Increase your academic performance and increase your knowledge. School performance

How correctly and productively literacy, reading and writing will be mastered in the first year of schooling, in the future, A child's performance at school largely depends on it. First graders - most of them still remain preschoolers; the need for play is a priority in various techniques, but games take on the character of purposeful learning.

How to improve your child's performance at school

New Russian language programs for primary school are focused not only on the accumulation of simple language formulas and practical skills, but also on the development of observation, logical reasoning, the ability to express one’s thoughts and emotions (B. Elkonin’s program, textbooks edited by S.V. Ivanova, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L. M. Zelenina). Thus, the child learns grammatical structures in the living dynamics of language, while simultaneously understanding its importance and practical necessity.

Also modern programs reading instruction is focused on the development of creative thinking, which is actually a smooth transition from preschool period towards a more systematic and conscious learning process. For an adult, reading seems so natural that sometimes there is such a misconception that a child will learn everything at school. However, a child entering school is faced not only with a new rhythm of life, but also with new relationships in the team. His life is so full of new impressions that new knowledge may not be absorbed as quickly as his parents would like.
Many weakened or easily tired children for the first time school year They also acquire a “trail” of negative attitude towards school, which will be difficult to get rid of in the future. Therefore, it is better to be fully prepared and prepare your child for the basics of reading before school.
Just imagine that in the first year a child should learn to read small texts smoothly, be able to correctly convey the content of the text read, answer questions posed to the text, and also learn some grammar rules. And this is not counting the lessons of mathematics, the environment, physical education, and drawing. Reading is the basis for success in other subjects, because a small student, in order to begin completing a task in the same mathematics, must first read it.

First priority– teach to read correctly and consciously. Therefore, you still cannot do without the help of a parent. You will need a desire to help your child master reading at home. Give him children's magazines with fun, simple texts, but also give him small grammar problems.

1) For example, write words of one and two syllables in two columns and ask the child to indicate which words consist of one and which of two syllables.


2) Find and read words, one of the syllables of which consists of one vowel:


3) Find the following among the many names (Ivan, Sophia, Artyom)(here you can show your imagination and write the names of your classmates, and ask to find only the names of his friends (of course, if you know these names).

Zhenya, Nastya, Sasha, Seryozha, Sofya, Masha, Galya, Zina, Artem, Vika, Tolya, Ivan.

4) The child will find the game of transforming words by replacing letters quite entertaining (invite him to replace one of the letters so that a new word appears):

Elephant/Moan; Cat/whale; Lotto/summer, Leg/hole

On one of the pages of the old type primer (where several sentences are given at once (filled with content), short stories or fragments of texts) ask the child, as a result of reading, to determine which of the stories answers the next questions(define them in advance).

5) For example, a four-sentence story tells: “The children went into the forest. They took with them a dog named Zhuchka. Everyone had a lot of fun. But Zhuchka disappeared, and everyone began to look for her.”

Here you can ask the child, after he has read several stories/sentences on the ABC book page: “Find a story that says “where did the children go?” “What was their mood?” and “who is lost?”

When a child reads aloud, make sure that the reading is correct: the main mistakes are omitting and replacing letters, syllables and words. The best way out There will be an interruption and a request to read the same word again. By the end of first grade, master reading silently.

In grammar assignments, it would be appropriate to set tasks for the child that will work on the first-grader’s ability to divide sentences into words, words into syllables, and syllables into sounds. And by analogy with parsing a sentence into its components, the child should be able to compose words from syllables, and a sentence from words. The greatest difficulty for a 7-8 year old schoolchild is dividing words into syllables. Often the child tries to separate words from the same syllable. It will be enough to explain to the child that there are usually as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it. For example, in the word "bed"- two syllables because it has two vowels: O And A ("bed").

Common mistakes

Common Mistake When reading by schoolchildren of the first two grades, letters in words are omitted and replaced, which indicates a clear deficiency phonemic hearing. This annoying oversight, which sometimes seems to parents to be just a manifestation of their child’s inattention, can nevertheless be corrected - this is constant training during home reading with word analysis and sound analysis. The desire to help your child can be realized through at least 15 minutes of daily reading.

Helpful turns out to pronounce each sound of the word: bone(each sound can be recorded with a chip/button). Cut out about 8-10 squares of red and blue colors, where red = vowel, blue = consonant. And each word can be laid out in squares, according to the presence of vowels and consonants in it in their sequence. Those. in the word bone sound analysis will be like this (see diagram 1).

6) Have the child name whether each sound is a vowel or a consonant.

It will be interesting and entertaining for a child to analyze a word or sentence in the form of trailer diagrams. For example: "The mouse loves cheese" can be depicted like this (see diagram 2).

In this scheme, the rectangle = the word, the dashes = the syllables, and the circles = the sounds. Those.,

in a word "mouse" two syllables = two lines, and five circles indicate 5 sounds in this word.

7) The above schematic analysis method can be used for assignments “make up a word according to the diagram”. For example, according to the diagram you can draw up different words, such as: garden, peace, lie. (see diagram 3).

By mastering writing skills, children in 1st grade directly approach some spelling rules: such as zhi-shi And thicket, writing capital letter at the beginning of sentences and proper names. Mandatory in primary school are tasks for copying from a book. Its benefit lies not only in developing proper attentiveness, but also in developing the child’s ability to break down a sentence (which must first be read) into words and syllables. If a sentence consists of 2-3 words, teach your child to memorize them and write them without copying. Sentences consisting of more than 3 words should be copied in parts, but do not allow this bad habit, like spelling (!).

