Self-government in the school community. Self-government as a condition for the formation of an active life position of students in the school community



Active Moscow region

Project topic:

Working with youth


Serpukhov city

Project description:

The well-being of the country and its future largely depend on the social activity of citizens. This is an objective need of a civilized society. The modern political and economic situation in Russia requires the education of a person who is characterized by the desire for creativity and a sense of personal responsibility to society.
In the school community, self-government is a form of work that allows children to develop their abilities, solve difficult problems, master business communication skills, and build the country of their dreams. In our school No. 2 in the city of Serpukhov, Moscow region, the “Spectrum” republic has been operating since 2001.
Today, after so many years, we can safely say that student self-government helps in the education of a creative personality, in the education of a person who goes out into life with an awareness of his own responsibility for his actions, and prepares him to perform social functions.
School Republic "Spectrum" is a multi-level system of school student self-government, uniting students in grades 1-11, consisting of two chambers:
Grades 1-4 – “Sunny City”
Grades 5-11 – “Spectrum”
“Sunny City” is divided into street-floors: 1st floor – st. Sportivnaya, 2nd floor – st. Teatralnaya, 3rd floor – st. Stellar. First-grader building – st. Curious.
Each class, in accordance with the direction, has its own name and motto. The class elects a class head and administration. .The administration includes councils corresponding to the main directions of work of the school republic: on education, on labor, on leisure, on work with the media, on discipline and order, on sports, etc.
The same is true in grades 5-11, but here a council of patronage assistance and a council of justice already appear. We have established a pattern: if in the initial period in student self-government the activity of organizing leisure, recreation and entertainment for students prevails, then as it develops more space is given to socially useful activities, as well as activities aimed at organizing the life, study, work, behavior of schoolchildren, improving the environment, etc.
Class student councils are engaged in self-governing activities in a particular class. At the same time, the task of the class teacher is to properly organize the work of the class student council in order to involve each student in a common cause. It is in this case that a team is created, a friendly class, where the children feel calm, confident, and go to school in a good mood. This is undoubtedly an important factor that helps not only to maintain the health of the student, but also to improve academic performance and make teenagers aware of their own importance.
The work of self-government bodies is based on the Charter and Regulations of the School Republic “Spectrum”, adopted at the level of the student conference. The school republic has its own Constitution, flag, anthem, emblem, and media (two newspapers “Peremenka” and “Bolshaya Peremenka”). All this is invented, developed and approved by the children themselves.
Student government bodies are elected at the beginning of each school year so that all students are members of one or another council. The guys organize a variety of events, sports competitions, in which students not only of one class, but also of an entire parallel, take part. Patronage assistance is also provided. Classes that have been living according to the laws of self-government for many years now help younger students in organizing their life activities.
The school student government is headed by a president, who is elected among students in grades 8-11 according to the established scheme:
 selection of candidates from classes
 presentation of candidate programs
 pre-election campaign
 debate “I am the best president”
 elections
 inauguration
The President, together with the Council of High School Students, determines the main directions for the development of student self-government, monitors the implementation of the Rules for students and other regulatory documents regulated by the educational institution, and represents the school at all interschool events.
The school Council of high school students, consisting of ministries, includes representatives of class student councils

The composition of the ministries is formed from the corresponding advisers of each class and initiative group. The ministries are headed by a minister and deputy, chosen from among the high school students. Each ministry has its own curator-teacher. The chairmen of the ministries constitute the Council of High School Students. Ministries are organizing specific events in various areas.
Main areas of work:
Ministry of Justice - study of the rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren, adjustment and development of school laws.
Ministry of Press and Information - prompt information response to events in school life. Publication of the newspapers “Peremenka” and “Big Change”.
Ministry of Culture - implementation of the aesthetic development of students, revival of old and introduction of new school cultural traditions, customs, rituals.
Ministry of Education - creating a favorable climate for the development of the educational and cognitive process.
Ministry of Labor - educating young people in the spirit of love for work.
Ministry of Physical Education and Sports - creating conditions for a healthy lifestyle under the slogan “It’s a shame to be sick!”
Ministry of Ecology - implementation of environmental education for students, holding clean-up days, working on the school site, landscaping the school.
Ministry of patronage assistance - provision of patronage assistance to students in grades 1-4 by high school students.

The main affairs of the school republic:
Elections of the President of the Republic (campaigning, debates, voting, inauguration)
School-wide conference
Meetings of the socio-political club
Publication of newspapers “Big Change” and “Peremenka”
Promotions: “Veteran”, “St. George’s Ribbon”, “Letter to a Veteran”, “For Every Bird a Feeder”, waste paper collection, “Light in the Window”
Project “To Remember...”, project activity within the framework of the NOU “Intellect”
Competitions: “Class of the Year”, “Moment of Glory”, “City of Masters”, staged military songs, experts in military history, environmental ideas and projects, readers, vocalists, drawings, essays, etc.
New Year's KVN and fairy tale for elementary school students
Holidays: “Knowledge Day”, “Teacher’s Day”, “Self-Government Day”, “Valentine’s Day”, March 8th, “Heroes of Russia Day”, “Victory Day”, “Last Bell”, “Graduation Evening”
Maslenitsa (competitions and folk entertainment), “Russian gatherings”
“Gagarin Readings”, events dedicated to Cosmonautics Day
Tourist rallies, Health Days, sports competitions, relay races, “Fun Starts”, “Safe Wheel”, “Formation Review and Songs”, games “Zarnitsa” and “Zarnichka”
Supervisory assistance from high school students to students in grades 1-4
Performance by the theater group “Fidgets”, the propaganda team of the Youth Movement

At the end of each academic year, the Council of High School Students meets to sum up the results of the work. Speaking before the school conference, the ministries report on their areas, announcing activists, classes, achievements, discussing successful and failed projects, summing up the rating, the results of the “Class of the Year” competition, announcing the results and holding awards at the school’s honor festival.
Thus, a successfully functioning system of student self-government in a general education institution serves the development of the personality of schoolchildren. Its meaning is not in managing some children over others, but in teaching all children the basics of democratic relations in society, teaching them to manage themselves, their lives, the ability to overcome difficulties, and most importantly, instilling a sense of responsibility towards themselves and their comrades in a common cause.

Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Objective of the project:

Raising a person with an active life position, ready to take responsibility for their decisions and the results obtained, striving for self-improvement, self-development and self-expression.

Project objectives:

We modeled the activities of a democratic society in a modern state on the scale of our school, while solving the following problems:
1. Presentation of conditions for self-expression and development of the creative potential of each student, increasing his social and personal status.
2. Formation of a culture of interpersonal relationships and joint activities.
3. Fostering a sense of private partnership.
4. Formation of the ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.
5. Introducing to the basic spiritual values ​​of the school, city, region, Fatherland.

