Working in a small town: is it possible to find a good option? To work in another city.

Without going into depth of research into the reasons for labor migration of Russians, we will try to develop an algorithm for a recently popular enterprise.

  1. We start by preparing ourselves for changes (we determine more precisely the choice of upcoming activities, the availability or possibilities of purchasing housing, the cost of living).
  2. We collect information about the selected area (how much housing, food, etc. cost, how much your abilities and experience in this region are in demand and paid). It makes sense to expand the search geographically. Potential employer companies should also be examined for reliability (there are a lot of fly-by-night companies that appear for different purposes).
  3. Making a resume:
  • When indicating your city of residence, it is recommended to name the area where you are currently staying with a note "Ready" in the relevant section on moving. You should also indicate all the cities where relocation is possible, although this reduces the integrity of the resume. An employer is more interested in people targeting a specific place of residence and place of work. They claim that Moscow employers respond more quickly to proposals from Muscovites and do not consider applications from nonresidents. But by indicating your place of residence in Moscow and your phone number with your native city code, you can find yourself in an awkward position and cause bewilderment to the recruiter; such detected deceit is extremely undesirable;
  • V "Additional information" We report that there are no problems with housing and registration at the future place of residence or the need for housing, or the search for work with accommodation. Your organization will be demonstrated by information about the exact date of your move and your readiness to go to work, as well as the reasons for changing your place of residence;
  • V "Wishes for work" indicate the type of activity (, for example).
  1. The questionnaire was posted in all possible search engines, we are waiting for responses and invitations, but we ourselves are looking at the vacancies of large sites and local, city ones, and responding to them.
  2. Many search sites require a cover letter when applying for a vacancy. Here we firmly write about the desire to work only in this city, at this particular enterprise, to apply our abilities in this workplace, since the work is familiar, we have relevant experience and achievements (indicate what we managed to achieve) in a previous company doing this and that - and well-known for its merits in its field.

In the letter we express our readiness to appear for an interview in person or to hold a Skype meeting. We try as much as possible to help the employer form an opinion about us and make a positive decision.

  1. Preparing for the first interview:
  • If Skype is used, we check the condition of the equipment, the quality of the connection, and at the agreed moment of connection we take care of presenting ourselves in a favorable light (literally, the lighting in the room), appearance, and interior.
  • For us, applicants, the employer should not have unresolved issues regarding the possibility of a personal meeting; we are ready to appear anywhere and anytime for an interview and go to work when required; we have no problems with housing and registration (or we count on all this, and the company assumes this).
  • We do not hide our plans for the future and our motives for moving.
  • We are preparing questions for the HR officer that are really important and do not turn into a huge package of requests.
  • Having studied the information about the company, we formulate a response to the HR officer about assumptions about your personal usefulness in it. And the answer to the question about the timing of going back to work should be specific, with accurate information - how much time (days, not months) it will take to move or solve some urgent problems.
  1. Participation in professional groups on social networks, conferences, and forums will be very helpful in your job search. You can become a freelancer in your activity, try yourself in something new, and then get an assessment of your work, a letter of recommendation, and finally. Having new acquaintances and colleagues from different cities will also not be superfluous; professionally influential people can be among them. It is imperative to use existing acquaintances and connections.

Perhaps, having accepted the offer, you will be faced with the fact that you were offered a lower status and lower paid position than promised, and lower than what you previously occupied. Be prepared to build your authority anew; you shouldn’t have a complex about this “humiliation.”

A resident of the outback is afraid to suddenly find himself in the middle of everything new, alien, hostile. But this is our planet, our country, our language. Over time, everything will become familiar, familiar.

You got a job at a company engaged in a business familiar to you, focus on the fullest, most accurate performance of your duties, delve into the “alien” charter, try to follow it. And let the whole world wait until you adapt and, without going into the details of the new society, introduce yourself as a good specialist, colleague, comrade.

Out-of-town candidates raise concerns among recruiters that the funds and time allocated for them will be wasted - the newcomer will not justify himself, will turn out to be incompetent, overly demanding, and will remain a stranger.

