Organization of productive activities in the form of classes. Recommendations for organizing and conducting productive activities for preschoolers


1. Classification of methods and techniques.

characteristics of children.

4.Use of gaming techniques for learning and development in different age groups.

1. Methods of teaching visual activity and design are a system of actions of a teacher who organizes the practical and cognitive activities of children, which is aimed at mastering the content determined by the program of education and training in kindergarten.

Teaching techniques are the components

Classification of methods

by the nature of cognitive activity

(Lerner I.Ya., Skatkin M.N.)

Information-receptive method;

Reproductive method;

Heuristic method;

Research method;

Method of problem presentation.

2. Information-receptive method - consists in the fact that the teacher communicates ready-made information through various means, and the children perceive it, understand it and record it in memory.


Ready samples;

Showing methods of action;

Explanation, teacher's story.

A) Examination is a process of perception of the subject organized by the teacher. The organization consists in the fact that the teacher, in a strictly defined sequence, identifies the sides and properties of an object necessary for its depiction.

Survey structure:

1. holistic perception of the subject;

2. analysis of the perceived object;

3. repeated perception of the object.

B) Ready-made samples - as a teaching method, it is used in those types of artistic activities where the main goal is not to consolidate impressions from the perception of the environment, but the task is to develop individual aspects of this activity (usually in decorative and constructive works).

C) Showing methods of action is a visually effective method aimed at teaching children to consciously create an image of an object based on their specific experience.

Display types:

Full show;

Partial display.

D) Explanation, story, explanations, instructions - verbal teaching methods aimed at clarifying children’s ideas on a topic or introducing them to new depiction techniques.

The reproductive method consists of the teacher’s activities aimed at consolidating knowledge and developing skills and abilities.

Practical exercises.

Heuristic and research methods are aimed at teaching students to find an independent solution to a visual problem.

The heuristic method involves element-by-element training in creative activity.

The research method involves children completing a creative task: conveying the plot of a literary work, realizing their own ideas.

3. The choice of methods and techniques for organizing and conducting productive activities of preschoolers depends on a number of circumstances. First of all, the goals and objectives of a particular lesson are determined. The selection of methods requires taking into account the specifics of the type of activity, as well as knowledge of the age characteristics of children and their level of mastery of a specific activity.

4. The inclusion of gaming techniques in visual activities should not disrupt its natural course. The image is a kind of center of the game. Game actions can be organically included in the visual process or complete it. They are very similar to “director’s games” and represent an individual story game, but not with ordinary toys, but with images. The child assigns certain roles to the drawings that are just being created or have already been completed, sometimes he takes on the role himself or performs various actions for them.

In visual arts classes, a teacher can use the following: types of gaming techniques:

Playing with objects, toys, paintings;

You can even play with visual material (brushes, paints, pencils, etc.) with brushes and pencils you can consult, talk, teach them to draw (“run along a flat path,” “ride” down a hill, etc.)

When acting out objects and toys, play actions can be very diverse in content and method of execution: find out the character’s mood (conversation, dialogue); regret, stroke, catch leaves (gesture); depict movements (imitation of movements with a toy). This technique is used in all age groups, as it allows us to take into account the gradually changing interests of children in the environment and the methods of play action available to them. The teacher uses it before the start of a lesson or at the beginning of it during a conversation aimed at forming an idea for a future drawing. This technique allows you to solve several problems: attract the child’s attention to the depicted object, examine it, examine it; interest in the upcoming work; explain image techniques. (Teachers are invited to give an example of using the technique of playing with objects, toys, paintings)

Playing off the completed image;

This technique is used at the end of the lesson, when the image has already been completed. The resulting image is used as a kind of game item. The content of game actions depends on the image. (Teachers are invited to give an example of using the technique of playing with a finished image). For example, children drew a park: autumn, winter, they are invited to walk around the park, listen to the birds, sing songs, etc. If a bird is reproduced, then it can “fly” and “peck” grains.

Playing out an unfinished image at the moment of its execution:

This technique is aimed not only at developing the concept of the drawing, but also at developing in children the ability to perform it using various visual means. The methods for performing game actions in this technique are also varied. They can be expressed in words, for example, the teacher, seeing the girl shown in the picture, asks her “Aren’t you cold without a hat?” Thus, he unobtrusively suggests the possibility of completing the drawing.

