Expert work is a scientific search for truth. Alexey Doronin: “expert work is a scientific search for truth

In the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a literally irreplaceable link is the forensic service, which makes its own contribution to the fight against crime. Along with the Forensic Expertise Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, district ECCs operate in the capital with corresponding groups for servicing the Department of Internal Affairs in the districts.

The deputy head of the ECC of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District, police major Alexey Doronin, 1st class specialist, told us about the formation and development of the Expert Forensic Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow. - Alexey Vladimirovich, - the formation of the unit’s team and the improvement of the material and technical base of the district forensic service took place virtually before your eyes. — Let me clarify right away that after the creation of the ECO Department of Internal Affairs of the district in 1992, expert forensic groups were formed in each of the Departments of Internal Affairs of the municipal districts of the Southern Administrative District. As for me, after graduating from police college No. 1 of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate in 1995, I was hired as a forensic technician for the Nagatinsky Zaton District Department of Internal Affairs, receiving the special rank of police private. At first, the Forensic Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate was located on Avtozavodskaya Street, where six offices were allocated to the district IVF in the building of the district department of internal affairs. At that time, the department’s employees carried out exclusively seven traditional examinations - fingerprinting, traceological, ballistic, handwriting, edged and throwing weapons, portrait and technical-forensic examination of documents, as well as auto-technical examination of vehicle markings. Later, the Expert and Forensic Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Administrative District settled in a three-story ancient building at a new address: Serpukhovsky Val, house No. 4. In this 19th century building, according to legend, before the revolution there was a gendarmerie stable, and at the end of the twentieth century, the historical building was occupied mainly by services local district police department. EKO specialists occupied part of the third floor - ten offices; in the former cell for administrative detainees, the department's employees equipped a room on their own for the experimental shooting of weapons submitted for ballistic examination. True, at that time the conditions for the professional activities of experts were, to put it mildly, not very good: suffice it to say that almost every year the old, dilapidated building had to be redecorated. I know this first-hand, since at that time I was already working as a ballistics expert at the district IVF. In particular, we had a comparative microscope MSK-1, the corresponding data on one or another ballistic examination was recorded on a photographic plate. To obtain high-quality photographs, a long shutter speed was required, so photographs were taken at night. And in the daytime, when trams passed next to our, literally, historical building, the walls vibrated noticeably and, of course, in this case the image on the photographic plates turned out to be blurry.

However, our service continued to develop consistently. Thus, in the district IVF, after the receipt of the appropriate equipment, they began to conduct an examination of narcotic drugs, potent and psychotropic substances. Then we began to carry out accounting examinations, but now they are performed only by the ECC head office. Then employees of the district service began to carry out biological examinations. But, by the way, previously specialists from UAOne had their own laboratory, and therefore our employees carried out such difficult research on the basis of the 4th department of the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, that is, the department of biological examinations and records. But now, in the new building of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District, which was built on the capital’s Kashirskoe Highway, the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District is provided with the necessary office space and modern high-tech equipment for carrying out examinations and research. — What is the district ECC now, what areas of official activity are personally supervised by the leaders of the center? — Now the ECC has four units: 1st department is the department of technical and forensic support for investigative actions and operational investigative activities; 2nd department is the forensic department; The 3rd department is the department of special examinations; interdistrict department. The head of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, police lieutenant colonel Sergei Alekseevich Tafintsev, provides general management of the center’s activities. The deputy head of the ECC - head of the 1st department, police lieutenant colonel Alexander Anatolyevich Zhuzhgov, also oversees the interdistrict department, which is headed by police major Maxim Ivanovich Veshkitov.

