Climate zones of the Pacific Ocean map. Temperate climate zone

The author of the Statue of Liberty was the French Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, who allowed France his creation to America, which did not remain in debt. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the French American government gave Paris a reduced Statue of Liberty, created by the same Bartholdi. The French installed a copy at the Grenelle Bridge, becoming the second owners of freedom and democracy.

The original name of the Statue of Liberty, given to the Americans, was “Liberty Lighting the World.”

The crown on the head of the American statue has seven rays, each of which symbolizes 7 continents and 7 oceans. Crown windows (25 pieces) symbolize 25 natural minerals, and the toga of the statue is the Republic of Rome and Ancient Greece. The torch held in the hand is a symbol of Enlightenment, and in the second hand it symbolizes the Book of Laws. At the feet of the statue lie broken chains, symbolizing victory over tyranny.

USA symbol

The Statue of Liberty was delivered to the New York City port in the summer of 1886 on the frigate Isere. When disassembled, the monument consisted of three hundred and fifty bronze parts, which were packed in two hundred and fourteen boxes. The statue was assembled over the course of four months without the use of various external structures - at this stage, workers erected a metal frame to which parts of the monument were attached.

In total, three hundred thousand special bronze rivets were used to assemble the Statue of Liberty.

Before the outbreak of the First World War, America used the statue of Columbia as its symbol, but the huge proceeds from the sale of posters depicting the Statue of Liberty made the sculptor’s monument a favorite. Lady Liberty was declared a National Monument on October 15, 1924.

In the fall of 1972, the Museum of the Settlement of America opened at the base of the monument, where visitors to this day can trace the history of the country, from the Indians who are its indigenous inhabitants to the numerous immigrants who have come to America since the beginning of the 20th century.

Today you can see the Statue of Liberty with your own eyes by sailing on The Staten Island Ferry, which runs between Manhattan and Staten Island. Also, an excellent view of the monument opens from Battery Park in Brooklyn and the Brooklyn restaurant Red Hook's Fairway Café.

The Statue of Liberty has long become one of the symbols of New York and the United States as a whole. Traditionally considering the USA the most democratic state on Earth, this landmark is often seen as a symbol of democracy and freedom. Meanwhile, the statue is by no means of American origin.

“Statue of Liberty” is an abbreviated name, but the full name sounds a little different: “Liberty illuminating the world.”

Appearance of the statue

The statue is a very impressive structure. Its height is 46 m, and if you count the pedestal - 93 m.

The allegorical figure of Freedom in the form of a woman alone rests on broken shackles. Her head is crowned with a crown with seven rays. The number of rays requires some explanation. The fact is that Western geographers view Europe and Asia not as two parts of one continent - Eurasia, but as two different continents. Accordingly, in Western geography there are not six continents, but seven, and these are the rays of the crown.

In her right hand the woman holds a torch with which she “illuminates the world,” and in her left hand a tablet with the date inscribed: July 4, 1776. This is very important date for, because it was on this day that they were born, the adoption of the Declaration of Independence of the United States took place. The birth of the famous statue is also connected with this date.

The history of the Statue of Liberty

In 1876, America celebrated the grandiose 100th anniversary of the US Declaration of Independence. 11 years before this significant date, in 1865, the French lawyer E. Laboulay was born interesting idea. This man always admired America and considered it the “sister” of his homeland. Perhaps he had reason to say so: during the Revolutionary War, the United States received from France and military assistance, and material support.

E. Laboulaye decided what France should do to America for the anniversary. He told his friends about this, among whom was the sculptor F. Bartholdi. It was he who began work on the grandiose statue, intended to be a gift to the United States from a friendly state.

Exist different versions regarding who exactly became the model for F. Bartholdi. It is believed that this was I. Singer, the creator of the famous sewing machine, and they also see a resemblance to the sculptor’s mother. But, undoubtedly, he was influenced by the French artist E. Delacroix’s “Freedom Leading the People to the Barricades,” where there is also an allegorical figure of Freedom in the form of a female goddess.

In such grandiose project it was impossible to do without an engineer who would design the support and frame. This was done by G. Eiffel, who later created the famous Parisian tower.

