The role of mass communications in modern society. Mass communication: concept, features, place and role in modern society

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Nesterov A.K. The role of communication in modern society [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Humanity is accumulating information at an ever-increasing pace; the volume of already accumulated data has exceeded the volume amenable to simple human perception. Arrays of newly created information are transmitted so quickly that a person cannot and does not have time to perceive and process them.

The role of mass communication

Mass communication is a consequence of the growing pace and increase in the volume of transmitted information, while technical solutions for the accumulation, transmission and broadcast of information have long ensured the mass transfer of any volume of information. It should be noted that the process of increasing the technological level of mass communication began a long time ago. The first stage was various printed media, then newspapers and magazines appeared. The second stage is the emergence of radio. The third stage is television. The fourth stage is computerization and the Internet.

In modern conditions, mass communication plays a significant role in society, allowing an unlimited number of people to receive various information, using it for their own personal purposes. At the same time, Internet communication allows you to transmit text, sound, image, video.

Mass communication today covers all spheres of human activity and social relations: from communication between relatives and friends to the management of large enterprises.

At the same time, the development of mass communication, the complication of transmitted information, the increase in the volume of transmitted data, has led to an increase in the importance of the information itself, the growth of its value, the requirements for its content, as well as the importance of new technologies, innovations and a body of knowledge in all areas. There is an accelerated development of information and telecommunication technologies compared to the development of public and human perception, which determines the possibility of adequate processing of transmitted information. On the one hand, this requires the fastest adaptation of a person to new conditions of communication, on the other hand, it increases the role of mass communication in society, and in a form that the majority of society can perceive.

The role of social communication

In modern society, communication is an elementary system that includes three elements, as shown in the figure.

Elementary scheme of communication in modern society

In the context of an increase in the volume of transmitted information, the strengthening of the nature of mass data transfer, and the development of information transfer technologies, the main obstacle appears, which is concentrated in the person himself. A person’s capabilities are objectively limited, therefore he is not able to perceive the flow of information that exists today, and he is no longer able to embrace the huge array of accumulated data and knowledge. It is impossible to have sufficiently extensive knowledge in several fields and to be simultaneously a competent engineer, welder, accountant, historian, physician, etc.

Social communication is understood as the movement in social space and time of various knowledge, skills, and emotions. In fact, this is a general form of information transfer in the form of objectively defined data arrays, grouped according to some characteristic.

The role of social communication is determined by the fact that individual recipients of information must have all the necessary capabilities to receive the transmitted information, an array of knowledge, a complex of data, etc., understand them, realize the meaning and assimilate them.

If it is impossible to receive, understand, comprehend or assimilate the transmitted information, social communication is impossible. In other words, if someone transmits information via the Internet, then those watching TV will not be able to receive it. To understand certain information, you need to have knowledge: for example, information about the characteristics of an oil well tells a surgeon little. Understanding requires a certain level of knowledge; roughly speaking, it is impossible to convey information about integrals to a fifth grader. Finally, the assimilation of information will depend on the person himself; if he does not consider it important enough, he will miss it.

It is also determined by the communicative characteristics of both society itself and its communication space.

Communication features of modern society

Communication in society is of great importance for the functioning of its social structure, ensuring the functioning of all public institutions, government, economic relations, education, etc. For modern society, the role of communication is determined by the peculiarities of its structure.

In Russia, the communication features of society are determined in modern conditions by the following aspects:

  • Formation of sustainable public groups - interest clubs, professional communities, social groups, for example, car enthusiasts, students, as well as political parties, non-profit organizations, etc.
  • The interaction of social groups is determined by the structure of interests, group norms, and conflicts, which manifest themselves in different forms and at different levels of society. If the size of the social group is sufficiently large, for example, at the level of economic sectors, interaction is carried out at the state level.
  • Public communication is high-tech and mass. This determines the existence of many forms, types, formats of communication in modern society, which increases the role and importance of its unification.
  • The extreme degree of saturation of communication in modern society - information and new knowledge are increasingly becoming the main value in society.
  • A high degree of penetration of digital and electronic communications into various spheres of public life: electronic hospital registration, electronic sick leave, electronic business registration, electronic registration and receipt of public services, electronic interaction with authorities, enterprises and between them.

Determined by the following aspects:

  1. The high role of effective communication in resolving public conflicts.
  2. Mechanisms for using communication to form positive attitudes in society.
  3. Communication by socially significant subjects (politicians, authorities, organizations, public figures).
  4. Raising the cultural level and ethics of society.
  5. Changing speech patterns of behavior, forming new forms of communication between subjects of communication.
  6. The role of communication to increase the level of civic responsibility and consciousness in modern society.
  7. The use of communication by business representatives for projects related to the implementation of the principles of social responsibility.
  8. Communication, as the very fact of transmitting information through the media, also determines its role for modern society.

For modern society, it is important to use all conflicts in a positive way, since objective contradictions between group interests exist due to the complex structure of our society. In this regard, any conflict of interests, being a conflict, must be resolved in a constructive manner, which can only be achieved in conditions of rational use of communication between social groups. Rational communication in society presupposes active discussion, refusal to evade existing problems, taking into account various valid points of view, comprehensive coverage of existing problems, and compliance with the norms of behavior accepted in society.

Communication space

The role of communication in society is largely determined by its communication space, which includes both a complex of ethical, linguistic, cultural issues and aspects, and means of communication.

In modern society, communication is predominantly carried out through various technological means, including television, radio, print media, and the Internet. Modern information technologies have ensured the expansion of the communication space beyond the boundaries of any community or previously isolated social group. If earlier public groups were looking for means of effective communication among themselves, now individual social groups are increasingly appearing that seek to reduce the amount of information received through communication channels.

The modern communication space in the technical aspect includes three components:

  1. The Internet that covers the entire planet.
  2. Hardware and software systems that support mass communications, including television and radio broadcasting.
  3. Means of interaction of information systems that ensure communication in modern society.

As a result, the role of communication in society is determined not only by the information transmitted, but also by the space in which it is distributed. From the point of view of socially significant interests, issues, requests, it is necessary to create a unified communication space in which the necessary information can be obtained.

The Internet largely meets this requirement:

  • The presence of universal protocols allows you to transmit any information in such a way that it can be received by any recipient.
  • The ability to use the Internet for personal communication, for professional purposes, in education, to obtain up-to-date information.
  • The ability to organize complex communication: individuals, individuals with groups, groups with groups.
  • Productive information exchange – thematic exchange of information through personal communication, impersonal dissemination of information, electronic publications, databases, and collaboration.

The role of communication for society in the future

Communications have significant potential for society, which is due to both the development of public communication systems and the improvement of technologies for the transmission and dissemination of information. In the future, the role of communication for society will only increase:

  • The complexity of the transmitted information increases the requirements for its perception, awareness and assimilation.
  • Scaling information systems into complex functionally defined structures with unlimited possibilities for storing and processing accumulated information.
  • Increasing requirements for the quality of transmitted information will lead to increased responsibility for the disseminated information and the reliability of information and data.
  • Reducing the possibility of misleading social groups or society as a whole.
  • Transborder communication for society means the opportunity to contact and exchange information between representatives of different nations.

