What to do if there is a drug addict in the house. Drug addict in the family: what to do? This issue, like any other, requires a systematic approach.


Problems in the family are always stressful, regardless of the reasons for the troubles. Conflicts and misunderstandings can be eliminated, but what to do when your loved one is captured drug addiction? A relative who is a drug addict is not just a problem, but a grief for all household members to cope with, which sometimes becomes very difficult. The whole family suffers from the consequences of one person’s addiction, and it is almost impossible to convey this to the patient, since for him there is only a need to receive the next dose.

Convincing a drug addict that he is ruining his life is difficult. Often, upon learning about the disease, relatives dependent person They only hurl reproaches in his direction, which aggravates the situation, provoking the drug addict to commit rash acts. Specialists at the drug treatment clinic have prepared several tips for people whose relatives are addicted to illegal drugs that will help the patient understand the complexity of the current situation and take effective steps to solve the problem.

Understanding that your relative has become a drug addict is not as difficult as recognizing the existence of a problem. Addiction will not go away on its own, and is not a whim. Drug addiction is complex chronic illness, requiring immediate intervention from specialists. The mechanism of formation of physical and psychological dependence from psychoactive substances complex, only professional doctors can understand and reverse it.

How can you tell if a relative has become a drug addict?

Before you take any action, it is important to make sure that there is a truly addicted person living in your family. This is easy to do based on several physical and psychological signs:

  • Changes in speech and thinking.
  • Attacks of unreasonable aggression.
  • Drowsiness or periods of being awake for too long.
  • Changes in appearance.
  • A specific odor that is often present when using drugs of certain groups.

You can guess that your relative has stepped on a crooked path when specific items appear in the house (syringes, foil, packages with unknown drugs). In addition, drug addicts often take money and valuables out of the house.

Common mistakes made by relatives of drug addicts

A drug addict in the family is a huge stress for the household. Those close to the addict often experience shame, disappointment, and anger that are not good companions to take deliberate actions. Family members of a drug addict often behave irrationally, making the following mistakes when communicating with the patient:

  • Total control. Relatives try to limit the patient’s free movements as much as possible, take his money, and deprive him of his means of communication. As a result of such actions, a person becomes resourceful, learns to lie, because the physiological craving for drugs forces him to look for means to get the next dose.
  • Guilt pressure. Reproaches and quarrels - emotional blackmail, which absolutely cannot be used in relation to a drug addict. It is important to understand that drug addiction is not considered a sign of weakness, and a person under the influence of psychoactive substances simply cannot resist the craving for a dose of the drug.
  • Hiding the problem. Fearing condemnation and censure from society, relatives of drug addicts often try to hide their illnesses, trying to overcome addiction at home without the help of doctors, which in most cases does not give a positive result.
  • Indulging a drug addict. Addicted people are ready to do anything for the next dose, so I masterfully manipulate my relatives, asking for money for drugs, assuring that it is in last time. This behavior can lead to codependency.

When persuading a drug addict to take measures to treat addiction, there is no need to reproach him, accusing him of irresponsibility and lack of control, but it would also be wrong to show excessive softness. At the first signs of addiction in a loved one, it is best to immediately contact a specialized medical institution, whose psychologists will carry out an effective intervention, pushing the patient to make a decision about hospitalization.

Conversations with a drug addict. Are they appropriate?

When communicating with a drug addict, you should understand that under the influence of psychoactive drugs, irreversible changes occur in the human psyche. To talk with a drug addict, you need to choose a moment when his consciousness is not clouded. This is easy to determine by behavioral signs, pupils. It is better to start the conversation with a calm dialogue, without shouting, reproaches, or moral pressure.

The essence of the conversation with drug addicts should be that each family member has responsibilities, and to throw off responsibility for actions committed during the period drug intoxication, on someone else is unacceptable. It is important to support the person and explain to him that drug addiction is just a disease, an unpleasant period in life that needs to be overcome, and it is best to contact rehabilitation center.

