Actually the word is in scientific style. Scientific style and its features

Scientific style speech is one of the functional varieties literary language, serving the sphere science and production; it is implemented in specialized book texts of various genres.

Science is a unique field human activity. It is designed to provide true information about the world around us. And although it is possible to comprehend the laws of the surrounding world in other (not only scientific) ways, it is science that is addressed to the intellect, to logic. Scientific texts are associated with a focus on the professional reader. So, the main features of the language of science are accuracy and objectivity.

How is a scientific text constructed? The plot of a scientific text is unusual: the author introduces the reader to the process of searching for truth. The reader must follow his path in order to, having made (and thereby double-check) logical moves, come to the desired conclusion-result. The author models the situation, presenting the process of searching for truth in the most, in his opinion, optimal version.

The composition of a typical scientific text reflects the sequence of phases of scientific research:

Awareness of the problem (question, task) and goal setting - “introduction”;

Finding ways to solve the problem, brute force possible options and putting forward a hypothesis, proving an idea (hypothesis) is the “main part”;

Solving a research problem and obtaining an answer is a “conclusion.”

The method of presentation is thus a method of proof. The text of even scientific works that are not very large in volume - articles, reports - is usually divided into sections, emphasizing the transition from one research episode to the next.

The text of a scientific work is created as a chain of “steps” - actions within the text, forming a logical framework, which is then perceived by even an unprepared reader in a text rich in special symbols and appropriate terminology.

IN scientific text in any specialty, one can easily identify the linguistic means with the help of which this logical framework is constructed. These are, for example, the verbs we designate, set, compose, define, find, choose, consider, etc. The author methodically explains to his interlocutor exactly what mental operations at one point or another he does: gives definitions, moves on to the next question, returns to the starting point, gives an example, analyzes the results of the experiment, draws a conclusion, etc.

Scientific text has a complex organization. It can be roughly divided into two layers in terms of what information the reader receives:

factual, directly about the object of research;

Information of the second type (and the elements that introduce it) is usually called metatext. The presence of metatext is one of the essential properties of a scientific text.

The complexity of the information that partners in scientific communication “work with” forces the author to take care of organizing factual information in such a way that it would be easier for the interlocutor to perceive and retain it in memory. So, in order not to lose the thread of the story, the author reminds the reader what he is talking about, from time to time returning to what he was talking about, usually adding a small portion to it new information- in the text, such a movement corresponds to semantic repetition.

The volume of semantic repetitions varies: it can be a fragment of text (one or two pages, one or several paragraphs), a sentence, part of a sentence, or a complex phrase. Semantic repetitions are not a disadvantage of a scientific text, but, on the contrary, help organize it. Some repetitions are a necessary attribute of the composition. Especially important role they play when summing up scientific work. In coursework, theses, dissertations, semantic repetitions small volume(sentence, paragraph) each more or less significant section (for example, paragraph) can end with a large semantic repetition most of(for example, a chapter - conclusions on the chapter), and the entire work - a semantic repetition in the amount of one or two pages ("Conclusion").

Patterns of use linguistic means in a scientific style, it defines the factors that have already been mentioned - objectivity and accuracy.

Objectivity implies that information does not depend on the whim of a particular person and is not the result of his feelings and emotions. In the text of a scientific work, it manifests itself both in the presence of some mandatory components of content and in form - in the manner of narration.

One of the main ways to create the effect of objectivity of content is to link to scientific tradition- an indication of reference to a given object of study, problem, task, term, etc. other scientists. Reference to scientific tradition in small jobs is often limited to a list of names of scientists who have studied this problem. Such lists are most often compiled alphabetically.

Ignoring the principle of continuity creates a negative impression on the reader. IN best case scenario this can be regarded as negligence, at worst - as appropriation of the results of someone else's intellectual work, that is, plagiarism.