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He can barely cope school curriculum? Do you think that your child can study much better, but he does not meet your expectations? Below we provide some useful tips for those parents who find themselves in a similar situation.

  • Trust your parental intuition. You know your child better than anyone. If you suspect that your child is suffering from a particular disease, contact your doctor immediately. Some parents do not take their child's school failures seriously - they think that all the problems will disappear on their own when the child grows up a little. This is a very dangerous misconception! Early diagnosis and proper treatment have crucial for a number of diseases.
  • Talk to the teacher, ask his opinion about your child’s abilities. Listen carefully to all his advice and recommendations. Trust the teacher's experience.
  • Does your child look embarrassed or confused in class? Maybe he is frankly bored in class, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly? Such inappropriate behavior is usually a symptom of a disease. In such a situation, the child needs appropriate treatment. You should be wary if your child systematically fails exams and tests, if he constantly has problems with his performance.
  • Ask your child how he is doing in a particular subject. Here sample list questions: Reading. “Are you a good reader? Do you like reading? Do you remember what you read?” Letter. “Do you have good handwriting? Do you have difficulty when you have to copy text from the board or from a book? Are you spelling the words correctly? Do you follow the rules of grammar and punctuation? Do you cope with written assignments on par with your classmates, or are you constantly among those lagging behind? Mathematics. “Do you have problems doing basic arithmetic operations(addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)? Can you add, subtract, multiply and divide? double figures? Do you understand the rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division? Does it happen that you suddenly forget all the rules of arithmetic? Has this ever happened to you: you started solving a problem, and then you forgot about it and can’t remember what you should do next?” Language skills. “When a teacher tells something in class, is it difficult for you to follow his explanations? Do you understand what the teacher is talking about? Do you remember his explanations? When you talk about something, can you concentrate and collect your thoughts? Has this ever happened to you: you are trying to talk about something, answer a teacher’s question, but you can’t find the right word? Have you ever found yourself in similar situations while communicating with friends? With adults?
  • The answers to these questions may indicate that your child has a learning disability. However, you should think about other aspects of the problem. How diligent is your child, does he devote enough time to his homework? Does the child show interest in learning and is he proud of his achievements? Maybe you are placing too strict demands on your child, expecting only excellent grades from him, and this is negatively affecting his performance? What are life priorities your child, what is most important to him - relationships with peers or family? Has your child ever experienced severe emotional stress? Did he have a feeling of despair, hopelessness, helplessness (“No matter how hard I try, I still can’t learn this”)?
  • Think back to your own childhood. When you were a child, you probably had the same problems at school: learning disabilities are hereditary disease. You will help your child cope with this problem if you treat him with understanding and compassion. Accept your child for who he is. Your family should cultivate a positive attitude towards learning and school, and your children will follow your example.
  • Talk to teachers and other representatives of the school administration. School director, teacher-consultant, school psychologist, parents of your child's friends - all these people can provide you necessary information about your child, give some useful advice.
  • Consult your pediatrician for advice. The doctor knows the physiological characteristics of your child well and has extensive experience in diagnosing childhood diseases. He will help you formulate the questions you should address to your child's teachers.

Your pediatrician will also help you determine if your child has any physiological problems(for example, diseases of the organs of vision or hearing). Sometimes such diseases can significantly affect a child’s academic performance.
If necessary, the pediatrician will refer you and your child for consultation with specialists. Your child may need to be formally tested for the condition. The examination procedure is carried out by independent experts (teachers and psychologists). If a child fails to cope with the school curriculum, then by law in most states the school is required to conduct an official examination of such a child, and, if necessary, provide him with additional educational services.
If the school refuses to provide your child with all the educational services he needs, contact your pediatrician - he can become your child's lawyer in court.

Additional education as an option to improve school performance

If your child is experiencing learning difficulties due to a medical condition, please contact the school administration. The school is obliged to provide your child with additional educational services free of charge (we mentioned the official certification procedure above). Teachers and school principals are sometimes hesitant to seek advice from specialists. If you feel the school is not providing all the educational services your child needs, be assertive. the federal law USA from 1975 obliges municipal schools provide additional educational services to persons with mental or physical disabilities. Each state and each school district is required to develop an appropriate process for providing supplemental educational services (after formal assessment) to schoolchildren between the ages of 3 and 22 who have certain medical conditions. If such a procedure is not in place, the school district will not receive financial assistance from state budget. This law covers children with the most wide range diseases (reduced learning ability, diseases of the organs of vision and hearing, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury, mental retardation, diseases of the musculoskeletal system (limited mobility), mental illness, complicating the learning process). The law provides five fundamental rights to US citizens, namely:

  1. right to receive free education in a municipal educational institution;
  2. the right to receive education under an individual educational plan (IEP). An individual educational plan is adopted with the approval of the parents after the appropriate legal procedure;
  3. the right of parents to become familiar with school records reflecting their child’s academic performance;
  4. the right of parents to participate in the procedure of official examination of the child and express their opinion on this matter;
  5. the right of the child to receive an education in such educational environment, which will best suit his mental and physical capabilities.