Game situations with role-playing behavior of children and adults.

In this case, visual activity is correlated with the corresponding activity of adults - artists, potters, photographers, builders, etc. Such activities are often collective in nature. For example, children in the role of artists draw illustrations for one fairy tale. When carrying out a task undertaken, the child is especially passionate about the task and is most creative.

Memo 11

“Features of organizing various types of occupations And ways to do works of productive activity in different age groups"

Types of classes:

· By communicating new knowledge and new ways of depicting (information-receptive method is the dominant teaching method)

· Classes to train children in applying knowledge and methods of action (the productive method is the dominant teaching method)

· Creative activities (heuristic method)

Types of activities are differentiated by the nature of the dominant tasks, or more precisely, by the nature of children’s cognitive activity, formulated in the tasks:

Classes to impart new knowledge to children and familiarize them with new ways of depicting;

Classes to train children in applying knowledge and methods of action, aimed at the reproductive way of cognition and the formation of generalized, flexible, variable knowledge and skills;

Creative classes, in which children are involved in search activities, are free and independent in the development and implementation of ideas.

In each type of lesson, the goal, objectives, and methods of teaching visual arts are systematically and interconnectedly implemented. In the pedagogical process, all these types of activities take place. However, a student-centered approach to learning is unthinkable without taking into account individuality.

Classes are differentiated by how they are performed. :

· By submission

· By memory

· From life

· By design

Memo 12

“Features of organizing classes in drawing and ways of performing work in different age groups"

There are the following types of classes based on image content:

· Subject

· Plot


They are distinguished by the method:

· Drawing by design

· By memory

· From life

Subject drawing.

Aimed at mastering the basic methods of depiction (shape, structure, color, drawing technique).

Learning Objectives:

1. To form in children a cognitive interest in the world of objects, people, and to respond emotionally.

2. To form in preschoolers a generalized idea of ​​the depicted objects.

3. Generalized methods of depicting objects are formed, the ability to convey: shape (close to geometric, then to individual), the structure of the object and the proportional relationship in the object.

4. Develop a sense of color, shape, rhythm and composition.

5. Stimulate independence and creativity.

Requirements for placement of nature:

· The light should fall from the right or left (depending on the children - right-handed, left-handed).

· Do not place it against the light.

· Distance to nature is approximately 1.5 meters.

· Nature at eye level or slightly higher.

· A background is installed behind the scene.

Thematic and thematic drawing.


1. Formation of interest in surrounding objects and natural phenomena.

2. To develop in children the ability to blur an image, to determine in advance the content and some methods of depiction.

3. Learning some accessible ways to depict a plot:

· Technique for creating simple compositions, i.e. arrangement of images across the entire plane of the sheet (this is typical for younger groups), “Flowers in the meadow” (cf. group).

· The location of the image on a wide strip of sheet (senior group), mark the horizon line, the placement of objects in the close-up (the bottom of the sheet is large), (the top of the background is smaller).

· Learn to depict the main thing in a drawing, highlighting it in size, shape, color (middle and older group); learn to convey in a drawing the relationship of objects in size and relative location in space; teach children to convey the movements and poses of the main characters.

4. Encourage preschoolers to be independent.

Decorative drawing.

DPI- one of the most ancient arts, its motives are similar to nature. It brings joy to life with bright, rich colors, expressively filled with wisdom and beauty, so it is understandable and accessible to preschoolers. DPI is introduced from the middle group.


1. Development in children of love, respect for their homeland, a sense of patriotism.

2. Forming children's interest in folk art, understanding its characteristics.

3. Formation of generalized knowledge and corresponding visual skills for different types of crafts (the ability to distinguish compositions, colors, characteristic elements, materials).

4. Fostering activity, independence, initiative, creativity (when creating patterns).

A special place in teaching drawing (decorative) is given to the teacher’s model. The teacher is forced to use the sample, because In objects of art, patterns are difficult for children to perceive.

There are different types of sample:

1. A model for direct following - direct imitation - children are given ready-made information and a model (information-receptive method).