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The new management philosophy is a corporate philosophy within the framework of an “open society”, whose members, social groups and communities are socially responsible and control social processes on the basis of truth, access to knowledge and information. Because of this, in effective management, public decisions are made and, accordingly, prevail non-violent persuasive ways to harmonize interest groups. A practical tool for implementing this philosophy is PR activity as part of the management of any organized form of activity: industrial and commercial, state and municipal, educational and public, etc. With its help, a public communications strategy is developed and implemented; professionally and competently provides assistance to the management of the organization in making management decisions with a focus on the mood and possible responses of the public when starting any business; mass consciousness changes, authority, reputation and trust are gained; the fight against rumors, mistrust, anti-advertising actions of competitors, etc. is carried out. Thus, the boundaries of effective management expand to serve the interests of the public, productively correlating corporate and private interests.

In recent years, along with the increasing role of marketing, the role of marketing communications has increased. It is not enough to have good products and services. To increase their sales and make a profit, it is necessary to convey to consumers the benefits of using products and services. Marketing communications enable the transmission of messages to consumers in order to make company products and services attractive to the target audience. Indeed, effective communications with consumers have become key success factors for any organization.

Specifics of mass communications

Mass communication as a type of human communication certainly has certain specific features that leave their mark on the process of communication itself and on its structural components. As with any type of communication, the following components can be distinguished:

Communicator, i.e. one who speaks, who conveys information;

Audience (recipients), i.e. those who are told, to whom information is conveyed;

Message – what exactly is being said, the information itself;

Channel, i.e. a technical means by which a message is transmitted.

The special role of the channel in mass communication should be emphasized, since it is the mediation of communication by technical means that sets and predetermines the main specific features of mass communication as a type of human communication.

What is the essence of these features and why are they determined precisely by the mediation of communication by technical means? Here, firstly, it should be noted that it is the use of technical means of information transmission that turns human communication into mass communication, since this makes it possible to simultaneously include huge masses of people and a wide variety of social groups and communities in the communication process. This leads to the fact that with the help of mass communication it is not individuals, not individuals, who actually communicate, but large social groups. In other words, mass communication is, first of all, the communication of large social groups with all the ensuing social and psychological consequences.

Intergroup communication differs in many respects from interpersonal communication, although it is most closely related to it. After all, intergroup communication is actually implemented mainly through interpersonal communication between representatives of individual groups, such as national, demographic, etc., and in mass communication it is carried out through an individualized presentation of messages and the interpersonal form of their perception. The description of mass communication as a special form of social interaction, realized in the contact of individual and social consciousness, can, in our opinion, be attributed to other forms of intergroup communication.

Without setting out to consider all the socio-psychological characteristics of intergroup communication, we will limit ourselves to analyzing the specifics of intergroup communication only in the conditions of mass communication. An approach to it not as the communication of society as a whole with individual members or small groups within it, but as the communication of large social groups is very rare in the literature, and without detailed study. At the same time, this approach makes it possible to better understand socio-psychological features of mass communication by attributing them to the system of intergroup socio-psychological phenomena. At the same time, a specific analysis of mass communication from these positions can contribute to the development of problems of intergroup communication in a broader sense.

One of the distinctive features of mass communication, resulting from the intergroup nature of this type of communication, is its pronounced social orientation. . If interpersonal communication, depending on the situation, can have either a social or an individual-personal orientation, then in mass communication it is always socially oriented communication, no matter what personalized form it appears, because this is always a message not for one specific person, but for large social groups, for masses of people.

Technical means give people the opportunity to transmit enormous amounts of information. The implementation of this process is unthinkable without proper organization and management. In other words, it is spontaneously, spontaneously impossible either to collect this information, or to process it, or to ensure its dissemination. Consequently, the use of technical means leads to the fact that communication in the conditions of mass communication is necessarily organized. In contrast to interpersonal communication, where, depending on the circumstances, there are spontaneous, spontaneous, and organized forms, mass communication cannot exist outside of organized forms, no matter how diverse they may be.

The activities of mass media are organized and managed by special institutions - editorial offices of newspapers, radio, television, in other words, social institutions that ultimately realize the interests of a particular social group, and above all the social interests of the ruling classes of society. This institutional character of mass communication also reflects the fact that mass communication is essentially the communication of large social groups.

The next important feature of mass communication is that, due to its mediation by technical means, there is no direct, immediate contact between the communicator and the audience. In other words, there is no direct feedback in mass communication.

We find here a manifestation of a dialectical contradiction: overcoming time and space is achieved in mass communication due to the loss of one of the most valuable qualities of interpersonal communication, namely the ability to immediately see, feel and understand the immediate reaction of the communication partner to one’s words and behavior during the communication process.

Why is this immediate feedback so important for human communication? It is needed primarily to achieve mutual understanding. Having seen from the partner’s reaction whether he understands the message, whether he agrees with it, the communicator can adjust his message during communication, clarify what is unclear, use additional arguments, i.e., make his message more convincing and effective. In the conditions of mass communication, the communicator is deprived of this opportunity. With all the perfection of technical means, it is impossible for a communicator to simultaneously see hundreds, thousands, or even millions of his readers, listeners and television viewers during his speech. The only option left for him is to represent his audience only mentally.

It cannot be said that there is no feedback at all in mass communication. It certainly is. In some special “live” radio and television programs, the communicator has the opportunity to receive direct feedback from individual recipients during the program, mainly in the form of telephone calls to the editor or showing television footage with their questions and remarks. However, in the total volume of programs there are very few of them and the possibilities of these programs are limited. Out of an audience of thousands, only a few recipients can actually go live, and they do not necessarily adequately represent the entire audience. Consequently, this kind of feedback, for all its significance, is very limited in nature, and it cannot be considered typical for mass communication. The main thing here is delayed feedback, that is, one that does not take place during the communication of the communicator with the audience, but only after the end of the transmission or reading of the message.

It should be noted that such a feature of communication in the conditions of mass communication is the increased demand for compliance with socially accepted norms of communication compared to interpersonal communication. This is dictated by the fact that the messages conveyed must be as clear and understandable as possible for the widest possible audience. In addition, the lack of immediate feedback, as a rule, does not make it possible to immediately notice and correct a slip or mistake.

The communicator acquires a collective character in mass communication. This is explained, firstly, by the fact that in the communication of large social groups, which, in essence, is mass communication, each communicator, whether he is aware of it or not, objectively speaks not only and not so much on his own behalf, but on behalf of the group, which he represents.

The huge size of the audience and the social orientation of mass communication urgently require that the communicator, with all his individuality, strictly observe the norms of communication accepted in a given society. The need to take into account the listed features of mass communication leads to the fact that not only the communicator himself, but also many editorial staff are involved in preparing a message for publication. Their task is to edit, i.e. organize the communicator’s messages: a) by content so that it meets the social interests of those groups or layers that represent a given body of mass communication, and b) by form - so that the communicator’s message meets language norms, as well as the specific requirements of the corresponding technical channel, since each channel requires its own style.

The audience is also very unique in mass communication. First of all, it should be noted such significant characteristics of the audience as its huge size and unorganized, spontaneous nature . This implies the uncertainty of its boundaries and the enormous diversity of its social composition. The communicator, while preparing and transmitting a message, can never know exactly what the size of his audience is and who it consists of. This makes the audience anonymous for him, which creates a lot of difficulties for him.

Another important feature of the audience is that at the moment of perception of the message, this audience is most often divided into small groups. Mass communication messages “without knocking” enter any home, and they are perceived, as a rule, in the family circle or among friends, acquaintances, etc., and these groups can be located nearby, in the same city, or dozens away thousand kilometers from each other.