According to my official responsibilities, as the deputy head of the ECC - head of the 2nd department of the center, I am also entrusted with supervising the 3rd department. I cannot help but name a number of employees who professionally cope with the official responsibilities assigned to them. In the 2nd department, the technical and forensic examination of documents and handwriting examination are carried out by senior experts, police majors Ilya Pavlovich Zakharov, Roman Viktorovich Davydov, Olga Gennadievna Gusakova and Olga Valerievna Rukina. It should be clarified that handwriting examination is very popular and, perhaps, the most time-consuming. A handwriting specialist does not have any special equipment for work, and all the knowledge necessary for the study must be stored in the employee’s head. To become a good expert in this area, you need to be able to see all the distinctive features of handwriting, and such experience, like that of automotive technicians, is gained over the years. Most handwriting examinations are carried out as part of the investigation of criminal cases involving economic crimes and other crimes of the so-called property block. Such examinations, most often, are multi-object. Let's say, the materials of a criminal case are being studied, consisting of 10-20 volumes, and in each of them there are at least ten documents, on which a handwriting specialist must carry out a large amount of research work. Along with the head of the 3rd department, police lieutenant colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Istyagin, his deputy police lieutenant colonel Alexey Valeryevich Gushchin, the chief expert, police lieutenant colonel Sergei Anatolyevich Zhakhovsky, and senior expert police major Denis Nikolaevich Kozlov, have proven themselves to be real masters in the production of auto-technical examinations. In the same department, senior expert police captain Anastasia Yurievna Koledova and expert police major Yuri Ivanovich Lekarev are engaged in the production of chemical examinations on drugs, potent and psychotropic substances, as well as fuels and lubricants. In the area of ​​biological examinations in the 3rd department, the first to begin practical work were senior experts: Police Major Galina Ivanovna Alyoshechkina, who now serves in the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, and Police Captain Yulia Aleksandrovna Zakharova, who is currently on maternity leave. But these employees managed to prepare young specialists for independent work - police lieutenant experts Yulia Sleptsova, Elena Belokon, Nikolai Litvinov and Roman Raspopov. Undoubtedly, DNA examinations are the most complex due to the expensive equipment used in this research work. Recently, through DNA testing, the accused, who denied his involvement in the crimes charged against him, was convicted of rape and murder. Computer and photographic examinations in the department are carried out by experts, senior police lieutenant Evgeniy Chulkov and police lieutenant Pavel Litovsky. As is known, as part of operational investigative activities, it is practiced to interview citizens using a polygraph, which is popularly called a “lie detector.”

This voluntary procedure is not an examination, therefore it is not evidence in a criminal case, however, the certificate based on the results of the survey is taken into account during the preliminary investigation. The range of use of this method is very wide, ranging from surveys in connection with the investigation of thefts and ending with the conduct of operational investigative activities for murders and other crimes against the person. Now at the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, pre-registration for printing is scheduled two weeks in advance. In our district, this area of ​​professional activity was introduced into practice by the chief expert, police lieutenant colonel Oksana Samarskaya, who is currently retired. Oksana Konstantinovna, as her successor as a polygraph examiner, prepared a promising young employee - expert senior police lieutenant Alexander Golubenko. — In the 1990s and early 2000s, a lot of firearms and ammunition were confiscated, so ballistics specialists had plenty of work. Now what is the situation in this area of ​​expert activity? — Indeed, we used to carry out quite a lot of ballistic examinations. Specialists from the Southern District had the opportunity to study a wide variety of firearms, including those found by “black diggers” at battle sites during the Great Patriotic War. I remember that for ballistic examination we received, for example, a PPSh submachine gun in relatively good condition, a Sudakov submachine gun and a Degtyarev submachine gun - this is a very rare specimen, because such a product was produced in small quantities in pre-war times.

Around the beginning of the 2000s, they cleared the bottom of the Moscow River in the Nagatinsky Zaton area and found a bag containing cartridges, grenades and two Kalashnikov assault rifles: one of them was domestically produced, and the second was foreign-made. Judging by the rust on the machines, they had lain on the river bottom for at least three years. If the “foreign barrel” almost turned into dust, then the machine gun made in our country, after thorough cleaning, was loaded and fired from it. And during the construction of a modern enterprise in the Biryulyovo area, metal parts from a Mosin rifle of the 1891-1930 model and produced after 1930 were discovered. These parts were “soaked” in kerosene, the rust was removed from the metal, and then a shot was fired from the assembled rare weapon “barrel,” although the wooden parts of the rifle had long since rotted in the ground. We often came across a variety of modern weapons, including foreign ones: Brazilian Taurus revolvers, Spanish Astra pistols, the famous Colts and other deadly firearms. In 2009-2011, ballisticians carried out quite a lot of examinations of so-called deactivated firearms. Abroad, it is not considered a firearm, but in our country it is recognized as such. Because, in accordance with the law, firearms, even when rendered unusable, do not cease to be available. Among other things, the “models” under study contained the main parts of firearms, which, alas, could be used by attackers for their primary intended purpose. They ordered such “mock-up” goods from other countries via the Internet, and when parcels with similar contents were detected at the international post office, they were confiscated there in accordance with the procedure established by law and sent to us for examination. In recent years, much fewer weapons have been received by ballisticians for expert examination, and they are mainly homemade “barrels” or converted from other products, including air pistols. Although employees of the district ECC sometimes have the opportunity to examine entire arsenals. Thus, a commission of experts consisting of three employees of the 2nd department - chief expert police lieutenant colonel Alexey Vladimirovich Valeev and experts police captains Dmitry Vasilyevich Filkin and Irina Petrovna Alekseeva - from March 20 to April 28, 2014 carried out an examination of the presented objects: three machine guns; machine gun without number, with magazine; ZHE series machine gun with magazine, manufactured in 1945; machine gun without a number, with a wooden folding butt; three revolvers and a revolver drum; T series pistol; pistol series YUM; pistol without number; a converted Mosin rifle; F series submachine gun, manufactured in 1944; submachine gun, 1945; IYA series carbine, manufactured in 1934; carbine without number, manufactured in 1939; a bayonet without a number and twenty rounds of ammunition. The specified weapons and cartridges were seized on February 27, 2014 in the apartment of a citizen living on Malaya Kaluzhskaya Street in the capital.

