What is localism defined in history? Localism in Rus' and its influence on state affairs

The first thing you need to pay attention to when selling a home is that it is not an impulse purchase. Before buying a house or apartment, a person weighs the pros and cons for a long time. If you want to write the best selling text for a real estate agency, handle objections competently. And the advertising examples given in this article will help with this.

The property itself has no value. What makes it valuable is the client. And the realtor’s task is to present these same values ​​to him beautifully and easily. A sales text for a real estate agency is a litmus test for assessing the company’s seriousness in its approach to business.

The key task for a good realtor is to remove the first word from the phrase “possible client”. Specifics and evidence are what interests a potential buyer. And not populism in the style of Ostap Bender and his “New Vasyukovs”.

What to write in a text about real estate: checklist

      • Raise the client's concerns;
      • Make your presentation as specific as possible and as minimal as possible;
      • Support your words with facts;
      • Handle customer objections;
      • Draw a portrait of a potential client: income, professional sphere, age, gender, lifestyle and habits;
      • Offer some services as a gift or for free.

Selling text for a real estate agency: what does the buyer really want to read in the advertisement?

If you think that a person is buying a house, then you are deeply mistaken. If you think that a person is buying the area of ​​housing, the location of rooms, the availability of renovations, you are again mistaken. A person buys a solution to his problems and the achievement of his innermost goals.

He needs increased social status, comfort, and security. Live close to work, friends and family. Feel comfortable, cozy and safe. Increase your social status, causing the envy of your friends.

Where should a poor realtor go? Let's look at the main channels of client influx for a real estate agency:

      1. Word of mouth. Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends. Reputation is a difficult-to-control, free and ancient tool for attracting customers at no cost. Give the client what he needs and he will bring friends. There is only one drawback - it takes time to develop this most loyal clientele.
      2. Real estate agency advertising on Internet bulletin boards. Avito and other bulletin boards are as reliable as everyone else civil fleet, a customer search tool. But to make your ad easier to find in searches, it is extremely important not only to make it premium, but also to include keywords, without losing the readability of the text on the site.
      3. Leaflets, booklets and outdoor advertising . Posting notices, advertising on transport or distributing leaflets - advertising text for a real estate agency must be convincing. Train stations, airports and other places are perfect for daily rentals big movement people, stops, lamp posts and notice boards are suitable for monthly rental or sale of economy class housing.
      4. Personal site. Create a personal page on the Internet and provide information in a convenient and understandable form. Outrun your competitors like a cheetah over a turtle. The most difficult thing is to write it yourself or order a sales text for a real estate agency from a copywriter. And an interesting blog with articles about selling homes with useful tips will bring additional traffic. Go for it, and your clients will flock to you like moths to a light!
      5. Social network. SMM is a delicate matter. The free nature of social networks gives rise to huge competition, in contrast to sites with their nominal payment for domain and hosting. Competition is increasing by an order of magnitude. But it’s definitely worth creating real estate agency groups on VKontakte and other social networks. If you have time, energy and opportunity, you can make a video blog on YouTube.
      6. Advertising in newspapers and magazines. For one-room apartments and other secondary housing, popular newspaper advertisements are best suited. But for luxury housing - advertising in glossy magazines, which an affluent audience reads more often.
      7. Real estate advertising on radio or television. Ideal for mass sales of new-build homes or overseas homes.
      8. Signposts. An inexpensive advertising medium will attract interested passers-by like a magnet.
      9. Business cards. No comments. Cheap and cheerful.

Conclusion: universal method There is no real estate advertising. Each type has its own target audience, for which its own strategies are applied. For young people, rely on websites, social networks and message boards. For mature older people, rely more on print advertising, radio and television.