Results achieved:

Every student today will certainly face the realities of adult life in the future: he will work in a team, subordinate or lead. School self-government is an excellent opportunity to learn independence, awareness of your path in life, and excellent preparation for successfully realizing yourself. All graduates of our school after 11th grade successfully enter universities, where they realize not only their intellectual, creative, and sports abilities, but also take an active civic position and are included in the social processes of the economic and political life of the country.
We consider successful participation (2nd place) in the regional stage of the All-Russian program “Student Self-Government” in 2017 as recognition of the effectiveness of the work on organizing self-government at school.

Social significance of the project:

A successfully functioning system of student self-government in a general education institution serves the development of the personality of schoolchildren. Its meaning is not in the management of some children by others, but in teaching all children the basics of democratic relations in society, in teaching them to manage themselves, their lives, the ability to overcome difficulties, and most importantly, instilling a sense of responsibility towards themselves and their comrades in a common cause, namely Our society, modern Russia, needs such young people.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

List of competitions and socially oriented programs,
in which the school republic "Spectrum" took part in the 2016-2017 academic year

No. Name of competition or program Dates Brief description Number of participants
1 School gatherings for the US activist group March, November During the autumn and spring holidays, the school hosts gatherings for the activist group of the republic “Spectrum”. A psychologist conducts trainings with the children. Teachers - curators of ministries - conduct training for activists, master classes, each in their own direction, 44 people.
2 City gatherings of the activists of the educational institution “Leader’s School” March, November Leaders of the school’s student self-government annually take part in the city project “Leader’s School”. The children learn to communicate, solve social problems, and apply leadership qualities in practice. 7 people
3 Campaign “Clean school yard” April-May
September-October Cleaning the school grounds, growing seedlings, planting flower beds 555 people.
4 Campaign “Save the forest from cutting down” April
November Every year, the school hosts a waste paper collection campaign twice a year. In April 2016, 5t550kg were collected. In December 2016 - 6t240 kg. 1006 people
5 Campaign “Congratulations to Veterans” February
May Each class of the school is assigned to war veterans, home front workers and concentration camp prisoners living in our neighborhood. A total of 64 people. On Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day, every year students congratulate veterans on the holiday by visiting them at home. 105 people
6 Military sports game “Zarnitsa” April 4th place in the city military sports game. 12 people
7 “Gagarin Readings” April Since 2008, the school has been hosting large-scale events dedicated to Cosmonautics Day: a volleyball tournament, a school-wide conference, excursions to the Metallist plant, an excursion to the control center. The “Gagarin Readings” project is a laureate of the Moscow Region Governor’s “Our Moscow Region” award in 2014, 2015 and 2016. 288 people.
8 Campaign “For Every Bird a Feeder” April, October On the initiative of the Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Labor of the school republic “Spectrum”, elementary school students make bird feeders, which they hang on the school grounds and feed the birds throughout the year. 455 people
9 “St. George Ribbon” campaign May School students presented 200 St. George ribbons to residents of the microdistrict. 50 people
10 Campaign “Letter from the Front” May Front triangles with poems by poets who fought in the Great Patriotic War were presented to residents of the microdistrict as a memory of our ancestors who won the Victory. 115 people
11 “Memory Watch” action On May 6, students from school No. 2 also took part in this action. The guys kept a Memory Watch at the monument to the Soviet soldier opposite the Metalist plant. Despite the fact that the action is public, it is a very personal event for everyone. Each student keeps a watch in silence to remember their loved ones, every soldier of the Great Patriotic War, and to bow to the fallen heroes.
While on watch, veterans of the Metalist plant approached the guys with words of gratitude and parting words. Students of grades 1-4 of school No. 2 laid flowers at the monument and read poems by front-line poets. 120 people
12 Campaign “I remember... I’m proud...” May Leaflets were posted around the neighborhood at every entrance of a residential building, on shops, socially significant objects with words of gratitude to war veterans and an appeal to descendants to remember the great feat of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. 60 people
13 “Immortal Regiment” May The “Immortal Regiment” action was held in Serpukhov on May 9, 2017 Thousands of citizens came out with portraits of their heroes - grandfathers and great-grandfathers - participants in the Great Patriotic War. Students from school No. 2 also took part in this action.
The guys walked shoulder to shoulder, carrying photographs of front-line soldiers, whose heroism and resilience the whole country admires and is proud of. 120 people
14 Military sports game “Zarnichka” June Junior school members from the health camp “Solnyshko” annually take part in the city military sports game “Zarnichka”. Young Army senior students provide great assistance in preparing the team. 10 people
15 “Lessons of Courage” During the year Throughout the year, war and Armed Forces veterans come to school students, who not only talk about the events of the Great Patriotic War, but also instill in the younger generation such qualities as courage, heroism, and honesty. 580 people
16 Operation “Zebra” September The YID detachment of school No. 2, together with the traffic police, carried out a raid on the intersection for a month. During the operation, the YID detachment distributed leaflets on traffic rules among children and parents. The students and teachers of School No. 2 were of great interest in the zebra crossing that led them across the road. A member of the YID detachment acted as a “zebra”. 20 people
17 Cultural, educational and military-patriotic project “We remember, we are proud!” December Project “We remember, we are proud!” takes place throughout the year. School students have the opportunity to attend an open film screening of military-patriotic films at the Rossiya Palace of Culture. Representatives of the school republic “Spectrum” watched the films “Officers” and “Only Old Men Go to Battle.” 60 people
18 City review-competition on patriotic education “Heirs of the glory of the land of Serpukhov” During the year During the year, school students take part in various city and regional patriotic competitions
19 City Forum “Young Talents of the Land of Serpukhov During the year During the year, school students take part in various city and regional creative competitions
20 Regional stage of the All-Russian program “Student Self-Government” December-February 2nd place 15 people.

3. Self-government in the school community

Self-government is an indispensable feature of the team, its function. If there is no collective, it is useless to talk about self-government.

This means that self-government is not a goal, but a means of education. This is the highest form of leadership for a children's team. In self-government, the main thing is not the organs, but the activities aimed at improving the life of the collective

In relation to self-government, the culture of the teacher and the style of his relationships with the children are clearly demonstrated. What prevails here is not the direct, not the frontal influence of the teacher, educator, but his hidden position, the strength of his real authority, tact and intelligence.

It is impossible to transfer the structures of adults, bureaucratic forms of management that are not characteristic of the age and psychology of schoolchildren, to the bodies of student self-government.

Each team of a particular school determines for itself which self-government bodies it needs. There are permanent bodies, there are also temporary ones, and there are those that are created to prepare and conduct just one case. It’s good if the composition of the organs is updated, and they themselves are quite flexible and mobile.

