An example of filling out a title page. Design of the title page according to GOST

Just as a person is greeted by his clothes, a term paper or essay is greeted by its title page. Looking at an incorrectly or carelessly designed title page, a teacher or supervisor may doubt the quality of the finished work and lower the grade, despite the fact that its content meets all the requirements.

What information should be displayed on it? At the top of the sheet there is a heading: “Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.” One line below is the full name of the educational institution, another line below is the full name of the faculty. The “head” is aligned to the center of the sheet. Stepping back from the top edge by 1/3, indicate the specialty. Below, skipping a line, write the type of report or something else. The type of work is typed in large bold font. If the coursework or test is subject to any option, this is indicated in the line below. In the lower third of the sheet indicate the data of the student and the inspector in Performed by: Gennady Dmitrievich Vlasov, 1st year full-time student, group No. 26. Checked by: David Evgenievich Grishin, professor of the Department of Metallurgy (conditionally). The title page ends with the name of the city and the year the report was written.

In addition to scientific reports and term papers at the institute, it is often necessary to prepare the first page for a school essay. Of course, the design requirements there are not as strict as in higher educational institutions, but a correctly composed title page attracts the teacher’s attention and helps to create a favorable impression of the work itself. For the first page, always take A 4. The title page is not numbered and does not participate in counting the pages of the abstract. There is no need to decorate it either: no frames, monograms, pictures, stickers, unless this is discussed separately.

How to properly format a title page for an essay? At the top, in the middle of the page, stepping back a centimeter from the edge, write the name of the ministry, and on the line below - the name of the educational institution, for example: municipal educational institution of the city of Dunaisk No. 81. According to the latest requirements, the name of the ministry is not written, since it has been disbanded, but many require it to be indicated in title page the old fashioned way. The name of the work is written in the center of the sheet, for example: “The Silver Age of Russian Poetry.” The name is highlighted in bold letters 16. You should also not highlight it in italics, underlined lines or excessively large letters - this does not enhance the work, but rather, on the contrary, violates the integrity of perception. Under the title of the work, its type and subject are indicated, for example, “Abstract on history” or “Report on literature.” Towards the end of the page, on the right, the student’s data is written, for example: “Completed by: Izmailov V.I., student of the 8th “G” grade of school No. 136. A line below - the teacher’s full name. Instead of teacher data, you can leave an empty line.

There is no need to write down all the titles of the leader in detail: teacher of Russian language, literature and rhetoric and class teacher of 7 “A”, 6 “B” and 8th “G”. The last name and the first letter of the first and middle name will be enough. Later, when the work is accepted, the teacher will sign next to his name. If several students did an essay or report at the same time, the last names with initials and class number are written on the right in a column, one above the other. The same applies to the list of inspectors: if several people will accept the work, their names should be written in a column, for example: “Checked by members of the commission: N.A. Ivanov, S.S. Temerov.”

A general example of a title page is described here. You can ask your supervisor or teacher for more details about the rules for submitting work, since requirements may differ in different educational institutions. In addition, it should be remembered that even a perfectly designed title page will not save poorly prepared work.

Why is it important to format the title page correctly?

As a rule, students encounter a similar problem at the beginning of their studies. In the first, maximum, second year of college. Often, after receiving a task to complete a job, a freshman does not know how to begin completing it. You have to spend a lot of time and worry. All this can distract attention from writing the essay itself. The resulting loss of time will result in a loss of quality of the work itself.
Therefore, it is advisable to study the rules for designing a title page and have a sample of its design with you. Moreover, for decades, no special innovations have been introduced into the regulations for preparing the first sheet of work.
Much depends on the quality and correctness of the design of the first title page. Firstly, this is the face of your work. It shows how responsibly you took the task you received.
Secondly, an experienced teacher can quite accurately assess the work itself, its quality and correctness of writing, just by the appearance of the first sheet.
And thirdly, you need to learn always and in everything. The habit of doing all the work “from cover to cover” at the highest level develops such important character qualities as determination, responsibility, punctuality and conscientiousness.

Guiding documents for the design of the title page.