Criteria for a favorable description of residential, non-residential and commercial real estate with examples

Many sellers, both owners and realtors, like to inflate the cost of a house, apartment or apartment by 10-20%. land plot. At the same time, forgetting to indicate the reasons why it is worth buying it at such a price. Check this short checklist to see if you missed something:

      1. General description of the property. Housing area, number of rooms, presence of a balcony, view from the window. (The picturesque view from the window is often forgotten)
      2. Infrastructure. Is the metro within walking distance or is there a bus stop nearby? Amazing! 24 hour supermarket across the street? Just what you need! But many people forget about schools, kindergartens, hospitals, parks, alleys, cafes, quiet neighbors, convenient parking and sports grounds. They also ignore quiet neighbors. But in vain.
      3. Communications. Gas, electricity, water, heating, sewerage, telephone, internet. If not, tell us about the possibility of a problem-free connection.
      4. Order with documents. Legal purity of documents implies the absence of debts, arrests, and registered tenants. (Also often forgotten to mention).
      5. Address. Don’t forget to indicate the approximate address to more accurately identify the target audience (TA).
      6. Price. The last point is in order, but not least. If the buyer does not see the price, he tends to inflate it. Therefore, be sure to indicate how much it costs square meter living space or rent.

Renting out has its own nuances. Unlike sales, the client is more interested in repairs, the availability of furniture, Internet and cable TV, washing machine, microwave, and air conditioning. And it is important to indicate the rental period: daily, weekly and monthly.

If there is a need to reduce the number of phone calls, then you can indicate something like “for rent to a married couple”, “no animals”, “possible with children”.

When buying an apartment, in 80% of cases, new residents make renovations to their liking, no special meaning focus attention on it. But the beautiful view from the window of the sunset over the river, load-bearing walls without cracks and a dry basement make sense to play with feeling and arrangement.

Real estate agency advertising text: handling the “independent purchase” objection

      • Confidentiality. The person has already sold/rented out the apartment, but people are still calling his number for months and years.
      • Anxiety. Constant travel, negotiations and searches take a lot of time. Isn't it easier to entrust this to specially trained people?
      • Risk. Housing scams are common. A non-lawyer buyer risks buying or renting an apartment with debts and invisible tenants. The realtor will quickly and CHEAPLY conduct a legal examination of documents. This is a strong argument in favor of real estate agencies.
      • Limited choice. Even if you manage to find housing without intermediaries, the choice will be limited to 1-2 options. And it’s not a fact that they will fit specific needs.

Text for a real estate agency on the radio

Example of a radio advertisement for new buildings (35 seconds duration)

The pleasure of change is yours – our concern and responsibility. Sales of new buildings in 18 cities of Russia: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kazan, Kaliningrad, Krasnodar, Sevastopol and other cities have become closer. Make profitable investments in eternal values. A masculine approach to business and many years of experience. "Partner-Real Estate", Arkhangelsk, st. Karl Liebknecht, 19, 4th floor, office 406. Tel. 477-994 Make an appointment: 477-994 Come to us and live better!

Example text for real estate advertising on radio example No. 2 (timing 30 seconds)

June 22 and 23 – day open doors in the new office of the Absolute Real Estate company. Free consultations on legal issues, selection of apartments and mortgage programs. Chelyabinsk, Bratev Kashirinykh, 151 Unified reference phone - 776 27 27 Partner of Sberbank of Russia LLC. General license of the Bank of Russia No. 1481 dated August 30, 2010.

Text for real estate advertising on radio sample No. 3 (timing 20 seconds)

Real estate agency "Global". Buying, selling, exchanging housing in Togliatti and throughout Samara region. They work with housing certificates “Young Family” and “Maternity Capital” and discounts for their owners. Registration of a mortgage in our office. Guarantee of legal purity of the transaction and insurance of the apartment as a gift! Real estate agency Global 33-66-99

Text for radio advertising of real estate abroad example No. 4 (timing 20 seconds)

(They sound Balkan motifs. Different announcers speak in turn) To Turkey by bicycle. To the Czech Republic by car. By moped to Greece. On a yacht to Italy. Live in Bulgaria - travel around Europe. Apartments and houses on the Black Sea coast in Bulgaria. average cost– 32,000 rubles per square meter. Real estate agency in Bulgaria SweeetHome. Phone in Krasnoyarsk 8 800 555 60 20

Example of a real estate agency sales ad

Real estate agency "East-West". Our database contains more than 1,000 objects in Moscow.