Types of self-government activities:

· participation in the planning, development, implementation and analysis of key activities of the school team;

· participation in the work of the teachers' council;

· work in permanent and temporary self-government bodies;

· execution of collective, group and individual assignments;

· duty at school, class, special post;

· activities of class councils;

· activities of duty commanders (DC);

· participation in the work of camp gatherings;

· work of teaching classes.

Self-government processes in school and classroom teams have noticeably improved. To introduce as many students as possible to self-government activities, the position of duty commander was introduced in the classes. He is elected by a majority of votes by open, direct voting at a general meeting of the class team. Its duration is one month. After this period, the class discusses the commander’s activities, evaluates them and selects a new DC for the next term. The rights and responsibilities of the duty commander are determined by special Regulations. During his work, the commander on duty is a member of the detachment council or Komsomol bureau.

Thinking through the structure of school self-government, we abandoned the cumbersome network of headquarters and commissions, and followed the path of diverse, flexible, temporary initiative groups.

The Grand Council meets at the school three or four times a year. It includes the student, pioneer and Komsomol activists of grades 5-11 with class teachers (they are part of the active class), the council of the pioneer squad, the Komsomol committee and all the “adult” school leadership (the director, his deputies, the secretary of the party bureau, the chairman of the trade union committee, Secretary of the teachers' Komsomol organization). When discussing fundamentally important issues in the life of the school community, we used techniques such as circle conversation, brainstorming, group discussion, and modeling techniques.

A very special place in the educational system of our school is occupied by a three-day camp gathering of assets, which finally took shape in its best features and gained strength precisely at the second stage of development of the system.

So, at the second stage there is a rapid development of the school team, the complication of its activities, and the complication of intra-collective relations. At this time, there may be some weakening of class groups, since the class framework for many children becomes cramped. But this phenomenon is temporary and easily regulated within the system. There is more and more fundamental unanimity in the teaching environment: by this time teachers have time to evaluate the objective merits of orderly educational activities in school. They begin to understand the role of mutual dependence and mutual responsibility in achieving common success. At the third stage of development of the system, its goal setting was significantly complicated: now teachers were able to reach out to the individual, to pay special attention to the personal approach in education. This forced us to turn to pedagogical and psychological science and begin the formation of a psychological service in the team. But perhaps the most important thing is the combination of education and training into a truly single, holistic process. Now teachers were able to cope with complex didactic tasks, because by this time a powerful educational base had been provided for the educational process.

4. Didactic and educational systems at school

The school has a didactic and educational system. They can exist and develop in parallel, autonomously or in some connection. In this case, the lessons go on their own, and the children’s after-school life goes on its own. Educational work proceeds in one logic, educational work in another. This does not at all detract from the educational role of education. She is. But education in the classroom most often follows from the educational material, from the specifics of the subject. Single teachers, masters of aerobatics, cope well with this. Such people don’t need the school system and don’t need anyone at all. For them, education in the classroom is subject to didactic laws: the source is the teacher, the bearer of a certain amount of knowledge that also has educational value. Methodological techniques in this case are purely didactic - a story, a heuristic conversation, a spectacular detail, emotional infection from one’s own personality, the use of an educational situation. The implementation of the “educational charge” of the lesson takes place under the control and guidance of the teacher. The teacher, thus carrying out the educational function of the lesson, is, as a rule, not interested in its results, because he is busy implementing the curriculum, recording knowledge, skills and abilities.

Including a lesson in the educational system changes a lot. Firstly, the educational process is subject to the general goals and objectives of the system. The goal of the lesson is not knowledge in itself, but a person, the personality of the student, brought up in a certain way by means of educational activities. Secondly, in the educational process, a “pedagogy of relationships” arises that is adequate to the entire educational system.

This means that the role of the student in the lesson changes: he becomes an active subject of the cognitive process. Thirdly, the student’s life, which until now has been fenced off by the classroom door, comes into the lesson. The content, methodology and system of relationships of the lesson are enriched due to the educational work itself. And finally, a teacher who teaches any subject, regardless of the level of his professional skills, becomes the bearer and executor of a single pedagogical concept. Education in the classroom becomes the responsibility of every teacher.

The main disadvantage of the educational work of many schools is the detachment of the student’s personality from the knowledge he receives.

A modern schoolchild knows a lot about a lot, but least of all about himself. This happens because knowledge exists in isolation from the individual. If pupils learned to know and improve themselves with the help of science and human experience - this would be the true joy of knowledge! But this cannot be achieved with didactic methods alone; it is necessary to include the mechanisms of systematic education. The student’s personality, awakened and liberated for knowledge and creativity by the educational system, transfers its active state to educational activities. This transfer goes from simple to complex - from elementary interest to awareness of the intrinsic value of knowledge. In our system, the following directions and forms of educational activities turned out to be the most productive:

Development of didactic games, creation of a didactic game library;

Organization of educational subject trips (to the country of Grammar, to the country of Mathematics, etc.);

- “knowledge auctions” held in special lessons;

Conducting scientific and educational expeditions, conferences, briefings;

Organization of school-wide educational games;

Activities of classroom knowledge headquarters, work of consultants and observers;

Wide development of collective, group and pair work during and after the lesson;

Involving student subject assets in the development of the most complex curriculum topics and lessons on them;

Conducting lessons with the involvement of individual students as assistants and partners of the teacher;

Introduction to the educational process of methods of brainstorming, group discussions, business games;

Development of new forms of integrative classes, tests, exams;

Organization of knowledge holidays in the form of Read-City.

Analyzing what we had done with teachers and high school students, we came to important conclusions. Didactic theater is a form of stage action that allows you to connect educational material with the personality of the student, because knowledge is, as it were, passed through the emotional sphere of the student, he experiences his personal position.

The theater satisfies the natural need of schoolchildren for role-playing and self-expression. Being didactic, it does not impose those high stage requirements that we usually see in dramatic groups (appearance, voice, expressiveness of plasticity). In addition, in the didactic theater there are many roles and actions that are available to any student. At the same time, it also has the appeal of theater in the traditional sense: costumes, scenery, music and lighting design. Didactic theater, on the one hand, is an addition and deepening of the curriculum; on the other hand, it is a source of new knowledge. It gives a figurative, visual idea of ​​what children have hitherto imagined abstractly, speculatively.

Being a borderline form of pedagogical action, being, as it were, between the didactic and educational systems, it effectively connects educational and educational work into a single process.

