:
“Do-mick.” House.
Mi-sha is sweet.
Mi-sha is small.
Mi-sha’s house was broken.”

How long have we been calling mom?
And for the first time ourselves
Read aloud to mom:
“Ma-ma we-la ra-mu.”

November has passed
December - January -
And we prevailed

Congratulated us
Tenth grade -
What an honor we are!
We decided to tell the guests a story
Read about the squirrel.

But from excitement
I read
What's in the cage
The bun lived!

Your dreams

Before going to bed,
You order sleep.
Well, let you dream
A dream from knightly times.

You are chained in a shell,
You hold a sword in your hand,
You for the sake of such a dream
I agree to go to bed earlier.

Here you are, floating in a submarine,
But there's a bear on the ice,
But this dream is short,
There's nothing to see in it.

Before going to bed,
You order sleep.
For example, perhaps we should
Order for a week.

Let other dreams for now
Everything will be cancelled.


I am Volodin's marks
I'll find out without the diary.
If a brother comes with a three -
Three bells ring.

If suddenly in our apartment
The ringing begins -
So five or four
He received it today.

If he comes with a deuce -
I hear from afar:
Two short ones are heard,
Indecisive call.

Well, if one is
He knocks quietly on the door.


If you are still nowhere
Haven't met the queen -
Look - here she is!
She lives among us.

Everyone left and right
The Queen announces:

Where's my coat? Hang him!
Why isn't he there?

My briefcase is heavy -
Bring it to school!

I instruct the duty officer
Bring me a mug of tea,
And buy it for me at the buffet
Each, each, a piece of candy.

Queen in third grade
And her name is Nastasya.

Nastya's bow
Like a crown
Like a crown
From nylon.

Song about Petya

He's busy all day,
Can't rest for two minutes:
Then he smears the desk with chalk,
He's sitting there tearing up papers!

And during recess
He is even busier:
He will approach a clean wall,
He draws little devils on her.

We sing a song about Petya
We decided to sing to you,
So that it doesn't exist in the world
Sing like him!

Oh, how busy this Petya is!
A whole hour broke the watch
And in my mother's portrait
I drew on my mustache.

Then he will jump on the bench,
He'll crawl under the bed,
Then for some reason he grabs the watering can,
He will start watering the puddles.

He will return home from the yard,
Throws the sled at the porch,
If you undertake to repair them,
It will break to the end.

Then he will skip along,
It will climb into the attic...
No time to pick up a book -
He's too busy as it is!

We sing a song about Petya
We decided to sing to you,
So that it doesn't exist in the world
Sing like him!

Seryozha teaches lessons

Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But just then the fitter arrived.
Seryozha started the conversation
About traffic jams, about wiring.

A minute later the fitter knew
How to jump from a boat
And that Seryozha is ten years old,
And that he is a pilot at heart.

But now the light has come on
And the counter started working.

Seryozha took his notebook -
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But suddenly he saw through the window,
That the yard is dry and clean,
That the rain stopped a long time ago
And the football players came out.

He put down his notebook -
The lakes can wait.

He was, of course, a goalkeeper,
I didn't come home soon
Around four o'clock
He remembered about the lakes.

He took his notebook again,
I decided to learn lessons:
Ozera began to repeat
And mountains in the east.

But here Alyosha, younger brother,
Serezhin broke his scooter.

I had to repair two wheels
On this scooter.
He fiddled with it for half an hour
And I went for a ride, by the way.

But here is Serezha’s notebook
Opened for the tenth time.

How many questions they began to ask! –
Suddenly he said angrily. –
I'm still reading the book
And still haven’t learned the lakes!

The right song

We are learning to sing!
We're on Saturdays now
Not just eating -
We sing along to the notes.

We have a lot of melodies
Must remember:
And on a long journey
We need songs
And friends at home
They sing in their spare time...

There are smooth songs
And there are dancing ones.
Today we are in class
Let's eat them for the first time.

Every lesson
I wish I could sing like that!
There's even a special song
For Wedding.

Here we are twenty years later
I decide to get married
Then this song
And it will be useful to me.


Lesson don't ask me
Don't ask, don't ask
Lesson don't ask me -
The squad is on vacation,
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are on.

