Often tears well up. My eyes are wet, or why I cry from everything

Tears have always been considered the prerogative of women. After all, representatives of the fairer sex are more emotional than men, and they take many things too close to their hearts. But doctors and psychologists do not see anything bad in the tears of men. By giving free rein to tears, any person, be it a man or a woman, can get rid of negativity and get emotional release. It's another matter if you start to get upset and cry over trifles. Such outbursts of emotions can work against you.

Society, as a rule, does not like whiny people. They are considered childish and emotionally unstable. This is why excessive tearfulness can and should be fought. The main thing is to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Why do people cry

Sometimes an unstable emotional state is a consequence of thyroid disease. In this case, you need to be examined by a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. The main cause of tearfulness in women, for example, is an increased level of prolactin in the blood. This hormone is responsible for the production of breast milk and the production of tears. Its excess can cause irritability and nervousness. To avoid this, you need to be examined by an endocrinologist.

Some people are naturally emotional; their desire to cry for any reason does not depend on physical illness. This is simply an individual personality trait. Such people will never be able to change completely, since increased sensitivity is an innate property of their nervous system.

Another reason for tearfulness is a person’s inability to quickly adapt to sudden changes in his life. It doesn’t matter whether the changes are bad or good - any change in the surrounding reality can cause stress and a desire to cry in such people.

How to stop crying at the wrong time

If your tearfulness is of a psychological rather than physiological nature, it will be much easier to deal with it. You just need to force yourself to switch your attention and take your mind off the object that irritates you.

As soon as you feel tears welling up in your eyes, start breathing quickly. At the same time, try to avoid taking deep breaths so as not to cause an attack of dizziness. Do this breathing practice until you relieve nervous tension. If you find drinking water nearby, take a few sips and think about something pleasant.

Before you cry, imagine a cloud and study it carefully. Then imagine how it will rain down on the earth as a blessed rain. This simple training is recommended by many psychologists. Its main task is to stabilize a person’s emotional state.

Sometimes tears are the result of mental trauma. In this case, there is no need to restrain them. By throwing negative emotions out, you will protect your body from diseases and premature aging.


Modest, quiet and shy people often admire the qualities inherent in strong individuals - the ability to fight back, defend their interests, and protect their loved ones. However, if you wish, you can also learn to behave in this way with offenders.


Learn to be patient and detached. A fairly common mistake of weak people is that in a stressful situation they act based on emotions rather than reason. They may panic, cry, or respond to the offender with thoughtless aggression and ultimately suffer defeat. Learn not to react so sharply to unpleasant events. A raised eyebrow, a puzzled look and eloquent silence in response to an insult from the interlocutor looks better than tears or statements in the spirit of “that’s how I am.”

Knowledge is power. The broader your horizons, the greater the chances that you will be able to find the correct and reasonable answer to the claims against you. You will never know in advance what may be useful to you during an argument with your opponent. This could be either technical documentation for your computer or information about the mating rituals of baboons that you gleaned from a popular science film.

Learn to say no. Many children (especially this applies) were taught to be polite, sweet, kind and trouble-free. Indeed, at home and at school there are much fewer problems with such a child. However, as an adult, those around you may begin to shamelessly use these qualities, and out of habit you will fulfill their demands, trying to please everyone. But if you're not eager to pick up a colleague's son at the airport or do chores for your niece, you have the right to say no without giving a reason. And the more often you use your right, the better you will get at it.

Make sure your opinion is listened to. To begin with, you should start expressing it if you have not done so before, otherwise how will others understand that you are dissatisfied with something, or that something does not suit you. Get rid of the habit of adapting to everyone. If you are uncomfortable meeting at a bar where your friends are inviting you to meet, say so. If this has no impact on the situation, refuse the meeting. Next time your interests will be taken into account more carefully.

Video on the topic

Tears are a defense mechanism. They help relieve psychological stress. But frequent tears are a sign of depression or stress that is taking over you. And in this case, they do not benefit, but only aggravate the current state of affairs.

Why do women cry?

Uncontrollable female tears are caused by the physiology of the body. Women's blood contains a high concentration of plolactin, the hormone responsible for the production of tears. In men, on the contrary, testosterone predominates in the body, which helps suppress their formation, so tears seem to them something unnatural.

Under any circumstances, the first thing you need to do is contact a psychologist who will help you get to the bottom of the problem and give practical advice for solving it and further eliminating it.

Don't be afraid to turn to specialists. If there is a problem, then it needs to be dealt with. Do not miss any little things in a conversation with a psychologist, even if they seem funny and insignificant to you.