2. Unfinished sample - children are asked to reproduce part of the drawing according to the sample, and to come up with part themselves (partially the search method).

3. Variable samples – different options for solving the same problem are presented.

Any sample must be made in the style of a certain craft. The size of the sample should be 1.5 - 2 times larger than children's work.

Drawing techniques

Thanks to the mastery of various techniques, children's artistic images become more expressive and meaningful. This is evidenced by the studies of R.G. Kazakova, T.S. Komarova and others.

Drawing techniques can be divided into traditional and non-traditional.

1.Classical (traditional) drawing techniques use of materials: oil; pencil; watercolor; gouache; tempera

2. Non-classical (non-traditional) drawing techniques: drawing on wet paper; drawing on crumpled paper; drawing with plasticine; drawing with two paints; drawing with wax crayons; drawing on glass; monotypy; fingergraphy; blotography; silhouette drawing; grattage (colored wax); batik; collage; stained glass; spray; signets, stamps.

Memo 13

Sample title page design

Summary of productive activities in preschool educational institutions




carrying out productive activities

(age group)

Kind of activity _______________

(drawing, applique, modeling, design)

on the topic of: " "

GBOU kindergarten (compensatory or combined type, if any)


Student group ___


Checked by the teacher:

Zapolskikh O.S.

Grade .

Assessment for taking notes

Grade .

Date (day, month, year)



Educational objectives:

Developmental tasks:

Educational tasks:

Preliminary work:


Demonstration material –

Handout -

Type of productive activity:(write as necessary)




Form of organization of productive activities:(write as necessary)



- collective


I Introductory part ( min.)

– motivation for activity

Galina Morozova
Organization of free productive activities of OSR pupils

Organization of free productive activities of OSR pupils

The concept of independence in scientific literature - This:

1) This is the ability not to be influenced by various factors, to act on the basis of one’s views and beliefs.

2) general characteristics of regulation (control) his personality activities, relationships and behavior.

Productive activity preschoolers is one of the components free activity.

This is a gradually developing quality, a high degree of which is characterized by a desire to solve problems. activities without help from other people, the ability to set a goal, carry out basic planning, implement plans and get results, as well as promote initiative and creativity in solving emerging problems.

N. Mikhailenko, N. Korotkova in their methodological recommendations note the importance of ensuring independent artistic and creative children's activities, since within its framework creative activity develops in different types activities(game, design, visual arts) activities, etc..) Here the child gets the opportunity for self-realization, as he becomes the master of actions, relationships, gains a sense of self-respect, self-esteem, and gets to know himself.

The problems of children's manifestation of initiative, independence and artistic and creative manifestations, as well as the characteristics of the pedagogical conditions that determine their development, were studied by such scientists and teachers as N. A. Vetlugina, I. L. Dzerzhinskaya, V. A. Ezikeeva and others.

Scientific research suggests that under optimal conditions education and learning, children can achieve a certain level of development of independence in different types activities: gaming, communicative, motor, cognitive - research, productive(drawing, modeling, artistic work, labor, music. Independent activity children are one of the main models organizations educational process of preschool children age:

1) free activity of pupils in the context of a subject-specific developmental educational environment created by teachers, ensuring choice for each child activities based on interests and allowing him to interact with peers or act individually;

2) activities of pupils organized by the teacher aimed at solving problems related to the interests of other people (emotional well-being of other people, helping others in everyday life, etc.).

Development scheme of any kind activities in accordance with the concept of L. S. Vygodsky that's how it is: first it is carried out jointly activities with adults, then - in joint activities with peers and finally becomes independent child's activities. In this case, a special role is given to teacher.

Educator must create a diverse gaming environment (we are talking about a subject-development environment in a preschool educational institution, which must provide the child with cognitive activity, must correspond to his interests and be developmental in nature. The environment must provide children with the opportunity to act individually or together with peers, without imposing mandatory joint activities.

Educator can connect to activities children in cases of conflict situations requiring adult intervention, or, if necessary, help a particular child join a peer group.

Basic requirements for organizing free activities for preschoolers:

Maximum consideration of the age and individual characteristics of children.