The implementation of the project required huge amounts of money. They were collected in both France and the USA. Not everyone supported this initiative; many believed that such huge sums of money could be spent on something more useful and practical, and fundraising did not proceed as quickly as we would like. Therefore, it was not possible to complete the statue for the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence; it was done 10 years later.

The grand opening of the statue, which became a gift from France to the United States of America, took place on October 28, 1886.


  • Statue of Liberty. History and facts in 2019

Grandiose architectural structures have always been symbols of the talents of many masters of their craft. The majestic creations of architects are able to amaze the imagination and encourage tourists to visit their respective places. Some buildings are symbols of entire states.

The American Statue of Liberty (the full name of the monument is “Liberty Enlightening the World”) is the main American symbol, personifying the freedom of all the American people. This architectural structure was an anniversary gift from France American Revolution.

During the construction itself, it turned out that there was a catastrophic lack of funds for construction, so they came up with different ways collection: concerts, lotteries, articles in newspapers and magazines to attract public attention. In addition to a whole group of professionals led by architect Frederic Bartholdi, Gustav Eiffel himself worked on the creation of the sculpture. In the summer of 1885, the French finished their work.

At that time the statue consisted of 350 different parts, which were transported to America on a special frigate. After this, a grandiose assembly began, and in 1886, on October 26, a festive opening took place. The monument itself was placed in a significant place - on a pedestal at Fort Wood, which was built back in 1812 in the shape of a star. But only in 1956 this place was renamed Liberty Island.

The height of the monument itself is 46 m, and if measured from the ground to the torch - 93 m. The crown has 25 windows - precious stones, and the rays symbolize 7 continents. At one time, the statue served as a lighthouse, and now it is a navigational landmark. In the left hand there is a sign on which is written the date of the US adoption of the Declaration of Independence - “JULY IV MDCCLXXVI”, or translated July 4, 1776.

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Tip 4: Statue of Liberty: Some Construction History Facts

The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States of America. This unique architectural structure has been delighting the eyes of Americans and tourists from all over the world for more than a hundred years.

One of the main American attractions, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the country by the French as a sign of mutual friendship and cooperation, as well as to mark the centenary of the American Revolution. This happened back in 1886. Since then, for everyone who came to the USA for new life this amazing monument became a symbol of freedom. The author of the project was Richard Hunt. It took him nine months to create this masterpiece. In New York, at a ceremony that took place in August 1885, the statue was laid.

American specialists were to work on the pedestal, and the frame itself was entrusted to the French. One of the massive stone inlays was chosen as the pedestal for the monument. But problems arose during installation. What was needed was a lightweight but at the same time very durable material. The monument was created from 300 sheets.

French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The frame was designed by Gustav Eiffel himself, who had a hand in creating the most famous French architectural structure. From the outside, the sheets were held using rods placed through the labyrinth.

The location for the statue was chosen back in 1877. The work of art was supposed to be located on Bedlow Island (renamed Liberty Island in 1956).

The entire construction process was completed in 1886, but there were still several months left before the opening of the structure.

Only in October 1886 did the grand opening take place, which was attended by the president of the country. In honor of this event, a parade was held and a colorful celebration was given.

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Currently, the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable architectural structures in the whole world. Even those who have not yet been lucky enough to see this miracle live can admire it from TV screens, via the Internet (via online cameras), see it in textbooks, in books, and even purchase it in stores as souvenir figurines.

How did the Statue of Liberty appear?

The Statue of Liberty is a national landmark and one of the main symbols of the United States of America. This one was given to the United States by the French people, supporting them in their struggle for independence. According to the architects' plans, the Statue of Liberty is positioned as a symbol of democracy and independence.

The idea of ​​this architectural structure appeared in 1865 and belongs to a Frenchman named Edouard de Laboulaye. It was then that he was helped to put this idea into practice unknown sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. As a result, it was decided to design a huge lighthouse in the form of a woman holding a torch in her outstretched right hand. According to the idea, it is the torch that lights the way for sailors heading to the New York port.