As already mentioned, a characteristic feature of many school affairs is inter-age communication, when older people pass on their experience and knowledge to the younger ones, introducing them into the traditions of the school community. This means that interaction and cooperation between ages has become a feature of school life, a habit. Karakovsky decided to use this habit in the educational process and try a new form of study. This is how an inter-age (multi-age) lesson appeared in the school experience. As is known, the spiral structure of the school curriculum leads to the repetition of the same topics at different age levels (especially in humanities subjects). Such a lesson can be carried out simultaneously with two classes (for example, 4 and 7). In one office there are two halves of two different classes, in the other with a second teacher - the remaining two parts of the classes. In total, we get two teams of different ages working on the same subject. Work in these consolidated classes is carried out in groups made up of children of two ages. Older students act as advisors and leaders. Such lessons are appropriate for final revision or when explaining material on a large topic. They significantly increase the overall activity of schoolchildren in the classroom, promote the exchange of knowledge, and develop curiosity and creativity.

So, at the third stage, the formation of the system ends. Having emerged in the sphere of leisure, it covers more and more areas of school life, gradually incorporating the entire educational process. The teaching staff of the school staff is changing noticeably. He constantly works in a creative mode, many teachers naturally become involved in science, and a new type of teacher appears at school - a teacher-researcher.

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Self-government of the teaching staff:

Speaking about the basic model, it is necessary to consider the theoretical concept of school self-government. A modern secondary school is a complex social and pedagogical institution, which includes teaching and student teams, various associations and organizations of adults and children.

Parents of students are not legally included in the school community and do not form a team at all, but they are no less interested in the successful operation of the school than teachers or children. As social customers of the school, parents should have the opportunity to influence its activities and participate in school life, in the management, and life of the school.

In a democratizing school, each of the groups and associations of adults and children must have the right to self-government, independently resolve their issues, and satisfy their needs and interests in the educational process. This can be served by their separate bodies of self-government: the teaching staff - the pedagogical council (the highest body of self-government of teachers in the school), methodological council, methodological associations of teachers, educators, class teachers, small teaching councils, psychological and pedagogical consultations, legal, certification and other commissions of teachers; student self-government - a meeting of school students (the highest body of their self-government in the school); school student conference, which is the highest body of student self-government in a school that does not have conditions for the work of a school student meeting; the student council, the school student committee, its commissions, headquarters and other working bodies of self-government elected by the school student meeting or conference; class meetings of students, class student councils and their working bodies; school parent associations - school parents' meeting (the highest self-government body in the school); school student conference, which is the highest body of student self-government in a school that does not have the conditions for a school parent meeting; the parent committee of the school, its sections, commissions elected by the school parent meeting or conference; class parent committees and their working bodies [Bochkarev, 56].

When organizing the activities of self-government bodies of teachers, students and their parents, it is advisable to be guided by the following positions:

1. Everything that they can decide must be transferred to them with the condition that the decisions they make and the actions they take will not infringe on the interests and rights of other participants in school life.

2. Each self-government body is vested with real power.

3. No team or association at school has the right to dictate its will to other groups and associations of adults and children. All of them are called upon to interact based on the principles of advice, consent, cooperation and co-government.

4. Self-government bodies of direct democracy have priority: general meetings over bodies of representative democracy (conferences, councils, committees, etc.).

5. Each school has a conciliatory system for resolving conflicts and contradictions between self-government bodies, adopted in accordance with its Charter.

6. School employees, students and their parents, and their self-government bodies cannot act in school in isolation from each other, without ensuring coordination of activities and interaction on current school issues.

7. School self-government bodies are guided by the social and pedagogical principles of equality, election, renewal and continuity, openness and transparency, democracy, legality, pedagogical focus, collegiality in decision-making and personal responsibility for their decisions [Rozhkov, 145].

The common goal of both separate and joint self-government bodies of students, their parents and teachers at school is to realize their needs and interests.

The work of any self-government body in a school begins with identifying the current needs and interests of its constituents, on the basis of which the content and main directions of its activities are then determined, which in turn does not determine its organizational structure. The basic model of school self-government includes four subsystems: student, pedagogical, parental and the system of co-government of teachers, students and parents, which is a self-government system for the entire school. Along with self-government bodies at the general school level, co-government bodies can and should operate on the basis of primary collectives and their associations [Selivanova,].

The highest body of self-government in the teaching staff is the school’s pedagogical council, which discusses and approves the pedagogical concept of the school, uniform requirements for working with students, socio-legal and psychological-pedagogical foundations, relationships with them and their parents; determines the organizational structure of the teaching staff in accordance with the school’s regulatory documents, approves the distribution of job responsibilities; expresses and defends the interests of the teaching staff and its individual members at school and beyond, etc.

The Methodological Council organizes work to improve the scientific and theoretical level and methodological skills of teachers, coordinates the activities of teachers in methodological associations, provides them with practical assistance, disseminates teaching experience, organizes pedagogical readings, scientific and practical conferences, competitions, the work of schools of excellence, develops and strengthens the methodological basis of the educational process.

The methodological association of teachers organizes self-education, mentoring of teachers, work on methodological topics, exchange of experience among teachers; is engaged in the study and implementation of normative and methodological documents and materials, best practices of teachers; carries out in its field an expert assessment of pedagogical and methodological projects, educational results of teachers’ activities; makes recommendations on assigning teachers the appropriate qualification category; makes a petition to the teachers' council and the school director to allow its members to work in a mode of trust and self-control, to conduct extraordinary certification, award teachers with departmental awards, etc. [Rogatkin,].

Self-government of the student body:

The highest body of student self-government is the general meeting of students, held as necessary at least once a year. Functions of the school student meeting:

1. reviews and approves the long-term plan, the main directions of activity of student self-government bodies for the coming period, focused on meeting the needs of students;

2. resolves issues related to student participation in school management; discusses and adopts plans for joint work of student self-government bodies with teachers, parents, and the school council;

3. forms self-government bodies in the school;

4. develops and formulates proposals from the student body to improve the educational process; expresses the attitude of students to draft school documents, plans and programs for their implementation;

5. reviews and approves regulations, rules, memos and instructions regulating the internal activities of students in their team, the work of persons responsible and authorized by the team;

6. listens to reports and information, evaluates the results of the activities of self-government bodies. [Rogatkin,].

The highest body of student self-government of the school between school student meetings is the school student council, which is convened as necessary at least once every quarter.

School student council:

1. coordinates the activities of all bodies and associations of school students, plans and organizes extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

2. organizes self-care for students, their duty, maintains discipline and order in the school;

3. establishes patronage;

4. prepares and conducts meetings or conferences of school students;

5. organizes the publication of its newspapers and radio programs;

6. at its meetings, discusses and approves plans for the preparation and conduct of the most important school student events, hears reports on the work of its working bodies (commissions, headquarters, editorial boards, etc.) of self-government bodies of primary collectives and makes the necessary decisions on them, hears information and reports from those responsible persons of self-government on the implementation of decisions of the school student meeting;

7. resolves issues of reward and punishment, makes decisions on the responsibility of students in accordance with their authority;

8. makes decisions on the use of money earned by the student team, etc.

