Which is good for a Russian. What's great for a Russian is death for a German

What is good for a Russian is death for a German

The expression “Balzac age” arose after the publication of Balzac’s novel “A Woman of Thirty” and is acceptable in relation to women no older 40 years.

Tyutelka is a diminutive of the dialect tyutya (“blow, hit”), the name for an exact hit with an ax in the same place during carpentry work. Today, to denote high accuracy, the expression “tail to neck” is used.

The most experienced and strong barge hauler, walking first in the strap, was called a cone. This evolved into the expression "big shot" to refer to an important person.

Previously, Friday was a day off from work, and, as a result, a market day. On Friday, when they received the goods, they promised to give the money due for it on the next market day. Since then, to refer to people who do not fulfill their promises, they say: “He has seven Fridays in a week.”

In French, “assiet” is both a plate and a mood, a state. Presumably, an erroneous translation of the French expression caused the appearance of the phraseological unit “out of place.”

One day, a young doctor, invited to see a hopelessly ill Russian boy, allowed him to eat whatever he wanted. The boy ate pork and cabbage and, to the surprise of those around him, began to recover. After this incident, the doctor prescribed pork and cabbage to a sick German boy, but he ate it and died the next day. According to one version, it is this story that underlies the emergence of the expression “what is good for a Russian is death for a German.”

When the son of the Roman emperor Vespasian reproached him for introducing a tax on public latrines, the emperor showed him the money received from this tax and asked if it smelled. Having received a negative answer, Vespasian said: “But they are from urine.” This is where the expression “money doesn’t smell” comes from.

The opening of the nail-like Eiffel Tower was timed to coincide with the 1889 World Exhibition in Paris, which created a sensation. Since then, the expression “highlight of the program” has entered the language.

The expression “the game is not worth the candle” came from the speech of gamblers, who spoke this way about a very small win that does not pay for the cost of the candles that burned out during the game.

In the old days, village women used a special rolling pin to “roll” their laundry after washing. Well-rolled laundry turned out to be wrung out, ironed and clean, even if the wash was not of very high quality. Today, to denote achieving a goal by any means, the expression “by scraping, by skiing” is used.

In the 17th century, by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the distances between Moscow and the royal summer residence in the village of Kolomenskoye were re-measured and very high milestones were installed. Since then, tall and thin people have been called “Verst Kolomenskaya”.

“One scientist, having bought 20 ducks, immediately ordered one of them to be cut into small pieces, which he fed to the rest of the birds. A few minutes later he did the same with another duck, and so on, until one remained, which thus devoured 19 of its friends.” This note was published in the newspaper by the Belgian humorist Cornelissen to mock the gullibility of the public. Since then, according to one version, false news has been called “newspaper ducks.”

Photo from the website www.m.simplycars.ru.

22.11.2011 11:26:30

How are Russians different from Germans? At first glance, the question is stupid. After all, people living in different countries, completely different mentality. It is generally accepted that Germans are neat, hardworking, punctual, and love order in everything. I remember for the rest of my life how our school teacher, German by nationality, in the first lesson German language wrote on the board “Ordnung muss sein”, which translated means “There must be order.” At the same time, he looked at us so sternly that subsequently we behaved very quietly during his lessons.

The mentality of Russians is completely different. We can say that we are the antipodes of the Germans. It’s not for nothing that the saying “What’s good for a Russian is death for a German” was invented. Russians for the most part are lazy, they can allow themselves, as they say, to lie on the stove and spit at the ceiling, again, they love freebies, which is completely unusual for the Germans.

However, despite the obvious differences, we have a lot in common. It is not without reason that strong friendly ties have long been established between Russia and Germany. In both countries, Russian-German friendship societies operate successfully, and exchanges between schoolchildren and students are practiced. Also, some Russian schoolchildren and students study German, and in some educational institutions Germany is taught Russian.

Friendship is friendship, however, as I had to see, not all Russians and Germans have a positive attitude towards each other... In different countries I found myself in similar situations, from which I drew two conclusions for myself. First: when traveling abroad, Russians and Germans behave in exactly the same way when they think that no one knows their language. Second: some representatives of Russia and Germany really do not like each other.

One story happened to me in Germany. German friends invited me to the show military equipment. We arrived at the military unit where the day was spent open doors. Everyone could walk around the unit, see the conditions in which the soldiers lived, and also get acquainted with the arsenal. This, of course, surprised me very much, because this does not happen in Russia. Entrance to military units is closed to civilians, and even more so to foreigners.

When we arrived at the military unit, there was a long line in front of the entrance. But she moved very quickly. Standing in this line, I was very surprised when I heard Russian speech. At first this made me happy, because at that time I had lived in Germany for almost a month and was tired of the German language. However, then the behavior of the Russians outraged me.

My compatriots were standing not far from us, so I heard their conversation clearly. They said something like this:

These Germans are sick of me. They stand like sheep in this line. No one even tries to jump the line. Everything is too correct, it’s infuriating. Everything about them is not like people...

True, it sounded much ruder, and there were obscene expressions.

Having become quite indignant about the “wrong” line, they began to discuss the people who stood in front of them. Again in a rude manner. Someone was called “fat”, someone “freak”... Naturally, it was unpleasant to listen to them.