Schoolchildren will have fun
On free days.
We are outside the city, in Sokolniki,
Skiing, skating.

You'll sink to the waist,
To the waist, to the waist,
You'll sink to the waist,
You'll stay in the snow
And I'm skiing through the forest
To the North Pole
I’ll run as you wish!

Lesson don't ask me
Don't ask, don't ask
Lesson don't ask me -
The squad is on vacation,
On the decorated Christmas tree
The lanterns are on.

And all the notebooks are hidden,
Let them sleep for now.

Evening in class

The people gathered on time -
To the first lesson.

Sits on the desk on the right
Petrova at the window,
Behind her is Smirnova Klava
And Shura Fomina.

And behind him Ilyina,
But she's sick now.

The students are leaving
The room is empty...
But who sits down again?
Back to their desks?

Petrova came again
And sat down by the window,
Smirnova came again
And even Ilyin.

Taking your briefcases,
Daughters go home.
They came to class and sat down.
Twenty-eight mothers.

Moms sat next to each other
They started to sigh:
- Too much to take home
They started asking!

The school teacher came in
There was silence.
-Are you happy with Fomina? –
Fomina asked.

Smirnova raised her hand:
- How are Smirnova doing?

Smirnova has a troika
Today for the answer.
Answers smartly -
Deep knowledge No!

Fomina is stubborn.
And she is lazy.
“Yes,” mom sighs, “
Fomina is stubborn!

And because of Smirnova
And Shura Fomina
Ready to get upset
Every mother!

They don't separate for a long time
Moms at home
And they make noise like schoolgirls
Twenty-eight mothers.

Two notebooks

Oleg draws ships,
And the shore in the distance
And a blue palm tree in the distance,
And a boat on the sand.

He paints a palm tree
IN Blue colour
Ours is green
There is no paint.

A sailor stands on the deck,
Gives a signal with a flag.
Oleg always draws like this -
He will be a sailor.

There are no seas in my notebook,
But there is infantry in it.
And they look from every leaf
Armed troops.

Look, there's a tanker standing there,
He takes whole sheet,
Below it is my signature:
“Tank driver Volodya, that is, me.”

Analysis of Barto's poem “Vovka is a good soul”

Children's poetess Agnia Barto is known for her interesting children's poems that live in the memory of every person since early childhood. Barto's poems are kind and cheerful, every child will find himself in them.

The famous children's poetess A. Barto wrote a series of children's poems, the main character of which is a boy named Vovka. Vovka was known and loved by all the residents of the street - he had a good disposition, was well-mannered, honest, and always rushed to help people. Some poems from the cycle “Vovka - kind soul"we'll look at it now.

The first poem from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul” is the verse “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya.” In it we meet our main character - the boy Vovka. The author describes his walk along one of the Moscow streets. Suddenly a loud “Good morning!” sounded from the window.

It was the little boy Vovka who greeted all passers-by. People were surprised at the little boy, but responded to his greeting with friendly smiles. Over time, the author learned more about her friend - his name was Vovka, the boy was the favorite of all people, as he greeted everyone with a smile and sincerity. Vovka never left small children in trouble who needed his help, and was also very polite with adults and never misbehaved.

Agnia Barto describes to us the following situation: little girls, playing in the sandbox, began to brag about their older brothers. The girl Tanya told about her older brother, who wore a pioneer tie, did well in school, and most importantly, had such strength that he could pull out a weed in the garden right from the roots.

The girl Valechka also had a ten-year-old brother - the boy protected her from all offenders. Valechka said that if a big tiger was hunting her, her brother would immediately start fighting him and would win. Suddenly the girls’ stories were interrupted by Katenka’s loud crying. She was the only daughter of her parents.

The girl said that yesterday she was scratched and bitten by a cat, but no one protected her. Vovka heard this cry. The kind boy told everyone that from Monday he would be Katya’s older brother, and would not let anyone hurt her, not a cat, not hooligans, not a predatory tiger.

Time passes, and all the children grow up. This happened to the good-natured Vovka. When he was twelve years old, the boy began to be ashamed of his kindness. He made the decision to become evil. To begin with, Vovka decided to beat up the yard cats. During the day, Vovka chased the cats, and when night came, he went out into the street and tearfully asked for their forgiveness for the harm he had caused.