In everyday life, if you feel that the atmosphere is tense to the limit, a lump forms in your throat, and tears come to your eyes, try to abstract yourself from everything. Shift your attention to some imaginary object that gives you pleasure and makes you smile. Slowly, deeply inhale and exhale. This will calm your nerves. If you have a glass of water at hand, drink it slowly and in small sips.

It would be a good idea to drink a few drops of motherwort or valerian tincture in the morning during breakfast to avoid nervous situations and not shed tears.

How quickly you stop crying over trifles depends only on your willpower. If you set yourself the goal of not looking like a crybaby in public, you will quickly learn to control yourself.


  • how to stop crying

Nervousness haunts people in various situations. Some people do, and when they talk to certain people, others are strained by agonizing anticipation, while others find it difficult to cope with critical situations. This behavior occurs for both psychological and physiological reasons. Dealing with him is not so easy.


Try not to dramatize the situation. Nervous people often think about the possible consequences of their unsuccessful actions. For example, when going through an interview, a person is afraid that he may not be hired, this makes him nervous. If you find yourself feeling nervous in such situations, try to calm down and act calmly. Most of the problems that worry you greatly are not really critical. The more importance you attach to certain things, the more nervous you become about them.

One of the most effective ways to calm down and stop being nervous is a breathing exercise. Nervousness causes a person to breathe very quickly and intermittently. Try diaphragmatic breathing, which does most of the work from your belly. To do this, sit in a comfortable position and take even, slow inhalations and exhalations. You can also hold your breath after inhaling for a couple of seconds. It is important that while breathing, maximum movement occurs in your stomach, while your chest remains motionless. For self-control, you can place your hands on your stomach and watch how it rises and falls. Do this exercise for 5 – 10 minutes or longer.

Try to watch your speech and behavior. Rapid speech, active gestures and a tense face are clear signs of nervousness. Try to look at yourself from the outside. If you notice these signs in yourself, sit and relax your back, be silent for a while, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Your task is to relieve tension from your body. Remember that external tension is always reflected on the emotional level, so try to keep your body calm in any situation.

A common cause of nervousness is rushing. Trying to quickly solve problems without the necessary preparation rarely leads to positive results. In addition, haste in business increases the distraction of attention; a person begins to lose sight of important details and, as a result, makes mistakes that cause him to break down and show nervousness. Whatever your situation, remember that rushing will not solve problems. Approach any task calmly and measuredly.

Many people themselves create situations that make them nervous. For example, if you constantly put off things that you will have to account for sooner or later, you will not be ready when the time comes. Try to complete your work on time, prepare for events in advance, and always have a plan of action.

Total found: 11

Is it correct to say “surgery on the eyes, on the spine, etc.?” Or is it still “operation on the eyes, on the spine, on the stomach”?

Right: surgery (on what?) on the eyes, on the spine, on the stomach.

Question No. 273015
Should I set off “as if nothing had happened” with commas?

And then they will feast, as if nothing had happened, right until dawn.

Russian help desk response

HOWNOTHING HAPPENED, adverbial expression

Does not require punctuation.

He literally blossomed before our eyes and within two or three hours as if nothing had happened received guests. A. and B. Strugatsky, Beetle in an anthill. The general in a torn uniform approached the emperor and as if nothing had happened continued reporting from the interrupted place... B. Okudzhava, Date with Bonaparte.

Question No. 261240
Is a comma necessary in this sentence: Victory with tears in our eyes

Russian help desk response

There is no comma.

Question No. 252137
Dear "Gramota", hello! How fancy it is: “in front of people” or “in front of people.”
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

In the meaning of “in sight of someone, in the presence of someone,” the following options are possible: in front of someone And in front of someone. Option with preposition at more common.

Question No. 247563
Good afternoon, help desk!

Please tell me whether a comma is needed before “as” in the following sentence, as well as a comma before the conjunction “and”?

Russian help desk response

Question No. 238547
Good afternoon Please tell me which is correct: “tears came to my eyes” or “tears came to my eyes”?
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: tears welled up in my eyes.

Question No. 229506
Please tell me if a comma is needed in the sentence: There is a wheel (,) before our eyes and a nurse on the nose.

Russian help desk response

The specified comma is not required.
Question No. 218490
The group behaved unexpectedly calmly. However, there were often complaints from the local police about drinking alcohol in front of decent people. Are the commas placed correctly in the 2nd sentence?