And at the same time, the new employee who has undertaken the move is forced to come in handy. It was he who spent his, perhaps, last funds on a change in fate. And he will try to change himself for the better, which will help HR not to worry about (what if!) an unsuccessful acquisition of the company.

Non-Russians should be prepared to take a deeper look at the questionnaire. Applicants from other countries should inquire in advance about how their employment is legally carried out, what the company’s rights and obligations are when hiring, and providing any conditions to foreign citizens. To do this, you need to go to the Russian official website of the Federal Migration Service.

But these difficulties should not scare you away and make you stop looking for a good job. Labor market sites offer their assistance through a feedback system. They will answer your questions, select vacancies, optimize your resume, and advise you on how best to “reach out” to the most suitable employer.

How to realize yourself and find a decent job in a city where everyone knows each other and, it seems, all the “good” places are already taken? And yet work in a small town (any!.

Get rid of stereotypes

“Yes, there is no work here...”

“Well, where can I get a job here?..”

Such motivation is a reflection of your inner pessimism, and with it you will definitely not get a job anywhere (even if tomorrow your city becomes a metropolis). Prove to yourself that you can solve what seems now a difficult task of finding a job in a small town, and then it will not be difficult for you to adequately present yourself to a good employer. The ability not to cry, but to overcome difficulties is valuable now in the labor market.

If you don’t believe in such words, here’s logical confirmation:

  • Any business tends to expand and update. Therefore, you can always find work in this sector, and even if there is currently no formalized position that suits you, it will be created. Either with time or by seeing you. Often many areas of development are closed, and many ideas are buried alive because there is simply no one to deal with them. This is 15 accountants per workplace. And there are at least 15 times fewer responsible, independent, honest and congenial people.
  • Many enterprises, especially large and city-forming ones, do not know how to correctly convey to people their needs for personnel (the Soviet habit of doing business), so only those who work next door or in the personnel department know for sure that “there is a place there” . Unplowed virgin soil of possibilities!
  • At enterprises, sometimes there are “hangers” - people who seem to work, but are not suitable for everyone. But because of the fear of being completely left without a new employee, no one is looking for a new one, and he himself is not looking for one. Who knows, maybe by getting a part-time “temporary” job somewhere, you will get the very full-time job you need?

Search loud

Word of mouth is the most effective way to promote anything, in this case you as an employee. Tell everyone that you are looking for a job, what kind of job, what you can do. And it doesn’t matter that you are a cook and your friend is a steelmaker. You never know what kind of friends he has!

Without pessimism, like “I can’t find a job, the city is too small!” Even sitting in a cafe, you can easily ask if they need someone, you can leave a business card (it will be useful to have one for such a case).

Don't limit your search

Of course, they say that the more specifically you imagine what you want, the more likely it is that you will get it. Question: how long will you search? Half your life?

You need to try, maybe at one place of work you will meet someone who will really give you the job of your dreams.

You never know, as they say.

If you really need a job, you live in a small town and won’t go through options, write a list: “I can do it,” or better yet, write it on a business card and hand it out when you implement point one. The employer will appreciate your courage and unusual approach. At a minimum, he will notice you among hundreds of similar seekers.

Pay attention to the Internet

We are not considering online business right now, so don’t rush to close the article.

How to find a job in a small town? Who told you that you can’t work in a big place and live in a small one?

Now we are looking for administrators for online stores who will work from home, and in fact, all over the country. Or some organizations use the virtual office principle. Accountants, financial analysts, and marketers sit at home with Skype turned on and work the same way as before in the office. Languages ​​are taught via Skype. Lawyers provide consultations online.

This trend is crushing an increasing number of jobs, including in small towns. Why should an employer focus on his city if he can find an excellent employee thousands of kilometers away and not pay for an office? So go to large sites in any field of activity and pay attention to the “Vacancies” or “Write to Us” tabs and feel free to write, ask, offer. Magomed went to the mountain, why can’t you?

