Where can you adopt a newborn girl? What do parents need to adopt a child from an orphanage?

Reading time: 8 minutes

The number of couples who, for a variety of reasons, do not have children, increases every year. And I really want the house to be filled with children's laughter. The problem of a childless marriage can be resolved through the adoption procedure. How to adopt a child from an orphanage, so that he, even if genetically foreign, eventually becomes family and friends, bringing the joy of raising his own child into the life of the spouses.

Who can become an adoptive parent

Before placing a child in the hands of new parents, the state, in the role of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, must make sure that the foster family does not consist of people who have been convicted, have been deprived of paternal rights, are disabled, and will be able to provide the child with decent living and upbringing conditions . The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a list of persons who can act as an adoptive parent:

  1. According to the Civil Code, any mentally healthy citizens can become adoptive parents, provided they reach 21 years of age. The exception is for those who are already related to this child - then the requirements for the age of the adoptive parent may be lowered.
  2. Both a married couple who are officially married and people living together without registration can become a mother and father.
  3. Adoptive parents must be at least fifteen years older than the child.
  4. If only a husband or wife wants to adopt a child, the other parent must write a written consent certified by a notary.
  5. A single woman or a single man is allowed to adopt a baby. In this case, the single mother or father is subsequently assigned this status with corresponding benefits.

Can a single woman or man adopt a child?

In Russia, the adoption of a child by a single woman or man is not legally prohibited. But in practice, it is much more difficult for a single mother or a single man to become an official parent, even if they have a good job and a comfortable home - specialists from the guardianship authorities will look at such adoptive parents more carefully. The procedure for single people to assume parental rights is not fundamentally different from the standard procedure. Therefore, whether you are married or not does not really matter.

For whom is this not possible?

Not everyone is allowed to adopt a child, and the categories of these persons are strictly prescribed by law. If you cannot provide for a child, you have no home, you are in poor health, you have a criminal record, in all these cases the baby will suffer. According to the law, you cannot adopt children:

  1. Disabled people, both fully and partially recognized as incapable of work, as well as couples where one spouse is disabled.
  2. People undergoing treatment or registered with a narcologist or psychiatrist.
  3. People deprived of maternal or paternal rights.
  4. For those who have already officially adopted a child, but lost the right to do so due to their own fault.
  5. For those who do not have a residence permit or live in an apartment or house that does not meet sanitary requirements.
  6. Having low earnings, which makes it impossible to provide the child with at least a living wage.
  7. Same-sex married couple.
  8. If at least one future parent has a criminal record.

What does it take to adopt a child from an orphanage?

If you decide to adopt a child, remember that the adoption procedure is lengthy. After you have found the child, you will need to collect a package of all the necessary documents and submit them to the court to make a decision on adoption. Sometimes you may need the help of a lawyer.

You need to study Russian laws related to the adoption procedure. A candidate applying for the role of an adoptive parent, in addition to his rights and obligations, must study the powers of the guardianship authorities. The rules for adopting a baby, the addresses of orphanages, baby homes or maternity hospitals can be found in the department for adoption and protection of children's rights, as well as from representatives of district guardianship authorities (ROO). You can find information about orphans and refuseniks there, from representatives of the ROO.

Some trustee bodies and charitable institutions can post brief information about children, photos and videos of children online. Please note that such organizations can only give you information about children, but they do not have the right to act as intermediaries for their adoption. To avoid additional problems, contact government guardianship services exclusively. Carefully monitor how legal the adoption procedure is.

What documents are required

A special commission appointed by the guardianship authorities must review your documents and issue its conclusion no later than a month later. This conclusion will be needed when submitting to the judicial authorities to obtain permission to adopt. To obtain the right to adopt a child, you must submit an application to the regional guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of registration, accompanied by:

  1. A short autobiography.
  2. Medical certificate issued at the place of residence. The certificate must confirm that the spouses do not have diseases contraindicated for adoption. To do this, you will have to visit the AIDS center, tuberculosis, drug addiction, oncology, dermatovenerological and psychoneurological dispensaries. Certificates must be prepared on special forms issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.
  3. A copy of your marriage registration certificate, if available.
  4. Notarized consent that your wife or husband is not against adoption (if only one spouse is going to become the adoptive parent).
  5. A certificate from the place of work, or a certificate issued in form 2-NDFL. From it, the ROO will learn about your position and the amount of monthly payments. If candidates are entrepreneurs, then they must submit an income statement.
  6. At the place of registration of candidates, do not forget to take an extract from the personal account or house register. The statement must list the people living at this address. If the future parents are homeowners, then present a certificate for the apartment or house.
  7. A certificate obtained from the police about no criminal record.
  8. A positive reference issued at the place of work for both spouses.

