What to write under photos on Instagram. Interesting and original captions for photos on Instagram with meaning - list

Instagram is a popular social network in which the main emphasis is on photography, pictures and the visual component. But at the same time, it is advisable to add to each post small description to make the post more interesting and original.

This is especially true for people who make money on Instagram - in this case, you need to know exactly how to beautifully sign a photo in order to collect more likes and comments.

Be sure to add a caption to your photos - this way you can appeal to both those who like visual messages and text ones. Technically, this is not difficult to do - upload a photo, process it with filters, click “next” and in the “add signature” window that appears, write a suitable phrase. All that remains is to figure out what exactly to write.

Often the right phrase makes you take a fresh look at a seemingly ordinary photograph and see the zest in it. Therefore, do not underestimate the power of words; you need to learn how to use them correctly.

It is worth understanding that the style of communication with subscribers and captions for pictures should be chosen depending on the topic of the account. Commercial ones (online stores, services, brand accounts) should be more official and always respect the standards of decency. Your page is the face of the company, so in this case there are more requirements for content.

Exist certain rules which must be observed when drawing up a signature:

In personal profiles, you can formulate your thoughts in any form convenient for you, but branded pages need to strictly follow these rules.

First, you should evaluate the photo - what is it about? Start from the content of the image so that the phrase can complement it or the picture complements the phrase. If they are completely unsuitable for each other, subscribers will decide that you have no taste at all and the reaction may be negative. Therefore, you should not thoughtlessly add aphorisms to random photographs.

Let's look at which signature options usually win:

There are many options for interesting signatures, but there are no universal tips. It all depends on too many factors: the characteristics of your followers and your personality.

If you really don’t know how to caption a photo on Instagram, look at other popular pages on your topic. Don't copy them completely, but this way you can understand which direction you need to move.

You can take 10 more interesting ones to sign in the video funny girl from the video below:

How to caption an image

In some cases, you can write a small signature directly on top of the image. But I draw your attention - small, not the whole quote small print. With their help, you can place accents or indicate the mood “beloved”, “kote”, “sea”, “happiness”, etc. Preferably no more than one or two words on top of the picture, so as not to spoil the impression.

So, the techniques for applying the phrase:

  • Install special applications for phones (available for both Android and IOS), which allow you to overlay text on photos. Take a photo and then add a caption through the app.
  • Find online services with this function, there are quite a lot of them and you shouldn’t have any problems finding them.
  • Add manually using Photoshop, and then upload the photo to Instagram via your computer.

If you have already posted a post on Instagram, and only after that you are thinking about how to beautifully sign a photo, do not worry - just add a comment to the photo and your followers will see it. Add hashtags there too, and people will be able to find your post using them. But the option with a signature in a specially designated place looks much more organic.

The number of service users in 2018 exceeded 1 billion people. And this number continues to grow. The platform attracts with its capabilities: creating and promoting business accounts, advertising, attracting a large audience to your business. And it doesn’t matter whether you sell vacuum cleaners or remove wines – you will find your subscribers. And with them money and fame. In this article, we will look at what an Instagram username is, examples of successful names, and learn how it will help attract attention to your profile.

Name, nickname or nickname is the name of your page. It is located above or next to the photo and fits into the link to the account.

What is a username on Instagram and where to see it is now clear.

Why is it needed:

  • The page title is the user ID. It exists in a single version and allows you to find the desired page.
  • Helps to attract the attention of users and force them to visit the profile. Example: @ochen.panda, @sashaspit.
  • Some Instagram names accurately reflect the content of the profile. Example: @smeshnoe_video, @gotovim_sami.
  • Show who owns the profile. Example: @irina_gorbacheva, @pavelvolyaofficial.
  • Name the brand that owns the account: @barmariska, @asos.

Before changing the page name, read the service requirements for nicknames.

What kind of username can you come up with for Instagram? Let's consider the requirements:

  • Write only to English layout, Russian letters are not supported.
  • Any numbers can be used.
  • Acceptable characters are dot and underscore.
  • The maximum number of characters is 30.
  • The minimum number is 1.

