Visualization techniques for health, mood and positive thoughts. Simoron of wish fulfillment

Visualization is one of the most common tools in practical psychology. Despite this, or perhaps because of this, many are very skeptical about whether it can positively influence a person’s life.

The concept of visualization is quite simple. You use the power of your imagination to create visions of what you want in life and how exactly you will achieve it. It's like a movie in your head. In our article you will find seven visualization techniques - and if you have never practiced it, you will get a clear idea of ​​what it is and how to use it.

In what cases does it not work? Only when you use it as a magic pill: sit on the couch in front of the TV and imagine how you will achieve success, stand in front of the mirror and convince yourself that you are beautiful and attractive. Visualization Always goes hand in hand with great difficulty. It is more of an addition than a tool itself.

How can you use visualization?

The true value of visualization, of course, goes beyond simply increasing motivation and inspiration. It can be used in a variety of ways to improve many areas of your life. For example, for:

  • Achieving goals
  • Concentration improvements
  • Improvements in learning ability
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Decision making improvements
  • Changes in values
  • Eliminations
  • Letting go of limiting biases
  • Mastering a new skill
  • Changes in habitual thinking patterns

Later in this article, you'll find visualization techniques you can use right now to improve some of these areas. Remember also that a person visualizes almost all his time, but he does it unconsciously. Which in many cases is not very useful. That's why you need to turn off autopilot mode and take matters into your own hands.

Seven Visualization Techniques

Let's look at seven visualization techniques you can use to improve some aspects of your life, including:

  • Learning a new skill
  • Improved perception
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Relaxation of mind and body
  • Healing the mind and body
  • Statement of action plan
  • Achievements of goals

We will now describe the process of all the steps you need to take for each area, and also briefly discuss how using each visualization technique can be useful.

Learning a new skill

The first thing that visualization can be useful for is mastering a new area of ​​knowledge. It can be quite effective in this case because the human brain is stimulated in much the same way when we physically perform an action and when we imagine it in our head.

Psychologist Alan Richardson conducted a famous experiment with basketball players, during which it turned out that:

  • If you don't practice throwing a basketball hoop for a week, your skill will decline.
  • If you visualize (imagine the process in your head) the training, the quality of your throws improves by 23%.
  • If you practice, the quality of your throws improves by 24%.

Of course, you can use this visualization technique to master any skill, but it is important to use all your senses when visualizing.

Here are five simple steps to help you do this.

Step one. Choose a specific skill that you would like to learn.

Step two. Determine your actual level of proficiency in this skill.

Step three. Visualize the process of practicing this skill in vivid detail, using all your senses.

Step four. Repeat this process for 20 minutes daily. The course must last 11 days or more.

Step five. Practice this skill in real life and evaluate your progress. If you are not satisfied with the results, continue the visualization while physically exercising.

Improved perception

Visualization can also be very effective when you want to improve your perceptual and observation skills. This skill is of great value because it helps improve your understanding of the people and situations in which you find yourself. Moreover, it .

Here's a step-by-step process for this kind of visualization.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place and spend a few minutes just observing the world around you.

Step two. Now close your eyes and recreate the world around you in as much detail as possible in your imagination. Make sure to pay special attention to the subtle details, colors and textures of everything you observed in the first step.

Step three. Repeat the process until you can recall every detail of your surroundings.

Of course, once will not be enough. This kind of visualization should become a daily practice: after a while you will become a more observant and receptive person. Too easy and simple? Yes, like everything ingenious. Don't think that these skills require a ton of installed apps on your phone. This exercise is enough.

Another variation of this visualization technique is to take 15-20 minutes at the end of the day to remember your entire day from waking up until now.

Increased self-esteem

Whether you lack confidence or suffer from low self-esteem, you can use visualization as a tool to feel better in both respects.

Just three steps.

Step one. Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing in a large empty room.

Step two. One by one, visualize people entering this room. They come up to you and either congratulate you and compliment you or acknowledge your work and efforts.

Step three. When a room is full of people, visualize yourself telling everyone about your accomplishments. Be sure to thank them for their support and valuable feedback.

Of course, you can modify this visualization method by introducing famous people or mentors into the room. You can also imagine people giving speeches about how much they appreciate you. And, of course, it's all in the little things. Surprisingly, the details that make you unique help just as much.

Increasing self-confidence and self-esteem is a very slow process, but with enough persistence you can reduce the amount of time. Practice for 10 to 20 minutes every day and you will gradually begin to feel that you have the strength to change yourself and your life.

Remember, everything is always changing. And either you will change yourself consciously, or you will unconsciously let it take its course. Only effort can lead to success.

Relaxation of mind and body

Visualization can be very effective when you are under stress. Whenever you are under pressure, you can use it to calm your body and mind.

Step one. Sit or lie down in a quiet place where there are no distractions. You can play some calm music in the background, which will help you enter a deep relaxing state.

Step two. Breathe deeply and start counting down from 50 to 1. As you do this, you need to gradually relax every muscle in your body from head to toe.