Respectful attitude towards the results of children’s creativity, wide inclusion of their works in the life of the group.

Organization of exhibitions, design of aesthetic environment, etc.

Subject development environment organized this way that every child has the opportunity to do what they love. Such an environment should meet the individual and age characteristics of children, their leading type activity - game.

At the same time, it promotes the development of creative abilities, awakens imagination, activity, teaches communication, and vivid expression of one’s feelings.

A game is being organized, firstly, as a cooperative game teacher with children, where the adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a carrier of a specific "language" games. Natural emotional behavior teacher, accepting any children's plans, guarantees freedom and ease, the child’s enjoyment of the game contributes to the desire in children to master the methods of play themselves. Secondly, at all age stages the game is saved as free independent activity of children, where they use all the gaming tools available to them, free unite and interact with each other, where the world of childhood is ensured to a certain extent independent of adults.

To organize independent activities The child must have the experience that the child acquires in the classroom. Systematic training allows you to gradually accumulate and increase the volume of skills and abilities, and already on their own initiative, children can express themselves in various types of artistic activities: musical, artistic and speech, visual, theatrical and play.

First of all, learning in the classroom must be structured so that children act not only according to direct instructions, but also without help. If a child learns to independently carry out educational tasks, then he will be able to act in the same way outside. classes: organize dramatization games, at your own request, sing, draw.

IN free It is good for children to have a sufficient number of books at their disposal (in the children's bookcase). Along with books, folders with pictures, photographs, children's drawings and albums for free viewing by children. Organize a book exhibition. It is advisable to devote the first one - at the beginning of the school year - to the children's favorite books. Subsequent exhibitions may be thematic: books about nature, about our Motherland, about technology, fairy tales, etc. The group can also function as a center for musical and theatrical activities for theatrical games. This center contains all the necessary equipment - a screen and sets of various types of puppet theater, theatrical costumes, printed board games, musical instruments, a tape recorder.

Development Corner productive activity includes visual materials and equipment for drawing, modeling, and appliqué. All this is necessary think over from the position of compliance not only with the tasks being solved, but also with the requirements of beauty. Environment for development productive free activity involves the use of works of fine art, including folk art. At the same time, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything. Children's work should definitely be exhibited, it has a huge impact educational value When children see their work among the works of others, they get the opportunity to compare them; in addition, they feel more comfortable from the fact that their work is exhibited among others.

Each type of fine art activities(modeling, appliqué, drawing, allows you to develop mental activity, artistic taste, fine motor skills in children, allows you to consolidate knowledge, abilities, skills acquired in the educational process activities. We support children's desire to express themselves in independent, varied activities(modeling, applique, drawing).

Offer modeling in free Time from classes is better in the middle group. Clay or plasticine is used for modeling. If in kindergarten the main material for modeling is clay, then in free It’s better to use it from studying time. It is important that children follow the basic rules of sculpting from clay: they did not scatter it on the table, did not drop it on the floor. In older groups, you can use any material, as this promotes independence in choosing material (large objects are best sculpted from clay, small ones from plasticine).

Modeling outside of class is of a different nature. Children can sculpt individually or join groups - it all depends on their desire. Those who like to sculpt take the material themselves and work, but teacher may also attract other guys - those who don’t gain weight in classes, and those who don’t really like this activity. To interest the children, the teacher himself gets involved in the modeling process. This kind of work brings the guys together.

The independence of children during such activities is manifested in the fact that they, without the help of adults, determine the plan, and in connection with it, the required amount of material for work. The atmosphere during such modeling is more relaxed, children look at each other’s work and consult. Educator should pay attention to children doing their own modeling. He monitors posture, correct placement of hands, and how each child implements his plan.

Thus, leading free activities for children, teacher tries to guide her along a creative path, teaching children to act thoughtfully and systematically.

Equipment for classes:

Clay, plasticine.

Boards for work.

Napkins, oilcloths.

Signets for decorating works.


The most common simple and affordable way to create artwork. This makes it possible to widely use applique not only for design purposes, but also in creating paintings, panels, ornaments, etc. Equipment required to perform applique not difficult:

Scissors (with rounded ends in two sizes - large and small, the scissors should not be tight and well sharpened. It is necessary to regularly provide instructions on how to use scissors; knowledge of the basic rules of working with scissors is necessary because... free activity children work independently, but only those who follow the rules of work.