Payments to families

Adoption is the legally preferred form of child placement today. Unlike children in care, an officially adopted child receives social and legal rights, including the right to inheritance, just like his own child. In addition to federal ones, adoptive families are entitled to regional payments and child benefits, which you need to find out about in your city. Adoptive parents are entitled to the following types of federal payments:

  1. One-time benefit. It is paid once upon transfer of the adopted child to the parents. The initial indexed benefit amount is 8 thousand rubles.
  2. Maternity benefits (but if at the time of adoption your child was older than three months, you will not receive benefits).
  3. A monthly benefit paid based on the average earnings of the adoptive parent over the last 2 years. Paid until the child reaches one and a half years old.
  4. Maternity capital for one parent, in the presence of two or more children, both natural and adopted.
  5. A payment of 100 thousand rubles is also given for each child in the following cases:
  6. Disability of the adopted child.
  7. If at the time of adoption the child is over seven years old.
  8. When adopting children who are related by blood (who are brothers or sisters).

How to adopt a newborn from a maternity hospital

Adopting a baby directly from the hospital can be difficult. Many couples, for many reasons, want newborn children; in order to adopt a refuser, they have to stand on a waiting list, for which, in addition to contacting the ROO, it is necessary to submit an application about the desire to adopt an infant child.

It is best if you start looking for a refusenik yourself. Representatives of local guardianship and trusteeship authorities tell you that there are currently no conscientious objectors in the district maternity hospital? You have every right to apply to the guardianship of other districts with the conclusion issued to you. And if the search for the baby is successful, the maternity hospital offers you an abandoned baby, then the guardianship is obliged to give you all the necessary information about the baby. Then you go to meet a child who desperately needs a home and family.

Having decided to adopt a baby, you sign an application for adoption and, together with the guardianship authorities, submit an application to the judicial authorities to make a final decision. As soon as the court gives its permission, you can officially be considered the parents of the baby, and receive an official birth certificate and a note in the passport from the registry office.

Please note that it will not be possible to take a child who is only a few days old. Those who refuse are transferred to the children's hospital from the maternity hospital, where they undergo medical examination. The state is obliged to provide guardians and adoptive parents with maximum information about the health of the baby being transferred to the family - future parents must be notified if the child has Down syndrome or any other serious illness.

On average, medical examination takes one month, and if there are specific candidates for parents, it takes a little faster. Please note - a child who was kept in an orphanage is rarely healthy, but this can be corrected with proper care and love. It is more difficult to take a child under one year old than an older one. There is a queue for such kids, but there is always a chance.

Many couples decide to adopt a newborn child.

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However, before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clarify the requirements for adoptive parents, the list of required documents and the procedure.

Basic moments

There are several things to consider when adopting a newborn baby:

  • waiting list to adopt a baby;
  • the decision of the baby’s biological parents to abandon him;
  • the need for double formation of a package of documents.


Terms and requirements

Adoptive parents are required to comply with the following:

  • Health status. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities provide future parents with a form, using which they must undergo a medical examination in the hospital.
  • Appropriate level of earnings. The income for each family member must exceed the subsistence level established in the region of residence.
  • Favorable living conditions. It is necessary to present documents confirming the availability of living space in the property.

The guardianship authorities will come to the specified address to verify the authenticity of the papers and the availability of favorable living conditions for the child.

Adoption of a newborn child

The procedure for adopting a newborn employee does not differ from ordinary adoption.

The only difficulty is the need to collect documents twice:

  • to obtain a preliminary decision;
  • when sending a case to court.

From the maternity hospital

Taking a newborn baby is almost impossible. He will stay there for several days, after which he will be sent to the children's hospital for a full examination.

In 5-10 days he will be handed over, and then he can be adopted.

From the baby's home

As soon as the child enters the orphanage, the biological mother has the right to take him. In practice, this happens often - women change their minds.

Even if the adoptive parents have already begun collecting documents and the adoption procedure, preference will be given to the biological mother.

Children's database

All information about babies abandoned by biological parents is in the database (Federal Law No. 44 of 2001). The bank may include information about potential adoptive parents.

The formation of a database has several goals:

  • Accounting for children left without parents.
  • Assistance in the adoption of orphans by citizens of the Russian Federation (persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation).
  • Providing reliable information about children to future adoptive parents.

To date, the database includes more than 90,000 orphans about whom information can be obtained.

Is there a queue?

There is always a long line to adopt a newborn baby, so it is recommended to “seize your spot” in advance.

After you register as potential adoptive parents, you can begin collecting the second package of documents and taking courses to prepare adoptive parents.

Design rules

It is important that if it is submitted by a spouse, then the spouse must draw up consent to the adoption (and, conversely, if the application is drawn up by the husband, consent is required from the wife). It is drawn up in writing and certified by a notary office.

Each adoptive parent must submit a certificate confirming no criminal record. It is issued at the police station located at the place of registration.

List of documents

The first stage of adopting a newborn child is drawing up an application and sending it to the guardianship authorities for consideration.

The legislator establishes a single application form No. 11 (introduced by RF PP No. 1274 of 1998).