Also, go to employment sites and look at jobs not only in your city; perhaps the site does not technically have a well-functioning system for searching for employees throughout the country or there is no checkbox that says “we are ready to consider an employee from another city.”

In addition, having found an ideal vacancy in another city, you can always make an offer to the employer for virtual work (if the field allows it). Having found a good person, the employer can reconsider his requirements. Sometimes redoing some processes is easier than finding an employee.

Write a list of city businesses

And follow them. Or collect information on them: on the Internet, among employees. If you are satisfied with everything, go there yourself, ask if they need someone, talk about what you can do and in what area you can be useful to them.

An ordinary resume will most likely go into the trash immediately after you leave, but if you prepare and tell them WHAT they will gain from your work, they will think about it.

Don’t sit, find out, go, offer. Often, the hiring process for businessmen in small towns is not streamlined.


You can find a job in a small town. While you are looking, sign up for courses offered by the employment service. Additional skills have never bothered anyone, but what if this opportunity pops up?

Search everywhere. You never know which option will be successful. Sometimes you cannot enter an open door, and sometimes the exit opens in the wall. The world can be very surprising. Take advantage of this.

A good person is not a profession, but it is easier to teach a good person than to rehabilitate a bad one. Employers love people who take initiative. Search.

He who seeks is... well, you remember.

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More and more applicants are attracted work in another city— in big cities, salaries are higher and there are more prospects for career growth. The Land of Soviets will tell you how to find a job in another city.

Motives for moving to another city may be different. Some people want to earn more money, so working in another city is their priority goal. Some people move for personal reasons (eg marriage). And some people just can’t sit still. Most often this applies to young professionals: there is still little to keep them in their hometown, so you need to seize the chance while they still have this ease of growth (in more strict terms,).

Whatever the reasons for moving, work in another city will not fall on you on its own. You need to approach your job search with all responsibility, and you need to do this before moving. Changing your place of residence in itself is a big stress, especially if you are not going to someone with everything ready. In addition to looking for a job, you will have to look for housing; you will also need some time to get comfortable in another city and “get into the groove.” Finding a job before moving will help remove at least one problem from this list.

Very often work is located in another city through the Internet. They come to help. Don’t neglect them: in large cities, recruiting managers absolutely do not disdain this way of searching for applicants. Be clear about what you want from your future job. Often, when moving to another city, people grab the first job they come across, fearing that nothing else will come their way. But if you want to realize yourself as a professional, be patient. It’s better that you move a little later, but the work will be decent.

Take a responsible approach to compiling. When posting your resume, clearly remember or write down exactly which sites you posted it on. Many employers are wary of applicants who need a job in another city. Therefore, it is not enough to simply indicate on your resume that you are ready to move. Clearly describe the reasons for the move (the more significant they are, the better). If you already have a place to live, this is an additional bonus for the employer. And keep in mind that most employers do not pay for travel to an interview.

Some applicants get a job in another city thanks to acquaintances and friends. This is not necessarily cronyism. Often, acquaintances from another city can help you navigate a new environment, tell you where to turn first, and help you weed out dubious options. Sometimes it happens that a person quits and is asked to find a replacement. If someone you know changes jobs and it coincides with your move, why not? A recommendation from a trusted employee can work in your favor. But anyway You shouldn’t rely solely on acquaintances, friends and relatives- the probability of success is low.

You can find work in another city with the help of intermediaries - staffing and recruiting agencies, engaged . The advantage of this method is that the recruiter will definitely check whether a particular company is trustworthy. However, you will have to pay for the services of an agent, and besides, it is not a fact that you will get to a highly qualified specialist.

If you are afraid that you won’t be able to find a job remotely, you can go "reconnaissance". Take a vacation and go to another city for a while - it's good if you have the opportunity to stay with friends. Perhaps it will be easier and faster to find work in another city. In addition, this is a good opportunity to “rehearse” a new life without rushing headlong into it.

Remember: the more actively you search, the faster you will find a job in another city. Your task is not just to convince a potential employer that moving will not prevent you from starting work on time and performing your official duties, but also to make sure that this is true not only in words.

