Reading teaching group in the preparatory group. Program “Early teaching reading to preschool children

Explanatory note

He pestered adults with the question “why?”

He was nicknamed "the little philosopher"

But as soon as he grew up, they began to

Present answers without questions.

And from now on he is no one else

I didn’t bother you with the question “why?”

(S.Ya. Marshak)

The process of learning to read is the most interesting, but difficult and responsible. If children do not read correctly, fluently, and expressively, they will not be able to master competent writing and will not learn to solve problems. Teaching children to read means preparing them to work independently with text and instilling a love of reading. Consequently, mastering reading skills is both a means and one of the conditions for the overall development of children. The reading process is very complex, since it involves thinking, speech, perception, memory, imagination, auditory and sound analyzers.

Psychologists believe that at 4-5 years old it is easier for a child to learn to read than at 7-8 years old, explaining this by the fact that a five-year-old child has already mastered speech well, but words and sounds are still interesting to him, he willingly experiments with them, and easily remembers whole words , and then begins to distinguish letters in them, and the adult can only give his interest the direction necessary to master the skill of reading. At an older age, words and sounds become something familiar to the child and his experimental interest disappears. The intellectual development of a preschooler is most successful during his play activities.

Learning to read is, without a doubt, one of the main conditions for successful early development of a child.

Effective learning to read directly depends on the development of children's cognitive abilities. At 4-5 years old, children can already analyze the properties of the objects around them. It is at this age that children show an interest in letters, so they can begin preparing to learn to read. Preparation for teaching reading to preschool children should include games that promote the development of reading skills. They are aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking and fine motor skills.

By reading, the baby develops his speech, since reading is one of the types of speech (written);

By reading and memorizing new words, the child develops thinking and increases vocabulary;

Reading helps the child remember the standards for constructing sentences, and he himself begins to construct his speech correctly;

By repeatedly reading the same word, the child visually remembers its outline, which will help him write correctly in the future;

Reading is a new way of obtaining information; now the baby can independently find out the information that interests him.

Based on the positions stated above, the content of the course was developed for a two-year period of study (1st year of study - for children 4-5 years old; 2nd year of study for children 5-6 years old) in reading in a playful way.

Purpose of the program: teaching children to read in a playful way. Creating conditions for meaningful and conscious reading.

Objectives 1st year of study (4-5 years):

Preparing to Learn to Read: learning to read directly depends on the development of the child’s cognitive abilities, attention, memory, thinking, and fine motor skills.

Learning letters: useful for memorizing letters is laying them out from sticks, cubes, mosaics, buttons, peas, pebbles, modeling letters from plasticine (from sausages/flagella) or wire, tracing and coloring three-dimensional letters, shading them.

- remember the syllables: teach reading by memorizing a system of reading units - fusion syllables; syllables need to be memorized according to the same scheme that is used when memorizing letters: repeated naming of a syllable by an adult, searching for a syllable on the instructions of an adult followed by naming, independent naming - “reading” the syllable

By the end of the first year of school, children should be able to :

  • read syllables:
  • combination of two vowels;
  • combination of a vowel and a consonant in a reverse syllable;
  • combination of a consonant and a vowel in a direct syllable;
  • monosyllabic words of the SGS type (consonant-vowel-consonant);
  • two- and three-syllable words consisting of open syllables;
  • two-syllable words consisting of open and closed syllables;
  • understand what you read.

Objectives 2nd year of study (5-6 years):

Reading words: after the child has mastered a sufficient number of syllables to compose words, it is necessary to deliberately engage in learning meaningful reading.

- from phrase to sentence: the main task of this stage is to give the child the opportunity to learn to fully comprehend what he read.

- read short texts: When working with text, another level of comprehension of what you read appears - an understanding of the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described in the text.

- learning to “read” punctuation marks: the child learns to comprehend not only the words themselves, but also the grammatical forms in which they are found, conjunctions and prepositions included in sentences, punctuation marks, the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described.

By the end of the second year of study, children should be able to :

  • read monosyllabic words with consonant clusters;
  • a simple two-part sentence without a preposition;
  • simple sentence with preposition;
  • accessible texts (short stories, poems, fairy tales);
  • answer questions, understand what you read, retell what you read;

Principles of program construction:

Taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of children

Friendly climate

Inadmissibility of a mentoring position and censure

Positive assessment of any child’s achievement

Conducting classes taking into account the specifics of preschool age



Leading activity – playful, productive (drawing, modeling, tracing, coloring, shading, etc.)

Forms and mode of classes.

The main form of work with children is (classes), the duration of which corresponds to the age standards of the children:

1st year of study - 2 times a week for 20 minutes

2nd year of study - 2 times a week for 30 minutes

The classes include physical education minutes, which allow children to relax and the teacher to divide the lesson into structural and semantic parts.

A total of 72 classes 32 hours per year.

Curriculum for the first year of study

number of hours


Preparing to Learn to Read

Diagnostics of auditory and visual differentiation of perception (discriminating sensitivity) and analyticity of perception (ability to analyze). Development of phonemic hearing. Isolation and recognition of sounds. Pronunciation of tongue twisters and tongue twisters for the development of the articulatory apparatus. Onomatopoeia. Introduction to the alphabet and the elements that make up printed letters. Designing letters and memorizing them. Development of attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.


formation of visual perception

Forming an idea of ​​your own body, using the example of your own body, learning to distinguish what is above, below, right, left, front, behind.

development of visual and visual-motor memory

teach the order of the seasons, months, days of the week, lay out a sequence of mosaics, beads, geometric figures according to the proposed model;

fold cut pictures and images from cubes

compose a story based on sequential pictures.

playing with non-speech sounds

development of fine motor skills, speech breathing, articulatory movements

sound training period

show that speech is “built” from sounds

highlighting certain sounds in words: onomatopoeia, main sound, first sound

learn to come up with words for a given sound, develop imagination, develop speech, highlight certain sounds in words.

II quarter III quarter

Letter period of study

continue work on the formation of phonetic hearing, introduce the alphabetical designation of letters, learn to read syllables and words with studied letters, develop reading skills, develop speech

teach children to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in class

"Live Sounds"

A, U, O, I, J

introduce children to vowel sounds

develop auditory attention,

"Live Sounds"

E, S

consolidate visual images of vowel letters; carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

form the concept of “vowel sound”,

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

sounds and letters - combinations of letters, into syllables “letters are friends”

M, N,

introduce children to consonant sounds

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

sounds and letters

M, N, T, K

distinguish between hard (strict) and soft (affectionate) consonant sounds by ear

practicing reading words with open syllables

sounds and letters

consolidate visual images of consonant letters; carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

practice matching pictures to a given sound.

develop attention, memory, thinking, fine motor skills.

sounds and letters

learn to determine the hardness or softness of a consonant sound

practice selecting words for a given sound

develop the ability to perform creative gaming tasks

big and small letter

sounds and letters

form the concept of “consonant sound”

development of graphic skills (shading, graphic writing)

reading reverse and forward syllables, one-syllable and two-syllable words

sounds and letters

to consolidate in a practical way the knowledge that sounds and letters are vowels and consonants, vowels form a syllable - in a word

development of fine motor skills

closed syllable

sounds and letters

laying out letters from individual elements, small objects, counting sticks, strings, plasticine, adding missing elements, identifying correctly written letters among mirror-written ones, recognizing noisy letters, identifying letters with symbol pictures

Curriculum for the second year of study

number of hours


Remembering syllables

Reading a direct open syllable at the level of automation as an integral pronunciation element. Working with a syllable table (composing syllables and their classification). Composing words from syllables. Correlating sounds with letters.


syllable basic unit of reading

conscious, correct, smooth syllabic reading of words starting with a new letter; mastering the reading of words of various syllabic structures:

"Live Sounds"

vowels of the 2nd row

consolidate visual images of vowel letters; carry out work on the formation and differentiation of the concepts “sound” - “letter”.

introduce children to the vowel sounds of the second row

form the concept of “vowel sound”,

develop auditory attention,

develop and correct phonemic hearing

formation of ideas about the syllabic composition of a word

sound and letter

learn to pronounce a word syllable by syllable

“reducing” the subject by adding a certain syllable.

consolidate in a practical way knowledge about sounds and letters

development of fine motor skills, auditory attention, phonemic hearing

practicing reading words with closed syllables

sounds and letters

consolidate the visual image of a letter: analysis of its elements, determination of similarities and differences between letters

reading skill development

laying out letters from individual elements, small objects, counting sticks, strings, plasticine, adding missing elements, identifying correctly written letters among mirror-written ones, recognizing noisy letters, identifying letters with symbol pictures

reading syllables beginning with a vowel

sounds and letters

matching a visual image to a letter

fixing the image of letters (cutting, sculpting, laying out sticks, laces, beans, buttons)

typing syllables

II quarter

Reading the words

practicing reading skills by syllables

sounds and letters

develop auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception, gross and fine motor skills

recognition of unfinished, superimposed letters

read short texts sounds and letters

selecting the desired letter from a series of letters

reading skill development

typing syllables, words

III quarter

From phrase to sentence, from sentence to text

Learn to fully comprehend what you read.

understanding the sequence and cause-and-effect relationships of the events described in the text.

learns to comprehend words and the grammatical forms in which they are found, conjunctions and prepositions.

sounds and letters

familiarization with the graphic image of letters: selection of a reference picture

analysis of the size and arrangement of letter elements; selection of a visual image for the letter

poetic description of the graphic image of a letter

image of letters by children (“live” letters)

constructing letters from elements

familiarization with a simple two-part sentence without a preposition

typing letters, syllables, words, sentences

composing and typing words with a given syllable

from phrase to sentence

introducing a simple sentence with a preposition

development of prerequisites for readiness to master reading and writing.