When my German friends asked what they were talking about, I was honestly confused. She said that they were unhappy that the line was too long. And the thought flashed through my head to approach my rude compatriots and ask them to behave decently. But I never made up my mind. Or maybe I was afraid that they would pour a bucket of dirt on me too...

It so happened that, leaving the military unit, we again found ourselves next to those same Russians from the queue. This time they loudly discussed how stupid the Germans were for showing off their military equipment to “just anyone.” At the same time, they didn’t even have a thought that there might be Germans walking nearby who studied Russian and who might be offended by such statements...

After leaving the military unit, we went to the cemetery where Russian soldiers were buried during World War II. However, we were unable to get to the cemetery itself. It was surrounded by a high fence, and there was a guard at the gate. My German friends explained that this cemetery is opened once a year - on May 9th. On other days it does not work and is under guard, as there have been several cases of radical young people destroying monuments and desecrating graves.

“Probably, our compatriots are to blame for this, who publicly allow themselves to insult the citizens of the country in which they are guests...” I thought, but did not say out loud...

Another story happened in Turkey, where, as you know, tourists from Russia and Germany like to vacation. They are the majority there. So, my friends and I decided to go on a yacht. True, the tickets were purchased at a street travel agency, and not from a hotel guide, whose prices were twice as high. As a result, we ended up on a yacht where there was practically no free seats. To raise more money, they loaded a lot onto the yacht more people than it should be. Moreover, there were approximately the same number of Russian and German tourists.

Interestingly, the Russians had fun, danced, and took part in various competitions. The Germans at this time sat with dissatisfied faces. They were clearly strained by this proximity.

It so happened that a German campaign settled next to us. Two young women with children. While their children were having fun and playing with Russian children, the mothers were heatedly discussing something. At first I somehow didn’t listen to their dialogue, but then I suddenly became interested. After all, at school I studied German, and listening to live foreign speech, you can refresh your knowledge.

However, after listening to their words, I regretted being with them. After all, their dialogue went something like this:

It's good here...

Yes, everything would be fine, but there are only a lot of Russians...

After that, they began to discuss how disgustingly the Russians behave, how they interfere with their rest. And then they began to ridicule the shortcomings of the people around them... I immediately remembered the compatriots I met in Germany...

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IN modern wars and local military conflicts, a significant role is assigned to special reconnaissance and sabotage operations carried out on enemy territory. For such operations, the armies of developed countries around the world have units and units special purpose. They are designed for covert penetration and combat missions both in the enemy’s front-line zone and in his deep rear; conducting reconnaissance for a long time and, if necessary, destroying important military targets of the enemy, as well as performing other specific tasks. The main tasks of special forces are to conduct reconnaissance and sabotage operations against important government and military targets of the enemy in order to obtain necessary information, inflicting military, economic and moral damage on him, disorganizing military command and control, disrupting the work of the rear and a number of other tasks.

VSS sniper rifle (top) and special AS machine gun (bottom)

To equip special purpose units formed in the Soviet Union by the 1970s–1980s - several brigades and separate battalions special purpose, as well as special units KGB and Ministry of Internal Affairs; reconnaissance units of motorized rifle, tank, airborne divisions and connections Marine Corps The Soviet Army and Navy needed effective covert weapons different types and purposes, including small-sized and silent small arms.
One of such means for domestic special forces was a unified system of silent small arms, developed at TsNIITOCHMASH in the 1980s. It included a special sniper complex, consisting of a 9-mm special VSS sniper rifle, a 9-mm special AS machine gun and special 9-mm cartridges.
This complex emerged as a result of intensifying confrontation between the Soviet Union and the West in the 1960s and 1970s. The expansion at this time of the geography of undeclared wars and local military conflicts, which were fought on almost all continents, required more and more new types of special weapons to successfully fight our potential opponents, including for defeating enemy personnel equipped with weapons at short distances. personal protection.

A significant disadvantage of domestic models of silent rifle first generation, which by this time were in service with the Soviet special forces, had relatively low, compared to general-purpose weapons, combat and service-operational characteristics - effective firing range, lethal and penetrating effect of a bullet, weight and size characteristics. As a result, existing samples silent weapons could not fully replace the standard combined arms weapon and were, in essence, only an addition to the standard models of special forces weapons. These samples are automatic small arms were equipped with special muzzle devices for silent and flameless shooting, so-called “silencers”, and their cartridges were modified to increase the mass of the bullet and reduce its initial speed to subsonic. However, since the most important condition Since the execution of combat missions by special forces units on enemy territory was due to the secrecy of actions, the use of weapons with small unmasking factors of a shot - sound, flame and smoke, i.e., “silent” weapons, acquired particular importance in carrying out such operations. In addition, when by the end of the 1970s the combat missions of special forces changed significantly, the insufficient effectiveness of certain types of special (silent) weapons and ammunition for them was revealed.

It was at this time, in accordance with the state program for the development of weapons and military equipment, that the beginning of research and development work (R&D) to develop the concept and create unified system silent small arms to replace certain types of special weapons, which were then in service with special forces units of the Soviet Army and the KGB.