Official examination procedure
When the official examination procedure is carried out, psychologists evaluate cognitive abilities child (IQ test), and teachers - his performance in basic school disciplines(standardized test of academic achievement). In some cases, other tests may be required, such as tests that examine basic mental functions person (memory, attention, motor skills). If necessary, experts will analyze that social environment where your child is located (family, school).
An official examination is a complex, lengthy procedure, many aspects of which often remain incomprehensible to both the child and his parents. If you use the services of independent experts, your costs may increase significantly. First of all, your child must be examined at the school where he studies. If the school is unable to provide the necessary expertise, seek the services of private experts (your school district must reimburse you for all costs). Testing carried out by specialists will bring great benefits to you and your child: you will receive reliable information about the nature of your child’s illness.
The official examination procedure involves people from a variety of professions, so you may have to use the services of a coordinating manager (pediatrician, psychologist, special education teacher). The coordinator will help you draw up a treatment plan for your child and analyze its effectiveness, and in addition, will take on the organizational side of the examination procedure. In such a situation, efforts are usually required the whole team specialists.
At the end of the assessment procedure, representatives of the school administration will discuss the results of the examination and develop an appropriate educational plan for your child. The child’s teachers, teacher-consultant, special education teacher, school director, school psychologist - all these people will express their opinions. Sometimes the child is allowed to attend such a meeting. If necessary, you can ask your pediatrician to take part in the discussion and support your position. If you have a friend or relative who is well versed in the ins and outs of this legal process, ask them to come and support you and your child. Ask the lawyers to tell you the decision in a simple and in clear language, without using special legal terms.
Your child will probably ask you to explain to him what his problem is. Under no circumstances use such negatively colored label words as unteachable, mentally retarded, or hyperactive. Help your child objectively assess his weaknesses and strengths, cultivate in him positive attitude to yourself and those around you.
If the child is correctly diagnosed and given the appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of the disease, as a rule, are significantly mitigated. A carefully thought-out treatment plan includes a course of psychological assistance that helps parents and the child get rid of feelings of guilt, concentrate on everyday, pressing problems. The child begins to cope much better with tasks that previously remained inaccessible to him, he develops self-confidence and interest in learning. You will do your child a great service if you introduce him to your relatives, friends, and acquaintances who also suffered from learning disabilities in childhood, but subsequently completely got rid of this disease and achieved significant success in one area or another.

Options to improve your child's performance at school

After reviewing the survey results, ask the school administration to tell you what additional educational services special methods learning it can offer your child in this specific case. You must have a clear understanding of your child's learning strategy.
Making a decision in favor of one thing or another educational plan, consider factors such as the nature of your child's illness, material resources schools and school districts.

Lessons according to an individual program. Your child can study according to an individual program in a specially equipped room. Such individual lessons are conducted only in those disciplines curriculum, that are weak point child. The child remains in his class and studies all other subjects on an equal basis with his peers. During individual lessons teachers should present only real, achievable goals. Sometimes a child will need Extra time to cope with a particular task. If necessary, the child can work with a speech therapist or undergo a course of physical therapy.

Individual approach. In this case, the lagging student remains in his class and continues learning along with his peers. Sometimes a child performs well enough on the tests, which means that, under federal law, he or she cannot receive additional educational services. However, such a child may have certain problems with academic performance. In such a situation, the teacher has to make certain adjustments to the learning process, for example, give the child individual homework, use special approach when explaining new material, change the topics of tests, etc. It is very important to pay special attention to the child’s merits, his strengths, encourage his successes and achievements in every possible way.

Training using a special method. Some children require special teaching methods and techniques. With this approach, the child’s shortcomings, his weak sides are neutralized, and their influence on educational process is reduced to a minimum. For example, if a child, for one reason or another, cannot master writing techniques, the teacher allows him to do written assignments using a computer. If the child is good at orally, he is allowed to perform in orally even final tests.

Home schooling. This method has whole line advantages: you yourself create comfortable, favorable conditions for learning for your child, you set only real, achievable goals for him and, if necessary, you can provide him with any help. Adjust your daily routine so that your child can turn to you for help during school hours. When a child is learning homework, there should be silence in the house. Studying should be the main thing for the child - he may have to give up some entertainment for the sake of studying. You should notice every, even the most insignificant, success of your child: be sure to praise him if he has achieved success in one area or another (for example, in his hobby).
In such a situation, it is very useful to hire a tutor for your child. If your child is studying with a teacher, there will be no conflicts in your family regarding homework. And one more piece of advice: realistically assess your child’s capabilities - the academic load should be feasible, and the child needs not only to study, but also to play, have fun, and communicate with peers.

Therapeutic treatment. If your child is experiencing depression, you need to see a mental health professional. Sometimes a psychologist recommends that all family members undergo an appropriate course of psychotherapeutic treatment. Such treatment will greatly benefit your family: you will understand each other better, your children will stop quarreling, and truly friendly relations will be established between them.
If your child has trouble concentrating (symptoms of this disease are restlessness, impulsiveness, absent-mindedness), he will be helped by appropriate medications. The course of treatment also includes psychotherapy sessions. Sometimes a child suffering from learning disabilities also has other concomitant diseases (central nervous system, organs of vision or hearing).

Alternative treatments. There are many alternative methods for treating learning disabilities (the “template” method, eye exercises according to special technique, special diets, use of megavitamins and nutritional supplements).
The American Academy of Pediatrics considers these alternative methods ineffective and does not recommend their use. Remember: only a child can be prescribed a course of treatment. certified specialist- pediatrician, psychologist, psychiatrist.