Early teaching of reading to preschool children with properly selected methods and the use of special visual aids ensures the formation of conditions for successful learning at school.

Mastering the basics of literacy is an important stage in the mental and speech development of children. While learning to read and print, children learn a rather complex system of graphic symbols - letters that indicate speech sounds; they divide sentences into words, words into syllables, and syllables into sounds. By acquiring basic technical reading skills, they learn to understand the meaning of written words and short sentences.

Learning to read contributed to the development of arbitrariness of mental processes,

because the acquisition of literacy is due to the high degree of arbitrariness of the act of reading: it is necessary to voluntarily focus visual attention on the section of the word being read and distribute attention over the entire word or sentence being read.

Familiarization with graphic signs (letters) helps to clearly see that our speech consists of syllables, words, and sentences. Getting to know letters with the help of drawings-symbols and comic poems contributes to the formation of an optical-spatial image of letters. Typing letters, syllables, words, sentences became possible with sufficient development of fine motor skills.

The methods and techniques used in teaching reading contribute to the development of children's cognitive abilities, which will allow them to avoid mistakes in reading and writing in the future while studying at school.

1. Bezzubtseva G.V., Andrievskaya T.N. Developing a child’s hand, preparing it for drawing and writing. - M. Ed. GNOM and D, 2004.

2. 18 famous alphabets in one book. - M.: AST-PRESS, 1996.

3. Voskresenskaya A.I. Diploma in kindergarten. – Publishing house

"Education". Moscow. 1965.

4. Entertaining alphabet learning. / Comp. V.V. Volina - M. Enlightenment. 1991.

5. Teaching preschoolers literacy. L. E. Zhurova and others - M.: Shkola-Press, 1998

6. Letters and syllables. A preschooler's notebook for teaching literacy Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L., Toporkova I. G., Shcherbinina S. V.

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1 MUNICIPAL STATE PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER - KINDERGARTEN 36 “SWALLOW” SVETLOGRAD APPROVED BY: Head of the MKDOU CRR DS 36 “Lastochka” Svetlograd V.K. Podorozhko Order 25 from the city of Rabo tea program "ABVGDEYKA" circle in the preparatory group (6-7 years) for the academic year (program implementation period) Compiled by: teacher of the preparatory group Slyureva Tatyana Dmitrievna Svetlograd 2017

2 Explanatory note At the present stage, education in primary school is conducted according to developmental educational programs. To successfully master the content of these programs, a future first-grader must have basic knowledge and skills. Among which we should highlight the child’s mastery of the elements of literacy. The main educational program “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksa, according to which our preschool institution operates, provides for the development in children of individual elements of literacy as part of speech development. But, taking into account the requests of parents interested in their child learning to read before entering school, I developed the ABVGDeyka club program. The novelty of the additional education program is that it involves the use of heuristic techniques, search questions, comparison techniques, various ways of working with visualization, and the use of developmental and health-saving technologies. Training under the Program is designed for a year, the content is developed taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of preparatory group students. Classes are held with a group of children, once a week, lasting 30 minutes. The work program is based on the developments of: - Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155); - E.V. Kolesnikova “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old. Educational and methodological manual for the workbook “From A to Z”. - M.: Yuventa Publishing House, E. Zhurova, N.V. Varentsova, N.V. Durova, L.N. Nevskaya. Teaching preschoolers literacy. M., "School Press", 2001; - T.E. Kovrigina “Entertaining learning to read”; The program is adapted taking into account the program objectives and capabilities of children. The distribution of program tasks for the academic year ensures a comprehensive solution to all problems throughout the lesson cycle. The content of classes was planned taking into account the implementation of teaching, developmental, educational tasks, additional material was selected for use, providing a differentiated approach to children with different developmental capabilities. The work program “Preparing children for learning to read and write” describes a course of preparing children 6 and 7 years old for reading and writing, developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for preparing for learning to read and write for preschool educational institutions. The work program is used to solve problems of speech development of children of senior preschool age, namely tasks of preparation for

3 literacy training. The purpose of the program: teaching children the elements of literacy, reading, and writing. Objectives: 1. To form children’s ideas about linguistic concepts: sound, syllable, word, sentence. 2. Develop children's auditory attention and phonemic perception to develop sound analysis skills, the ability to determine the place of sound in a word, and divide words into syllables. 3. Introduce children to the letters of the alphabet. 6. Develop imaginative thinking, imagination, memory, communication skills. Features of the program The program is adapted taking into account the program objectives and capabilities of children. The distribution of program tasks for the academic year ensures a comprehensive solution to all problems throughout the lesson cycle. The content of classes was planned taking into account the implementation of teaching, developmental, educational tasks, additional material was selected for use, providing a differentiated approach to children with different developmental capabilities. The work program “Preparing children for learning to read and write” describes a course of preparing children 6 and 7 years old for reading and writing, developed on the basis of the mandatory minimum content for preparing for learning to read and write for preschool educational institutions. The work program is used to solve problems of speech development of children of senior preschool age, namely, tasks of preparation for learning to read and write. Expected result At the end of the year, children should: - have a good command of the concepts: “word”, “sound”, “letter”, “sentence”; - distinguish between vowels and consonants; - correctly place stress in familiar words; - correctly compose syllables of all types and words of simple structure from letters of the split alphabet; - possess a schematic sound analysis of a word; - be able to compose simple sentences and pronounce them correctly intonationally in accordance with the sign at the end: - be able to read independently, meaningfully syllable by syllable, whole words, sentences; show love and interest in reading and native language. - know the hygienic rules of writing - know the correct position of the notebook and pen when writing. - know the rules of shading. - know the rules of working with a notebook.

4 Curriculum Number of classes per week 2 Number of classes per month 4 Number of classes per year 32 Forms of organization of classes Training and development of students takes place in a playful way. The development of phonemic and speech hearing, sound-letter analysis and synthesis is positively influenced by the use of various phonetic games, tasks on isolating a sound from a word, determining its place, and drawing up sound patterns. To develop visual perception and visual object and letter recognition, letters and illustrative material are used. The formation and improvement of reading skills is facilitated by laying out syllables, words, sentences using a box of letters, using syllabic tables, various reading methods: reading syllables with completion of a whole word, reading in steps, in waves, according to N. Zhukov’s ABC book, etc. The development of activity and curiosity, interest and concentration is facilitated by the use of proverbs, sayings, riddles, and poems in the classroom; gaming tasks. The formation of motivation to preserve and strengthen one’s health occurs through visual gymnastics, changing static poses, physical education sessions with speech content, and exercises for correcting fine motor skills. Lesson structure - Articulation gymnastics or warm-up; - Sound analysis (articulation, characteristic) - Isolating a sound by ear from a number of sounds, words, sentences, inventing words with a given sound.

5 - Drawing up a diagram of a word with the sound being studied. - Physical education lesson - Letter analysis. -Reading syllables and words -Various games and exercises for speech development, development of graphic skills, entertaining exercises for the development of mental processes. Implementation conditions 1. Classes are held in a group. 2. Selection of materials and equipment for training students. 3. Systematization of literary and artistic material: poems, riddles, tongue twisters, proverbs. 4. Selection of didactic, developmental, verbal games; tasks. Equipment for conducting classes: Typesetting cloth; Large format block letters; Schemes of words, syllables, sentences, sounds (red, blue, green squares); Didactic games; Cards with text for reading; Syllable tables for composing words; Subject and subject pictures; Toys, dummies, etc. for clarity; N. Zhukov's primers on the number of children; Workbooks for children 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old; Internet resources. Contents of the program Work on preparing children for learning to read and write is carried out as a joint activity of the teacher with children in the preparatory group for school, in the form of circle work. Entertaining activities are carried out once a week in the afternoon, lasting no more than 30 minutes. group Tasks of preparing children for learning to read and write in preparatory school I. Formation of the concept “Sentence”. 1. Learn to isolate a sentence from speech, determine by ear the number of sentences in the text. 2. Learn to analyze the composition of a sentence of three or four words, with a “short” word (preposition, conjunction), “write” the sentence on a sheet of paper in a box. 3. Learn to distinguish between different types of sentences: narrative,

6 November October September interrogative, exclamatory; determine the sign at the end of a sentence. 4. Practice composing sentences according to a given scheme. II. Getting to know the word. 1. Enrich ideas about words: polysemantic, related, opposite and identical in meaning, obtained by adding two words that express an attitude towards the world around us, unchangeable words. 2. Introduce “short” words. III. Introducing the syllable. 1. Learn to understand and use the term “syllable”. 2. To develop the ability to perform syllabic analysis and synthesis of words of different structures. 3. Introduce the stressed syllable. IV. Teaching sound analysis of words. 1. Form the concepts of “vowel sound”, “consonant sound”, “stressed vowel sound”. 2. Learn to distinguish consonant sounds: soft and hard, voiced and voiceless. 3. Learn to perform sound analysis of words consisting of four to five sounds of different composition, use various means: a diagram of the sound composition, chips, intonation highlighting of sounds in a word. Planning program content in preparation for teaching literacy in the preparatory group for a year Month of Week Distribution of program content for lessons 1-2 Adaptation 3-4 Words: opposite, ambiguous. 1, 2 Introduction to the dictionary. The first sound in a word. Hard and soft sounds. 5 Workbooks 1-2 Words: synonyms, “complex words.” 3, 4 The first and last sound in a word. Hard and soft sounds Related words. 5, 6, 7 The first and last sound in a word. Soft and hard sounds. Sentence: isolating a sentence from a story; words in a sentence follow each other. 1-2 Sentence: declarative, interrogative, 8, 9 exclamation marks, marks at the end of the sentence. Isolating a sentence from a poetic text, signs at the end of the sentence. Soft and hard sounds. Unusual words. 3-4 Sound analysis of words with three sounds. 10.11 Vowel sounds. Soft and hard sounds. Correct and incorrect words.

