A short story of reasoning in an artistic style. The narrative is

One of the three elements of a composition, established by traditional stylistics and defined as the depiction of actions or events in time. It differs from P.’s description in this way. arr. the fact that the depicted phenomena are not given in simultaneity, but in their... ... Literary encyclopedia

In an epic literary work, the speech of the author or a personified narrator, that is, the entire text of the work, except for the direct speech of the characters... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

NARRATION, narratives, cf. (book). 1. units only Action under Ch. narrate. 2. A story, a story about some event. 3. Part of the literary presentation, which deals with the events taking place and the course of action, in contrast to ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

NARRATION, I, cf. (book). A coherent story about what n. events, what n. accomplished. Author's paragraph. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

NARRATION- NARRATION. One of the functionally semantic types of speech, a type of speech message based on the way thoughts are expressed. The objects of P. are actions, events and their sequence. With P., dynamic images are created, which causes a wide... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

narration- ▲ description history narrative presentation what l. stories; description of events. narrate. narrative. first person narration. third person narration. story. narrator. tell. retelling retell. tell... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

Narration- - functionally semantic type of speech (see), intended to depict a sequential series of events or the transition of an object from one state to another. For example: And to Doctor Startsev, Dmitry Ionych, when he had just been appointed zemstvo... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

I; Wed 1. to Narrate. Resume p. Interrupt someone's p. p. 2. A story about actions, deeds, events. P. about the life of the people in that distant time. 3. Special The text of an epic literary work without direct speech. Lyrical, historical paragraph * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

narration- 1. Type of text based on a story about events and actions. P. is used in artistic, colloquial, and journalistic speech. In artistic speech, the narration is aimed at embodying an artistic image, in journalistic speech - at... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

narration- A type of text that reflects the world in dynamics, over time. Story about the event. Stands out: objectified, subjective narration and message... Methods of research and text analysis. Dictionary-reference book


  • Narration about Russia, Without author. A story about Russia. Volume 2 Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1838 edition (Moscow publishing house)…
  • Narration of the conversion from the consent of the Pomeranians to the holy, cathedral, apostolic Eastern Church, E. G. Bronin. The story of the conversion from the consent of the Pomeranians to the holy, cathedral, apostolic Eastern Church of the Moscow merchant Zakhary Fedorovich Bronin, through the art of the icon painter, wife Evdokia...

A narrative is a story about developing, sequential actions or events. Dynamic storytelling can be contrasted with static description. Formal features of storytelling can be the following:

Perfective verbs to express sequential events;

Adverbial words with the meaning of time sequence: then, then, after that, after that, subsequently, etc.;

Unions only as soon as possible.

In scientific texts, narration usually occurs in the following cases: a) in biographical information about prominent scientists, b) when telling the history of scientific discoveries, c) in descriptions of various experiments.


1. After reading the text “Niels Bohr”, say why its 1st paragraph can be considered a narrative text.

2. Identify the formal elements of the narrative in the last two paragraphs.

Niels Bohr (1885-1962) - an outstanding Danish physicist. In 1920 he headed the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Copenhagen. Bohr created the original quantum theory of atomic structure. In 1913, he established a correspondence between classical and quantum concepts. Bohr wrote a number of works on the theoretical explanation of Mendeleev's periodic law and on the theory of the atomic nucleus. In 1922 he was awarded the Nobel Prize.

In his theory, Niels Bohr proceeded from the nuclear model of the atom. Based on the position of the quantum theory of light on the intermittent nature of radiation, he concluded that the energy of electrons in an atom changes in jumps. Bohr's theory not only explained the physical nature of atomic spectra as a result of the transition of atomic electrons from one stationary orbit to another, but also made it possible for the first time to calculate the spectra. Bohr's calculation of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom gave brilliant results: the calculated position of the spectral lines coincided with their actual position in the spectrum.

Bohr did not limit himself to explaining the already known properties of the hydrogen spectrum. Following this, he predicted the existence and location of the then unknown spectral series of hydrogen. All these spectral series were subsequently discovered experimentally.