Track progress in "low performance" disease

You should regularly monitor the dynamics of the disease: the child grows, develops, and the manifestations of the disease may also change. Sometimes symptoms of learning disabilities appear in a child only when extreme situations(for example, a large flow of information falls on the child). In some cases, symptoms of the disease disappear with age. Often, the child’s psyche builds unique defense mechanisms that help him adapt to his illness. Such children have excellent intuition, they know their inner world, their capabilities, their strengths and weaknesses well.
It also happens, however, that symptoms of learning disabilities become more noticeable with age and not only complicate the learning process, but also have a significant impact on the child’s social adaptation, his behavior, and relationships with people around him. If your child is diagnosed with a learning disability, he or she will need to be assessed at regular intervals. The doctor monitors the dynamics of the development of the disease, checks the effectiveness of the prescribed course of treatment, and gives recommendations to parents and teachers.
Meet regularly with the teacher, discuss with him all the successes and failures of your child. This will show teachers that you are committed to giving your child your best. necessary help. If you believe that the school administration is not fulfilling its responsibilities towards the child, directly and firmly state this. Ensure that your child receives all necessary educational services in accordance with federal law. Sometimes, after an appropriate course of treatment, the symptoms of learning disability may soften somewhat, but this does not mean that the disease has completely disappeared. Thus, the school is obliged to provide the child with the opportunity to receive the educational services that he needs. Many children with learning disabilities graduate successfully high school, which in itself is already a significant achievement: now they can choose for themselves the profession that to the greatest extent suits their interests and inclinations.
In our country there are many public organizations who can provide you and your child with the necessary psychological assistance. Contact the school principal or other representatives school administration- they will provide you with all the necessary information about such organizations.

What to pay attention to

Here are some key points that parents need to pay attention to.

  • This disease has many different symptoms, and each of them can manifest itself in a child to a lesser or greater extent.
  • If a child suffers from learning disabilities, this affects not only his academic performance, but also his physical condition. Among other things, the child experiences difficulties social adaptation, he does not have good relationships with the people around him. Inappropriate behavior, emotional disturbances, low self-esteem, psychological stress- these are the typical companions of this disease.
  • If the child receives appropriate Treatment, the symptoms of learning disabilities may disappear over time. However, when a child falls into stressful situation, they may make themselves felt again. Sometimes symptoms of learning disabilities persist in a child for life.
  • Children with learning disabilities often do not find understanding from others. It seems to parents and teachers that the child does not show enough diligence, is lazy, and evades his duties. Teachers can insult, humiliate, and severely punish such a child for no reason. And the children themselves, and their parents, and teachers often do not realize what the essence of this unusual disease is. Pediatrician or child psychologist must explain to the child’s parents and his teachers what the true cause of all his problems is. It should be emphasized that neither the child nor his parents can be held responsible for these problems, since they are symptoms of the disease.
  • A child’s illness affects relationships within the family, and intrafamily relationships, in turn, affect the course of the disease. If a child cannot cope with the school curriculum, constantly finds himself among the laggards, he experiences disappointment, anger, heartache, he feels guilty. The parents of the child experience the same feelings. Thus, state of mind parents, their emotional mood most directly affects the child’s state of mind. If a family cultivates a positive attitude towards school, towards learning, towards the people around them, then the child will most likely develop exactly the same positive emotional attitude.
  • Think about the real reasons for your child’s academic failure: the disease is not always the only main reason his school failures. Maybe your child is having problems with his peers? What is the inner psychological climate in your family? Is it child-friendly? Emotional condition child’s behavior directly affects his academic performance, so if necessary, you should seek help from a psychologist.
  • Children suffering from learning disabilities are guaranteed help and support from the state: the school is obliged to provide them with additional educational services free of charge. A sick child needs the help of a whole team of highly qualified specialists.
  • Your child should have the opportunity to assert himself and express himself in one area or another. Encourage any of his interests and hobbies in every possible way. If your child is successful in his hobby, be sure to praise him.
  • If you notice any symptoms of the disease in your child, contact your doctor immediately. Early diagnosis and timely treatment are crucial in such a situation. It should be borne in mind that the child needs systematic treatment - sometimes the course of treatment takes several years. It is very important to maintain a positive emotional attitude in your child: he must be sure that you are always ready to help him. Reassure your child that together you will cope with all the problems that arise.

Ivanova Elena Georgievna,
teacher primary classes GBOU school No. 94
Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

Goals: Taking comprehensive measures aimed at increasing the academic performance and quality of knowledge of students.
Objectives: 1. Studying the characteristics of low-performing students, the reasons for their educational lag and weak motivation 2. Creating conditions for successful learning by students curricula. 3. Selection pedagogical technologies to organize the educational process and increase motivation among low-performing students 4. Implementation of multi-level training 5. Formation of a responsible attitude of students to educational activities