The “objectivity of form” of the scientific style involves the rejection of linguistic means that are associated with the transmission of emotions: interjections and particles that convey emotions and feelings, emotionally charged vocabulary and expressive sentence models are not used; clear preference is given neutral order words; For scientific speech Exclamatory intonation is not typical; interrogative intonation is used to a limited extent.

The requirement of objectivity determines the characteristics of the narration style. First of all, this is a rejection of narration in the first person, that is, from a “personal” manner of narration.

The specificity of the scientific style is due to the fact that the meaning of time in the scientific style is irrelevant (this is understandable, since science speaks of “eternal truths”): the opposition of the present to the past and the future practically disappears.

An important feature of science is precision. Scientific style in consciousness ordinary person, of course, is primarily associated with terms.

The main feature and value of the term is that it carries large-scale logical information.

The scientific style, like the official one, is very consistent in the choice and use of words: it sharply narrows the composition of the vocabulary common language, imposes a ban on non-literary vocabulary (jargon, dialectisms, colloquial words), does not allow literary words, if they have an emotional connotation. When a word enters scientific use, it loses its color and is filled with different content.

At the same time, the scientific style constantly feels the need for new units to denote new emerging concepts, so the processes of word creation are very active.

The prefixes anti- (antibodies, anti-criminal), bi- (bipolar, bi-color), quasi- (quasi-quantitative), super- (supernova), etc., suffixes - ist (impressionist), - awn (settled life), izm- ( symbolism), - from-a (longitude), - it (amazonite), - ni-e (cloning).

Note that terms do not exist alone: ​​by establishing connections with each other - by type general/particular, genus/species, species/varieties, whole/part, identity, similarity, opposites, etc. - they form terminological systems.

It is necessary to pay attention to this fact, since the introduction of a terminological unit without identifying its connections makes perception difficult. Concepts must be consistent with each other, fit into the overall picture, and not be separate isolated facts. Information must ultimately constitute scientific knowledge.

The objectivity and abstraction (generalization) of the scientific style in morphology is manifested in its “predilection” for certain parts of speech and the special use of certain forms.

Nouns have the highest frequency of use, and among them the majority belong to nouns with abstract meaning: time, movement, direction, etc. Use short adjectives in the scientific style is several times higher than in others (equal, proportional, similar, capable, possible, characteristic, daily).

The features of the scientific style can be manifested with a greater or lesser degree of rigor. This depends on many reasons: both on the genre and on the subject of consideration (in technical sciences the language is regulated to a greater extent than in the humanities), but the main factor is still that of the addressee. The author of the text, if he wants not only to convey scientific information, but also to achieve its understanding, must be guided by the amount of knowledge of his partner, and what is the purpose of introducing the partner to this information.

Depending on how the author determines for himself the capabilities and needs of his “interlocutor,” he can use one of the variations of the scientific style: the actual scientific, scientific-educational or popular science substyle. The main variety is the scientific substyle itself. Based on it, a lightweight version arises, intended for those who are just comprehending new area knowledge, scientific and educational substyle. A low degree of competence of the reader or listener leads to the appearance of a popular science text.

In the field of science, the main written genres are theses, articles and monographs, since it is with their help that new scientific information, other genres represent either a processing of this information, which they provide, presenting the information in an adapted, compressed form (abstract, abstract), or give it an assessment (review, review).

The rigor of the scientific style reaches its apogee in genres that are documents and therefore influenced by formal business style. Strict requirements are imposed on the final student works: the composition of the work is regulated (division into chapters or paragraphs, the presence of an outline (table of contents), sections "Introduction", "Conclusion" (or "Conclusions"), "Bibliography", and often "Appendix"), its design (indication of title page details" Scientific director", "Genre" (coursework, graduate work etc.), "Year", " Educational institution" and etc.).

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1. History of scientific style

2. Scientific style of speech

2.1 Varieties of scientific style of speech

2.2 Features of the scientific style

2.3 Scientific vocabulary

2.4 Morphology of scientific style

2.5 Scientific style syntax


List of used literature


Scientific style of speech is a means of communication in the field of science and educational and scientific activities.