Do you want to purchase living space in a specific area? We have a targeted selection of housing!

Do you want to buy with a mortgage? We will assist you in obtaining a mortgage loan!

Services for owners:

      • We help you collect required package documents and select options.
      • We check the legal purity of documents.
      • Make an advance payment.
      • We draw up a purchase and sale agreement and finalize the transaction.

Services for buyers:

      • Agent's visit to the property and photo session.
      • Advertising and selection of potential buyers.
      • Making an advance payment.
      • Conclusion of an agreement.

We will organize for you a free property assessment and a photo shoot of the property.

Come to the address: Moscow, st. Sovnarkomovskaya 58/4, off. 305.

Call: 000-000-000

Key phrases in the text for a real estate agency

Search engine promotion is extremely important for a real estate agency in the text. The queries that RuNet users enter in search of housing are simply amazing in their diversity. And it’s very good if these requests come specifically to your real estate website.

There are 2 tasks at once: to succinctly and emotionally describe all the advantages of housing, and at the same time, discreetly write key phrases in the text so that people come from a search. Particular attention should be paid to the long trail of key queries. Phrases like “buy a one-room apartment with a balcony in Nizhny Novgorod st. Akademicheskaya, 6” is written once every five years, but it is precisely such phrases that will bring “warm” buyers to your website or ad, ready to buy or rent housing right away.

Therefore, you must not forget about the keys in the text. I have already described this process in, so I will not dwell on this in detail.

It is precisely getting into the person’s value system that will help successfully complete the transaction. And the creative text “About the company” for a real estate agency is the first filter that filters out “our” and “not your” options on the part of realtors and clients.

How to write sales text for real estate? Tricks and life hacks

Don’t say empty words like “magnificent”, “fantastic”, “cozy” without backing them up with facts - this will only cause mistrust.

No: Freshly renovated.

Yes : Redecorating was made 2 months ago. New bathroom, freshly glazed balcony.

No: Cozy apartment.

Yes: Apartment in a new building on the third floor in a quiet area with windows overlooking the park.

Yes: Stalinka, with high ceilings and oak floors, in historical center city, overlooking the square.

Yes: The windows face the sunny side from the courtyard, so the apartment will be light and quiet.

No: Best apartment.

Yes: The only apartment in this building with a two-story layout.

Yes: The very first row from the sea.

The success of an ad depends on how useful information the consumer will determine for himself how adequately he can process it. And a headline written according to the formula will also increase the conversion of text for a real estate agency.

Avoid cliches, bureaucracy, complex phrases, and unclear terms. The client must see clear benefits for himself and a selling structure in the presentation. And, of course, we must not forget about a catchy headline and call to action - the alpha and omega of copywriting.

And remember that there is no ideal home. An ideal is an ideal because you have to strive for it!

Deadline restrictions work very well. The rule “who gets up first gets the slippers” has not yet been canceled.

Imagine your target audience. Young couple without children, or huge family. Noisy youth or an always busy businessman who loves silence?

If the apartment is in a new building, after renovation, highlight this in the title. An apartment without renovation is an apartment with clean slate. Cheap price - 20% below the market is beneficial to investors. It is also advisable to indicate a district or street in order to more accurately determine the target audience.

Order text for a real estate agency from a copywriter

If you are a realtor (or just want to sell your apartment), then there are 2 ways: write the material yourself or order text for real estate from a copywriter. In the first case, the ad runs the risk of not revealing its full selling potential, plus for many people writing the text is even more torture! The realtor will write useful information, but will miss out on important selling components and keywords that drive quality traffic.

Order effective text for real estate from a copywriter means unraveling the Gordian knot of successful sales.

Be a player, not a spectator on the field called “life”! May the treaties be with you!