All basic requirements and features for the design of the title page of the abstract are defined in GOST 7.32-2001. current for 2019 The document is called: “Report on research work. Structure and rules of design”, and reveals in detail how it should be. Therefore, before starting work, in order to avoid errors, you should study this document. Well, for those who prefer a more detailed and visual study of the issue to dry numbers and laconic instructions, our article has been prepared.

Basic requirements for the title.

So, step one is indentation. In order for the finished abstract to be stitched into one brochure, a 30mm indentation must be made on the right. On the right, the size of such an indent is set to 10mm, and at the top and bottom - the same, 20mm. This is the distance to the frame, which is recommended to be done in a classic traditional style. And already inside the frame they have all the necessary information.
Point No. 2 - font. The generally accepted font for the entire abstract as a whole, and the title page in particular, is Times New Roman. If the text of the abstract itself uses the 14th size of this font, then for the design of the title page, it is possible to use different sizes, as well as bold, underline, etc.

Components of the tiule leaf.

For better understanding, let’s conditionally divide the title page into parts. Let's look at each one separately.
Top of the sheet.
We indicate the name of the Ministry under whose jurisdiction this educational institution is located.
A little lower, indented by 1 interval, the name of the university itself is written in large letters.
Both lines are aligned to the center.

design of the title page of the abstract.

Sample title page

Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg Restoration and Art College


By discipline:

(indicate the name of the discipline)

(This line contains an exact indication of the topic of your work)

Student (_) course, (_) group
Full Name

Scientific adviser:
(Position, name of department)
Full Name
Grade _____________________
Date _____________________
Signature ____________________

Saint Petersburg

Middle of the title page.

It should also be placed centrally. Here it is indicated:
- The word "ABSTRACT".
- by discipline:
- “hereinafter the name of the discipline itself”
- on the topic: (colon required)
- the exact wording of the selected or specified topic of the essay is indicated
As a result, all information should be located on at least 5 lines (or more if the topic of the abstract does not fit on one line). There should be no quotation marks on the title page. And the word “ABSTRACT” is allowed to be written
16th font, since it should stand out against the general background, as the main thing on the page.
Bottom part.
It is drawn up after indenting two intervals (by pressing the Enter key twice).
Further, all entries are made as indicated in the sample. You should pay attention to the alignment of the text in this section. Design rules allow alignment to both the right and left edges. However, this does not mean the edge of the sheet, but a conditionally created table in which this block of the title page is located. It is within this table that you can perform left alignment (as shown in the example).
Well, one last thing: at the very bottom of the page you indicate the city in which the university is located and the year the essay was written.


We have already noted the importance of knowledge and ability to correctly format the title page of an abstract. We can only add that many educational institutions (especially higher education institutions) allow the introduction of their own features. They may differ slightly from GOST, therefore, before completing the first sheet of work, contact your supervisor and check with him for the presence of such differences!

Video instructions for designing a title page in MS WORD

Correct formatting in a student’s essay is an important stage in completing the entire assignment, so college and institute students should take the topic of formatting seriously.

If you do not take into account such an important factor as the design of the abstract, then even the best work may need to be revised. And during the session period, when timely delivery is required, this can become a problem. Let's look at what a title page is and how to format it according to the rules.

There are developed rules that recommend how to write the title page of an abstract according to GOST. Freshmen should pay attention to them, especially before the first session. This topic is not difficult. In addition to the general rules and GOSTs, there are methodological instructions that cover in detail the topic of how to correctly design a title page.

Example of title page design

The preparation of the abstract should begin with the study of GOSTs. Each university develops its own teaching aids, which contain an example of a title page for a student’s work. You should carefully study the manuals.

The first page of the work is usually designed in a style that is designed for these purposes. Each student must adhere to the standards that indicate how to properly format the title page.

Important! The first page is always a presentation of the student's entire work. It can create both a positive and negative impression on the teacher.

The thing is that if the title page of an essay at a university is formatted incorrectly, the teacher will not even read the text, but will simply return it for revision.