Most drug addicts try to convince their relatives that there is no addiction, which is a sign of a clouded mind and denial of the problem. Some rules for building a dialogue with a drug addict will help convince the patient of the need for treatment:

  • Motivation. You need to convey to the drug addict that you believe in the success of rehabilitation; you should not allow the phrases: “You’ll still relapse” and similar phrases. Supporting a patient with faith and love is the optimal solution for those who want to provide real help dependent person.
  • Respect for family interests. Completely immersed in the problems of a drug addict, the patient’s relatives often lose their sanity and resign themselves to the situation, thereby delaying solutions to the problem.
  • Maintaining an emotional mood. You should communicate with a drug addict only in a calm tone without harsh statements, without showing resentment or irritation.
  • Patience. Rehabilitation of a drug addict is a long process, so you need to be prepared to show patience and care, together with a relative who is in captivity of addiction, to go through all stages of recovery.

There is no way to forcefully cure drug addiction. The voluntary desire and desire to undergo rehabilitation is exactly what should be instilled in the patient’s consciousness by his relatives.

Where to turn if there is a drug addict in the family?

Anxious and grief-stricken relatives often do not know what to do or how to move on when they find out that their loved one has become a drug addict. Visiting the drug treatment clinic “Salvation” is the most the right step, which can be done by those who want to provide real help. Rehabilitation in our center is characterized by several advantages:

  • qualified specialists;
  • modern treatment methods;
  • anonymity;
  • comfortable living conditions;
  • support for patients during the period of social rehabilitation.

The practice of narcologists and patient reviews confirm that drug addiction can be cured if you do not delay going to a specialized clinic and openly tell psychologists about the problem in the family.

When relatives realize that they have close problem with alcohol or drugs - they begin to struggle. Often this struggle does not lead to desired result, but to the opposite. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to adhere to certain rules.

1. Do not try to deal with this problem on your own. You have neither the appropriate education nor experience in treatment and rehabilitation. Research the problem using a variety of sources, contact specialists who work with chemical dependency, to support groups for loved ones.

2. Do not establish strict control. Don’t throw away alcohol, drugs, take money, don’t lock your house. This will only cause aggression and alienation. Try to save warm relations, trust on his part.

3. Offer treatment, rehabilitation, or a conversation with a specialist. Try to make sure that he gets the information about recovery himself, or together with you, indicate the sources where you got it.
If he refuses:
- give him the opportunity to live as poorly as he himself strives, but do not try to artificially worsen his life;
- do not hide the problem from relatives and neighbors, but also do not advertise it, do not make public scandals about use;
- do not help out if he ends up in police custody, do not pay off debts for him, do not cover for him at work or study;
- do not sort things out when he is intoxicated, do not do this also in a state of withdrawal (hangover, withdrawal symptoms);
- if he is sober, do not read morals, do not blame, do not reproach, but talk about YOUR feelings: fear, pain, grief, material losses, always citing specific dates, places, characters;
- don’t give him money, learn to say “no”, no matter how difficult it is, learn to resist manipulation. The attitude should be: “We love you, but we refuse to get you out of the problems you create for yourself. If you want to suffer, suffer. If you don’t want to, we will help you by referring you for treatment.”

4. Be sure to attend support groups for relatives of chemically dependent people Nar-Anon, AL-Anon *, regardless of whether your loved one uses drugs or not. Common mistakes relatives who contribute to the development of alcoholism/drug addiction.