Reasons for failure:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Social reasons
  • Heredity
  • Diseases leading to exclusion from the educational process
  • Distractions
  • Personal problems
  • Conflicts at school and at home
  • Inability to organize your work
  • Others
Classification of low achievers.
Those who have:
  • weak mental capacity
  • weak study skills;
  • low oral and writing;
  • does not know how to read text
  • does not own technology oral counting
  • low level memory; executive work skills have not been developed
  • conscious diligence has not formed
  • formulated attitude towards difficult task
  • low motivation to learn
All the reasons for poor performance at school come down to the fact that the child does not have developed learning motivation and effective learning skills. We need to help students learn effective study skills and develop motivation so that they will be able to perform more complex tasks. educational assignments with just a little ongoing help. Help for children should be effective, competent and should go in three directions:
  • Organization of the daily routine
  • Doing homework
  • Teaching children to be independent
Teacher activity program
1. Conduct diagnostics at the beginning of the year in order to identify the student’s level of training in input K/R, DKR (meta-subject skills).
2. Conducting control tests of students’ knowledge in the main sections educational material to determine the actual level of children’s knowledge and identify gaps in students’ knowledge that require rapid elimination. 3. Compile a list of low-performing students in subjects by class teachers.
4. Conduct an interview with teachers to find out the reasons for their lag.
5.Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves
6. Prepare: a plan for working with low-achieving students for the current academic year, a schedule of individual work with low-achieving students, a teacher’s report on working with low-achieving students based on the results of the quarter and year.
7. Participation in discussion of issues of working with weak students and exchange of experience with colleagues (at the teacher council, Small teacher councils, ShMO)
8. Maintain mandatory thematic records of the knowledge of low-performing students in the class.
9. Reflect individual work with weak student in special notebooks on the subject.
10. Conducting monitoring, DKR, VPR. (4 classes).

Measures to improve the quality of education for schoolchildren
1. Include what is feasible individual assignments low-performing student
2. Use in lessons different kinds survey for objectivity of the result. 3. Prepare and use supporting diagrams in lessons.
4. Question regularly and systematically, giving grades in a timely manner.
5. Comment on the student’s assessment, noting shortcomings.
6. Eliminate gaps in knowledge identified during the tests, and then conduct a repeated knowledge test.
7. Notify the class teacher or directly the student’s parents about poor performance.
8. Conduct individual and group consultations and classes with students who need help.

Types of assistance to a struggling student in the classroom:
. In the process of monitoring students’ preparedness: creating an atmosphere of special friendliness during the survey; reducing the pace of questioning, allowing longer preparation at the board; proposal to students rough plan answer; permission to use visual aids, helping to express the essence of the phenomenon; stimulation by assessment, encouragement, praise.
. When presenting new material: more frequent contact with low-performing students with questions that determine the degree of their understanding of the educational material; involving them as assistants in the preparation of instruments and experiments; involvement in making proposals when problem-based learning to conclusions and generalizations or an explanation of the essence of the problem.
. During independent work in the lesson: breaking down lessons into doses, stages, highlighting a number of simple ones in complex tasks; link to a similar task completed earlier; reminder of the method and method of completing the task; an indication of the need to update a particular rule; reference to the rules and properties that are necessary to solve problems and exercises; instructing on rational ways to complete tasks, requirements for their execution; stimulating independent actions of low-achieving students; more careful control over their activities.
. When organizing independent work: choosing the best achievers for a group rational system exercises, and not a mechanical increase in their number; more detailed explanation sequence of task execution; warnings about possible difficulties, the use of consultation cards, cards with a guiding action plan.

Work to improve the quality of student knowledge:
. Internal and external monitoring.
. Drawing up an action program.
. Fulfillment of set goals and objectives to improve the quality of students’ knowledge. Implementation of a plan for working with underperforming subject teachers
. Individual approach to students.
. Include exercises to develop memory and attention.
. Inclusion in academic work all students. . Learn how to properly organize your time.
. Pay attention to healthy lifestyle.
. Think about the amount of homework.
. Team training method. Moreover, during group work, the student’s work is assessed by two types of assessment: self-assessment and group assessment.
. Design and research activities.
. To train a child’s will, you need to force him to finish the job he has started, without putting it off until “later” at the first mistakes. Implementation of a plan for working with underperforming subject teachers
. Creating a situation of success.
. Formation of reading skills.
. Deprive your child of idle time.
. Extracurricular activities. Involvement in areas where the student can express himself.
. Group work.
. Anticipatory learning
. Reflection. Self-control, self-esteem.
. Psychological microclimate, everyone “has a place in the class.”
. Control by the administration - regular cross-sectional work by class (carried out by the Deputy Director for Education and Resource Management)

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Your child's performance is falling from year to year, or he is receiving only average grades, although, in your opinion, he could qualify. highest mark? Knowing his abilities, you are confident that he can be more successful in school. And it drives you crazy, because you understand how important it is to study well now, so that later you can go to university or simply graduate from school with dignity. You worry, grumble and reproach him for laziness, lack of motivation and irresponsibility. You just don’t understand why your child is so uninterested in learning, and you come up with different ways additional motivation. But often the situation does not improve, but only gets worse.

It's hard for us as parents not to worry about our children's academic success because we know how important it is to their future. From our point of view, the fact that a child values ​​friends or electronic gadgets more than studying is simply absurd. The truth is that most children are, in fact, motivated, although not by what we think they should be motivated by. Try to look at it this way: when it comes to something exciting like video games, music, social media and choosing cool jeans, a child is highly motivated and complete absence any laziness. There is one caveat here: if you put pressure on your child to motivate him, the situation, as a rule, only gets worse.

Understand that children themselves must understand the value of work. Think about it from your own perspective life experience. You know perfectly well that you need to eat right, but you don’t always stick to it. healthy eating! Your child must understand the importance of academic success. Of course, there are also objective factors that may interfere with obtaining good grades (for example, mental or physical disabilities, learning disabilities or behavioral disorders, family problems and abuse of some harmful substances). They also need to be taken into account.