Then Vovka decided to shoot sparrows with a slingshot. For a whole hour the boy chased the birds, pretending that he could not keep track of them. Then Vovka secretly buried his slingshot under a bush - because he felt sorry for the birds. The boy decided to do evil things for show, so that adults would think that he had become evil. However, Vovka still remained the same good-natured person as he was in childhood.

Essays on topics:

  1. Petya Rostov in a partisan detachment. The essay Petya Rostov is a character from one of the most famous novels for the whole world “War and Peace”, which was created by the great writer.
  2. Essay based on Shirokov’s painting “Friends” Russian painter Evgeny Nikolaevich Shirokov created many expressive and recognizable images of people. We see one of these images in his.
  3. Summary of “The Tale of Kish” by London U Polar Sea A thirteen-year-old boy, Kish, lives with his mother Aikiga. Kish has no brothers or sisters, but his father.
  4. Essay based on Serov’s painting “Girl with Peaches” In a large, bright room, a girl is sitting near a table with a peach in her hands. Her black unruly hair was disheveled and her eyes were dark.
  5. Analysis of M. Tsvetaeva’s poem “Homesickness” A bright representative M. Tsvetaeva is considered the poet of the 20th century. She has a unique style, her images are rich and precise. This transfer of the worldview of criticism.
  6. An essay based on Laktionov’s painting “Letter from the Front” Alexander Ivanovich Laktionov is a Soviet artist whose paintings are very realistic and depict life ordinary people. Of all his paintings to me.
  7. Summary of “Tomorrow there was a war” by Vasiliev The story “Tomorrow there was a war” was written by Boris Vasiliev. At the beginning of the work, the author remembers his class. The photo where the guys are photographed reminds me of my classmates.

You are currently reading an essay Analysis of Barto's poem “Vovka is a good soul”

To school (Agniya Barto)

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie.
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
What she repeats is a lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

To school
Poem by Agnia Barto

Why did Petya wake up ten times today? Because today he enters first grade. He's not just a boy anymore, but now he's a newbie. His new jacket has a turn-down collar. He woke up on a dark night. It was only three o'clock. He was terribly afraid that the lesson had already begun. He got dressed in two minutes, grabbed a pencil case from the table. Dad rushed after him and caught up with him at the door. Behind the wall the neighbors stood up, They turned on the electricity, Behind the wall the neighbors stood up, And then they lay down again. He woke up the whole apartment and couldn't sleep until morning. Even my grandmother dreamed that she was repeating the lesson. Even grandfather dreamed that he was standing at the blackboard and he couldn’t find the Moscow River on the map. Why did Petya wake up ten times today? Because today he enters first grade.

Agniya Barto. Selected Poems.
Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 1999.

Other poems by Agnia Barto


TO SCHOOL - poem by Barto A.L.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie.
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
What she repeats is a lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

listen, download audio poem
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analysis, essay or abstract about a poem

But. If you haven't found the required essay or analysis and you had to write it yourself, so don’t be a cheapskate! Publish it here, and if you are too lazy to register, then send your analysis or essay to and this will make life easier for future generations, and you will really feel like you have fulfilled your duty to the school. We will publish it indicating your full name and the school where you study. Share your knowledge with the world!

Methodological development for reading (grade 2) on the topic:
A. L. Barto. To school - summary of an integrated reading lesson

Topic: A.L. Barto. To school.

Lesson type: integrated lesson of literary reading and the surrounding world.

  1. Educational: introduce a new poem by A. Barto;

formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle, the role of the daily routine in the lives of schoolchildren.

  1. Developmental: develop expressive reading skills; learn to compare and contrast.

development of a careful attitude towards one’s health.

  1. Educational: instilling respect for the creativity of A.L. Barto;

instilling a sense of responsibility in students, the ability to value time and use it rationally.

1.Organizational moment (1 min)

2. Work on pronunciation. (3 min)

3. Check homework. (5-7min)

4. Work on new material.

a.) Work on poetry with the help of illustrations. (5 minutes)

b.) Conversation about the work of A. L. Barto. (3 min)

c.) Work in pairs “Pack your school bag” (3 min)

5. Physical exercise (1 min)

d) Reading the poem “To School” and analyzing it. (7-8 min)

6. Continue learning new material.

a.) Conversation about the daily routine. (7-8min)

7. Reflection. Lesson summary. (3 min)

Hello guys. My name is…

Now sit down, let's start the reading lesson. If you listen to me carefully, you will learn a lot of interesting things today.