Step three. Once you are completely relaxed, take your imagination to your personal sanctuary. There you will find everything that makes you feel calm, serene and happy.

Once you are in this personal sanctuary, you can direct your visualization in several directions. To begin with, you can simply enjoy the peace and harmony of the moment. Or use this space to reaffirm your goals, values, and priorities. Perhaps there is a person waiting there who is an authority for you? Talk to him about your problems and discuss solutions.

There are no limits to your imagination. You can use your shelter in a variety of ways.

Healing the mind and body

Over the years, science has repeatedly proven that there is a connection between the body and mind. This connection has been described in many scientific studies where placebos are used instead of drugs, when instead of a real drug a person receives a very similar drug that has neither positive nor negative effects. Sometimes a placebo works just as well.

How is this possible? Essentially, we convince ourselves that something will help us (belief system), and then the brain releases the corresponding chemicals and neurotransmitters that activate the healing process.

Of course, there is also the opposite effect, which is called nocebo. The situation is very similar to a placebo, only the patient suffers some harm to the body. Again, our belief system and brain play a major role here in creating this effect.

Try these three methods to see the value of self-hypnosis.

Earth Energy Visualization

Close your eyes and feel yourself standing firmly on the ground (or Earth). Imagine energy flowing through you and healing your body.

Visualization of the golden ball

The second way is to sit in a quiet place and imagine a golden ball of energy or light surrounding your body. This energy begins as a small speck in the heart chakra, and then with each inhalation and exhalation, it gradually grows and expands until it envelops the body.

Fireball visualization

The third method is used to effectively manage pain. Calm your breathing and sit down. Close your eyes and begin to focus on the area of ​​your body where you feel discomfort or pain. Visualize this area as a large, bright, red fireball. Then gradually, with each exhalation, the fireball becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes a small spot on your body. As the fireball contracts, your pain subsides.

You can, of course, use each of these methods in combination, or creatively explore other visualization techniques for pain or for healing. There are many possibilities here that you could explore.

Statement of action plan

If you ever feel stressed or tense, visualizing an action plan can help you calm down, focus, and take action.

This method is best used at the end of the day to plan the next day's work. However, it can also be used during the day when you have about 10 minutes.

This visualization consists of three steps.

Step one. Quiet your mind and just relax. Sitting is probably a good idea as it will help you take a mental break from what you are doing.

Step two. Close your eyes and begin to visualize exactly what you would like to accomplish for the rest of the day (or tomorrow). Visualize this in great detail and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What exactly do I want?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • What specific actions do I want to take?
  • How will I interact with other people?
  • What obstacles will I have to overcome?
  • How can I overcome these obstacles?
  • What do I ultimately want to achieve?

It is important that you fully visualize your answers to these questions. Don't stop with the first answer that comes to mind. Actually, here you will see how prone we are to living on autopilot.

The more answers you come up with, the better you will be able to see what mistakes you made before. Pay attention to every detail.

Step three. The reality of life is that, unfortunately, we cannot predict everything that happens to us. Unexpected events often disrupt our plans. However, it is not related to being precise and inflexible. Rather, it is an adaptation to the circumstances that arise in life.

With this in mind, it is important when completing a visualization to affirm that everything will change in one direction or another. By affirming this, you keep your mind open to possibilities. As a result, you'll be ready to make adjustments when unexpected obstacles come your way.

No, this process certainly does not produce a foolproof plan, but what this visualization does help with is imagining possible scenarios that could take place. By introducing them, you will be able to make better decisions while completing your projects and tasks.

Achievements of goals

The last visualization method we will discuss involves the process. Using visualization for this area of ​​life can be of great value, but the technique also has one distinct disadvantage.

Goal setting is probably the most popular form of visualization. Many of us imagine how we achieve something. But, unfortunately, this method often does not work due to one serious flaw. When most people visualize their goals, they represent only the final goal. They see in their fantasies this big, bright, beautiful destination at the end of their journey. And yes, they imagine this process in detail, using all the senses.

This is wonderful, because after such a session a huge motivation appears. However, it is fleeting and is depleted at the first problem.

They then feel like they need to visualize their goal again to find motivation once again. However, every time they do this, nothing happens and the energy is drained.

What are these people doing wrong? A goal is not a destination, it is a journey. And on the way to it you will encounter a lot of mistakes and failures, emotional declines and breakdowns. This is what you need to include in your visualization first.

Of course, you need to visualize the end goal, but don't spend more than 10% of your entire visualization time on it. The remaining 90% should be devoted to problems and solutions in your imagination. What would you do if you suddenly forgot your words while speaking in public? Having thought about this question, you will immediately begin to look for the answer and find out that many have asked themselves this question and found a way out of the situation.

Here are five steps to properly visualize your goals.

Step one. Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes. Start visualizing your end goal. Imagine yourself in the future as a person who has achieved it. Experience all the feelings associated with it.

Step two. Now gradually retreat in time from this future. What did you do to achieve this goal? Imagine all the obstacles you faced and the failures that held you back - now you will clearly see that you are successfully overcoming them. Continue visualizing all the way up to the present moment.