Every member modern society V different time life and, to varying degrees, encounters texts of a given style, functioning in oral and writing, therefore, mastering the norms of scientific and scientific-educational style of speech is important integral part culture of Russian oral and written speech.

As a rule, a scientific text is easy to select from a group of texts different styles. The scientific style is characterized, first of all, by the presence special words, which name the basic concepts of this science - terms.

Scientific style is one of the book styles Russian literary language, possessing general conditions functioning and similar linguistic features, among which:

Preliminary consideration of the statement,

Monologue nature of speech,

Strict selection of language means,

The desire for standardized speech.

The scope of application of the scientific style is very wide. This is one of the styles that has a strong and diverse influence on the literary language.

The purpose of the work is to define the scientific style of speech and characterize its distinctive features.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The total volume of work is 14 pages.

1. History of scientific style

The emergence and development of scientific style is associated with the development of various fields scientific knowledge, different areas human activity. Initially scientific presentation was close to the style artistic storytelling(emotional perception of phenomena in scientific works Pythagoras, Plato and Lucretius). The separation of the scientific style from the artistic one occurred in the Alexandrian period, when Greek, which spread its influence over the entire then cultural world, scientific research began to be created terminology.

Subsequently, it was replenished from the resources of Latin, which became an international scientific language European Middle Ages. During the Renaissance, scientists strived for conciseness and precision. scientific description, free from emotional and artistic elements of presentation as contrary to the abstract and logical reflection of nature. However, the liberation of the scientific style from these elements proceeded gradually. It is known that the too “artistic” nature of Galileo’s presentation irritated Kepler, and Descartes found that the style scientific evidence Galileo is overly fictionalized. Subsequently, Newton's logical presentation became a model of scientific language.

In Russia scientific language and the style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when the authors scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of the scientific style took a step forward, but it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century, along with scientific activity the greatest scientists of this time.

2. Scientific style of speech

2 .1 Varieties of scientific style of speech

The scientific style of speech has varieties (substyles): scientific, scientific-technical (production-technical), scientific-informative, scientific-reference, educational-scientific, popular science.

Implemented in written and oral forms of communication, scientific texts are formalized in the form of separate completed works, the structure of which is subject to the laws of the genre. The following genres can be distinguished scientific prose: monograph, magazinearticle, review, textbook(tutorial), lecture, report, Announcement(about the held conferences, symposium, congress), oral presentation (at a conference, symposium, etc.), thesis, scientificreport. These genres belong to primary, that is, created by the author for the first time. TO secondary texts, that is, texts compiled on the basis of existing ones, include: abstract, abstract, abstract, theses, annotation. When preparing secondary texts, information is collapsed in order to reduce the volume of the text.

Educational and scientific speech is implemented in the following genres: message; answer (oral answer, answer-analysis, answer-generalization, answer-grouping); reasoning; language example; explanation (explanation-explanation, explanation-interpretation). The genres of the educational and scientific substyle include: lecture, seminaryreport, course work, abstract message.

The scientific style has a number of common features that appear regardless of the nature of certain sciences (natural, exact, humanities) and differences between genres of statement (monograph, scientific article, report, textbook, etc.), which makes it possible to talk about the specifics of the style as a whole . At the same time, it is quite natural that, for example, texts on physics, chemistry, mathematics differ markedly in the nature of presentation from texts on philology or history.

2.2 Features of the scientific style

The sphere of scientific communication is different in that it pursues the goal of the most accurate, logical, and unambiguous expression of thought. The main form thinking in the field of science turns out to be a concept, the dynamics of thinking are expressed in judgments and conclusions that follow each other in a strict logical sequence. The idea is strictly reasoned, the logic of reasoning is emphasized, and analysis and synthesis are closely interconnected. Consequently, scientific thinking takes on a generalized and abstract character. The final crystallization of scientific thought occurs in external speech, in oral and written texts various genres of scientific style, which, as has been said, have common features. General extra-linguistic properties scientific style of speech, its style features, due to abstractness (conceptuality) and strict logic of thinking, are:

- Scientific topicstexts.

