The sphere of human activity which. Spheres of human activity

SCIENCE (field of activity) SCIENCE (field of activity)

SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge underlying scientific picture peace; designation individual industries scientific knowledge. The immediate goals are the description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of reality that constitute the subject of its study, based on the laws it discovers. The system of sciences is conventionally divided into natural, social, humanitarian and Technical science. Originating in ancient world in connection with the needs of social practice, began to take shape in the 16th-17th centuries. and during historical development has become the most important social institution, which has a significant impact on all areas of society and culture as a whole. Volume scientific activity from the 17th century doubles approximately every 10-15 years (increasing discoveries, scientific information, numbers scientific workers). In the development of science, extensive and revolutionary periods alternate - scientific revolutions, leading to changes in its structure, principles of knowledge, categories and methods, as well as forms of its organization; science is characterized by a dialectical combination of the processes of its differentiation and integration, the development of fundamental and applied research. Cm. Scientific and technological revolution (cm. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL REVOLUTION).

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

See what “SCIENCE (field of activity)” is in other dictionaries:

    the science- A field of activity whose main function is the development of knowledge about the world, its systematization, on the basis of which it is possible to build an image of the world, a scientific picture of the world, and ways of interacting with the world, scientifically based practice. Of course, knowledge... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    Special view cognitive activity, aimed at developing objective, systematically organized and substantiated knowledge about the world. Interacts with other types of cognitive activity: everyday, artistic, religious, mythological... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    An area of ​​culture associated with specialized activities to create a system of knowledge about nature, life and man. Modern scientific knowledge is represented by the totality of natural, social and humanities. Each of them… … Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge about reality; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result, the sum of knowledge underlying the scientific picture... ... Modern encyclopedia

    The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result, the amount... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    The science- SCIENCE, the sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of knowledge about reality; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge that underlies the scientific... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    THE SCIENCE- THE SCIENCE. The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness. Science is considered independent if it has its own object, subject of research... New dictionary methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

    The science- the scope of activity for obtaining and systematizing objective knowledge about reality. Scientific field structured according to the subject of research, which determines the structure of types of sciences (for example, mathematical, physical, chemical,... ... Dictionary"Innovation activities." Terms of innovation management and related fields

    Science is a multi-valued term. Science is the sphere of human activity. Science is a social institution. Science publishing house. Science is one of the proposed modules of the Russian segment of the International space station.… … Wikipedia

    The science- in general, science is understood as a field of activity, the main function of which is the development of knowledge about the world, its systematization, on the basis of which it is possible to build an image of the world, a scientific picture of the world, and ways of interacting with the world, scientifically based... ... Dictionary-reference book on educational psychology


  • Science and Society, Alferov Zhores Ivanovich. 384 pp. The book contains memoirs, interviews and public performance outstanding scientist and public figure Academician Zh. I. Alferov. The book opens with a section dedicated to...

The sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality; one of the forms of social consciousness; includes both the activity of obtaining new knowledge and its result - the sum of knowledge that underlies the scientific picture of the world; designation of individual branches of scientific knowledge. The immediate goals are the description, explanation and prediction of the processes and phenomena of reality that constitute the subject of its study, based on the laws it discovers. The system of sciences is conventionally divided into natural, social, humanities and technical sciences. Originating in the ancient world in connection with the needs of social practice, it began to take shape in the 16th...17th centuries. and in the course of historical development it has become the most important social institution, exerting a significant influence on all spheres of society and culture as a whole. The volume of scientific activity since the 17th century. doubles approximately every 10...15 years (growth in discoveries, scientific information, number of scientists). In the development of science, extensive and revolutionary periods alternate - scientific revolutions, leading to changes in its structure, principles of knowledge, categories and methods, as well as forms of its organization; Science is characterized by a dialectical combination of the processes of its differentiation and integration, the development of fundamental and applied research. See Scientific and technological revolution.