The second stage is registration of applicants in the queue. Prospective parents will be notified when they will be able to submit another application requesting the adoption of a specific child. It is important that if they want to make changes to the baby’s personal data, they must indicate a different first name, patronymic, and last name.

The third stage of the procedure is the collection of documents sent for consideration to the court:

  • Photocopy of both applicants' passports.
  • Photocopy of the Marriage Certificate. If the adoptive parent lives alone, he/she must present a Birth Certificate.
  • A certificate from a medical institution confirming the absence of diseases provided for by the RF Regulation No. 542 of 1996.
  • Certificate of ownership of residential space. Attached to it is a certificate issued by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities, confirming the condition of the house (apartment) in a condition suitable for the child to live in.
  • An extract from the house register reflecting information about the composition of the family.
  • Salary certificate issued at the place of work. If the adoptive parent is an individual entrepreneur, then they are presented with an income declaration.

Through the registry office or through the court?

The decision to adopt a newborn child is made in court. The application, along with the collected list of documents, is submitted to the court for consideration. When a positive decision is made, it immediately enters into legal force.

Within 3 days after the case is considered in court, the registry office authorities are notified in the proper manner about the decision made. Such an action confirms the fact of adoption.

Public services

The procedure for adopting a newborn child is associated with many difficulties, including the need to visit many government agencies, standing in long lines, etc.

With its help, future parents can:

  1. Obtain information of interest about orphans included in the data bank.
  2. Select a child who can be adopted in the future (establish guardianship over him).
  3. Get to know the kids in advance by studying a questionnaire compiled for each of them separately.
  4. Submit an application in the prescribed form and send a package of documents for consideration.
  5. Receive a preliminary decision made by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities after studying the information submitted by the adoptive parents.

The use of all listed services is free – you will not need to pay a fee to use the resource’s functions. The exchange of important information and receipt of decisions from government authorities occurs via e-mail.


There are several things to consider when adopting a child. For example, future parents will need to take foster parent training courses.

Upon completion, a corresponding certificate will be issued, a copy of which must be provided to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Single woman

Has the right to adopt a newborn child. The Family Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for virtually any differences in the procedure.

The only exception is the package of documents - not a photocopy of the Marriage Certificate is provided, but a Birth Certificate.

Despite the fact that the law provides for the possibility of adoption of a child by a single woman, the likelihood of refusal increases - guardianship and trusteeship authorities tend to place children in two-parent families.

By agreement with the mother in labor

Some families meet the mother in advance and agree that after the birth of the child they will take him into their care. A special feature of such adoption is that the mother in labor receives payment.

Friends, alas, in our time, before finding long-awaited happiness, you need to go through many levels and obstacles. Adoption involves a huge number of formal procedures. To help you in this difficult but very rewarding task, we are again publishing the material provided to us by the “Change One Life” foundation.

And today we will touch on several topics that are most important for parents who have decided to adopt a child:

Who can become a guardian and what is SPR
- Collecting documents
- We communicate with guardianship and trusteeship authorities
- We are looking for a child and obtaining guardianship
- Getting ready for a new life
- We arrange a foster family

Introduction: guardianship or foster care

With the varieties of forms of family structure in Russian legislation, everything is much simpler than it seems. But it seems to us that everything is complicated, mainly because the media confuses us. All children indiscriminately who have found parents are called “adopted” by incompetent journalists, and all families who take in such children are called “adopted.” Whereas in reality, adoptive parents do not adopt children, but take them under guardianship. But reporters have no time to understand such subtleties - so they form one stereotype after another.

By and large, there are only two types of family arrangements in Russia – adoption and guardianship. Legal relations between adults and a child during adoption are regulated mainly by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and in case of guardianship (as well as guardianship and foster care) - by the Civil Code. Guardianship from guardianship

differs in the age of the child (over 14 years old), and foster family is a paid form of guardianship when the guardian receives compensation for his work. In other words: the basis for creating a foster family is always the registration of guardianship or trusteeship of a child. Therefore, for ease of perception, further phrases “foster family” and “foster parent”, as well as “guardianship” and “trustee” will be used only where it is impossible to do without them. In all other cases – “guardianship” and “guardian”.

Despite the fact that adoption is considered the priority form of family arrangement in the Russian Federation, today more and more citizens who want to accept a child with a difficult fate into their family are choosing guardianship and its derivatives. Why? Based on the interests of the child. After all in case of registration of guardianship, the child retains his orphan status, and, consequently, all benefits, payments and other benefits due from the state.

When choosing between adoption and guardianship, many parents prioritize the financial side of the issue. In many regions, adoptive parents receive substantial one-time payments. For example, residents of the Kaliningrad region can receive 615 thousand rubles to purchase residential premises on the right of ownership of an adopted child. And in the Pskov region they give out 500 thousand rubles without any restrictions on their use. And not only for Pskovites, but for adoptive parents from any region.

