Heads of state and government. Notable alumni and faculty

We are an ambitious and innovative university with a bold and strategic vision located in a beautiful and prosperous capital city. Cardiff University global research leader was 5th among UK universities in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework for Quality and 2nd for Impact. We offer an educationally outstanding experience for our students.

Driven by creativity and curiosity, we strive to fulfill our social, cultural and economic responsibilities in Cardiff, Wales, and the world.

Students at Cardiff University benefit from learning that builds both intellectual skills and the ability to think independently.

Learning in a guided research environment means that students interact with researchers working at the frontiers of knowledge in their disciplines. Cardiff University's research is energetic and innovative - this creates a stimulating environment for research.

The 2015 National Student Survey found that 90% of Cardiff University students were satisfied with their student experience - above the UK wide sector average.

Our graduates are among the most sought after by employers, with 95.5% finding employment or further study within six months of graduation. *

Some of our degree courses include a year of professional training, while others provide professional body accreditation. All undergraduate and graduate students can learn a choice of languages ​​for free.

We are the largest provider of adult education in Wales, with the Cardiff Center for Continuing Education providing several hundred courses in locations across South East Wales. We also offer professional development programs, including custom courses.


The university opened its doors on 24 October 1883 and was formally established by Royal Charter in 1884.

We called University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire and were tiny compared to our current size. There were only:

  • 13 academic staff
  • 12 departments
  • 102 Full-time degree students
  • 49 part-time students.

In 1893 we became one of the founding institutes of the University of Wales and began awarding their degrees. From 1972 we took the name of University College, Cardiff.


We merged with the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology (UWIST) in 1988. In 1999 the university's public name changed to Cardiff University.

In 2004 we merged with the University of Wales College of Medicine. The College of Medicine was part of the original university, but broke away in 1931, making this amalgamation.

In December 2004 the Privy Council approved a new Supplemental Charter granting us university status. Our legal name has changed to Cardiff University. We are now independent from the University of Wales.

We awarded students recognized before the 2005 University of Wales degrees. Since then we have been awarding Cardiff University degrees to students.

Coat of arms

The College of Arms received our coat of arms in 1988 following its merger with the University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology.

Comfortable hands "supporters", which in heraldry are rarely provided in universities. Angel and dragon are derived from the crests of the attached institutions.

The motto "Indeed, Unity and Harmony" is the closing phrase of the prayer for the militant Church in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. It means truth, unity and agreement.

Cardiff University was founded in 1883 in the capital of Wales in the UK. As a member of the elite Russell Group, it is rightfully considered one of the best universities in Britain. It was ranked first in student satisfaction in 2013, and in 2015 it was second in the country in efficiency and fifth in teaching quality. Its doors are open to all young people who are interested in a good education. Equal opportunities, respect for individual rights, individual approach and friendly student fraternity - all this makes the university “a university for everyone.”

Short story

The educational institution was originally called The University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. They started talking about its discovery back in 1879, and 4 years later this important event took place. And 2 years after that they began to accept girls, and the first female professor appeared among the teaching staff. Natural science subjects, foreign languages, including Welsh, astronomy, music, and philosophy were taught. Diplomas were initially issued by the University College of St. Davis, and it was only in 1893 that the authority to confer degrees and issue diplomas became available. The College of Medicine separated in 1931 and rejoined in 2004. Since that time, Cardiff has become completely independent. In 2010, new directions opened up related to the study of mental health and cancer stem cells.

Study and perspective

It welcomes creativity, curiosity and a desire to make a difference to the social, cultural and economic realities of the city, Wales, the country and the world. The four pillars on which the work is built are learning, research and innovation, internationalism and cooperation with different communities.

Three faculties provide ample opportunities for choice. The College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences will interest applicants who want to express themselves in philology and politics, music and law, business and sociology. The College of Biomedicine and Life Sciences invites future physicians, pharmacists, psychologists and health care professionals. The College of Physics and Engineering trains professionals in architecture, urban planning, computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians, astronomers, and earth and ocean explorers.

Infrastructure and equipment

Cardiff city center is a beautiful and convenient location where academic facilities are located - the main building, which includes the administration buildings, library and halls of residence, and other buildings belonging to various faculties and departments. Nearby there is a beautiful Cathays Park, where you can take a walk in your free time, admire the surrounding beauty and recharge with the energy of nature for subsequent productive work. The Heath Park campus houses facilities related to the medical field.

To carry out research at the highest level, there are laboratories equipped with the latest technology, modern classrooms, and computer classes. Good financing allows us to purchase all kinds of instruments, laboratory equipment, equipment for young researchers - doctors and chemists, biologists and astronomers, mathematicians and computer scientists.

Students live in residences in single rooms. There is everything you need to cook your own food. You can also eat in cafes or canteens. For leisure, various sports grounds, playing fields, gyms have been built, student communities and interest clubs have been organized.

Studying and living here is exciting, interesting, practical and rewarding for your career. This is known to graduates who have achieved the highest professional victories - Nobel laureates (Martin Evans, Robert Huber), scientists, politicians, businessmen, artists, journalists and simply masters of their craft.

We are an ambitious and innovative university with a bold and strategic vision located in a beautiful and prosperous capital city. Our world-leading research is ranked 5th among UK universities in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework for Quality and 2nd for Impact. We offer an educationally outstanding experience for our students.