(from the Greek techne - art, craft, skill), a set of means of human activity created to carry out production processes and serve the non-productive needs of society. The term "technique" is also often used for overall characteristics skills and techniques used in any field of human activity. Technology materializes the knowledge and experience accumulated in the process of social development. The main purpose of technology is to facilitate and increase the efficiency of human labor, expand his capabilities, free (partial or complete) a person from working in conditions hazardous to health. Technological means are used in the creation of material and cultural values; for receiving, transmitting and converting energy; study of nature and society; collection, storage, processing and transmission of information; management production processes; creating materials with predetermined properties; movement and communications; consumer and cultural services; ensuring defense capability. Modern technology is characterized at a fast pace its modernization and automation, unification, standardization, intensive development of energy, radio electronics, chemical technology, widespread use automation, computers, etc. Achievements modern technology are based on fundamental scientific discoveries and research.


(from the Greek techne - art, skill, skill and logos - word, teaching), a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products carried out in the process of production; scientific discipline, studying physical, chemical, mechanical and other laws operating in technological processes. Technology also refers to the extraction, processing, transportation, storage, and control operations themselves, which are part of the overall production process.


material, process of creation material goods, services.


(English Internet from Latin inter - between and English net - network, web), international (worldwide) computer network electronic communications, uniting regional, national, local and other networks. Contributes to a significant increase and improvement of information exchange, primarily scientific and technical. Unites collective and individual users (each with their own email address) worldwide.


(from the Greek sysntema - a whole made up of parts; connection), a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity.

IN in a broad sense– correctness in the arrangement of parts, a harmonious row, a connected whole.


(from Latin)

1) public availability of the presentation; 2) wide popularity.


The process of reflecting and reproducing reality in the subject’s thinking, the result of which is new knowledge about the world.

Theory of knowledge

(gnoseology, epistemology), a branch of philosophy in which the laws and possibilities of knowledge are studied, the relationship of knowledge (sensations, ideas, concepts) to objective reality, the stages and forms of the process of knowledge, the conditions and criteria of its reliability and truth are studied. Summarizing the methods and techniques used modern science(experiment, modeling, analysis and synthesis, etc.), the theory of knowledge acts as its philosophical and methodological basis.


The form of existence and systematization of the results of human cognitive activity. Highlight different kinds knowledge: ordinary (“ common sense"), personal, implicit, etc. Scientific knowledge is characterized by logical validity, evidence, reproducibility cognitive results. Knowledge is objectified by the symbolic means of language.


An activity that generates something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because it always presupposes a creator - a subject of creative activity.


1) Dissemination of knowledge and education.

2) System educational institutions in the country.


(from Late Latin rehabilitatio - restoration).

1) in law – restoration of rights. By Russian law rehabilitation of a person who was brought in as an accused, or was found guilty by a court verdict, or was subjected to an administrative penalty, is considered to be an acquittal during a review of the case, a resolution (ruling) to terminate a criminal case for the absence of a crime, for the absence of corpus delicti or for lack of evidence participation in the commission of a crime, as well as a resolution to terminate the case of an administrative offense.

2) In medicine - a set of medical, pedagogical, professional measures aimed at restoring (or compensating) impaired body functions and the working ability of sick and disabled people.

Gold Fund

1) the same as gold reserve (special); 2) the best intellectual forces of society, some part of it. Inventors - the country's gold fund.

Golden ratio

(golden proportion, division in extreme and mean ratio, harmonic division), division of a segment AC into two parts in such a way that most of it AB refers to the smaller Sun just like the whole segment AC refers to AB(those. AB: BC = AC: AB). Approximately this ratio is 5/3, more precisely 8/5, 13/8, etc. The principles of the golden ratio are used in architecture and fine arts. The term " golden ratio"introduced by Leonardo da Vinci.


A social being with consciousness and intelligence. The essence of man, his origin and purpose, man's place in the world have been and remain the central problems of philosophy, religion, science and art.


A set of historically established forms joint activities of people.

Public opinion

State mass consciousness, containing an attitude (hidden or explicit) to social events, to activities various groups, organizations, individuals; expresses a position of approval or condemnation on certain social problems.