Now about how you can name yourself on Instagram:

  • If this is a personal account, the most reasonable and simple option is to convert your full name into a nickname. Example: the user's name is Ivan Ivanov - @iv_iv, @ivnv.ivn, @ivan_ivanov, @ivanov.i, @i.i and many other options. It all depends on your imagination.
  • In the brand profile nickname, indicate its name so that customers can easily find the account: @asus, @zollaofficial, @acer.
  • Come up with unusual name page (account) on Instagram. Example: @animebit13, @olya.cass, @empetric.
  • For a thematic page, choose a title that reflects the content. Examples: @boks_star - about boxing stars, @bestbooks_are - an account about books, @pranker_show - a selection of prank videos.
  • In the nickname of the page of any service, also indicate its name. Example: @uborka_ykt - apartment cleaning in Yakutsk, @dostavka_ikea - furniture delivery, @remont_tel_mak - phone repair.

Some more tips on how to name your Instagram page:

  • Do not use long words so that the nickname is perceived by users without difficulty.
  • If your nickname is long, insert it separators between words.
  • Come up with another nickname; if the one you want is busy, don’t write @Ivanov1237, @ivan75858, etc. This looks unattractive - it seems that the user did not want to try and come up with something.
  • Don't choose nicknames for Instagram from swear words– the administration will block the profile. But there are cases when the account successfully exists even in similar situations— @profil_govno.
  • If it's a profile of a brand or service, don't use words that aren't relevant to the topic.

The user is asked to come up with a nickname upon registration. But you can change it at any time.

How to write a username on Instagram when registering:

  • Open the application.
  • At the very bottom of the login page, click Register.

  • Select registration by number or address.
  • Enter the number or address.
  • Click Next.

  • You will see a welcome message with an automatically generated nickname. Click Change name under the Next button.
  • Enter your desired nickname.
  • If the frame lights up red, the name is taken, enter another one.
  • The green checkmark lights up - free, click Next.

The nickname will be saved and the profile can be used.

Important! Before you name your Instagram account differently, think about whether this is really necessary. The fact is that they won’t be able to find you using your old nickname. If this is a company profile, there is a risk of losing customers.

How to call yourself differently on Instagram after registration:

  • Open the application.
  • On the control panel at the bottom, click on the profile icon.

  • Tap Edit under the block with the number of posts and subscribers.

  • If the nickname is busy, a notification will appear at the top of the screen. Enter another.
  • No notification - name is available.
  • Click the checkmark on the right top corner.

No additional verification is required. After changing your name, when logging in, enter a new one - you won’t be able to access the page with your old nickname. If you follow the old direct link, the profile will not be available, since the link will also change.

Now you know how to name your Instagram profile. The main thing is to show your imagination. We hope that our article was useful to you.

How to come up with a good and memorable nickname for Instagram

Hello, dear readers of my blog Start-luck. Today we will be creative. Of course, Instagram is primarily about content, but the name chosen by the user also has great importance. Imagine, today you call yourself sexy-kitty, gain 100,000 subscribers, and in 5 years you start posting photos from your wedding on this account. Not every husband will approve of such a name. You will either have to forget about the account, or simply regret what you did.

Fortunately, there are some rules that will tell you what nickname to come up with on Instagram. Today I will talk about them, show how the creative process occurs and even give a few specific examples. Take them before others take them!

Don’t forget that your Instagram nickname can and should only be written in English. In this case, participants around the world will be able to find you. In principle, even if you really want to create a name in Russian, you will not succeed during registration. So, let's not focus on this point.

It’s great if you manage to find a shorter nickname. It is easier and more convenient to remember. However, there are a lot of people registered on Instagram, so most of the short nicknames are already taken. But that's okay.

You have underscore, numbers and a period at your disposal. Use them to make your nickname less long and difficult to remember. Why is this so important? Recently I came across the account of a blogger on Instagram. He can't get out of my head. This is a popular girl, the wife of a millionaire, on a social network she is called tetyamotya.

Agree, it is difficult to forget such a name. Whether you like it or not, sooner or later I will definitely return to her page, and you will visit it, and even if not, then remember - 100%. Let's look at some of the most good options nicknames that can be found on the social network Instagram. This will help you come up with something of your own.