Driven by creativity and curiosity, we strive to fulfill our social, cultural and economic responsibilities in Cardiff, Wales, and the world.

We excel in producing high quality, innovative research that translates into benefits both locally and around the world.

We have a diverse student population with students coming from over 100 countries and with a range of backgrounds. Our academic staff is driven by creativity and curiosity, and many are leaders in their fields, creating a stimulating environment for learning.

Cardiff is a global, ambitious and innovative university with a bold and strategic vision located in a beautiful and prosperous capital city.

With over 7,000 international students from over 100 countries, the campus offers a diverse and truly international environment attracting top students and staff from around the world.

We develop and maintain a culture that encourages international exchange and collaboration, with over 17% of our students spending time abroad. Our strategic partners and links with more than 200 institutions around the world underline our international reputation and international perspectives.

International partners

Our partnerships span over 35 countries, including 40 throughout China, 9 in Malaysia and over 20 in the US.

If you are interested in developing a relationship with us or learning more about our international activities, please contact the International Department.

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Business
  • English, Communication and Philosophy
  • Geography and planning
  • History, Archeology and Religion
  • journalism, media and cultural studies
  • Law and politics
  • Modern languages
  • Music
  • Social sciencies
  • Welsh

College of Life and Life Sciences

  • Biosciences
  • dental treatment
  • Medical Sciences
  • Medicine
  • Optometry and Vision Science
  • Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • Psychology
  • Wales Deanery (PGMDE)

College of Physical Sciences and Engineering

  • Architecture
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science and Information Science
  • Earth and ocean sciences
  • engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Physics and Astronomy

Cardiff University is the largest educational institution in Wales, with approximately 27 thousand students studying. When founded in 1883, it was considered a university college. After joining with the Institute of Science and Technology and making adjustments to the university's constitution, it deservedly established itself in the title of Cardiff University, and the merger with the College of Medicine and the further separation of the Welsh University allowed it to secure the name of Cardiff University.

Now this largest university in the UK occupies a vast area of ​​the city of Cardiff, rich in architecture and picturesque parks. The main merit of Cardiff University is the highest level of research activities carried out in various fields and directions. Thanks to this work, the university was included in the group of leading research institutions in the country, consisting of 24 of the best universities in the UK.

Cardiff University is divided into three main faculties (colleges), which in turn include various schools and sciences:

1. Faculty of Humanities:

  • business and law;
  • geography and city planning;
  • journalism and media;
  • philosophical teachings and communication;
  • historical sciences and religion;
  • politics, European linguistics and translations;
  • culture, history and modern life of Wales.

2. Faculty of Engineering and Physics:

  • astronomy;
  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • physics;
  • building art;
  • Informatics;
  • School of Earth and Ocean Research;
  • engineering.

3. Faculty of Biomedical Sciences:

  • medicine;
  • psychology;
  • dentistry;
  • biosciences;
  • obstetrics;
  • nursing;
  • pharmacy;
  • healthcare;
  • optometry and vision research.

To enroll in one of the selected faculties and study first higher education programs for three years, the applicant must submit documents on time, from September 15 to January 15, and fulfill the requirements:

  • certificate of secondary education;
  • good results in courses: International Foundation, A-levels or International Baccalaureate;
  • high knowledge of a foreign language;
  • a timely submitted online application via UCAS.

Please note that when applying to the Faculty of Medicine, you must pass the BMAT or UKCAT test, and for architecture school and creativity you need to create a unique portfolio.

For admission to the master's program you need:

  • Bachelor's degree;
  • knowledge of English - IELTS 6.0 and above;
  • application submitted online, on the Cardiff University website or via UCAS Postgraduate.

Some training programs require work experience, a GMAT test, and a creative portfolio.

If you wish, you can participate in research projects, for which you need to submit an application with a developed research project and find a scientific supervisor - a professor from the university teaching staff.

Cardiff University Distinguished Alumni

Cardiff University became the starting point for the activities of such outstanding personalities as David Richards, Gellis Kinnock, Wayne David, John Warwick Montgomery, Arlene Sierra, Nathan Cleverly. Many writers and journalists, politicians and businessmen, professors, musicians and other figures were graduates of this university.

Tuition fees at Cardiff University

Tuition fees at Cardiff University range from £13,500 to £29,800. Thus, the arts program is estimated at 13,500, medical programs - 17,000, obstetrics - 25,200 pounds.

The university has created all the necessary conditions not only for educational activities, but also for students’ leisure, their comfortable living and development. 14 dormitories can accommodate thousands of students. They are located in different buildings with varying distances from the university itself. The cost of a single room also varies depending on the location, however, comfortable living and close proximity to the place of study are guaranteed.

Life and leisure of Cardiff University students

A rich student life is guaranteed for every student. Increase your knowledge of foreign languages, learn about the culture of other countries, religion - everything is possible in multicultural Cardiff. Spending time in the library, visiting theaters or cinemas, walking around a shopping center or along green city streets - any pastime will be interesting and educational. Those admitted to Cardiff University automatically become members of the Students' Union, which includes a lot of benefits, services, entertainment and assistance. The union includes more than a hundred different societies, independently regulated by students, whose activities may be cultural, political or social in nature. Such societies help people make their dreams come true, expand their horizons, travel, develop and interact. The first friends and acquaintances with similar interests at the university appear precisely thanks to the Students' Union.