Moving to a different city should not be combined with a change in field of activity. This will only double your stress and achieve nothing. New living conditions can prevent you from working effectively even in your old profession, what can we say about a simultaneous change of place of residence and field of activity. Therefore, it is better if work in another city matches your professional experience.

Working in another city does not always live up to expectations. Most likely, you will have to take a "step back" and start with lower position than the one you occupied previously. Try to come to terms with this - you have to start somewhere. Salaries in a big city are usually higher than in a provincial one. But keep in mind that prices can be steep. Therefore, try to find out prices for food, housing, transportation, etc. in advance and compare them with expected salary. Do you have enough to live on?

Working in another city is like taking a leap into the unknown. However, if you carefully prepare the ground and approach your job and housing search responsibly, you will succeed!

The labor market is inactive: people hold on to jobs, and companies hold on to specialists. In such a situation, moving for an interesting job is a difficult but rewarding experience. We talked to an expert and found out why bosses are not always happy with visitors and how to overtake local competitors while living in another city.

Money, resume, contacts: what needs to be done in advance

Every city and every profession has its own characteristics. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, competition is much higher than in the regions, so it is easier to look for work locally: while a nonresident worker is dealing with relocation issues, the employer will already find a local specialist. Some industries make it harder to find remote work. For example, there is very high competition for positions among lawyers and accountants. In this case, the employer considers only local applicants.

It is important to consider these features before moving. The “” service will help: it shows the situation by profession in different cities - the number of people per vacancy, the increase in offers by industry, the average salary offered.

After researching the job market, update your resume: add recent work experience, competitive salary, training information, check keywords. To find out what to write in a cover letter, look at vacancies in your specialty, note the skills in demand and knowledge of the latest versions of programs. If there is no resume or it has not been updated for a long time, contact "". Experts will conduct an interview and compile your work history into a neat document.

Keep in touch with professionals from other cities, remind them of yourself, and be interested in vacancies. Often a new employee joins a company thanks to a recommendation from one of his colleagues. For some professions, communications are the main tool of work. For example, a journalist spends a long time building up a database of contacts in order to later get any comment. It is useful to get telephone numbers in advance that may be useful in a new place.

“From the experience of communicating with candidates, I know that many were recommended by acquaintances or friends who already lived and worked in this city,” says Evgenia Mikhailova, an expert at the “Ready Resume” service. “For employers, a positive review from an employee who has proven himself well is a powerful argument.”

When remote search is not suitable, it is worth creating a financial “safety cushion” and trying to move without a specific job option. The ideal option is to put aside money with the expectation that it will be enough to live on for three to four months.

In addition to the HeadHunter website, different cities have their own popular channels for posting vacancies. Local residents are well versed in them.

Evgenia Mikhailova: “The applicant should try to determine the most popular sources of personnel search for the categories of interest to him. Somewhere these are print media, somewhere these are all-Russian search sites, and somewhere there are local resources. For example, in Tula many find work through a newspaper; in Arkhangelsk I looked for workers on a local Internet resource. Somewhere in the cities there are strong VKontakte communities. You need to search in every possible way.”

If you are a specialist with a narrow profile, choose companies or enterprises where you could get a job. HR department contacts are usually available on websites. Send them your resume and note that you are ready to move: employers often help a valuable employee with relocation.

Use automatic subscription to vacancies of the companies you need. Set up an automatic search for suitable vacancies - indicate the city you want to move to, salary, desired schedule.

Do not apply for jobs with the word “urgent”. If a company urgently needs someone in your specialty, they are unlikely to be willing to wait for you to move.

Some vacancies are not suitable for a newcomer. For example, the manager of a construction project in Moscow needs to have good experience in communicating with local government agencies and monopoly companies. Without this, it will be difficult to work: an applicant from another city simply does not have the necessary contacts.

If the job requires a good knowledge of the business environment, it is better to start at a lower position. Having developed contacts and understood the processes, you can apply for the desired level.