Bohr's theory was an important stage in the development of ideas about the structure of the atom. Then the task arose of developing a new physical theory suitable for describing the properties of the microworld. This problem was solved in the 20s of the 20th century, after the emergence of a new branch of theoretical physics - quantum mechanics.

3. Read the text “The speed of light.” Highlight passages in it that contain elements of reasoning (explanation), description and narration. As is known, the speed of light in vacuum is one of the fundamental physical quantities. It has been established that the finiteness of the speed of signal transmission underlies the theory of relativity.

Type of speech- this is a method of presentation chosen by the author and focused (depending on the content of the statement and the nature of the text information) on one of the tasks: to statically depict reality, to describe it; dynamically reflect reality, talk about it; reflect the cause-and-effect relationships of reality phenomena.

In accordance with these goals, linguists distinguish three types of speech: description, narration, reasoning.

Narration- a functional-semantic type of text that contains a story about events in their time sequence.

  • What is the sequence of actions (events)?
  • What happened first and what happened next?

He had already prepared a small hut from thin dry twigs, put a piece of newspaper inside it and now covered this structure with thicker dry twigs. Then he brought the match to the paper, and the fire immediately engulfed the large branches (I. Oreshkin).

The narrative text is constructed according to the following compositional scheme:

  • exposure (not always available),
  • string,
  • development of action,
  • climax,
  • denouement.


About an hour passed like this. The moon shone through the window, and its beam played across the earthen floor of the hut.


Suddenly, a shadow flashed across the bright stripe crossing the floor.

Development of action:

I stood up and looked out the window; someone ran past him a second time and disappeared God knows where. I could not believe that this creature would run away along the steep bank; however, he had nowhere else to go. I stood up, put on my beshmet, belted my dagger, and quietly left the hut.


A blind boy meets me. I hid by the fence, and he walked past me with a faithful but cautious step.


He carried some kind of bundle under his arms and, turning towards the pier, began to descend along a narrow and steep path (M.Yu. Lermontov).

Description- a functional-semantic type of text that describes the characteristics of objects, phenomena, animals, and humans.

Basic questions characteristic of this type of speech:

  • What is the subject of the description?
  • What does he look like?
  • What signs are characteristic of it?

On the seller’s left arm sits a tiny, cheerful fox terrier. He is unusually small and cute. His eyes sparkle provocatively, his miniature paws are in constant motion. The Fox Terrier is made of some kind of white material, the eyes are made of cast glass (A. Kuprin).

The descriptive text is constructed according to the following compositional scheme:

  • general impression (or general sign),
  • signs of an object, person, phenomenon or animal.

The description may end with a general impression (or a general characteristic).

In the scientific style, the description of an object includes essential features that are called adjectives or verbal nouns:

Apple tree - ranet purple - frost-resistant variety. The fruits are round in shape, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. Fruit weight is 17-23 g. Average juiciness, with a characteristic sweet, slightly astringent taste.

In the description of the artistic style, the most striking features that create the image are highlighted; they can be conveyed by comparisons, words with a figurative meaning, words with evaluative suffixes:

The linden apples were large and transparent yellow. If you look through the apple into the sun, it shines through like a glass of fresh linden honey. There were black grains in the middle. You used to shake a ripe apple near your ear and you could hear the seeds rattling (V. Soloukhin).

Reasoning as a functional-semantic type of text is fundamentally different from description and narration. Description and narration are used to depict the surrounding reality, while reasoning conveys the sequence of human thoughts.

Basic questions characteristic of this type of speech:

  • Why?
  • What is the reason for this phenomenon?
  • What follows from this?
  • What are the consequences of this phenomenon?
  • What does it mean?

On camels, of course, you can travel much further through the desert without stopping than on horses, but we have a short journey ahead of us, time is precious, and you have no experience with camels, so we’ll take horses from the town.

The reasoning is based on the following compositional scheme:

  • thesis, i.e. an idea that must be logically proven, substantiated or refuted;
  • substantiation of the expressed thoughts, evidence, arguments supported by examples;
  • conclusion, conclusion (may be absent from the text).