The commission of experts made, in particular, the following conclusions: one of the machine guns, converted in a home-made way using parts of a machine gun or Kalashnikov assault rifles and by installing a home-made rifled barrel, belongs to a non-standard hand-held rifled firearm and is suitable for firing individual shots with standard 7-caliber cartridges, 62 millimeters for the Tokarev pistol model 1930-1933; the rifle is homemade using parts (barrel, receiver, bolt) of a Mosin rifle model 1891, caliber 7.62 millimeters, and a homemade forend, butt, handle and barrel casing and belongs to a non-standard rifled, long-barreled hand-held firearm suitable for firing standard 7.62 mm caliber cartridges (model 1908, domestic production) for the Mosin rifle; pistol of the YUM series, manufactured in 1944, model 1930-1933, designed by Tokarev (TT), domestically produced, is a rifled hand-held short-barreled firearm and is suitable for firing standard 7.62 mm cartridges (for the TT pistol); a bayonet of the 1940 model for the 7.62-mm rifle “SVT-40” was modified in a homemade way by increasing the length of the limiter and belongs to piercing edged weapons; twenty rounds are standard hunting cartridges of 7.62x39 caliber with an expansive bullet, domestically produced, and are suitable for shooting. The remaining “barrels” in the presented form were not suitable for firing shots due to various reasons: the lack of a trigger mechanism, severe corrosion of parts, unfinished design of the receiver, and the like. — An employee of the forensic department is obliged to constantly improve in his profession, improve his educational level and, of course, must strive to acquire new skills and abilities. Who influenced your development as a forensic specialist? — In essence, expert work is a scientific search for truth. And specialists must certainly have appropriate theoretical and practical training, as well as a desire to improve their qualifications. Personally, I remember with gratitude all my teachers and mentors who helped me develop as a professional expert. Forensics and criminal procedure at the police college No. 1 of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate were taught by a famous specialist scientist - police colonel Yuri Petrovich Dubyagin. In the expert forensic group of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Nagatinsky Zaton district, my mentor was a forensic technician, senior police sergeant Alexander Zhuzhgov, the current deputy head of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, police lieutenant colonel. Let me remind you that the forensic technician participated, in particular, in inspections of accident scenes. Having gone on several such trips with my mentor Zhuzhgov, I then worked independently as a forensic technician on similar calls. And immediately - a “combat situation”: an RGD-5 grenade was seized from the suspect’s apartment, with which this aggressive, jealous man the day before came to the kindergarten for a “family showdown” allegedly with his unfaithful wife, who worked there as a teacher. There was an acute shortage of office equipment in the forensic group; examinations were printed on a portable mechanical typewriter. By the way, my colleague and I bought our first computer for business needs with our own money. In 1996, I entered the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1998, at a course at the Moscow Special Secondary Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where our students’ teachers were Viktor Vasilyevich Ponomarev and Yana Evgenievna Livenskaya, I received permission to perform fingerprint examinations and examinations of bladed and throwing weapons. And at advanced training courses at the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where professor police colonel Vasily Ivanovich Shapochkin taught, he received permission to conduct ballistic examinations. He took up the position of senior expert in 2003, and the following year, again in Volgograd, he first received permission to conduct a technical and forensic examination of documents, and then a handwriting examination. In 2005, I was appointed head of the 2nd inter-district department of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate, and in 2006, four inter-district departments were merged into one, and I was appointed chief expert of the 1st department of the center. He was engaged in planning and analytical activities; during that period, office work was literally started from scratch and as a result, an organizational and methodological group appeared, which also performed the function of an office. He also supervised the work of four experts included in the permanent investigative and operational team of the district police department, and he himself replaced any of them in the event of an employee’s illness or due to another objective reason.

