Detailed map of Iraq in Russian. Iraq map in Russian

Iraq is a country located in the Middle East, bordering Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Turkey and Kuwait.

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Geographic map

Simple and convenient geographic map Iraq, which shows the country's topography and main natural areas countries, key ones are marked settlements and highways.

Educational and analytical information

Coastal connections - regional and local - are expressed on maps of different scales, their coordination can be more clear and specific, it largely depends on the use of a good base map and aerospace materials, on which the stripes are expressed better and more clearly than on general geographical maps.

High-altitude connections determined by geographical law altitudinal zone, are similar to zonal ones, since pressure and temperature change with absolute height, and other elements of the landscape change with temperature. High-altitude communications are regional in nature, since in mountain systems different latitudes the heights of the belts change and for each of them it is necessary to establish its inherent quantitative indicators of zonality that determine natural conditions biological life.

Analysis of altitudinal connections and identification of patterns of change: belts allows the use of relief images in horizontal lines to draw natural boundaries. With insufficient cartographic knowledge of individual phenomena (a sparse network of meteorological or hydrological stations and posts, the route nature of studies of soils, vegetation and fauna), as well as with unclear readability of landscape boundaries on aerial photographs, connections between elements with the relief and among themselves are revealed by constructing profiles in areas that are better provided factual material. Sometimes it is possible to build complex profiles that will serve as keys for matching maps.

The use of the method of analyzing high-altitude connections (taking into account slope exposure) made it possible to develop a methodology for constructing thematic maps mountain areas on a cartographic basis with relief in contour lines, for example, maps of temperatures, precipitation, runoff, soils, vegetation, faunal complexes and others, as well as complex maps of landscapes.

Orographic connections reveal a more precise localization of natural boundaries and their dependence on the relief, but not only on absolute heights and not only mountainous countries, but from the relative elevations and orographic boundaries of different orders of the soles, ridges of mountain ranges, ledges of plateaus and hills, bedrock banks, terraces and edges of river valleys and gullies, from hills, hollows, and other things. Clear bends in the relief, even ledges of small relative height, usually serve as the boundaries of changes in species or type differences for each phenomenon. Macroforms of orography reveal morphostructures, geological structures, changes in climatic indicators, runoff indicators, etc. Mesoforms (ledges, valleys, hills) substantiate the biological boundaries of lower orders - plant communities that change due to the nature of their habitat, changes in species and mechanical composition soil cover, soil composition of surface deposits of different origins. The connection with the relief is manifested in the nature of the drawing different elements. The figure shows the typically erosive nature of relief elements (valleys, interfluves, ledges), although in terms of content these are fragments of soil, vegetation and geological maps. The maps of climate indicators show a dependence only on large forms relief, as well as on tectonic and geological maps complex structures. Analysis of orographic connections made it possible to develop a methodology for using pre-compiled diagrams of natural (orographic) boundaries in addition to a base with a hypsometric image of the relief. Drawing up diagrams of orographic boundaries and their application to individual thematic maps facilitates the coordination of their complex series.

Structural connections between the elements of nature are determined by the change rocks different composition, the nature of their occurrence, tectonic structures, ancient (traces of deep faults) and neotectonic uplifts and subsidences. Geological structures (folded, block, monoclinal) reveal not only the morphostructures directly associated with them on the geomorphological map and the placement of Quaternary deposits of different genesis and their composition, but indirectly also the nature of moisture, the distribution of vegetation, soil and soil cover.

Basic natural boundaries on the vegetation map are determined by the age and composition of Quaternary deposits and the lines of recent faults. The change in plant communities is also associated with zonation and the nature of moisture.

Usage feedback - visible forms and boundaries of relief, plant communities, flow distribution (directions of rivers and their tributaries, chains of lakes or swamps) and other visible objects - used in the indication interpretation of aerial photographs to identify geological structures, hydrogeological objects and indirectly for mineral exploration.

Lithological connections, distinguished from structural ones, determine the influence of the mineral and chemical composition of rocks on the nature of relief dissection, the density and configuration of the hydrographic network, and the change of soils and vegetation.