Step three. Now move forward in time and visualize how you took advantage of opportunities and how lucky coincidences helped you overcome each obstacle. Details are very important.

Step four. Once your visualization is complete, take time to fuel the future you with positive energy for the journey ahead.

Step five

When you come out of a visualization, immediately become emotionally distracted from the outcome. The only thing that can hold you back is an emotional attachment to a specific outcome. Instead, remain open and flexible to the future. And get ready for a lot of work.

Yes, all these techniques seem very simple. We are accustomed to the fact that in order to change, something difficult is needed. Is there something like that in them? Yes: the hardest thing about these methods is persistence.

Even though these techniques may look primitive, they are very effective. But only if done every day. And if they are followed by .

Many have heard the concept of visualization, but few know how it is done, and even fewer know how to do it correctly.

Visualization is a figurative representation of the moment when you received what you were striving for, i.e. reached their goal.

The visualization technique is described in his report “Creative Visualization” by Brian Kamar.

1. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

2. Lie on your back and get comfortable.

3. Close your eyes and relax. With your eyelids closed, roll your eyes as if looking at your forehead, but without effort. Just roll them up high enough to keep them relaxed.

4. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. Focus on your breathing. Focus on how the air moves in and out of your lungs, and notice the sounds and movements associated with it.

5. Continue breathing deeply for a few more minutes until you notice that your body has become relaxed. By breathing in this way (with your eyes rolled up and focused on your breath), you will quickly enter the “alpha state” - a state ideal for creative visualization.

6. While in this state, think and remember that moment in your life that evokes strong positive emotions in you. Those. Recall a memory that evokes feelings of happiness, love, pleasure or gratitude. This could be a time when someone praised you for something, or when you received some kind of award, or even a time when you were in love or your best sexual experience. Think of any memory that brings back strong positive emotions to you.

Now imagine this event as vividly and vividly as you can, using all 5 senses. Remember everything you saw then, everything you heard. Feel what you felt. Remember the smells that surrounded you. Hear the voices of people who were nearby.

Important: It is vital not to bring up a memory that may cause negative emotions or one that may lead to a negative memory.

The meaning of this step is to bring the mind and body to a “happy” state. Because once you are in it, you will associate that emotion with your visualization. This will charge your visualization to an incredible level and make you manifest much more powerfully and quickly.

7. Once you have come into contact with a happy memory from the past and are ready to feel intense pleasure and happiness, it is time to begin creating a vision of what you want to experience in the future.

Please note the following:

When you visualize something that you want to see in reality in the near future, you need to visualize it as if it were real right now, as if you already have it. Imagine that your vision is real and it has already happened. See yourself enjoying it right now.

The next important aspect of visualization that most people do wrong is that they do NOT put themselves inside the vision. Instead, they imagine watching a movie about themselves. They are outside the vision, observing everything as if from the outside. This is not a very efficient way to visualize. Instead of watching a film about yourself, put yourself inside the picture. You are no longer an outsider or an observer. You experience the vision with your whole body and with all your senses.

For example, if you want a new car, don't watch an imaginary movie of you in the new car. Instead, put yourself in the car so you are inside the movie. You can see the leather steering wheel in front of you; you can feel the seat sinking under your back. Be within the vision. Inhale the “new car smell.” Feel your hands gripping the steering wheel. Use all your senses and make it as real as possible.

This is the key to effective visualization. See it in the present, as if it has already happened. And be inside the picture, see the picture around you. Use all your senses as vividly as possible and get in touch with the feeling of having it now.

8. After you have enjoyed being in your vision that you want to realize, open your eyes and say the following: “Now I will allow myself to have (insert what you want)! It's done! And so it is!

Say this in a confident, commanding tone. Expect this to happen! This is allowing you to “release” your vision into the universe so that it can be realized.
Dorofeev Andrey

The body is a single system controlled by the brain. If you choose the right keys and approaches, you can learn to influence brain activity, which opens up almost limitless possibilities. So, with help you can cheer yourself up, create pleasant moments, solve various problems and even improve your health.

What is visual thinking?

Imaginative thinking is always accompanied by visualization. Often this word simply means the construction of a visual image on the internal screen, a certain picture - similar to the one seen in a dream. This statement is not entirely true.

Visualization is the ability to imagine everything you want, right down to sensations. This skill is a manifestation of imaginative thinking. It is given to everyone by nature, but due to lack of use it atrophies.

It is important to distinguish visualization from imagination, they are different things. Visualization manifests itself in accordance with what acts and desires a person puts into it. It is suitable for projecting into the future goals and realities that you would like to visit.

It is not based on anything. It depicts surreal phenomena to us, in other words, it simply plays. Facts are not required for imagination. Sometimes it even reveals structures that you will not encounter in everyday life.

The advantage of visualization is that it helps to train imaginative thinking, destroying the barrier between consciousness and the higher self. As a result, intuition improves. With the help of visualizations you can speed up the realization of your dreams. A mental picture is created. Through repeated visualization, it becomes fixed in the brain, which begins to perceive it as an event that actually happened. The energy values ​​of real and fictitious actions become equivalent.