There are people in whom all the components of success are concentrated - motivation, relevant skills, the ability to achieve results and extract maximum benefit. But for most of us, the path to motivation and success is much more winding and thorny. If you think about it, not every child turns to teachers for help, does homework on time, repeats the material covered every evening and puts aside everything that distracts him from studying. Because children who have a more developed front part of the brain do this and therefore have so-called good executive functions, they play a significant role in school achievements.

Executive functions of the brain help regulate emotions, promote concentration, persistence, and flexibility. In many children, these functions develop later - only in adolescence. And, of course, it is very difficult for parents to see their child fall behind academically for a long time. It may be hard to believe, but these children are not lazy, irresponsible, or lacking motivation. If you do not agree or believe in this, then, understandably, you will become irritated, upset and angry in response to the child's seeming laziness, which, in turn, will contribute to his resistance and fight with you. The following are tips to help you avoid such negativity.

Maintain an open, respectful and positive relationship with your child. Always stay on the child's side, do not take a position on the opposite side of the barricade. This will maintain your authority and influence, which is the most important parenting tool. Punishment, moralizing, threats and manipulation will lead to nowhere and will destroy your relationship and your child’s motivation. Of course, your frustration, anxiety and fear are normal and understandable. But react to children's behavior In a similar way absolutely ineffective. Remember: your child is not acting this way to make your life miserable, or because he is a good-for-nothing slacker. The next time you feel yourself getting angry, try telling yourself, “My child just hasn’t gotten around to it yet.” Remember: your job is to help him learn to be responsible. If you are negative and turn it into moral problem, your child will be insolent to you without trying to think about the essence of the problem.

Enter the “when” rule. One of life's lessons is that we get pleasure when work is completed. If you practice scoring goals, you end up scoring more points and the team wins. They also pay for the work after it is completed. So start talking in the following way: “When you finish your classes, you can go visit Dima.” Or: “When you finish your homework, we can watch that movie together that you wanted to watch.” Make this rule and stick to it. If your child is not yet able to plan and initiate independently, stick to this rule. By doing this, you will help him learn to do something that his own brain cannot yet provide - teach him to structure his time.

Get involved in the learning process. If your child is not doing well in school and his grades are falling, you have to get involved in the learning process. You need to get involved proactively and help him create an optimal structure of activities that the child himself cannot yet create. This structure involves a thoughtful schedule with time allocated for activities and time for rest. You will have to ensure that it is followed. For example, turn off the computer and say, “No video games or TV until homework is done.” You will also need to think and decide how much time the child should devote to studying. During this time, do not allow the use of electronic devices (phone, tablet, etc.), as nothing should distract the child's attention. You can enter next rule: Even if the child has completed all his homework and school time has not expired, he should continue to study. Let him repeat, read or check for mistakes. Introduce a rule of one and a half hours of silence, no electronic devices, only studying. Some children learn better by listening to music, but any other electronic devices needs to be turned off. These rules should not feel like punishment, but are intended to help the child develop an effective work routine and focus on school subjects.

Ask the teacher. If your child's grades and work performance are not up to par, you can work with his teachers to develop a plan to salvage the situation. For example, the teacher can check if the child has taken everything he needs from school, and you can check if he has packed his school bag well. As soon as you see that the child has begun to better manage and manage his time, do his homework, repeat the material before tests, this will be a signal that it’s time for you to back off a little.

Determine a place to study. You may need to sit next to your child while he or she does homework, or at least be nearby to right moment help him. Maybe your child will need a quiet place to study, away from noisy brothers and sisters. Or maybe, on the contrary, the child will study better in a common room with all family members. Help him test this in practice. But once you determine which location is best, let your child be there. There is no need to do homework instead of your child. Your help may consist of checking the completed task and asking the child how he learned this or that material.

Divide large tasks into small parts. Together with your child, think and decide: it might be better if you divide the tasks into small parts and he does them every day. You can use a large wall calendar or white board to record daily tasks. You can also enlist the help of a teacher or hire a tutor.

Be kind but persistent. Do your best to be a kind, helpful, consistent parent and steadfastly resist the temptation to punish, over-involve, and control. After every negative interaction with your child, try to create ten positive ones. Try to focus on supporting and encouraging your child instead of worrying and nagging. When you begin to reflect and think that your child’s academic performance is a reflection of yourself or the quality of your upbringing, and that you and only you are responsible for its outcome, then you end up in the child’s place, and not in your parent’s place. And this is harmful and ineffective.

Lack of motivation or anxiety? Sometimes a lack of motivation (or what looks like irresponsibility) can actually be a child's anxiety or shame about failing in subjects or not completing homework. Most people worry about getting things done and avoid them like the plague. Sometimes children simply cannot explain this because they are not always aware of their worries, anxieties, fears and worries. Here's a typical case. Let's say a child tells you that he didn't have any assignments today. homework, although this is not true. Lying makes you anxious. And if you react by yelling and criticizing, your child, being driven anxiety, further distances himself from both you and homework. A small amount of anxiety can motivate a person, but too much anxiety blocks a child's ability to think, as well as the part of the brain that is responsible for motivation. Keep your emotions under control, remember that a child’s anxiety (fear) is not laziness. Your goal as a parent is to control your emotions and respond appropriately to your child's worries.