I really liked the nickname 1924us. It’s not particularly clear what these numbers mean, apparently some kind of significant year, it is on them that the emphasis is placed in the name, which deeply penetrates into memory. I’m convinced that it won’t be that easy to forget, and if you do, sooner or later you’ll try to pick it up. By the way, the profile itself is no less original and memorable. I recommend subscribing.

Another interesting account, both in terms of nickname and its content, is jeffonlain. This is a Parisian guy, photographer Jefferson Kent York. As you can see, there was no point in calling by name - it would have been too long, but it turned out to be quite friendly and short. If your name is Yulia, hurry up - Ulyaonline is still free.

In addition to online, some use offline or simply off. Don’t forget about other consoles that are familiar to everyone. For example, hd or pix.

Don't be afraid to misspell a name if it's for the sake of simplification. For example, if your name is Dasha, and the nickname Dashahd is already taken, you can name the account Dasa_HD. At the time of writing this article, he is free, like Dasa_nasa.

The rhyme in the nickname also helps to remember the profile. I have already spoken about Aunt Mota, so I will not focus my attention on this point. Let's talk about mistakes instead. One of the popular profiles that publishes cityscapes is called kostennn. The single N was occupied, so apparently we had to use a triple. Well, this did not affect the account's memorization and fame.

You can do it by analogy, for example, with the name Katya - Kkkatya, katttya or katyaya. This is a fairly popular name, so many simple options are already in use. You can put your initials in front, where Ani-katya will mean that you are Aniskina or Animalskaya. By the way, in Hebrew the word “ani” means “I”.

Let me tell you how anything is invented. In this case, it will be easier for you to come up with a name for yourself on Instagram. To begin with, an unshakable foundation is taken. For example, you want to use your name in the title. Let your name be Anya. That's it, you've decided on this.

Next you can open the site namechk.com , where you can check names for employment. If you do this during the registration process, you will be subconsciously driven by the desire to complete the process. It is better not to rush, but to approach the issue calmly and thoughtfully.

I entered this nickname into the search bar of the service and the Instagram icon was highlighted in yellow. It turns out that the minimum length of an Instagram nickname is 5 characters.

We need to come up with an alternative. I'm starting to think about what options I have for stretching out the characters. If you find it difficult to be “creative” at first, use a piece of paper and a pen. Take them and set yourself a goal to come up with five solutions to the problem. Why so much?

You need to learn to squeeze new thoughts out of yourself. Even if at first glance they seem stupid. In just 10 minutes, in order to finish it quickly, you will “finish off” the list with any nonsense, the main thing is to write it down and finally close it. Perhaps this time it won’t work out perfectly, but over time it will be much easier for you to come up with something on your own.

You spend too much time reading and the Internet. You are capable of coming up with something of your own. It takes a little effort. So, here’s my example: how can a girl named Anya increase the length of her Instagram nickname?

  • Add numbers.
  • Add something in a short word in English.
  • Use rhyme.
  • Initials.
  • Since the profile will be related to cooking, take some interesting term from there in addition.

Next, we choose one of the options that we like best. Let's assume it's a rhyme. Next I go to the rhyming dictionary. rifme.net . From the list I find the most suitable option, suppose: Anya blushes. By the way, while I’m reading I’m still finding some good words – “tyrant” and “volcano”. You can write, say, “Anya is the daughter of a tyrant,” and to shorten a nickname that is too long, we use numbers.

Greetings, dear readers. Today we’ll talk about working with the well-known social network Instagram. Let's look at working with tags, and tell you how to correctly and beautifully fit them into publications.

A huge number of users post their photos on Instagram every day. Some people win new followers with their charisma, some with their beauty, and others just like to do crazy things. beautiful photos. The only thing we can say with confidence is that Instagram is a very popular resource.

Naturally, each of us, when posting our next photo on Instagram, hopes for thousands of likes and . This is a normal desire. However, as we know, desire alone is not enough. To achieve this, you need to know several secrets and nuances. Of course, we will share them with you, our dear readers.