Correlation of knowledge (co-knowledge), i.e. primary differences and orientations that determine a person’s diverse relationships to the world, including the relationship to others and to oneself, determined by the hierarchy of primary differences and orientations.

Information sources:

  1. Great encyclopedia Cyril and Methodius, 1998.
  2. Dictionary foreign words and expressions. – Mn.: Literature, 1997.
  3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova.

Update date:

Let's continue to play exciting game, the questions in which are becoming increasingly complex. But it doesn’t matter, because if a difficulty arises, you can always find the answer with us.

... - beef, empty chocolate! (6 letters)

On at this stage It’s worth remembering the children’s proverb about what they call a person who doesn’t want to share all sorts of goodies with anyone. Children always come up with short rhymes for such occasions, and one of these is just needed here. The correct answer is greedy.

If you eat too much, your eyes will pop out of your head (6 letters)

Here we are talking about a food product that housewives often make at home. It is very strong and burning. Perfect for meat dishes as a sauce or dressing. The recipe came to us from southern countries where this thing is being done everywhere. It's about about adjika.

Knife sharpening device (6 letters)

Any sharp steel tends to become dull after long use. You can restore its previous appearance using a special device. Its name is hidden in this level. If you haven’t guessed what we’re talking about yet, here’s the answer - emery.

A place where bad guys can get fried (2 letters)

There is a very broad concept hidden in this level. The underground kingdom, where all sinners will end up. There await only eternal torment and fire lasting for eternity. In fact, these are just people's perceptions and no one knows this. We are talking about " hell».

Synonym of urgent need (5 letters)

The word hidden at this level denotes the process of a strong need for something or someone. It is often used in everyday life of people. Sometimes it denotes poverty in society or family. It's about "need".

... with tonic (4 letters)

A light drink that all alcohol gourmets drink in the club. Tonic is often added to it to create a special aroma and taste. Everyone has tasted it at least once in their life. If not, then take " gin» with tonic and start.

This distinguishes one karate master from another (3 letters)

Mastery system in Eastern martial art Karate consists of many ranks. The last one is considered a black belt. But even among the holders of this title there are differences. They are determined by the number of " Danov" and this is the correct answer in the level.

The sphere of human activity that scientists deal with (5 letters)

Without this thing, people would have died out as a species long ago. Only constant desire to develop, improve and find new ways to help seven billion continue to walk freely on the Earth. It's about "science".

Breakfast, lunch, ... (4 letters)

The latest meal here is hidden under these pictures. Often people do it at a time when eating is no longer harmful, but everyone has their own lifestyle. It’s best to sit down at the table at six o’clock in the evening and then “ dinner"will benefit everyone.

Common name of Coleoptera insects (3 letters)

At this stage you need to guess the insects that make a loud sound when flying. This occurs due to the rapid movement of the wings through the air. Not all people love these animals, but they exist and nothing can be done about it. The correct answer is bug.

The science- a sphere of human activity, the function of which is the development and theoretical systematization of objective knowledge about reality.

The signs of scientific knowledge are: consistency, verifiability, universality, falsifiability.

Scientific knowledge consists of scientific fact and scientific theory.

Scientific fact – This is knowledge, the reliability of which has been proven, and scientific theory - a system of knowledge about a certain area.

A scientific theory is constructed to fit the available empirical data about such observable phenomena, and is put forward as a principle or body of principles in order to explain a class of these phenomena.

It is typical for natural sciences the study of exclusively typical, universal processes, strict objectivity, expression of laws in mathematical formulas and quantitative relations.

Humanitarian sciences(philosophy, jurisprudence, history, etc.) social relations are chosen as the object of knowledge.

Characteristic of the humanities individual assessment of phenomena.

As a part of culture, natural science cannot replace its other phenomena, such as art, religion, myth, philosophy, ideology, politics.

Differences between natural science and other forms of worldview.