These are anti-rules, i.e., something that should never be done:
- Feed the illusion that you yourself can cope with the chemical dependence of your loved one, that you are able to change him.
- Never talk to an alcoholic/drug addict about his addiction, be afraid of upsetting him, be afraid that this could lead to a scandal or breakdown.
- Never talk to anyone outside the home about the presence of a problem in the family, considering that it is shameful, make a big deal out of it family secret, and to people who are faced with this, to lie and cover up for an alcoholic/drug addict in front of them.
- Build family relationships so that the alcoholic / drug addict is the central person in them, make family plans, taking into account whether he uses or not, try not to invite friends to the house when he is using.
- Be afraid of causing suffering and inconvenience to the alcoholic/drug addict. If he lies flat, stains his best suit with mud or vomit, gets into debt, doesn’t go to work or school - put everything in order WITHOUT HIM.
- Solve all problems for him, thinking that he is not suitable for making responsible decisions, and that you yourself know how to do better. Build relationships in such a way that all other family members (even younger children) should behave more responsibly, because there is such a person in the family.
- Ignore the problems of everyone else in the family, perceive them as something insignificant or as an annoying hindrance, treating them in the style of: “There are enough worries without you.”
- Get used to the aggression of an alcoholic/drug addict, and at times with violence (moral or physical), explain to younger family members that adults are sometimes allowed to behave In a similar way, but children will be punished if they start copying adults.
- Allowing an alcoholic/drug addict to control the mood of loved ones: when he is happy, everyone is happy, when he is intoxicated, aggressive or full of self-pity, everyone is depressed and withdrawn.
- Try to distract from alcohol/drugs, come up with useful and interesting activities, hobbies, entertainment, try not to irritate, not upset, so that he doesn’t use, specially create “conditions” so that he doesn’t use...
- Foster the illusion that the main thing in the family is to keep the alcoholic/drug addict from future use, to stop it, to prevent it, and everything else is secondary.

Support groups for relatives “Nar-Anon”, Al-Anon are non-professional self-help communities in which members share their experience in solving common problems, providing support to each other. Staying in the Communities is ANONYMOUS and FREE.

Drug addiction - a lot of stress for the family, because its members behave irrationally, exacerbating the situation. They strive:

    Total control. Parents watch every step of the child, try to isolate him from society as much as possible, search for and throw away drugs, take money and arrange endless interrogations. As a result, the teenager becomes overly suspicious and resourceful, and acquires a new motivation - to obtain the drug by any means necessary. And the path to confidential communication with him has already been cut off.

    Pressure on feelings of guilt. Reproaches, quarrels, emotional blackmail - for example, phrases like “If you love me, you will leave me” - increase feelings of guilt. However, the addict is too weak to resist the craving for substances. Therefore, an even greater blow to the psyche only provokes him to seek solace in a new dose.

    Hide the problem. The family is trying to protect their social status and reputation. Parents cover up for the sick, make up excuses for work or school, and hide the truth from those around them. With such actions they only encourage the disease.

How to deal with a drug addict?

First of all, you need to make up with him Agreement.

Choose a time when he is sober. This can be understood by the pupils - they will narrow in the light and expand in the dark. Start a calm conversation - without reproaches and reading morals.

The essence of the conversation is this: family members have obligations to each other, while drug addicts neglect their obligations and shift responsibility for their actions onto other people, causing them pain and taking away their time. This will not happen in your home. Therefore, if a person is addicted, you need to see a doctor - and you will be happy to support him in his quest to recover.

The drug addict will probably claim that he is healthy. In this case, offer a Contract. You trust him, but reserve the right to check at any time whether he used psychotropic substances. And if the test is positive, according to the contract the person is obliged to see a doctor - after all, this will protect not only himself, but also loved ones whom he could harm.

In addition, when communicating with an addict, follow these rules:

    Motivate. You cannot treat rehabilitation with suspicion, and rashly utter such offensive and destructive phrases as: “You’ll still fail,” “It won’t be of any use.” On the contrary, motivate the patient, support him with your faith and love.

    Respect yourself and your interests. Do not allow yourself to become completely immersed in caring for a drug addict; leave time for your own affairs and relaxation. Do not let him transfer his affairs to you, do not rush to satisfy every request.

    Watch your emotions. Try to communicate with the patient only in a calm, positive mood. Do not crush him with your resentment and irritation.

    Be patient. Drug addiction rehabilitation is a long and painstaking process; it requires complete psychological restoration of the individual. Don't expect a quick victory over the disease.

Why did this happen to you?

The main reasons for drug addiction in the family:

    Violence. Assault and sexual violence in the house - the most destructive traumas for the psyche. A person uses to forget mental pain.