The highest body of self-government of the class and other primary student groups and associations is the general meeting of their members, held as necessary, at least once a month.

The highest body of self-government in the class during the period between student meetings is the class student council, elected by the class meeting and holding its meetings as necessary, at least once a month [Bochkarev, p. 164].

Participation of parents in school self-government:

The highest body of self-government of parents at school is general meetings, convened as necessary, at least once a school year.

In schools where there are no conditions for a parent meeting, its functions are performed by the school parent conference, to which delegates are elected in equal numbers from the parents of students in each class. Between school parent meetings there is a school parent committee, and in classes there are class parent meetings [Bochkarev, p. 170].

“Pedagogical Council: School Self-Government Pedagogical Council Date: 04/14/2015. The topic of the teachers' council: “Self-government in the school community as a necessary means of development and...”

Teachers' Council: School self-government

Teachers' Council

Date: 04/14/2015.

The topic of the teachers' council: “Self-government in the school community as necessary

a means of development and self-development of the student’s personality.”

“Only where there is social life,

There is a need and opportunity for SELF-GOVERNMENT.

Where it is not, all SELF-GOVERNMENT

It will degenerate into a fiction or a game.”

S.I. Hesse

The purpose of the teachers' council:

Discussion of the conditions necessary for the formation of a competitive personality through the development of student self-government;

Discussion and solution of current problems of school self-government, exchange of opinions, study and dissemination of pedagogical experience;

Involving members of the teachers' council in active productive activities and cooperation.

Plan for the teachers' meeting:

1. “Student self-government at school” (speech by G.N. Semnova, Deputy Director for VR).

Results of the survey “Assessment of student self-government in classes” (7 min.) 2. “Typical mistakes and difficulties in organizing student self-government in educational institutions of Russia.” (Chekashova I.V.) (15 min.).

3. “From the experience of self-government bodies in the classroom,” speech by the head of the mid-level MO Shepeleva G.A. 5-8 grades, (10 min.) 4. “From the experience of the school’s student self-government bodies,” speeches by senior leader Mitina E.A., president of the school council Kuzmichva A.

4. Practical work in small groups (20 min.).

5. Identification of students into a “risk group”, placement at the Higher School of Economics. (Chekashova I.V.)

6. Summing up. Making a decision of the pedagogical council (20 min.).


You are a team of architects Assignment: Let’s imagine school government as a “House” of 12 bricks (tasks of school government, based on the development of key competencies):

1. Put the four most important tasks into the foundation, the less important ones into the first floor, and all the rest into the second floor.

2. Pre-fill the “clean bricks” and assign them a place at your discretion.

3. Write on the roof, draw everything that will make your “House” better, kinder, more fun.

4. Pipe - everything that interferes with the “House”, everything superfluous and unnecessary, flies out of it.


1) The moderator who will lead the discussion;

2) A construction set that will glue, write, draw;

3) A referent, who must write reasonable bookmarks for each brick and then defend his project.

Construction time: 15 min., protection: 2-5 min.

Mutual understanding to you, and success will find you!



The effectiveness of school self-government bodies is minimal, there is no student initiative, and there is a sharp reduction in the number of children demonstrating organizational skills.

Choose: a group leader-coordinator, a referent who must write down the proposed solutions to the problem and defend his project.

Solution to the problem:

1. Read the functionality of the class self-government bodies, what you consider necessary to add or exclude as it has not stood the test of time and affects the occurrence of the specified problem.

2. Review and analyze the areas of work of school student government presented to you. Make specific proposals, additions, what can be applied in the work of the School Duma in our school?

3. What if you use ….. to emotionally assess school life? Make your suggestions.

Protection of your proposals - up to 5 minutes. Be specific in your creativity.

Good luck with your work!

One of the main bodies of class self-government is the class council; it leads and coordinates all work. The best representatives of the class team are elected to its composition, who can lead one of the areas of work.

Functions of the class council (SC)

participates in the discussion and preparation of a class work plan;

selects and appoints those responsible for performing various class activities;

hears reports on the work done by those responsible for the directions;

organizes class participation in CTD (collective creative activities);

selects topics and questions for conducting class events and thematic class hours;

discusses and resolves issues of rewards and punishments;

maintains contact with the Center for Public Life (CLC).

Directions of work of school student self-government Main tasks. Ways to solve problems.

Creating a recognizable image of a student and school graduate.

Discussion and development of the school constitution.

Alumni Relations. Coat of arms, flag and anthem of the school, other attributes and symbols. System of rituals.

Development of mechanisms for economic self-financing of children's self-government.

Sale of goods (newspaper, fair...). Provision of paid services (tickets to a disco...).

Finding targeted material and technical means. Targeted fees for specific projects.

Creating an environment of healthy internal competition at school. Performance ratings.

Internal and external PR of the school. Formation of an open information environment of the school. Student newspaper. Teacher-student almanac. Student page of the school website. Press conferences and presentations. Photo exhibitions. Book of school records.

Supporting informal creative initiative of school students. Search for centers of creative activity and ways of their development. Inclusion of students' creative assets in working groups for the preparation of school cultural events. Collection and presentation of products of creative activity of school students. Creative competitions.



School traditions are good, but don’t they crowd out daily creativity? Why are things less and less socially oriented (doing it for someone, and not just for yourself?).

Choose: a group leader-coordinator, a referent who must write down proposals for solving the problem and defend his project.

Solution to the problem:

1. Make your specific proposals for holding school events.

2. Which school traditions do you think should be abandoned, which ones should be added, how should they be modified?

3. Suggest specific activities that the “Me and My Little Friend” program should include? (Help from high school students to students in grades 1-4).

Your defense (5 min.) should consist of specific, pre-written sentences.

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The Student Self-Government program is designed to help schoolchildren adapt to the social life around them in the least painful way: not through trial and error, but through the timely acquisition of the necessary knowledge and social experience. This would allow schoolchildren to confidently act in various life situations in the most appropriate and safe way for themselves and others, as well as to implement their life plans without coming into conflict with society.

The goal of the program: to develop key competencies in schoolchildren in the conditions of modern society through the development of social interaction skills.

Stages of program implementation (annual cyclogram):

Stage I Diagnostics (September).

Social order on the topic “Creation of a student self-government body at school”

(social-pedagogical and socio-psychological methods are involved).

Sociological survey of students, teachers, parents: “Why do we need self-government? What will it give students? What problems and tasks can it solve?