Russian help desk response

The punctuation is correct.
Question No. 208081
Hello, I'm having problems with the dash. 1) But Dostoevsky unsuccessfully sought Anyuta’s hand - the girl admired him exclusively as an outstanding personality. 2) At the end of the work, the dying heroine lamented her lost youth - Anyuta read in a voice trembling with emotion - the father silently left the living room with tears in his eyes. Thank you in advance. If there is information on the site about the rules for setting dashes, please send a link.

Russian help desk response

Preferably: _But Dostoevsky unsuccessfully sought Anyuta’s hand: the girl admired him exclusively as an outstanding personality. At the end of the work, the dying heroine lamented her wasted youth: Anyuta read in a voice trembling with excitement - her father silently left the living room with tears in his eyes._ See http://spravka.gramota.ru/pravila.html?tire.htm [ "Rules: new and old"].
Question No. 204024
Perform eye surgery, undergo eye surgery, operate on eyes. Is everything correct? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Correct: _do eye surgery, undergo eye surgery, operate on eyes_.

It's no secret that in order for a person to do something, there must be motivation. That is, a very specific benefit. People, tell me the significant benefits for a man to “get stamped” and not just cohabitate. That is, if a man is supposed to PROPOSE,

“A man asserts himself at a woman’s expense?”

Around this common phrase... It seems to me that all these squabbles - who is asserting themselves at whose expense - have no independent meaning. Women and men are perfect in different ways and imperfect in different ways... This difference leads to the fact that imperfections are striking to us

The topic is as old as time. Why are we going left?

Here they often discuss why women and men take lovers. Basically, motivation - for women - does not come from a good relationship with a partner. And for men - irrepressible sexual energy (that's in short). But what about women who go outside?

How about the situation for you?

I usually try not to get involved in such situations. But then the matter affected me - and I cannot remain silent. There is this type of wives - with their husbands. Those who have never worked hard anywhere, don’t understand anything, and so on. Who have been FOR their husband all their adult lives.

And you could break up on your own initiative

Could you, on your own initiative, break up with the person you love? Is it possible? Is this love?

My eyes are wet, or Why do I cry from everything?

March 26, 2016 - No comments

Inability to control your tears for any reason. This phenomenon occurs in our lives, and often. These are such sensitive people - they love everyone, they feel sorry for everyone. And they cry and cry...

No, this is not hysteria. It just brings tears to my eyes. Do you remember in the famous film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” the hero’s tears and “I feel sorry for the bird”? No matter what they talk about, the eyes are wet, the voice is trembling. Communication with people becomes difficult - it seems like an adult, but just like that, there are rivers of tears. Tearfulness becomes an obstacle to communication - it is impossible to tell anything without tears.

What is this - a disease or a normal condition?

Going to psychologists, taking various sedatives, all kinds of affirmations - nothing helps. And if there is an improvement, it is insignificant and temporary. The tears come back and are hard to hold back.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to understand the reasons for this phenomenon. Every person has certain innate properties. Groups of mental properties and corresponding desires are called vectors.

It is people with a visual vector who are inherent in compassion, pity, crying, loving, and fear. They perceive life vividly through the expression of emotions. The emotional amplitude of a visual person is from “everything is lost” to “I love everyone,” from delight to sadness, from love to fear.

Visual love is a guarantee of kindness in the world. However, any phenomenon has its “pros” and “cons”.

Positive point - “tears of love”

The audience feels someone else's pain as if it were their own. They will never pass by elderly people who need help. A lonely wandering kitten or puppy will not escape their gaze either. They are the ones who feed the animals on the street and give alms to the poor.

“The world is not without good people” - this is what they say about people with a visual vector. They are very impressionable - tears come from watching a movie, reading a book where the main character evokes pity and compassion.

At the root of all emotions is fear.

The cause of all emotional states in the visual vector is the fear of death. This causes mental suffering and pushes a person to develop. Thus, a transition occurs from one state to another - the fear of death is transformed into love. In a state of love, the viewer directs all his emotions outward, towards other people.

For example, spectators become doctors, psychologists, and volunteers. Thus, through compassion for other people, they alleviate their pain. Empathy for others can be accompanied by sincere tears from an excess of feelings. The appearance of tears equalizes the emotional state of both the viewer and the person being sympathized with.

Negative point - tears of “feeling sorry for yourself”

In the case when the visual vector is not realized, is under stress or does not have the skill of compassion, all emotions are directed inward. Concentration is only on your loved one. In this case, instead of positive emotions from communicating with the world, the viewer is filled with negative experiences and fears.