This lighthouse monument was designed and built by the famous Gustav Eiffel ( Eiffel Tower in Paris). The result was a steel frame weighing 125 tons and 93 meters high including the pedestal. The lighthouse is built in such a way that you can move freely inside the statue and climb the stairs to the main observation deck, located in . By the way, the lighthouse has already been restored several times: lighting elements (laser illumination) were added to it.

Where is the Statue of Liberty

It was erected by Bedlow (Liberty Island) in New York. The opening of this architectural landmark took place in 1886, accompanied by cannon shots, fireworks and a siren. Since then, the legendary Statue of Liberty greets ships entering the port of New York every day and receives tourists from different parts of the world. By the way, the full name of this monument is: “Freedom illuminating the world.” Currently, there is the very first model of the Statue of Liberty, which can be seen in Paris near the Eiffel Tower.

Why is the Statue of Liberty in New York?

The fact is that the location for the future lighthouse was chosen by the sculptor Bartholdi himself. It was he who decided that the future pedestal should stand on Bedlow Island (Liberty Island), located 3 kilometers from southern Manhattan. The sculptor assured that - The best decision in the disposition of a woman with a torch, who, day after day, will meet ships heading to New York and light their way. According to Bartholdi, it is Liberty Island that allows the original idea to be brought to life most fully.

According to some reports, they initially wanted to erect the Statue of Liberty in Port Said, located in the Suez Canal, which, in turn, connects two seas - the Red and the Mediterranean. However, this project was not implemented, and they decided to build the future lighthouse in the United States.

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The Statue of Liberty (yes, with a small S) - this giant woman wearing a crown and holding a torch... who is she? – Another tale about American dream and the ideals of democracy, or is it still national pride? - Well, of course, the pride of the nation - the only question is what kind of nation we are talking about. ABOUT true origin and the ordeals of sculpture, its origins, which originate in incompatible cultures, and the financial side of the existence of a “lady” are not accepted. The fable of a gift in honor of the friendship between France and the United States travels around the world as traditionally as the ruddy Santa Claus, another child of commerce. But we will still turn a few pages of history back and see how everything really happened.

The idea of ​​​​creating the statue belongs to Frederic Auguste Bartholdi - if you can call the idea of ​​​​creating an unoriginal monument that can only boast of fragments of classical art and gigantic dimensions. Bartholdi was born in 1834 into a wealthy Jewish family and studied with the famous masters of Paris - without much zeal, but filled with ambitious plans. To get out into the public eye, Bartholdi resorted to the help of influential relatives who were directly related to the Freemasons (let us remember that their representatives signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, which opened the way to the creation of an independent state).

Egyptian sketches

In the 70s of the 19th century, under the control of Freemasons in Egypt, the construction of the Suez Canal took place. The young, ambitious Bartholdi came here, and his imagination was struck by the majestic monuments of this region, which had survived thousands of years. Thus the idea was born in his head to create something equally colossal and impressive that would forever immortalize his name. Meeting with the head of the construction, Ferdinand Lesseps, Frederick convinced him to petition for his plan. The proposal looked like this: install a giant statue at the entrance to the future canal - it should have been twice as tall Great Sphinx and serve as a beacon.

Bartholdi decided not to wait for the muse, but to whip up some kind of model for consideration by the local government (it was he who was credited with the supposed funding of the project). And there was no need to invent anything - this was already done by the ancient Greeks, who created the Colossus of Rhodes - one of the seven wonders of the world - around 280 BC. This huge statue of an athletic youth, looking out to sea, was erected at the entrance to the harbor of the island of Rhodes and was subsequently partially destroyed by an earthquake. Bartholdi “dressed” the model in Egyptian clothing, placed an amphora in his hand, and crowned his head with a wreath. But Lesseps advised him to use the attributes of the ancient Iranian god Mithra - the god of peace, harmony, and subsequently the sun. So the statue received in return a torch and a seven-rayed crown.

Have you started thinking about the title: “Progress Bringing Light to Asia”? Or replace “progress” with “Egypt”? And then we remembered the popular painting in France “Freedom on the Barricades” by the romantic painter Eugene Delacroix. The word “freedom” was already temptingly attached to the statue project, but the government refused to spend money on a gigantic idol - so Bartholdi returned to France empty-handed.