What new experience will it offer?"

Methodological association of class teachers and educators. Subject:

“Self-realization of students’ personality through participation in collective creative activities.”

Meeting of the school's Parent Committee. Topic: “Joint activities of parents and children in the development of school self-government.”

Class hour. Conversation on the topic: “School is a small home.” Questions: “Do you know your school? The role of the school in a person’s life. The labor and creative activities of students to help the school.”

The organization of the school of student self-government - “Leader's School” (grades 5-10) - is not included in the Duma.

Stage II Project development (October):

Setting and agreeing on the goals and objectives of student self-government through a series of business design games among students.

Class hour. Start of the role-playing game "Brain attack": development of the "Student Self-Government" project, creation of the "Constitution", "Rights and Responsibilities...".

Documentation (regulations, Charter, etc.).

Creative works on the topic “Student self-government” (essays, articles, essays).

Press conference: “How do you see self-government in school.”

Class hour. Conversation: “School parliament elections.” Questions: “What qualities should a leader have?”, “How do we see our president?”

Game-protection of the projects “Children's organization. What is she like? (6-7 grade).

Presentation of creative project groups: “school television”, “school newspaper”, information center (grades 8-10).

Stage III Collective formation (October-November):

Analysis of the composition of student government participants using the “Leadership in a small group” diagnostic.

Elections of the President, formation of the Presidential Council of the School Duma (grades 8-10).

Formation of a school council of ministers (grades 5-10).

Organization of training for participants in student self-government through a series of socio-psychological trainings on the formation of an active, creative team on the topic: “Who is the leader?”, “Business communication”, “Cooperation”.

Stage V Transformation of intra-school life (November-April):

The essence of this stage lies in the development of the achievements of student self-government, in the adoption and implementation of its decisions. Determining prospects for solving specific tasks and introducing changes to the school’s work plan for the next academic year.

Final conference of students, teachers and parents. Questions: “What was good during the year?”, “What seemed especially significant?”, “Who can we thank?”, “What was difficult?” And etc.

Stage V Performance assessment (April - May):

Disclosure of the influence of student self-government on students and identification of further prospects for the life of the school.

Diagnostics of solutions to the following pedagogical problems:

Acquiring new social experience, including the experience of communication between different ages, continuity of traditions.

Testing oneself as an individual in the process of interaction with other people.

Accumulation of new techniques and forms of student and pedagogical interaction.

Evaluation criteria:

1. Specific actions and actions of children in ordinary and extreme situations.

2. The presence of children's temporary and permanent associations for solving intra-school problems.

3. Specific results of the activities of self-government (what has changed in the life of the school?) Functional responsibilities and powers of representatives of the School Duma (SD).

1. President:

Selected at a student conference for a period of 1 academic year.

Manages and directs the work of the SD.

Ensures coordination of actions of members of the SD to fulfill the tasks facing the SD.

Conducts working meetings (once a month).

Brings decisions of the SD to the attention of all subjects of the educational space of the school.

Can be re-elected at the student conference.

2. Vice President:

Reports the results of the work of school ministries at the meeting of the SD.

Coordinates and coordinates the activities of school ministries with members of the SD.

3. Ministry for the promotion and protection of the rights of school students:

Participates in resolving contradictions (student-student, student-teacher, student-administration) that arise in the life of the school.

Makes decisions and submits for discussion to the SD questions about rewarding and punishing students.

Controls the election campaign in the SD.

4. Ministry of Culture:

Organizes and conducts cultural events (according to the school plan).

Communicates with cultural and entertainment centers, theaters, cinemas of the city and creative associations of other schools.

5. Ministry of Education:

Organizes and conducts educational events for students.

Monitors students' educational activities and compiles class performance ratings.

Carries out supervisory activities in order to improve the performance rating.

6. Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Provides assistance in organizing and monitoring school duty.

Monitors students' compliance with uniform school requirements.

7. Ministry of Sports and Tourism:

Participates in the organization and conduct of sports and recreational events for schoolchildren.

8. Ministry of Health:

Organizes and conducts “Cleanliness” campaigns and labor landings.

Ensures the publication of the “Health” newsletter.

9. Ministry of Press

Information function.

Design function.

Ensures the publication of the school newspaper “Be in the Topic”, which informs about the events of school life.

10. Ministry of Thrift Raids on the safety of textbooks, school property, energy savings.

Forms of work with student self-government.

Temporary creative groups. They are created for the period of preparation and conduct of various educational, educational and organizational matters. They include teachers, children, and sometimes parents.

Monthly meetings of the director and administration with the presidential council. This is one of the important structures for school management and its democratization.

Weekly meetings of the DHVR with class representatives. This is an advisory and information body of children's self-government.

–  –  –

Parental competencies.

Educational competencies:

Knowledge of scientific subjects, within the framework of which the professional destiny of parents took place or interests and hobbies were realized, at the level of functional literacy, the ability to explain scientific phenomena from the point of view of relevance to life;

Possession of a holistic picture of the world from a position of significance and application in reality;

Highly specialized knowledge that goes beyond general education subjects;

Individualized knowledge of general education subjects that has no analogues when taught by a teacher.

Educational competencies:

Personal interest in the successful outcome of raising children;

Understanding the role and function of students’ personal qualities for self-education and self-realization;

Focus on family traditions and experience of family education, the need to take them into account when organizing training and choosing methods of influencing the student’s personality;

Knowledge of home education techniques and pedagogical techniques, their application in communication with the class.

Personal competencies:

Socially significant experience of communicating with others;

Communication skills taking into account the age characteristics of children;

Personal independence (formation of universal human values);

Professional successful destiny;

Favorable psychological environment in the family: peace of mind, home comfort, faith in the child;

Trusting relationships with students.

The decision of the teachers' council:

1. Recognize school self-government as a factor contributing to the development of a competitive personality.

2. Approve the “Student Self-Government” program and put it into effect from 09/01/2015.

3. In order to teach students the basics of self-government, create a “Leader” school in the 2015-2016 academic year.

4. Heads of the class teachers’ educational organization, by 06/01/2015, develop a work plan for the “Leader” school for the 2015-2016 academic year.

5. The Deputy Director for VR, by 06/01/2015, prepare an action plan for the 2015-2016 academic year to attract parents of students to the organization of school self-government.

6. Study the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations,” which regulates the activities of a children’s public organization, as well as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” which proclaims the principle of school self-government, including with the participation of schoolchildren.

6. Put on the internal school register: Vladislav Usoltseva (6th grade) Speech by the Deputy Director for HR Semenova G.N.

In modern methodological literature, student self-government is understood as a form of organizing the life activities of a group of students, ensuring the development of their independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals.