There are two samples of scientific work:

  1. The first is called “Report on Research”. Its number is 7.32-2001. It relates to scientific work. This section of GOST describes in detail all the conditions for preparing a report, and what information it should contain.
  2. The second is called the “Unified System of Design Documentation”. Its number is 2.105-95. This document is distributed not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the CIS countries. It regulates the preparation of documents: the format of the main sheet, how to write the name of the university, personal data of the student and the inspector.

If you design the title page of the essay according to GOST, the teacher will have less chance of returning it for revision.

Basic Rules

Of course, the university administration can put forward its own demands and approve them in teaching aids. But there are general developed rules on how to design the title page of an abstract. First of all, you should set the dimensions of the sheet margin.

Sample title page

The indentation should be like this:

  • right – 15 mm;
  • left – 30 mm;
  • top – 20 mm;
  • below – 20 mm.

Important! To be on the safe side, you can check this information with your teacher, as he has the right to change it. Even if it goes against accepted design standards.

Basic information found on the home page:

  1. Country (sometimes this information is not required).
  2. Name of the department. It can be full or abbreviated. This should be clarified with the inspector.
  3. Discipline.
  4. Topic title.
  5. Basic information about the student.
  6. The type of training form used (day hospital, correspondence course, evening course).
  7. Information about the reviewer, his name, and his position.
  8. City.

Sample title page

Elements of the presentation page of the work:

  1. Information about the educational institution. They must be indicated in full, without abbreviations, at the top of the page. When entering information, a regular font is used; writing in capital letters is allowed. But this is not a prerequisite. The phrase is located in the center.
  2. The department name should be written using Times New Roman, size 14. It should be centered. To differentiate it from the name of the university, you can draw a line.
  3. The topic name is located in the middle of the page. The font is already in use 18. When writing the topic, a bold font is used.
  4. When entering information about the person checking, the text should be placed on the right edge. Be sure to indicate the reviewer's position.
  5. Data regarding the year the work was written and the city are centered on the page.

Digression is an important point when writing a paper. If we take into account GOST, then 1.5 cm is indented on the right, and 2 cm on the left.

Sample title page of an abstract

When completing the first page, students look for an example of already completed work. The sample is downloaded from the Internet, but how correct it is should be checked by comparing it with GOST standards. The work of other students should not be used as an example, as it is easy to copy someone else's mistake.

We must not forget that even though the numbering starts from the first page, there should not be a number on the title. Not a single GOST recommends which font should be used when writing. The most common is Times New Roman. Sometimes 18 point is used.

The text is typed in black. If a student does not know exactly how to correctly format the title page of an essay, then you need to contact your teacher at the department for clarification.

Since the main page presents all the work, you need to type it without errors, correctly, in accordance with the general requirements:

  1. No spelling errors.
  2. Full provision of information.
  3. Compliance with GOST standards.


Provided that the reviewer has not put forward any special requirements, you can use GOSTs to formalize the work. First, you should divide the page into 4 sectors: top, center, right and bottom. Each segment is designed in accordance with the developed requirements.

If a student is not sure, then he can always clarify the information on how to design the title page of an essay at his department.

For example,


Samara State University

Department of Information Innovation

Creation of the “Library Storage” database

Completed by: NAP student

group KI-521 Ivanov A.A.

Checked by: Associate Professor Anikin S.E.

To control the mastery of the topic, teachers ask students to write essays on the questions covered. When completing a task, you have to study the subject in more detail, increasing your level of education.

The work should have a clear structure, from the introduction to the final part. It’s good when the text is diluted with diagrams, diagrams, tables. The student not only researches the topic, but also can express his point of view on the issue under consideration.

Title page requirements

An abstract is a written text that covers a topic using multiple sources. It is drawn up on A4 paper. You can write by hand or type on a computer. The font size used is 12/14 and the name is Times New Roman.

Be sure to maintain line spacing and margin indents. The title never ends with a period. The text is located on one side of the sheet. The entire abstract must be numbered. The title page is included in the numbering, but no mark is placed on it.

The student must provide a list of sources in order of importance:

  • basic,
  • periodicals,
  • Internet.