Biological connections have to be studied to harmonize maps organic world: soil, vegetation, animal population, landscape and medical-geographical assessment of the territory (distribution of disease vectors). On maps of faunal assemblages or distributions individual species the living conditions of animals, their habitat and nutrition are taken into account. The optimal habitats of individual species or complexes are identified, which can be established using maps of vegetation, hydrological, natural lands, etc. Habitats of the animal population, not only habitats, but also specific (expressed on large-scale maps) hunting areas, pastures, burrows, nesting sites, and also migration routes: diurnal routes, for example watering trails; periodic - places and routes of fish spawning; seasonal - directions of seasonal migration of mammals, migration routes of birds, areas of their periodic feeding and rest, and other data essential for compiling maps of the main topic, require the use of maps of different subjects for their establishment. An ecological approach to the compilation of all types of biosphere maps can be widely used to enrich their content, in particular for ecological variations of plant communities and faunal complexes and differences in the density of animal populations, plant and animal resources.

Geochemical connections have been little studied, but their identification on maps is currently becoming great importance. Geochemical studies are used in cartography in the preparation of soil and hydrogeological maps, compiling special sections of their content (indicators of the chemical composition of water, soil acidity, etc.). A special section of science, “Landscape Geochemistry,” has been developed, and handwritten geochemical maps of landscapes are being compiled. However, in practice integrated mapping Geochemical dependencies are almost never used, despite their great importance for various sections of natural geography. There is an example of including a special section characterizing biogeochemical conditions in a comprehensive atlas. The data was obtained from the results of expeditionary research of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.

Geochemical maps show new formations in soils, migration and accumulation in them chemical elements, the presence of copper and manganese in soils, plant ash and waters, chemical composition atmospheric precipitation, calcium in landscapes, etc. Comparison of this information with maps of vegetation cover and landscapes reveals biogeochemical connections in nature and gives new material to improve mapping techniques.

Study of temporary connections that determine the dynamism of the geosystem territorial complexes and individual elements of nature, the relationship between the simultaneity or sequence of development of phenomena, their rates, rhythms of development and fluctuations (daily, seasonal, long-term), helps determine the relative, and sometimes absolute age objects and phenomena. Taking these connections into account is essential when mapping almost all landscape components. They play a special role in the compilation of geological, geomorphological, tectonic and vegetation maps.

The study of temporal connections underlies the display of the dynamics of phenomena; it expands and deepens, especially in connection with the use of space imagery. Aerial and satellite images make it possible to visually identify the overlap of some objects with others, and to identify their relative age based on the overlaps of the pattern. Old channels of different ages in river floodplains and ancient valleys crossed by modern watercourses are clearly recognizable in the photographs. Modern vertical movements earth's crust manifest themselves in intensified processes of swamping (expansion of habitats of hydrophilic vegetation, depressed state of forests) or drainage, expressed in the image in the overgrowing of lakes, development of shrub vegetation in swamps, intensification of the process of young erosion - growth of ravines, deepening of valleys, which is also visible in the change in the nature of the flow of watercourses . Classic example using temporary connections for mapping - geological maps bedrock and quaternary sediments. The relative age of deposits, intrusive bodies, and faults is determined by the overlaps of layers clearly visible in the image and the intersection of their boundaries.

Anthropogenic connections have acquired particular importance in mapping nature. Changes in landscapes during the development of the territory, the creation of new landscapes form a unique pattern that is clearly recognizable from aerial and satellite images. Taking into account anthropogenic changes is necessary in the compilation of many maps current state nature, especially vegetation, natural feeding grounds, as well as soil and geomorphological maps. The anthropogenic type of connections has highest value when developing nature conservation maps.

Can be done general conclusion that the identification of types of connections makes it possible to widely use the general dialectical law of interdependence of natural phenomena for theoretical justification techniques for integrated mapping in general and for compiling maps of individual components of the natural environment.

Identification of specific natural connections contributes to a more confident drawing of boundaries between qualitatively different objects on maps and forms a reliable basis for coordinating series of maps. In this case, it is important to take into account the closeness of connections, which affects the nature of the change of phenomena and the pattern of boundaries. Close direct connections used when applying the indicator method for mapping determine a clear and consistent pattern of boundaries. Indirect connections require preliminary identification of a chain of dependencies. Gradual change, the transition of one quality to another is reflected in a peculiar pattern of boundaries. When weak expressed connections boundaries on maps of different themes may not coincide.