The implementation of this work was entrusted to the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering (TSNIITOCHMASH) in Klimovsk, with the leading role of the KGB Research Institute of the USSR together with the Main Intelligence Directorate General Staff Armed forces of the USSR. Soviet gunsmiths approached the solution of the task in a comprehensive manner. The creation of a unified silent small arms system was planned to be carried out through the development of new designs; reducing the range of special weapons and ammunition, developing the necessary types of similar weapons designed for standardized cartridges.
After analyzing typical tactical tasks solved by special forces units and conducting a number of different research work It was decided to create several silent rifle systems for all special forces, including a sniper system, which would include three main components: “weapon - ammunition - sight.”


In 1983, requirements were developed for a new special sniper complex (received the code “Vintorez”). This weapon was supposed to ensure the covert destruction of enemy personnel at ranges of up to 400 m, including personal ammunition protection equipment. Decide similar task it was possible only with the use of a new cartridge with a heavy bullet, which would have sufficient lethality and high accuracy of combat over the entire target range of up to 400 m. Sniper shooting at such a range required the creation of new optical (day) and electro-optical (night) sights.

Incomplete disassembly of the VSS sniper rifle

Since the special forces had to carry all the necessary equipment to carry out combat missions behind enemy lines, the new weapons were subject to very stringent requirements in terms of weight and dimensions. In addition, to carry out a series special operations such a rifle had to be disassembled into small-sized main components, which made it possible to covertly carry it and quickly transfer it to a combat position.
Based on the requirements, research on the topic “Vintorez” was carried out by Klimov gunsmiths in the following directions:
– testing the technical feasibility of ensuring effective shooting range from a silent sniper rifle (i.e., shooting at a range of 400 m, at which the probability of hitting the target should be at least 0.8);
– choice of the principle of muffling the sound of a shot and reducing its fiery intensity;
– development of a design diagram for a sniper cartridge with a subsonic bullet speed, ensuring the specified accuracy when firing, damaging effect and reliable operation of the automation;

– design of the cartridge and justification of its main design parameters;
– development of a design scheme for automatic weapons that ensures the desired accuracy of fire; gunshot sound level; reliable operation of automation; weight and dimensions characteristics;
– design of a sniper rifle;
– development of new optical sights.

The design of a special sniper complex at TsNIITOCHMASH began with the creation of a new automatic cartridge designed to defeat enemy personnel in specific conditions.
The main problem that the Klimov designers had to solve was solving the issue of sound and shot suppression.

The intensity of the sound of a shot depends on the muzzle pressure of the powder gases. In addition, the bullet itself, if it has a supersonic initial speed(more than 330 m/s), also generates a shock (ballistic) wave. All this unmasks the shooter's firing position. To eliminate the sound from the ballistic wave, a weapon with a silencer must have a subsonic muzzle velocity. However, the lower the speed of the bullet, the less its damaging effect and the worse the flatness of the trajectory, which significantly reduces the effective firing range. Thus, in special small arms for hidden use, two incompatible properties had to be combined - the required effective firing range and the sufficient destructive effect of the bullet at its relatively low initial speed. Moreover, suppressing a shot in such a sniper complex could only be achieved using silencers and a subsonic initial speed.

The result of this work was a new 7.62 mm experimental cartridge, consisting of a 7.62 x 54 mm 7 N1 sniper rifle cartridge bullet and a 7.62 x 25 mm TT pistol cartridge case. This cartridge satisfied the requirements of the tactical and technical specifications (TTZ) for the Vintorez in terms of accuracy, but its bullet did not provide the necessary lethal effect. In addition, when developing a new sniper cartridge, it was taken into account that in the future, increased requirements for the penetrating effect of a bullet may be imposed on a silent automatic system in the near future. During the work, the issue of unifying the sniper rifle and machine gun in terms of the ammunition used was also considered.

Further work on the promising ammunition was aimed at creating a fundamentally new cartridge design. A group of specialists from TsNIITOCHMASH under the leadership of Vladimir Fedorovich Krasnikov developed another 7.62 mm sniper cartridge with a subsonic (300 m/s) bullet speed, which received the index “RG037”, based on the 5.45 x 39 mm machine gun cartridge case. Its bullet was structurally made according to the bullet pattern of the 7 N1 rifle sniper cartridge. Its external shape was determined taking into account the external ballistics requirements for subsonic bullets. The new sniper cartridge had a length of 46 mm, a total weight of 16 g, a bullet weight of 10.6 g and had excellent accuracy. Thus, at a range of 100 m for this cartridge, R50 was 4 cm, and at 400 m - 16.5 cm. However, the new RGO37 cartridge did not allow one to confidently hit enemy personnel in anti-fragmentation vests at a direct shot range of 400 m.

A silent sniper rifle was designed for the 7.62 mm RGO37 cartridge, which received the index “RG036”. The leading designer of the rifle was Pyotr Ivanovich Serdyukov.

The selected automatic operation scheme with a gas engine and rigid locking of the barrel bore when turning the bolt ensured reliable operation of the rifle in different conditions operation. A combined silencer, consisting of a chamber muzzle silencer with obliquely located separator partitions and an expansion chamber for partial discharge of powder gases from the barrel, reduced the sound level of a shot to a value similar to a 9-mm PB pistol.

But despite the fact that the 7.62-mm sniper complex consisting of the RG036 rifle and the RG037 cartridge passed preliminary tests, further work it was discontinued because by the end of 1985 the USSR Ministry of Defense Industry was approving new requirements for a special machine gun complex - another element of the silent weapon system. Based on the TTZ, it was necessary to create a weapon that would make it possible to confidently hit group targets (manpower) protected by type 6 B2 body armor (III protection class) at a range of up to 400 m. The requirements for the machine gun were also high requirements by noiselessness of firing, including automatic fire. It was assumed that for ease of carrying it would have a folding stock; in addition, it would be possible to equip it with various optical sights. Therefore, it was clearly necessary to unify the sniper and machine gun systems in terms of the ammunition used.