How to caption a photo on Instagram correctly

Note that it is correct, not beautiful. Let's focus on this first. Surely everyone knows that it is impossible to successfully manage your Instagram account without beautiful and original photos. However, this alone will not win you thousands of followers. Your photo must be distinguished from thousands of others, namely, described correctly. Hashtags are also included here. For ordinary Internet users who have just registered on Instagram, the word “hashtag” is probably something incomprehensible. Well, let's look at this in more detail.

What kind of “beast” is this hashtag?

This is a designation that is responsible for the precise distribution of descriptions on specific topics on networks, including Instagram. By highlighting your posts with hashtags, you mark them, thereby giving people the opportunity to find what they are looking for. thematic information using search.

This design will help distribute information according to specific requests, which will increase traffic to your account many times over.

Hashtag properties:

  • instant search on specifically selected topics;
  • Key words convey to readers main idea messages;
  • distributes information thematically.

Important! If you learn how to use hashtags correctly, this will help you gain a fabulous number of subscribers in the future. Your photos will become more interesting, they will literally come to life.

Well, let's not bore you, let's move on to next stage our training.

How to put hashtags on Instagram (Examples)

Externally, a hashtag looks like a phrase or separate word, preceded by a # symbol. For example, please #repost. What does this mean, what role does it play in in this case lattice? It's very simple, it turns a single word or phrase into a link. If the user clicks on this link, he will be able to see all messages that are tagged with this hashtag.

Important! The grid simplifies the search process. If you use it in your photo captions, you will be able to increase the number of views several times. Users of various resources will find you and view your publications.

There are several rules that must be followed:

  • the hashtag can be written in both Cyrillic and Latin letters;
  • It is necessary to use a space;
  • words that you intend to use as a reference must be written behind bars, without using a space;
  • if you plan to use multiple words as a hashtag, then there should be no spaces between them. You can cite a few words, as an example - #the world should know where I rest; #life is amazing and beautiful; #take everything from life.

Well, we figured out the question of how to put hashtags on Instagram. However, you shouldn't stop there. After all, at its core, a hashtag is just a link, which, admittedly, works very effectively. But still, it is necessary to take into account other nuances in order to gather thousands of followers on Instagram. You probably want this.

Beautiful photo caption, looking for a middle ground

How to caption a photo on Instagram? This question often confuses Instagram users. They rack their brains trying to come up with something original and interesting name. However, having not come up with anything original, they stop at banal phrases - “I’m at sea”, “My child”, “Walking with a friend” and so on. This is a completely wrong approach, because these names, like White spot on a white sheet of paper, they get lost among total mass banal names for photos, they are invisible.

Advice! You don't have to have extraordinary eloquence to come up with an attractive title. You just need to follow the tips and rules that we will describe below in the article.

I would like to additionally touch on the issue of the photograph itself before telling you how to leave a signature under it. Try not to chase quantity, but concentrate on quality. It’s not at all necessary to post banal selfies every 5 minutes. Remember, it’s better to publish 1 beautiful photo once a week rather than mediocre ones every day.

If you do not have photography talent, then you can use the services of a professional photographer, or take special training on the Internet.

What to write under the photo?

So, if you are not everyone's favorite Hollywood star who is recognized at every turn, then the following rules will definitely come in handy.

  • Don't resort to using trivial philosophical phrases, with which the Internet is literally teeming. If your age is under 18 years old, then they will certainly suit you.
  • Most Instagrammers prefer sincerity rather than pretense and boasting. Be cheerful, positive, sincere and kind in your statements. If you tell other users about your life with positivity and humor, then you are halfway to success.
  • Reasoning for the most different topics– this is what Instagrammers are crazy about. Don't try to please anyone with your statements. Even if users don’t agree with you, they will definitely start a discussion, which will only benefit you.
  • Posts that can teach something useful are also in enormous demand. Prepare delicious cake, a girl will like it, learn how to care for a child, and so on. However, remember that information copied from other users and posted on your account will not cause special interest and delight. If you tend to write in an original and interesting way, you should definitely take advantage of this.
  • Use emoticons to suit the mood of the text, it's fun and original. With the help of emoticons, users will be able to feel the mood of the text you write.
  • If you have created a thematic profile and adhere to a specific direction, then you should not go beyond this topic.