As for mass communication messages, they are primarily characterized by such features as publicity, universality (the inclusion of a wide variety of information), social relevance (the relevance of the content for large social groups), as well as the frequency of information.

The mediation of communication by technical means gives the media a seemingly unidirectional character, i.e. here the communicative roles of the communicator and the audience in the communication process remain largely unchanged (in contrast to face-to-face interpersonal communication, where usually during a conversation there is an alternating change of these roles) .

Huge and ever-increasing flows of messages transmitted by various media make the process of perceiving, understanding and evaluating them increasingly complex. At the same time, as many researchers rightly emphasize, with the complication of the structure of the external world, with the acceleration of the processes occurring in it, a person becomes increasingly dependent on mass communication, which creates for him a kind of “second reality.” All this leads to such a feature of mass communication as its “two-stage nature.”

Perception processes, i.e., the perceptual side of communication, play a large role in mass communication . The specificity of these processes here lies primarily in the fact that the phenomena of intergroup perception can arise without direct interaction between representatives of these groups. Thus, the “second reality” that mass communication creates, psychologically, seems to replace the experience of direct interaction with representatives of other communities and thereby mediates the processes of intergroup perception in the communication of large social groups. Further, due to the lack of immediate feedback, the communicator is deprived of the opportunity to perceive his recipients in the communication process. In addition, in a number of channels of mass communication, recipients can judge the communicator either only by the text of the message (newspapers and magazines, as a rule, do not publish portraits of the authors of the texts), or only by the text and voice of the communicator (radio). Only television brings the conditions of communication closer to interpersonal, when you can both see and hear the communicator, but even here the communication process remains largely unidirectional. The subject of socio-psychological studies of the perceptual side of mass communication are, respectively, the processes and structure of perception of message texts, the personality of the communicator, and the socio-psychological characteristics of the audience.

The interaction between the communicator and the audience, i.e. the interactive side of communication, also manifests itself in a very unique way in mass communication . Due to the mediation by technical means, the communicator and the audience do not have direct contact here. This may create the impression that in mass communication we are dealing only with one-sided influence, and not interaction, that here it is impossible to talk about the interactive side of communication as recording not only the exchange of signs through which the behavior of the other partner changes, but also the organization of joint actions that allow group to implement some common activity for its members. At the same time, in our opinion, the presence of delayed feedback, mainly in the form of audience responses to certain messages, as well as the corresponding response actions of “collective communicators” (authors, editors, editorial boards and etc.). In other words, in mass communication the individual phases of interaction between the communicator and the audience are separated in space and time, but they really exist.

By participating in feedback, recipients make their individual and group contributions to the improvement of mass communication as a mass communicative activity, for example, to improve the performance of its social and socio-psychological functions. In addition, the interactive side of mass communication can be seen, in our opinion, in the fact that the latter creates ample opportunities for the interaction of various large social groups at the level of communication, and this can in turn create preconditions for their interaction at the activity level in various forms, for example, such as participation in various social movements, political campaigns, etc. The subject of socio-psychological research here can be the analysis of feedback from the audience and the communicator’s response to it.

The interactive side of mass communication becomes especially significant precisely in the conditions of a socialist society, democracy and openness, where the relationship of the media to the audience marks the possibility and reality of dialogue based on the ideas of social equality and recognition of the fundamental interests of workers and where the audience does not act as a “passive recipient” » information, but as an active communication partner, interested in solving not only personal, but also large public problems.

All three aspects of mass communication (informational, perceptual and interactive) are closely interrelated.

When classifying specific social functions of mass communication, researchers usually distinguish the following in different combinations:

Dissemination of knowledge about reality, informing,

Social control and management,

Integration of society and its self-regulation,

Formation of public opinion,

Ideological and educational function,

Implementation of social activity of members of society,

Culture dissemination function,

Entertainment function.

In addition to the above, there is also a function of communication between different social groups in society, called “communication”. It seems that this function, which can probably be more accurately described as the “function of intergroup communication,” is very important, especially in terms of the approach to mass communication as communication of large social groups.

The needs of society are objective in nature, that is, they do not depend on the desires, moods, and views of people. However, mass communication is the communication of social groups consisting of living real people endowed with reason, will, feelings, and desires. Because of this, members of society have certain subjective, i.e. psychological, needs, and mass communication, in order to fulfill its social functions, cannot fail to take this into account. Otherwise, the messages conveyed by mass media may either be misunderstood or not accepted by the audience.

Consequently, when analyzing mass communication, it is legitimate to talk about two rows of functions: social and psychological, where adequate consideration of psychological functions is a necessary prerequisite for mass communication to realize its social functions.

Sociologists also feel the importance of the psychological functions of mass communication. Among the “elementary functions” of mass communication, the function of creating a certain emotional and psychological tone is specially highlighted. It is natural to turn to certain socio-psychological aspects of mass communication when studying the functioning of mass communication media at the personal level. In most developments about the functions of mass communication, there is no connection at all between the needs of the individual (group) and the functions in question.

In our opinion, the problem of the socio-psychological functions of mass communication and the corresponding needs of the audience deserves independent theoretical and empirical research. To isolate and classify them, at a first approximation, it is advisable to use the system of relations of an individual (or group) to society, to a group, to another individual and to oneself. In this case, the following socio-psychological functions of mass communication can be distinguished:

1. The function of social orientation and participation in the formation of public opinion

2. Affiliation function (individual - group)

3. Function of contact with another person

4 Self-affirmation function

Sociological studies of mass communication are mainly aimed at identifying the objective aspects of its functioning (for example, social functions, primarily ideological and political, the fulfillment of the social order of certain classes and social groups by means of mass communication, socio-political analysis of the owners of mass communication media, quantitative and social composition of the audience, etc.).

Psychological studies of mass communication contain an analysis of the subjective aspects of mass communication. Here we can distinguish two levels of analysis: general psychological and socio-psychological. .

They deal with psychological processes and phenomena inherent, as it were, to a person “in general,” regardless of his social affiliation. Psychosemantic studies of mass communication seem very promising here, analyzing it as a new form of generation, existence and mass circulation of meanings and symbols, as a specific form of reflection of the world, setting certain features of perception, thinking and communication.

mass communication social advertising

The role of PR activities in the system of effective management

Public relations (public relations, public relations) is a management science and art that promotes the establishment of mutual understanding and cooperation between a social organization and its public, meeting mutual interests and achieved through positive outreach materials, active actions and assessments of public response.

Let us note a few substantive points.

Firstly, PR is the management of social information, the state of public opinion, corporate relations in conditions of non-price competition: prestige, reputation, authority, trust, mutual understanding, goodwill, etc. Its results do not have a direct monetary equivalent. At the same time, performing the intermediary (service) function of management, PR activities provide a favorable atmosphere for the life of the organization, a positive business reputation so necessary for obtaining loans, investments and other additional material and technical means. Therefore, the successful functioning of the public relations function is a valuable contribution to the effectiveness of the organization. However, for this, an organized PR system must be capable of:

1) organizationally,

2) financially,

3) logistically,

4) methodologically and technologically ensure the construction of such connections.

Secondly, PR activities are aimed at establishing open two-way communication between social organizations and their public to identify common ideas, harmonize interests and create an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and social harmony.