The thesis must be clearly provable, clearly formulated, the arguments must be convincing and in sufficient quantity to confirm the thesis put forward. There must be a logical and grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments (as well as between individual arguments). For the grammatical connection between the thesis and arguments, introductory words are often used: firstly, secondly, finally, so, therefore, in this way. In argumentative texts, sentences with conjunctions are widely used: however, although, despite the fact that, because.

The development of word meanings usually proceeds from the particular (concrete) to the general (abstract). Let's think about the literal meaning of such words as education, disgust, previous. Education literally means feeding, disgust means turning away (from an unpleasant person or object), previous means going ahead. Words-terms denoting abstract mathematical concepts: “segment”, “tangent”, “point”, come from very specific verbs of action: cut, touch, stick (poke).


  • A text, especially a literary one, often combines different types of speech. For example, in an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s story “The Golden Rose,” all types of speech successively replace each other - narration, description and reasoning:

The old steamer left the pier in Voznesenye and went out into Lake Onega.

The white night spread all around. For the first time I saw this night not over the Neva and the palaces of Leningrad, but among wooded spaces and lakes.

A pale moon hung low in the east. She gave no light.

The waves from the steamer silently ran away into the distance, shaking pieces of pine bark. On the shore, probably in some ancient churchyard, the watchman struck the clock on the bell tower - twelve strokes. And although it was far from the shore, this ringing reached us, passed the steamer and went along the water surface into the transparent darkness where the moon hung.

I don’t know what better way to call the languid light of the white night. Mysterious? Or magical?

These nights always seem to me to be an excessive bounty of nature - there is so much pale air and the ghostly shine of foil and silver.

Man cannot come to terms with the inevitable disappearance of this beauty, these enchanted nights. Therefore, it must be that white nights cause a slight sadness with their fragility, like everything beautiful when it is doomed to live short-lived.

  • In speech practice, different types of speech are often combined with each other, and in this case they are described by noting the leading type of speech and elements of other types of speech (for example, “reasoning with elements of description”).


  • Section “Types of speech” in the textbook by E.I. Litnevskaya “Russian language”

More information about text and types of speech on the site licey.net:

    • Exercises for the topic “Basic rules for constructing text
    • Exercises for the topic “Functional and semantic types of texts
  • Description text and its types
    • Exercises for the topic “Description text and its types”
  • Narrative text and its types
    • Exercises for the topic "


functional-semantic type of speech(see), intended to depict a sequential series of events or the transition of an object from one state to another. Eg:

“And Doctor Startsev, Dmitry Ionych, when he had just been appointed zemstvo doctor and settled in Dyalizh, nine miles from S., was also told that he, as an intelligent person, needed to get to know the Turkins. One winter on his street introduced to Ivan Petrovich; they talked about the weather, about the theater, about cholera, an invitation followed. In the spring, on a holiday - it was Ascension - after receiving the sick, Startsev went into the city to have a little fun and, by the way, buy himself something. He walked , slowly (he didn’t have his own horses yet), and hummed all the time... In the city he had lunch, walked in the garden, then somehow Ivan Petrovich’s invitation came to his mind, and he decided to go to the Turkins, see, what kind of people are these..."(A.P. Chekhov. Ionych); “Spring has come, coltsfoot and forget-me-nots have bloomed, snowdrops have appeared under the brown roots of the forest, and in the neighboring house the Cat has unexpectedly blossomed. The cat’s whiskers have turned blue with snowdrops, coltsfoot and bird cherry leaves have turned gold on the eyes, and on the paws and chest white willow catkins appeared. Decorated, blooming, he lay on the new grass, sat on the old fence, his eyes sparkled on the roof of the barn. I kept waiting for some spring tulip, special, cat one, to appear on his tail, but the tulip did not appear ..."(Yu. Koval. Spring cat).