Student self-government is an opportunity for students themselves to plan, organize their activities and sum up their results, participate in solving issues of school life, and conduct events that interest them. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of your personality, gain experience in communicating, overcoming difficulties, experience responsibility for your actions, and master social experience.

This experience will be especially meaningful to society if it is consistent with Principle 10 of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child: To raise future citizens in the full consciousness that their energies and abilities should be devoted to service for the benefit of others.

The topic of self-government is very relevant for us, since school should teach not only science. But it should also teach a person to be independent, to do good deeds, to be responsible for his actions, to make decisions, to protect his rights. Students should come to a school that can prepare them for life in a changing environment. And if a school does not have self-government, then it is unlikely that it can keep up with the times.

In the process of developing student self-government, trends have emerged: the more actively a student participates in self-government, the higher the level of his independence and responsibility as the highest indicators of his personal growth.

Classroom self-government helps to find areas of personal and socially useful activity for children, determine the range of their responsibilities, strengthens the sphere of friendly relations, conveys the experience of democratic relations: personal responsibility, the desire for agreement, freedom of opinion, change of positions (executive leader), helps to take into account the opinions of everyone and minorities, helps students develop independent work skills.

The level of the staff of the educational institution is the presidential council. The most active students in grades 9-11, who enjoy authority among their comrades and are capable of leading, are elected to the Presidential Council. Every high school student has the opportunity to propose his candidacy for the Presidential Council. The student assembly reviews nominations and elects.

We consider the development of student self-government as part of the system of civic education, which has become very important. The objectives of civic education are to educate a leader, teach democratic communication, the ability to work in a team, and develop creative abilities. We want our children to understand the needs and requirements of society and, through student self-government, to be able to realize and compare themselves with the demands that society puts forward.

The concept and development program of our school states that the school is focused on the training, education and development of each child, taking into account his individual characteristics. In the annual plan, one of the main ones is the section of educational work.

In our school, children's self-government is represented by a combined administrative and gaming model. It is headed by the school president, who will tell you in more detail about the activities of the school Duma. There are a total of 8 ministries in the school, each of which is headed by a minister. Each ministry has its own functionality and tasks. Issues related to the activities of self-government are considered at meetings of ministries (occasionally: the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Minister E. Mitina) meets weekly to sum up the results of school duty, the Thrifty Ministry (supervisor Ryzhova N.V.) regularly conducts raids on the condition of textbooks), the most important student government body - school conference or meeting. (not carried out) The activities of student self-government bodies of the first and second levels are regulated by the Regulations: on the Cabinet of Ministers.

Class teachers are responsible for organizing school-wide events according to the schedule. The school government does not take part in this. Councils of affairs are not created, plans are developed and their implementation is controlled not by the children themselves, but directly by the deputy director for VR Semnova G.N., counselor Mitina E.A. and the responsible class teacher.

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The level of development of school student self-government can be defined as a level between average and low.

3) Self-government at the first level (classroom student self-government) is poorly developed.

With a high level of organization of classroom self-government, the class is able to create a council for any task, organize and monitor its implementation, each student in the class is actively involved in the task. Such teams are friendly, there are no “black sheep” in them, children are tolerant of each other, live by the principle “one for all and all for one,” and actively participate in all school events.

According to the class teachers and the students themselves, there are no such groups at school.

The average level of organization of class student self-government, when children, on the instructions of the class teacher, gather themselves and develop an action plan, give out instructions, but they themselves cannot, or cannot always control their implementation in 5 (class teacher Butsko Yu.D.), 6 (cl. teacher Chekashova I.V.), 8A (cl. teacher Shepeleva G.A.), 10 (cl. teacher Shchigolev I.E.) In other classes, self-government is at a low level of development. In grades 7, 8B, 9, 11, class teachers themselves distribute assignments and control their implementation. The 8B grade team found itself aloof from the social life of the school; here, individual students take part in general school affairs; no social work is carried out in the class.

It should be noted that in response to the survey question “how do you plan work in the classroom,” most students answered that they do not take part in planning class activities; all work is planned by the class teacher. Class teachers also, in most cases, make decisions or make recommendations on the distribution of social assignments.

–  –  –

“Total” pedagogical errors Mixing organizational forms of children's activity: children's social organization and student self-government.

Often student self-government is replaced by a children's public organization.

The influence of past experience is felt, when in the Soviet school all matters, including in the field of school management, were handled by the Komsomol committee and the council of the pioneer squad. But today, when there is (should not be) a single social organization for all children, especially within schools, student self-government has become an independent social and pedagogical phenomenon.

Student self-government is another pedagogical phenomenon that can and should be autonomous. It exists on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, and children's public organizations are based on the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations”. The legislator separated these two forms of children's activity, so we should not contradict the requirements of the laws.

Recommendations: Carefully study the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations,” which regulates the activities of a children’s public organization, as well as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education,” which proclaims the principle of school self-government, including with the participation of schoolchildren.

When creating student self-government, observe the principle of equal opportunities for those schoolchildren who are not members of a children's public organization.

Consider children's public organizations as the main partners in the development of student self-government.

Our task is to teach the child social skills:

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Student self-government bodies at school represent one of the forms of children's self-development, and like any development, it requires certain conditions.

The conditions are known:

The presence of personally and socially significant activities. After all, A.S. Makarenko said that activity gives rise to self-government, and not vice versa.

Adult presence and support. If elders leave children to their own devices and leave them without support, any children’s independence will fade away: children’s independence is one of the forms of dependence of the younger generation on the older one.

Socially valuable feelings and experiences that are infinitely significant for children, which in essence educate.

What ways to go towards creating viable self-government bodies:

Find areas of school activity that are useful for the school and meaningful for students Make these areas emotionally rich and interesting Provide pedagogical support and assistance

What areas can be given to the children:

Leisure, school evenings, discos, holidays, KTD Activities of the school press Sports and sporting events Timurov’s work Cleaning the school grounds, self-service in the canteen Real participation of children in teacher councils, conferences, parent committees (it is necessary that the children believe that their opinion can influence management decisions of the administration, teachers).

With this approach, self-government in school is possible, moreover, it is necessary. We will be able to educate the subjects of our own lives only if, at the very beginning of their lives, the children feel, understand and believe that they can do something, are capable of something. Only in a community of his own kind does a child better understand the rules of society, himself, learn to build relationships, and equip himself with more diverse ways of self-expression.