20-round magazines for a special AC assault rifle with 10-round clips with 9 x 39 mm special cartridges (from left to right): 7 Н12; SP. 6; SP. 5

Based on the new tasks, the designers were able to correctly assess that the 7.62-mm RG037 cartridge bullet would not be able to defeat manpower protected by advanced personal protective equipment. In accordance with this, the requirements for the silent sniper complex themselves were revised.

Therefore, the designers of TsNIITOCHMASH N.V. Zabelin and L.S. Dvoryaninova had to begin work on creating a new 9x39-mm special sniper cartridge SP based on the cartridge case of the 7.62-mm automatic cartridge of the 1943 model. 5 (index 7 N8) with a heavy bullet weighing 16.2 g (with a subsonic initial speed of 290 m/s). This bullet was more than twice as heavy as the 7.62 x 39 mm cartridge from 1943 and almost five times as heavy as the 5.45 x 39 mm machine gun cartridge.

SP cartridge bullet. 5 had a composite core: a steel head (with a truncated top with a diameter of 0.5 mm) and a lead core, rolled into a bimetallic shell. A steel core was placed in its nose to increase the penetrating effect of the bullet. The lead core not only gave the bullet the necessary mass, but also ensured that it would cut into the rifling of the barrel. The pointed ogival shape of the bullet provided it with good ballistic properties when flying at subsonic speeds. Despite the subsonic initial speed, a bullet with such a mass had significant kinetic energy - at departure it was about 60 kgm, and at a distance of 450 m - 45 kgm. This was quite enough to reliably destroy manpower wearing light personal protective equipment. Tests have shown that at a distance of up to 400 m the bullet of the SP cartridge. 5 has enough energy to penetrate a 2-mm steel sheet while maintaining the necessary lethal effect. Weight of SP cartridge. 5–32.2 g, cartridge length – 56 mm, cartridge bullet length – 36 mm.
Distinctive coloring of the bullet of SP cartridges. 5 do not have. Only on the corking cardboard boxes of 10 rounds was the inscription “Sniper” applied.

Already in 1987 new sample special sniper weapon, created on the basis of RG036, and re-barrel for the 9-mm SP cartridge. 5 (known under the code name “Vintorez”), are adopted by special forces units of the KGB of the USSR and reconnaissance and sabotage units of the Soviet Armed Forces under the designation “special sniper rifle” (VSS) index 6 P29.

The new weapon, which is a group means of covert attack and defense, was intended for hitting targets with sniper fire in conditions requiring silent and flameless shooting at open enemy personnel (destruction of enemy command personnel, his reconnaissance groups, observers and sentries), as well as for withdrawal from building surveillance devices, elements of military equipment and destroying unarmored equipment at ranges up to 400 m.

The VSS rifle consisted of: a barrel with a receiver; muffler with sighting devices; butt; bolt frame with gas piston; shutter; return mechanism; impact mechanism; trigger mechanism; forend; gas tube; receiver and magazine covers.

The automation of the VSS sniper rifle worked on the principle of removing powder gases from the barrel. Locking was carried out by rotating the bolt around its axis by 6 lugs. The safety box, located on the right side of the receiver at the same time, covered the groove for the reloading handle, preventing dust and dirt from getting inside. The fire type translator is mounted inside the trigger guard, behind the trigger. When it moves horizontally to the right, single fire is conducted, and when it moves to the left, automatic shooting occurs. The reloading handle is located with right side receiver. Sighting devices consisted of an open sector sight mounted on the muffler body and designed for a firing range of up to 420 m, and a front sight in the muffler. Food was supplied from a plastic box magazine with a double-row arrangement with a capacity of 10 rounds. The butt is a wooden frame type with a rubber butt.

The trigger mechanism of the VSS rifle ensured high firing accuracy with single shots. The striking mechanism with a separate mainspring allowed both single and automatic fire.
Single fire is the main one for the VSS sniper rifle; it is characterized high accuracy. When firing single shots from a prone position from a rest position at a distance of 100 m in a series of 5 shots, R 50 was 4 cm, and at 400 m – R 50–16.5 cm. At the same time, continuous fire in bursts can be used in case of a sudden meeting with the enemy at short distances, or when it becomes necessary to hit a target that is not clearly visible. Taking into account that the capacity of the VSS rifle magazine is only 10 rounds, therefore automatic fire, as a rule, can be fired in short bursts of 2–4 shots, and exceptional cases– one continuous burst until the cartridges in the magazine are used up.

A reduction in the sound of a shot (up to 130 decibels at a distance of 3 meters from the muzzle - corresponds to the sound level when fired from a small-caliber rifle) was achieved along with a special “integrated type” muffler with a powder gas flow separator using the SP sniper cartridge. 5 with optimal ballistic characteristics. The “integrated” silencer made it possible to significantly reduce the overall length of the weapon.