It is good to have 2-3 brushes for glue; they are selected depending on the size of the application; after finishing work, the brushes must be rinsed and placed in a glass with the nap facing up.

Simple pencils (for drawing outlines)

Wet and dry wipes


Glue or paste.

Colored and white paper of various textures, colors, thickness, size.

Paper scrap box

Box for finished works.


Pieces of fabric and other miscellaneous materials

Everything should be aesthetically designed. The main thing is to strive to develop in children a caring attitude towards the materials with which they work, to teach them to plan their work, use material sparingly and use time rationally.

The simplest and most common type free productive activity is drawing, For organizations It doesn’t require a lot of special preparation, the most important thing is desire.

For organizing drawing in free activity is necessary:

Crayons, colored pencils, simple pencils, watercolor, gouache

Water tanks (transparent)

Brushes of various thicknesses

Various sizes of paper


Napkins, oilcloth

Coloring pages

All children's works received in activities outside of class, are exhibited, or is being organized place for other children to watch (folder, box, etc.) all instruments are in order and undergo regular maintenance "revisions", it is necessary to aesthetically design the corner free productive activity. Whenever possible, display works of art, sculptures and other artistic works for visual display. Everything should be available, but activity children are constantly supervised teacher.

Another pedagogical condition is the influence of holidays and entertainment. The child receives a lot of impressions during the holidays from the sound of music, songs, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, and expressive intonations of the artistic word. He becomes familiar with social phenomena reflected in artistic and figurative form, and this becomes an indirect incentive that makes him want to convey his impressions and experiences in another artistic form. form: drawing, playing, dancing.

For organizing children's activities use a variety of educational games, teaching aids, materials that allow "train" children in establishing relationships and dependencies. The relationship between gaming and cognitive motives in preschool age determines that the process of cognition will be most successful in situations that require children’s intelligence. Good games with mathematical content, board and printed ones, such How: "Domino figures", "Make a picture", "Arithmetic Domino", "Logical Lotto", "Lotto", "Find the Difference", games of checkers and chess, solving mazes and others.

Thus, independent work of children in preschool educational institutions is work that is performed without direct participation teacher, according to his instructions, at a time specially provided for this, while the child consciously strives to achieve the goal, using his efforts and expressing in one form or another the result of mental or physical actions.

Literature: 1. Atrepyeva L.V. methodologist d/s No. 50 “Specialty specialist”. Topleeva S.N. V-l d/s No. 50 "Defectologist".//Consultation for educators"Organization of free productive activities of preschool children". website: Kindergarten No. 50.

2. Vetlugina N. A. Independent artistic activity preschoolers / ed. Vetlugina N. A. -M.: 1984.

3. MDOU Kumanaevsky d/s No. 1 "Teremok" // Productive activity of preschoolers

4. Petukhova L. V. Development of artistic and creative abilities in preschool children in the conditions of interaction between family and preschool educational institution. //Public education. Pedagogy. 2013

5. Productive activity//Child Development Center - d/s "Smile".

6. Rakhmatullaeva O. P. “Theoretical and methodological foundations organizing productive activities children of preschool age".07.10.2016.// website: Info lesson.


1. Forms of organization and management of the productive activities of preschool children (joint activities of teachers with children, independent activities of children).

2. Lesson as the main form of education and creative development of children: thematic, complex, combined lessons.

3. Lesson structure.

4. Types of classes: on a topic proposed by the teacher (classes on mastering new program material and repeating what has been covered, exercises in fine arts

and technical skills); on a topic chosen by the child (as planned).

5. Features of planning classes for organizing productive activities (single-type and integrated classes).

1. The main form of training and development of children's visual creativity is classes and direct educational activities. Fine arts classes are a means of educating children. They develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, imagination, creativity, and form imaginative ideas.