7 April March February January December 1-2 Sound analysis of words with three sounds. Consonants, hard and soft consonants. Determining the number of sentences in the text, intonation of sentences, signs at the end of sentences. Words: similar sounding, long and short words. 3-4 Consonant sounds: hard and soft. Sound analysis of words with three sounds. Making sentences from two words, writing a sentence. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Words: animate and inanimate. 5 Workbooks Voiced and voiceless consonants. Sound analysis of words with four sounds. Getting to know syllables, dividing words into syllables. Compiling, analyzing, writing two-word sentences. 2 Drawing up proposals according to the scheme. Analysis of a two-word sentence, writing a sentence. Syllabic and sound analysis of words with four sounds. Voiced and voiceless consonants. Words: actions, signs. 3-4 Sound analysis of words with four sounds. Syllabic analysis, converting short words into long words. Compiling, analyzing, writing three-word sentences. Voiced and voiceless consonants. 1-2 Compiling, analyzing, writing sentences of three to four words with a “short” word. Sound analysis of words with four sounds Introducing the stressed syllable. Words expressing attitudes towards the surrounding world (adverbs) Compiling, analyzing, writing four-word sentences with a “short” word. Sound analysis of words with four sounds. Stressed vowel sound. Definition of stressed vowel sound in words. 1-2 Compiling, analyzing, writing sentences of three to four words with a “short” word. Sound analysis of words with five sounds. Comparison of words by sound composition. Definition of stressed vowel sound in words. "Stubborn" words. 3-4 Distinguishing the concepts of “sound”, “word”, “syllable”. Comparison of words by sound composition. Sound analysis of words with five sounds. Compiling and analyzing sentences with “short” words. Consolidating knowledge on the topics “Sound”, “Syllable”, “Word”, “Sentence”. 5 Workbooks 12,13 14, 15 16, 17, 18 19, 20 21, 22 23, 24 25, 26, 27 28, 29 30, 31

8 May 2 Workbooks 3-4 Reinforcing the material covered in games and exercises. Workbooks Total: number of classes, time 36 (18 hours) Literature 1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155); 2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraks, 2014 3. Zhurova L. E., Varentsova N. S. “Teaching literacy to preschoolers,” M: “School Press” 2001 4. Maksakov A. I. “Does your child speak correctly”, M: “Enlightenment” 1988 5. Tumakova G. A. “Familiarization of preschoolers with the sounding word”, M: “Mosaika-Sintez” 2006 6. Ushakova O. S. “Development of speech and creativity of the child”, M: “Sfera”, 2008.

9 Long-term plan for working with students October Lesson 1 “Sound and letter A” Goal: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the vowel sound A and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the sound A in words. Introduce the letter A as a written designation for the sound A. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem. Lesson 2 “Sound and letter O” Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the vowel sound O and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the O sound in words. Introduce the letter O as a written designation for the sound O. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Lesson 3 “Sound and letter U” Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the vowel sound U and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the U sound in words. Introduce the letter U as a written designation for the sound U. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Lesson 4 “Sound and letter Y” Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the vowel sound ы and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the Y sound in words. Introduce the letter Y as a written symbol for the sound Y. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to divide words into syllables using a word diagram. Strengthen the ability to identify the first sound in words. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently.

November 10 Lesson 5 “Sound and letter E” Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the vowel sound E and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the sound E in words. Introduce the letter E as a written designation for the sound E. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to divide words into syllables using a word diagram. Strengthen the ability to correlate sounds and letters, write the vowels A, O, U, Y. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Lesson 6 “Reading words from the letters AU, UA.” Goal: to develop the ability to read words from the letters AU, UA. To consolidate knowledge about vowel sounds and the letters A, O, U, Y, E. To consolidate the ability to find words with a given sound. Continue to learn to determine which vowel sound is in the middle of a word. Strengthen the ability to write printed vowel letters. Lesson 7 “Sound and letter L” Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the sound L as a consonant sound and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the L sound in words. Introduce the letter L as a written designation for the sound L. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to read the syllables LA, LO, LU, LY, LE. Continue learning to divide words into syllables. Learn to write syllables in word patterns. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Lesson 8 “Sound and letter M. Reading syllables, words.” Goal: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the sound M as a consonant sound and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the M sound in words. Introduce the letter M as a written designation for the sound M. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to read the syllables MA, MO, MU, WE, ME, identify the first syllable in words. Learn to read words from the letters you have learned. Learn to conduct sound analysis of words. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. December 14

11 Lesson 9 “Sound and letter N. Reading syllables, words. Writing and reading words." (9, p. 30) Goal: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the sound N as a consonant sound and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the N sound in words. Introduce the letter N as a written designation for the sound N. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to read the syllables NA, BUT, NU, NY, NE. Learn to write words: moon, soap using symbols and letters. Learn to read words from the letters you have learned. Learn to conduct sound analysis of words. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently Lesson 10 “Sound and letter R. Reading syllables. Getting to know the sentence, reading the sentence" Purpose: to promote the development of sound-letter analysis. Introduce the sound P as a consonant sound and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the sound R in words. Introduce the letter P as a written designation for the sound R. Learn to write a printed letter using its example. Learn to read the syllables RA, RO, RU, RY, RE... Learn to read a sentence. Introduce the verbal composition of a sentence. Introduce the symbol of a sentence. Learn to understand a learning task and complete it independently. Lesson 11 “Vowels and consonants sounds and letters. Reading syllables, words." Goal: continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters. Improve your ability to read syllables from the letters you have learned. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of sound in a word. Lesson 12 “Letter I. Reading syllables, words, sentences” Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound I and its symbol - red square. Learn to write the letter Y. Learn to read the syllables: MA-MYA, LA-LA, NA-NYA, RA-RYA. Introduce children to the consonants: Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - green square. Learn to read words and sentences. Learn to write sentences schematically, determining the order of words in a sentence. January Lesson 13 “Letter Yu Reading syllables, words” Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound Yu and its symbol, a red square. Learn to write the letter Y. Learn to read syllables and words. Continue to introduce children to the consonants: Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - green square. Continue learning to differentiate vowels and 15

12 consonants, hard and soft consonants. Continue to introduce stressed syllables, stressed vowels, and stress markings. Lesson 14 “Sound and letter E Reading syllables, words. Making proposals." Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound E and its symbol - red square. Learn to write the letter E. Continue to introduce children to the consonants: Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - a green square. Learn to read syllables and words. Learn to match the diagram with the written word. Learn to compose a sentence of 3 words based on a picture and write it in symbols. Lesson 15 “Sound and letter E. Reading syllables, words” Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound E and its symbol - red square. Learn to write the letter E. Learn to read syllables and words. Continue to introduce children to the consonants: Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - green square. Continue learning to differentiate vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonants. February Lesson 31 “Sound and letter I. Reading syllables, words” Purpose: To introduce the vowel sound I and its symbol, a red square. Learn to write the letter I. Learn to read syllables and words. Continue to introduce children to the consonants: Мь, Ль, Нь, Рь and their symbol - green square. Continue learning to differentiate vowels and consonants, hard and soft consonant sounds.. Lesson 16 “Reinforcing the material covered” Goal: to consolidate the ability to write the vowels I, Yu, E, E, I. Continue learning to read syllables, distinguish between hard and soft consonants. Learn to read and write words: meow, spinning top, lemon. Learn to read a sentence, identify the 1st, 2nd, 3rd word in it.