An Open Day was held at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District

The Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District held an Open Day for 9th and 11th grade students and law college students.

After graduating from school, young people are faced with the question of choosing a profession. Employees of the internal affairs bodies in the south of the capital objectively and comprehensively informed about the activities of the police. The event was opened by the assistant chief for work with personnel, Colonel of the Internal Service Mikhail Klyuev.

After that, the police showed the high school students videos about the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya and talked about what prospects open up after its completion.

Representatives of services and divisions of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the south of the capital structured their speech in the form of a dialogue. The guys asked questions and received comprehensive answers to them.

Then the guests were shown around the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate and invited to the training ground, where they were shown special equipment, and the senior expert of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, Police Major Anna Mishurova, spoke about the work of her colleagues and demonstrated some of the actions of the experts.

Demonstrations and demonstrations of combat techniques used by police officers to apprehend offenders aroused great interest.

At the shooting range of the Internal Affairs Directorate in the Southern Administrative District, police officers demonstrated to schoolchildren military weapons, special equipment, items of equipment and equipment in service with the police. In the interactive shooting range, everyone could test their accuracy. At the end of the meeting, the guests met with dog handlers who demonstrated the capabilities of their pets, namely, methods of detaining offenders and the ability to detect prohibited substances using a service dog.

In addition, high school students were shown vehicles used by police officers.

The guys were interested in the possibility and conditions of serving in the internal affairs bodies, as well as entering departmental universities of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many of them expressed their intention to connect their future lives with working in the police.

Police officers of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District detained a suspect in theft

Criminal investigation operatives of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District detained a 41-year-old resident of the capital suspected of stealing a car.

A driver from one of the capital's companies contacted the duty station. According to the applicant, an unknown person stole a Peugeot car parked on Gazoprovod Street, owned by his employer. The damage amounted to 900 thousand rubles.

As a result of operational search activities, police officers detained a suspect on 1st Magistralnaya Street. He turned out to be a 41-year-old resident of the capital. The police also found and seized components of the stolen car.

Based on this fact, the investigation of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye district opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Theft”.

A preventive measure in the form of a recognizance not to leave the place was chosen against the suspect.

Traffic inspectors from the south of the capital conducted an excursion to the training center of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans"

The management of the traffic police of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, together with the management of the traffic safety service of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, as well as the management of the Yuzhny Branch of the State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans, organized and conducted an excursion for the detachment of southern traffic inspectors of the capital’s school No. 904 at the training center of the State Unitary Enterprise "Mosgortrans".

This plant is the oldest educational institution in Russia and the only one in Moscow that trains drivers for urban ground passenger transport (trolleybus, tram and bus). The children were shown classrooms equipped with technical teaching aids, visual aids, multimedia interactive complexes and video projectors, in which Moscow public transport drivers are trained.

The schoolchildren were most interested in the driving training simulator. Sitting in a real bus cabin, the guys, under the guidance of an experienced instructor, were able to drive along the virtual Warsaw Highway and the streets nearby, while not forgetting to follow the traffic rules.

At the end of the excursion, the teachers of the training center noted the excellent knowledge of the Russian Federation traffic rules of the young guests, and the guys, in turn, thanked everyone for an interesting and exciting excursion.

The Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow reminds us of the need for timely payment of fines

ABOUT THE DPS The traffic police of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District reminds citizens how important it is to pay fines on time.

Failure to pay an administrative fine by the driver of a vehicle within the prescribed period entails a fine equal to twice the amount of the unpaid administrative fine, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days, or compulsory work for up to fifty hours.

Dear road users! Checking whether a driver has unpaid fines is carried out not only when a traffic participant is stopped by a traffic police officer. You can also find out about the outstanding fine when performing registration and examination actions (registration and deregistration of a vehicle, replacement of a driver’s license). Also, information about debtors who have not paid fines on time is transmitted to road patrol inspectors using photo and video cameras.