First, let's learn to speak clearly and beautifully. To do this, let's learn a tongue twister. Read the tongue twister from the screen to yourself. Now we will read aloud several times, increasing the speed of pronunciation. (3 times)

Guys, which writer’s works did you get acquainted with in the last lesson? (A. Barto)

What poems have you read? (Rope, We didn't notice the bug)

Look at the screen, what poem do you think this illustration is for? (We didn't notice the bug)

Guys, who is this poem dedicated to? (to the girl Natasha)

In whose name is the poem written? (on behalf of the girl)

Raise your hand, who prepared this poem expressively by heart?

Okay, unfortunately we won’t be able to listen to everyone in class.

(several people are invited to the board and read a poem)

What did you like about students reading? Celebrate the good. (I read it without hesitation, with expression, conveying feelings and emotions.)

Could the story described in the poem really happen?

What would happen then?

What can you say about the girl Natasha? What is she like?

a) - Today we will get acquainted with a new poem by the famous poetess and writer Agnia Lvovna Barto. But first, let's talk a little about her work. When you were little, your mothers probably learned her poems with you. Let's remember some of them.

Look at the screen. Try to remember which poems of Agnia Barto these words are from. Read the poem

The bull is walking, swaying,
Sighs as he walks:
- Oh, the board ends,
Now I'm going to fall!

What is the poetess making fun of in her poems “Bunny” and “Bear”? (Flaws) .
- For what? (To become better)

Who wrote these poems? (A. Barto)

b) - guys, what do you know about the work of Agnia Barto? (children's answers)

There is not a person in our country over 5 years old who does not know by heart at least one poem by a wonderful writer. Agnia Lvovna was born in Moscow in 1906. She dreamed of becoming a ballerina and studied at a ballet school. But she was interested in poetry and decided to change her profession. During the Second World War, A. Barto went to the front - spoke to the soldiers, wrote for newspapers. The end of the war is associated with grief in the family of A. Barto - in May 1945, her son died. But she did not stop writing poems for children and about children. She did a lot for other people's children. A. Barto began broadcasting the radio program “Find a Person,” where children lost during the war talked about themselves and what they remember. It lasted for 9 years and during this time united 927 families! A. Barto really believed in the “humanity” of children, and in their kindness and emotional sensitivity. A. Barto's poems contain a lot of games, jokes, and laughter. According to her poems small man learns to feel sorry, sympathize, and be a kind and reliable friend.

c) - Guys, if you guess the riddle. Then you will find out the name of the poem with which we will get acquainted.

The house is standing
Who will enter it -
That mind will gain.

Who goes to school? (students)

What does the student take with him? (briefcase)

I suggest working in pairs. Now objects will appear on the screen, you look at them carefully and remember them. From a variety of items, write on pieces of paper those that the student should put in the briefcase.

You've collected your briefcase, well done! Now you can go to school!

We became students (step in place)

We began to follow the regime

In the morning, when we woke up,

We smiled. Stretched (stretched)

For health, mood, (torso turns)

We are doing exercises.

Hands up and hands down (up, down)

We stood up on our toes. (Rise up on your toes)

They crouched down, then bent over (crouched down, bent over)

And then we washed ourselves

We ate breakfast slowly

To school, to knowledge, striving. (step in place)

d) - Open the textbook on page 45.

Look at the poem. How many quatrains does it contain? (5)

Fine. Do you know the feeling that Petya experienced before the first day of school?

What can you call this feeling? (excitement, anxiety)

What does quatrain 1 say? (Petya didn’t sleep well at night)

What does quatrain 2 say? (he became a student)

What does quatrain 3 say? (he woke up and got scared)

What feelings does quatrain 3 express? (horror)

What does quatrain 4 say? (I got dressed quickly and ran to school)

What does quatrain 5 say? (woke everyone up)

Who woke you up?

Let's read the poem again, try to betray the feelings that the boy experienced - pride, horror, humor.