In addition, since 2013, when adopting sisters and brothers, or disabled children or teenagers over 10 years old, the state pays parents a lump sum of 100 thousand rubles. And if the adopted child is the second in the family, then the parents can also claim maternity capital. All these payments are a good help for improving the family’s living conditions. But, as mentioned earlier, in the event of adoption, an orphan becomes an ordinary Russian child, losing all “orphan capital”, including their own housing.

On the other hand, for a child, especially an older child, it is extremely important to realize that he is not a “guardian,” but an adopted child—that is, one who has become family not only in the hearts of loved ones, but also documented. However, quite often it is simply impossible to choose adoption if there are restrictions on the forms of family arrangement. So, if the child’s biological parents are not deprived of parental rights, but only limited in them, then only two forms of placement will be possible for the child: guardianship (trusteeship) or a foster family.

When choosing between paid and gratuitous forms of guardianship, many wealthy families choose the second option - they say, why should we receive compensation for raising a child, we will raise him for free. Meanwhile, this small (3-5 thousand rubles per month, depending on the region) money can be used to create the child’s own savings - after all, no one bothers you to open a replenishable deposit in the name of your ward, and create a decent amount for his coming of age: for a wedding , study, first car, etc.

Guardianship or foster family? The choice always remains with those adults who make the responsible decision to accept a child with a difficult fate into their family. The main thing is that this choice is made in the name of the child and in defense of his interests.

Who can become a guardian and what is SPR

The question in the title of this section could be answered briefly: “any adult capable citizen of the Russian Federation.” If not for some "excepts".

So, before collecting documents for guardianship, make sure that you do not:

1) were deprived of parental rights.

2) had limited parental rights.

3) were suspended from performing the duties of a guardian (trustee).

4) were an adoptive parent, and the adoption was canceled due to your fault.

5) have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for serious or especially serious crimes.

6)* have or have had a criminal record, or are or have been subject to criminal prosecution for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the individual (with the exception of illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insult), sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual, as well as for crimes against family and minors, public health and public morality and public safety (* - this point can be ignored if the criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitative grounds).

7) are married to a person of the same sex, registered in any state where such marriage is permitted, or are not married to a person of the opposite sex, being a citizen of the specified state.

8) suffer from chronic alcoholism or drug addiction

9) are unable to exercise parental rights due to health reasons**.

10) live together with persons suffering from diseases that pose a danger to others***.

** - lists of these diseases can be found in Appendix 2
*** - lists of these diseases can be found in Appendix 2

Another important point without the particle “not”: a citizen applying for the high title of guardian must undergo psychological, pedagogical and legal training - have a certificate from the School of Foster Parents (FPS).

What does training at SPR give you in addition to the coveted certificate? Schools of host parents set themselves many tasks, the first of which is to help candidates for guardians in determining their readiness to accept a child, in understanding the real problems and difficulties that they will encounter in the process of raising him. In addition, the SPR identifies and develops in citizens educational and parenting skills necessary, including for protecting the rights and health of the child, creating a safe environment for him, successful socialization, education and development of the child.

However, you will not be required to undergo training at the SPR if you (in accordance with Article 146 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation):

You are or were an adoptive parent, and the adoption in respect of you has not been cancelled.

You are or have been a guardian (trustee) and have not been removed from the duties assigned to you

A close relative of the child****.

**** - read about the benefits of close relatives in Appendix 3

Training at the School of Adoptive Parents – free. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities of your region should take care of this, and they will also issue a referral to the SPR. During the process of completing the program, which, by the way, must be approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, you may be asked to undergo a psychological examination - please note - with your consent. The results of this examination are advisory in nature and are taken into account when appointing a guardian along with:

Moral and other personal qualities of the guardian;

The ability of the guardian to perform his duties;

The relationship between the guardian and the child;

The attitude of the guardian's family members towards the child;

The attitude of the child himself to the prospect of being raised in the family offered to him (if this is possible due to his age and intelligence).

The child’s desire to see a certain person as his guardian.

Degree of relationship (aunt/nephews, grandmother/grandson, brother/sister, etc.), property (daughter-in-law/mother-in-law), former property (former stepmother/former stepson), etc.

Collecting documents

Are you sure that none of the exceptions or circumstances outlined in the previous chapter prevent you from becoming a guardian? Then all that remains is to prove this to the guardianship and trusteeship authorities by providing them with information about yourself.

If you want to register guardianship quickly (and most host parents want this), then it is better not to wait until guardianship and trusteeship specialists request information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, medical and other organizations. Start taking action yourself: you can collect documents in parallel with your studies at the SPR. The necessary forms can be obtained from guardianship and trusteeship specialists, or you can print them yourself*.

* - find sample documents in Appendix 4

There are not so many documents separating you from the conclusion of the guardianship and trusteeship authority on the possibility of being a guardian. Another question is that some of the “papers” are given in dozens of hours of queues in different institutions. Therefore, to save time and nerves, it is extremely important to understand which documents need to be dealt with first.