- Generalization, abstraction, abstractness of presentation. Almost every word acts as a designation of a general concept or abstract object. The abstract generalized nature of speech is manifested in the selection of lexical material (nouns predominate over verbs, general scientific terms and words are used, verbs are used in certain tenses and personal forms) and special syntactic constructions (vaguely personal proposals, passive designs).

- Logical presentation. There is an orderly system of connections between the parts of the statement; the presentation is consistent and consistent. This is achieved by using special syntactic structures and typical means of interphrase communication.

- Consistency has only such text in which conclusions follow from content, they are consistent, the text is divided into separate semantic segments, reflecting the movement of thought from the particular to the general or from the general to the particular.

- Precision of presentation. Achieved by using unambiguous expressions, terms, words with clear lexical-semantic compatibility. Therefore, in scientific texts, as a rule, there are no figurative, expressive means; words are used mainly in direct meaning, the frequency of terms also contributes to the unambiguity of the text.

The strict accuracy requirements for scientific text make restriction on the use of figurative means language: metaphors, epithets, artistic comparisons, proverbs, etc. Sometimes such means can penetrate into scientific works, since the scientific style strives not only for accuracy, but also for persuasiveness, evidence. Sometimes figurative means are necessary to implement a requirement clarity, clarity presentation.

- Clarity, as the quality of scientific speech, suggests clarity, availability. In terms of accessibility, scientific, scientific-educational and popular science texts differ in material and in the method of its linguistic design.

- Evidence of presentation. Reasoning argues scientific hypotheses and provisions.

- Objectivity of presentation. Manifested in presentation, analysis different points perspective on the problem, in focus on the subject of the statement and the absence of subjectivity in conveying the content, in the impersonality of linguistic expression.

- Saturation of factual information, which is necessary for evidence and objectivity of presentation.

The most important task scientific style of speech - explain the causes of phenomena, report, describe the essential features, properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

The named features of the scientific style are expressed in its language characteristics and determine the systematic nature of the actual linguistic means of this style. Scientific style of speech includes linguistic units three types.

1. Lexical units that have functional-style coloring given (that is, scientific) style. These are special lexical units, syntactic constructions, morphological forms.

2. Interstyle units, that is, stylistically neutral linguistic units used in equally in all styles.

3. Stylistically neutral linguistic units that primarily function in this style. Thus, stylistically significant becomes their quantitative predominance in a given style. First of all, some morphological forms, as well as syntactic constructions, become quantitatively marked units in a scientific style.

2.3 Scientific vocabulary

Since the leading form scientific thinking is a concept, then almost every lexical unit in the scientific style denotes a concept or an abstract object. Special concepts of the scientific sphere of communication are accurately and unambiguously named and their content is revealed by special lexical units - TErmins- a word or phrase that denotes the concept of a special field of knowledge or activity and is an element of a certain system of terms. Within this system, the term tends to be unambiguous, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Here are examples of terms: atrophy, range, zenith, laser, prism, symptom, sphere, phase, low temperatures . Terms, a significant part of which are international words, are conventional language Sciences.

The term is the main lexical and conceptual unit of the scientific sphere of human activity. In quantitative terms, terms prevail over other types in scientific texts special vocabulary(nomenclature names, professionalisms, professional jargon, etc.), on average terminological vocabulary usually 15-20% general vocabulary of this style.

Terms as the main lexical components of the scientific style of speech, as well as other words in a scientific text, are characterized by use in one, specific, definite meaning. If a word is ambiguous, then it is used in a scientific style in one, less often - in two meanings, which are terminological: strength, size, body, sour, movement, hard (Force is a vector quantity and at each moment of timeis actorized by a numerical value) . Generalization, abstraction of presentation in a scientific style on lexical level sold in use large quantity lexical units with abstract meaning (abstract vocabulary).