(repeated expressive reading children)

What should every student observe? (daily regime)

We became students

We began to follow the regime.

Do you follow a daily routine? Let's check it now!

Why did man invent watches?

  1. In order not to be late.
  2. To do all your work on time.
  3. To make sure that time is not wasted.

Name the four times of day in order. (Morning afternoon Evening Night).

How should the morning begin? (getting up, exercising, water treatments)

That's right, let's go wash and take water treatments.

Guys, tell me, what do you do after you wash your face? (Children's answers).

Making the bed

Having breakfast

The day has come. What do we do during the day?

I have a balloon in my hands.

I will pass it on to one of you.

Who gets the ball?

He continues my story. So I start:

School is over.

A delicious lunch awaits you in the dining room,

Pleasant smell from the cutlets.

  1. After lunch, we go home from school and pass the ball to the next player, who continues the story:
  2. After we arrived, we rest (sleep) - passes the ball on, the next student continues:
  3. After a quiet hour we go for a walk and play.
  1. After the walk - afternoon snack - self-preparation (homework).

Evening came. What do you do in the evening? I suggest you depict your activities with gestures, movements without words, for example…. (imitates reading a book)

(The teacher shows one movement, and the children guess).

One child shows, the rest guess.

Teacher: Now I will read you a poem. Your task is to listen carefully and answer my questions.

“I hate the word sleep!

I cringe every time

When I hear: “Go to bed!”

It's already ten o'clock!

How nice it is to have rights

Go to bed at least at one o'clock! At least two!

At four! Or at five!

And sometimes, and sometimes

(And there’s really no harm in that!”)

Don't sleep at all all night!

Do you agree with the hero of this poem? Why?

Why does a person need sleep? (Children's answers).

To wake up in a good mood and feel great, you need to get enough sleep. No wonder they say: “The morning is wiser than the evening.” In sleep, the brain rests and strength returns. Therefore, the child should sleep at least 10 hours. This means that by 21 o'clock (by 9 o'clock in the evening) he should already be asleep.

Let's play the game "Bad-good before bed." I will read statements out loud to you, and if you agree, you should clap your hands, and if you don’t agree, you should stomp your feet.”

Wash your feet, hands, eat and drink a lot before

take a shower. Sleep.

Brush your teeth. Goes to bed in dirty clothes

Ventilate the room. Watch scary movies.

Walk on fresh air. Listen to loud music.

You decided to become healthy

So, do... (mode)

So what is a regime? (Children's answers).

Well done! Mode is correct distribution time during which work and rest reasonably alternate. A person who follows a daily routine always has enough time for both business and entertainment, and maintains strength and health. Your work is a teaching. We need to organize this work in such a way that we get tired less and learn better.

  1. Reflection (consolidation of knowledge), d/z

What poem did we read? (To school)

Who wrote it?

What new things have you learned from the work and life of A. Barto?

What should every student observe? (Daily regime)

At home, prepare an expressive reading of the poem “To School”, if desired, learn it by heart.

You each have pictograms. If you liked the lesson, you good mood, you are satisfied, then show the pictogram of a smiling man. If you don’t like something, show a sad person. (Example on screen)

Well, that’s all, my friends, I was very glad to meet you. Goodbye.

Why today Petya

Woke up ten times?

Because he is today

Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore

And now he's a newbie.

On his new jacket

He woke up on a dark night,

It was only three o'clock.

He was terribly scared

That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,

He grabbed a pencil case from the table.

Dad ran after him

I caught up with him at the door.

He woke up the whole apartment,

I couldn't sleep until the morning.

Even my grandmother dreamed

What she repeats is a lesson.

Presentation for a reading lesson, grade 2. Lesson topic. "A.L. Barto. "To school", "Vovka is a kind soul."

Summary of the integrated lesson reading\Russian language. 3rd grade

Integrated lesson (reading/Russian language) V. Astafiev “Kapalukha”.

A summary of an integrated reading and writing lesson on the topic “Culture of Communication. Ethics of Writing” will be useful for 1st grade teachers during the period of literacy training. Develop communication skills and informational.