So, when collecting documents, it is advisable to adhere to the following order:

1. Medical report. This point requires the most explanation. First, a medical examination of potential guardians is carried out for free. If any of the health care institutions in your city do not agree with this, you can safely refer to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 332 of September 10, 1996. Secondly, the same order introduced form No. 164/u-96, on which you have to collect two dozen seals and stamps. In total, it contains the opinions of eight medical specialists - narcologist, psychiatrist, dermatovenerologist, oncologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist, therapist - plus the signature of the head physician of the clinic at the place of your registration. As a rule, all doctors are cooperative and give their “not detected” as quickly as possible. At the same time, as in any bureaucracy, incidents are possible. So, in some cities, you will not be allowed to see a narcologist or psychiatrist until you have undergone fluorography. And without the stamps of these specialists, an infectious disease specialist will refuse to talk to you, whose test results have to wait up to two weeks. It is advisable to ask about all this from those who have already undergone such a medical examination in your region. And plan a “chain” that is optimal in time and logic.

2. Help from the Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs(no criminal record, etc.). The police have the right to prepare this document within a month, but, as a rule, they also work more quickly when the request is made by the future guardian - especially if you have been registered in one subject of the Russian Federation all your life.

3. Certificate of income for 12 months. A lot here depends on the accountant at your place of work, and financiers, as you know, are capricious and focused people. They may also delay the issuance of the 2-NDFL extract if the quarterly report does not allow one to be distracted by such trifles. Therefore, it is better to request the document in advance. If you have no income (only one spouse works), then the personal income tax of your husband/wife will do. Or any other document confirming income (for example, a bank statement of account movements).

4.Document from public utilities - HOA/DEZ/UK - at the place of registration. A copy of a financial personal account or other document confirming the right to use residential premises or ownership of it.

5. Written consent of all adult family members to accept a child into the family(taking into account the opinions of children living with you who have reached the age of 10). It is written in free form.

6. Autobiography. A regular resume will do: born, studied, career, awards and titles.

7. Copy of marriage certificate(if you are married).

8. Copy of pension certificate(SNILS).

9. Certificate of completion of training and (SPR).

10. Application for appointment as guardian.

In some regions of Russia, the entire package of documents can be sent via the Internet using the “Unified Government Services Portal”. But it’s better, of course, to take the documents in person, taking your passport with you. And get to know those specialists from the guardianship and trusteeship authority who will subsequently congratulate you on the addition to your family.

Please note: absolutely all documents, their copies and other information necessary to establish guardianship are provided for free. The “expiration date” of the most important documents (points 2-4) is one year. The medical report is valid for six months.

We communicate with guardianship and trusteeship authorities

So, your package of documents is with the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

va. But even if all the documents are perfect, in order to register you, the last document is missing, which the specialists will prepare themselves after visiting your home. This visit must occur within 7 days after the submission of the main package of documents. We are talking about the act of examining the living conditions of a citizen who has expressed a desire to become a guardian.

In this act, the guardianship and trusteeship authority evaluates “the living conditions, personal qualities and motives of the applicant, his ability to raise a child, the relationships between family members.” In practice, it looks like this: specialists come to visit you, and, while inspecting the property, ask additional questions and fill out their form, where they make the necessary notes. There is no point in currying favor with specialists or, conversely, putting on a pose, irritated by the interference of strangers in your private life. Just tell it like it is. If there are obvious shortcomings (for example, lack of space for activities, toys), share plans on how you are going to fix it. The truth is always the best choice.

It happens that specialists from guardianship authorities are not satisfied with the square footage of living space per child. Sometimes the “crowding” is imaginary: when the number of people registered in an apartment exceeds the number of citizens actually living. This is easy to prove by providing additional documents confirming the residence of the “absent” at other addresses. If there really aren’t enough meters (the minimum living space standards in each region and municipality are different and tend to increase), but the conditions for the child are comfortable, then the guardianship and trusteeship authority is obliged to proceed from the interests of the child. It would be useful to recall the December presidential decree “On some measures to implement state policy in the field of protection of orphans and children left without parental care.” It talks about reducing the requirements for the standard living area when placing children in a family. If this does not help, the approved inspection report can be challenged in court.

The inspection report is drawn up within 3 days, after which it is approved by management and sent to you within another 3 days. And only after this, the guardianship and trusteeship authority combines the entire package of documents and issues a conclusion on the citizen’s ability to be a guardian. This may take up to 15 more days. If the decision is positive, this conclusion will become the basis for registration - an entry will be made in the journal within another 3 days.

The conclusion on the possibility of being a guardian is a document valid for two whole years throughout Russia. With it, you can contact any guardianship and trusteeship authority or any regional operator of the Federal Database with a request to select a child. Based on the same conclusion, the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the child’s place of residence will draw up an act appointing you as a guardian.