Controls of the VSS sniper rifle

Along with this, the capabilities of the VSS rifle have been significantly expanded by a whole range of sights, both optical and night vision. At the request of the customer, sniper rifles were equipped with various sights: for the KGB - optical daytime 1 P43 (allowing for targeted shooting at 400 m in the daytime) and night unilluminated 1 PN75 (MBNP-1), in the dark, designed for a range of up to 300 m; and for GRU special forces - respectively - daytime PSO-1-1 and PO 4 x34 and night - 1 PN51 (NSPU-3). Especially by order of the state security authorities, to ensure concealed carrying, the rifle can be disassembled into three units (barrel with a silencer, receiver with a trigger mechanism and butt) and, together with the sight and magazines, is packed in a “Diplomat” type suitcase with dimensions of 450 x 370 x 140 mm, and the time required to transfer the weapon from the transport position to the combat position is no more than one minute.

The VSS rifle kit includes a bag for carrying a sight, four magazines, spare parts, and a bag for carrying the rifle.

After the appearance of the SP cartridge. 6 its use in the VSS sniper rifle made it possible to defeat enemy personnel even at the maximum range of aimed fire, and at a distance of 100 m - in body armor up to protection class II inclusive (according to modern classification), which put it on a par with the most formidable types of infantry small arms.

VSS sniper rifle with a tactical flashlight (top) and a special AS machine gun (bottom) (right view)

In 2000, teachers of the Combined Arms Military Academy named after. Frunze and its branch, the Shot Course, Colonels V.V. Korablin and A.A. Lovi published in the brochure “Modern Small Arms of Russia” a review of the combat use of these weapons, allowing for a more complete assessment high quality VSS sniper rifle: “The commander of a motorized rifle company of one of the regiments operating in 1995 in the mountainous region of Yarysh-Mordy south of Grozny, now Major V. A. Lukashov, according to personal experience considers VSS good addition to standard weapons of motorized rifle units in those conditions. His company operated in isolation from the main forces of the unit and conducted reconnaissance of the enemy with its own forces and means. The company was supplied with several sets of VSS rifles. The commander of the group allocated for reconnaissance - usually the company commander himself or one of the platoon commanders - was armed, in addition to the standard machine gun, with a VSS rifle and carried it on his back on a belt. When during reconnaissance it was necessary to hit an individual target at a distance of up to 400 m, a silent shot from the VSS did not allow the enemy to detect the group. This weapon was also successfully used in other cases that required silent and flameless shooting.”


The VSS sniper rifle turned out to be such a successful example of a special small arms weapon that P.I. Serdyukov, at the same time, based on it, is developing another set of silent weapons on the topic “Val”. The new complex included: a special AS assault rifle, which is a modernized version of Vintorez, and a special SP cartridge. 6 with a bullet of increased penetration.

Special AS machine gun with folded butt (left view)

At TsNIITOCHMASH, for the Val automatic complex, designer Yu. Z. Frolov and technologist E. S. Kornilova developed a fundamentally new special cartridge SP. 6 (index 7 N9) with an armor-piercing bullet (with a bare core). This bullet had a higher penetrating effect than the bullet from the SP cartridge. 5. Designed to defeat manpower protected by splinterproof vests up to III class protection inclusive (according to modern classification), as well as unarmored vehicles at a distance of up to 400 m, it ensured 100% penetration of a 6-mm sheet of special steel at a firing range of 100 m, and at ranges of up to 400 m - 2-mm steel sheet ( a steel army helmet (helmet) or a steel sheet 1.6 mm thick and a 25 mm pine board while maintaining a sufficient lethal blocking effect, which is equivalent to the penetrating effect of the American 5.56 mm M16 A1 automatic rifle, 7.62 mm AKM assault rifle and 5.45 mm AK 74.

Ballistic characteristics of SP cartridges. 5 and SP. 6 are close to each other, so both cartridges can be used in weapons with the same scope. Accuracy of SP cartridge bullets. 5 higher than that of bullets from the SP cartridge. 6.
The design of the bullets, their penetrating effect and ballistics also determined the purpose of these cartridges: for sniper shooting at openly located unprotected personnel, SP cartridges are usually used. 5, and for hitting targets wearing personal protective equipment located in vehicles or behind light shelters - SP cartridges. 6.

SP cartridge bullet. 6 consisted of a steel core, a lead jacket and a bimetallic shell. Due to its design, the bullet of the SP cartridge. 6 had a higher penetrating effect than the SP cartridge bullet. 5. Heavy bullet SP. 6 had a bimetallic shell with a rear cone and a pointed heat-strengthened steel core protruding 6.5 mm (7.5 mm in diameter) in a lead jacket. The steel core of this bullet was significantly longer than that of the SP cartridge bullet. 5. The length of the leading part of the SP bullet. 6 was reduced to 10 mm by a shoulder that formed a cylindrical centering section (9 mm in diameter and 6 mm in length), so the nose of the bullet protruded from the shell. The core had an ogive head and a posterior cone. Bullet weight – 15.6 g. SP cartridge bullet. 6 had a mass of 15.6 g, a core mass of 10.4 g, and a cartridge mass of 32.0 g. The cartridge length was 56 mm, and the bullet length was 41 mm. The tip of the SP cartridge bullet. 6 was painted black. The sealed cardboard boxes for these cartridges were marked with a distinctive black stripe. Later, after the appearance of 9-mm machine gun cartridges with the 7 N12 armor-piercing bullet, the tip of the SP cartridge bullet. 6 began to turn blue.