French incarnation

1876 ​​was approaching - the centenary American independence. Having heard complaints in a political circle about the lack of genuine masterpieces of art dedicated to Freedom in America, the French senator and member of the same Order of Freemasons, Edouard de Laboulaye, decided to revive the project that had failed in Egypt. All this, of course, had to be correctly presented to the masses: it was decided to “donate” the statue to the States “as a sign of friendship between the peoples of the two countries.”

But the “gift” had to be paid for - both by French and overseas ordinary citizens. An entire Franco-American Union, headed by Laboulaye, was urgently established, and committees were organized in both countries to organize fundraising. Moreover, the head of the French headquarters was none other than our old friend - Ferdinand Lesseps! The fundraising campaign in the States was led by Joseph Pulitzer, later known as the creator of the most prestigious journalism award, and then also the publisher of the New York World newspaper. He, with an understanding of all the subtleties of mass fraud, criticized rednecks and moneybags, addressing ordinary Americans (the businessman was not a mistake - this significantly increased the circulation of his newspaper!) No one will tell us exactly how much money the friendly gentlemen laundered for a good cause, but only in the USA in this way $100,000 was withdrawn from circulation.

The main work on creating the statue was done by the famous French engineer Gustave Eiffel, who was not yet famous for his famous tower. He made all the calculations, and also designed the iron support of the monument and the supporting frame, which was then covered with metal sheets. Bartholdi took up the matter again, and added several modern details: at the feet of the statue he placed “broken chains of tyranny”, in left hand enclosed the Book of Laws (Declaration of Independence), and now dressed the “lady” in Roman clothing. But that’s not all: Bartholdi gave her the facial features of his mother, Charlotte Beiser.

American life statues

After production, the statue, hopelessly late for the event to which it was dedicated, was brought to the USA and installed on Bedlow Island (it was renamed Liberty Island only in 1956). This island, like Manhattan itself, actually belonged (and belongs) to respectable wealthy Jewish families. Later, it was here that business districts, dizzying skyscrapers appeared, and in general the largest Finance center peace. The official unveiling of the statue on October 28, 1886 was attended by representatives of the Freemasons, including US President Grover Cleveland. The pathetic speech was delivered, apparently to pay tribute to refined sarcasm: “We will never forget that Liberty chose her home here, nor that her chosen altar will never be abandoned.” Although no, why not - after all, these people had enormous power and were truly free!

At first, masculine “freedom” did not evoke any enthusiasm or patriotic feelings among people. And Bartholdi had to somehow explain the suspicious symbolism of his brainchild: the torch is an attribute of the Enlightenment, and the crown is a symbol of the seven oceans and seven continents (I remember there were only six of them when we last time checked...) And now the time of the First World War has come - the right moment to hypocritically manipulate the consciousness of people and profit from the patriotism of gullible ordinary people. A massive circulation and advertising campaign of posters depicting the statue began. This is how some of the most ancient motivational posters were born (from which, in turn, everyone’s favorite demotivators originate). The funds raised from the sale of these multi-colored pieces of paper (under the guise of a genuine symbol of American Freedom) covered almost half of the military budget.

Today, the monument is promoted no worse than the Eiffel Tower and the pyramids in Giza, continuing to generate income for a select circle of people “who are not talked about.” And the statue still stands on a pedestal, at the base of which the words are carved: “Give me your fatigue, your poverty and breathe freely...”

Statue of Liberty(English Statue of Liberty, full name - Liberty Enlightening the World) - one of the most famous sculptures in the USA and in the world, often called the “symbol of New York and the USA”, “symbol of freedom and democracy ", "Lady Liberty". This is a gift from French citizens for the centennial of the American Revolution.


The Statue of Liberty is located in New York, on Liberty Island, which is located three kilometers southwest of the coast of Manhattan. The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the French for the 100th anniversary of the American Revolution, was made in France in 1884 and transported to America in parts. The opening of the statue took place on October 28, 1886, ten years late to the originally planned date.