The scientific style also has its own phraseology, including compound terms: solar plexus, inclined plane, voiceless consonants, participial turnover, complex sentence, and various kinds cliche: consists of ..., represents ..., consists of ..., is used for...etc.

2.4 Morphology of scientific style

The language of scientific communication also has its own grammatical features. The abstractness and generality of scientific speech are manifested in the peculiarities of the functioning of various grammatical, in particular morphological, units, which is revealed in the choice of categories and forms, as well as the degree of their frequency in the text. The implementation of the law of economy of linguistic means in the scientific style of speech leads to the use of shorter variant forms, in particular forms of nouns male instead of forms female: keys(instead of key), cuff(instead of cuff).

Forms singular nouns are used in the plural: The wolf is a predatory animal of the dog family; Linden begins to bloom at the end of June. Real and abstract nouns are often used in the plural form: lubricating oils, radio noise, great depths.

Naming concepts in scientific style predominates over naming actions, resulting in less use of verbs and more use of nouns. When using verbs, there is a noticeable tendency towards their desemantization, that is, the loss of lexical meaning, which meets the requirement of abstraction and generalization of the scientific style. This is manifested in the fact that most verbs in the scientific style function as connectives: to be, to appear, to be called, to be considered, to become, to become, to become, to appear, to be concluded, to constitute, to possess, to be determined, to appear and etc.

There is a significant group of verbs that act as components of verbal-nominal combinations, where the main semantic load falls on the noun denoting an action, and the verb plays a grammatical role (denoting the action itself). in a broad sense words, conveys grammatical meaning moods, persons and numbers): lead - to emergence, to death, to disruption, to emancipation; make - calculations, calculations, observations. The desemantization of the verb is also manifested in the predominance of verbs of broad, abstract semantics in the scientific text: exist, occur, have, appear, change (xia), continue (xia) etc.

Scientific speech is characterized by the use verb forms with weakened lexical and grammatical meanings of time, person, number, which is confirmed by the synonymy of sentence structures: distillation is carried out - distillation is carried out; you can draw a conclusion - a conclusion is drawn etc.

Another one morphological feature scientific style consists in using the present timeless (with a qualitative, indicative meaning), which is necessary to characterize the properties and characteristics of the objects and phenomena being studied: For irritation certain places bark cerebral hemispheres regularlyare coming abbreviations. Carbonamounts to the most important part plants. In the context of scientific speech, the past tense of the verb also acquires a timeless meaning: n experiments were performed, in each of which xaccepted specific value . The abstraction and generality of scientific speech is manifested in the peculiarities of the use of the verb type category: about 80% are forms Not perfect form , being more abstractly generalized. Few perfective verbs are used in stable phrases in the form of the future tense, which is synonymous with the present timeless: consider..., the equation will take the form. Many imperfective verbs lack paired verbs perfect form.

Person forms of the verb and personal pronouns in a scientific style are also used in accordance with the transfer of abstract generalizing meanings. Almost no 2nd person forms or pronouns are used you you, since they are the most specific, the percentage of forms of the 1st person unit is small. numbers. The most common in scientific speech are abstract forms of the 3rd person and pronouns. he she it. Pronoun We, except for use in the meaning of the so-called author's We, together with the verb form often expresses meaning varying degrees abstraction and generality in the sense of “we are the totality” (me and the audience): We come to a result. We can conclude.

2.5 Scientific style syntax

The syntax of the scientific style of speech is characterized by a tendency to complex constructions, which contributes to the transmission complex system scientific concepts, establishing relationships between tribal and species concepts, between cause and effect, evidence and conclusions. For this purpose, sentences with homogeneous members and generalizing words with them.

Common in scientific texts different types complex sentences, in particular using compound subordinating conjunctions, which is generally characteristic of book speech: due to the fact that; due to the fact that, while etc.