    Overprotection, tyranny. Excessive care or too strict upbringing - in both cases the child feels total control and the suppression of his freedom, which pushes him to rebel.

    Conflict environment. Constant quarrels and scandals in the house make you want to forget yourself and get away from problems at home.

    Lack of attention. Parents don't have time for their children. They pay off with gifts and money, without giving the most important thing - attention and love.

    Addictions in the family. Smoking, alcoholism, drug use at home - all this lowers the level of “permissibility” for a teenager, and his own addiction does not seem something terrible to him.

How to persuade a drug addict to seek treatment?

You cannot forcefully cure an addict; you need a voluntary desire. And psychological intervention can help him gain his desire.

Its essence is that relatives show a person who he has become and how he is harming his life and environment. Each intervention participant prepares a list with the following items:

    When exactly did he receive damage from the patient’s addiction?

    What was the damage?

    Why doesn't he intend to experience this again?

    How he suggests coping with the problem (consulting doctors).

Such a conversation motivates a person to change his life. But it can develop into a family scandal and a banal shower of reproaches. Therefore, it is worth inviting specialists to carry out the procedure.

How to choose a drug treatment center?

Anxious, grief-stricken relatives are the best prey for scammers, because they are ready to give any money for the possibility of a cure.

Like any field, the field of drug treatment includes many unscrupulous people without proper qualifications. They can not only cause financial damage, but also aggravate the illness - traumatize the patient’s body and psyche.

Therefore, I advise you to contact only those centers that meet these criteria:

    Fame and good reputation. It has been working for several years, it is easy to find reviews from graduates about it.

    Legal institution. Operates legally and is legal entity and has state certification. All information is freely available and can be verified.

    Qualified specialists. Big State specialists: narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers. You can view their diplomas.

    Comfortable conditions. Rehabilitation takes place in comfortable conditions: for example, in a country hospital with all the amenities. You can make sure of this and visit the patient regularly.

    Transparent methods. The clinic uses proven treatment methods, provides information about them and does not hide them under the guise of “secret proprietary developments.”

    Family support. The institution provides assistance courses for the patient’s loved ones, treats them for codependency and restores family relationships.

I know it's not easy for you right now. Addiction is scary and forces you to live in constant stress, prevents you from thinking calmly and deliberately. However, it now depends on your decisions future life addict, and every minute counts - after all, any dose may be the last.

I wish you patience and fortitude to get through this terrible period. And if you need advice, support and full assistance, we are always glad to hear from you!

What to do with a drug addict? How to behave in this situation? Where to go for help? When to start treatment? These are not all the questions that concern people who have a drug addict in their family. The most important thing to know is that you should never hesitate, since drugs can lead a person to complete degradation or lead to death.

There is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet, but people who are faced with this problem for the first time are lost, do not know what to do, what to do in this or that case, where to go, where to get treatment. Sometimes recognizing the signs of drug addiction in a family is not so easy, since they are not detected immediately, but gradually. And a drug addict does not always admit that he needs highly qualified help.

Symptoms of drug addiction - what to do with a drug addict?

  • frequent absences, sometimes urgent;
  • constant lack of money;
  • changing the type of clothing;
  • constantly changing mood;
  • dilated pupils;
  • loss of valuables;
  • behavior changes frequently;
  • the appearance of incomprehensible equipment in the house - syringes, straws;
  • weight loss;
  • taciturnity, secrecy.

If such symptoms of drug addiction are observed, then you need to act immediately!

Treatment of drug addiction is the main step towards a healthy lifestyle

Unfortunately, drugs are not a crime for which you can scold, but this serious disease. This situation Trying to explain it to a person will not help. Until the moment comes when the drug addict himself decides that he needs treatment. But you can bring this moment closer if you do everything right. You need to gather your willpower and do everything possible so that your loved one can recover. Here drug treatment taking drugs is not only beneficial, but can save lives.

You can help when a drug addict is experiencing withdrawal. Maintain maximum firmness. Neither tears nor persuasion should change your decision. Cut off all financial sources. It is better for your relatives and friends to know about this problem and not to let the drug addict Money not under any circumstances. It is the inability to find money that pushes the addict to think about the need for treatment.