Article update from 02/26/2019

Friends! I started getting too many orders through my blog, and I have to narrow down my range of topics. I'm suspending writing sales texts on real estate. There is not enough time and energy for everyone, please understand and forgive.

Therefore, if you need a selling text, I suggest you contact a proven freelance exchange. I myself started my career as a copywriter on these exchanges, and therefore I can clear conscience recommend them.

Exchange No. 1. On this exchange you can not only order selling texts for a real estate agency from a copywriter, but also order the creation of a real estate website, design of leaflets and banners, customization contextual advertising for selling a home, creating and promoting a group on social networks, dubbing audio clips, creating videos on real estate topics and much more. Many people do this in a highly specialized manner, so finding a quality performer at a reasonable price is quite possible.

You can register there in one click using your VKontakte, Facebook or Google+ account; mastering the exchange interface is no more difficult than reading this article to the end :) To order text, advertising, social networks, audio, video for a realtor, click here.

Exchange No. 2. This exchange specializes only in copywriting. I recommend it if you need to get a text for selling a house, apartment, villa at the lowest price or if you really need a large number of articles to attract traffic. There are a lot of performers here, so there will be no end to those interested. If you doubt the quality of the artist, check the “Select artist manually” checkbox and choose from the responses of the authors with the most readable portfolio :) To order an article for a real estate agency, click here.

Helped as much as I could. If you have questions, ask them in the comments, I will answer them in detail. Break a leg!

WITH Best wishes,

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Abolition of localism in the Russian Empire
The end of the 17th century became for Russia the time when the course of its history changed. The stagnant customs and traditions of the Moscow principality were replaced by reforms and innovative ideas, which became the prerequisites for the emergence of a new Russian Empire.
The Moscow Tsar, Fyodor Alekseevich, famous for his fragile health due to congenital scurvy, but for his flexible mind, wisdom, calmness and education, during the six years of his reign managed to radically change Russian customs and orders that had developed over centuries. Improving the tax system, forming new army, the construction of stone houses in Moscow, the abolition of bodily mutilation, the emergence of Baroque culture, the boyars’ refusal to have beards, and other things that Peter I himself was able to successfully continue in the future. One of important reforms, which paved the way for a new effective apparatus of government was the abolition of localism introduced in 1682, which will be discussed further.

Localism in Russian history
Localism was a Russian tradition that appeared in the 15th century. Its name comes from the custom of taking a seat at banquets according to one's family tree. The system was based on the boyar hierarchy, where any position under the tsar - military or government - was assigned depending on the nobility of origin or the merits of the ancestors, thereby neglecting personal achievements, skills or talents.

Liquidation feudal fragmentation and the unification of Russian lands in the 15th century, forced princes and boyars to head to Moscow in order to occupy high rank at the royal chamber. The Moscow aristocracy, fearing for their “place in the sun,” showed open dissatisfaction and bias towards uninvited guests. In the future, they will also influence the implementation of this system. The accepted localism formed a closed boyar society, into which it was absolutely impossible to enter. It was completely regulated, because everyone had their own rightful place, registered in the rank book, which no one dared to claim. However, over time, this system required changes, which led to complete abolition localism in Russia.

Reasons for the reform
Often, figuring out the importance of one's own ancestry led to problems. Civil strife, and at times bloodshed, were constant incidents that were unraveled by the sovereign and the Boyar Duma. The main disadvantage of the system was the inability of the boyars to coordinate and teamwork. During military operations, this negatively affected the course of the war, because the distribution of military ranks was quite troublesome, which weakened the service. Later this became one of the significant reasons, according to which the abolition of localism was undertaken Zemsky Sobor and Tsar Fedor.

As an educated person, the tsar understood that the system, which had outlived its usefulness, was depriving the Duma of talented and thinking people, and also did not provide the opportunity to remove from service those who could not cope with their work. The elimination of nobility could give the state a functional administrative apparatus. These were yet another significant reason for the abolition of localism in Russia.