New cartridge SP. 6 received the most flattering reviews from experts. The developers of this cartridge wrote: “The 9-mm cartridge, which has a unique penetrating and damaging effect, will reach your enemy wherever your vision reaches him, simultaneously penetrating any body armor that a real person can wear without outside help. And not too long a burst can cause enough damage to disable a truck, a launcher or a radar.”

Incomplete disassembly of a special automatic machine AC

The AS "Val" assault rifle (index 6 P30) is a personal weapon of covert attack and defense and is designed to hit targets in conditions requiring silent and flameless shooting at protected enemy personnel, as well as at unarmored or lightly armored military equipment.

The AS assault rifle consisted of: a barrel with a receiver; pistol grip and butt; muffler with sighting devices; bolt frame with gas piston; shutter; return mechanism; impact mechanism; trigger mechanism; forend; gas tube; receiver and magazine covers.

The automatics of the AS "Val" assault rifle worked on the principle of removing powder gases from the barrel bore. Locking was also carried out by turning the bolt by 6 lugs. The striker-type trigger mechanism was designed for single and automatic fire. The fire type translator is mounted in the rear of the trigger guard. The safety check box, which prevents a shot if the trigger is accidentally pressed and the barrel is unlocked, is located on the right side of the receiver above the pistol fire control handle. The reloading handle is located on the right side of the receiver. The sighting device consists of an open sight designed for a firing range of up to 420 m and a front sight in the front sight. The cartridges are fed from plastic box magazines with a double-row arrangement and a capacity of 20 cartridges. To speed up the loading of the magazine, the machine comes with clips with a capacity of 10 rounds. Unlike the AK 74 assault rifle, the adapter for attaching the clip to the magazine was assembled with the clip. Used to reduce sound level special device for silent and flameless shooting of the “integrated type”.

The design of the AS assault rifle was 70% unified with the VSS sniper rifle, including the types of sights used. However, the machine gun, unlike the rifle, received a new 20-round magazine (fully interchangeable with the 10-round magazine from VSS) and a metal frame stock that folds onto left side receiver, which made it much more compact and maneuverable. The AS assault rifle is convenient for conducting combat operations in limited areas: in buildings, underground passages, trenches, etc.; when moving in thickets, bushes, planting and disembarking in vehicles; during landing. The AS assault rifle can be used for aimed fire with the butt folded. Like the rifle, the machine gun is equipped with day and night sights.

Special automatic machine AC with optical sight PSO-1–1

The cartridges for the VSS rifle and the AC assault rifle are also interchangeable. Compared to the Vintorez rifle, the Val assault rifle is more suitable for automatic fire at targets protected by body armor at ranges of up to 200 m using the SP cartridge. 6 short bursts of 2–4 shots; against unprotected targets - with the SP cartridge. 5, in tense moments of battle at short distances - in long bursts of 6-8 shots, and if necessary - continuous fire until the cartridges in the magazine are used up. Shooting single targets with single fire is more effective and economical. In all cases, the sound of the shot and the flame are significantly reduced by the silencer, making it difficult for the enemy to determine the shooter's position. In terms of automatic operation reliability, including in difficult conditions, it is not inferior to the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle, and weighs a whole kilogram less, which is extremely important in battle.
The AC machine kit includes a case for carrying the machine; a bag for carrying a scope and a vest for stowing and carrying six magazines; two flares or one flare and a knife; three hand grenades; PSS pistol and spare magazine for it.
The production of the VSS sniper rifle and the special AS assault rifle was mastered by the Tula Arms Plant.

Special AS machine gun with night sight 1 PN93–1 (right view)

Special purpose weapons - VSS and special machines The ACs, which have gone through all the wars and military conflicts of the last thirty years with dignity, deservedly enjoy authority not only in elite units special forces, but also in the Russian Armed Forces. Currently, VSS rifles are used as additional and very effective weapons in intelligence units parachute and motorized rifle units.

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There are many interesting expressions, proverbs and phraseological units in the Russian language. One of these sayings is famous phrase“What is good for a Russian is death for a German.” Where did the expression come from, what does it mean and how can it be interpreted?

Difference between Europe and Russia

It is known that the physical constitution of a person largely depends on natural and climatic conditions in which society is forced to live. The European climate, like the Russian one, gives rise to a corresponding character.

The climate in Europe is mild and moderate. The life of the peoples inhabiting these lands has always been the same. The time when it was necessary to work was distributed evenly throughout the year. While the Russians were forced to either rest or work beyond their strength.

The natural conditions of Russia cannot be called soft. Short summer and long Cold winter contributed to what is commonly called the Russian soul. Forced to constantly struggle with cold winters, Russian people have a special character that cannot but be called a little aggressive. In addition, climate has a significant impact on the formation of the physiology of a nation. This must be kept in mind when explaining the meaning of the saying “What is good for a Russian is death for a German.” And of course, every nation has its own history, which affects the mentality of people, their way of life. The difference between Western European countries and Russia is in this case very revealing.

The first version of the origin of the proverb “What is good for a Russian is death for a German”

This expression is used in everyday speech all the time. When pronouncing a proverb, people do not think about its origin. “What is good for a Russian is death for a German” - no one will remember who said this for the first time and where this phrase came from. Meanwhile, according to one version, its origins should be found in the history of Ancient Rus'. On one of the holidays in Rus', a table was set, rich in various delicious dishes. In addition to them, they brought traditional sauces, horseradish, and homemade mustard. The Russian hero tried it and continued the feast with pleasure. And when I tasted mustard German knight, he fell under the table dead.

