Do people need compassion? Essay on the topic “Do we need empathy and compassion in life? An unusual type of help

Do we need empathy and compassion in life? I think that every person will answer this question positively - yes, they are needed. Sympathy is a feeling in which a person expresses his pity and bitterness. There are people who sympathize with homeless animals, while others express compassion, that is, in addition to this, they also try to help them, for example, donate money to shelters or help find owners. But people express these two feelings not only towards our smaller brothers, but also towards their relatives and friends. A person should care the world. Sympathy and compassion have makes a lot of sense in life, they make a person better.

For example, in Andrei Platonov’s work “Yushka” main character found himself misunderstood by the people around him. He suffered insults and attacks from everyone. And no one could express sympathy, show compassion.

One must think that because of this attitude towards himself, the hero did not like people and was angry, but in reality this is not the case. Yushka is a special person.

At a time when sympathy and compassion should have been expressed towards him, he himself showed these feelings towards the people who insulted him. He believed that this was their way of showing love by loving him. People like Yushka, people who listen to their hearts and souls, are capable of expressing these feelings. Having these qualities makes people kinder. Others who do not possess these qualities do not change, but become even angrier. And such people have a hard time in life. Everyone should have a sense of sympathy and a sense of compassion like the hero of Platonov’s story.

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was created by Andrey Platonov wonderful story about humanity and kindness. This is the story "Yushka". Platonov’s attitude towards humanity as a whole through the description of the main character of the story.

The main character of the story is Yushka. This man, sick with consumption, at forty years old, looks like a very old man, frail and weak. But this little man has a huge gift of pure and sincere love for the entire world around him. With reverence, he inhaled the aroma of flowers, and with his whole chest absorbed the fragrance of forests and fields. He listened to the murmur of rivers, admired the clouds floating above him, birds and insects were integral part his existence.

Yushka also treats the people around him with kindness and generosity. Having a harmless and not vindictive character, Yushka silently endures undeserved beatings from adults embittered by life, endures cruel mockery stupid, unintelligent children.

From year to year Yushka works as a blacksmith’s assistant, and only once a year, on one of the summer months he leaves the town, going to an unknown destination. Returning a month later, Yushka still continues his work, and also meekly endures the attacks of local residents.

From year to year incurable disease The health of the aging Yushka is increasingly undermined and one day he does not find the strength to go on a long journey.

And then one day, when Yushka was barely walking back from work, he met a passerby on his way, who Once again I wanted to laugh at the helpless sick person.

For the first time in his life, Yushka responded to an insult and immediately paid severely for it. A passerby who laughed at him angrily hit Yushka in the chest. Yushka fell and would never get up again.

The whole city came to say goodbye to Yushka. Yushka was buried and soon forgotten about him.

In the fall, an unfamiliar girl came to the blacksmith, she was looking for Yushka. It became known from the girl that Efim Dmitrievich, that was Yushka’s name, picked her up as an orphan and placed her in the family, over time he sent her to study and from year to year, every summer, brought her money for education. Grateful girl who knew about terrible disease her guardian, trained to be a doctor and came to cure the man she dearly loved. The girl was taken to Yushka’s grave.

Paying tribute to the most dear and to a loved one, the girl remained in the city and began to treat patients with consumption.

Compassion and love for one's neighbor should be an integral part of every person living on earth, because only love and kindness make the world a better place. The red thread of Platonov's story is the theme of mercy and selflessness.

Option 2

This work is quite small in volume, but deep in its content. The story invites the reader to reflect on these important issues as a theme of love and compassion, their role in the life of each of us. At the center of the plot is the story of a simple, inconspicuous, not at all young man. His life is absolutely unremarkable, and the hero himself looks frail and sickly. It soon turns out that he is seriously ill - his body is weakened and aged ahead of time due to consumption. In the eyes of ordinary people, Yushka is already quite an old man, while he was only forty years old.

What is the peculiarity of this seemingly unattractive hero who does not stand out from the gray mass? Of course, Yushka is very different from the people around him, and mainly in that, unlike them, he understands how important role plays love in a person's life.

Those people who surround Yushka seem to have completely forgotten that such phenomena as sympathy and love even exist in the world. Their life consists of endless outbreaks of evil and hatred, constantly replacing each other. Little children hate Yushka because he is not like them. They throw pebbles and various types of garbage at him, and each time they are surprised why he doesn’t answer them in kind, doesn’t get angry with them, doesn’t drive them away from him, as other adults do. These children are like little wild animals who do not know that there is a place for love and tenderness in life. But Yushka understands this perfectly and realizes that the problem lies in people’s inability to show love and give it to others.

Yushka’s kindness is discouraging, but people’s hearts have cooled so much that they have lost their ability to see the beautiful impulses of the soul that the hero of the story was capable of. In fact, these people are unhappy because they cannot show compassion and feel love for each other. But only in this way can the souls of people truly become closer.

Yushka’s fate seems to consist entirely of one call from Christ to love his neighbor. This man is sick, he is exhausted, but still continues to work, and not for himself at all. He does not buy food or clothes with the money he receives. He gives all his savings to a little orphan girl so that she can study and have a successful life.

One would think that the departure of Yushka, this small, inconspicuous person, would not affect anyone, and everything would remain as before. However, everything has changed. Now all the hatred remained among the people, generously distributed among them. It turns out that such a quiet and inconspicuous person was a kind of lightning rod for those around him, who took upon himself all the negativity generated in abundance by their cruel hearts. Thanks to Yushka, these hearts became a little softer, a little kinder.