Many drug treatment clinics offer effective treatment. Help to a loved one Don't sink to the very bottom. He needs your help: in choosing such important things as methods of treating drug addiction, choosing a drug treatment clinic, he cannot do without your full support.

A drug addict will not be able to solve his problems on his own, but if he is helped, his chances of recovery increase significantly.

Treatment for drug addiction - perhaps the only way save loved one. Be sure to talk to your loved one and try to persuade him to undergo treatment medical institution, because treatment at home is not always successful. But under no circumstances escalate the situation. Support the patient in every possible way, call friends and family for help. They will make a great contribution and hope for salvation. It is worth noting that drug addiction treatment is a rather lengthy process that can take months and even years, therefore, you need to be aware that all this is feasible.

What should you do if there is a DRUG ADDICT IN YOUR FAMILY?

Drug addiction?

Get a consultation now

There is a drug addict in the family - what should the other members do? Should I immediately call a doctor or have lengthy conversations about the dangers of drugs? Blame the addicted person for his illness or tearfully beg him to refuse the dose?

Before you take any measures, you must clearly understand that it is almost impossible to cope with this on your own. Don't fight alone - use our services vocational rehabilitation.

A few rules for the family of a drug addict

First rule- understand that recovery from drug addiction is the work of the addicted person himself. You cannot live your life for him, delve into his difficulties and solve all the problems that arise - you can only help in finding the right path.

Second rule- Convince the family member of the need for treatment. To do this, choose a professional rehabilitation center yourself. If he refuses, then do not wait until drug use causes him to commit rash or cruel acts - use the services of compulsory treatment.

Third rule- don't trust a drug addict. Understand that trust should only be restored once the family visit is completed. narcotic substances- Not earlier. IN otherwise he will enjoy your love and trust.

Is there an addict in the family?

Don't give up! Contact the specialists

Ways to influence a drug addict

Some families, when they learn about the drug addiction of one of their members, take a delegating position. All the blame is placed on the sick person, and conflict reaches its maximum limit. They begin to reproach him for ingratitude and harm caused to the whole family. Such behavior is not acceptable, since the causes of drug addiction can be different.

Remember that a drug addict can affect a family in several ways:

  1. Cause anger or provoke hysterics in loved ones. He may do this consciously or not be aware of what is happening. However, the manifestation of aggression towards an addicted person will become an excuse for him when he subsequently takes drugs.
  2. Cause family anxiety. This leads to the fact that relatives begin to do for the addict what only he should do. For example, giving him money to pay off a debt.

You cannot take responsibility for your child's drug use. Try to forget the past, now it is important to think only about the present - about how to help cope with addiction. Experts are convinced that the rest of the family should get rid of their guilt for everything that happened. If, for example, the son is a drug addict, this does not mean that the parents are to blame.

Relationships with an addicted person should be based on solid rules, which cannot be neglected. He must know how you will feel about this or that action, what measures will be taken. If they have committed a crime, then follow all previously stated promises to the end. The same applies to the good deeds that a drug addict has done.

What will be your choice?

Often a family chooses one of the positions - cruelty or compliance. The question arises - which of them is the most correct? In reality, none of them are true, since one cannot be either cruel or compliant. Position yourself so that the addict understands that the same rules apply to him as to the rest of the family. Remember that threats or, conversely, tears and persuasion to stop using drugs will still not help.

Another question that often confronts families is whether to give money for drugs? On the one hand, by doing this you will be supporting the use of narcotic substances, but by refusing a family member, you are forcing him to do bad things - crimes, theft, etc. Experts still recommend not giving it to drug addicts. financial resources- even if you give him money, it will not be enough for the next dose, and he will still go for theft or something else.

Drug addiction in the family will not stop if you do not use professional rehabilitation services in a timely manner. Our rehabilitation center offers a wide range of services provided by specialized specialists. Remember that your task is to find a path for recovery for an addicted person, and we will help you with this!

What should you do if there is a drug addict in the family?