We are looking for a child and obtaining guardianship

We have repeatedly talked about how to find “your” baby (or not a baby at all). If you intend to adopt a child in your region, you can search officially, through the regional operator of the Federal Database (FBD). But if you are ready to travel for your child even across the whole country and look for him everywhere at the same time, this option will not work, because you will not be able to submit an application to the second operator until the first one fulfills your request. In addition, the search using regional operators is designed in such a way that you need to select a number of parameters - the child’s age, eye and hair color, presence of brothers and sisters, etc.

In practice, many happy and successful adoptive parents ended up taking children into their families that were not the ones they had planned to find. Everything was decided by the visual image of the child - once he saw video or a photo, the parents could no longer think about anyone else, and completely forgot about the preferences that they had imagined for themselves. Thus, children with “unpopular” eye and hair colors, with bouquets of diseases, along with their brothers and sisters, went into families. After all, the heart does not understand the parameters of FBD.

You can not only see, but also hear the voice of your unborn child in the database of video questionnaires “Change one life” - the largest in Russia. In a short video you will see how a child plays, moves, what he can do and hear how he lives and what he dreams about.

After the child is found, you are obliged to get to know him and establish contact, and also have the right to familiarize yourself with documents from the child’s personal file and study a medical report on his state of health. To do this, you need to send an application to the appropriate regional operator and fill out a form. Within 10 days you will be given information about the child. And if you are ready to move on - a referral for acquaintance.

Let's assume everything ended well: you visited the child several times, perhaps even asked him to go for a short walk, and established the very “contact” that was mentioned in the referral. Then the most important thing remains: to draw up an act on the appointment of a guardian.

This act is attention! – formalized by the guardianship and trusteeship authority at the child’s place of residence. If the boarding school or orphanage where the child is being raised is far away, try to negotiate with specialists so that they try to accept the application and draw up the document in one day - otherwise you will have to travel to a remote locality twice. The fact is that after accepting your application, the guardianship and trusteeship authority will need to do several more time-consuming things: request information from the institution where the child is being raised, and also hold a guardianship council. As a rule, this takes another 2-3 days.

If everything goes well, you will be invited to the organ

guardianship and trusteeship to obtain the act and certificate of the guardian, and the institution will prepare the child and his documents.

Getting ready for a new life

So, we can congratulate you: you have been issued a guardian certificate, and your child is leaving the boarding school and going to a family!

Together with your child, you will be given a couple of kilograms of documents from his personal file* upon signature. Don’t rush to put them in folders: at home you will only have part of the documents left: the student’s file (if there is one) will go to the school, and the rest will go to the archives of the guardianship and trusteeship authority at your current place of residence(registration), where you still have to register.

* - a list of the child’s documents can be found in Appendix 5

There you will write an application for payment of a one-time benefit (today it ranges from 12.4 to 17.5 thousand rubles - depending on the region) and, if you wish, an application for creating a foster family. After you register, you still have to perform a number of actions - such as opening a current account in the name of the child (receiving a Savings Book), temporarily registering the child at your place of registration, submitting an application for a tax deduction, etc. Specialists from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities will tell you about all this. They will also have to give you an order - permission to spend the funds transferred monthly for the maintenance of the child.

If the child is of school age, he will also need to register for school (it is better to take care of this in advance) and be included in the preferential lists for summer holidays. If you plan to travel abroad, take care of obtaining a passport for a minor. If your child has savings, transfer them to a profitable replenishable deposit in a reliable bank.

There will be a lot of troubles, but most of them will be pleasant. After all, these are the first manifestations of caring for the child and protecting his interests by you, already as his legal representative.

We arrange a foster family

If you still decide to register a foster family, then to do this you need to return to the specialists of the guardianship and trusteeship authority and draw up the appropriate agreement. The agreement is concluded within 10 days from the date of your appointment as a guardian and must provide for:

1. information about the child or children being placed in a foster family (name, age, health status, physical and mental development);

2. the duration of the contract (i.e. the period for which the child is placed in a foster family);

3. conditions of maintenance, upbringing and education of the child or children;

4. rights and responsibilities of adoptive parents;

5. rights and obligations in relation to adoptive parents of the guardianship and trusteeship authority;

6. grounds and consequences of termination of such an agreement.

As soon as the agreement is signed, gratuitous guardianship turns into paid guardianship. And now, not the certificate of the guardian, but the order to create a foster family will become the main document indicating that you are the legal representative of the child.

At the office of the guardianship and trusteeship authority, you will have to write another application - for the payment of a monthly remuneration. As a rule, it is equal to the minimum wage in the region. If specified in the agreement, you may also be paid remuneration from income from the child’s property, but not more than 5% of the income for the reporting period during which the adoptive parent managed this property.

The agreement can be concluded in relation to one child or in relation to several children. Please note that if the registration at the child’s place of residence changes, the contract is terminated and a new one is concluded.

When preparing the material, we used the data from the manual “Socio-legal basis for placing children without parental care in family forms of education” (Family G.V., Golovan A.I., Zueva N.L., Zaitseva N.G.), prepared with the assistance of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Center for the Development of Social Projects, and taking into accountfederal legislation as ofas of October 1, 2013.