Help your boss make a decision

Employers have many fears associated with visiting employees. He may not get along with the team or he won’t like the city, and unexpected difficulties will arise at work. The boss expects a long working relationship. He is afraid that you will suddenly pack up and go home if something goes wrong.

The employee does have the right to change his mind at any time. To relieve anxiety, promise not to do it suddenly. Explain that all everyday problems have been resolved and you are ready to work.

Evgenia Mikhailova: “Employers need specifics: when the employee is ready to start work and whether he can promptly come for an in-person interview if necessary. In most cases, relocation issues are a headache for the job seeker, which should not affect the employer in any way.”

Managers believe that visiting specialists are more motivated - they need to gain a foothold and quickly show results. This stereotype works, especially if the applicant is moving from a larger, more developed city. Visitors may be given preference when they need a mobile employee who is ready to travel, for example, if they need to set up work across an entire network of offices or install new equipment.

First interview, and you are in Khabarovsk: how not to miss the invitation

The first interview can take place on Skype or by phone. Solve all technical problems in advance. An unreliable or poor connection can prevent you from communicating calmly with your manager.

In your resume, in the “city of residence” column, put the one where you are going to look for work. Think in advance about how you will get to the first meeting if you receive an invitation: how many days later will you arrive for an in-person interview, when will you be able to go to work. Think over communication, advises Evgenia Mikhailova: “If a person lives, for example, in Khabarovsk, and is looking for a job in St. Petersburg, indicate St. Petersburg as the city of residence, and the call time is from 8:00 to 17:00, so that recruiters do not call at night.”

Some employers screen applicants together with the security service. It happens that the process is delayed - in serious structures with high secrecy, checks can take two months or longer. Treat this with understanding: provide the necessary documents on time, honestly answer questions from specialists, if necessary.

Consider how long your move will take. Be prepared to discuss this deadline with the manager during your first interview. Consult with those who have moved - choose a reliable transport service, look at housing offers in the new city.

Those who succeeded

Every two weeks, HeadHunter publishes a text about those who have moved to live and work in another city. We talked to job seekers and managers to find out what kind of specialists are being sought in different regions.

For example, there is no university that would train engineers for a local design bureau with a space profile. Therefore, the KB staff consists of visitors from Samara, Tomsk and other cities where they can study in the desired specialty. There are many managers, but there are not enough bakers and seamstresses. Job seekers and managers from Russia talk about the need for reliable personnel for the hotel and restaurant business. Read the stories of other applicants, look at the advice of managers. If you are determined to change location, find out more about the new region.

Regions with acute personnel shortages are the Far East and the Far North. The southern regions of Russia are characterized by a need for personnel for agriculture and food production. Study the personnel situation, determine the profile of the region before you start moving.

If the idea of ​​looking for a job in another city has already crossed your mind, read our recommendations to significantly simplify the process of your out-of-town employment.

Let's prepare ourselves mentally...
... and we take the first step not to buy train or plane tickets, but to go online. We study all available information about the region where we want to go: the labor market, the cost of renting housing, salary levels, etc. We compare conditions in different regions and choose the most suitable ones.

If you are a citizen of another country other than Russia, keep in mind: Russian employers consider the resumes of candidates from neighboring countries quite carefully, but are not always ready to hire foreign citizens. Some companies do not have the opportunity to provide applicants with housing; others are not allocated quotas for attracting foreign specialists. In your case, it would be correct to first find out how the issues of registration of foreign citizens in Russia are legally regulated on the official website of the Federal Migration Service of Russia.

First we “move” to the resume
Starting to look for a job in another city is not at all difficult if you know what boxes to tick on your resume and what cherished words to write to the employer. For example, if you are looking for a job in several cities at once (let’s say, your own and some others), in the “City of Residence” resume line, indicate the city where you live now, and in the “Personal Information” block in the “Moving” section, mark “Ready” and indicate all the cities you are ready to travel to. If there are no specific preferences, just marking “Ready” is enough. This will expand the circle of potential employers: resumes can be found by employers both in your city and in others where they are ready to hire nonresident candidates.