Religion Philosophy Natural science
Possible object Supernatural world General patterns being Empirical nature
Attitude to the mind Dogmatic, uncritical, irrational non-empirical Systematic, self-critical, rational, non-empirical Systematic, self-critical, rational, empirical
Objectivity Subjective Corporate Objective
Causality Belief in the existence of an independent first cause, which is God Continuity of a causal chain, each member of which is both cause and effect. The cause is a “component” of a phenomenon, the effect is its “resultant” When a cause operates, the effect occurs in the future. A cause is an event that causes what is being studied and necessarily precedes it.
Target Soul Salvation Explaining the world Changing the World
Values Religion has a clear value structure Values ​​are speculative Overall value neutral

Humanitarian approach.

Grounds Humanitarian sciences Natural Sciences
An object Social consciousness– ideal, changeable object Physical nature– material, stable object
Method 1. Logical foundation layer 2. Theoretical foundation layer 1. Logical foundation layer 2. Theoretical foundation layer 3. Empirical foundation layer
Signs Historicity, subjectivity Mathematics, objectivity, unambiguity and rigor of language
Functions Interpretation, understanding Explanation, proof
Values Essential Unnoticeable
Ideology Loaded Neutral
Examples Philosophy, history, sociology, political science Physics, chemistry, biology

Along with the mathematization and idealization of science, its technocratization . The triumph of mechanics in the 17th–19th centuries led to the fact that it began to be viewed as an ideal, an example of scientific knowledge. The noise of a machine can be heard in everything: man - machine (La Mettrie), society - socio-technical system; Even gravity is fraught with gears.

If at first mechanics acted as the standard, then from the beginning of the New Age - the whole complex physical knowledge. The orientation towards the physical ideal in chemistry was clearly expressed, for example, by P. Berthelot, in biology - by M. Schleiden. G. Helmholtz argued that “ final goal"of all natural science - "dissolve in mechanics." Attempts to build “social mechanics”, “social physics”, etc. were numerous. Positivism arose, a direction that denies the value of non-empirical knowledge.

The physical ideal of scientific knowledge is highly heuristic, but it is also true that the implementation of this ideal often hinders the development of other sciences - mathematics, biologists, and humanities.

The understanding has come that natural science is far from issues of morality. If life is just that complex combination random chemical reactions, and there is no meaningful hierarchy of living systems, then what is the point of following moral restrictions? Nature belongs to man and can be exploited. Even for antiquity, interfering in the affairs of nature was an impossible thing. Naturally scientific revolution occurred when they began to believe that between natural processes and the processes we have designed make no difference. Nature, therefore, must be tortured (F. Bacon). The ancients believed that it was impossible to torture her, that it was unacceptable to interfere with her processes. The value of scientific knowledge in antiquity was esoteric, it was called the Good. The value of scientific knowledge in modern times is exoteric; fortunately, it helps to transform a person’s external environment.

We talked about practical method obtaining knowledge, which is based on experiment, observation, measurement. Rational (theoretical) method obtaining knowledge was developed in the works of Descartes (1596-1650), Laplace (1749-1827). It is based on a system of postulates, axioms, intuition, use mathematical apparatus. Theoretical methods– this is analysis, synthesis, classification.

The non-classical ideal of science

Galileo identified two levels in experience: appearance and essence. Thus, in natural science it was established the most important principle: the world is not as we directly observe it. Through experimentation, it is necessary to look for the true essence of things, hidden behind their external appearance (as if other senses were used in the experiment). However, the further we delve into secondary semiotic reality, the further we are from the subject. Galileo tells us that if a body is left to itself, it can move endlessly. Where can we see such a body?

Today, therefore, there is some return to Aristotelian physics with its understanding of the objectivity of matter. Aristotle's physics is more consistent with our experience, unlike, say, Galileo's physics. Throughout the history of modern science, people have been constantly encouraged the latest discoveries about the possibility of avoiding death physical body, about time dilation. But, really, in our human experience, everything that is born always dies sooner or later, and time cannot be sped up or turned back. What changes have occurred in science? The most noticeable signs are not classical science is its ecologization, informatization, computerization, complication of the relationship between the subject and object of knowledge (V.S. Stepin). Let's consider other signs of modern science.