The Republic of Iraq is a Middle Eastern state occupying an area of ​​about 435 thousand square meters. km. The country's population is more than 36 million people. The capital Baghdad is home to about 7.7 million people.

The north of the Mesopotamian lowland is a plain at an altitude of up to 500 m. Individual mountain ranges have a height of up to 1,460 m (Mount Sinjar). In the south there is a swampy lowland with a height of no more than 100 m. The Syrian-Arabian plateau from the southwest at an altitude of 900 m is occupied by the Al-Hijjar and Syrian deserts. In the northern part of the country there are small ridges of the Armenian Highlands, which turn into medium height Iranian plateau. Here is the highest point of the country - Mount Hadji Ibrahim (height 3,587 m). These areas of Iraq are characterized by high seismicity.

The climate of Iraq depends on the region: in the north it is subtropical, in the south it is tropical. Summer is hot in Iraq and Cold winter, the most comfortable weather is in spring and autumn. In the north in summer the usual air temperature is +40 °C, sometimes reaching +50-53 °C. In the center and south of the country, the average summer temperature is +50 °C. In winter, the average temperature is +4...+16 °C, with possible cold snaps down to −10 °C.

Iraq is located in the interfluve of the Tigris and Euphrates, known since ancient times. Mesopotamia is one of the main cradles of agricultural civilization.

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Nowadays they continue to use irrigated agriculture, but many territories have turned into barren salt marshes from thousands of years of exploitation.
Iraq has the largest oil and gas fields in the entire Middle East. At the beginning of the century, the availability of oil became a significant problem for locals - despite ancient history, Iraq was occupied by the British.

Independence was declared in 1932, but de facto, power remained in the hands of the British. Nevertheless, year after year, with oriental slowness, Iraq squeezed foreigners out of its lands and tried to use them at its own discretion, and not as a cash cow. With the rise of Saddam Hussein, there was some truce in Iraq between three main Iraq's warring sides are Sunni Shiites and Kurds. And of course, the warlike sides had to be pacified by far more than just exhortations. In addition, it followed protracted war with Iran claiming significant lands Iraq. Nevertheless, Iraq survived and developed.

In 2003, US and British forces invaded Iraq. They carried out the lightning-fast Operation Desert Storm, as a result of which they destroyed and scattered almost the entire Iraqi army. And at the same time they destroyed the economy, under the pretext of searching for chemical and bacteriological weapons. No weapons were found, but the President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, was captured, and after two years of captivity, he was hanged.
Now, the state is torn apart by contradictions that were restrained only by the iron hand and authority of the dictator.

(Republic of Iraq)

General information

Geographical position. Iraq is a state in South-West Asia. In the north it borders with Turkey, in the east with Iran, in the south with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and in the west with Jordan and Syria. In the south the country is washed by the Persian Gulf.

Square. The territory of Iraq occupies 434,924 square meters. km.

Main cities Administrative division. The capital of Iraq is Baghdad. Largest cities: Baghdad (4,478 thousand people), Mosul (748 thousand people). Administrative-territorial division of the country: 16 governorates (governments).

Political system

Iraq is a republic. The head of state is the president. Supreme body state power - the Revolutionary Command Council (RCC), whose chairman is the President and Supreme Legislature- unicameral National Council.

Relief. Northern region Iraq-Al-Jazra-ranks Armenian Highlands, whose height reaches 2,135 m near the Turkish border. In the northeast in the Iranian Plateau is located highest point Iran, Mount Haji Ibrahim (3,600 m). Further south lies the vast plain of the Tigris and Euphrates river valleys. In the far south of Iraq there is a swampy plain, and to the west of the Euphrates the valley opens into the Syrian Desert.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains rich oil reserves and natural gas, less significant - phosphorites, sulfur.