Thirdly, PR activities are bidirectional: a) within the organization - this is work with those employed in it in order to maintain sustainability; b) outside - with those who are in one way or another connected with the goals of its functioning in a competitive environment. In doing so, public relations develops the organization's social responsibility to remain powerful and effective for the benefit of its public. This concern of PR activities for the prosperity of the organization also makes a corresponding contribution to the well-being of the region and the country.

Fourthly, PR activities are of a dual nature:

1) it includes advisory services, providing management with information about the state of the public and its possible responses in the development and adoption of management decisions and social projects;

2) it includes execution services, developing and introducing public awareness materials, organizing active actions, special events and managing crises and opportunities.

In general, an organized PR system makes it possible to maximize the potential of public relations, an important resource of the public in the implementation of the strategy and tactics of a social organization. Eliminating active public opposition and reducing the level of conflict in a competitive environment ensures its own viability, taking into account the interests of contact (target) audiences. At the same time, the main criterion for public relations is open (public) communication, strict adherence to ethical and legal standards, and the use of means and methods adequate to the goals as prerequisites for success.

Public relations is a part (an independent function) of effective management for establishing contacts with the public, a kind of “social contract” based on the coordination of interest groups and mutually beneficial trust.

An organized system of PR activities pursues the following main goals.

1. Carrying out analytical and forecasting activities in order to obtain accurate information about the real state of affairs, predictive vision of trends and attention to the problems of the organization.

2. Creation of fame (publicity), an atmosphere of trust and goodwill on the part of the public towards the activities of the organization on the basis of a unified information policy, ensuring the integration of information flows with management decisions.

3. Involving the management and personnel of the organization with the interests, expectations and demands of the public, studying public opinion and responses to actions, initiatives and innovations in the life of the organization.

4. Formation (maintenance, change) of a corporate image, corporate identity and carrying out protective measures.

5. Formation of the corporate culture of the organization.

Achieving PR goals involves the use of adequate means and methods of public relations. The increase in the volume of management actions, the dynamics of social processes, the amount of social information, and persuasive technologies requires new means and canons of action in the field of public relations. Their use requires special professional training and certain abilities for service work. The art of communication and persuasion of people, information exchange uses any positive actions and activities that are aimed at improving contacts between people or organizations. Anything that can conceivably improve mutual understanding between the latter and their segmented publics, both inside and outside the organization, is also used. At the same time, the applicability of means in PR is determined by compliance with the criteria of truth, knowledge and complete information in working with the public.

The means and methods aimed at establishing mutual understanding between an organization and its public have their own “rules of the game”, which are invariant and very similar, no matter in what sphere of public relations they are applied. However, the specific implementation of the general procedures and algorithms of the methodological apparatus of PR will depend on taking into account the specifics of the organization, the purposes of application, place and time, etc. At the same time, the question of which method is “best” if it is raised in isolation from specific conditions - pointless.

Behind each means there is a complex, sometimes sophisticated method and technique, “tricks and tricks” to attract attention.

But at the same time, a mandatory condition is compliance with humane guidelines, ethical standards and the code of professional conduct of PR specialists. However, we must remember that the repetition of the technique kills the technique itself and therefore there is no limit to creativity here.

The systematically integrated use of diverse and multifaceted PR tools and methods, fundamentally technologized and at the same time requiring a creative approach, obliges the public relations manager (specialist) to be able to provide comprehensive services in this area of ​​management.

It is the communication nature of advertising that determines the unique characteristics of this phenomenon. Advertising is a communication process, an economic and social process that provides public relations, or an informational process of persuasion depending on the point of view. In a generalized version: “advertising is a non-personalized transmission of information, a paid form of non-personal means of communication, which has the nature of persuasion about goods (services or ideas) by advertisers through various media.”

Advertising belongs to the non-personal means of marketing communications and, since the time of the communication policy FOSTIS (demand generation and sales promotion), it has firmly taken its position as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services paid for by the sponsor.

All means of communication have their own schemes, properties and costs, advertising is no exception. The choice of communication scheme is important, since the choice of elements of this scheme and the principle of their connections determine the effectiveness of the advertising message.

There are a great many different communication schemes that allow us to describe the communication process from the point of view of psychology, conflictology, semiotics, folklore, linguistics, and so on. Well-known specialists worked in this area: 3. Freud, R. Jacobson, Y. Lotman, K. G. Jung, 3. Shannon and others. Each of the models they present is designed to structure in one way or another the space where communication occurs.

Consequently, it allows us to identify opportunities to improve the communication process in order to increase its effectiveness. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze some communication schemes to apply their properties and features in advertising messages.

Roman Jakobson's model (linguistic). Each element of the circuit corresponds to a specific function performed by the language:

1) emotive - an expression of the speaker’s (addressee’s) attitude to what he is saying;

2) conative - linguistic expressions aimed at the addressee (imperative form);

3) phatic - maintaining contact;

4) poetic - attention to the form of the message;

5) metalinguistic - the use of code in the transmission of information;

6) referential - the context of the message;

The scheme can be simplified by the definition of J. Dubois: “A message is nothing more than the result of the interaction of five factors: the sender, the recipient, coming into contact through a code about the referent.” Using these diagrams, it is easy to describe the communication process in advertising and analyze the contribution of each element of the scheme at any of its stages.

Model by Nikolai Ershov (theatrical). For theatrical performances, it is precisely the joint action of all its constituent elements that is necessary: ​​words, actions, facial expressions, music, scenery, etc. That is, “to work together, it is necessary to clearly understand each other. You cannot speak different languages ​​when a single one is being created, otherwise the construction will suffer the fate of the Tower of Babel” (N. Ershov). In this regard, the director is a professional who translates from the author’s language into the language of facial expressions and gestures. When creating an advertising message, it is important to remember the same context for all elements of the scheme.

Charles Morris model (pragmatic). Language in the full semiotic meaning of this term is any interpersonal set of symbolic means, the use of which is determined by syntactic, semantic and pragmatic rules. Pragmatics develops the problem of the relationship of signs to their users. This relationship is interesting for solving problems of advertising and PR campaigns of Public Relations (PR).

Sigmund Freud's model (psychoanalytic). In communication, it is important to take into account the human subconscious. Civilization suppressed instincts, mainly of a sexual nature, due to their abnormality from the point of view of cultural norms. They were repressed into the unconscious area of ​​the psyche. The unconscious of the person himself represents an advantageous environment for placing there the messages necessary for the communicator. The problems of advertising and PR campaigns must inevitably be based on the axiomatics of human behavior, laid down at the deepest level. It is interesting that the communication model of psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan was built on the unconscious, who introduced into the scheme an element of feedback and the influence of errors, slips, and forgetfulness on the communication process. I drew attention to the role of non-verbal language (gestures, grimaces, facial expressions, etc.).

Model of Carl Gustav Jung (archetypal). The unconscious is a boundless historical treasury. Man anatomically stores his past. “A person has an ability that is the most valuable for the collective, but the most harmful for the individual - this is imitation. Without this, mass organizations, the state, and public order are impossible. It is not the law that will create order, but imitation, the concept of which also includes suggestibility, suggestibility and spiritual infection.”

Model of Alexey Alekseevich Ukhtomsky (dominant). Human activity is largely determined by the dominant - a stable focus in the cerebral cortex. The dominant, like a magnet, attracts all the irritations that feed it. Dominant people are driven by one idea, work for it, and are inspired by it. These are scientists, poets, artists and composers, monks and seekers of truth, and now also advertisers.