In resolving psychological issues regarding the adoption and upbringing of a child, a systematic approach is the best. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person’s mental properties are given from birth and are not hereditary. That is, psychologically the child may be completely different from his parents. From this point of view, natural parents do not have any special advantages in relation to adoptive parents, in the sense that the psyche is not inherited.

Part one. How to take a child from an orphanage

Legislatively, the procedure for adopting children in Russia consists of five main steps:

    Come to the territorial Department of Guardianship and Trusteeship at your place of residence and write an application.

    Complete training at a foster parent school, which is conducted by training centers under the guardianship authorities. Training is compulsory and free. Here you will find many nuances on how to adopt a child from an orphanage.

    Collect the necessary documents. Their set depends on the chosen form of placing the child in a family. The list will be given to you by the guardianship department.

    Find your child.

    Register the child in your name.

Training at a foster parent school

Adopting children - where to start? From receiving information. The procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage and other information related to how to adopt a child from an orphanage can be found in special courses for adoptive parents.

The benefits of studying at a foster parent school cannot be overestimated. It does not oblige you to anything, and at the same time it reveals legal, general psychological, medical and other issues of adoptive parenthood. Students of the school get the opportunity to consider foster parenting from the inside in some detail. Understand what criteria and how to choose a child for adoption. Resolve my doubts: what if I take a child into care and fail?

The training is worth taking for anyone who is at least theoretically thinking about the topic of adopting a child. After training, you will either be confirmed in your desire to take a child, or you will understand that you shouldn’t do this yet - and that’s good! It is much worse when people understand this after they have already taken the child and return him to the orphanage. In this case, everyone experiences colossal trauma - both the failed parents and, most of all, the child. Before the introduction of foster care schools, the return rate for children was 50%. Now this figure is much lower. Training will help you figure out how firm and conscious your decision is to take your child from the orphanage.

Adoption of a child from an orphanage and other forms of family arrangement

The choice of the form of family placement for a child depends on your desires, capabilities and status of the child.

    Adoption of orphans: the child acquires all the rights of his own child - surname, heredity, etc. Adoption of a child is possible only if the child is an orphan, that is, has such an official status (when there are no parents or they are deprived of parental rights). Blood relatives after the adoption of a child do not have the right to communicate with him. Taking a child from an orphanage on this basis means being ready to fully accept him into the family - as if he were your own.

    Guardianship and trusteeship: The guardian becomes the legal representative of the child. He can receive a monthly child support allowance, which depends on the region and the child’s health condition. In addition to orphans, children whose parents are not deprived of parental rights, but cannot fulfill their parental responsibilities can also be taken into custody: in cases of serious illness and other reasons. The child is placed under guardianship for his maintenance, upbringing and education, and protection of his rights and interests. More information about how to become a guardian for a child from an orphanage can be found in the foster parent courses.

    Guardianship is established for children under 14 years of age. Guardianship – from 14 to 18 years.

    When registering guardianship, the child retains his last name, first name, patronymic, and the blood parents are not released from the obligation to participate in his maintenance. Guardianship authorities control the conditions of detention, upbringing and education of the child.

    Adoptive family: in fact, this is registration for work as a “foster parent”. Adoptive parents have certain rights and responsibilities, which are controlled by the guardianship authorities. In this case, the child must have orphan status.

    Guest family or mentoring: the child spends part of his time in the family. For example, weekends. Often used as a transitional form when future parents want to get to know their child better. This form helps the child to go beyond the boundaries created by the educational institution system, to experience how a family lives: to gain skills in housekeeping and communication with adults and other children in the family circle. Mentors help children with treatment, provision and choice of clothing, career guidance, and advice on what to do in certain situations.

    Patronage: is established over children without a specific status or if the child’s status does not allow him to be transferred for guardianship or adoption. Often used as a transitional form to guardianship and/or adoption of a child after the child receives the appropriate status. When a child is placed in foster care, he formally remains a child at the orphanage, but at the same time has the opportunity to be raised in a family. His new parents are trained by the foster care service and monitor the process of family placement and foster care.

    Family-type orphanage: usually created in the organizational and legal form of an educational institution. It differs in that it has more children than in foster families and the availability of benefits.

Differences in forms of family arrangement for children

Adoption of children, guardianship and guardianship, foster family - all these forms of family placement of children put forward certain requirements for adoptive parents.

Adoption of orphans or a form of foster family is possible only if the children's parents are deprived of parental rights. Patronage and guest family allow you to take children with any status.

Foster family and foster care imply restrictions on the rights of educators in relation to children. Foster care limits these rights a little more than a foster family, but the contract in the case of foster care is more flexible and educators can take on exactly the responsibility for the child that a particular person can bear.

The set of documents also differs. It is most extensive and complex in the case of adoption of children in Russia. The simplest one is for a guest family.