13 Lesson 17 “Sounds G-K, K-K, G-G. Letters G, K. Reading syllables, composing and conditionally writing sentences” Purpose: To introduce the sounds G K as voiced and voiceless consonants. Introduce the sounds Г-Гь, К-Кь. and its symbol. Learn to determine the place of the sound E in words. Introduce the letters G, K as written signs of consonant sounds. Learn to write the printed letters G, K, first with dots, then independently. Learn to read syllables with G, K + 10 vowels. Learn to compose a sentence of 3 words based on a picture and write it in symbols. Lesson 18 “Sounds D-D-D, T-T. Letters D, T. Reading syllables, sentences" Purpose: To introduce the sounds D T as voiced and voiceless consonants. Introduce the letters D-T as written signs of the sounds D-T, Дь - Т. Learn to write the printed letters D, T, first with dots, then independently. Learn to read syllables with D, T + 10 vowels. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of a sound in a word and mark it with the symbol blue square, green square. improve reading skills. Lesson 38 Learning to write numbers (Number 3) (Copybooks) March Lesson 19 “Letters B, F. Sounds B-B, F-F. Reading syllables, sentences" Purpose: To introduce the sounds DT as voiced and voiceless consonants. Introduce the letters D-T as written signs of the sounds D-T, Дь Т, Т - Т. Learn to write the printed letters D, T, first with dots, then independently. Learn to read syllables with D, T + 10 vowels. learn to write words, carry out phonemic analysis of words. Lesson 20 “Letters Z - S. Sounds Z-ZZ, S-S. Reading syllables" Purpose: To introduce the letters Z with the sounds Z - Zь, S - Sь. Learn to write the printed letters Z, S. Learn to read syllables with Z, S + 10 vowels. Learn to read words. Lesson 21 “Letters B, P. Sounds B-B, S-S. Reading syllables, sentences" Purpose: To introduce the sounds DT as voiced and voiceless consonants. Introduce the letters D-T as written signs of the sounds D-T, Дь Т, Т - Т. Learn to write block letters D, T first 17

14 points, then independently. Learn to read syllables with D, T + 10 vowels. Learn to write words, carry out phonemic analysis of words. Lesson 22 “Letter X. Sounds X - XH. Reading syllables, sentences" Purpose: To introduce the printed letter X and the sounds X XL. Learn to write block letters Ш - Ж. Learn to write words. Improve the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences. April Lesson 23 “Letters and sounds Ш - Ж. Reading syllables, sentences” Goal: Continue to learn how to work with word patterns. Introduce the sounds Ш Ж - voiced and unvoiced. Introduce the printed letters Ш, Ж. Learn to write the printed letters Ш, Ж, first using dots, then independently. Learn to read syllables with Ш, Ж + 10 vowels. Learn to write words, carry out phonemic analysis of words. Lesson 24 “Letters and sounds Ch - Shch. Reading syllables, sentences” Purpose: To introduce the sounds Ch Shch as voiceless consonants, soft consonants.. To introduce the symbols of the sounds Ch Shch green square. Introduce the printed letters CH -SH. Learn to write block letters CH -SH. Learn to write printed letters Ch, Shch. Learn to read syllables, small texts.. Lesson 25 “Sound and letter C Reading syllables, poetic texts” Purpose: introduce the consonant hard sound C. Introduce the printed letter C as a written sign of the sound C. Teach write the printed letter C. Improve reading skills. Lesson 26 “Sound and letter Y. Reading syllables, poetic texts

15 Goal: to introduce the soft consonant sound Y and its symbol - a green square. To introduce the printed letter Y as a written sign of the sound Y. Learn to write the printed letter Y. Improve reading skills. Strengthen the ability to write words using signs and letters. Goal: Learn to write 7. Coordinate your actions with the teacher’s instructions, consolidate the concepts of spatial orientation. Develop attention, concentration, and monitor correct body position. Improve motor functions of the hand. May Lesson 27 “The letter b. Reading syllables, poetic texts" Purpose: to introduce the letter b and its softening function. Learn to write the printed letter b. Improve reading skills. Learn to write words. Continue to learn how to correlate a word with its graphic image.) Lesson 28 “The letter J. Reading syllables, poetic texts" Purpose: to introduce the printed letter Ъ. Learn to write the letter b. Improve reading skills. Learn to write words. Lesson “Alphabet, reading a poem” Purpose: To introduce the alphabet. Strengthen the ability to write completed letters. Improve reading skills.

16 Literature 1. Federal state educational standard for preschool education (Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 17, 2013 N 1155); 2. Approximate general educational program for preschool education “From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraks, 2014 3. Zhurova L. E., Varentsova N. S. “Teaching literacy to preschoolers,” M: “School Press” 2001 4. Maksakov A. I. “Does your child speak correctly”, M: “Enlightenment” 1988 5. Tumakova G. A. “Familiarization of preschoolers with the sounding word”, M: “Mosaika-Sintez” 2006 6. Ushakova O. S. “Development of speech and creativity of the child”, M: “Sfera”, 2008.

17 Methodology for examining the speech development of children Diagnostic examination to assess the effectiveness of work,

18 aimed at students’ mastery of reading, is carried out 2 times a year with a slight change in the diagnostic material. Which is very indicative for viewing the dynamics of development of students. assessment criteria proposed by O.S. Ushakova, S.M. Strunina and T.P. Salnikova, a methodology was developed for assessing the development of students in literacy training. Criteria. Pupils: - distinguish between concepts: sound, letter, syllable, word, sentence; - can divide a simple sentence into words indicating their sequence; - divide words into syllables (determine their number, sequence); - make up words from syllables; - perform sound analysis of words; - differentiate sounds (vowels, consonants: hard, soft, voiced, unvoiced); - find words with a given sound in a sentence; - can read. To evaluate the criteria, special diagnostic tasks were selected. 1. Distinguishes between the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”. The teacher asks the child questions: 1. What will I name now? Listen carefully (names sounds). 2. Now what did I say? (names syllables). 3. What did I say now? (names words). 4. Now what did I say? (names the proposal). Evaluation of results: High level: the child correctly answers all questions independently. At an intermediate level, the child answers questions with the help of an adult. A low level makes it difficult for a child to answer questions. 2. Can divide a simple sentence into words indicating their sequence. The teacher calls a sentence consisting of 3-4 words and asks questions: 1. What did I just say? 2. How many words are there in a sentence? 3. What is the first word? (second, third) Evaluation of results: High level: the child correctly answers questions independently. At an intermediate level, the child answers questions with the help of an adult. A low level makes it difficult for a child to answer questions. 3. Divides words into syllables (determines their number, sequence). The teacher calls the child a two-syllable, three-syllable, one-syllable word and asks him to determine the number of syllables in this word, name the first syllable, 9

19 second, third. Evaluation of results: High level, the child correctly determines the number of syllables in a word. The average child sometimes makes mistakes, but corrects his mistake. A low level child often makes mistakes and cannot always correct the mistake. 4. Composes words from syllables. The teacher invites the child to play the game “Funny Syllables.” Preparation of the study: Prepare cards measuring 3x2 cm on which various syllables are written (approximately 24 syllables, from which 11 words can subsequently be composed). Conducting research: The teacher invites the child to play a game: “Now you and I will play the game “Funny Syllables.” Look how many syllables there are, they scattered, and you and I will put them together into words.” Evaluation of results: High level, the child correctly composed from 8 to 11 words. The average level of the child was correct from 5 to 7 words. A low level child composed 4 or fewer words or did not produce words at all. 5. Performs sound analysis of words. Preparation of the study: Prepare pictures depicting objects (poppy, bridge, doll, magpie, painting, turtle); a set of red, blue, green chips. Conducting the study: The experiment is carried out with children individually. Pictures are placed in front of the child one by one and asked to answer the questions: 1. What is drawn in the picture? 2. What is the first sound in a word? 3. Third, etc. As the child names the sounds, he places chips to create a diagram of the word. (During the initial diagnosis, the child determines the number of sounds in a word by ear) Evaluation of results: High level, the child coped with 6-7 words. The average level child coped with 4-3 words. The low level child coped with 2-1 words. 6. Differentiates sounds. Conducting research:

20 The teacher pronounces the sound, invites the child to tell what sound it is (vowel, consonant: hard, soft, voiced deaf). 10

21 Evaluation of results: High level, the child did not make a single mistake. The average child made one mistake. Low level: The child made more than one mistake. 7. Finds words in a sentence with a given sound. (During initial diagnosis, it identifies sounds from a word). “Sound Hide and Seek” technique The teacher tells the child that all words are made up of sounds that we pronounce, and therefore people can hear and pronounce words. For example, an adult pronounces several vowels and consonants. Then the child is asked to play “hide and seek” with sounds. The conditions of the game are as follows: each time they agree on what sound to look for, after which the experimenter calls various words to the subject, and he must say whether the sound he is looking for is in the word. It is suggested to look for sounds: o, a, sh, s. All words must be pronounced very clearly, highlighting each sound, and even vowel sounds must be drawn out (the vowel sound being sought must be stressed). It is necessary to invite the child to say the word after the experimenter and listen to it. You can repeat the word several times. During the final diagnosis, it finds words in a sentence with a given sound. Evaluation of results: High level did not make a single mistake. Average level: one mistake was made. Low level if more than one error is made. 8. Can read. To determine the level of reading mastery, the child is asked to read a sentence of 3-4 words. Evaluation of results: High level: the child reads whole words fluently. The average level child reads syllables. The child's ability to read letters is low.