Turn to subject. In natural and humanities more and more is being said about human factor, according to which the laws of nature exist so that consciousness appears. Human consciousness in nature as a goal. Thus, the anthropic principle in cosmology means that physical parameters arranged for an active observer, in order to create for him a certain field of activity (remember Protagoras: man is the measure of all things). Reality does not come to the brain from observable space and time. Protons and electrons do not contain the cause of action. There is an active observer behind the universe.

Narratives. IN industrial society narrative serves as the boundary separating the natural sciences from the humanities. More in sight physical sciences hits complex objects, so more science takes on a narrative character. A whole galaxy of scientists is emerging who, in addition to equations, resort to narrative when presenting physical models(Einstein, Bohr, Heisenberg). Post-industrial culture returns narrative as a means of conveying cosmology, synergetics, the theory of multiple universes, anthropic principle and other models.

New epistemology. If in classical theory knowledge, the leading principles were: absence of authorities, methodological doubt, then in non-classical, on the contrary: acceptance of authority, trust. This ideal of science is characterized by a plurality of points of view, a rejection of fundamentalism and an appeal to the cognitive experience of other traditions and directions. Non-classical epistemology is alien to the true-false dichotomy. Within the framework of non-classical science, the idea of ​​discreteness and incommensurability of paradigms ( T. Kuhn), epistemological anarchism P. Feyerabend, the principle of falsificationism K. Popper, « research programs» I. Lakatosha, relativity scientific truths W. Quine, social relay race concept M.A. Rozova.

H.G. Gadamer accuses all science of being result-oriented since Aristotelian times. Gadamer himself carefully developed the process of knowledge and understanding, showing historicism in the understanding of truth and the growth of scientific knowledge and the importance of imagination in understanding reality.

Traditional positivist criteria for assessing the adequacy of knowledge - true - false - are not enough when considering the history of knowledge. It turns out to be a paradox: Aristotle created his theory of motion, it was confirmed by practice and experience, but now we know that it is false. G. Galileo developed the foundations of mechanics and showed that Aristotle’s theory of motion was false. Galileo formulated his mechanics (free fall of a body). According to his calculations, it turned out that the speed free fall was equal to 5 m per second. During the fall, the speed of a freely falling body increases by 5 m per second. The following studies established that the speed of free fall of the body = 9.8 m per second. (2 times more) This means that Galilean principles and results should also be recognized as false.

Classical mechanics Newton was created in late XVII century and for 200 years was considered a model of science. I. Kant even declared Newtonian mechanics to be a priori, innate truths. Creation of the theory of relativity, development quantum physics demonstrated the limitations of the principles of classical mechanics.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century (1808), John Dalton, developing his atomic theory, argued that atoms are indivisible. However, by the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century, it was proven that Dalton's atomic theory could no longer be considered correct.

For XVII-XVIII centuries The laws of Newtonian mechanics have had a huge influence on the minds of scientists because they apply to macroscopic material objects. But at the beginning of the 20th century. with the opening elementary particles it became clear that Newtonian mechanics was unsuitable for describing the motion of these particles. Quantum mechanics was then developed to explain these phenomena. These theories are full of speculation and are constantly changing. It is not difficult to guess that future scientific theories will face the same fate as the theories of the past and present: they will also change. Speaking about the problem of knowledge, Maxwell pointed out: “Our knowledge of any kind can be compared with how a blind man comprehends the form solids, stroking them with the end of a cane and then completing in the imagination the unexplored parts of the surface according to our ideas about continuity and plausibility... We can draw any number of lines on the surface, arrange them in the form of a grid, but we will still be left with an unexplored surface, the area of ​​which is equal to the area of ​​the whole bodies."

Now there is such a thing as doubling information. In the forties of the XX century. it was equal to 45 years, in the fifties - 20, in the eighties - 10, to beginning of XXI century will be 5 years. Those. more information becomes available in 5 years. Can true knowledge grow at such a rate? Does this mean that our knowledge is largely false? This paradox reveals the insufficiency of the concepts of “true and false.” To evaluate the history of knowledge, some other concepts are needed, not true - false, but something else. Because if you adhere to this dichotomy, then the entire history of knowledge appears as a chain of misconceptions and false beliefs.