In the foreground in the content of narrative fragments of the text is the order of the action. Each sentence usually expresses some stage, stage in the development of action, in the movement of the plot. An important role is played by the temporal correlation of predicates, which can manifest itself both as their temporary uniformity and as temporal heterogeneity. The main semantic load is usually carried out by owl verbs. type, prefixed and non-prefixed ( settled in, introduced ourselves, talked, went, had lunch, walked, decided etc.; came, bloomed, bloomed, turned blue, turned golden etc.), which denote extreme, alternating actions. P. is characterized by specific vocabulary ( doctor, patients, horses, city, garden; forest, snowdrops, cat, mustache, paws). The course of events is emphasized through the circumstances of time ( just now, one winter, spring, on a holiday, after seeing patients, then).

In terms of the use of syntactic structures and types of connection between sentences, P. is contrasted description(see), which is manifested, in particular, in the following: 1) in the difference in aspectual and tense forms of verbs - the description is based mainly on the use of nes forms. type, narration - perfect; 2) in the predominance of the chain connection of sentences in P. - for O. a parallel connection is more characteristic; 3) in the use of one-part sentences - nominative sentences, impersonal sentences, widely represented in descriptive contexts, are atypical for P.

P. is a type of speech that functions primarily in art. texts and a formal story about events, the system of which makes up the plot of the work. In artistic and visual speech (artistic works, texts of some genres of journalism - reportage, essay, informative and expressive notes, text-stories in a colloquial style) elements of descriptiveness and narration are organically combined. The description is included in the P. for a visual and figurative representation of the characters and the scene of action.

Lit.: Vinogradov V.V. The problem of the tale in style // Favorite works. About the language of art. prose. – M., 1980; His: About the language of art. literature. – M., 1959; Nechaeva O.A. Functional and semantic types of speech (, narrative,). – Ulan-Ude, 1974; Hers: Essays on syntactic semantics and stylistics of functional-semantic types of speech. – Ulan-Ude, 1999; Loseva L.M. How the text is constructed. – M., 1980; Grishina O.N. The relationship between narration, description and reasoning in fiction. text (based on English and American prose of the 20th century): Author's abstract. dis....cand. Philol. Sci. – M., 1982; Brandes M.P. Stylistics of the German language. – M., 1983; Ismailova Zh.A. Semantic interaction of aspectual-tense forms of the verb with text types (based on the story “Farewell to Matera” by V. Rasputin): Author's abstract. dis....cand. Philol. Sci. – L., 1990; Burtsev O.P. Actant-predicate relations in statements of description and narration: Author's abstract. dis....cand. Philol. Sci. – Krasnoyarsk, 1999.

T.B. Trosheva

Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M:. "Flint", "Science". Edited by M.N. Kozhina. 2003 .


See what “Narrative” is in other dictionaries:

    Narration- one of the three elements of a composition, established by traditional stylistics and defined as a depiction of actions or events in time. It differs from P.’s description in this way. arr. the fact that the depicted phenomena are not given in simultaneity, but in their... ... Literary encyclopedia

    narration- speech, tale, history, story, epic, essay, description, television narration, storytelling, story Dictionary of Russian synonyms. narrative see story 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z... Synonym dictionary

    NARRATION- in an epic literary work, the speech of the author or a personified narrator, i.e. the entire text of the work, except for the direct speech of the characters... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NARRATION- NARRATION, narratives, cf. (book). 1. units only Action under Ch. narrate. 2. A story, a story about some event. 3. Part of the literary presentation, which deals with the events taking place and the course of action, in contrast to ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    NARRATION- NARRATION, I, cf. (book). A coherent story about what n. events, what n. accomplished. Author's paragraph. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    NARRATION- NARRATION. One of the functionally semantic types of speech, a type of speech message based on the way thoughts are expressed. The objects of P. are actions, events and their sequence. With P., dynamic images are created, which causes a wide... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    narration- ▲ description history narrative presentation what l. stories; description of events. narrate. narrative. first person narration. third person narration. story. narrator. tell. retelling retell. tell... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    narration- I; Wed 1. to Narrate. Resume p. Interrupt someone's p. p. 2. A story about actions, deeds, events. P. about the life of the people in that distant time. 3. Special The text of an epic literary work without direct speech. Lyrical, historical paragraph * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    narration- 1. Type of text based on a story about events and actions. P. is used in artistic, colloquial, and journalistic speech. In artistic speech, the narration is aimed at embodying an artistic image, in journalistic speech - at... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    narration- A type of text that reflects the world in dynamics, over time. Story about the event. Stands out: objectified, subjective narration and message... Methods of research and text analysis. Dictionary-reference book