Climate. Most of Iraqi territory is in the zone continental climate. In the north, in the mountainous region, snow falls in winter. In central Iraq, summers are long and hot, winters are short and cool. The average January temperature in Baghdad is about +9.5°C, average temperature July - about +33°C. In the very southern region The country's climate is humid and temperatures often exceed +50°C. Largest quantity precipitation falls on northern regions Iraq, in the central valley the average annual precipitation does not exceed 152 mm.

Inland waters. In addition to the country's two main rivers (Tigris and Euphrates), there are quite large tributaries of the Tigris: the Greater Zab, the Lesser Zab and the Diyala.

Soils and vegetation. The country's vegetation is not very diverse: deserts are located in the south and southwest; date palm and poplar stand out among the rare trees of the central part.

Animal world. Fauna of Iraq includes the following types animals: cheetah, gazelle, antelope, lion, hyena, wolf, jackal, hare, bat, jerboa. Among the many birds of prey- vulture, raven, owl, several species of hawks, buzzard. A large number of lizards

Population and language

The country's population is about 21.722 million people, average density population about 50 people per 1 sq. km. Ethnic groups: Arabs - 75%, Kurds - 15%, Turks, Jews. Language: Arabic (state), Kurdish.


Muslims - 95% (Shiites - 60%, Sunnis - 35%), Christians - 3%, Jews. Brief historical essay

On the territory of modern Iraq they flourished famous states antiquity: the Sumerian kingdom, which arose around the 4th millennium BC. e., from the 3rd millennium to the middle of the 1st millennium BC. the territory was under the rule of the Babylonian and Assyrian kingdoms. From 539 to 331 BC e. Iraq was part of the Persian kingdom, and then for 200 years it was part of the empire of Alexander the Great. For a long time, Persian dynasties ruled the country, and in the 7th century. n. e. Arabs came to the country. From 750 to 1258 Baghdad was the capital of the state of the Abbasid caliphs. In 1258 the country was devastated by the Mongol invaders, and for a long time Turkish and Iranian rulers argued over its possession. In the 17th century Iraq finally became part of Ottoman Empire. At the end XIX - early XX centuries In Iraq, a movement for liberation from Turkish rule took shape. Great Britain, which had its own interests in this region, actively helped Iraq. In August 1921, Iraq gained independence, and King Fezal I was elected at the same time.

Until 1932, Britain had a mandate to govern Iraq through its Commissioner. In February 1958, the Arab Union of Iraq and Jordan was formed, but on July 14, 1958, as a result of a bloody military coup, the monarchy was overthrown, the king was killed, and the Arab Union collapsed. On July 15, a republic was proclaimed in Iraq. Since then, the country has experienced several more military coups. As a result of the latter, the current President of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, came to power. One of the last international crises caused by Iraq's policies in the region was the occupation of Kuwait: on August 28, 1990, Iraq declared Kuwait its 19th province and sent its troops there. The international community, led by the United States, organized an operation to liberate Kuwait, and at the end of February 1991, Iraqi troops were withdrawn from the country.

Brief Economic Sketch

Iraq is an agrarian-industrial country. The basis of the economy is oil production. Extraction of gas, sulfur, phosphates, marble. Oil refining, cement, textile, leather and footwear, food (sugar, tobacco) industries. Factories: agricultural engineering, car assembly, chemical and pharmaceutical, electrical, glass. They cultivate the date palm (one of the leading places in the world for collecting dates), grains, industrial crops (cotton, tobacco). Vegetable growing, fruit growing, melon growing. Extensive livestock farming (cattle, camels, horses, donkeys). Fishing. Export: oil, dates, hides, wool.

The currency is the Iraqi dinar.

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Baghdad. Iraq Museum with a rich collection of artifacts from the period ancient Mesopotamia; Iraqi Museum natural history; ruins of the last gate of Baghdad; Abbasid Palace (1179); former university al-Mus-tansiriya (1232); Mirja Mosque (1358); Iraqi War Museum. Mosul. Chandani Church and Great Mosque; Museum of the city of Mosul (large collection of exhibits from the period of the Assyrian kingdom). Kedimain. Mosque with a golden dome. Nejef. Ali's tomb cousin Prophet Muhammad, one of the main shrines of the Shiites. Karbala. Tomb of Hussein ibn Ali, Muslim martyr.