Another version of the origin of the proverb

“What is good for a Russian is death for a German” - it is difficult to say whose expression this was before. Exists interesting story, explaining the origin catchphrase. A doctor was called to see the sick craftsman boy. After conducting an examination, he concluded that he did not have long to live. The mother wanted to fulfill any last wish of the child, to which the young doctor allowed him to enjoy any food. After the child ate cabbage with pork, which the hostess had prepared, he began to recover.

Then a German child who suffered from the same disease was invited to dinner. When the doctor ordered him to eat cabbage and pork, the unexpected happened: the boy died the next day. The doctor made a note in his notebook: “What is good for a Russian is death for a German.”

Russia will save the world

What else is so different that it allows many great minds to call Mother Russia the savior of the world, in particular of Europe? Some differences appear even in privacy. Case in point the banal habit of washing can serve. For many Western historians You can find notes indicating that the Slavs have a strong habit of constantly pouring water on themselves. In other words, Russians are accustomed to washing in running water.

What is good for a Russian is death for a German, or Everyday habits of different nations

To compare historically established European and Russian customs, it is necessary to do small excursion to the past. During the Roman Empire, cleanliness was always the key to not only health, but also full life. But when the Roman Empire fell, everything changed. The famous Roman baths remained only in Italy itself, while the rest of Europe amazed with its uncleanliness. Some sources say that until the 12th century, Europeans did not wash at all!

The case of Princess Anna

“What is good for a Russian is death for a German” - this proverb expresses the essence of the differences between representatives different cultures and nations. An interesting incident happened with Anna, a Kyiv princess who was supposed to marry King Henry I of France. After arriving in France, her first order was to take her to the bathhouse to wash. Despite the surprise, the courtiers, of course, carried out the order. However, this did not guarantee deliverance from the princess’s wrath. She informed her father in a letter that he had sent her to a completely uncultured country. The girl noted that its inhabitants have terrible characters, as well as disgusting everyday habits.

The price of uncleanliness

Surprise similar to that experienced by Princess Anna was also expressed by the Arabs and Byzantines during the crusades. They were amazed not at the strength of the Christian spirit that the Europeans had, but at a completely different fact: the smell that reeked a mile away from the crusaders. Every schoolchild knows what happened afterwards. A terrible plague broke out in Europe, killing half the population. Thus, we can safely say that the main reason that helped the Slavs become one of the largest ethnic groups, to resist wars, genocide and famine, it was cleanliness.

An interesting fact is that after Galicia came under Polish rule, Russian baths completely disappeared there. Even the art of perfumery itself originated in Europe with the goal of combating unpleasant odors. And this is reflected in the writer’s novel “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.” In the book, the author vividly describes what was happening on the streets of Europe. All biological waste was poured out of the windows directly onto the heads of passers-by.

Pharmacy legend

When Russian troops captured Prague on November 4, 1794, the soldiers began drinking alcohol in one of the pharmacies. Having shared this alcohol with the German veterinarian, they accidentally took his life. After drinking the glass, he gave up the ghost. After this incident, Suvorov said popular expression: “What is good for a Russian is good for a German,” which translated means “pain, suffering.”

It should also be noted interesting fact. The proverb “What is good for a Russian is death for a German” does not exist in German. It is offensive, so it is better not to say it in the presence of representatives of this people. For us it means the following: what may be useful to one person may be harmful to another. In this sense, its analogue can serve as the well-known proverb “Another person’s soul is darkness” or “To each his own.”

It is also necessary to remember that previously in Rus' not only people from Germany were called Germans. All foreigners bore this name. Those who did not know local traditions, Russian customs and could not speak Russian were called dumb, or Germans. Because of this, they could find themselves in various comical and sometimes unpleasant situations. Perhaps this proverb was born as a result of such cases.

This phrase has a deep meaning practical significance. Very often people are incapable of empathy. It is not for nothing that ethical sense among children is considered giftedness. But for adults, the ability to put themselves in the position of another person and “try on their skin” is very important for successful interaction in society. There is also a similar meaning that says that you should not make judgments about a person or judge him in any way until the person who wants to make a judgment has spent a day in his shoes.

What is beneficial for one person is extremely undesirable for another. And maybe even fatal. Take, for example, the widespread statements that you should not recommend to your loved ones, friends and acquaintances the medications that helped you - they can not heal, but aggravate the disease. And this will also help you fully understand true meaning a well-known proverb, which in fact does not contain a drop of nationalistic views.

I was interested in the origin of the expression: What's good for a Russian?(Dal’s is great) then the German is dead. As I expected, this is directly related to the German word Schmerz - pain, suffering, sorrow (?), grief (?). Apparently, it was not easy for the Germans to live in Rus', they often complained about life, for which they even received the contemptuous nickname - Schmerz (along with the nickname Sausages).

