Abstract message as a genre of oral scientific speech. How is a report different from an abstract? and conducting an oral public presentation

Oral speech, including oral scientific speech, is spoken speech. Therefore in it big role intonation plays (melody of speech, volume and duration, tempo and timbre of pronunciation). Location is also important logical stress, degree of clarity of pronunciation, presence or absence of pauses.

Perception oral speech occurs simultaneously through the auditory and visual channels. In this regard, such non-verbal means communication, as facial expressions, gestures, gaze, spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener carry a certain semantic load, making the content of the sounding text more information-rich.

Since oral speech is characterized by irreversibility, progressive and linear development, the speaker must ensure that his speech is logical and coherent, and choose the appropriate words to adequately express thoughts. TO linguistic features oral speech include

smaller lexical accuracy(compared with in writing);

short sentence length;

limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences;

lack of involvement and participial sentences;

dividing a single sentence into several independent communicative units.

Oral speech can be prepared (report, lecture, etc.) and unprepared (conversation, conversation, etc.).

Oral scientific speech is to a greater extent prepared, informative speech. Oral scientific information genres include abstract message, lecture, report.

Features of the abstract message

An abstract message is an oral public presentation during which the content of a written abstract prepared by the student is briefly summarized. The duration of the performance is 5-10 minutes. During this time, the speaker must report on the purpose and objectives of his research, reveal the main points of the abstract plan, and introduce the conclusions presented in his work. It is also assumed that the referent must be able to answer questions from the teacher and students regarding the content of his speech.

An abstract message differs from the abstract itself primarily in the volume and style of presentation, since the features of oral communication are taken into account. scientific speech And public speaking generally. In an abstract message, the content of the abstract is presented in detail (or briefly) and, as a rule, without evaluation, that is, the presentation takes on a review character and decides communicative task(transfer to orally information that should be perceived by listeners).

Considering the public nature of the abstract message, the speaker must:

Draw up a plan and abstract of the speech;

Briefly introduce the issues, purpose, structure, etc.;

Ensure a portioned supply of material not in accordance with parts, sections and paragraphs, but segment it depending on the novelty and importance of the information;

Maintain clarity and precision of expressions and their pronunciation; pay attention to intonation, tempo, volume, etc. features of public speaking;

Demonstrate the prepared nature of statements, allowing, as in any other oral speech, verbal improvisation.

The form of a public scientific presentation can be a report or an abstract message. They differ in the nature of the information prepared and the way it is presented. Not only the content of the report is important, but also oratorical skills speaker. In an abstract presentation, attention is concentrated on the material selected for discussion.


Report– independently prepared and compositionally designed material scientific content, containing analytical information on the topic covered, presented in the form of theses and evidence.

Abstract presentation – public speaking or printed text, the content of which is a generalization of previously published scientific, theoretical or research information corresponding to a certain scientific topic.


The report is based on the principle of defining a circle problematic issues indicating the method of solving them, proof scientific hypotheses, lighting current topics or results scientific research. The structure and stylistic design of the report must correspond to the official nature of the message. To substantiate the topic, the speaker can use scientifically proven facts and his own observations that are of interest to specialists scientific field which this topic concerns.

The basis of the abstract presentation is the abstract - summary scientific work or a review of published materials thematically related to one scientific problem. The abstract cannot reflect author's position or Critical Assessment information provided.

The form of preparing a report can be a thesis. In this case, the speaker’s speech is structured as a logically and compositionally organized speech using oratory techniques.

The abstract must contain full text New material with obligatory links to the information source.

Conclusions website

  1. Report – independently prepared analytical material. The abstract presentation is prepared on the basis of the abstract.
  2. The report contains new information O scientific problem, its research and solutions. The abstract presentation systematizes published specific topic scientific materials.
  3. The report can be compiled in the form of abstracts. The abstract speech contains the full text of the message.

Oral speech, including oral scientific speech, is spoken speech. Therefore, intonation plays a big role in it (melody of speech, volume and duration, tempo and timbre of pronunciation). The place of logical stress, the degree of clarity of pronunciation, the presence or absence of pauses are also important.

The perception of oral speech occurs simultaneously through the auditory and visual channels. In this regard, such non-verbal means of communication as facial expressions, gestures, gaze, spatial arrangement of the speaker and listener carry a certain semantic load, making the content of the sounding text more information-rich.