We will give you several examples of how to submit a profitable description. For example, “Holidays with friends” - can be described as follows: “Nature, beautiful weather, barbecue, close friends - join us” Do you feel it? Yes, half of those reading will be eager to rush to your place on vacation. Or “Me and my child” - let’s change it, “A person for whom you feel unearthly love, I think successful parents will understand me.”

Another interesting example photographs and signatures, the author of which interested his users. See screenshot below.

Hello, dear readers of the ilife.ru blog!

In this article we will talk about how to design your Instagram profile so that people pay attention to it. more people. Correct, beautiful and original design is the first thing a user will see when they land on your page.

Therefore, it is worth taking 10-20 minutes of time to read this article in full and edit important points in your account.

Making a profile on Instagram

Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person who lands on the page wants to see.

Your profile design should answer 3 simple questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. How can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at first glance why you will be interesting and useful to him in order for him to subscribe to you.

If you run a business account where you sell some product or service, then rephrase these questions a little to suit them.

What can you write:

  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from, where do you live?
  • Who do you work for, what do you do, what project are you leading, what do you know?
  • What are your hobbies, your lifestyle, your hobbies?
  • What have you achieved?
  • What do you write about on your Instagram?
  • How to contact you? Link to a website or other social network.

Don't forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, something that the visitor will remember. So that “this guy who...” is imprinted in his brain and he remembers you. You can capture it with just one detail.

Nickname on Instagram (username)

The username (nickname), which is initially specified when registering in English or transliterated, will be displayed everywhere during your activity. Therefore, it also needs to be made as simple and memorable as possible. So that you can be easily found in search.

As you can see, the description and first name with last name in the profile are also shown in the search results.

"Name" field in profile settings

The one that is highlighted in bold.

As you can see, it affects search results, both in search engines and in the search for Instagram itself. Therefore, here you can indicate not just your first and last name, but search query, by which they can find you.

For example, if you are a photographer, you can indicate in the line:

“Photographer of Perm - Vasily Blinov”

Well, or somehow formalize it with various emoticons.

Of course, a real first and last name works better than some kind of commercial request. Especially if you use . People will see that this is not a living person, but some kind of company trying to sell them something, then you yourself will understand their reaction.

What photo should I put on my avatar?

The photo works exactly the same, it is displayed in many places. If there is any picture there, and not your photo, they will consider you a bot and pass by without paying attention.

Post a good, cool photo of yourself where you can be seen in this little round piece. I generally have one photo on all social accounts. networks, it’s easier to find and remember. Above I gave a link to my page, you can go and look at it for an example.

Now let's move on to technical issues registration

How to make description text on a new line?

IN this moment My profile is designed this way. It is impossible to do this through the application, because there is no “Enter” button that opens a new line.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. We register new text in the “About Me” section or use the “ENTER” button to separate the old one.

Step 4. Save the settings and check on the phone.

Such text is better perceived and read than simply in one sentence.

How to center the description (bio) on Instagram?

It's just as easy to do:

Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

Step 2. Click “Edit Profile”.

Step 3. In the “About Me” section, you must insert space characters (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀) before the lines of text. Here they are in brackets, just select and copy.

Step 4. Adjust the number of space characters to make it even. Check on your phone.

This is how it worked for me, but I had to delete some of the text, because spaces are counted as characters, the number of which is limited. There is no way to move the link.

How to make a "Contact" button and page category

In order to activate this feature on Instagram, you need to create a public Facebook page. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), then all that remains is to link it to your Instagram account.

Step 1. Linking the pages. Log in from your phone (via mobile app Instagram) in editing your profile and click “Try tools for the company” there.

Step 3. Enter the information through which users can contact you.

The address will also be displayed in the profile data and, when clicked, shown on the map.

If you don’t want users to be able to call a phone number and see the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you don’t have to specify them.

How to add emoticons?

After you make the description text on a new line and save it, you can go through the application on your phone to edit and add the necessary emoticons in the usual way.