SEPTEMBER 2. “Sound and letter “A”,” page 13 4. “Sound and letter “O,” page 16 Introduce the vowel sound “A” and its conditional square. To promote the development of sound-letter analysis and phonemic hearing. Learn

Preschool education Literacy training Senior group (5-7 years old) Work program Moscow Additional educational program “Literacy training” is compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education based on technology

November Date 1 week 11/08/2018 2 week 11/15/2018 3 week 11/22/2018 4 week 11/29/2018 Name of educational activity Sounds. Letters. Words. Vowel sounds and letters A, O, U. Vowel sounds and letters,


1. Explanatory note This program is intended for children 5-6 years old. It includes classes on speech development, as well as educational and game activities in mathematics. Main purpose of the program

1 Contents of the program 1. Target section of the program 1.1. Explanatory note. 1.. Relevance of the program. 1.3. Distinctive features of the program. 1.4.Goal and objectives of the program. 1.5. Volume and period of development.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 281" of Perm ACCEPTED: At the pedagogical council, minutes 1 of August 30, 2016 16 Chashchina ADDITIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAM

November Date 1 week 11/08/2018 Name of educational activity Sounds. Letters. Words Contents of educational activities Acquaintance with the concepts of “word”, “letter”, “sound”. Experiencing Diversity

Content:. Explanatory note page 3 2. Expected result. page 5 3. Curriculum and thematic plan. page 6 4. Contents of the program.. page 7 5. Methodological support of the program page 0 6. List of references.

Program “Literacy 5-6” Pedagogical technology for teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy: “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old.” The main ideas of the concept of D.B. Elkonin-V.V. Davydov are being implemented

AGREED AT a meeting of the Governing Council Minutes of RL 204. Chairman of the Board APPROVED At the General Meeting Minutes dated ^ 204 Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School Shch0; r "Central District Directorate of Education Department

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program for preparing for teaching literacy “From Sound to Letter”, “Development of Sound-Letter Analysis” is intended for work with preschool children. Teaching methods are consistent

2 Explanatory note Mastering initial reading skills requires a certain readiness of the sensorimotor and intellectual spheres of the preschooler. Therefore, each child needs different time

I. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the academic subject “Preparation for learning to read and write” The personal results of studying the subject are the following skills: to understand the role of language

The successful development of speech in preschool age is crucial for the subsequent systematic study of the native language. D. B. Elkonin wrote that the reader operates with the sound side of the language, and

Explanatory note. An additional program for teaching preschoolers literacy is holistic, integrated in preparing children for school, developing mental abilities and cognitive activity

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Child Development Center kindergarten 55 "Golden Key" (MBDOU TsRR DS 55) ADOPTED by the decision of the pedagogical council MBDOU TsRR DS 55 protocol

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School 2000” (GBOU School 2000) “Approved” Director of GBOU School 2000 A.V. Kondrashov Order 01\08


PROGRAM CONTENT Explanatory note Modern school, in the context of informatization of education, places quite high demands on the future first-grader child, so teachers

“I approve”: Head of MBDOU 5 Mikhailova T.M. "04" September 205 WORK PLAN of the “Literacy” club of a municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general developmental kindergarten

1 2 elementary sound-letter examination September 3 “In the world of sounds Introduce the structural features of the speech apparatus 4 a A 1. Clarify the articulation of sound A 2. Learn to isolate a given vowel

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Bell" Adopted at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council Minutes from Approved by: Head of MBDOU kindergarten "Bell" / Tikhonova


Explanatory note The work program “ABVGDeyka” is aimed at children of senior preschool age. It is designed for 1 year of study 30 hours. Classes are held in the preparatory group once a week

Objectives of the program: educational: - to form phonetic, grammatical and lexical skills; - master the concepts of words-objects, words-signs, words-actions; - master the concepts of antonym words,


Explanatory note Mastering initial reading skills requires a certain readiness of the sensorimotor and intellectual spheres of the preschooler. Therefore, each child needs different time for

Reviewed by the pedagogical council of the Regional Medical Educational Institution “Joy” 2015. Protocol Approved by the Head of the Regional Medical Educational Institution “Joy” L.A. Skotskaya 2015 Order Plan of work for the "Gramoteyka" club Preparatory teacher for school group

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten of general developmental type 9 “Romashka” Oktyabrsky district ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council Minutes from APPROVED Head of MDOBU 9

Municipal educational budgetary institution "Secondary school 4 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Shimanovsk" Considered Accepted for scientific approval - Approved by the department

Club: “ABVGDEyka” Direction: “Cognitive speech development” Educational area: “Communication” Explanatory note The purpose of the preparatory groups is to prepare preschoolers for learning, to introduce

PROGRAM of additional education in literacy training Additional educational program of social and pedagogical orientation of the association “Preschool education” “RECHEVICHOK”. Compiled by: speech therapist teacher

Long-term planning for teaching literacy in the preparatory group. Long-term plan for teaching literacy in the preparatory group. The plan was drawn up on the basis of the partial program of N.V. Nishcheva

OCTOBER. CIRCLE WORK PLAN “ABVGDeyka”. Month. Week Lesson topic. Goals. 1. 1.Word. To introduce preschoolers to sound words, to form the concept of “word”, to teach children to name words independently,

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION SCHOOL 1798 “PHOENIX” Additional general education general development program “Rainbow of Talents” Literacy training

Senior group 2016 2017 academic year Educator: Buranova L.I. Explanatory note In recent years, many primary school teachers have noted a large increase in children with writing and reading disorders (dysgraphia,

STATE EDUCATIONAL BUDGETARY INSTITUTION GYMNASIUM 1590 named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.V. Kolesnik Approved by the Director of GBOU Gymnasium 1590 Bobrova E.N. from Work program additional


Additional general education program - additional general developmental program for preschool children (5-6 years old) “Learning to read” 3 hours per year, hour per week Implementation period: October 209 May

Workshop for educators Topic: “Preparing preschool children for learning to read and write under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” Compiled by: Teacher speech therapist: Sokolova V.E. Goal: clarification and formation of teachers’ ideas

Elementary sound-letter skills SURVEY September 3 Vowel sounds Consonant sounds. Reinforce the concepts of “sound”, “vowel sound”, “syllable”. Differentiate the concepts of “sound letter syllable”. 3. Secure

CIRCLE “GOING TO SCHOOL SOON!” Teachers working with preschool children: Popova Larisa Nikolaevna teacher-speech therapist, Boevets Nadezhda Aleksandrovna teacher of a preschool group. Preschool education

Additional general education (general developmental) program for teaching literacy to children with disabilities Specialist: Kalinina E.I., teacher-speech therapist Explanatory note Relevance of the program Currently

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten 35" APPROVED by the Head of MADO 35 /Lesnikova T.N/ Minutes of the teachers' council 20. Work program of additional

1. Target section Explanatory note In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, this program is aimed at the development of preschool children

ADDITIONAL GENERAL DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAM “SPEECH DEVELOPMENT” FOR FUTURE FIRST-GRADE STUDENTS Focus: socio-pedagogical Program level: introductory Student age: 5-7 years Implementation period:

Contents: 1. Explanatory note 2. Diagnostics. 3. Thematic planning. 4. Literature. Explanatory note. Successful speech development in preschool age is critical for later

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 273" ACCEPTED APPROVED at the pedagogical council by the Head of MBDOU 273 protocol 1 dated 08/31/2018 S.B. Kiryushina Order 169 of 08/31/2018

Features of modern forms, methods, methods of work in preschool educational institutions for teaching literacy to preschoolers. Compiled by teacher MBDOU 142 Makhova Natalya Petrovna 2018 The relevance of this topic is due to the need

Explanatory note Writing is a mental process that includes in its structure both verbal and non-verbal forms of mental activity - attention, visual, acoustic and spatial

EXPLANATORY NOTE Purpose: Prevention of academic failure caused by various disorders of oral and written speech. Preparing for literacy. Objectives: 1. give the concept of words and sentences; 2.

Prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Karetnikova E.I., teacher-speech therapist Gridasova-Prokhorova L.O. Goal: to increase the competence of teachers in the theoretical issue of preparing children for literacy. Tasks: determine

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The program “From Sound to Letter” is based on the author’s E.V. Kolesnikova “From sound to letter. Teaching preschoolers the elements of literacy." The program is based on federal law

Explanatory note. Early learning to read is not a fad or a whim of ambitious parents. The trend towards lowering the age range for children to start learning to read has a completely objective basis:

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program for preparing for teaching elements of literacy and early learning to read is based on the author’s program by E.V. Kolesnikova “From Sound to Letter”. The program is based

Explanatory note The work program “Speech Field” was developed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents: - Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” N 273-FZ dated

Explanatory note. This program is intended for students with severe mental retardation. When compiling it, the following documents were taken as a basis: 1) Adapted educational

Work program for teaching reading to children 6-7 years old “I read!” Explanatory note. Many parents inevitably face the question of when and how to start introducing their child to letters and move on to learning

Purpose of the program: Development of children's cognitive abilities, intelligence, creativity in solving assigned problems, development of speech activity. The program consists of two sections. First section: development

I. Explanatory note. Timely acquisition of correct speech is important for the formation of a child’s full-fledged personality, for his successful education at school and for future work.

Elena Smirnova
Club program for teaching preschoolers reading “Abvgdeyka”

Explanatory note:

One of the main goals of preparing children for literacy training in preschool educational institution - familiarization with the sound structure of a word, its sound analysis. Classes on this program“Preparing children for school in kindergarten” are aimed at developing correct sound pronunciation, enriching vocabulary, and preparing the hand for writing. Game material helps create a joyful atmosphere in the group. All tasks are built on the principle of gradual complication. By doing them, children learn to read syllables, determine the number of syllables in a word, and do a simple sound analysis of a word. « Program preparing children for school in kindergarten" will help children teach the correct pronunciation of sounds, the development of phonemic hearing and perception, develop skills in pronouncing words of various sound-syllable structures, and prepare them for mastering basic skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

The main purpose of this programs is to improve a skill reading, formation of a fused reading, strengthening the skills to conduct a sound analysis of a word, divide sentences into words (determine the number of words, read sentences and texts with understanding.