Outline of an integrated lesson in reading and writing on the topic “Observations on paired consonants at the end of a word” or “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” (2nd grade)

An integrated lesson in reading and writing on the topic “Observations on paired consonants at the end of a word” or “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows” provides an opportunity to use specific material from the fairy tale “Li.

literary hearing by A. L. Barto "To school" with presentation

literary listening to A. L. Barto at school.

Educational and methodological kit for literary reading UMK "School of Russia" ( routing lesson "A.L. Barto "To school", "Vovka is a kind soul"" + educational presentation) 2nd grade

Subject: literary readingGrade: 2a.

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Listen to Barto's poem To school

Topics of adjacent essays

Picture for the essay analysis of the poem To school

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind each poetic work of those times, a whole Universe was certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

Max Fry. "Chatty Dead"

I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Agniya Barto

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

He's not just a boy anymore
And now he's a newbie.
On his new jacket
Turn-down collar.

He woke up on a dark night,
It was only three o'clock.
He was terribly scared
That the lesson has already begun.

He got dressed in two minutes,
He grabbed a pencil case from the table.
Dad ran after him
I caught up with him at the door.

The neighbors stood behind the wall,
The electricity was turned on
The neighbors stood behind the wall,
And then they lay down again.

He woke up the whole apartment,
I couldn't sleep until the morning.
Even my grandmother dreamed
What she repeats is a lesson.

Even my grandfather dreamed
Why is he standing at the board?
And he can't be on the map
Find the Moscow River.

Why today Petya
Woke up ten times?
Because he is today
Enters first grade.

Barto Agnia Lvovna ( real name Volova) (1906-1981), Russian poetess. Born on February 4 (17), 1906 in Moscow in the family of a veterinarian. Got a good one home education, which was led by his father. She studied at the gymnasium, where, experiencing the creative influence of A.A. Akhmatova and V.V. Mayakovsky, began to write poetic epigrams and sketches. At the same time, she studied at the choreographic school, where A. Lunacharsky came for graduation tests and, after listening to Barto’s poems, advised her to continue writing.

In 1925, her first poems, “The Chinese Little Wang Li” and “The Thief Bear,” were published. They were followed by “The First of May” (1926), “Brothers” (1928), after the publication of which K.I. Chukovsky noted Barto’s extraordinary talent as children's poet. Some poems were written together with her husband, poet P.N. Barto (“The Dirty Girl” and “The Roaring Girl”, 1930).
After the publication of the cycle of poetic miniatures for the little ones “Toys” (1936), as well as the poems “Flashlight”, “Mashenka”, etc. Barto became one of the most famous and beloved children's poets by readers, her works were published in huge editions, included in anthologies. The rhythm, rhymes, images and plots of these poems turned out to be close and understandable to millions of children.

Agnia Barto wrote the scripts for the films “The Foundling” (1940, jointly with actress Rina Zelena), “Alyosha Ptitsyn Develops Character” (1953), “10,000 Boys” (1962, jointly with I. Okada). Her poem “Rope” was taken by director I. Frez as the basis for the concept of the film “The Elephant and the Rope” (1945).

During the Great Patriotic War Barto was evacuated in Sverdlovsk, went to the front to read her poems, spoke on the radio, and wrote for newspapers. Her poems of the war years (the collection “Teenagers”, 1943, the poem “Nikita”, 1945, etc.) are mainly journalistic in nature. For the collection “Poems for Children” (1949) Agnia Barto was awarded the State Prize (1950).

About the students orphanage is told in Barto's poem "Zvenigorod" (1948). For nine years, Barto hosted the radio program “Find a Person,” in which she searched for people separated by the war. With its help, about 1,000 families were reunited. Barto wrote the story “Find a Person” about this work (published in 1968).

In “Notes of a Children's Poet” (1976), the poetess formulated her poetic and human credo: “Children need the whole range of feelings that give rise to humanity.” Numerous trips around different countries led her to think about wealth inner world child of any nationality. This idea was confirmed by the poetic collection “Translations from Children’s” (1977), in which Barto translated from different languages children's poems.

For many years, Barto headed the Association of Children's Literature and Art Workers and was a member of the international Andersen jury. In 1976 she was awarded International Prize them. H.K. Andersen. Barto's poems have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
Agnia Barto died in Moscow on April 1, 1981. "