Model of Ivan Lvovich Vikentyev (stereotypical). Walter Lipman first coined the term "stereotype" in 1922. A stereotype is an inertia of thinking. In the literature you can find similar concepts: attitude, need, desire, motive, pattern, image, image, predicted expectation, etc.

Properties of stereotypes:

a stereotype, like a dominant, influences the client’s decision, but makes this process illogical for an external observer; When starting any advertising campaign, you need to identify stereotypes for the product;

a stereotype is more specific than a need. This is a completely definite attitude towards a product, phenomenon, flow of information;

stereotypes belong to the world of thoughts and feelings, i.e. to the sphere of the ideal, but their influence on reality is enormous.

Types of stereotypes:

stereotype of thinking: poet - A.S. Pushkin, winter - snow, fruit - apple, etc.; eternal stereotypes: won - lost (life - death, rich - poor, etc.), development - prohibition (friend - foe, for - against, etc.).

Using stereotypes in advertising, the advertiser can be sure that the client will figure out the rest and convey it himself in his own images. Analysis of client stereotypes not only makes it possible to correct them in advertising, but also requires taking into account the possible emergence of negative stereotypes when contacting an advertising message, especially since the advertiser’s stereotypes may differ from the clients’ stereotypes.

Model Jeanne Baudrillard. The logic of the impact of communication is called “the logic of Santa Claus.” According to this scheme, when purchased, a product acts as the company’s concern for our well-being.

The main thing is that the buyer begins to believe in it, he is happy, he is personalized. And the purchase itself fades into the background. In this case, widespread advertising eliminates psychological instability: the buyer no longer needs to come up with a motivation for purchasing. Advertising as a dream captures the potential of the imaginary and gives it an outlet. Gradually, a person is deprived of the opportunity to shape his choice. This is how mass consciousness functions. Advertising signs here are akin to a created legend.

Claude Shannon model (mathematical). The constructed circuit can be called technical from the point of view of the logic of information transfer. Shannon identified three levels of communication: technical, semantic, efficiency, associated with the presented elements of the diagram.

Each of the presented models can be selected as a prototype for the formation of advertising communication, but even more interesting may be the combination of several models into one to fully understand the communication process.

The combined communication model involves combining the last two models with the addition of feedback from the consumer and his response. An advertising message is a coded presentation of information from a sender-communicator to a recipient, having a specific form (textual, visual, symbolic, etc.) and reaching the addressee using a specific communication channel.

Modeling an advertising message consists of encoding the information that the sender (advertiser) sends to the addressee (potential consumer), and contact is considered to be the achievement of the sent signal to one addressee.

Expected response is a set of responses from recipients after contact with a message. The purchase of an advertised product is the ideal result of exposure to an advertising message. Often the purchase decision-making process goes through several stages and requires lengthy preparation of the buyer, so many advertising messages are aimed at transferring from one stage to another, closer to the purchase. The main stages of preparing for a purchase: lack of information, acquaintance, knowledge, formation of preference, motivation to action - purchase, repeat purchase.

Feedback - information from the recipient to the sender. This could be asking for additional information, trying out an advertised product, or recognizing the brand of a product. At this stage, it is important to monitor and eliminate, if possible, interference that arises during the communication process. All possible interference is divided into physical (damage to the shield, typos, lack of electricity), psychological (errors in encoding-decoding), semantic (uncertainty and multiple interpretations of information on the volume of advertised goods, brands of goods, etc.).

The most favorable feedback is to make a trial purchase and then a repeat purchase. But a purchase is the result of a long decision-making process. The communicator must know what stage the process is at.

Buyer readiness goes through six stages: awareness, knowledge, favor, preference, conviction, and purchase. In each of them, the choice of advertising messages, their frequency and duration of exposure is individual.

Each buyer, as a rule, goes through all these stages, which can be reduced to three psychological states: cognitive (awareness, knowledge), emotional (liking, preference, conviction) and behavioral (purchase). Correct identification of the psychological state of a potential client determines the possible high effect of advertising. Consequently, psychological factors must be considered in detail in the sequence of increasing emotional intensity and readiness for action.

The choice of message is based on the response pattern of the target audience. Advertising should ideally attract attention, maintain interest, arouse desire, and motivate action. This model is abbreviated as AIDA (based on the first letters of the English elephant equivalents: attention, interest, desire, action). Creating an appeal is a solution to three problems: content, structure, message form. These problems are productively solved with the help of technology using special knowledge and techniques for modeling advertising messages.


Communication processes in an organization must be taken into account for the successful operation of an enterprise or firm. There are various forms of communication processes in an organization. In this work, a type of communication process such as marketing communication was investigated. This process plays a decisive role both in promoting the products of a given organization on the market and in forming the image of an enterprise or firm.

The trend towards integrating marketing communications, i.e. The combination of advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct selling, point-of-sale communications and event marketing with other elements of the marketing mix is ​​one of the most significant marketing developments of the 1990s.

Advertising involves the use of either mass media - newspapers, magazines, radio, television and others (for example, billboards), or direct contact with the buyer using mail.

Publicity, like advertising, is not a personal appeal to a mass audience, but, unlike advertising, the company does not pay for it. Publicity usually occurs in the form of news reports, or editorial comments in the press about a company's products or services. This information or commentary receives free newspaper space or airtime because members of the media consider the information to be timely or useful to their reading and television audiences. Gradually, marketers came to the conclusion that it was advisable to use a wider arsenal of public relations tools (public relations) than publicity. Therefore, public relations began to be considered the third element of the communication complex, and publicity was included in its composition.

It is possible to formulate a currently relevant strategy for the development of PR activities in Russian conditions. It consists in creating a kind of “platform” for coordination on which a stable cultural mechanism for coordination can be worked out. This is the highly moral mission of developed PR activities and its contribution to the formation and development of civilized relations in Russia.

Summarizing the above, I would like to once again note the importance of communication processes in an organization, which also include business conversation, business negotiations and meetings, business discussions and the ability to work with business correspondence. These are all very broad questions. In my work, I focused on defining the communication process and examined the most common communication schemes and channels.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the effectiveness of a company’s activities in all aspects (personnel management, organization and sales promotion) is directly proportional to the effectiveness of communication processes in PublicRelation


1. Armstrong M. Practice of human resource management: textbook. / M. Armstrong; lane from English edited by S.K. Mordovina, 2009. - 848 p.

2. Berezkina O.P. Political consulting: textbook. / O. P. Berezkina, 2008. - 336 p.

3. Bianki V. A. Remove a competitor: PR attack / V. A. Bianki, A. I. Seravin, 2007. - 240 p.

4. Veksler A.F. PR for Russian business [Text] / A.F. Veksler, 2006. - 232 p.

5. Volodko V.F. Fundamentals of management [Text]: textbook. manual / V.F. Volodko, 2006. - 304 p.

6. Voroshilov V.V. Journalism: textbook. / V.V. Voroshilov, 2009. - 496 p.

7. Gundarin M.V. Book of the head of the PR department: practical recommendations / M.V. Gundarin, 2009. - 336 p.

8. Kasyanov Yu. V. PR campaign on your own [+CD] / Yu. V. Kasyanov, 2009. - 192 p.

9. Kondratyev E.V. Public Relations: textbook. manual / E. V. Kondratiev, R. N. Abramov; ed. S. D. Reznik, 2007. - 432 p.