It is best to choose the form of family arrangement that suits you after studying at a school for foster parents.

Part two. Adoption of children - the psychological side of foster parenting

In resolving psychological issues regarding the adoption and upbringing of a child, a systematic approach is the best. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that a person’s mental properties are given from birth and are not hereditary. That is, psychologically the child may be completely different from his parents. From this point of view, natural parents do not have any special advantages in relation to adoptive parents, in the sense that the psyche is not inherited. System-vector psychology distinguishes eight vectors of the psyche. In humans, they can be combined in any variation - from one to eight vectors at once. The vector set determines the innate desires and properties of the human psyche. That is, certain character traits are given to us from birth.

Systematic approach to the practice of adoptive parenting

When you think about the possibility of adopting a child, questions arise that are not related to the legal side of the matter, but which should be clarified no less carefully. System-vector psychology allows Understand the most frightening stereotypes of adoption:

  1. Bad genes. This stereotype is stronger than it seems. Adults become less tolerant of a child’s behavior when “bad” actions are explained by heredity. And they are less ready to establish an emotional connection with the child, because “heredity cannot be changed.” There is even an expression: “I would like to help an orphan, but I’m afraid to let a cuckoo bird into the house.” That is, many adoptive parents are afraid: what if they take a child in for upbringing - and he goes after his “unlucky” blood parents?

    Bad genes are a baseless myth. Many are afraid that the child will steal or lie. It doesn't depend on genes. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that for proper development, a child must have, which he receives from his mother. Often children in orphanages do not have it. Therefore, their psychological development may stop.

    P.S. How to choose a child for adoption

    When you collect all the necessary documents, the guardianship authority will issue a certificate stating that you can be a foster parent. By this point, you will already roughly understand what age, gender, and health status of the child you can accept into the family. With this certificate you go to any guardianship department in Russia. You can do several at once. You are writing a statement. You are shown a data bank with profiles of children in a given area.

    I do not recommend searching for children through a federal database with free access via the Internet, since its data is not always up-to-date, and the information is often outdated. This way you choose one or more children you want to meet. You receive permission to visit a specific child in an orphanage or orphanage and go to get acquainted.

    The procedure for adopting a child from an orphanage also presupposes certain rules for getting to know each other. You can only talk to one child at a time. It is impossible to see all the children at once. This is done so that not all children once again experience desperate hope. Because every child wants to see their dad or mom in every adult. If you have chosen someone, you can immediately register the child into your family or visit him at the orphanage for a while to get to know him better.

    The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

You will need

  • - Medical certificate about your health status;
  • - Documents on family income;
  • - Documents on housing conditions - financial and personal account, papers confirming ownership (for privatized apartments);
  • - Certificate of no criminal record. It can be taken to the ATC (OVD);
  • - An application filled out according to a special form.


If you agree to take baby, write an application to the court for adoption and attach all the necessary documents.

Wait for the decision - the court will render a verdict according to which you will have the right to take baby to your family or not.


Firmly assess your strengths - you will need to raise a child, raise him, send him to school, take care of him. Remember that the child already has his own experience and memories. Also find out everything you can about the child - who the parents were, what his health is, his mental state, his level of development. Ask how he is different from other children, how long he has been in the orphanage, and what significant things have happened during this time. Be sure to visit the institution’s psychologist and doctors, and also talk with the baby himself.

Helpful advice

Arrange in advance with the director of the institution for which you took the referral about a visit. This will save you from unnecessary problems, and the teachers will be ready to show you all the information about a particular child and answer any questions you may have.

child You can take them home from an orphanage to a so-called foster family. Such a family is a replacement family until adoptive parents are found for the baby, the rights of the biological parents are restored, or he is returned to the orphanage. The task of adoptive parents is to create comfortable living conditions for the new family member and soften all the unpleasant memories of a past life.

You will need

  • - certificate from place of work about income;
  • - certificate of ownership;
  • - a copy of the financial personal account;
  • - medical certificate of the established form;
  • - a copy of the marriage certificate (for married couples).


Adult citizens of Russia can become adoptive parents, regardless of gender and marital status. One of the parents can take it into the family. But guardianship can take into account how much there is already in such a family.

Once you have collected all the necessary documents and certificates, you need to contact local authorities and trustees. If everything is in order with your documents, your application will be accepted for consideration.

In the near future, guardianship officials will conduct an examination of your living conditions. Your house or apartment must meet sanitary and hygienic standards and have all amenities (light, water, sewerage). You should not have arrears in paying housing and communal services. The child should have a separate sleeping and working space, ideally his own room. After an examination within 20 days, the guardianship must issue a conclusion whether you can become adoptive parents or not.

If you receive a positive result from custody, you can search for the child. To do this, you can use federal or regional databases of children left without parental care. The baby must have the status that he can be taken into a foster family.

For the first, the child must apply to the guardianship for permission to visit the orphanage. Don't wait too long to find a new member