In the “Additional information” field of your resume, you must indicate whether you are ready to take care of finding housing and registering in the city where you are going to work, or vice versa – you are looking for a job with housing provided. It would be useful to indicate the timing of the possible move for information to the employer.

If we go to Moscow
If, like the well-known Chekhov heroines, you are drawn to move exclusively “To Moscow!” To Moscow!”, then in the “City” field it is better to immediately write “Moscow”. In this case, only employers in the capital will see your resume in the database. But in the “Additional information” field, it would still be a good idea to indicate where you live now, why you want to move, whether you are ready to take care of organizing your accommodation, and what time frame you are ready to arrive at your future place of work.

If we are going to work on a rotational basis
To search for a job on a rotational basis, in your resume you need to indicate the city of your residence, the item “Ready to move” and the type of employment “on a rotational basis” (section of the resume “Wishes for work”). Other wishes relate to the work schedule (for example, 30 days every 30), working conditions, etc. -specify in the “Additional information” field.

Let's meet the employer halfway
The resume has been published, but we don’t leave things to chance: we look for vacancies in cities that interest us on our own, respond to suitable options, and don’t just wait for employers to find us themselves. Superjob has a convenient search page for this - to get the required selection, you need to specify the desired city, type of employment, salary, etc.

Writing a cover letter correctly
When starting communication with an employer with a cover letter, do not forget to write in detail and taking into account the specific vacancy about your desire to work in this city, in this position and in this company. If the vacancy is particularly interesting to you, you can once again emphasize that you are ready to take care of your own living expenses and explain how soon you are able to start work. It wouldn’t hurt to tell you in more detail about your professional experience and your previous place of work. You must understand that the employer is unlikely to have all the information about companies in other cities. You shouldn’t get carried away with abbreviations and names that are understandable only to local residents (WHATTOTAMITPiTD - it’s unlikely that such a name will say much to people from the outside). You need to clearly and clearly explain what the profile of your previous work was, what place the company occupied in the market, etc.

Be sure to write whether you are ready to come for an in-person interview or conduct it, for example, via Skype - help the employer get a clearer picture of you and make a positive decision!

We arrange a remote interview
There are a lot of employers, and it can be difficult and expensive for a candidate to come to another city for an interview. Modern computer programs (Skype, etc.) can solve this problem. Perhaps a recruiter or HR person will be happy with a telephone conversation at first. Naturally, for more in-depth contact you will still have to appear to the employer in person.

As for the primary, you need to prepare for it in the same way as for the usual one. For example, prepare possible questions, dress appropriately, during a video conference, remove foreign objects or pets from the room, ask children or other family members to leave. By the way, about counter questions to the employer. Your situation is special and requires a special approach: you definitely need to ask all the important questions to the recruiter, but try not to bombard him with a lot of requests and conditions already at the first stage of interaction.

We show advantages over local candidates
Prepare in advance an answer to the question of how you can be useful to the company, try to give the most specific and comprehensive answers at the interview. For example: “When are you ready to start work?” - “As soon as I finish my business at the current place. The journey will take so much time, so in so many days I will be able to go to work.” This answer is good not only because you show yourself as a responsible person, but also because it gives you precise deadlines. A vague “well, probably in a couple of months...” will be received much worse.

During the interview, you should not discuss with the recruiter (except if he does not ask you about it) the everyday nuances of moving, tell how much the ticket costs, what you are ready to transport and how you plan to live. Provide a minimum of information that is significant to the company: do you have housing in the new place, are you moving alone or with your family, etc. By and large, the employer does not care who you are or where you are from - he just needs a good employee. By demanding a special approach to yourself, you obviously lose to less picky candidates.

However, in each specific case everything is decided individually, and a professional will eventually find a decent job and an adequate employer. The main thing is to go towards the goal. If something doesn’t work out, we are always ready to help each of you. Write to us through the feedback system on the website, describe your problems and wishes. We will show you how to find suitable offers, compile a selection of vacancies, and advise on how best to rewrite or format your resume so that your job search is a success.

Good luck! And let any changes in your life happen only for the better!