2. Drawing, modeling, and applique classes are part of multifaceted work in a group, therefore visual activity is closely related to all aspects of educational work (getting to know the environment, playing, reading books, etc.), during which children receive a variety of impressions and knowledge. For the image, I choose the most striking events from the lives of children, so that the proposed topic is familiar to them, arouses their interest, a positive emotional mood, and the desire to draw, sculpt or cut and paste.

In addition to classes, the preschool educational institution organizes and conducts joint activities between the teacher and the children.

The main forms of joint activity between the teacher and children:

a) “Together - individual” - is characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the common plan, and only at the final stage does everyone’s work become part of the overall composition. The task is given to everyone immediately, at first they work individually and then adjusted depending on what others have done. When doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself does what is assigned to him, the better the work of the team will be. This, on the one hand, creates conditions for mobilizing the child’s creative potential, and on the other, requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organizing activities include the fact that it allows you to involve a fairly large group of children who do not have experience working together in collective creative activities.

b) “Jointly - sequential” - involves working on the principle of a conveyor belt, when the result of the actions of one participant is in close relationship with the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

c) “Jointly - interacting” - work is performed by all participants simultaneously, coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

Another effective form of organizing the visual activities of preschoolers is independent activity.
Productive independent activity almost always arises on the initiative of children.
Conditions for independent activity:
1. Instruction in the classroom should be structured in such a way that children act not only according to the direct instructions and demonstration of the teacher, but also without his help.

2.organization of a subject-development environment in preschool educational institutions and families, providing children with free use of various artistic materials (brushes, paints, paper, etc.), books with illustrations, theatrical toys, musical instruments. Everyone chooses those that he needs at the moment. All these items are located in places convenient for children’s independent productive activities.

3. close contact between educators and parents in organizing conditions for the formation and development of the child’s creative inclinations in kindergarten and at home.

2. Types of activities according to the nature of children’s cognitive activity:
1) classes on a topic proposed by the teacher:
a) classes to impart new knowledge to children and familiarize them with new methods of representation;
b) classes to train children in applying knowledge and methods of action.

2) classes on a topic chosen by the child (creative classes in which children are involved in search activities and are free to implement their ideas).

Types of occupations depending on the selection criteria:
by image content:
by image method:
-by presentation;
-by memory;
-from nature.

3.Structure of visual arts classes:

Part I of the lesson - explanation of the task:

1. Game motivation or introductory conversation.
2. Examination of nature, examination of the sample.
3. Demonstration of image methods (full or partial depending on the age of the children).
4. Physical exercise.
5. Consolidating the sequence of image methods.

Part II of the lesson:
Children's independent performance of visual tasks.
The teacher’s use of individual work techniques: showing methods of depiction, explanations, instructions, advice, encouragement.

Part III of the lesson - analysis of the work performed:
Forms of analysis:
- the teacher shows the drawing and asks to evaluate whether everything in it is correct, what interesting things the child came up with;
- one of the children is tasked with choosing the best job, in his opinion, and justifying his choice;
- the child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, a sample and evaluates it;
- children, together with the teacher, look at one work after another and give them an assessment.

  • · The main form of work is teaching children in the classroom
  • · Frontal (group) form
  • · By subgroups
  • · Game form
  • · Individual - creative activity
  • · Games - drawings
  • · Educational games
  • · Integrated form of training

At the first stage of work, the teacher sets the following goals:

  • · Give children knowledge and ideas about forms of independent behavior;
  • · To bring children to an understanding of the moral category of independence, its significance in a personal and social sense;
  • · Introduce the words “himself”, “independent” into the vocabulary;
  • · Promote the acquisition of forms of independent behavior

Forms of work:

  • 1. Selection of fiction.
  • 2. Watching videos and videos.
  • 3. Puppet theater performance.
  • 4. Creation of problematic situations.
  • 5. Conducting aesthetic conversations on the topic: “Independence”

At the second stage of work, the teacher sets a goal:

· Form interest and a positive attitude towards the chosen type of productive activity.

Forms of work:

  • 1. Conversations.
  • 2. Excursions.
  • 3. Entertainment.
  • 4. Examination of pictures and works on the chosen topic.
  • 5. Thematic lesson.

At the third stage of work the goal is set:

  • · Accumulation of skills by children in this type of activity;
  • · Development of social motives for activity;
  • · Acquisition by children of elements of self-control and self-esteem;
  • · Formation of independent behavior.