Description of the object

The Statue of Liberty is a steel frame with a total weight of 125 tons. Gustav Eiffel was invited to design and build the steel structure, and his work was continued by Maurice Koechlin. The frame is constructed in such a way that you can easily move around inside the monument and even climb the spiral staircases to the top. There are 354 steps to the main observation deck located in the crown. From there, 25 windows symbolizing precious stones open amazing view to New York Harbor. By the way, the seven rays of the crown symbolize the seven seas and seven continents, as is commonly believed in the West.

On top of the steel skeleton is covered with copper sheets, masterfully hammered in wooden forms, with a thickness of only 2.37 mm and a total weight of 31 tons. Copper plates spliced ​​together form the silhouette of the statue. By the way, copper was supplied to France from Russia. It is worth noting that one leg of the statue stands on broken shackles - this is how Bartholdi symbolically showed the acquisition of freedom. The plaque in the left hand of the Statue of Liberty indicates the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

The cement base of the Statue of Liberty weighs 27 thousand tons. To get to the top of the pedestal, you need to climb 192 steps. Inside the pedestal there is a museum, which can be reached by elevator.

History of origin

The French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi was commissioned to create the statue. It was intended as a gift for the centennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. According to one version, Bartholdi even had a French model: the beautiful, recently widowed Isabella Boyer, wife of Isaac Singer, the creator and entrepreneur in the field of sewing machines.

The Statue of Liberty was originally planned to be installed in Port Said under the name The Light Of Asia, but the then Egyptian government decided that transporting the structure from France and installing it was too expensive.

By mutual agreement, America was to build the pedestal, and France was to create the statue and install it in the United States. However, there was a shortage of money on both sides Atlantic Ocean. In France, charitable donations, along with various entertainment events and a lottery, raised 2.25 million francs. In the United States, theatrical performances, art exhibitions, auctions and boxing matches were held to raise funds.

Meanwhile, in France, Bartholdi needed the help of an engineer to solve constructive questions associated with the construction of such a giant copper sculpture. Gustave Eiffel (the future creator of the Eiffel Tower) was commissioned to design a massive steel support and intermediate support frame that would allow the copper shell of the statue to move freely while maintaining an upright position. Eiffel handed over the detailed developments to his assistant, the experienced structural engineer Maurice Koechlin. The copper for the statue was purchased from existing stocks in the warehouses of the Société des métaux company of entrepreneur Eugene Secretan. Its origins have not been documented, but research in 1985 showed that it was mainly mined in Norway on the island of Karmøy.

The legend about copper supplies from Russia was verified by enthusiasts, but was not confirmed. Besides, railways in Ufa and Nizhny Tagil construction was carried out later; Accordingly, the version of ore supplies cannot be taken seriously. It is also noteworthy that the concrete base under the statue is made of German cement. The Dickerhoff company won a tender to supply cement for the construction of the foundation of the Statue of Liberty in New York, which at that time was the largest concrete structure in the world.

The location for the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor, approved by an Act of Congress in 1877, was chosen by General William Sherman, taking into account the wishes of Bartholdi himself, on Bedloe's Island, where early XIX centuries there was a fort in the shape of a star.

Fundraising for the pedestal proceeded slowly, and Joseph Pulitzer (of Pulitzer Prize fame) issued an appeal in his World newspaper to support fundraising for the project.

By August 1885, problems with financing the pedestal, designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt, had been resolved, and the first stone was laid on August 5.

Construction was completed on April 22, 1886. Two square lintels made of steel beams are built into the massive masonry of the pedestal; they are connected by steel anchor beams that extend upward to become part of the Eiffel frame of the statue itself. Thus, the statue and the pedestal are one.

The statue was completed by the French in July 1884 and delivered to New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 aboard the French frigate Isere. For transportation, the statue was disassembled into 350 parts and packed into 214 boxes. (Her right hand with a torch, completed earlier, had already been exhibited at the World's Fair in Philadelphia in 1876, and then in Madison Square in New York.) The statue was assembled on its new base in four months. The inauguration of the Statue of Liberty, which was attended by US President Grover Cleveland, took place on October 28, 1886 in the presence of thousands of spectators. As a French gift for the centenary of the American Revolution, it was ten years late.

The national monument, the Statue of Liberty, officially celebrated its centennial on October 28, 1986.