Marxism accepted the concepts of absolute and relative truth. Then the history of knowledge appears not as a chain of errors, but as a chain of relative truths. Karl Popper talked about the degree of verisimilitude (in every statement there is something true and something false).

The question arises whether human knowledge is progressing, whether we are smarter than our ancestors, whether we know more about the world than they do, more deeply, more accurately, or not. It seems to ordinary consciousness that yes, of course, more. Human knowledge does progress; later theories give us more accurate information, a more adequate picture of reality than previous ones. In the process of development of human cognition, we gradually free ourselves from illusions, errors, distortions and increase the amount true knowledge. In this sense, later science knows more about the world than previous generations of scientists and people.

However, there are thinkers who reject the progress of science. Most famous representative This position is the American historian and philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn, whose book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” published in 1962, created a sensation and was vigorously discussed throughout the world for 30 years. It was he who developed the idea that there is no progress in science. The development of science is discrete. If people justifying scientific progress They believe that science is developing continuously: here, there was Archimedes, Euclid, and until now everything positive, true, true was passed on to previous generations, and all errors were eliminated; then Kuhn does not. His explanation is this: a new fundamental scientific theory appears, and it discards everything that came before; it begins to develop, puts forward research methods, builds its own picture of the world and the area of ​​reality that it studies, gives impetus to the creation of new inventions, mechanisms, engineering structures. Within the framework of one paradigm (fundamental theory) we can talk about progress. But sooner or later, the paradigm becomes outdated, ceases to give impetus to new inventions, and a contradiction with life practices. A scientific revolution is taking place, i.e. one fundamental theory is replaced by another. This is the revolution that was carried out by Copernicus in the 16th century, which was carried out by Lavoisier in chemistry in the 18th century, which was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century with the creation of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Revolution, bringing with it a new one fundamental theory, crosses out all the knowledge that was obtained before him: facts, experiments, research methods. Science begins to be built, as it were, in a new place, and it cannot be said that representatives of the subsequent stage of the development of science know more, better, or deeper than representatives of the previous stage. They just know DIFFERENT things. Those know theirs, and these know theirs, and it cannot be said that someone knows more than others. This alternative point vision, which now competes with the concept of progressive development of science.

In accordance with classical ideas about science, it should not contain “any admixture of errors.” Now truth is not considered as a necessary attribute of all cognitive results that claim to be scientific. It remains as a central regulator of scientific and cognitive activity.

Classical ideas about science are characterized by a constant search for the “beginnings of knowledge,” a “reliable foundation” on which the entire system of scientific knowledge could rest. However, in modern scientific methodology, the idea of ​​the hypothetical nature of scientific knowledge is developing, when experience is no longer the foundation of knowledge, but mainly performs a critical function.

Fundamentalist validity as the leading value in classical ideas about scientific knowledge is increasingly being replaced by such a value as efficiency in solving problems.

Affirmation of the active role of the subject in cognitive process leads to the fact that the humanitarian ideal of scientific character is increasingly seen as a transitional step to some new ideas about science that go beyond the classical ones, and sometimes even as an example of scientific knowledge.

Classical ideas about science are characterized by the desire to highlight a “scientific standard” to which all other areas of knowledge should “catch up”. However, such reductionist aspirations are criticized in the modern methodology of science, which is characterized by a pluralistic tendency in the interpretation of science, the assertion of the equivalence of various standards of scientificity, and their irreducibility to any one standard.

In general, it can be stated that science is embraced by large-system (globalist) thinking. Developing new type rationality, very different from the rationalism of past eras (Parmenides, Zeno, scholastics, Descartes, Hegel, B. Russell). Non-classical science reflects general state modern culture, which is characterized by the absence of a common mental space, an appeal to the experience of non-European cultures, and recognition of the value of non-scientific forms of worldview.