Video: How to improve health using visualization and the Power of Thought

Types of visualization

There are 3 types of visualizations:

  1. External.
  2. Internal.
  3. Visualization of feelings.

External visualizations are used more often because they are easier to learn. A person draws mental pictures that he sees as if through the eyes of an observer from the outside. Example: you sit in a chair and imagine lilacs, and after a few training sessions you will see yourself approaching the flowers and smelling them. However, throughout the entire process, the awareness that you are sitting in a chair remains.

Internal visualizations are a little more complicated. The brain scrolls through pictures in which the visualizer itself participates. He sees everything that happens with his own eyes, feels like the one he represents. There is no feeling of being in a chair.

All 3 types of visualizations can be used in combination with each other. The best effect comes from combining internal visualization with visualization of sensations.

How to learn to visualize?

There is an opinion that visualized objects should be as vivid as dreams. This is a misconception that prevents the use of visualization as a tool to influence reality.

Rarely does anyone manage to observe clear and distinct pictures by closing their eyes and imagining something. Most see nothing or see very dimly. More often, people only think about the visualized object, convince themselves that they see it or imitate this feeling. This causes needless concern. Visualizations are accompanied not only by visual perceptions, but also by olfactory, tactile, auditory and gustatory ones. What imaginary images will be depends on what is better developed - the senses or memory.

First of all, you need to have a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve. Setting an end goal is not enough. It is important to imagine that it has already been achieved - then the subconscious will begin to look for ways to achieve this. Then the image of what you want should be captured on paper. This will increase your chances of achieving your goal.

To change the course of reality, it is important to discard negative beliefs. You need to believe in the success of visualization. Otherwise, no effort will bring results.

3 main stages

All visualizations include 3 stages:

  1. Setting a goal. It needs to be formulated in the present tense in the first person and written down on paper - as if it has already been achieved.
  2. Mental representation of the final result. The essence of this stage comes down to the fact that mentally a person experiences the successful achievement of what he wants in bright colors. The main task is to get rid of previous negative ideas about reality and about yourself, replacing all this with a positive image.
  3. Emotions. This is the last stage of visualization. The success of the entire process depends on how it goes. The human subconscious reacts to words because it needs emotions and feelings. The brighter they are, the better. When success appears in your imagination, feel the pleasure of victory and satisfaction with yourself.

Simple Visualization Exercises

Learning to visualize is not as difficult as it may seem. Look straight ahead for a few seconds and close your eyes. Try to remember and imagine what you just saw. At first there is little reproducibility, but with practice this ability improves. Continue to practice, opening and closing your eyes, remembering and mentally reproducing more of what you saw. The exercise is simple, but do it regularly and you will soon notice that your abilities are developing. This is the first step to mastering the art of guided visualizations.

Exercise "Lemon"

Imagine that you are sitting in the kitchen, and there are lemons on the table in front of you, from which you choose the ripest and brightest. You take it in your hand, perhaps even feel its weight. Then you run your fingers over the skin of the fruit, feeling that it is smooth, like wax. Try to imagine the bumps and ridges on the skin of a lemon. Then you bring it to your face and feel the citrus aroma. Then cut it in half and watch the juice flow out of it. The fresh smell of lemon fills the entire room. You cut a slice from it and put it in your mouth and start chewing. The juice spreads across the tongue, you feel its sour taste...

Typically, when performing this exercise, people actually begin to salivate profusely. This is a sign that your mind is accessing memory. This is how it tries to recognize the information you heard or read. Memory stores everything a person has experienced in life. Therefore, the mind finds memories of the lemons you ate before, their smell, taste, color.

When you eat lemons, powerful physical reactions occur. When you visualize, you force your mind to remember them, and your body responds with a conditioned reflex. This exercise is a clear demonstration of how powerfully words and thoughts can influence the body.

Associations and dissociations

Dissociation is the main visualization technique used in therapy. It helps to distance yourself from problems, but for this you need to learn to visualize.

Association consists of experiencing something as if you were in this situation, saw everything personally, experienced everything yourself. Dissociation is a diametrically opposed technique. It lies in the fact that you seem to be observing what is happening from the outside, without participating in it.

By doing the lemon exercise, you associated yourself with experiencing the situation. You imagined yourself doing everything yourself, feeling the citrus taste in your mouth. Dissociation allows you to experience events differently. In this case, the visualizer does not interfere with what is happening, but only observes.

Association is a deeply involved, personal and emotional way of experiencing an event. Dissociation is a detached, calculating and unemotional way of perception. You need to understand the difference between these techniques. Then you will be able to make the right choice and determine when it is better to practice association and when to practice dissociation.

The two techniques have different purposes. When you want to experience certain feelings, emotions, recharge your energy, motivate yourself or be inspired, you use the associative method. In this case, they visualize situations that evoke the desired emotions. A person associates himself with them, experiences them, as in reality. If you need to distance yourself from certain emotions, regain control over the situation, learn to remain calm in the face of danger, dissociation will help.