So, in the brutal January of 1682, a Zemsky Sobor of boyars was convened, which was attended by one of the most influential people in Moscow - Prince Vasily Golitsyn, whose opinion was authoritative. After the successful adoption of the reform, books containing information about all boyar families were burned within the walls of the royal chamber, where metropolitans and bishops were present. From that moment on, ancestral merits became a thing of the past, giving way to personal responsibility.

Consequences of the reform
As history shows, the consequences of the abolition of localism by the Zemsky Sobor were positive. The liquidation of the system sent Russian history towards the path of democratization and strengthening royal power, and subsequently the fall in the authority of the Boyar Duma. Thus, having carried out the abolition of localism, Fyodor Alekseevich made an attempt to change the administrative structure, giving the opportunity to intelligent and responsible people climb up career ladder, eliminating quitters and embezzlers. In the future, these events influenced the reforms of Peter I. According to most historians, in the 17th century the abolition of localism became important point, reflected in the development of Russian history.

Abolition of localism (Reforms of Alexei Mikhailovich)

Abolition of localism (Reforms of Alexei Mikhailovich)

The abolition of localism occurs in Russian history during a period that became a prerequisite for the improvement of the Russian army and its democratization. At the same time, the entire administrative management system in general was rebuilt.

In addition, this measure becomes a harbinger of the well-known Peter's reforms, the main essence of which was reduced to the elimination of the so-called principle of nobility and the promotion of personal skills and talents to the fore. Thus, many modern historians consider the abolition of localism to be one of the most important reforms of the seventeenth century!

The resolution in question was adopted during the reign of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, which was marked by a number of innovative reforms that were aimed at strengthening the autocratic power of the sovereign. It was during the reign of this monarch that an actual attempt was made to completely change the system of administrative and church governance. But due to the early death of the ruler, this remained in the plans.

The abolition of localism was perhaps the most important event of that time, as it could lead to a radical and quite significant transformation of Russian society itself. In addition, localism significantly complicated the work of military forces and state apparatus. After all, the very essence of this principle came down not to the abilities of the applicant, but only to the degree of his birth and nobility in the eyes of the boyars. Here it is necessary to note the very composition of the boyars in the Moscow principality.

So, the Russian boyars included only representatives of the capital’s aristocracy, nobles of the principalities annexed to the Principality of Moscow, as well as newcomers Tatar and Lithuanian princes. At the same time, all of them were members of the State Duma, daily involved in military and civil administration. But regular disputes about which of them should stand above the other could interfere with the work of the rapidly expanding state apparatus, which most of all needed a flexible system of localism.

At a meeting of the clergy in 1682, the abolition of localism, which later became his most important administrative decision, became a pressing issue. At the same time, it must be remembered that in general the meeting was devoted to church affairs and various religious issues. But the need to change the existing system was so acute that it was this meeting that decided to burn all the grade books.

Localism is a system of feudal hierarchy in the Russian state in the 15th-17th centuries. The term comes from the custom of being considered “seats” in the service and at the sovereign’s table.
Localism arose at the court of the Grand Duke of Moscow at the turn of the 15th-16th centuries, as a consequence of the centralization of the state and the liquidation specific system. The boyar's place in the service-hierarchical ladder of ranks was determined taking into account the service of his ancestors at the court of the Grand Duke.
By the advent of localism there were historical background. With the unification of Russian lands around Moscow, the Rurikovich princes lost their inheritance in large number rushed to the capital to occupy as significant places as possible here. The situation was further aggravated by the fact that together with their masters, Ryazan, Rostov and other boyars came to the Mother See. Naturally, this state of affairs could not suit the local aristocracy, accustomed to its exclusive position around the Grand Duke of Moscow.

Muscovites tried in every possible way to push the serving princes and their boyars away from important services. And although they did not succeed in doing this fully, over time a system of clan accounts arose, thanks to which a relative balance was established among the families that became part of the nobility. At the same time, this system protected them from the claims of those who remained outside the upper class.