The means of connecting parts of the text are introductory words and combinations: firstly, finally, on the other hand, indicating the sequence of presentation. To combine parts of text, in particular paragraphs that have close logical connection with each other, words and phrases indicating this connection are used: so in conclusion etc. Sentences in a scientific style are monotonous in terms of the purpose of the statement - they are almost always narrative. Interrogative sentences are rare and are used to attract the reader’s attention to a particular issue.

The generalized abstract nature of scientific speech and the timeless plan for presenting the material determine the use of certain types of syntactic constructions: vaguely personal, generalized-personalAndimpersonal offers . Actor in them is absent or thought in a generalized, vague way, all attention is focused on the action, on its circumstances. Vague personal and generalized personal sentences are used when introducing terms, deriving formulas, and explaining material in examples. (Velocity is represented by a directed segment; Consider the following example; Let's compare offers).


Analyzing the above, we will draw a generalized conclusion.

Scientific style is the style of scientific works, articles, textbooks, lectures, reviews. Depending on the goals and objectives that are set in the process of communication, linguistic means are selected. As a result, unique varieties of a single literary language are created, called functional styles. They are distinguished based on the function (role) that the language performs in each specific case.

The form of speech, mainly implemented in a scientific text, is written (dissertation, monograph, textbook, article, abstract, patent), less often - oral (report, speeches at the conference, discussion of the dissertation).

In scientific style texts, such types of speech as description and reasoning are used.

The purpose of a scientific text is to present, classify and summarize facts, put forward an idea, provide logical evidence, formulate patterns and laws.

The main task is to convey the information being communicated to the reader as clearly and accurately as possible.

The properties of the style of scientific texts are generality, objectivity, argumentation, emphasized logic, clarity of presentation, conciseness with rich content. Scientific texts are characterized by the use of diagrams, graphs, tables, diagrams, and various symbols.

Linguistic features of the scientific style:

a) in vocabulary - terms, unambiguity of words, lack of figurative means;

b) in morphology - predominance of nouns; incommonness of nouns I, you; verbs 1 and 2 l. units h.; exclamation particles and interjections;

V) in syntax - direct word order; the predominance of vaguely personal and impersonal sentences; Lots of complex sentences.

List of used literature

1. Aleeva A.Ya. Russian language (scientific style of speech). Tutorial. Part 1 / A.Ya.Aleeva. - Tambov: TSTU publishing house, 2003. - 72 p.

2. Wall A.V. Stylistic devices newspaper speech. Textbook manual for students of journalism faculties / A.V. Wall, V.I. Konkov, O.V. Neupokoeva. - St. Petersburg: Faculty of Journalism St. Petersburg State University, 1999. - 66 p.

3. Vinogradov S.I. Culture of Russian speech. Textbook for universities / S.I. Vinogradov; Ed. prof. L.K. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaeva. - M.: Publishing house NORMA-INFRA-M, 1999. - 560 p.

4. Mitrofanova O.D. Language of scientific and technical literature / O.D. Mitrofanova. - M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 1973. - 30 p.

5. Ryzhikov Yu.I. Psychology and organization of scientific work; Language and style of the dissertation, etc. / Yu.I. Ryzhikov - St. Petersburg: Petersburg, 2005. - 496 p.

6. Proskuryakova I.G. A manual on scientific style of speech. For universities / I.G. Proskuryakova. -Publishing house: Flint, 2004. - 320 p.

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Scientific style is a functional-style variety of literary language that serves various branches of science ( exact sciences, natural, humanitarian, etc.), the field of technology and production and is implemented in the genres monographs, scientific article, dissertation, abstract, theses, scientific report, lectures, messages on scientific topics, reviews, as well as in educational and scientific-technical literature etc. The most important task of the scientific style of speech is to explain the causes of phenomena, to report, to describe the essential features and properties of the subject of scientific knowledge.

The scientific style belongs to the number of book styles of the Russian literary language, which have general operating conditions and similar linguistic features, including: preliminary consideration of the statement, the monological nature of speech, strict selection of linguistic means, and the desire to normalize speech. The main form of implementation of the scientific style is written language, although with the increasing role of science in various fields activities, expansion scientific contacts, development of means mass communication the role and oral form communication using a scientific style.