To receive a positive grade, the student must fully consider the topic, research it, and give examples. The work is carried out according to plan and formalized according to established rules. On the main sheet, the student indicates all the key points: what topic is being covered, who wrote it, for which department, who will check the work.

Useful video

Let's sum it up

It is important that the first page is designed in accordance with GOST, so to be on the safe side, the student can use a sample title page, which can be easily downloaded from the Internet, or you can find a photo of the work that has already been submitted to be sure of the correctness of the design.

Friends, good day. In any educational institutions, students are given the following tasks -. And today we will talk about how to design the title page of an essay in schools and universities. Since many students are facing this problem.

We will help you write any academic paper

After all, the following depends on the correct and high-quality design of the title card:

  • Firstly, he is the face of the abstract, your work. It immediately shows how responsibly you took the task.
  • Secondly, the teacher, looking at the title card, determines how much the work is and evaluates it.

What is the title page of an abstract?

This is the very first page in the educational work. It indicates the names of the department, the department, the name of the student and the teacher. In most cases, the title is drawn up according to GOST standards, but this also happens. that university teachers are replacing these rules with well-thought-out training manuals.

In general, to obtain a title deed, they adhere to 2 main state standards:

  1. “Research Report” - GOST 7.32-2001, which very well describes the main requirements that should be included on it.
  2. "ESKD" - GOST 2.105-95 - general requirements for any text document.

Design rules

Although teachers may require the student to adhere to the manual. Still, there are rules that cannot be avoided. But it’s better to find out the various nuances at the department in advance.

According to GOST, includes the following parameters:

  • Not always, but the name of the country is written
  • Department name (abbreviated or full, ask the reviewer)
  • Name of discipline
  • Topic of scientific work
  • Full name, course, group number
  • Full name of the recipient, his position
  • author
  • What city does the author live in?
  • In what year was the document completed?

You also need to remember the following, it is not numbered. I wrote about almost all versions of numbering.

Also, GOST does not specify the font and therefore teachers set it to Times New Roman, 14 pt.

Correct formatting in Word according to GOST 2017-2018

  1. In the center of the sheet, with caps lock turned on, write the name of the department or ministry of your educational institution. For convenience, use Caps Lock.
  2. Next, write down the name of the educational institution, full or short, while maintaining single line spacing.
  3. Below in quotation marks is the name of the department
  4. In capital letters, in the middle of the sheet they write in a font size of 16-20 pt - “Abstract”
  5. Then the subject on which the essay is being written and the topic
  6. Then, to the right of the center, write down the full data of the author and the person being checked
  7. And the last stage - at the bottom of the page in the center the city and year

Sample for students

As mentioned above, title pages may vary depending on the educational institution. Some require adherence to GOST standards, while others require training manuals.

Requirements in schools

Just like in universities, in schools children are also given various types of tasks such as reports, essays. And many schoolchildren want to get an excellent grade from their work. And therefore, the question of how to make a title card correctly interests almost every schoolchild. Let's highlight the main requirements:

  1. Full name of the school
  2. What type of work (essay, report, etc.)
  3. Subject of work (not compulsory in primary school)
  4. Topic and name of the project
  5. Student's name and class
  6. Last name of the checking teacher (also not required in primary school)
  7. City (locality) and date

Rules and example of design for school

Settings in Word

  • Indents: right - 10 mm, left - 30 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm each
  • Font - Times New Roman, 14 point, name of educational institution - 12 point, project name - 28 point and bold, title of work - 16 point and bold
  • Sheet A4


Many first-year students have problems with the correct formatting of a report or essay. Very often, having received an assignment to write an essay, a student thinks about how to design the title page. The key to a good grade is not only the text of the abstract itself, but also a flawlessly composed title page. Since the abstract is a scientific work, its design must be at a high level. First of all, the title page should have a neat appearance. Next, on the left side of the sheet we leave space for binding. Indentations must be made on all pages. It will be better if you take an indentation of three centimeters on the left, two centimeters at the top and bottom, and one and a half centimeters on the right side.

How to format the title page of an essay?