Main goals:

Developmental – enrichment of vocabulary, development of children’s speech, development of phonemic and speech hearing, development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, skill development reading whole words and short sentences.

Educational – ensuring mastery of a minimum level of knowledge of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic means, which will make it possible to move on to the next stage learning - reading, education correct syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words; consolidating the ability to conduct sound analysis, determining the number of words in a sentence and composing sentences.

Educational – developing interest in reading, education of accuracy, sociability, curiosity.

Expected results:

By the end learning children can learn:

that all words are made up of sounds;

how to clearly and correctly pronounce the initial sounds in the names of objects in the table;

how to correctly use endings to agree words in sentences;

how to construct a sentence correctly;

Forward planning for teaching reading to preschoolers includes:

SOUND. Basic goals: teach how to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly; develop phonemic awareness by distinguishing sounds in words by ear; improve diction, clear pronunciation of words and phrases; learn to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning of word, middle, end); work on intonation and expressiveness of speech.

WORD. Basic goals: clarify, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary; learn to use words correctly - names of objects, signs, actions and an explanation of their meaning; combine and distinguish objects by essential characteristics, correctly use specific and generic words-names; learn to identify and name the location of objects (left, right, between, near, next to, time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night, day).

WORK ON SENTENCES AND ORAL SPEECH. Basic goals: education children to correctly agree words in a sentence; education retelling short fairy tales and stories based on the content of the picture or about the subject; improving children's dialogical speech; developing children’s skills to ask and answer questions; detailed explanation of riddles, memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes and reproducing them in compliance with the intonation dictated by the content; fostering an attentive, friendly attitude towards the answers and stories of other children.

The order of learning sounds and letters.




Consonant pairs

W – S G – K D – T B – R V – F F – W

Methodological support:

1. Computer.

2. Interactive whiteboard.

3. Didactic games.

4. Word games


Zhukova O. I. “Games and exercises to prepare a child for school”. "Astrel", Moscow; 2007

Zatulina G. Ya. "Lesson notes for preparing for literacy» . "Center for Teacher Education", Moscow; 2008

Rogalevich N. N. “100 tasks for successfully preparing your child for school”. Moscow, AST; 2007

Manager L.V. "Preparing for school in kindergarten". Yaroslavl, Development Academy; 2006

6. "Primer" N. S. Zhukova - A manual on training children 5-6 years old correct reading, Ekaterinburg, 2011.

7. "Steps to school" - education literacy of children with speech impairment E. V. Kuznetsova, I. A. Tikhonova, Moscow Creative Center 2000.

8. « Teaching preschoolers to read» L. N. Smirnova. Moscow mosaic-synthesis, 2005.

9. "Reader" Book for reading. Moscow "Education" 1996.

10. “Development of sound-letter analysis in children 5-6 years old” E. V. Kolesnikova. Publishing house YUVENTA, Moscow 2001.

11. "Smart vowels" "White City" 2004

12. "Tricky consonants" M. V. Sergeeva. Publishing house "White City" 2004

Publications on the topic:

Consultation for parents “Teaching a child to read in preschool age” Consultation for parents “Teaching a child to read in preschool age” Most parents believe that it will be better for the child.

“Get Healthy” Club Program Author's development: “Healthy” circle. The relevance of health-improving work on the physical DEVELOPMENT of preschool children. Care.

Planning the work of the Abvgdeyka circle Circle task. Children's mastery of sound composition, vocabulary, grammatical structure and phrasal coherent speech in a dialogic form.

Teaching reading to a preschool child Learning to read First and most importantly: before teaching your child to read, ask yourself the question, do you read? It is very difficult to vaccinate a child.

Goals and objectives of the reading learning circle “On the Road to the ABCs” Purpose of the circle: The main goal of the circle work on teaching reading is to improve reading skills, the formation of continuous reading.

Among the huge selection of methods, teaching reading using Nadezhda Zhukova’s method is very popular. Her method is adapted for self-study by parents and children at home. N. Zhukova’s textbooks are affordable and can be purchased in almost all bookstores. Let's try to figure out what's special about this technique and why it's so popular.

From the biography

Nadezhda Zhukova is a well-known domestic teacher, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, and has extensive speech therapy experience. She is the creator of a whole series of educational literature for children, which is published in multi-million copies. Many of her scientific works have been published not only in Russian, but also in specialized publications in other countries.

Nadezhda Zhukova conducted a lot of research with preschool children, carefully studying the progressive processes of their speech development. She has created a unique technique with which children can quickly learn to read and easily move from it to writing. In her method, N. Zhukova teaches children to correctly add syllables, which she uses as a single part in reading and writing in the future.

Sales of her modern “Primer” exceeded 3 million copies. From these figures, according to statistics, we can conclude that every fourth child learns to read using it. In 2005, it was awarded the title of “Classical Textbook”.

In the 1960s, Nadezhda Zhukova was an active worker in an initiative group that dealt with the creation of specialized groups for children with problems and disorders of speech activity. Now such speech therapy groups and entire kindergartens with this focus are widespread not only in our country, but also in the CIS countries.

Features of the technique

In creating her own special method, N. Zhukova took advantage of her 30 years of speech therapy work experience. She was able to build a successful combination of teaching literacy with the ability to prevent mistakes children make when writing. The textbook is based on a traditional approach to teaching reading, which is supplemented with unique features.

In speech activity, it is psychologically easier for a child to isolate a syllable than a separate sound in a spoken word. This principle is used in N. Zhukova’s technique. Reading syllables is offered already in the third lesson. Due to the fact that at the very beginning of learning to read, this process for children is a mechanism for reproducing the letter model of a word into a sound one, the child should already be familiar with letters by the time he learns to read.

It is not worth teaching your child all the letters of the alphabet at once. The baby's first acquaintance should be with vowels. Explain to your child that vowels are singing letters and can be sung. Start by studying the so-called hard vowels (A, U, O). After the baby has become familiar with them, you need to start adding up: AU, AO, OU, UA, OU, OA, OU. Of course, these are not syllables, but it is with this combination of vowels that it is easiest to explain to the baby the principle of adding syllables. Let the child himself, helping himself with his finger, draw paths from letter to letter, singing them. This way he can read the combination of two vowels. Next, you can start memorizing consonants.

Then, when you start teaching your baby to read, explain to him how to determine by hearing how many sounds or letters you have pronounced, which sound in a word sounds first, last, second. Here N. Zhukova’s “Magnetic ABC” can help you in learning. With its help, you can ask your baby to lay out the syllables you pronounce.

You can also feel the letters and trace them with your finger, which will contribute to their tactile memorization. When the baby learns to merge syllables, you can invite him to read words with three letters or words with two syllables. (O-SA, MA-MA).

In Zhukova's "Bukvara" parents will be able to find mini-studies on learning each letter and recommendations for learning to add syllables. Everything is written in accessible language. In order to use them, parents do not need to have a pedagogical education. Absolutely any adult can conduct the lesson.

A preschooler is able to perceive information only in a playful form. For him, playing is a calm environment where no one will scold or criticize him. Do not try to force your child to quickly and immediately read syllables. For him, reading is not easy work. Be patient, show affection and love to your baby during training. This is important to him now more than ever. Showing calm and confidence, learn to add syllables, simple words, and sentences. The child must master the technique of reading. This process is not fast and difficult for him. The game will diversify learning, relieve you from the boring task of studying, and help instill a love of reading.

Starting age

You shouldn't rush things. It is quite normal that a 3-4 year old child is not yet capable of learning. During this age period, classes can only begin if the child shows great interest in reading activities and shows a desire to learn to read.

A 5-6 year old child will have a completely different attitude towards this. In preschool institutions, educational programs are designed to teach children to read syllables. However, children are not always able to assimilate information received in a large group. Many children require individual lessons in order for them to understand the principles of adding syllables and words. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to work with your child at home. By coming to school well prepared, it will be easier for your child to endure the adaptation period.

It is important to take into account psychological readiness for learning to read. Children are ready to start reading only if they already speak well. correctly form sentences in their speech, phonemic hearing is developed at the proper level. Children should not have hearing or vision problems or speech therapy problems.

Sounds or letters?

Getting to know letters should not begin with memorizing their names. Instead, the child must know the sound that is written with a particular letter. No EM, ER, TE, LE, etc. there shouldn't be. Instead of EM, we learn the sound “m”, instead of BE, we learn the sound “b”. This is done to facilitate the child’s understanding of the principle of adding syllables. If you learn the names of the letters, the child will not understand how the word DAD is obtained from PE-A-PE-A, and the word MOM from ME-A-ME-A. He will not add the sounds that are indicated by the letters, but the names of the letters as he has learned, and accordingly he will read PEAPEA, MEAMEA.

Learn vowels and consonants correctly

Don't start learning letters in alphabetical order A, B, C, D... Follow the sequence given in the Primer.