Since oral speech is characterized by irreversibility, a progressive nature of development, the speaker must ensure that his speech is logical and coherent, and choose the appropriate words to adequately express thoughts. The linguistic features of oral speech include

· lower lexical accuracy (compared to written speech);

· short length of sentences;

Limiting the complexity of phrases and sentences;

· absence of participial and participial sentences;

· dividing a single sentence into several independent communicative units.

An abstract message is an oral public presentation during which the content of a written abstract prepared by a student is briefly summarized. The duration of the performance is 5-10 minutes. During this time, the speaker must report on the purpose and objectives of his research, reveal the main points of the abstract plan, and introduce the conclusions presented in his work. It is also assumed that the referent must be able to answer questions from the teacher and students regarding the content of his speech.

An abstract message differs from the abstract itself primarily in the volume and style of presentation, since the features of oral scientific speech and public speaking in general are taken into account.

Considering the public nature of the abstract message, the speaker must:

· draw up a plan and abstract of the speech;

· briefly introduce the issues, purpose, structure, etc.;

· ensure that the material is presented not in accordance with parts, sections and paragraphs, but depending on the novelty and importance of the information;

· maintain clarity and precision of expressions and their pronunciation; pay attention to intonation, tempo, volume;

· demonstrate the prepared nature of statements, allowing verbal improvisation.

Since public speaking is not an easy task even for a trained person, it is recommended to write the text of the speech.

At the beginning of your speech, briefly discuss why you are interested in this particular topic, justify its relevance, and name the goals and objectives of your research.

In the main part of the speech, in thesis form, convey the content of the main points of the abstract plan.

Conclude your message with brief conclusions on this topic.

Maintain proportionality structural parts your speech (introduction and conclusion should not exceed the length of the main part).

Divide the text into simple sentences, which will make it much easier for you to read when memorizing, and for the audience to perceive your words during your speech.

During the message, it is necessary to explain to listeners the meaning of new terms and terminological combinations.

Don't overuse numbers. Abundance digital information can confuse not only the listeners, but also the speaker himself.

Select from the text of the abstract the most bright quotes on the topic of the speech. However, avoid quoting too much.

Check availability logical connectives between all parts of your speech.

Think about what questions might arise for you during the presentation. Think about your answers.

Memorizing and pre-pronouncing the text completes the process of preparing a speech. Repeat difficult words several times. Mark the places in the text of your speech where you will need to change the intonation.

Time your speech - the time for preliminary reading of the text should coincide with the time allotted to you for delivering a speech to defend your abstract (from 5 to 10 minutes).

Among the special oratorical techniques, we can recommend the following: speak loudly and clearly enough - this will attract attention and facilitate the listening process. Don't forget about the role of visual contact with the audience. Try to look your audience directly in the eyes, moving your gaze from one face to another: this usually makes them feel as if you are addressing each person personally, and encourages them to keep their eyes on you as well.

The abstract report sets out in detail (or briefly), usually without evaluation, the content of one or more book sources.

The information that the listener receives in response to his question is absorbed better (that is, in the process of dialogue).

Lecture- oral presentation academic subject or any topic, as well as a recording of this presentation.

The lecturer must rework the content of the subject, i.e. change the form of presentation - composition, style, language of content.

It is necessary to distinguish educational lectures (for future professionals) and popular lectures for people who have a need to receive

certain information on the issue of interest.

Scientific report this is a message about the statement of the problem, the progress of the research, its results. This scientific communication contains objectively new information.

Written speech it is speech recorded in writing. Unlike the speaker, the writer has more possibilities choose language means.

Written scientific speech – this is the speech of monographs, scientific articles, textbooks, reference books, dissertations.

The scientific style has a significant variety of speech genres. Among them: scientific monograph, scientific article, dissertation, textbooks, educational and teaching aids, scientific reports.

Research Articlecomposition small size, in which the author presents the results of his own research.

Monograph – treatise dedicated to the study of one topic, one question. Scientific article and monograph original compositions research nature. They are written by specialists for specialists. This group of genres can include coursework and diploma work.