Home communicative task communication in the scientific field is the expression of scientific concepts and conclusions. Thinking in this area of ​​activity is generalized, abstract, and logical. This determines such specific features of the scientific style as abstraction, generality, emphasized logic of presentation, and secondary, more specific, style features: semantic accuracy (unambiguous expression of thoughts), information richness, objectivity of presentation, lack of imagery andemotionality. The generality and abstractness of the language of scientific prose are dictated by the specifics of scientific thinking. Science treats concepts and expresses abstract thought, so its language is devoid of concreteness. In this respect, it is contrasted with the language of fiction.

Lexical means scientific style

The main feature of the organization of linguistic means and scientific style is their generalized abstract character at the lexical and grammatical levels language system, which gives scientific speech a unified functional and stylistic coloring. The vocabulary of scientific speech consists of three main layers: common words, general scientific words and terms.

TO common vocabulary These are common language words that are most often found in scientific texts. For example: The equipment operates at both high and low temperatures. Despite the fact that there is not a single special word in the sentence, it is obvious that in a scientific text such commonly used words form the basis of the presentation. Depending on the composition of the readership, the share of commonly used vocabulary changes: it decreases in works intended for specialists, and increases in genres addressed to a general audience. Common words in scientific style are used in their nominative meaning, which allows you to objectively identify the essence of a concept or phenomenon. However, in a specific scientific text they can change their semantics. For example, the word suppose in mathematical texts means “to count, to assume”: Assume that these triangles are congruent. Polysemantic common words in scientific texts are assigned special meaning. Thus, the noun ending has two meanings (1. Completion, bringing something to an end. 2. Final part something), in linguistics it is used as an unambiguous: " grammatically changing part of a word; flexion".

General scientific vocabulary– the second significant layer of scientific speech. This is already part of the language of science, that is, the language of describing scientific objects and phenomena. Using general scientific words, phenomena and processes in different areas science and technology. These words are assigned to certain concepts, but are not terms, although they are terminological in nature, for example: operation, task, phenomenon, process, absorb, abstract, acceleration, value, function, value, element, result, consequence, analysis, synthesis, system, based, universal and etc.

The scientific style is typical wide use abstract vocabulary, prevailing over the specific one: evaporation, freezing, pressure, thinking, reflection, radiation, weightlessness, acidity, changeability etc. In abstract and generalized meanings, not only words with abstract semantics are used, but also words that mean outside the scientific style specific items. Yes, in a sentence Oak, spruce and birch grow in our area the words oak, spruce, birch do not denote individual, specific objects (a specific tree), but a class homogeneous objects, tree species, i.e. express general concept. The generalized abstract nature of speech is also emphasized by the use of special words like usually, usually, always, constantly, systematically, regularly, every, any, every.

Since the field of science and technology requires maximum precise definition concepts and phenomena of reality, reflecting accuracy and objectivity scientific truths and judgments specific feature vocabulary Scientific style is the use of terms.

Term (from Latin terminus "border, limit") - a word or phrase that is the name special concept any sphere of production, science or art. Each branch of science has its own terminology, combined into one terminology system (medical, mathematical, physical, philosophical, linguistic, literary terminology, etc.). Within this system, the term tends to be unambiguous, does not express expression and is stylistically neutral. Examples of terms: atrophy, numerical methods algebra, range, zenith, laser, prism, radar, symptom, sphere, phase, low temperatures, cermets. Lexical meaning The term corresponds to the concept developed in this field of science. Terms that are part of several terminological systems are used in a specific text in one meaning, characteristic of a particular terminological system.
For example: Reaction [French] reaction, German Reaction< лат. re против + ctio действие]
1. Biol. The answer (of an organism, its part) to something. external irritation.
2. Phys. and Chem. Physico-chemical interaction between substances.