Russian historian S.M. Solovyov notes that another reason for the emergence of localism in Rus' is that the Russian aristocracy was much less tied to a specific territory than the Western European aristocracy. This is what he writes in his book “History of Russia from Ancient Times” (vol. 6, chapter 7):

With the names of nobles Western Europe we are used to seeing particles background, de s proper names land plots, locks. If all news about the origin of the Western European upper class disappeared, then from family names alone we would conclude that we are dealing with landowners, that land ownership is the basis of class significance. But let’s turn to our boyars, to their names: what will we meet? "Danilo Romanovich Yuryevich Zakharyin, Ivan Petrovich Fedorovich." Both the ancient princes and the boyars have no trace of an attitude towards land ownership, and one phenomenon explains the other: if the princes did not have permanent volosts, they changed them according to family accounts, then their squad also changed volosts along with them, could not sit on In some places, to take deep roots into the ground, to acquire independent zemstvo significance through land ownership, it depended, received its means of subsistence and significance from the prince or from a whole princely family, for the warriors passed from one prince to another. What was the main interest of the Russian boyar, this is expressed in his name: to the name received at birth or at baptism, he adds the name of the father of his grandfather and great-grandfather, carries with him his genealogy and firmly stands for the fact that there is no ruin or humiliation for the family; From here the phenomenon of localism becomes clear to us - tribal interest dominates.

The obvious and major drawback of localism immediately becomes clear - appointments to the military and government positions were determined not by a person’s suitability or ability, but by his “patronymic” (nobility) and the position of his relatives (father, grandfather).

To illustrate the complexity of parochial relations, I will cite a wonderful excerpt from the book by M.K. Lyubavsky "Lectures on ancient Russian history before late XVI century."

Thus, for example, the descendants of grand dukes sat higher and were appointed to higher and more honorable positions than the descendants appanage princes, and even more so simple, even noble Moscow boyars. The descendants of appanage princes sat and were appointed above the boyars, but not always: those of them whose ancestors were servants of other appanage princes sat and were appointed lower than the boyars who served the great princes, etc. In addition to these general rules, there were also precedents in place in the local regime. It was taken into account how certain princes or boyars and their ancestors were previously seated and appointed to serve, who was a mile away from whom, who was higher or lower, etc. These precedents were inquired about in official or private bit books ah, containing records of all official celebrations and official appointments. In cases where there were no precedents for the joint appointment of certain persons or their ancestors to the service, they tried to find precedents for their joint appointment with third parties or their ancestors and in this way establish the correct relationship between them. But since different faces famous family themselves were not equal to each other, some were considered older, others younger, then in local appointments and accounts not only the “fatherland” was taken into account, general position kind, but also genealogical degrees. Therefore, for example, a son or grandson famous person was not considered equal in honor to the person to whom his father or grandfather was equal, but was several places lower than him. Therefore, during official appointments, inquiries were made not only in the ranks, regarding who sat under whom before or was appointed to a position, but also in the genealogies, who was assigned to whom and by whom. These two coefficients were used to produce thin and complex calculations, often confused and deliberately confused and therefore aroused bickering, disputes and quarrels.

As you can see, it is extremely confusing and a complex system, which inevitably led to frequent disputes and strife, which the Tsar and the Boyar Duma were forced to sort out. Localism made the boyars incapable of common cause, to friendly activity in any direction. It is no coincidence that during the Time of Troubles, the Moscow boyar elite actually betrayed Russia, and salvation came from Nizhny Novgorod.

In the 1st half of the 16th century. Localism was observed only among the boyars and former appanage princes. From the middle of the 16th century. it penetrates among the nobles, and in the 17th century. even among merchants and city officials.
Often, those appointed to the position would bash the Tsar that it was not right for him to serve below such and such a boyar, for such a “loss of honor” could create a precedent for lowering the status of his descendants.