Let's move on to choosing the size and font. The normal font for text is twelve. However, for the title we need to choose a large font. As a rule, we use TimesNewRoman as a standard. Next, you need to highlight the name in bold or italics. When choosing a creative topic, you can make the title original by using different styles, but it is better to consult with your teacher in advance. When writing a serious topic, a standard design without any frills will be correct.

How to correctly format the title page of an essay? To give the title page a beautiful appearance, you can make a frame. It is best to choose a frame that is voluminous or with pictures, but in a classic style. Next we move on to entering text. There is a government standard for title page formatting. However, it happens that higher educational institutions set their own standards regarding its preparation. To correctly format the title page of your essay, it is better to take a sample from the department or teacher. The top text should be written in a standard font - TimesNewRoman. His size is fourteen. Then we highlight the sentence in bold and align it in the middle. The line spacing should be one.

The name of the faculty should be written in the center of the page. Usually the name of the faculty is written at the top. Next, we step back down and write the word “abstract” in capital letters. Below we indicate the words “in the discipline” and the name of the subject, and on the next line the word “topic” and the name of the work performed. We step back down and on the right we write the details of the student and his teacher, including the mark for the essay and leave a line for signatures. At the bottom of the sheet, in the center, indicate the name of your city, and at the bottom - the year the work was submitted.

As a rule, reports begin to be assigned from school. It is from the title page that one gets acquainted with the contents of the report. Therefore, its design must be neat and correct. It is mandatory to indicate information about the educational institution, the topic of the report, the name of the student, and also write the year and locality. Let's take a closer look at how to properly format the title page of a report. It is imperative to use large font.

At the top we write the name of our school or university, for example “Secondary school No. 12 of the Ryazan municipality.” Any abbreviation must be deciphered. This is usually done in capital letters. Go to the central part of the page and indicate the topic of the work. To do this, first write the phrase “report on the topic” and on the next line, capitalize the name itself, for example “Healthy lifestyle”. We step back down and on the right indicate the last and first name of the author, class, as well as the full name of the teacher. At the bottom of the page we indicate the date the report was written, and below the city with a capital letter.

A correctly designed title page of the work indicates the student’s attitude towards his project. The title page is the first page of your project, but it is never numbered. Before you begin to compile it, you should take into account the standards of the educational institution and the teacher. At the top in the middle of the page we write the name of our school. Below we indicate the name of the work performed.

By indenting down the middle of the page, indicate the name of your project, including the name of the item. Remember that when designing a title page, the title of the topic is written without quotation marks. Next, go down and on the right side indicate the name of the faculty, your group or class and the details of the author. Just below are the initials of the manager along the words “checked”. If you don’t know how to format a title page correctly, see the sample example.

At the bottom of the page, in the center, indicate your city of residence. On the next line we write the date the task was completed. It must be borne in mind that the word “year” is not indicated on the sheet. When completing a cover page, never put a period at the end of a sentence. The only exception may be the title of the work, consisting of several sentences. However, after the last sentence, we do not put a full stop.

Coursework is one of the defining forms of a student’s report on a particular subject. The rules for its registration in each educational institution may differ. But there are generally accepted standards for its design. The title page is drawn up in A4 format with a font size of fourteen. The font should be standard - TimesNewRoman. Before you start filling out the data on the page, you need to make indents: one centimeter on the right, three on the left, and two centimeters on the top and bottom.

Translated from Latin, the title page means “inscription”, “title”. This sheet contains information about the educational institution, faculty, topic of the course work, subject, details of the student and his supervisor, as well as the locality and year of the work. The top line is filled in capital letters, highlighted in bold, and centered. The name of the topic of the course work is also written in the middle, but with a large font size and always in capital letters. We do not put a period at the end of the sentence. If the sentence is long, it can be written on two lines.

We write student information at the bottom right, aligned to the left. The student's full name is written in the genitive case. By skipping one line, indicate the initials of the supervisor or teacher. The manager's full name is written in the nominative case. To enter this data, we use a font size of fourteen. And finally, at the bottom of the page we indicate the locality and year of delivery of our work, aligning it in the center.