10. Kondratyev E.V. Public Relations [Text]: textbook. manual / E. V. Kondratiev, R. N. Abramov, 2005. - 432 p.

11. Levinson J. Guerrilla marketing. Welcome to the marketing revolution! / J. Levinson, P. Henley; lane from English S. Zhiltsov, 2006. - 192 p.

12. Lysikova O. V. Imageology and public relations in the sociocultural sphere: textbook. manual / O. V. Lysikova, N. P. Lysikova, 2006. - 168 p.

13. Mazilkina E.I. Conditions for successful promotion of goods: practical work. manual / E. I. Mazilkina, 2008. - 172 p.

14. Markov A.P. Design of marketing communications. Advertising technologies. Public relations. Sponsorship: textbook. manual / A.P. Markov, 2006. - 543 p.

15. Marconi J. PR: a complete guide [Text] / J. Marconi; under general ed. B. L. Eremina, 2006. - 256 p.

16. Maitland Y. Workbook of a PR manager / Y. Maitland; lane from English V. Elizarova, 2008. - 176 p.

17. Musician V.L. Formation of a brand by means of PR and advertising [Text]: textbook. manual for universities / V. L. Muzykant, 2006. - 606 p.

18. Ponomarev N. F. Public relations: social and psychological aspects: textbook. manual / N. F. Ponomarev, 2008. - 208 p.

20. Theory and practice of public relations: textbook. / V. N. Fillipov [et al.], 2009. - 240 p.

21. Sharkov F.I. Public relations: textbook. / F. I. Sharkov, 2009. - 332 p.

22. Sharkov F.I. Political consulting (specialization of the course “Consulting in public relations”): textbook. manual / F. I. Sharkov, 2008. - 460 p.

23. Sharkov F.I. Legal regulation of communication activities: in advertising, public relations, journalism: textbook. manual / F. I. Sharkov, 2008. - 324 p.

Volodko V.F. Fundamentals of management [Text]: textbook. manual / V. F. Volodko, 2006. – P. 112.

Markov A.P. Design of marketing communications. Advertising technologies. Public relations. Sponsorship: textbook. manual / A.P. Markov, 2006. – P.146.

Markov A.P. Design of marketing communications. Advertising technologies. Public relations. Sponsorship: textbook. manual / A.P. Markov, 2006. – P.299.

Ponomarev N.F. Public relations: social and psychological aspects: textbook. manual / N. F. Ponomarev, 2008. – P.22

Ponomarev N.F. Public relations: social and psychological aspects: textbook. manual / N. F. Ponomarev, 2008. – P.27.

Theory and practice of public relations: textbook. / V. N. Fillipov [et al.], 2009. – P.91.

Markov A.P. Design of marketing communications. Advertising technologies. Public relations. Sponsorship: textbook. manual / A.P. Markov, 2006. – P.309.

Veksler A.F. PR for Russian business [Text] / A.F. Veksler, 2006. – P.140.


1.1. Communicative nature of media culture 5
1.2. The role of the media in shaping the picture of the world 13
2.1. The impact of online communities on social reality 21
2.2. Mechanisms of online mobilization and social activity 23

The relevance of the topic of the work is due to the fact that the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century is characterized by fundamental changes in the existence of mankind, unprecedented rates and scales of social dynamics that affected all spheres of human life. Global transformations are taking place, which have brought to life new types of society and new realities.
On the basis of new information technologies in the 21st century, both traditional media - print, radio, television, and the latest ones associated with the emergence and spread of the Internet are rapidly developing, which has led to the creation of a single information space, a special virtual environment formed by a set of information flows.
The modern era is characterized by the rapidly growing influence of the media on socio-political changes taking place in the world. They simulate events and phenomena of the surrounding world. Activities of this kind are associated with the active transformation of reality and the construction of a new reality - media.
The purpose of the work is to study the role of mass communications in modern society.
In accordance with the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:
- explore the communicative nature of media culture;
- explore the role of the media in shaping the picture of the world;
- consider the role of media communications in modern Russian society (using the Internet as an example).
The object of the study is media communications.
The theoretical and methodological basis of the work was the works of scientists in the field of media, mass media, and publications in periodicals.
The following were used in the research process:
methods: analysis of materials from printed and electronic publications; summary data analysis method; comparative analysis.

1.1. The communicative nature of media culture

Media culture as a specific mode of communicative activity, reflecting the multiplicity of cultural forms, ideas and meanings, as well as ways of expressing them, born of the technogenic era, requires a philosophical approach to understanding the essence of a unique method of communicative activity, identifying stable connections that characterize the morphological aspect of the development of media culture, and its dynamic forms The inevitable fate of culture, E. Cassirer believed, lies in the fact that everything created by it in a continuous progression of shaping and “construction” in the same progression moves us away from the primordial nature of life. “Compared with the boundless richness and diversity of the reality given to us in contemplation, all linguistic symbols must seem empty, abstract and indefinite in comparison with its individual certainty.”
Symbolic reality, created in the texts of mass communication since the era of the First Modernity, formed a special semantic structure in the communicative space - media reality. The Gutenberg era established the printed press as a significant communication medium. As part of culture in the narrower sense of media culture, media reality has a dual nature, which is determined by the different functions of mass communication and, as a result, by different types of reference. Initially, the press largely performed the function of informing the audience, and its referent became one or another fact or event. The main type of referent is a philosophical, moral or political idea. In this regard, the public is seen as an interlocutor, a like-minded person, capable of sharing the author’s judgments. If the publication of chronicles shaped the informational role of the newspaper in public life, then literary and philosophical magazines created communicative principles of interaction, moral values ​​that shaped the civil climate in society.
A significant phenomenon in the development of the cultural tradition of periodical printing in the 18th century. becomes political journalism, which develops in the bosom of two Great Revolutions - in the North American colonies of Britain and in France. Its semantic basis is powerful political collisions. V.V. Uchenova and S.A. Shomova, exploring the problem of polyphony of texts in culture, expressed the idea that journalism at this time begins to play the role of not only a means of public self-regulation, but also a form of public self-knowledge.
Political periodicals of the 18th century. creates a new type of referent of a journalistic text - a political idea. At the same time, for the first time, journalistic texts, in close proximity to advertising texts, acquire the level of symbolic communicative conductors.
The media reality of the “Gutenberg era”, created in verbal texts, with the advent of photography, cinema, and television is formed as an audiovisual, screen reality, mediating empirical experience with a complex medium of syncretic audiovisual imagery. Mediation is becoming more complex and communication media more transparent.
Interest in the problem of representation in European discourse in the 1960-1970s. is aggravated in connection with the actualization of theories of post-industrial society, since information and knowledge, according to these views, were to play a leading role in social development, and the social context of the era entering its post-industrial stage demonstrated the rapid growth of electronic technologies and audiovisual media of mass communication. In connection with new approaches to understanding information and communication, the most important questions became the nature of information exchange, the processes of objectification and deobjectification of the products of imaginative thinking, the specificity of the new social reality that arises as a result of the mediation of communication processes by telecommunication technologies.
In this new context, there is a need to rethink the fundamental characteristics in the system of relationships between social reality and new forms of mediation. Does language relate to a referent transcendent in relation to its units or only to itself, and if we assume the a priori existence of that which is opposite to language, then how do the structures of language correspond to the structures of reality and how do changes in the real world determine changes in linguistic structures? How does the emergence of meanings in the language of images occur and on what does it depend? In television, which uses material from different sign systems for its dialogue with the audience, to convey similarities with the realities of the world means to develop a certain language that inextricably “glues” the signified and the signified.
To understand the specificity of visual communication, it is necessary to penetrate into the essence of the dimensions of the plastic image, to understand its function as a medium in communication. The visual image used by the plastic arts reflected the world in different ways due to the specificity of its communicative means. In essence, we are talking about the communication of consciousnesses, the conductor of which is a figurative, that is, pictorial, image. “A figurative work materializes the results of a speculative operation, rather than the direct comprehension of specific models. Its purpose is not to convey facts or values ​​that exist independently of the artist who creates it and the viewer who interprets it. The work does not reproduce, but establishes.” The thesis proposed by Francastel: “The object/image relationship leads us to the way of thinking of an entire era” is applicable not only in relation to the Renaissance, but also in general to the artistic worldview of civilizations that complicate the nature of communicative media.
When we talk about media culture, the question of the interpretation by the mass consciousness of the communicative medium through which the “second reality” is produced is not so clear, and today it is unlikely that we will be able to identify the poles of reception in order to answer how ready society is to free itself in relation to media reality from the “window” metaphor in to the world". This provision applies to any communicative technical medium.
Technical reproducibility as the basis for the destruction of the main principle of the uniqueness of a work of art - the principle of “here” and “now”, was also laid the basis for criticism of technogenic media by the representative of the Frankfurt School, W. Benjamin. The philosopher defined what disappears in this case with the concept of “aura,” which a work of art is deprived of in the era of technical reproducibility, which takes it out of the sphere of tradition. Replicating a reproduction replaces a unique manifestation with a mass one, allowing the reproduction to get closer to the person who perceives it, wherever he is, and to actualize the reproduced object. Both of these processes, according to W. Benjamin, cause “a deep shock to traditional values ​​- a shock to tradition itself, which represents the opposite side of the crisis and renewal that humanity is currently experiencing. They are in close connection with the mass movements of our day.” Benjamin saw the greatest expression of this tendency in cinema, believing that the significance of this medium is unthinkable “without this destructive, catharsis-inducing component: the elimination of traditional value as part of the cultural heritage.”
Criticism by representatives of the Frankfurt school of the orientation of reality to the masses and the masses to reality led them to the conclusion that the influence of this process on thinking and perception in the 20th century should be recognized as limitless, which was developed in the classic work “Dialectics of Enlightenment” by T. Adorno and M . Horkheimer. The presented critical analysis of the cultural industry, the main features of which are industrial standardization and serialization, created the image of a totalitarian system of consumer society.
Since 1970, analysis of man-made communication technologies........