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Self-government as a condition for the formation of an active life position of students in the school communitySelf-government as a condition for the formation of an active life position of students in the school team

Malashenko Elena Ivanovna,
Deputy Director
Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 45 of Belgorod"

“Wisdom is not about ruling others, but about ruling yourself. Greatness does not consist in having power and position, but in developing your abilities - and then you will find the whole world in yourself. Happiness does not consist in having wealth and holding a high position, but in harmony.”
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher

According to the Concept of Modernization of the Russian Education System, it is necessary to expand the subjectivity of participants in the educational process, and therefore the teaching staff of the school considers student self-government as an integral part of the state and public management of an educational institution.

Today we live in an era of democracy and individual freedom. A modern student must learn to be a free citizen, that is, a responsible, independent active member of society. But how can you learn to present and defend your opinion, the opinion of a small citizen? And not only to defend what, in general, many people know how to do, but, most importantly, to bear responsibility for it! School self-government provides the best opportunity to raise a citizen with an active life position. Schoolchildren in self-government do not just help teachers in educational work. First of all, they have the opportunity for self-development, self-education, and have the opportunity to form a civic position!

Student self-government is independence in taking initiative, making decisions, and implementing them in the interests of their team. In everyday life, self-government of students is expressed in planning and organizing the activities of their team, analyzing their work, summing up what has been done and making appropriate decisions. Since we are talking about carrying out educational work in the conditions of a pedagogical educational institution, its meaning is to contribute to the formation of not only personal qualities, but also the qualities necessary for future professional activity. That is, the self-governing activities of the educational group should contribute to the formation of each student’s experience and skills, readiness for life in the future work team.

Over the past few years, the teaching staff of our school has been paying special attention to the development of student self-government in the school community. And it is no coincidence: the strategic aspirations of the school, aimed at forming a person who knows how to build a decent life in a decent society, required the education and development in students of such qualities as creative initiative, the ability to set goals and achieve them, independence, responsibility for themselves and others. Student self-government develops leadership qualities in students and makes the life of classrooms and school groups interesting.

A school is a large and complex organism, the effectiveness of which largely depends on the support of teachers on the student community, which would take on the function of regulating the social life of students. It is through participation and work in such a community, through active activity, that the student gains useful experience and acquires the necessary skills to implement his own ideas.
The purpose of student self-government is to create conditions for the development of leadership qualities, self-realization and socialization of students.

1. Build a structure of student self-government where student involvement in management would be maximum.
2. Determine the rights and powers of each structural component.
3. Create a training system for student government bodies.
4. Provide the necessary logistical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological support to student government bodies.

A special place in the structure of self-government is occupied by the school-wide conference - the highest body of children's power. She solves priority issues in the life of the school community, shapes public opinion, a responsible attitude to work, and unites the team. Our children's organization is a team of children who strive for self-development and self-realization.

The basic principles of the organization’s life: we plan things ourselves, we organize them ourselves, we carry them out ourselves, we sum them up ourselves. Monitoring conducted among high school students who have experience working in student government indicates that they have managerial skills and a creative approach to any activity; constructiveness of communication, self-determination.
We consider self-government of schoolchildren as a necessary form of managing the educational process at school, a factor influencing the formation and development of personality. Such student communities in our school include the school student council (SC).

This model of student self-government has been implemented in our educational institution for the fourth year. It consists of representatives of grades 8–11 (2 people per class).
Coordination centers are formed from the school student council:
— knowledge center (organizes participation in olympiads, competitions, DNO conferences; analyzes the results of attendance and academic performance);
— sports center (organizes and conducts sports competitions, sports festivals and health hikes);
— a center for cleanliness and order (organizes class duty around the school, holding “School Yard” and “Clean City” events);
- care center (coordinates the activities of the Timurov school detachment, organizes the campaigns “A veteran lives nearby”, “The warmth of our hearts is for you, soldier of Russia”, “Hurry to do good”);
— press center (organizes the publication of the school small-circulation newspaper “Life-Giving Spring”);
— leisure center (manages the organization of holidays and evenings, distributes assignments for preparing events among class groups, organizes the decoration of holidays, accepts requests and wishes from students about cultural outings and excursions). The following events became memorable: “Miss and Mister Autumn”, “New Year’s Fantasies”, the alumni meeting evening “In a certain kingdom, in the 45th state”, the chess tournament “Grandfathers and Grandsons” as part of the Week of the Elderly.

In all spheres of social life, serious changes are taking place, which affect a wide range of relations between society and the individual. Changes require new approaches to organizing the activities of participants in the pedagogical process. This search affects not only the content of education, but also the very structure of relations between teachers and students, between the administration of the educational institution and members of the teaching staff. The basis of these relations is cooperation and equal partnership. Therefore, it is no coincidence that issues of education, social development of modern youth, and development of the self-government system are among the priority areas of state youth policy.

The main goal of educational work is to create a humane educational environment for the development and self-development of the individual. When drawing up a comprehensive program, it was taken into account that education is considered as a pedagogical component of the process of human socialization, which involves targeted actions to create conditions for the development of a creative personality and the formation of leadership qualities. This process ensures his readiness to participate in a complex system of social relations in the economic, political and spiritual spheres. An integral condition for the ideological and moral education of students is the development of a sense of compassion and the desire to protect those who need help. With the active participation of the self-government center “Help, Care, Order”, “Mercy” campaigns are organized for the children of the Orphanage and Children’s Home of Belgorod, and assistance is provided to the elderly and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The “Health and Sports” and “Leisure” centers promote the organization of events aimed at introducing students to a healthy lifestyle, developing the talent and creativity of gifted youth, nurturing an active life position, and promoting the formation of communication skills and abilities. As part of the work of the Patriot Club, interesting events are held that give students the opportunity to show initiative and creativity. Creative groups, the Udaltsy folk dance ensemble, and folk crafts groups were awarded diplomas and prizes at regional and city festivals, folk art exhibitions, competitions and shows. The Children's Scientific Society of Students (CSS) unites the most active part of schoolchildren engaged in research activities. DNR participants speak at conferences and seminars, which contributes to the development of students’ research skills and abilities. Its participants are winners of All-Russian, regional and city competitions and Olympiads.
The most significant moment in the work was the victory of the first chairman of the US Kalyuzhny, Denis, in the All-Russian competition for student government leaders (2007).
In modern society, a person with a positive attitude towards himself, possessing the skills and abilities of social communication and teamwork is socially successful. These skills are manifested and developed as a result of personal experience, and the more this experience, the more confident a person feels. Everyone wants to be heard, but being able to express one’s position on any issue is not enough; a person must be aware of responsibility for the decisions he makes and take into account the opinions and suggestions expressed. Therefore, it is very important to involve students in the process of student self-government.

One of the main goals of our children's organization is to prepare children for life in society. This can only be done if the guys are involved in real civilian practice. The possibilities of school self-government in this regard are very great. After all, if a student participates in the management of his educational institution, tries to improve the life of his class, school, then this is a colossal experience for him.