Science is limited by culture. In classical science, conclusions should be determined only by the reality itself. Modern scientific methodology is characterized by the acceptance and development of the thesis about the social conditionality of scientific knowledge. Science today is a social institution and a sphere of government activity. It has ceased to be the personification of intellectual perfection, the pure pursuit of truth, due to the dominant influence of corporate interests on the dissemination of information, or even the ban on that knowledge that affects political and financial interests.

In economic matters, scientists often behave like ordinary people and use all methods to justify the significance and prospects of their work, not disdaining falsifications, plagiarism, and fabrications. Special place takes the process of filtering knowledge, or consciously selecting those facts that confirm the dominant paradigm. R. Thompson and M. Cremo in the book “The Forbidden History of Humanity” explained how the process of knowledge selection works using the example of silence archaeological finds human presence on earth hundreds of millions of years ago.

Bottom line. We looked at science as specific type cognitive practice that exists alongside myth, religion and philosophy. From the point of view of the result, the practice that is closest to the person, which better helps in solving the fundamental problems of existence, is preferable. Practice makes sense to the extent that it helps to solve the deepest issues of a person. This is the approach of many traditional culture, as well as Socrates and Plato. Another position, closer to the modern one, is Galileo (1564-1642), who was interested in the ability to accurately and clearly solve a specific scientific problem.

For scientific knowledge such external question, as in “for what?” may not be of interest. Science eventually begins to exist as an unconditional cultural phenomenon. Thus, gradually, rational constructs, some finite human practice, turn into an absolute idol. However, no finite human practice can replace reality, which cannot be treated as a triangle, an ideal structure. Reality requires personal self-surrender, a subjective attitude. Stated radically, this idea transforms the designs we make with rational thinking not fundamentally different from the constructions of everyday experience or from the mental constructions of a savage.

Science does not exist outside of language; it is largely formed language stamps. Human language is the language of the macrocosm. And with the help of this language we want to “grab” the microworld and the megaworld. “An electron leaves a trace in a cloud chamber”, “charm quark”, “Big Furnace of Universes” - this is how we interpret a physical phenomenon in some rather relative model. We are dealing with approximate images and metaphors. Reality itself is beyond experience. Theoretical knowledge then appears as a kind of symbolic modeling, and our attitude towards it and reliance on it must be accordingly. Outside theoretical model we fail to “grasp” the object. At the same time, this model is a kind of semiotic projection. Living in the world of semiotic structures, our orientation in them is determined by these same concepts. In reality, we are looking for what is given by these models, and if something does not work out, we attribute it to the researcher who was unable to ensure the transition from an abstract design to concrete reality.

Another approach is that the researcher takes into account his epistemological situation; applying different methods at the same time, he realizes that reality is higher than our human constructs, and the ways of contact with reality are broader than these constructs themselves. As living beings we have many forms of experience with objective reality. To the question “What personality is more important, with the diversity of its forms of experience or some limited knowledge, albeit methodologically verified? Ancient cognitivism was the first to rationally explicate for itself the primary value of methodologically verified knowledge, and we are the heirs of this axiological turn.

Plan seminar class on topic No. 1.

1. Religion, philosophy, science as forms of knowledge. Features of the scientific worldview.

2. Essence, time and geography of the preclassical ideal of science.

3. Features of the formation of classical science. Division of sciences into natural and humanities.

4. Characteristics of non-classical science

field of activity of a scientist

Alternative descriptions

System of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking

An area full of people wanting to snack on granite, especially since wages are constantly being delayed

Lesson learned from life experience

. "... and life" (magazine)

. "...tender passion"

. "Granite" knowledge

. “His example is for others...” (Pushkin)

. "His example to others..."

. "Spanking is not a torment, but go ahead..."