It should be noted that there are two diametrically opposing views to the locality. According to the first, localism was unprofitable for the kings, since it limited them in personnel appointments and allowed the nobility to control this process; according to the second, localism helped the kings weaken and divide the aristocracy.
The truth, apparently, is somewhere in the middle.

Local disputes were especially dangerous during hostilities, when the appointment of governors was delayed due to such disputes and this interfered with the combat effectiveness of the army.
Ivan the Terrible realized this danger, and in 1549, during his campaign against Kazan, he banned local litigation during the campaign. At his request, Metropolitan Macarius addressed the army with the words: “And the sovereign wants to pay you for your service, and take care of your fatherland, and you would serve... and there would be no discord and no place between you...”
This practice was enshrined in the "Sentence of Places and Governors in Regiments" of 1550.

Summer 7058, July, king and Grand Duke Ivan Vasilyevich of all Russia sentenced with his father Makariy Metropolitan, and with his brother with Prince Yury Vasilyevich, and with Prince Volodimer Andreevich, and with his boyars, and also ordered to write in the service order where to be at Tsarev and the Grand Duke's service to the boyars and governors by regiment: in the large regiment, the life of the great governor, and the advanced regiment, both the right hands and left hands of the governor and the guard regiment, the first governor of the life of the menshi of the large regiment of the first governor. And who will be the other [second] in the larger regiment of the governor, and before that larger regiment, the other governor is the right hand of the larger governor, there is no matter, they have no place to live.
And which governors will be in right hand, and the forward regiment and the guard regiment, the governors, will be the first to be right hands, not inferior. And the left hands of the governors should be no less than the advanced regiment and the guard regiment of the first governors. And the left hands of the governors would be less than the right hands of the first governor. And the other governor in the left hand will be less than the other governor in the right hand.
And the prince and the great nobleman, and the children of the boyars in the service of the Tsarev and the Grand Duke with the boyars and with the governor or with the light governors of the Tsarev and the Grand Duke for the purpose of being without places. And in the service attire, the Tsar and the Grand Duke ordered it to be written down that the boyar children and the great nobles were to serve in Tsarev and the Grand Duke's service with the governors not according to their fatherland, and there was no damage to their fatherland.
And which of the greater nobles will now be with the lesser voivodes where in Tsarev and the Grand Duke’s service not in their own fatherland, but ahead of them luchitsa which of those magisterial nobles themselves will be voivodes and with the same voivodes with whom they were, or luchitsa where to be on some kind of mission, and with those governors with whom they were, counting then, and to be then in the governors of their own fatherland; and before that, although they were with some governors and lesser ones in the service, and that noble with those governors in the account in their fatherland, there is no destruction according to the sovereign's Tsarev and the Grand Duke's verdict.

In July 1577, the royal governors moved to the city of Kes (now Cesis is a city in Latvia) and replaced themselves. Prince M. Tyufyakin twice annoyed the Tsar with petitions. “It was written to him from the king with fear that he was making a fool.” But other governors also did not want to accept the painting: “But the sovereign’s governors again hesitated and did not go to Kesi. And the sovereign sent the ambassadorial clerk Andrei Shchelkalov from Moscow with a grunt, the sovereign sent the nobleman Daniil Borisovich Saltykov from Sloboda, and ordered them to go to Kesi and carry out their business past the governor, and the governors with them.” Thus, the governors who began to “fool” were reassigned to the much less noble guardsman Daniil Saltykov.

Of great importance, limiting localism, was the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1645–1676) that when serving in the regiments, the captains and colonels of the Moscow Streltsy regiments should obey only the first boyars and governors, in connection with which the corresponding letters ordered that these Streltsy commanders be identified only “ to the great boyars and governors."
The lesson of the Time of Troubles did not serve our nobility in terms of their attitude towards localism.
This is what Sergei Stepanov writes in his training course"Political history of Russia":