With the introduction of a 50 percent discount for quick payment of fines, subscription to notifications of new fines, which is implemented on the Unified Portal of Public Services, has become especially relevant. Such a subscription allows a citizen to quickly receive information about decisions made against him for traffic offenses and pay new fines without waiting for a registered letter with a copy of the decision to arrive by mail.

You can obtain information about administrative offenses in the field of road traffic on the Public Services Portal of the Russian Federation ( Here, a citizen can pay the fine in a short time with a 50 percent discount.

Southern District police detained a suspect in robbery

Criminal investigation operatives of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chertanovo Yuzhnoe district detained a 35-year-old visitor suspected of committing a robbery.

The Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chertanovo Yuzhnoe district received a report of a robbery. According to the victim, a taxi driver, on Dorozhnaya Street two unknown men offered to get into their car to communicate, which he did. Then, threatening him with an unknown object, they struck him several times in the face, after which they stole a mobile phone and a bank card and, pushing the applicant out of the salon, fled. The damage amounted to more than 13 thousand rubles.

As a result of operational search activities in the Moscow region, police detained one of the suspects. He turned out to be a 35-year-old newcomer.

Based on this fact, the investigation of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chertanovo Yuzhnoye district opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Robbery”. A preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen against the suspect.

Currently, police officers are carrying out further operational-search activities and investigative actions aimed at identifying, searching for and detaining possible accomplices of this act, as well as identifying additional episodes of illegal activities of the detainee.

Press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District

In the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a literally irreplaceable link is the forensic service, which makes its own contribution to the fight against crime. Along with the Forensic Expertise Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, district ECCs operate in the capital with corresponding groups for servicing the Department of Internal Affairs in the districts.

The deputy head of the ECC of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District, police major Alexey Doronin, 1st class specialist, told the correspondent of the newspaper “Petrovka, 38” about the formation and development of the Expert Forensic Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

Our information:

The Department of Internal Affairs of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow was founded on July 31, 1991 on the basis of three district departments - Sovetsky, Krasnogvardeisky and Proletarsky, which included scientific and technical groups.

In 1992, the Expert Forensic Department (ECO) was created as part of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow with a staff of 32 employees. At the same time, sixteen expert forensic groups were organized in the internal affairs departments of municipal districts.

In 2003, ECO was transformed into the Expert Forensic Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, and four inter-district departments of the ECC were formed on the basis of existing expert forensic groups.

Now the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow includes: the department of technical and forensic support for investigative actions and operational investigative activities; forensic department; department of special examinations; inter-district department, consisting of sixteen groups for servicing the Department of Internal Affairs in the districts. The center's staff consists of 115 units, of which more than half (61 units) are personnel of groups for servicing the Department of Internal Affairs in the regions of the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.

The heads of the district forensic forensic service were: S.N. Zheludkov (1992-1996); V.Yu. Nutskov (1997-2001); A.V. Starodubtsev (2001-2004); T.G. Khlebnikov (2004-2009). From 2009 to the present, the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of Moscow has been headed by Police Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Alekseevich Tafintsev.

Alexey Vladimirovich, the formation of the unit’s team and the improvement of the material and technical base of the district forensic service took place virtually before your eyes.

- Let me clarify right away that after the creation of the ECO Department of Internal Affairs of the district in 1992, forensic groups were formed in each of the Departments of Internal Affairs of the municipal districts of the Southern Administrative District. As for me, after graduating from police college No. 1 of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate in 1995, I was hired as a forensic technician for the Nagatinsky Zaton District Department of Internal Affairs, receiving the special rank of police private.

At first, the Forensic Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate was located on Avtozavodskaya Street, where six offices were allocated to the district IVF in the building of the district department of internal affairs. At that time, the employees of the unit carried out exclusively seven traditional examinations - fingerprinting, traceological, ballistic, handwriting, edged and throwing weapons, portrait and technical-forensic examination of documents, as well as auto-technical examination of vehicle markings.