Information about the exact origin of this particular expression is contradictory, for example, excerpts from the memoirs (1849) of Thaddeus Bulgarin (It’s not a problem that you’re a Pole. ;)):
“You, my dear readers, have no doubt heard the humorous saying more than once: “It’s great for the Russian, death for the German!” General von Klugen assured me that this proverb was born during the storming of Prague. Our soldiers, having smashed the pharmacy, which was already engulfed in flames, took the bottle out into the street, tasted what was in it, and began to drink, praising: glorious, glorious wine! At this time, a horseman of our artillery, originally from the Germans, passed by. Thinking that the soldiers were drinking ordinary vodka, the horseman took a glass, drank a little - and immediately fell down, and a short time later he died. It was alcohol! When Suvorov was informed about this incident, he said: “A German is free to compete with the Russians! It’s great for the Russian, but death for the German!” These words formed a saying. Whether Suvorov repeated the old and forgotten, or invented a new saying, I can’t vouch for it; but I say that I heard.”

N.A. Polevoy (1834) "Stories of a Russian Soldier",
“When our general Leonty Leontyevich Beniksonov showed Bonaparte that a Russian is not a Prussian and that in winter a Russian fights even better, according to the proverb, what’s great for a Russian is death for a German, and vice versa, Bonaparte was glad to make peace and pretended to be such a fox that our great emperor Alexander Pavlovich believed him.”

Let us now turn to the word Schmerz

According to Vasmer, this is “a mocking nickname for a German,” Olonetsk. (Sandpiper.). From it. Schmerz "sorrow, pain", perhaps, according to the consonance of German. words from Russian stink (see below)
- The distance is short - expletive: German, sausage maker

P.D. Boborykin Vasily Terkin, 1892

“A kind of “schmerz”, a land surveyor, but he speaks to him, Chernososhny, like a boss with a petitioner, albeit in a respectful tone...

Nothing to do... Times like these! We must be patient!"

In the dictionary M.I. Mikhelson we find a quote from a poem by P. Vyazemsky Eliza (I couldn’t find the poem itself on the Internet)
Her mind is delirious with smoked shmertz,

Where there are no Germans, she is in the blues,

And gave herself over to the smoked heart

It's not smoked.

By the way, Vyazemsky has funny quatrains about the Germans:
The German is ranked among the sages,

The German is a dock for everything,

The German is so thoughtful

That you will fall into it.

But, according to our cut,

If a German is taken by surprise,

And especially in winter,

The German - your choice! - is bad.

Sukhovo-Kobylin (who hasn’t read it, I recommend reading his trilogy, especially Delo - modern to the point of trembling) has a character with the last name Shmertz.
There is also an opinion that the nickname Schmerz hints at German sentimentality (on the popular rhyme Schmerz-Herz - heart).

I can’t get past the completely understandable nickname of the Germans - Sausage Man:), from Dahl I found the word Perekolbasnik (Germanize) with an example: “Peter oversausified all the Russians, everyone became oversausified, became Germanized.” :)). And here "to the sausage" Die Kalebasse (German), calabash (English) calebasse (French) - pumpkin bottle.Sausage - in literally intestine stuffed with meat, shaped like a pumpkin bottle (kalebasse)." -I was joking :), I know that Vasmer vehemently denies this etymology :)). But, by the way, I myself use the word kolabasse in relation to a solid round-shaped object measuring approximately with a fist :) But I digress, I continue.

The origin is German word Schmerz I don’t know, I don’t know German, I really ask German-speaking friends to help with the etymology of this word. I hear in it the Russian Death (in German death - Tod).

By the way, let’s look at the etymology of the word Death and at the same time Smerd.
Vasmer: Praslav. *sъmьrtь along with *mьrtь (in Czech mrt, gen. p. mrti zh. “a dead part of something, dead tissue on a wound, barren land”), it finds common roots even with ancient Indian. mrtis, not to mention the understandable Latin mors (mortis). Slavic *sъ-мърть should be associated with Old Indian. su- “good, good”, original. “good death”, i.e. “one’s own, natural”, is further connected with *svo- (see one’s own).

Smerd(there is an opinion that the German nickname Schmerz also meant from Smerd, in a negative sense):
In Karamzin we read: “The name smerd usually meant peasant and mob, that is ordinary people, not military, not bureaucrats, not merchants... Under the name of smerds we mean the common people in general. .. Probably the name smerd came from the verb to stink... There were smerds free people and in no case could they be equal to the slaves... The serfs paid the princes sales, tribute or penalties, but there was no monetary recovery from the slaves, because they had no property" (I apologize, I am writing in Russian because I have no other font You can also look at different dictionaries or on the wiki.

Vasmer: other Russian. smird "peasant" Praslav. *smеrdъ from *smеrdeti (see stink). This word bears the imprint of contempt for agriculture, which was regarded as a base occupation and was the lot of slaves and women

From the Brockhaus-Efron dictionary: From one place in the Ipatan Chronicle (under 1240) it is clear that S. could rise to the highest strata and even to the rank of boyar; at least the Galician boyars, according to the chronicle, came “from the Smerdya tribe.” At the initiative of Leshkov, in our historical and legal literature for quite a long time they took S. for special class, who was in some immediate regard to the prince

At what point the word acquired an abusive meaning, I was never able to find out (back in the 16th-17th centuries, the word smerd was used to designate the service population in official addresses to the tsar and the tsar to the population.) And then such proverbs appeared (from A.G. Preobrazhensky)
A stinking look is worse than a curse!
The spruce stump is unbroken, the stinking son is unbowed.