Operating mode

Visiting hours for Liberty Island and Ellis Island are from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (with schedule extended to summer months)

How to get there

The entrance to Liberty Island Park itself is free, but tourists will have to fork out a little for the ferry. Ferries go to this island, and at the same time to Ellis Island, from two piers - from Battery Park in Manhattan and from Liberty State Park in Jersey City on the other side one of New York Bay. Moreover, upon boarding, passengers undergo a thorough search, similar to what is available at airports around the world.

From France with love

Although the Statue of Liberty is unofficial symbol USA, her homeland is France, which is under America laughed at the war with Great Britain. The monument was conceived as a gift frommany freedom-loving peopleto another, but also to anotherThe Ricans contributed to the creation of the masterpiece - the pedestal of the statue was made in the USA.

Loubetter than pObetter than ever

The statue could well have ended up in Egypt instead of New York, because the author of the monument had such plans. It was supposed to be installed as a gig nt lighthouse at the entrance to the Suez Canal in the city of Port Said. Butachieve agreement on this project and failed.

Creative duet

The author of the Statue of Liberty is the architect Frederic Bartholdi. But another famous Frenchman, engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, creator of the Eiffel Tower, also worked on the monument. Bartholdi was responsible for appearance statues, while Eiffel was developing the iron shell and frame.
Travel to New York

In order to transport the statue across the ocean, the sculpture was dismantled into 350 parts and loaded onto the French frigate Isere. The complexity of the operation also lay in the fact that the weight of the statue exceeded 150 tons. Already on American soil its assembly and installation lasted four months.

Crown, stones and rays

The prototype of Liberty, according to art historians, was the famous French model Isabella Boyer, the widow of Isaac Singer, the founder of a sewing machine manufacturing company. Frederic Bartholdi infuses Lady Liberty with iconic details. Thus, 25 viewing windows located in the crown of the statue symbolize precious stones that are mined in the United States. And the seven rays emanating from the crown are a symbol of the seven seas and seven continents, that is, a sign of the widespread spread of freedom.


To climb to the observation deck located inside the crown, visitors will have to climb 192 steps to the top of the pedestal and 356 steps inside the monument. The reward for your efforts will be a magnificent view of the New York coastline. The total height of the statue - from the base to the top of the torch - is 93 m.

Kind with healthy

The Statue of Liberty turned out to be an excellent beacon for ships heading to Manhattan past Bedlow's Island, on which the monument stands. Today, the need for a lighthouse has disappeared, but the Statue of Liberty does not stand idle: a historical museum is located inside it.
American dream without borders

Replicas of the Statue of Liberty can be found in many cities around the world. Only in Paris are four smaller replicas of the famous Lady Liberty installed. Tokyo, Las Vegas, Lvov, Uzhgorod, Dnepropetrovsk have their own Freedom.

Time is money

Entrance to the observation deck, as well as visiting the museum located inside the statue, is free. But you will have to pay a small amount to take the ferry to Bedloe Island. You will have to spend not only money, but also time: visitors are carefully searched. Precautions were increased after September 11: for example, the crown of the Statue of Liberty became open to the public only in 2009.

The color of history

The Statue of Liberty often appears in various films. The creators of Titanic also filmed one episode against the backdrop of the famous sculpture - and made a historical mistake. In the film, the statue has a familiar greenish tint. But in 1912, during the events of the film drama, the copper of the monument had not yet oxidized and had a noble metallic color.