Techniques to improve health and mood

With the help of visualizations, you can influence the state of your health, setting the body up for self-healing. Here are a few techniques that may be helpful:

  1. Imagine that you are completely healthy, that you feel cheerfulness and lightness throughout your body. Visualize yourself being happy, laughing, radiating energy and leading an active lifestyle.
  2. Still unable to visualize clear images? Then the Vision Board technique is for you. Place a photo of you happy and healthy in the center. Place images around you that you associate with feeling great. Regularly look at the created board, using positive attitudes and feelings.
  3. Sit back, relax and imagine that white blood cells attack the disease, and later carry out the destroyed cells and all the blackness through the intestines with the kidneys. Watch how the burgundy spot around the diseased organ melts under the influence of light. Feel that your body is being restored, and your vigor and health are returning to you.

You can also use visualization for everyday needs. Before eating food, charge it with energy - imagine how foods heal you and give you strength.

It is best to visualize immediately after waking up in the morning, but you can do this at any time. Just remember to relax your body and calm your mind.

  • if you have had enough sleep, you can visualize while lying down; if you feel sleepy, sit down and straighten your back;
  • take a comfortable and stable body position that will not distract from the process;
  • do everything effortlessly and take your time - let the visualization last as long as it gives you pleasure;
  • if doubts arise, don’t fight them, just continue to form the image and give it energy.

Clearly formulate your desires, concentrate on what you really need, but most importantly, believe in success. Then the visualization will work, and you will get what you have long wanted.

Read also:

Food and the feeling of happiness: why it feels good after eating and how to choose the right foods for your mood

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Yuri Okunev School

Greetings, friends! Today we will take the first and most pleasant and simple step towards our dreams. A well-known technique - visualization - will help us with this. Its main task is to encourage you to imagine the most specific image of what you want. You will be surprised, but sometimes this is extremely difficult! Read more about what visualization of desires is and how to visualize correctly - later in the article.

The essence of the technique is to think through images that personify your desires. Then find them in the form of corresponding pictures in a magazine, on the Internet, or even draw them yourself. And work on them regularly.

Visualization of desires - examples

Let's say you dream of wealth. For one person, the image of this dream will be a pile of gold bars. For another - a scattering of “American presidents”. And for some, perhaps, the personification will be a big house or a bottle of one-piece collection wine. Or the image of a respectable man in an expensive suit, sitting in a spacious, stylish office. As a result, you need to choose an image that matches your association.

And so on for every desire. By working with these images every day using a certain method, you program yourself/the Universe (as you like) to realize your ideas.


Now let's move on to what visualization of desires is in practice - how to properly make dreams come true:

  • Think about the goal first. It must be important to you. When you think about her, your pulse quickens and your soul trembles.
  • Which image fits the purpose? Think through the details. When looking at it, you also should not remain indifferent.
  • Now find photographs, drawings, pictures that are real, positive and fully consistent with your image.
  • Next, you will need a desire visualization card - I will tell you how to make it further.

Making a map


Images that symbolize financial well-being for you. We have already talked about them.

Glory Photos that represent success. Joyful businesswoman shaking hands with foreign partners. A writer signing a contract to film a book. A chef who has earned a Michelin star.Love . Marriage A photo of your significant other (if you already have one). Or a happy photo with him. If you are yet to find love, then place images associated with it here - intertwined hands, tender hugs, couples in love, etc.

How do you see your family? Perhaps there will be pictures of happy married couples (wedding rings on their hands). With or without children - depending on what you need at the moment. Or perhaps these will be photographs of large friendly families uniting several generations at once.

Health Paste your most successful and positive photo.Children. Creation

How do you want to realize yourself? Perhaps you dream of learning how to paint or become a woodworker? Start your own blog or YouTube channel? Place the corresponding pictures in this sector.

How do you see your child? A successful athlete? A graceful ballerina? A talented architect?

Wisdom. Knowledge Successful completion of education is reflected here. Resourcefulness, intelligence, ability to make difficult decisions correctly. What are your associations? Perhaps this is a photo of a higher education diploma? Or a photo of a happy university graduate?Career Who do you want to work as? What does your dream profession look like and are you in it?Assistants. Trips

The image of someone who will help you achieve what you want. Friends, family, patron saints, guardian angel.

Photos of places where you would like to visit and live.

After you have carefully glued everything, the finished card should be placed somewhere where you will often look at it. The best option is in the bedroom, opposite the bed.

A simplified analogue of a map is a “vision board”. As for how to properly make a vision vision board, everything is even easier here. Just take a piece of whatman paper and chaotically stick all the selected pictures on it. The way your heart desires. True, experts still recommend adhering to the system described above, considering it more effective.

Working with the map

Create a favorable atmosphere in advance. You can dim the lights or even light candles. It is important to make sure that no one and nothing will interfere with you. A good accompaniment would be pleasant background music to visualize desires or sounds pleasing to the ear - the sound of the sea, birdsong, sounds of the forest, etc.

Take the map in your hands and begin to work consistently on each image.