Active link in profile

If the URL is long and looks ugly, then it should be shortened using . For example, like mine, a short abbreviated link.

About accounts that are hidden from view

After a person views your profile, they proceed to rate the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

No one follows a private account, and with this setup you are unlikely to become popular.

How to open a private profile?

This cannot be done through a computer, only through a mobile application.

Go to the application itself on your phone and in the upper right corner click the “Settings” gear. Drag the “Private Account” slider to the left.

That's it, guys, this is where I finish the article about creating a profile on Instagram. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And please write, is it necessary to talk about the design of posts on Instagram?

I will be waiting for feedback.

On the social network Instagram, many users post posts with beautiful, unusual captions. Moreover, they can be either under the photo or in the picture itself. Filters are also used for this. This trick is used to diversify the feed. It also attracts new subscribers.

The official application does not provide such functions, so many people resort to using third-party tools. This guide will cover different variants performing signatures on publications on Instagram.

The Instagram database contains many different photos and videos. Under each of them there is some kind of signature. Nowadays it is very difficult to be original and not repeat yourself.

To come up with a good caption for a post, you need to use original phrases. Essentially, it's not that hard. You just need to think a little and add a little imagination, especially if necessary.

You can tritely describe the action in the photograph, but with the addition of sarcasm. You can also delve into the topic and come up with some parallels. In any case, for an interesting signature, just words are not enough. You should add more color to your statements.

For example:

  • The mood is as always, but no one notices;
  • The leader stayed behind while the flock went out for a walk;
  • Did I change the weather today or did it adapt to me.

How to add a caption to a photo

The most labor-intensive process is creating interesting phrase or statements. Some people take this so seriously that they can spend several hours mulling over two proposals and end up choosing neither.

Luckily, the process of adding a caption to a photo is not that complicated. The developers tried to simplify everything as much as possible to make it convenient for users to share their thoughts.

To add a signature, during , you need to enter the text in the appropriate box. You can also enter hashtags there. Actually, this is the whole process of adding a signature. For smartphone owners, this will not be difficult.

How to make text on a photo

Sometimes a simple caption under a post is not enough for Instagram users, and they start adding it directly to the photo. How to write a caption on a photo for Instagram? To do this, you need to use additional software. It is worth noting that this procedure possible both on a smartphone and on a personal computer.

To add an inscription to a photo, you need to use the services of a special one. One of the most popular is Textagram.

Instructions for using the application

  1. To begin, you should go to Google Play and download Textagram – write on photos. Then install it.
  2. Open the application. There will be a plus (+) button in the main window. You should click on it.
  3. The program will offer two options: create your own project or use the built-in template. For greater originality, you can choose the second method.
  4. In the window that opens, click on the button with a sheet with one corner folded.
  5. Now you need to select the photo from which the changes will occur. The editor will open, after which you can start making settings. Here you can set right size, add a filter, blur, or use any other function.
  6. Now you can proceed directly to adding text. To do this, press the button with the letter “A”. A cursor will appear on the screen. You need to indicate a place to start the text. Here you can change the font, add color or enlarge the letters. After completing all the manipulations, you should save the project. The inscription is ready.

Inscription on photo from computer

There are many different computer programs for creating captions on photos. In most cases they are free. Except plain text, often, it is possible to add prints or pictures.

Popular applications in this category are: TextArt, Textgram, PixelLab. In reality their number is much greater. Each person will be able to find something suitable for him.

Another very convenient application is Font Candy. Its main advantage is that it is free. It also has a huge number of different functions. With it you can change fonts, add various filters and much more. All this will allow you to transform the text so that the publication attracts the attention of other people.

How to make text in a circle

There are many different programs and services for this purpose. One of the most popular applications among users is Snapseed. It is absolutely free, and you can download it from the official website or the Google Play store. The application weighs very little, so downloading will be quick. It also takes up virtually no space on the phone. But it has an impressive number of functions.

This application works on the Android and iOS platforms, so the creation of the inscription will take place on a smartphone. The first thing you need to do is download Snapseed from Google Play. There are similar programs for computers or laptops, but for the Windows system.