Features of the Statue of Liberty

Features of the Statue of Liberty Today the Statue of Liberty is one of the national symbols USA. Rising at the mouth of the Hudson at the entrance to New York Harbor, a woman in graceful, flowing robes carrying a torch personifies the freedom and opportunity of the country. On her head she wears a crown with seven teeth, representing the seven seas and seven continents. At the woman's feet are the torn shackles of tyranny. In the woman's left hand she holds a slab with the date of the American Declaration of Independence inscribed on it - July 4, 1776. The statue was made from thin sheets of copper hammered into wooden molds. The formed sheets were then installed on a steel frame. The height of the Statue (by the way, it was originally called more pathetically - “Freedom, carrier of light world") - 46 meters, thus, if we also take into account the 47-meter pedestal, the top of the torch is at a height of 93 meters above the ground. The weight of the monument is 205 tons. Length right hand, in which the torch is 12.8 meters, and only one forefinger has a length of 2.4 meters, the width of the mouth is 91 centimeters. Spiral staircase inside the statue leads tourists to the top. The statue is usually open to visitors, who usually arrive by ferry. The crown, accessible by stairs, offers expansive views of New York Harbor. In 1972, the Museum of the Settlement of America was opened inside the Statue itself, which can be reached by a special elevator. The entire history of the country is presented here: from the ancestors - the Indians who inhabited the then unknown continent, and right up to the mass migration in the present century. Opinions about the Statue of Liberty are completely contradictory. Nothing like this had been seen in America before the construction of this sculpture. Connoisseurs noted the high technique of execution, the clarity of proportions and the grace of lines. But opponents of those who recognized the Freedom Monument as the eighth wonder of the world noted that the symbol of Freedom in the form of a statue was interpreted too coldly and dispassionately. It is no coincidence that the epithet appeared that Freedom is “blind”, and greatness is transmitted only large sizes. However gossips Freedom is not a hindrance. All over the world, the Statue is considered a symbol of the United States, embodying the democratic principles of which this country is so proud.


The history of the Statue of Liberty and the island where where she stands -this is a story of change. The statue wouldla placed on grathread pedestal inside Fort Wood, built for the war 1812 , the walls of which are laid out in the shape of a star. The U.S. Lighthouse Service was responsible for maintaining the statue until 1901. After 1901, this mission was assigned to the War Department. By presidential proclamation of October 15, 1924, Fort Wood (and the statue on its grounds) was declared a national monument, the boundaries of which coincided with the boundaries of the fort.

October 28, 1936, at the 50th anniversary of the statue's unveiling, US President Franklin Roosevelt said: “Freedom and peace are living things. For them to continue to exist, each generation must protect them and put new life into them.”

In 1933
maintenance of the national monument was transferred to the National Park Service. On September 7, 1937, the national monument was enlarged to cover all of Bedlow Island, which was renamed Liberty Island in 1956. On May 11, 1965, Ellis Island was also transferred to the National Park Service and became part of national memorial"Statue of Liberty". In May 1982, President Ronald Reagan appointed Lee Iacocca to lead a private sector effort to restore the Statue of Liberty. The restoration raised $87 million through a partnership between the National Park Service and the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Corporation, the most successful public-private collaboration in history. American history. In 1984, at the beginning of work on its restoration, the Statue of Liberty was included in the List World Heritage UNESCO. On July 5, 1986, the restored Statue of Liberty was reopened to the public during Liberty Weekend celebrating her centennial.

The Statue of Liberty is located in the USA in New York City and is a symbol of the country. Few people know that the full name of the Statue of Liberty is “Liberty Enlightening the World.” People are more accustomed to simply calling her the “Statue of Liberty” or “Lady Liberty.” This legendary statue is a gift from France in honor of the centennial of the American Revolution, and is located on Liberty Island, a few kilometers southwest of Manhattan, in New York State. Bedloe Island was officially renamed Liberty Island thanks to the lady with the torch in 1956, although Americans began calling it that at the beginning of the 20th century.

Height of the Statue of Liberty in the USA is 93 meters along with a 47-meter pedestal. Lady Liberty stands on the broken chains. In her left hand she holds a tablet on which is engraved in Roman numerals a significant date for America - the day of signing of the US Declaration of Independence - July 4, 1776, and in her right hand there is a torch that symbolizes the light illuminating the path to freedom. To ascend to the crown, visitors must climb 356 steps, where they are treated to a wonderful panorama of New York City, which they can admire directly from the main observation deck located in the crown. There are 25 windows, which are considered to be symbols of precious stones, and the 7 rays of the crown symbolize the seas and continents in accordance with the traditions of Western geography. Inside the Statue of Liberty itself is a museum dedicated to the history of the statue's creation. You can get to it by taking the elevator.

The history of the creation of the Statue of Liberty in the USA.