  1. You need to imagine and believe that this specific desire has already come true. Model the situation in detail. How do you look, what are you wearing, how do you feel, who is around, what do you say and what are they saying to you? What is the weather like, what time of day? The more accurately you present everything, the better.
  2. Now feel the joy that your cherished dream has come true. You are rejoicing, full of an incredible charge of positivity, cheerful and determined for further success! Now everything will be fine!

Amazing. Repeat this every day. 30-40 minutes will be enough. Then you will get the hang of it and will cope even faster.

In the meantime, let's say goodbye. See you again and all the best!

Techniques involving visual representations are called visualization.
Visualization - mental representation - is also an introduction to establishing contact with the subconscious. This method can also be used to solve personal problems, improve health, and create new living conditions. Thanks to visual representations, the desired changes can happen much faster. For this reason, it is very important to be able to visualize your goals and dreams. The idea of ​​life and ourselves guides our actions and our behavior. If we blame ourselves and life, we convince ourselves that we don’t deserve something (example phrases: “We can’t live so richly...”, “It’s good where we are not,” etc.), then we, therefore, ourselves We sabotage and block the road to achieving the goal. In such cases, appropriate visualization can help us take the first step towards change. It will be a new instruction for our subconscious, which, having overcome previous doubts, will get rid of old stereotypes and make sure of its impact, do this simple exercise.

Exercise 1

Sit in a relaxed position, close your eyes, take a few deeper breaths and exhalations, and relax. Imagine a lemon. Yellow, ripe lemon. You can imagine it on the table, on a plate or in your hand. Smell it and breathe in, imagining its aroma. Cut a slice and watch the juice drip and flow out. Imagine that you are touching this slice with your tongue. Feel the taste of acidity and freshness. If you concentrated well and performed this exercise correctly, then you clearly felt the taste of lemon. By using your imagination, you can positively influence your health. The ability of the human body to succumb to ideas and suggestions is called ideoplasty. The best results are obtained by visualization using all channels of sensation. Each person is individual, and therefore the same information can be perceived differently. It is more common for some to see images, for others to hear internally, for others to feel some kind of emotion when receiving information. All channels of sensation are important, there is no better or worse. We receive most of the information through vision. For example, when we get to know each other, our general impression of a person comes to us through the visual channel. We form a general impression of him, first perceiving his figure, gender, clothing, etc. In about the first ten seconds, we develop an initial opinion about this person. Then we hear a voice that also impresses us and gives us the following information. When we shake hands, we receive information tactilely. It is believed that the very first impression of a person when shaking hands is the most correct; this is the opinion of our subconscious. With our sense of smell, we can smell a cologne or perfume that connects it with a person. Usually we are not consciously aware of how and on what basis we form an opinion about someone. All this happens on a subconscious, intuitive level. Sometimes it happens that after some time we begin to compare the first impression with reality and change our minds. There is a conditional division of people into spectators, listeners, tactile, kinesthetic and digital. This division depends on the dominant channel for obtaining information. Spectators (visuals) perceive the world around them primarily through visual channels, and when they think about something, they see images. They often have colorful dreams, they like to draw themselves or buy paintings and beautiful things. When they remember something, they see scenes first. They have a good visual memory for faces. They can visualize the page they see with their inner vision. In their choice, they are guided by external forms: appearance, color, aesthetics. The best teaching methods for them are visual: manuals with illustrations, films, drawings, drawings. In the speech patterns of such people, there are often phrases that define their leading channel of information, for example: “I see that everything is in full swing here” or “I see that you are doing well...”, even if the phrase is heard over the phone. For listeners (auditory learners), the most important perception is sound. Listeners love songs, music, when they show impatience, they tap the rhythm with their fingers. When remembering people or events, they remember what was said and how, and reproduce people’s answers in their minds. They can distinguish steps by ear; their attention can be attracted by a strong noise or a faint creaking. The best learning methods are listening to lectures, reading lessons aloud, listening to tapes. For listeners, the statements and opinions of other people are always important. They love to participate in arguments and discussions. They are eloquent, good speakers and know how to persuade. In their speech you can often hear the phrases “What do you hear?” or “I hear you here...”. For tactile and kinesthetic learners, the most important are touch and touch. The division between them is conditional. During a conversation, they unconsciously touch the interlocutor (they can pat him on the shoulder, blow away a speck of dust, or take him by the button). They try to get closer “face to face”, however, avoiding visual contact, unlike visuals. They always need live contact. Most often they are emotional and sensitive.