The Academy is her temple



Botany and physics


Granite student food

Its “granite” is gnawed by everyone who follows the principle “live and learn”

Students are gnawing on her granite

Its granite is beyond the strength of the slow-witted

She is moved by a scientist

G. teaching, training, training. Life is a science, it teaches through experience. Give someone, go, or take someone into science. Not for flour, for science. The whip is not torment, science is ahead. Science is not flour (not beech). Science teaches only the smart. Science is to a fool what fire is to a child. I’m not whipping my fur coat, I’m giving science to the young man (my friend hits the fur coat with a whip); what to teach or are learning; any craft, skill and knowledge; but in highest value This is called not just one skill, but reasonable and coherent knowledge: a complete and decent collection of experimental and speculative truths, any part of knowledge; harmonious, consistent presentation of any branch, branch of information. Mathematics is a vast science, which itself is divided into many special sciences. Scientific, scientific, related to science. Science education, based on science. Scientific view, way of thinking, judgment of a scientist. Experience often argues with science (speculative) and scientific information. Teach, teach someone what; teach, educate, instruct, admonish, direct, lead; show, explain how to do or understand something; convey information, knowledge, and skills. He taught me both literacy and crafts. You can't teach someone who is stubborn. Teach a turtle to sweep nooses and a hare to dive. They didn’t teach him while he was laying across the bench and stretched out to his full length, you can’t teach him. Teach me how to be here, give me some wisdom! What soon bores you will soon teach you. You will teach a lot, but you will be left without bread. Receive, incite, induce and encourage something bad, harmful, or instigate, instigate (from the mouth?), persuade to do harm to someone or something bad, for example. false testimony before a court; teach, soften up. He was even taught to set fire to a house. I was taught to point to it. Don't believe evil rumors. Learn, learn, teach yourself and be taught; to adopt in word and deed from another. Where did you learn to read and play pranks? In schools, children learn everything bad. The servants are persuaded by scammers who call it burying people. Learning cf. will graduate science, science Sciences M. Star. and sometimes even now, valid. according to verb. on and on. Even a horse carries science. In the words of science and skill, we see a remarkable convergence. To do something according to science, at instigation, being prompted, by being persuaded to do something. Science vol. Vologda learned knowledge, craft; a person who knows a craft. A scientist, a pedant in science, a scholar, a person with a close and one-sided scientific view. Teach m. Psk. a student devoted to science, to study, to teach something

Magazine "...and life"

Both physics and philosophy

And chemistry, and physics, and mathematics

The root of the first word in the research institute

The region of those who want to gnaw granite

One of the "hostesses" of the Academy

She "gives joy to the old"

She feeds young men

Scientist's career

Ovid's poem "... of love"

Knowledge system

System of knowledge about nature, society

Systematic expansion of the field of human ignorance

Rival of art

A field of activity that replenishes a person’s knowledge of his ignorance

Professors' Sphere

Lesson for the future

Lesson for life

Physics or botany

Philosophy, chemistry

Michel Gondry's film "... a dream"

Chemistry, physics, astronomy

Chemistry, physics, mathematics

Chemistry, physics, psychology

Good lesson for the future

What do they learn when gnawing granite?

Youth "nutrition"

The best way to satisfy personal curiosity at public expense

Its “granite” is gnawed by everyone who follows the principle “live and learn”

The Art of Authenticity

One of the forms of social consciousness

Previously - a place in the sun, now - a refuge for the poor

The most reasonable path to truth

System of knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and thinking

Art's rival, operating with facts

The sphere of human activity, the function of which is. development and theoretical systematization of objective information, knowledge about reality

Lesson learned from life experience

She gives joy to the old

Michel Gondry's film "... a dream"

. “spanking is not a torment, but forward...” (last)

Onegin's "...tender passion"

Intuition in the service of logic

The poem of the ancient Roman poet Ovid “... of love”

Getting news from outside the media

What can you learn by gnawing on granite?

The Academy is her temple

Field of activity that increases intelligence

She nourishes the young and gives joy to the old

. “his example to others...”

Book publishing


Both biology and chemistry

Engine of progress

Sopromat - what is it?

Youth "nutrition"

. "... and life" (magazine)

Ovid's poem "... of love"

. “his example is for others...” (Pushkin)

What do they learn by gnawing granite?

What teaches, gives experience

. "...tender passion"

Cemetery of hypotheses, according to Poincaré

One of the "hostesses" of the Academy

. "granite" knowledge

. “spanking is not a torment, but go ahead...”

. "... is not and will never be a finished book"

What is chemistry?