Sometimes the feelings of shame, inferiority or anxiety that your child experiences may be misinterpreted by you and you may mistake them for a poor attitude towards school, lack of motivation and irresponsibility. Ignoring such emotional reactions the child may lead to his resistance, withdrawal, refusal or demonstrative disobedience. Remember that what happens now may look very different when your child gets older. In the meantime, in positive form help him optimally structure the learning process. And, understanding the whole picture of what is happening, calm down yourself.

Teach your child to find a balance of interests. Remember to keep the big picture in mind. Instead of getting angry about your child's grades, help him find a life balance between friendships, schoolwork, volunteer work, and family activities. Take part in your child's school activities and show interest in school projects.

Don't project the future. When we see that our child is not interested in anything in life, it is easy to begin to project this behavior into the future. If he has no interests other than video games and friends, we think he will never be successful or even be able to function independently in society. This increases our anxiety and fear. But the truth is that we cannot predict the future. If you focus on the negative, it will only increase the tension between you and your child. Better, focus on his positive traits and help your child develop them. Is he sociable, always eager to help, or loves animals? Focus on those qualities that make a developed, successful person, and not just on school grades. Help your child develop socially, creatively, emotionally.

When a child falls behind in school, parents worry so much that it often leads to constant quarrels, but performance still does not improve. If you, as a parent, calm down and understand that the reason for poor academic performance is not only bad attitude to study and lack of motivation, and also that you cannot force your child to be motivated, you will begin to treat him better and help your child when he needs help. Remember: your goal is to stop the negative reaction and solve the problem.

Doesn't your son or daughter's diary show high scores? Why is your child not doing as well as you would like? Find out what's wrong and help fix the situation!

14:44 23.01.2013

There are some children whom no one ever forces to study. Diligent schoolchildren themselves diligently sit through their evenings with textbooks - in order to answer the highest mark and be the best. All mothers and fathers dream of such sons and daughters. Alas, according to statistics, there are hardly three of these for the entire stream. diligent students. In addition, psychologists assure that excessive diligence is not always good: perfectionism, which manifests itself like this in childhood, will be very annoying in the future. Therefore, if your tomboy does not like to study too much, do not rush to get upset and blame him for his lack of diligence. It is parents (and not teachers and friends) who can instill a love of knowledge and find an incentive for their son or daughter to study better.

Ideally, of course, you need to systematically monitor your child’s progress. But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that you simply cannot comprehend the immensity: either there is an emergency at work, then there are problems with the health of your parents, or there is a crisis in your relationship with your husband. You look back - it’s already April, there’s nothing left until the end of the school year, and in your beloved child’s diary there are exactly the grades that you would least like to see there. Let's be honest: if all the subjects are running, then, most likely, it will hardly be possible to significantly change the marks on the report card. The best thing you can do is to talk to your child like an adult, without unnecessary emotions, setting him up for serious work in the future. Ask: why do you think your studies have become worse this school year? How can I help you with next year? You definitely need to end the conversation on a positive note, so that your child can see that you believe in his strengths and abilities. And right now, after the conversation, it’s worth starting to study extra, think through a program for the summer, and hire a tutor. The results will come later, most likely not this quarter.

Well, when there is a “puncture” in just one or two items, there is something to fight for! Moreover, if the child himself is eager to correct the situation.

Why is he a bad student?

Before holding a debriefing, analyze the reasons for failure. Sometimes they are very far from the school process.

Health. Does your baby read by holding the book too close to his eyes? Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist! Perhaps the reason that he “moved out” at school was precisely poor eyesight. Ask the teacher to move him to the first desk. If he is pale, eats poorly and gets tired quickly, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this condition, consult a pediatrician and get tested. Sometimes it is enough to undergo a course of treatment for helminths to improve your health and improve your grades at school.

Family situation. We all know very well that conflicts at home have a negative impact on children. The child is worried about quarrels between mom and dad, and this distracts him from his studies. If you and your husband have a difficult relationship, try to prevent your child from being present during your emotional showdowns, much less participating in them.

Relationships with classmates. How often does your child tell you how his relationships with peers are going? Maybe your son is bullied by his classmates during recess, and that’s why he can’t concentrate in class? Or does he have no friends at all, and this upsets him? Talk to your son or daughter, find out what the microclimate is like in their school team. At a meeting with class teacher take an interest not only in grades, but also in your child’s behavior and his relationships with the kids in the class.

Overloaded schedule. Sometimes, wanting to raise their beloved child to be a child prodigy, adults load him with so many additional activities that the child simply does not have the strength to diligently do more. school assignments. If your son (daughter) does not have time for games and rest, it is worth giving up, at least for a while, the additional load.

Ordinary laziness. This is probably the most common reason for bad grades to appear in the diary. It seems like nothing is stopping you from doing your homework, but you really want to watch TV, play computer games, or just lie on the bed! It is important what example the parents set for the child. If you and your husband are all free time spend in front of the TV, then, naturally, the child copies your habits! Maybe you should change yourself a little? For example, should we all spend Sunday outdoors together or go to a museum?..

Alas, often only radical measures can help in such a situation. Ban on TV and computers weekdays- a very effective tool (primarily for students junior school). Let your son or daughter be offended at first, but gradually he (she) will get used to the fact that electronic entertainment is only on weekends. Or strictly dosed in time: no more than half an hour a day.

Course for improvement!