The author of the design of the Statue of Liberty is considered to be the French sculptor and architect Frederic Bartholdi. The French engineer Alexander Gustav Eiffel, creator of the Eiffel Tower, took part in the creation of the frame and reinforcing structures. However, both the French and the Americans worked on the construction of the entire monument. For example, the star-shaped pedestal was designed by American architect Richard Morris Hunt.

Parts of the body of the future statue were cast in France, and the pedestal was created in the USA. Over the course of 4 months, the statue was put together. Bartholdi was somewhat mistaken in his calculations: as it turned out, the materials allocated for the construction of the statue were categorically insufficient, so all kinds of concerts, lotteries and charity evenings were organized, the purpose of which was to raise funds for the purchase of materials. Americans were extremely reluctant to part with their money, so American journalist Joseph Pulitzer wrote several articles in his newspaper The World, calling on the upper and middle classes of society to take part in building a symbol of US independence. His words contained such sharp criticism that it had an effect, and funds began to flow from all over the country. Through joint efforts, by the end of the summer of 1885, the entire amount was finally collected. By that time, the French had just completed their half of the work, and the finished parts of the statue were delivered to America on the frigate Isère in July 1885. The valuable cargo occupied more than 200 boxes and represented 350 body parts of Lady Liberty.

Grand opening of the statue took place on October 28, 1886 with the participation of US President Grover Cleveland. Interesting fact is that only men were present at the unveiling ceremony, and this despite the fact that the statue was a symbol of democracy. As an exception, only a few women were allowed onto the island, among whom was Bartholdi's wife.

Since 1924 Statue of Liberty in USA refers to the number National monuments, and the island itself gained the title National Park USA. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty and the entire island were declared a monument of world significance by UN representatives.

Currently, the monument is illuminated with laser illumination; the statue has been restored several times, acquiring new elements, but in general its original appearance has been preserved.

To get to Lady Liberty, more than 5 million tourists travel to short trip on a ferryboat. Entrance to the monument itself is free, but you will have to pay for the ferry. For many years The Statue of Liberty in the USA remains a symbol of the country's independence and business card New York.

The Statue of Liberty is a national landmark and one of the main symbols of the United States of America. This one was given to the United States by the French people, supporting them in their struggle for independence. According to the architects' plans, the Statue of Liberty is positioned as a symbol of democracy and independence.

The idea of ​​this architectural structure appeared in 1865 and belongs to a Frenchman named Edouard de Laboulaye. A then unknown sculptor named Frederic Auguste Bartholdi helped him put this idea into practice. As a result, it was decided to design a huge lighthouse in the form of a woman holding a torch in her outstretched right hand. According to the idea, it is the torch that lights the way for sailors heading to the New York port.

This lighthouse monument was designed and built by the famous Gustav Eiffel (Eiffel Tower in Paris). The result was a steel frame weighing 125 tons and 93 meters high including the pedestal. The lighthouse is built in such a way that you can move freely inside the statue and climb the stairs to the main observation deck, located in. By the way, the lighthouse has already been restored several times: lighting elements (laser illumination) were added to it.

Where is the Statue of Liberty

It was erected by Bedlow (Liberty Island) in New York. The opening of this architectural landmark took place in 1886, accompanied by cannon shots, fireworks and a siren. Since then, the legendary Statue of Liberty greets ships entering the port of New York every day and receives tourists from different parts of the world. By the way, the full name of this monument is: “Freedom illuminating the world.” Currently, there is the very first model of the Statue of Liberty, which can be seen in Paris near the Eiffel Tower.

Why is the Statue of Liberty in New York?

The fact is that the location for the future lighthouse was chosen by the sculptor Bartholdi himself. It was he who decided that the future pedestal should stand on Bedlow Island (Liberty Island), located 3 kilometers from southern Manhattan. The sculptor assured that the best solution was to place a woman with a torch, who would meet ships heading to New York day after day and light their way. According to Bartholdi, it is Liberty Island that allows the original idea to be brought to life most fully.

According to some reports, they initially wanted to erect the Statue of Liberty in Port Said, located in the Suez Canal, which, in turn, connects two seas - the Red and the Mediterranean. However, this project was not implemented, and they decided to build the future lighthouse in the United States.