Forms of work:

  • 1. Games and exercises for developing fine motor skills.
  • 2. Children's work using step-by-step instructions.
  • 3. Children work according to instruction cards.
  • 4. Exercises in coloring finished crafts and toys.
  • 5. Teamwork.
  • 6. Homework.

At the first stage, they are given the task of forming in children ideas about forms of independent behavior and leading them to an understanding of independence as a significant personality quality. For this purpose, it is recommended to use examples of literary and fairy-tale characters. When selecting content, its dynamism and consonance with the personal experience of a preschooler should be taken into account, so that it evokes a response and empathy in children.

Reading works of fiction encourages children to exchange impressions about the content in the form of replicas, value judgments, in the form of coherent statements that are in tune with the narrative they heard (“The little one is very small, but she knows how to clean herself...”, “I also tore my pants, I’ll learn to sew it up myself...” “,” “I know how to dress myself, I’m big...”, “It’s not nice to walk around with holes...”, “If he had dressed himself, it wouldn’t have happened...”, “Dad will make me a shovel, I’ll dig myself...”). thus , the experience of each child becomes the property of the children's team.

Before watching videos, children need some preparation; they will be faced with questions that they had to answer after watching. If children find it difficult to answer questions, re-show individual frames or fragments of the film. After some time, organize a repeat showing of the films, and then, in a conversation with the children, encourage them not so much to retell, but to analyze the facts and establish connections between them.

To consolidate knowledge about independence and forms of independent behavior, it is very good to use specially organized and spontaneously arising problem situations during walks, classes, and routine moments. Thus, children need to actively use the words “himself” and “independent” and demonstrate their ability to act independently in certain situations.

In order to summarize, clarify and systematize the knowledge acquired by children as a result of the work done, an ethical conversation “On independence” should be held. During the conversation, you can recall episodes from feature and animated films, and look at illustrations in familiar books. Ask children questions aimed at establishing connections, relationships, and generalizations of acquired knowledge. This encourages children to actively use the term “independent”, recalling episodes from stories, fairy tales, puppet shows, as well as real situations that happen to them: “I was little - I didn’t want to walk either, now I can walk on my own...”, “I already independent, I dress for the street myself...”, “one must be independent so as never to ask...”, “independent - who does everything himself...”, etc.

At the second stage, to create interest and a positive attitude towards the activity in children, you can use a conversation about how the type of activity that the children are currently performing benefits people. During the course, it is useful for children to look at illustrations, listen to poems, and remember familiar nursery rhymes.

At the next stage of our work, in order to accumulate skills and abilities in children for classes, it is very important to use games to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, since any productive activity is associated with the work of the hands and requires skill and dexterity in handling.

It is better to create the first children's crafts with the direct participation of the teacher. Having mastered some modeling techniques, the children proceed to work through step-by-step instructions - the teacher explains and shows, the children repeat all the actions.

Then you can apply increasingly complex tasks using instruction cards. They graphically depict the progress of work with a particular material of the product of the activity, for example, modeling (how much the main piece of plasticine needs to be divided into, what shapes to make, the sequence of assembling the toy - this will serve as a kind of exercise in self-control. (“Caterpillars”, “Ladybugs”, "Chickens")

In parallel with modeling, children can master the technique of painting three-dimensional figures, first according to a sample, and then according to their own ideas. This will provide another opportunity to develop elements of self-control in children (the toy needs to be colored on all sides).

When children have mostly mastered the basic skills and techniques of modeling and coloring, you can introduce an additional fairy-tale character. In addition to Kolobok, Dunno comes to the children’s lesson, he doesn’t know anything, doesn’t know how, but wants to learn everything. Children here act as a teacher, thereby demonstrating the ability to plan activities, choose means, and set goals.

To reinforce forms of independent behavior with children, you can use a number of homework tasks, for example: “Teach your mother to prepare plasticine for modeling”, “come up with it, make it and show it to your friends”, “Who got what?” Children make toys at home and bring them to kindergarten. Thanks to this, it is possible to judge the degree of effectiveness of the teacher’s efforts at work.