How to make a child want to learn? You can talk for a long time about what heights a diligent student will reach in the future, what prospects will open up for him. It is unlikely that such speeches will have an immediate effect: after all, all this will happen someday, not now. Nevertheless, we need to talk about this. And not abstractly, but bringing specific examples. If you study, you will enter a university, you will get a specialty, you will be able to buy an apartment, a car, provide for your children, and help your parents. This simple logical chain should be fixed in the child’s mind, even if now the child does not attach to your words sufficient value. And in order for him to see the immediate benefit of his diligence, it is worth coming up with a good incentive. Promise your student some kind of prize for good grades in the report card, focusing on his age and interests.

For example, a trip to the sea, buying a new mobile phone, some adult advantages - extra pocket money, the ability to plan your own day off, etc. Discuss together what he would like. Such motivation will force him to devote himself to his studies - after all, a well-deserved reward awaits him! Just remember that you must definitely keep your word, otherwise the child will feel deceived and will never believe in your promises again! Be sure to visit the school and talk to the teacher. This will make it easier for you to understand the reasons for low performance, and at the same time you will become familiar with the requirements for the level of knowledge. Sometimes the teacher gets the false impression that parents do not monitor their son or daughter’s studies at all. Show that this is not so. Find out from the teacher how you, as a mother, can help your child. To correct a bad grade, it is often enough to prepare an essay or report. If you have a test coming up, you should put all your work aside and devote a few days to studying.

Don’t forget that all children are different: one needs half an hour to prepare for lessons, while another spends three hours poring over textbooks. But often the reason for sitting for such a long time on homework is simple disorganization. Just started solving a math problem - I stared at the pictures in the textbook, just started learning a poem - got carried away with gutting my fountain pen... In this case, you will have to monitor the completion of the lessons for some time. Take a chair and sit down at your student’s desk: watch how he studies, and at the right moment call him to order.

Work out his daily routine with your child. Let him clearly know which hours are allocated for playing and which for studying. You can beautifully design a piece of paper with the regime and hang it in a visible place - let him check it all the time. Use the game moment to interest your child in the results of his studies. For example, hang a poster on the wall that lists all the subjects your child studies at school. Opposite the lessons in which he has good grades, attach an image of a funny sun, a smiling face or a heart. And opposite those that are limping are a cloud, a dragon or a pirate. If the child is older, draw up a progress chart together in the subject that worries you. You'll see how happy your offspring will be when the curve creeps up!

Non-standard methods

You, like no one else, know the personality traits of your child and can figure out for yourself which “button” to press so that the child (teenager) gets excited about studying. Take advantage of the experience of our readers.

Alexandra, 28, from Kyiv, says: “I asked my husband to go to school for a meeting. For my son, this was a real test; he literally burned with shame when his dad, whom he respects so much and whom he wants to be like, listened to unpleasant words about his studies. And you know, a miracle happened! From that day on, my Valik became an exemplary student!

After all, he’s most afraid that dad will be disappointed in him.” “My daughter did not have a good relationship with her teacher, and she gave her bad marks rather out of harm, even my intercession did not help,” writes 32-year-old Anna from Simferopol. “Then I told my daughter: you should study the subject in such a way that your unloved teacher simply does not have a reason to find fault with you!” And Lada began to cram English: it seems to me that she took it as a challenge. And yet she achieved her goal! Now she has a high score in this subject!”

Here’s what 35-year-old Alena from Kharkov advises: “My sixth-grader son’s history was lame. In order to somehow interest Artyom, we began to go to historical Museum, and then enrolled in a local history club, where they studied history native land. Gradually, his son’s attitude towards the subject changed: he began to cook himself additional material for lessons, which greatly surprised the teacher. Needless to say, he no longer brought anything below ten!”

Find your own, interesting and non-standard approach that will work to improve academic performance.

Prohibited tricks

In pursuit of grades on your report card, avoid making common parenting mistakes. Explain that it is not only and not so much the grade that is important, but strong knowledge. There is no need to “knock out” the highest score from your child at any cost. Otherwise, you risk developing a purely formal approach: to achieve 12 at any cost, even with tears and whining. Or develop a complex of perfectionism, which was discussed above.

You shouldn’t do your child’s homework yourself - write essays, draw or sketch. Your baby may develop an inferiority complex: he will be confident in his inability to independently cope with the task perfectly. If you see that your son or daughter doesn’t have time to do his homework on his own, help him, but don’t do all the work for him.

And it is absolutely unacceptable to scold and call a child stupid and incompetent. This will lead to the exact opposite result: the child will completely lose faith in his own abilities or, on the contrary, will become a poor student at home, out of spite. Interest, find incentive, help, convince - the only thing the right way improve your grades and knowledge.

Three ways to improve your performance

You shouldn’t give up and register your student as a bad student. These methods will definitely help fix the situation!

1 Tutor. Contact a specialist: a professional will be able to fill in the gaps in your student’s knowledge. And perhaps he will be the one to find the right approach to the baby.

2 Lessons with a teacher for an additional fee. The school teacher knows both the program and the abilities of your offspring well. He will focus on the material that your son or daughter has not mastered.

3 Profile circle. Here the child will be able to learn a lot of interesting things and fall in love with the subject. Moreover, in the informal atmosphere of a circle, the material is always absorbed more easily.

We thank psychologist and psychotherapist Tatyana Mikheenko for her help in preparing the material .