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Mass communication is closely related to the development of modern society, its economy, politics and culture; it covers international, intergroup and interpersonal relations.

The current state of Russian society makes it possible to build state cultural policy on new democratic principles. This involves developing connections between the center and the regions, expanding interregional interaction, dialogue with society on cultural policy issues, stimulating cultural diversity in Russian regions, accessibility and participation of citizens in cultural life. Economy and culture are relatively autonomous, self-organizing, coupled and mutually influencing components of a complex system formed, in general, for them in the information and communication space of the state. For Russia, which is implementing economic and social reforms, the state, which is the main institution of its social development, is called upon to create conditions for the interaction of culture, economy and society, to develop and maintain their mutually reinforcing communication.

Civil society is characterized by the presence of public institutions, so that between the individual and the state there are intermediate authorities in the form of various public organizations. These organizations are extensions of government structures and are governed by the same rules. Public communication plays an important role in the functioning of the social structure.

Civil society is based on a number of principles. Of these, the most important are representative democracy, the rule of law and a free market economy. On this basis, many free associative connections arise between individuals, which lead to the formation of stable social
groups from interest clubs to political parties. The interaction of such groups is regulated by a complex structure of interests, moral values ​​and manifests itself in various forms of public communication.

Another important aspect is that public communication is high-tech and information-rich. Information and new knowledge are increasingly becoming the main value in the public consciousness. Mass
cultural communication is one of those important phenomena of modern society that significantly affects the development of social relations within each country and between countries and peoples.

It is impossible to overestimate the role of successful communication in the development of civil society. The following aspects and areas of socially significant communication can be distinguished: the role of communication strategies in resolving public conflicts; communicative mechanisms for the formation of positive attitudes in public opinion; successful public communication of socially significant figures (politicians, public figures); ethics in public communication; changes in speech patterns of behavior; the role of relations with society (the public) in the formation of civic responsibility in the corporate world; the role of the media.

Public opinion in civil society is an important factor of development. Public opinion is the result not only of a given social structure, but also of the historical and cultural experience of a given society. The ability to influence public opinion is largely limited by cultural stereotypes,
and during periods of accelerated social development, the direction of its vector. But in addition to cultural factors, the emergence, consolidation and disappearance of certain ideas in public opinion also depends on the methods of influence of communication. In modern dynamic, multi-ethnic and multicultural Russian society, a situation has developed that suggests that ethical issues, linguistic and cultural aspects of public communication are acquiring a special role.

In a high-tech global world, public communication acquires another important component, and
namely professional communication. Professional communication refers to the specificity of communication skills determined by professions, whose essential component is the obligation to engage in communication. Such professions include teaching, political activity, management, social work, and public service. For each of these professions, we can talk about a certain amount of knowledge and skills necessary for successful professional communication and, accordingly, successful professional activity.

The development of social relations is accompanied by a deepening of communication relations and the ramification of connections between person and person, people with people, society with society, that is, the development of social communication processes. The ongoing transformation of mass communications is having an impact on both material and
production, as well as socio-political, cultural and ideological areas of life of the entire civil society. In this environment, processes take place leading to an expansion of the framework of cultural development; a process of cultural interaction and interpenetration is observed. In modern civil society, human cultural space is mainly formed by various media. Television and the Internet have replaced visiting theaters, libraries, and museums from the cultural needs of modern people.

In modern conditions, the rapid development of cultural communication occurs in various spheres of human life: culture, science, education.

The importance of mass communication in the spiritual culture of society is due to:

Communication in modern civil society should be considered as a specific cultural form of spiritual communication between people, and significant cultural values ​​should play the role of certain information signals distributed in society in a sign, symbolic, and also figurative form. In the course of communication, cultural values ​​should facilitate the transfer of life experiences within and between generations. Thus, the exchange of spiritual values ​​will be the main content in the developing culture of society.

The means of communication act as a tangible, material component of the communication process and always
express a way of transmitting, preserving, producing and distributing cultural values ​​in society. The study of the media is all the more important because in recent decades, and especially in recent years, there has been a reassessment of the importance of these media, coinciding with the flourishing of the scientific and technological revolution.