The story teaches us to be more tolerant and compassionate towards others. After all, the best thing that each of us can do is to leave a good memory of ourselves in the souls of people.

Essay Do you need sympathy and compassion in life based on the story by Yushka

Yushka's story is sad and touching. Already from the first lines of the story, the reader is imbued with pity for the hero, and he does not suspect that even sadder details of the life of the blacksmith’s assistant, Efim, await him ahead. But he calls himself Yushka.

Because of his illness, Yushka, at forty years old, looks like an old man. He sees poorly, wears clothes that are blackened by work and “burnt from sparks.” In winter he wears felt boots, which he hems in the fall, and in summer he walks barefoot.

It seemed that fate had deprived him of everything: home, health, even the love and sympathy of others. But she did not deprive her of a noble heart that is incapable of anger. Even in those very moments when the children covered his eyes with earth and mocked him, there was no place in Yushka’s heart for indignation or condemnation. Having turned into an object for cruel children's entertainment, Yushka never became angry with them and believed that the stones, branches, and earthen debris thrown at him were just a manifestation of love for him. Adults did not lag behind children in cruelty, taking out their failures on him and Bad mood. Yushka's life seemed useless to them. Yushka became the personification of misfortune, trouble, the worst that could happen to a person. No one noticed the beautiful heart behind the rags and wrinkled face of a sick man.

Once a year, in the summer, Yushka left the forge for a month and went to where he was loved and expected. Where he is loved, the grass grows, the flowers smell fragrant, the sun shines. Just a month a year, Yushka forgets about his illness and enjoys life. But no one knows where and to whom he is going. Nobody knows that Yushka whole year refuses tea with sugar and drinks water. He saves his modest salary of seven rubles and sixty kopecks a month to pay for the orphan’s education and boarding school accommodation. No one knows that the orphan, having studied with the money of poor Yushka, will become a doctor and come to their city to cure his benefactor Efim Dmitrievich of consumption. It's just a pity that he will no longer be in the world. Yushka, who was always reverent about the life of every living creature and sad at the sight of butterflies and beetles falling dead, was heartlessly killed. He just wanted to defend his right to life, to prove something with this to narrow-minded people who rejected him. For the first time in his life, he wanted to protect himself, but he paid for it.

But the light kind heart burned even after his death. "Yushka's daughter" began working in the hospital and treating consumptive patients long years. But once upon a time in this city, in the hearts of people, there was not a drop of compassion for her Yushka. When there is no sympathy, compassion, mercy, then inhumanity, cruelty, and soullessness prevail in life. And the victory of inhumanity is the end of life.

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Sympathy and compassion in the story Yushka

Empathy and compassion are good spiritual qualities that every person needs to have. Sympathy is responsiveness to someone else's grief, when you do not pass by it, but try to console or help. Compassion is the ability to understand the suffering, misfortune, sadness, grief of another person and express it yourself. But unfortunately, not each of us keeps these noble qualities in our souls.

The theme of sympathy and compassion is well explored in Andrei Platonov’s story “Yushka”, where we are shown negative side life when people are deprived of these good traits. The main character, Efim Dmitrievich, who was nicknamed Yushka, worked as an assistant in a forge. His appearance was unattractive: he was short, thin, always with white people wet eyes. Yushka lived poorly: the author draws attention to the fact that the hero constantly wears the same worn clothes, does not drink tea, but only water, and does not buy sugar.

But Yushka was a hard worker: he worked from morning to evening, and by his appearance on the street they knew when it was time to get to work and when it was time to retire. But none of the people wanted to have a life like Yushka’s. The adults even frightened the children with the unfortunate fate of this poor man. He was still a target: those around him poured out all their anger and malice on him, offended him. They were embarrassed by him strange behavior: he lived separately, was not like everyone else, did not talk to anyone and did not respond to their rudeness. They beat him because they considered him to blame for all their troubles, becoming even more embittered by his meekness and irresponsibility, and this helped evil people forget your sadness for a while.

Even children, following the example of adults, insulted the old man, to which he gently asked them to stop, for some reason believing in the love of children, in the fact that they needed him and were not indifferent to them. He believed that in this way children clumsily showed love and attention to him. Yushka himself loved people and was friendly to them. And they were mired in anger and cruelty, constant drinking took away their minds - and such a life had long become normal, even correct, for them. Yushka loved nature, observed, delved into, understood all its phenomena, and this feeling grew into love for people. Every living creature was dear to him; he could not imagine life without everything that surrounded him.

And when Yushka, for the first time in his life, “got angry with a cheerful passer-by,” people realized that callousness and cruelty of the soul could cost one’s life. This happened because the people around the hero refused to understand that all people are the same: rich, poor, meek, brave, kind and evil, and everyone equally needs air and light. People did not have faith in God; all the best, human things in them were lost. The soul awakened in them only when the main character was near death - people, tormented by their conscience, came to ask for forgiveness. And only when Yushka passed away did everyone understand what he meant to them. People were saved from final bitterness by an orphan who reminded everyone of the unfortunate old man - quiet, meek, sweet and very kind.

Only in this episode, towards the end of the story, does empathy and compassion awaken in people. Through Yushka’s life, the author is trying to convey to us how terrible and inhumane life becomes in the absence of these qualities. And in the main character himself we see an invaluable treasure trove of examples of spiritual kindness and nobility. Yes, he died, but only thanks to him people learned to be human, learned to show empathy and compassion, without which it is so difficult to live.

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