Later, the Expert and Forensic Department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Southern Administrative District settled in a three-story ancient building at a new address: Serpukhovsky Val, house No. 4. In this 19th century building, according to legend, before the revolution there was a gendarmerie stable, and at the end of the twentieth century, the historical building was occupied mainly by services local district police department. ECO specialists occupied part of the third floor - ten offices; in the former cell for administrative detainees, the department's employees equipped a room on their own for the experimental shooting of weapons submitted for ballistic examination. True, at that time the conditions for the professional activities of experts were, to put it mildly, not very good: suffice it to say that almost every year the old, dilapidated building had to be redecorated. I know this first-hand, since at that time I was already working as a ballistics expert at the district IVF. In particular, we had a comparative microscope MSK-1, the corresponding data on one or another ballistic examination was recorded on a photographic plate. To obtain high-quality photographs, a long shutter speed was required, so photographs were taken at night. And in the daytime, when trams passed next to our, literally, historical building, the walls vibrated noticeably and, of course, in this case the image on the photographic plates turned out to be blurry.

However, our service continued to develop consistently. Thus, in the district IVF, after the receipt of the appropriate equipment, they began to conduct an examination of narcotic drugs, potent and psychotropic substances. Then we began to carry out accounting examinations, but now they are performed only by the ECC head office. Then employees of the district service began to carry out biological examinations. But, by the way, previously specialists from the Southern Administrative District did not have their own laboratory, and therefore our employees carried out such difficult research on the basis of the 4th department of the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, that is, the department of biological examinations and records.

But now, in the new building of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern Administrative District, which was built on the capital’s Kashirskoe Highway, the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District is provided with the necessary office space and modern high-tech equipment for carrying out examinations and research.

What is the district ECC now like, what areas of official activities are personally supervised by the center’s leaders?

Now the ECC has four units: 1st department is the department of technical and forensic support for investigative actions and operational investigative activities; 2nd department is the forensic department; The 3rd department is the department of special examinations; interdistrict department. The head of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, police lieutenant colonel Sergei Alekseevich Tafintsev, provides general management of the center’s activities. The deputy head of the ECC - head of the 1st department, police lieutenant colonel Alexander Anatolyevich Zhuzhgov, also oversees the interdistrict department, which is headed by police major Maxim Ivanovich Veshkitov. According to my official responsibilities, as the deputy head of the ECC - head of the 2nd department of the center, I am also entrusted with supervising the 3rd department.

I cannot help but name a number of employees who professionally cope with the official responsibilities assigned to them. In the 2nd department, the technical and forensic examination of documents and handwriting examination are carried out by senior experts, police majors Ilya Pavlovich Zakharov, Roman Viktorovich Davydov, Olga Gennadievna Gusakova and Olga Valerievna Rukina. It should be clarified that handwriting examination is very popular and, perhaps, the most time-consuming. A handwriting specialist does not have any special equipment for work, and all the knowledge necessary for the study must be stored in the employee’s head. To become a good expert in this area, you need to be able to see all the distinctive features of handwriting, and such experience, like that of automotive technicians, is gained over the years. Most handwriting examinations are carried out as part of the investigation of criminal cases involving economic crimes and other crimes of the so-called property block. Such examinations, most often, are multi-object. Let's say, the materials of a criminal case consisting of 10-20 volumes are being studied, and each of them contains at least ten documents, on which a handwriting specialist must carry out a large amount of research work.

Along with the head of the 3rd department, police lieutenant colonel Oleg Anatolyevich Istyagin, his deputy police lieutenant colonel Alexey Valerievich Gushchin, the chief expert, police lieutenant colonel Sergei Anatolyevich Zhakhovsky, and senior expert police major Denis Nikolaevich Kozlov, have proven themselves to be real masters in the production of automotive technical examinations.

In the same department, senior expert police captain Anastasia Yurievna Koledova and expert police major Yuri Ivanovich Lekarev are engaged in the production of chemical examinations on drugs, potent and psychotropic substances, as well as fuels and lubricants.

In the area of ​​biological examinations in the 3rd department, the first to begin practical work were senior experts: Police Major Galina Ivanovna Alyoshechkina, who now serves in the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, and Police Captain Yulia Aleksandrovna Zakharova, who is currently on maternity leave. But these employees managed to prepare young specialists - experts, police lieutenants Yulia Sleptsova, Elena Belokon, Nikolai Litvinov and Roman Raspopov - for independent work. Undoubtedly, DNA examinations are the most complex due to the expensive equipment used in this research work. Recently, through DNA testing, the accused, who denied his involvement in the crimes charged against him, was convicted of rape and murder.