Today the Internet is the most popular means of transmitting information, and in the near future this popularity will not subside, but will grow. Most likely, new technologies will not automatically replace old ones, such as newspapers and magazines, radio and television. These broadcasting areas will adapt to the new economic conditions. On the one hand, the scientific and technological revolution creates optimal conditions for the technical development of the media
information, but, on the other hand, it gives rise to certain illusions about their power and the weakness of the media of mass communication that existed previously. Mass communication systems are interconnected
through the environment, through the field of communication, that is, they are connected to each other by a word that was initially oral. The development of communications also includes processes during which information is not only transmitted, but also distorted,
may spontaneously increase or decrease. Mass communication by its very nature is dynamic and requires
innovation. In conditions of freedom of speech, openness, and the right of everyone to receive and disseminate information, society must learn to use the possibilities of mass communication with maximum effect.

The media are actively involved in the formation of public opinion today. The development of means of processing and transmitting information, the increase in the speed of information processes led to the formation of a new type of organization of society, its functioning and management. Mass communication system
provided a new and effective connectedness of society, its life activity and psychology.

Culture is a system of values ​​and social codes, preserved and transmitted from generation to generation, designed to serve as the basis for preserving the identity of society. Culture in its modern understanding is also a social model of reality created by people in the processes of communication. This understanding of culture is especially important for understanding the role that mass communications play in modern society.

Traditionally, Russian society consists of heterogeneous groups. This heterogeneity is based on the multinational structure of society, the remoteness of territories, and significant differences in living conditions in urban and rural areas. During the formation of a market economy, the social stratification of society increased. The transition period led to the disruption of established cultural ties and traditions, the replacement of social guidelines and values.

In modern conditions of social change, there is a rethinking of the role of culture, renewal of its forms and
functions. On the one hand, culture still reproduces traditional attitudes and patterns of behavior, which largely predetermine the behavior and thinking of people. On the other hand, modern media forms (television, cinema, print) and advertising are widely distributed, which enhances the formation of ideological and moral stereotypes of mass culture and a “fashionable” lifestyle. Through the media, different meanings and new identities are offered, people's thinking is transformed. Therefore, the interaction of culture and mass communications as a process that forms “human capital” and the moral resource of the socio-economic development of the state is of particular importance.

The unified cultural and information space of Russia, in this context, is understood as a semantic, communicatively connected by a common system of spiritual values ​​and state interests, a programmatically organized space of cultural and information events that contribute to the formation of civil society and the unification of people. A new understanding of the constructive role of culture in the development of Russia in the 21st century is also required in the context of globalization processes. The social changes associated with them are complex and ambiguous. These changes often create tension and instability in society. The search and self-determination of a person, the construction of new value systems by people in a world covered by global flows of information, become
the foundation for new socio-cultural priorities.

For modern Russia, this search is especially relevant. Experiencing complex processes of socio-economic transformations and structural reforms, Russia faces a real threat of destruction of its national identity. Preserving its integrity and unity on the basis of cultural diversity is the most important prerequisite for the successful development of Russia in the era of globalization, in the era of the emergence of societies based on knowledge and
skills to use this knowledge effectively. In this context, the determining role of culture in the overall process of modernization of Russia is in the formation of the individual as an active subject of civil society. All socio-economic development projects must include a humanitarian component, promote
development of spiritual strength and health of a person, his awareness of the high meaning of his existence.

Rethinking the role of culture in the life of society inevitably entails the need to reform management in the field of culture and mass communications.

In mass television broadcasting there is an urgent need to organize a national public
television. Such television will make it possible to realize the long-overdue need of society and the state to change the content of information flows. Changing their content should significantly strengthen the cultural and educational component of the information field with an increase in the share of children's and youth programs. This
television is a necessary condition for the formation of civil society. The creation of television and radio broadcasters independent from government authorities and private interests, financed from public sources and controlled by civil society institutions, creates better opportunities to meet citizens' demand for objective coverage of socio-political events, for the development of educational and children's television, cultural programs, as well as programs that meet the interests of various social, age,
national, religious, and other groups of Russian society.

Modern mass culture acts as a complex form of organization and structuring of the cultural life of society, producing both a cultural product and its consumer, which is carried out largely thanks to the efforts of the media. In their totality, the media create certain ideas about the world, about human values ​​and concepts.

The social essence of mass communication boils down to the fact that it is a powerful means of influencing society in order to optimize its activities, socialize the individual and integrate society. However, this influence is not always positive.

Mass communications today have become a powerful tool that not only shapes public opinion, but also often influences the adoption of certain political decisions, promotes the interpenetration of cultures and the spread of cultural patterns and standards beyond the boundaries of one culture, creating a global cultural space.

If at its first stages the process of building a democratic society in Russia was aimed, first of all, at the establishment of mechanisms of a market economy, at the formation of socio-political structures characteristic of Western countries, which was often accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of life of the bulk of the population, an increase in social apathy and an aggravation of many social problems, then at the present stage this process is closely
approached the problem of forming civil society structures that are designed to create conditions and guarantees in society for constructive communication, social consensus, civil peace and understanding, as well as resolve many social problems that neither the market economy nor the state can solve.

The media play a significant role in the formation of civil society and strengthening the unity and mutual understanding of the peoples of Russia. Mass communication in the new Russia is acquiring paramount importance, which is determined primarily by:

Since the times of Plato and Aristotle, the role of communication and information in the life of society has attracted the attention of scientists and has given rise to research in the fields of philosophy, sociology, and political science.

Information, despite existing economic, political, cultural and other differences, has turned the world into a single communication environment that influences the system of power both within the country and throughout the world. The information environment, characterized by the free flow of information, has radically changed the nature
relations between society and state. Communication exchange in modern society contributes to the formation of a more complex living environment, new social and moral values, a different way of life and other principles of management.

Rational management of the informatization process implies the development of strategic goals and objectives of socio-economic growth, the introduction of effective technologies for regulating public life and ensuring the stability and sustainability of its development. Thus, information interaction is not carried out spontaneously, but is a process that is programmed and controlled. The information society changes the feeling and perception of the world, on the basis of which a person’s views are formed. “Information is not just
One characteristic of society is a qualitative change in the entire human environment."

As a result, ready-made schemes and algorithms of behavior are delivered to the audience through communication channels, which, in turn, facilitates perception, since it does not require rethinking. We can observe similar trends in other areas, for example, in the education system, where the Internet, textbooks, short guides and dictionaries predominate, containing a concentrate of scientific knowledge and limiting the possibility of in-depth analysis. Development of electronic media, network communications, widespread transition to digital standards, coding and
decoding of information forms a kind of “digital” mass consciousness.

The peculiarity of this process is that a person does not strive to know, comprehend, or analyze anything. The need for him is a simple collection of various information, in an absolutely compressed, concentrated form. There is a merging of the categories “knowledge” and “awareness”, “awareness”.

Given the abundance of information flows, many of which serve as background or semantic noise, the necessary information is either forgotten or remains unclaimed. The lack of necessary filtering of incoming information, their logical and critical understanding prevents the formation of a person’s own positions and views.

This circumstance has a negative impact on the development of the opposition in the state. The lack of opposition is a sign of the weakness of democratic foundations, and, consequently, the underdevelopment of socially organized structures.

Information communication technologies will allow citizens to more effectively exercise their rights. Communication forms and activates feedback, thereby ensuring the interaction of subject and object.

Thus, communication between people has existed in all eras, and in our time, technical means of its implementation have simply appeared. The improvement of mass communication, based on the development of human culture, shows how the speed of information exchange gradually increased in order to maintain the path to human mastery of the knowledge acquired by previous generations of people.

Cm. Lisova S.Yu., Vestnik ISEU Vol. No. 1, 2008