So, on July 11, 1613, on the day of Mikhail Romanov’s crowning of the kingdom, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky was “conquered with boyars,” and the next day, on the royal name day, Kozma Minin was granted a Duma nobleman. However, the personal merits of the leaders of the second militia meant nothing to the nobility. At the ceremony of telling the boyars “at the fairy tale,” Pozharsky was assigned to stand by the Duma nobleman Gavrila Pushkin, who beat with his brow that he should stand at the fairy tale and less than a prince It is inappropriate for Dmitry to be there, because his relatives less than the Pozharskys have never been anywhere. And this episode was not the only one. V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote about D. M. Pozharsky: “Even though he Moscow State cleared the Cossack thieves and Polish enemies, was promoted to boyar from among the noble stewards, received “great estates”: they found fault with him at every opportunity, repeating one thing that the Pozharskys were not people of the rank, they did not hold large positions, except for mayors and labial elders had never been anywhere before." Once, as a result of a local dispute, the savior of the fatherland was "sent away by the head" to the boyar B. Saltykov and escorted in disgrace under escort from royal palace to the porch of an insignificant but high-born rival. For their seats in the Boyar Duma and at ceremonies, the boyars were ready to suffer disgrace and imprisonment. In 1624, at the wedding of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich by royal decree It was announced to everyone “to be without seats,” but the boyar Prince I.V. Golitsyn refused to come to the wedding, saying: “Although the sovereign ordered execution, I can’t be less than Shuisky and Trubetskoy.” For disobedience, I.V. Golitsyn’s estates were confiscated, and he and his wife were exiled to Perm. However, his relatives apparently considered such tenacity commendable and imitated the boyar in defending family honor. In 1642, the nephew of this boyar, Prince I.A. Golitsyn at the reception foreign ambassadors entered into a local dispute with Prince D. M. Cherkassky, but it was announced to him through the Duma clerk: “There was a sovereign with foreigners in the golden chamber, and you, Prince Ivan, at that time wanted to sit above the boyar Prince Dmitry Mamstrukovich Cherkassky and called him your brother and thus dishonored him: the boyar Prince Dmitry Mamstrukovich is a great man and their honor is old, under Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich his uncle, Prince Mikhail Temryukovich, was in great honor." As a result, instead of the Boyar Duma, Prince I. A. Golitsyn was sent to prison.

Legally, localism was finally abolished at the end of the reign of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich. On November 24, 1681, after the end of the war with Turkey, the tsar instructed Prince V.V. Golitsyn and his comrades “in charge of military affairs” to bring Russian army in accordance with modern requirements. In turn, Vasily Golitsyn, “having told the elected people his great sovereign’s decree,” immediately demanded “that they, the elected people, declare in what military dispensation it is more appropriate for stewards, solicitors, nobles, and tenants to be.”
Due to the fact that representatives of the most seedy Moscow clans did not want to get into command ranks, in which aristocrats do not serve, the electors asked: firstly, that the sovereign would order from now on to enroll as captains and lieutenants young men of all clans of the Court, who are now not on the lists , “as soon as they enter the service and are promoted to ranks”; secondly, I would point out great sovereign representatives of the Moscow nobility in all services should be “among each other without places where the great sovereign will indicate to whom, and henceforth no one will be considered by rank or place, and rank cases and places will be set aside and eradicated.”
On January 12, 1682, the tsar gathered the patriarch with the clergy and the present composition of the Duma, announced to them the petition of the elected representatives and supported it with a very eloquent speech. With general agreement, Fyodor Alekseevich ordered the boyar Prince M.Yu. Dolgorukov with Duma clerk V.G. Semyonov to bring all the available local rank books and invited the clergy to immediately destroy them, declaring that from now on everyone will serve without places, they should not be considered old services under pain of punishment. Instead of rank books, genealogical books were created, which were intended not as a tool for appointment to positions, but to codify all noble families.
(Read more about the abolition of localism in a special article on our website.)

But even after 1682, clashes based on family honor did not stop. Peter I had to fight this evil, who was forced to repeatedly remind about the “resignation of those before former places and fatherly disputes,” threatening those who disobey with torture and execution “according to this trial.”