  • Narration about Russia, Without author. A story about Russia. Volume 2 Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1838 edition (Moscow publishing house)…



NARRATION is one of the three elements of a composition, established by traditional stylistics and defined as a depiction of actions or events in time. It differs from P.’s description in this way. arr. by the fact that the depicted phenomena are given not in simultaneity, but in their chronological sequence, from reasoning - by the fact that the connection of the depicted phenomena is given in terms of temporal rather than logical sequence. The false classical theory of literature was inclined to consider poetry as a particular type of description (cf., for example, Lomonosov, A Brief Guide to Eloquence, 1748, § 285); on the contrary, Lessing singles out P. as the main element of any epic work.

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


A story about actions and events. In the epic genre of literature, narration is the main part of the work (includes the author’s reasoning, descriptions of various objects, places, people, improperly direct speech heroes), almost the entire text, except direct speech heroes. Usually the narration is told on behalf of the author or narrator, and the narrators may change. The points of view of different narrators differ in their awareness of events, assessment, as well as spatio-temporal characteristics. For example, in “Hero of Our Time” M. Yu. Lermontov The subject of the narrative changes three times: first it is the author himself, then Maxim Maksimych, then Pechorin. The point of view of the subject of the narrative determines the structure of the work and serves to express the author's intention. Thus, Lermontov changes narrators, as if gradually approaching the “hero of our time”: first the author who did not know him at all, then Maxim Maksimych, who knew him well, then he himself. Points of view in a narrative can constantly change, mix, and form a complex unity, as in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


See what “Narrative” is in other dictionaries:

    Speech, tale, history, story, epic, essay, description, television narration, storytelling, story Dictionary of Russian synonyms. narrative see story 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z... Synonym dictionary

    In an epic literary work, the speech of the author or a personified narrator, that is, the entire text of the work, except for the direct speech of the characters... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    NARRATION, narratives, cf. (book). 1. units only Action under Ch. narrate. 2. A story, a story about some event. 3. Part of the literary presentation, which deals with the events taking place and the course of action, in contrast to ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    NARRATION, I, cf. (book). A coherent story about what n. events, what n. accomplished. Author's paragraph. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    NARRATION- NARRATION. One of the functionally semantic types of speech, a type of speech message based on the way thoughts are expressed. The objects of P. are actions, events and their sequence. With P., dynamic images are created, which causes a wide... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    narration- ▲ description history narrative presentation what l. stories; description of events. narrate. narrative. first person narration. third person narration. story. narrator. tell. retelling retell. tell... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    Narration- - functionally semantic type of speech (see), intended to depict a sequential series of events or the transition of an object from one state to another. For example: And to Doctor Startsev, Dmitry Ionych, when he had just been appointed zemstvo... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

    I; Wed 1. to Narrate. Resume p. Interrupt someone's p. p. 2. A story about actions, deeds, events. P. about the life of the people in that distant time. 3. Special The text of an epic literary work without direct speech. Lyrical, historical paragraph * *… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    narration- 1. Type of text based on a story about events and actions. P. is used in artistic, colloquial, and journalistic speech. In artistic speech, the narration is aimed at embodying an artistic image, in journalistic speech - at... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    narration- A type of text that reflects the world in dynamics, over time. Story about the event. Stands out: objectified, subjective narration and message... Methods of research and text analysis. Dictionary-reference book


  • Narration about Russia, Without author. A story about Russia. Volume 2 Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1838 edition (Moscow publishing house)…
  • Narration of the conversion from the consent of the Pomeranians to the holy, cathedral, apostolic Eastern Church, E. G. Bronin. The story of the conversion from the consent of the Pomeranians to the holy, cathedral, apostolic Eastern Church of the Moscow merchant Zakhary Fedorovich Bronin, through the art of the icon painter, wife Evdokia...