Computer and photographic examinations in the department are carried out by experts, senior police lieutenant Evgeniy Chulkov and police lieutenant Pavel Litovsky.

As is known, as part of operational investigative activities, it is practiced to interview citizens using a polygraph, which is popularly called a “lie detector.” This voluntary procedure is not an examination, therefore it is not evidence in a criminal case, however, the certificate based on the results of the survey is taken into account during the preliminary investigation. The range of use of this method is very wide, ranging from surveys in connection with the investigation of thefts and ending with the conduct of operational investigative activities for murders and other crimes against the person. Now at the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, pre-registration for printing is scheduled two weeks in advance. In our district, this area of ​​professional activity was introduced into practice by the chief expert, police lieutenant colonel Oksana Samarskaya, who is currently retired. Oksana Konstantinovna, as her successor-polygraph examiner, prepared a promising young employee - expert senior police lieutenant Alexander Golubenko.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, a lot of firearms and ammunition were confiscated, so ballisticians had plenty of work to do. Now what is the situation in this area of ​​expert activity?

Indeed, we used to carry out quite a lot of ballistic examinations. Specialists from the Southern District had the opportunity to study a wide variety of firearms, including those found by “black diggers” at battle sites during the Great Patriotic War. I remember that for ballistic examination we received, for example, a PPSh submachine gun in relatively good condition, a Sudakov submachine gun and a Degtyarev submachine gun - this is a very rare specimen, because such a product was produced in small quantities in pre-war times.

Around the beginning of the 2000s, they cleared the bottom of the Moscow River in the Nagatinsky Zaton area and found a bag containing cartridges, grenades and two Kalashnikov assault rifles: one of them was domestically produced, and the second was foreign-made. Judging by the rust on the machines, they had lain on the river bottom for at least three years. If the “foreign barrel” almost turned into dust, then the machine gun made in our country, after thorough cleaning, was loaded and fired from it.

And during the construction of a modern enterprise in the Biryulyovo area, metal parts from a Mosin rifle of the 1891-1930 model and produced after 1930 were discovered. These parts were “soaked” in kerosene, the rust was removed from the metal, and then a shot was fired from the assembled rare weapon “barrel,” although the wooden parts of the rifle had long since rotted in the ground.

We often came across a variety of modern weapons, including foreign ones: Brazilian Taurus revolvers, Spanish Astra pistols, the famous Colts and other deadly firearms.

In 2009-2011, ballisticians carried out quite a lot of examinations of so-called deactivated firearms. Abroad, it is not considered a firearm, but in our country it is recognized as such. Because, in accordance with the law, a firearm, even if rendered unusable, does not cease to be one. Among other things, the “models” under study contained the main parts of firearms, which, alas, could be used by attackers for their primary intended purpose. They ordered such “mock-up” goods from other countries via the Internet, and when parcels with similar contents were detected at the international post office, they were confiscated there in accordance with the procedure established by law and sent to us for examination.

In recent years, much fewer weapons have been received by ballisticians for expert examination, and they are mainly homemade “barrels” or converted from other products, including air pistols. Although employees of the district ECC sometimes have the opportunity to examine entire arsenals. Thus, a commission of experts consisting of three employees of the 2nd department - chief expert police lieutenant colonel Alexey Vladimirovich Valeev and experts police captains Dmitry Vasilyevich Filkin and Irina Petrovna Alekseeva - from March 20 to April 28, 2014, carried out an examination of the presented objects: three machine guns; machine gun without number, with magazine; ZHE series machine gun with magazine, manufactured in 1945; machine gun without a number, with a wooden folding butt; three revolvers and a revolver drum; T series pistol; pistol series YUM; pistol without number; a converted Mosin rifle; F series submachine gun, manufactured in 1944; submachine gun, 1945; IYA series carbine, manufactured in 1934; carbine without number, manufactured in 1939; a bayonet without a number and twenty rounds of ammunition. The specified weapons and cartridges were seized on February 27, 2014 in the apartment of a citizen living on Malaya Kaluzhskaya Street in the capital. The commission of experts made, in particular, the following conclusions: one of the machine guns, converted in a home-made way using parts of a machine gun or Kalashnikov assault rifles and by installing a home-made rifled barrel, belongs to a non-standard hand-held rifled firearm and is suitable for firing individual shots with standard 7-caliber cartridges, 62 millimeters for the Tokarev pistol model 1930-1933; the rifle is homemade using parts (barrel, receiver, bolt) of a Mosin rifle model 1891, caliber 7.62 millimeters, and a homemade forend, butt, handle and barrel casing and belongs to a non-standard rifled, long-barreled hand-held firearm suitable for firing standard 7.62 mm caliber cartridges (model 1908, domestic production) for the Mosin rifle; pistol of the YUM series, manufactured in 1944, model 1930-1933, designed by Tokarev (TT), domestically produced, belongs to the rifled hand-held short-barreled firearm and is suitable for firing standard 7.62 mm cartridges (for the TT pistol); a bayonet of the 1940 model for the 7.62-mm rifle “SVT-40” was modified in a homemade way by increasing the length of the limiter and belongs to piercing edged weapons; twenty rounds are standard hunting cartridges of 7.62x39 caliber with an expansive bullet, domestically produced, and are suitable for shooting. The remaining “barrels” in the presented form were not suitable for firing shots due to various reasons: the lack of a firing mechanism, severe corrosion of parts, unfinished design of the receiver, and the like.