The scientific style of speech has its own varieties (substyles):

– strictly scientific (monograph, article, report, course work, graduate work, dissertation);

– scientific and informative (abstract, annotation, synopsis, theses, patent description);

– scientific reference (dictionary, reference book, catalogue);

– educational and scientific (textbook, dictionary, Toolkit, lecture, synopsis, abstract, explanation);

– popular science (essay, lecture, article).

The most important task scientific style of speech - explanation of the causes of phenomena, message, description essential features, properties of objects scientific knowledge. The named features of the scientific style are expressed in its language characteristics and determine the systematicity itself linguistic means this style

Scientific style is a type literary language, its functional-style subsystem, which consists of units of various language levels: vocabulary, phraseology, word formation, morphology, syntax. Like anyone functional style, scientific style has its own characteristics in the use of elements of these levels, in the choice of linguistic means.

Varieties of special analytical information is a report and abstract. Many people confuse these documents, but there are certain differences between them. Each of these documents can be made in the form of a public speech or in the form of a written document that is given for further reading. In an abstract, like a report, a discussion is carried out, detailed consideration, the study or confirmation of certain scientific facts.

Today, reports and abstracts are the most effective and widespread way of conducting training in schools, universities and other educational institutions. Therefore, each student simply needs to understand the features of each of the documents.

Significant differences lie in the chosen option for processing the required data and achieving inherently different tasks.

Features of such work as an abstract

An abstract is always a document presented in form of an extended narrative, which is based on confirmed facts. Information for it is taken from trusted sources. The content of the abstract can be scientific, legal, cultural, artistic or economic. In most cases, the sources for such work are scientific work or specialized literature, which are devoted to a specific problem chosen as a topic.

The problem is reflected without own assessment this topic by the author. The abstract examines the most reliable and scientifically proven facts that can most accurately reflect the relevance of the problem, and also discusses options for solving it.

Registration requirements

When writing an abstract, you must adhere to certain requirements that affect both the structure and style of the document. They are the standard when performing such work.

Mandatory structural sections that must be present in the abstract are:

  • Introductory part.
  • Basic information.
  • Conclusion.

The first part (introduction) tells about the source from which the information was taken with attribution, and also shows the essence of the problem raised in the work.

The main part should describe the problem itself to the listener in more detail, as well as list all the methods for studying it and the results of previous analyzes. The main section also describes the possibilities of using and solving the selected problem.

Types of abstracts

Depending on the form of the narrative, the abstract is divided into two groups:

  • Reproductive documents.
  • Productive documents.

In the first case, the abstract will take the form of a synopsis or an abstract in the form of a summary. A productive form implies a description of several points of view of the authors of primary sources with subsequent analysis of information.

Features of the report

Unlike an abstract, this type of scientific document represents analysis of the problem being raised. During its implementation, the author of the report defends his point of view, relying on existing scientific facts and research, indicating links to sources, and also provides citations if desired.

  • Analysis carried out in the form of comparison.
  • Indication of verified analytical material.
  • Scientific arguments.
  • Analytical information.

According to their structure, the reports are divided into:

  • Linear documents that consistently present all the data on a selected topic.
  • Branched reports that reveal more than one aspect of the selected problem.

The report can be in the form public speaking, which ends with a mass discussion about the issue raised with the participation of listeners. Also, reports are sometimes presented in the form of a publication scientific type. Also such scientific documents are written in the form official communications about certain events or incidents. As an example, consider an employee’s speech at a meeting or a military report.

Difference between report and abstract

From the above we can conclude that these two works differ in the following:

  1. The abstract is an objective presentation of data on the selected topic, which does not contain the author’s reasoning and conclusions. And the report is research work, which covers a broader topic, while it contains the subjective reasoning and opinion of the compiler.
  2. When compiling an abstract, the content of the selected primary sources is conveyed as accurately as possible. And the report discusses various points vision, and also determines the method and methods for solving the problem, which are based on scientific and research work.
  3. The abstract does not contain the author's assessment, but only shows all the trends presented by other people that relate to the chosen topic. The report contains information and facts that are structured and maximally support the assessment and conclusions of the author.
  4. In most cases, the report is smaller in size than the abstract.

Thus, when writing a scientific paper, you should adhere to the chosen style. Today there are clear requirements for writing such works, and they are standards.