First of all, learn the vowels (A, O, U, Y, E). Next, you should introduce the student to the hard voiced consonants M, L.

Then we get acquainted with dull and hissing sounds (K, P, T, Sh, Ch, etc.)

In the “Primer” by N. Zhukova, the following order of studying letters is proposed: A, U, O, M, S, X, R, W, Y, L, N, K, T, I, P, Z, J, G, V , D, B, F, E, L, I, Yu, E, Ch, E, C, F, Shch, J.

Reinforcing the material we have learned

Repetition of previously learned letters at each lesson will contribute to the faster development of the mechanism of competent reading in children.

Reading by syllables

Once you and your child have learned a few letters, it's time to learn how to form syllables. A cheerful boy helps with this in the “Bukvar”. It runs from one letter to another, forming a syllable. The first letter of the syllable must be pulled out until the baby traces the path along which the boy is running with his finger. For example, the syllable MA. The first letter is M. Place your finger at the beginning of the path near it. We make the sound M while we move our finger along the path, without stopping: M-M-M-M-M-A-A-A-A-A-A. The child must learn that the first letter stretches until the boy runs to the second, as a result they are pronounced together, without breaking away from each other.

Let's start with simple syllables

The child must understand the algorithm for adding syllables from sounds. To do this, he needs training first on simple syllables, such as MA, PA, MO, PO, LA, LO. Only after the child understands this mechanism and learns to read simple syllables can he begin to work on more complex syllables - with hissing and voiceless consonants (ZHA, ZHU, SHU, HA).

Stage of learning to read closed syllables

When the child learns to add open syllables, it is necessary to begin learning to read closed syllables, i.e. those in which the vowel comes first. AB, US, UM, OM, AN. It is much more difficult for a child to read such syllables; do not forget about regular training.

Reading simple words

When the child understands the mechanism of adding syllables and begins to read them with ease, the time comes to read simple words: MA-MA, PA-PA, SA-MA, KO-RO-VA.

Watch your pronunciation and pauses

In the process of learning to read, it is necessary to carefully monitor the child’s pronunciation. Pay attention to the correct reading of the endings of words; the child should not guess what is written, but read the word to the end.

If at the initial stage of learning you taught your child to sing syllables, now the time has come to do without it. Make sure your child pauses between words. Explain to him what punctuation marks mean: commas, periods, exclamation and question marks. Let the pauses between words and sentences that the baby makes be quite long at first. Over time, he will understand and shorten them.

By following these simple rules, you can teach your child to read quite quickly.

Popular books for children by N. Zhukova

In order for parents to be able to teach their child to read and write using her methods, Nadezhda Zhukova offers a whole series of books and manuals for children and parents.

This includes:

"Primer" and "Copybook" for children 6-7 years old in 3 parts

The copybooks are a practical application to the Primer. The syllabic principle of graphics is adopted as the basis. A syllable acts as a separate unit of not only reading, but also writing. The recording of the vowel and consonant letters acts as a single graphic element.

"Magnetic ABC"

Suitable for both home use and for classes in child care institutions. A large set of letters allows you to compose not only individual words, but also sentences. The “ABC” comes with methodological recommendations for work, they are supplemented with exercises for teaching children.

"I write correctly - from the Primer to the ability to write beautifully and competently"

The textbook is suitable for children who have already learned to read syllables together. It is also necessary that children can identify the first and last sounds in a word, can name words based on the sound that was named to them, and indicate the location of a given sound in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. The book is designed to demonstrate the creativity of the teacher who studies it. The proposed sections can be expanded or narrowed; the number of oral and written exercises is varied by the teacher. At the bottom of some pages you can see guidelines for conducting classes. Many story-based pictures, offered as illustrations for the textbook, will help the child not only easily learn the basic principles of grammar, but also develop oral speech.

"Lessons on correct speech and correct thinking"

The book is suitable for children who already read well. Here you can read texts of the classical genre. For parents, there is a detailed methodological description of classes based on the book. A system for working on the text is attached to each work for its analysis. With its help, children learn to think, understand hidden subtext, explain, and discuss. You can also see the meaning of words unknown to the child that are in the children's dictionary. Also The author introduces children to famous poets and writers, teaches them how to read this or that work correctly.

"Lessons in penmanship and literacy" (educational copybooks)

A manual that complements the other elements of N. Zhukova’s system. With its help, the child will be able to learn to navigate the sheet, work according to a model, trace and independently write various elements of letters and their connections. Tasks are offered for sound-letter analysis of words, adding missing letters in a word, writing uppercase and lowercase letters, etc.

"Speech therapist lessons"

This textbook is characterized by a system of lessons that is understandable not only for teachers and speech therapists, but also for parents, with the help of which it is possible to achieve clear speech in children. The proposed exercises focus on developing only one specific sound. Thanks to this, classes are held with great effect. The level of speech development of the child with whom they begin to study is not so important. For all children, classes will have a positive result. Perfect for activities with children of any age.

"I speak correctly. From the first speaking lessons to the Primer"

The activities, arranged in a certain order, which are offered in this manual, are suitable for use in the activities of teachers, speech therapists and parents working with children 1-3 years old.

"Speech therapy"

With the help of this book, you can help your child gradually master their native language and provide competent assistance in the formation of speech functions. The textbook traces a clear relationship between the development of children's speech and their psyche.

"The first book to read after the Primer"

For children who have completed studying the Primer, it is recommended as the first book - “The first book to read after the Primer.” It will soften the transition from the Primer to ordinary literature. The main goal of this teaching aid is to develop curiosity in children, the desire to learn new things, develop intelligence and perseverance.

1 part- these are fables and stories. They continue the texts given in the Primer, only a more complex version is proposed.

part 2- information for the young naturalist. It offers information from encyclopedias about the main characters of stories or fables.

Part 3 represents fragments of poems by great poets. In each passage there is a relationship with any fragment of part 1 of the book. This could be a poem about the seasons of one of the stories, about the animals of one of the fables, the weather, etc.

Thus, with the help of Nadezhda Zhukova’s teaching methods, parents themselves will be able to perfectly prepare their child for school. Using its methodological and educational aids, you can not only teach a child to read well and correctly, but also teach him to write, introduce him to the basics of competent written speech, and avoid many speech therapy problems.

For a review of Nadezhda Zhukova's primer, watch the following video.

Report. Literacy club "Literacy"
Childhood is a unique period in a person’s life, during which health is formed and personality develops.

How quickly preschool childhood flies by! It seemed that just recently the baby still did not know how to dress properly, make the bed, eat carefully, and was very worried that his mother was leaving and leaving him in kindergarten with unfamiliar adults and children. There were tears and moods. And how many serious thoughts, constant doubts of parents: “Was it necessary to send him to kindergarten? Is it really good for the baby there? Are adults attentive to him? Don't children hurt you? " But the caring, kind look of the teacher inspired hope. Gradually, the concern for the baby subsided.

Not only the success of education of future first-graders, but also their emotional attitude towards school, mental and physical health depends on how well the teacher is able to solve the problems of pre-school preparation and the adaptation period.

How to help a little person when he faces his first school difficulties? How should the process of preparing for school and learning in it be organized in order to turn the child’s curiosity into a persistent cognitive interest of the student? Many scientists, educators, psychologists and practicing teachers are looking for the answer to this question. Therefore, I chose this topic to show the relevance of this problem and the need for a thoughtful approach to organizing pre-school preparation for literacy.

The transition of a child from kindergarten to school is a difficult stage in his life; it is necessary to organize continuity between kindergarten and school

They bring children joy, self-confidence, and help them recognize themselves and the world around them. Classes in clubs and studios allow a child to open up, and adults to see the full range of his true capabilities and scope of future interests!

The ability to determine the position of sound in words (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end);

Possession of the skills of sound parsing of words: the difference between vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants, hard and soft consonants.

2. The ability to divide words into syllables.

3. Ability to compose sentences of 3-4 words.

4. The ability to use generalizing concepts and select definitions for a noun.

5. The ability to compose stories based on a series of pictures based on a plot picture, a story on a given topic.

6. The ability to compose stories about objects (according to a plan proposed by an adult).

7. Independently, expressively, consistently convey the content of short literary texts.

2.3. Goals and objectives of creating a literacy club “Literacy”.

Teaching children to read, preparing them to go to school without fear, and helping them not to become disillusioned with school life during further education is the task and goal of the circle for teaching children to read, which we called “Literacy.” The program plan is designed for 1 year of study.

The main goal of circle work on teaching reading is to improve reading skills, develop continuous reading, consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word, divide sentences into words (determine the number of words, read sentences and texts with understanding.

In this regard, the main tasks of the reading training circle are the following: developmental - to develop children’s phonemic hearing (the ability to distinguish and isolate individual sounds in a word and syllable, establish their sequence, develop a clear, correct and loud pronunciation of words, syllables and speech sounds; enrichment vocabulary, development of children's speech, development of phonemic and speech hearing, development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking, development of the skill of reading whole words and small sentences; educational - ensuring mastery of the minimum level of knowledge of phonemic, sound-letter, graphic means that will give the opportunity to move on to the next stage of learning - reading, learning correct syllabic reading with a gradual transition to reading whole words; consolidating the ability to conduct sound analysis, determining the number of words in a sentence and composing sentences; teaching smooth syllabic reading, the ability to type one-syllable, two-syllable words independently, three-syllable - according to the model, simple sentences consisting of 2 - 3 one-syllable or two-syllable words; learn to read words with open and closed syllables, with a combination of consonants, with hard and soft consonants, with b and b signs; learn to answer the teacher’s questions, ask questions, express your impressions and thoughts, talk about the results of your observations, the ability to speak in front of a group of children, expressively read poems, tell fairy tales, compose short stories based on plot pictures, logical tasks. Children learn to solve riddles, charades, anagrams; educational - developing interest in reading, cultivating accuracy, sociability, and curiosity.