Instructions for creating text in a circle using Snapseed:

  1. First you need to open the application.
  2. Now you need to select a pre-prepared photo. It will appear on the screen in full size.
  3. At the bottom there is an edit button. She displays
  4. azhena in the form of a pencil. You should click on it.
  5. In the window that appears, select the “Text” button. It is represented by the letter "A".
  6. The fonts available for use will appear at the bottom of the screen. At the end of the list there will be fonts in circles. You should select the appropriate one, and then enter the desired text.
  7. The signature is ready. Now you can save the photo.

In this simple way you can create original signatures that will always stand out from the rest.


You can decorate any Instagram post by creating interesting inscriptions. You can add them both under the photo and on it. Many available applications and programs will help the user with this. You can perform this editing on all devices.

To further engage Instagram users, you can create an inscription in a circle. To do this, you can use it specially or make it manually, from scratch.

Glad to welcome you to my blog!

I recently started learning Instagram and noticed this feature: add interesting picture It’s very easy to log into your account, but as soon as you need to sign a photo, you think for a long time.

In principle, the process of adding photos with captions on Instagram is not complicated:

  • You upload photos via special program which I'm talking about. Or add directly from your mobile device.
  • Of course, the photo needs to be processed - adding an inscription or various visual effects.
  • Once you've finished working with the photo, you need to come up with a name for it. It must be entered in the signature field. This is exactly the text that will attract attention to your account.
  • Completing the entire process is clicking the “Publish” button.

Of course, in the very first moment after publication, you expect a huge number of likes and comments from your visitors.

This doesn't always happen. The entire post as a whole should be attractive, not just the image or caption text.

But if everything is clear with the photo, then let’s figure out what and how to “sign” under the photo on Instagram in order to attract attention.


If you are ready to create, be creative or experiment, then try signing your image or picture with bright text.

What can you write under a photo on Instagram?

In addition to technical restrictions on the use of hashtags and the overall length of the text, there are recommendations for various types accounts on Instagram.

If you manage a corporate account or your own business account, then listen to the following tips:

  • You need to write without errors, clearly,
  • Do not use slang words, avoid jargon.
  • Remember that a signature is an extension of your photo. With text you complement or clarify what is shown in the photo. It should be clear to your potential clients how beneficial it is for them to work with you.
  • Provide your contact information if you plan to contact potential clients. For example, if you are developing an online store or offering your services.
  • Post in signatures interesting reviews your clients, or provide links to them.

Remember that a high-quality photograph interesting signature Below the photo is a complete composition. Nothing should stray from the general line. This way you will interest the visitor to contact you and become your client.

How to attract attention to a photo on Instagram?

The most common techniques for attracting attention to your photos on Instagram:

  • Caption for selfie with listing characters and indicating the event. For example, “Me, Vasya and Kolya at yesterday’s match.”
  • If you post pictures beautiful places, then be sure to indicate when and where it was filmed. You can add interesting description, a little humor and a little history about this place.
  • If it turns out that nothing comes to mind, then post a quote in the signature famous person or a phrase from your favorite movie.
  • You can create intrigue by posting a selfie or interesting photo. In the signature, write just one question and a call for comments: “Guess where I am? Write your answer in the comments." A proven method that always works.

This list can go on, but I'm sure you can create something of your own. After all, your text amazingly reflects your essence, mood and emotions that you experienced at the time of photographing.

What to do if you didn’t have time to sign the photo?

Of course, you can’t make a signature now, but you can publish everything you wanted to say in a comment. This is done very simply:

  • Click on the picture you forgot to sign.
  • Next to the like icon there is a comment field. If you didn’t know about this, then let me tell you: comments can be written not only by subscribers or visitors to your account, but also by you. The post field on Instagram is no different.
  • Write in this field everything you wanted to indicate in the signature. Don't forget to put thematic hashtags.

In this case, your text will work exactly the same as if it were published along with a photo.

I hope you understand that captioning a post on Instagram is as easy as posting an image. If you already have your own account on this network, then share your observations about an interesting signature in the comments.


Sincerely, Alexander Gavrin.