Such people do not notice the suffering of others and are indifferent to the pain of others. Tears in my eyes appear from self-pity. Or as an attempt to attract the attention of others. For an unrealized viewer, tears can easily turn into hysterics.

You can understand the state of the visual vector in the training on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Understanding your innate characteristics and desires helps you better understand yourself and others. It also helps to realize your spiritual potential for the joy of yourself and other people. Register for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using materials

People cry from the very first day of life - this is our body's natural reaction to stress. The reason for tears is a feeling of deep grief, resentment, disappointment. Pity and compassion, a sense of pride and sincere joy can also cause tears. Psychologists agree that crying is healthy. However, there are life situations when crying means losing, showing your weakness, vulnerability. What to do when you need to restrain yourself at any cost, you will learn from this article.

In what situations is it necessary to restrain yourself?

Women are often called crybabies. Yes, our mobile psyche reacts to any emotional shock. We cry from overwhelming feelings. Tears are necessary. They help cope with stress and extinguish negative emotions. Tears of sympathy are especially useful for us, as they heal not only our body, but also our soul.

But there are situations when you can’t cry.

Here are some of them:

  1. On the exam. It seems to you that the teacher is being too picky and has decided to give you a bad grade at any cost. But you were tired and studied all night. Tears of resentment well up in my eyes. These tears cannot be held back;

In such a situation, you absolutely cannot cry. Why? A small child with tears evokes pity and attracts attention. Having cried, he gives a signal: I am weak, have pity on me. During an exam, crying will most likely cause a backlash. She’s crying, which means she doesn’t know anything, didn’t teach her, and is trying to make her feel sorry for her.

To be on equal terms with the teacher, you need to show that you are an adult and know how to restrain yourself.

  1. At an interview. During the interview, you are asked a lot of questions that you think are incorrect, forcing you to show emotions and get nervous. The fact is that the employer has his own idea of ​​what kind of employee he needs. In order to check whether the applicant is resistant to stress and unforeseen situations, a so-called stress interview is conducted. Shedding tears is the worst way out in this situation. This means showing your weakness and unsuitability for the job you are applying for. If you need this job, you must be sure to hold back your tears when talking to the employer;
  2. On the street with a large crowd of people. It happens that an unexpected trouble takes you by surprise. A misfortune happened, a loved one left. The natural way out in this case is sobbing and bitter tears. No need to cry in the street. This will cause unnecessary attention from strangers. Passers-by are unlikely to be able to help you. But swindlers who take advantage of a person’s vulnerable state will not pass by.

There is no doubt that there are a lot of situations in which you need to restrain yourself. You have encountered them many times. How can you hold back the tears that come at the wrong time and control your emotions?

  1. Switching attention;

If tears are already welling up in your eyes and you definitely need to hold them back, you can mentally ask yourself one of the following questions: “Did I turn off the iron?”, “Are my neighbors flooding me?”. Psychologists call these questions "adrenaline". A sharp release of adrenaline into the blood will change your emotions, and you will not cry.

  1. Turning on the imagination;

Imagine your offender in a funny and absurd way.

Or try "substitution method"- you are the boss, and the boss is you. How many kind words would you say to him? The main thing here is not to overdo it. Loud laughter in such a situation is also inappropriate.

Physical ways not to cry

  1. Change your body position. If you are sitting, stand up, you can take a few steps, move a chair, rearrange papers. Act according to the situation;
  2. Inhale slowly and deeply, straighten your shoulders, raise your head up;
  3. Interlock and unclasp your fingers. You can pinch your palm;
  4. Ask for water, take a few deep, slow sips;
  5. Shift your gaze, look into the distance or at a picture hanging on the wall.

If you are about to cry for a physical reason: your eyes are watering from fatigue, dust or debris has gotten in, you are allergic to strong odors, then these measures will not help you. In this situation, the best way out is to apologize and try to eliminate the cause of the tears. Take your medications, wash your eyes, get some fresh air.

To prevent a negative mood after an unpleasant conversation from haunting you all day, take emergency measures:

  1. Wash your face immediately with cold water;
  2. read “to yourself”, if possible, then out loud, a funny children’s poem;
  3. go to the mirror, forcefully smile at yourself, then again. This can be done until the smile becomes natural;
  4. drink hot sweet tea.

If you cry very often at the slightest reason and find it very difficult to hold back your tears, consult a doctor. You may have health problems. This could be stress, chronic fatigue, thyroid disease.