The system of classes is based on the following principles: consistency, accessibility, visibility, individualization, effectiveness, interdisciplinary.

The classes are combined, each of which includes several software tasks. During the lesson, we offer children both new material and material for repetition and consolidation of acquired knowledge. During classes, we widely use game methods aimed at repeating, clarifying and expanding children’s knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of literacy. Since preschool age is the age of play, learning is carried out in a playful way. A game is one of those types of children's activities that is used by adults for learning purposes, which makes it possible to create situations of success for each child and a friendly, creative atmosphere in the classroom. Reading turns into an exciting game. By building a child’s cognitive activity on play, these methods turn reading into a desirable, joyful activity literally from the first steps of learning.

At the first stage, a diagnosis is made of the level of practical awareness of the elements of language and speech, on the basis of which the further work of the circle leader will be based. At the beginning of the reading group, we mainly use the frontal form of organizing classes, since the children are approximately at the same level. Since they assimilate the studied material in different ways and are at different stages of mastering literacy, further work is carried out in subgroups (combining two or more) and individually with each one. We widely use a differentiated approach, since the reading process can be inhibited for various reasons related to age characteristics.

Work on children’s oral speech begins from the first day of classes, taking into account what the child is already aware of in his speech practice: “word”, “sound”, “letter”. The concept of “syllable” is introduced only when children begin to read their first words. Letters are studied daily, one, two, and three at a time. When children begin to read whole phrases, the concept of “sentence” and grammatical rules about capital letters and separate spelling of words in a sentence are introduced.

The training system includes work in four main areas:

When organizing work with sound, it is important to teach how to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly; develop phonemic awareness by distinguishing sounds in words by ear; improve diction, clear pronunciation of words and phrases; learn to determine the place of a sound in a word (beginning of the word, middle, end); work on intonation and expressiveness of speech. It is important to remember: the sound is primary, and the letter is secondary!

When working with a syllable, we pay attention to the fact that you should read the syllables smoothly, without separating the sounds from each other, stretching out the first sound, moving on to the next, reading forward and backward syllables, open and closed. The ability to divide words into syllables and find a stressed syllable. At the stage of memorizing syllables, the child must comprehend, understand, and not memorize syllable mergers. The so-called “syllabic songs are distributed in a certain sequence, in an order that provides for the assimilation of syllables by “singing” them (about mom: MA, MO, MU, etc., about dad: PA, PU, ​​PY, etc., which arouses great interest among children, develops articulation, diction, and forms correct pronunciation.

By playing games with words, we clarify, enrich and activate children’s vocabulary; we learn to use words correctly - names of objects, signs, actions and explain their meanings; combine and distinguish objects by essential characteristics, correctly use specific and generic words-names; we teach to identify and name the location of objects (on the left, on the right, between, near, next to, the time of day (morning, afternoon, evening, night, day). The duration of the stage of mastering syllables in children is different, since each child is individual in his development. Output in Children master words at different times: some earlier, some later.The work on developing reading skills is individually differentiated.

Working on sentences and oral speech, we teach children the correct coordination of words in a sentence, retelling short fairy tales and stories based on the content of a picture or about an object. During the learning process, children's dialogical speech is improved; developing children’s skills to ask and answer questions; memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, songs, counting rhymes and reproducing them in compliance with the intonation dictated by the content. As at the previous stage, the way out into a sentence is individual for each child: children who have previously mastered the word as a unit of speech are more successful in making a sentence, then in reading texts: excerpts of works, short fairy tales, poems.

One of the most difficult tasks in teaching reading methods is the arrangement of sounds, letters and the order of their study. The placement of letters takes into account the participation of sounds and letters in composing a word, the simplicity and complexity of pronunciation of a sound and its graphic form, the basic role of one sound for learning another sound, and ensuring coherent reading.

First of all, according to the compiled system of lessons, we study vowel sounds, first of all, in which the consonant sound remains hard, then – vowels, in which the consonant sound becomes soft. Which makes it possible to then determine the softness and hardness of consonant sounds. Next, it is advisable to start studying sonorant sounds after vowel sounds: “l”, “m”, “n”, “r”. Consistent study of these consonants, one after another, which has a positive effect on improving the speed and quality of reading. Then we include paired consonants in the study at the same time, so that in practice we can hear and compare - voiced or voiceless. After all this, the remaining consonant sounds and letters, depending on the degree of ease and complexity, are studied sequentially.

The order of studying sounds, letters and words that can be constructed from these letters does not make it possible from the first days during the period of studying the “ABC” to give examples of prose and poetry. Therefore, until a certain period, we dwell on individual words and sentences. But, as soon as the transition to composing words and sentences begins, then we must strive to saturate them with rich content, using children's fiction and folklore. At the end of the literacy course, children emerge reading and with a pronounced interest in reading.

2.5. Methods and techniques for successfully implementing a plan-program for teaching children to read.

In order to successfully implement the plan-program for teaching children to read, we use a variety of methods and techniques: memorizing poems about the letter, a short story-conversation, examination, observation - “What does a letter look like”, reconstruction from silhouettes, painting only vowels, word games, didactic games: “Who lives here? "(make an animal from the letters of a split alphabet", "Chain of words", "Throwing syllables", "Search" (we are looking for objects with a given sound, a combination of an object and an inscription, writing down words by the children themselves with markers on magnetic boards, "Complete the sentence" (or game “Say the opposite”, “Letter-picture-word”, explanatory posters, “Letter books” (find a small word inside a large word, for example, SCREEN-CRANE). We have developed exercises that help spontaneous learning to read. Their sequence is as follows: reading with small objects (three objects are selected, then the teacher puts an inscription with the desired toy, after which the cards are shuffled, children lay out cards for the necessary objects, reading with the subject environment, classification when reading (working with pictures, cards, then reading-assignment (sequence words: “Bring me a pencil.” - The child completes the task., working with reading books (using baby books so that children distinguish a set of sentences from a story).

When developing phonemic hearing in children, it is necessary to systematically identify, recognize, and distinguish phonemes of the native language, since well-developed phonemic hearing is an essential prerequisite for correct reading and writing.

The most important role is played by the analysis and synthesis of sounds. It uses the articulation of sounds, finishing an unfinished word, selecting words with the sound being studied and determining its place in the word, reading words by similarity, building up vowels and consonants at the beginning and end of a word, adding a consonant from the original word to the second, replacing one sound in a word others, reading anagrams, etc.

The technique of comparison is widely used when introducing children to soft consonants, the softness of which is emphasized by certain vowels and b, when familiarizing themselves with paired consonants, b and b separating marks.

Children enthusiastically type letters, syllables, words, sentences, both using a dot pattern and completing tasks: “Add the word”, “Add the sentence”, “Write a sentence from the words read”. This work brings meaning to the process of mastering reading and, in addition, develops muscle memory.

Teaching methods are multifaceted. They are aimed not only at the acquisition of knowledge, but also at the development of children, and are aimed not only at awakening the mind, but also the emotional sphere. Creating a high emotional tone during the learning process is a necessary condition for acquiring knowledge, since experienced knowledge becomes a belief.

The didactic core of the lesson is the activity of the children themselves, which makes them observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, figure out patterns - in a word, makes them think. The development of children is influenced by their intense independent activity associated with emotional experience. The path of knowledge is “from students” to collective search.

When organizing training, we plan the following results: master the concepts: “word”, “sound”, “letter”, “sentence”, know the order of letters and their name “alphabet”; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; correctly place stress on familiar words. ; read smoothly in whole words, answer questions based on the text; make words and sentences from the letters of the split alphabet.

In close cooperation with parents, the teacher diagnosed the child’s development, planned the educational process, and created a developing play environment.

The leader of the circle talks about the child’s achievements, the tasks facing him, and receives the same information from the parents. The two-way flow of information, knowledge and experience, the partnership nature of interaction makes cooperation more successful.


It's no secret that the desire to read, a persistent interest in reading, is formed from childhood, and its basis is the habit of reading. S. Marshak said that there is a writer’s talent, and there is a reader’s talent. Like any talent (and it is hidden in each of us), it must be discovered, cultivated, nurtured, and this takes many years of childhood, adolescence, and youth.

Club work in kindergarten gives students many bright, unforgettable impressions. Joyful experiences raise vitality and support the cheerful mood of adults and children. The child, feeling respect for himself as an equal, gradually begins to liberate himself and begins to create, acquiring the skill of reading words, sentences, texts. Children begin to explore the world through reading nursery rhymes, poems, stories, they made a discovery for themselves - the book talks to them! All the knowledge of humanity is now available to them. Children have an incentive to go to school, a desire to gain new knowledge, make new discoveries, and conquer new heights in learning!