An employee of an expert forensic unit is obliged to constantly improve in his profession, raise his educational level and, of course, must strive to acquire new skills and abilities. Who influenced your development as a forensic specialist?

In essence, expert work is a scientific search for truth. And specialists must certainly have appropriate theoretical and practical training, as well as a desire to improve their qualifications. Personally, I remember with gratitude all my teachers and mentors who helped me develop as a professional expert.

Forensics and criminal procedure at the police college No. 1 of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate were taught by a famous specialist scientist - police colonel Yuri Petrovich Dubyagin. In the expert forensic group of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Nagatinsky Zaton district, my mentor was a forensic technician, senior police sergeant Alexander Zhuzhgov, the current deputy head of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District, police lieutenant colonel. Let me remind you that the forensic technician participated, in particular, in inspections of accident scenes. Having gone on several such trips with my mentor Zhuzhgov, I then worked independently as a forensic technician on similar calls. And immediately - a “combat situation”: an RGD-5 grenade was seized from the suspect’s apartment, with which this aggressive, jealous man the day before came to the kindergarten for a “family showdown” allegedly with his unfaithful wife, who worked there as a teacher.

There was an acute shortage of office equipment in the forensic group; examinations were typed on a portable mechanical typewriter. By the way, my colleague and I bought our first computer for business needs with our own money.

In 1996, I entered the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1998, at a course at the Moscow Special Secondary Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where our students’ teachers were Viktor Vasilyevich Ponomarev and Yana Evgenievna Livenskaya, I received permission to perform fingerprint examinations and examinations of bladed and throwing weapons. And at advanced training courses at the Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, where professor police colonel Vasily Ivanovich Shapochkin taught, he received permission to conduct ballistic examinations.

He took up the position of senior expert in 2003, and the following year, again in Volgograd, he first received permission to conduct a technical and forensic examination of documents, and then a handwriting examination. In 2005, I was appointed head of the 2nd inter-district department of the ECC of the Internal Affairs Directorate, and in 2006, four inter-district departments were merged into one, and I was appointed chief expert of the 1st department of the center. He was engaged in planning and analytical activities; during that period, office work was literally started from scratch and as a result, an organizational and methodological group appeared, which also performed the function of an office. He also supervised the work of four experts included in the permanent investigative and operational group of the district police department, and he himself replaced any of them in the event of an employee’s illness or due to another objective reason.

In 2008, he was promoted to the position of deputy head of the ECC - head of the 1st department. Later, in 2010, he was reassigned to the position of deputy head of the Expert-Forensic Center of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District - head of the 2nd department.

In order to more effectively conduct career training classes with employees, our ECC has introduced a useful innovation - a special training ground and classroom have been equipped in the basement of the new administrative building of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Southern District. I hope that in one of the upcoming issues the newspaper “Petrovka, 38” will introduce its readers to what we believe is a positive experience in qualitatively improving the professional training of expert employees.

Interviewed by Alexander Tarasov,

The editors of the newspaper “Petrovka, 38” thanks the head of the press service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Southern Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, Natalya Maltseva, for her assistance in preparing this interview for publication.

Photo captions


Gas chromatograph research is carried out by expert Yuri Lekarev

Ballistics expert...:

Ballistics expert Irina Alekseeva