When thinking and remembering, they concentrate on the sensations they experienced. To remember something better, they need to touch it, stroke it. The atmosphere of the environment and relationships between people are very important to them. Kinesthetic learners learn material better if they move and walk. They are lovers of dancing and gymnastic exercises, from the “fidget” breed. They often use speech patterns like “I feel so…” or “Do you feel?...”. Digital is extremely rare. They perceive not an image, not a sound, not a feeling, but the abstract meaning of information, a thought about a thought. For example, we can recall the main character of the film “The Matrix” - Neo. The film depicted the perception of abstract meaning of an image, sound or feeling. Digitals can see and feel, but not a specific image, but the thought of it. In the speech of such people you can more often hear the phrases “as I understand...”, “as I understand...”. One digital friend of mine, after being badly injured, said: “I think it hurts.” Of course, this division of people is not always clearly expressed; there are practically no “pure” species. There are people who can be both good listeners and good viewers at the same time. This is more often observed in talented people: artists, musicians, etc. You can even find a clear relationship between the leading modality and the choice of profession. Visual people more often choose a profession related to images - design, artistic movements, engineering, clothing design; it is easier for such people to drive a car. Auditory people are good teachers, musicians, public relations specialists, and psychotherapists. Kinesthetic people often like to be sculptors, any kind of artisans, cooks, massage therapists, etc. You can easily check yourself by determining which channel of information is your leading one. Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body and stop your internal dialogue. Next, imagine an object. It is best if you ask someone to tell you the name of any item that is not in your everyday use. For example, a violin. Be attentive to the feeling you get. You can see an image of a violin or read its name, that is, see not the violin itself, but the inscription (you are a visual person). You can immediately hear its sound (you are an auditory learner). You can feel the thin, varnished wood under your fingers, feel the weight of the instrument or its smell (you are a kinesthetic person). You may perceive a strange, rapidly changing mental image that has no consistency, image, or smell. One person (being a digital person) gave the following definition to the word “bench”: “Something smooth and viscous, short, with a splinter at the end.”

Visualization exercises involve the development of all channels of sensation. However, the most valuable thing is visual perception. The process of perceiving the world through the visual channel is quite complex. The image of the surrounding world appears in our eye on the retina inverted. A complex system of nerve plexuses allows information to reach those parts of the brain that are responsible for vision. There, the already processed data is further analyzed, and after careful analysis, the resulting image reaches our consciousness. One may doubt that this image, after detailed transformation, is an adequate image of the real world. We perceive with vision only a certain range of waves. Insects, reptiles and other animals perceive a different range, and due to the structure of their eyes and brain, the image they receive from the outside world is probably also different.

It is difficult to say which of them corresponds to, or is at least closer to, absolute reality. Research has shown that bees see ultraviolet and infrared radiation. I wonder how they see the world? The way we perceive the world around us is determined by the form of life, as well as the method of survival: the ability to get food for ourselves and protect ourselves from danger. Many birds of prey see little things from great distances that we can only see with powerful modern optics. “It is not only the brain that determines the way we perceive the world, but also the culture and environment in which we grew up. It is significant that certain traditional New Zealand societies do not recognize the color orange. For them there is only red, which immediately turns into yellow, without an intermediate color. Eskimos distinguish more than twenty shades and varieties of white" (Lectures of the ESHKO school "Parapsychology"). The ancient Greeks did not distinguish the color blue. In the works of that time, they represented the sea and sky in purple, comparing them with the color of grape wine. We perceive all visible objects through our thoughts about them. In this regard, people evaluate everything visible from their point of view. For example, seeing a diamond, a person who has little understanding of stones will say that it looks like crystal or rhinestones; an engineer will determine its value as the hardest stone that cuts the hardest materials; a businessman will first of all evaluate its value; the lover of beauty will notice how it shines and how its rays are refracted; the swindler will most likely think about how to steal it; a stone specialist will analyze its weight, clarity, and cut. It follows from this that everyone has their own vision of the world. A jeweler is unlikely to be delighted by the shine of a stone, and a swindler by its density. Therefore, we often do not perceive the natural beauty of the reality around us. Usually what we do not need to interpret, describe in our minds, analyze, refers to natural phenomena.

Admiring the sunrise and sunset, dotted with starry skies, we look with admiration and feel at such moments as if outside of space and time. We feel one with nature. This happens when we do visualization. By concentrating on inner vision, we stop feeling our body and are distracted from the passage of time. We have unity with ourselves and figurative ideas. There are the following types of visualizations: - active visualization - a mental representation where you see yourself as if from the outside, participating in some kind of action; - static visualization - when you perceive an image with only one channel of sensations (for example, only visual, without sounds, etc.); - dynamic visualization - presentation of not only individual pictures, but also entire groups or scenes in motion; - creative visualization - images that you

directly conveyed to the subconscious. Quite a lot of attention is paid to creative development these days. Scientist P.K. Engelmeyer raised the question of developing a special science of creativity - eurylogy. No subject has been ignored for so long or has been so vigorously studied. Creativity is a complex alloy of “conscious” and “unconscious”, an alloy of strict calculation and intuitive insights. The most essential thing in creativity is hidden outside the consciousness. Many scientists have experienced the state of “epiphany,” “insight,” and many scientific discoveries have resulted from intuitive discoveries. Such discoveries were made: in the bathroom by Archimedes, under an apple tree by Newton, in a dream by Mendeleev, etc.

Creativity is a popular term in our modern culture. It denotes almost all the products produced by individual or group activity that society considers desirable. The main form of creative thinking is always visual images. A person can conceive a concept only by visualizing it. This property of the human mind is called “visuality of invisibility.” A person can visualize any concept; the visual form of thinking is a gift of nature. Creative thinking is usually understood as thinking that leads to the acquisition of new knowledge. From this we can conclude: anyone who wants to develop intuition and creative abilities must be able to go beyond the boundaries of their activities, absorb various impressions, and look for new forms of relationship with themselves and the world. Be open to the world, since the necessary information may appear “from outside”, and in this case there is a greater chance of intuitive perception. Every person has a hidden or obvious creativity. For some it is on the surface, for others it is deeply hidden. There are many examples where people with bright creative abilities were not at all aware of them, but only when they began to develop them, they found new opportunities in themselves.

Exercise 2

This is an exercise for feeling and developing emotions. You probably remember that emotions belong to the subconscious. By completing this exercise, you will be able to see how much your emotions are amenable to your will. Sit in a relaxed or meditative position. Close your eyes. Take a few deeper breaths in and out. Feel the relaxation of your whole body. Feel this pleasant relaxation. Observe your calm, free breathing. Imagine that you are in a beautiful place with nature as a backdrop. It could be the bank of a river or lake, a clearing in the forest, a birch grove, a secluded island, a beautiful garden, etc., that is, for you, in this case, this is the ideal place on Earth. This is a place where order reigns, in which you want to be and to which you want to return. Decide which season suits you best: spring, when everything is in bloom, winter with snow shining under the sun, etc. What time of day: midday, light twilight, or maybe a starry night, when everything is bathed in the light of the full moon? Analyze what you are doing. Maybe you're picking mushrooms or swinging in a hammock under a big tree in the garden, walking or standing admiring nature. “See” gentle animals, beautiful birds, butterflies. Feel the coolness of the wind or the warmth of the sun, the smell of herbs. Look at the sky. What is it like: blue, blue, turquoise, in white or smoky clouds? Improvise as you see fit. Remember this is your world and
you are the master (mistress) of it. Let your imagination soar. You can pick a berry and taste its taste. Look at yourself first from the outside, as if you were seeing yourself on a screen: how you look, how you dress. Feel that you are happy with yourself, you like your appearance. Then imagine something sublime and beautiful. It could be something you remember as the best moment, something you experienced at the best moment in your life, or imagine a piece of art that you admired. You can trust your imagination and imagine something different - the main thing is that this image touches your soul and fills it with a state of delight and joy. Try to remember this state.

Think only about the positive things. Before finishing the exercise, express gratitude for the pleasant sensations and emotions that you experienced. After completing this exercise, check your capabilities: remember the state of delight and try to evoke it in yourself without a preliminary mood. After some time, without preliminary exercise, try to evoke certain emotions in yourself through an effort of will. Feel joy, fun, inspiration, delight. Pay attention to your inner feelings. The more often you learn to evoke such feelings at will, the more often they will appear in your everyday reality, and real reasons for such a state will begin to appear. The best state when performing such exercises is a state of relaxation (relaxation is complete relaxation of the muscles), in which the sensation of the body disappears altogether. Therefore, try to ensure silence before exercise, turn off the radio, turn off the phone. Make sure no one disturbs you. Ventilate the room well; clothing should be light and comfortable. Before exercise, allow yourself a ten-minute rest - this will help you relax better. Thanks to relaxation, the body begins to work more economically, the need for oxygen decreases by up to 20%. Breathing slows down, the heart beats more calmly. Thanks to muscle relaxation, self-regulation processes are activated. Relaxation is a state in which, thanks to relaxation and positive suggestions, the condition of the body improves and its biological and mental endurance increases.

Exercise 3

List in writing those places in nature where you like to spend time and relax. Using visual thinking, remember the scenes that have ever happened there. Then mentally imagine future moments that you can imagine. The purpose of this exercise is to relax the mind during the performance. While performing the exercise, do not strain your consciousness, let the images themselves float in your thoughts. Concentrate on images and sensations.

During such training, remember that:
1. The exercises are performed in a sitting position, keeping the spine straight and the chin slightly lowered. Place your hands loosely on your knees. You can sit in a meditation position (sit cross-legged, in a lotus or half-lotus position).
2. You should close your eyes, as in this case the visual images will be brighter and more expressive. After practicing the practice, you can leave your eyes open, but at the same time look ahead with an absent-minded gaze. The gaze is directed downwards about one and a half meters forward.
3. When “sensing” the environment, remember all channels of perception: touch, smell, hearing, taste; tune in mentally to smell the air, plants, the touch of wind, moisture, heat and coolness, the taste of fruit, etc.
4. Imagine different places and instantly mentally transport yourself from one place to another, for example, imagining a bright sunny day on the beach, then a secluded clearing in a coniferous forest, etc.
5. When performing, don't do anything that might make you nervous or stressed. All mental images should have only a positive attitude.
6. Always present yourself alone, do not invite the presence of other people or animals that may be dangerous. The presence of other people can force you to communicate, and this will lead to some tension and departure from the main topic. Relaxation time is just your time.