What is South Asia? South Asian countries

How is the Russian Federation characterized by the Constitution? The first attempts to create a Constitution in Russia belonged to the Decembrists P. Pestel and N. Muravyov. On the way to a constitution - from the history of the formation of the constitutional system in Russia. The Constitution is the basic law of the state. The Constitution of modern Russia. During the years of Soviet power, 4 Constitutions were adopted. Plan for learning new material. Great king reformer. The rebels demanded the abolition of serfdom and the introduction of constitutional government in Russia.

“Profession veterinarian” - Group - work takes place in everyday conditions, with increased moral responsibility. They have long treated cattle in Rus'. Who Shouldn't Be a Veterinarian. How much does a veterinarian earn? The price of paid training varies. The standard salary for a veterinarian at a non-state clinic is $650-800. History of the profession. In India, the profession of a veterinarian was very honorable. The class is Gnostic. Profession refers to: Type - man-nature. Tuition price.

“Patriots of Russia” - Go ahead, increase the gene pool of the nation! The way a person grows up directly depends on the upbringing he received. Russian-American space race. But this does not mean that we must exterminate others! What is it like to be a patriot of Russia today? Let's try to figure it out... Daria Morozova Student of class 9A. Which one even gave you goosebumps!? Russia, for example, wins the next “race”. Nice for the State!

“Photographer” - Employment: At the same time, there was talk that the profession of a photographer was becoming primitive. Modern photojournalism became possible with the invention of the small camera. The 35mm Leiki was created in 1914 and released for sale in Germany in 1925. A professional photographer is a person who, as a rule, has appropriate education, work experience and whose main income comes from photography. Photographer's work: artistic photography, document photography, digital image processing, photo printing. The photographer must know: the basics of photography and photo-optics, types, purpose and design of photographic equipment and electrical lighting equipment, photo aesthetics, photo composition, aesthetic properties of photography digital processing images.

“Profession designer” - Taking a test and writing an essay “How do you see yourself as a designer.” Introduction Objectives elective course"My profession is designer." Loud-quiet test. Perception of form. Test "Gioconda". Be able to: Topic 3. Perception of shape. Transformation of a plane into volume. Educational – thematic plan(16 hours).

“Profession confectioner” - Confectioner. The demand for pastry chefs is stable and sustainable. The profession of a pastry chef is in demand at all times. City competition “I’ll go to work - let them teach me!” Confectioners are sometimes compared to psychotherapists or healers of human souls. Author: Anna Agafontseva, student of class 9A of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 5. In this case, choose the profession of a pastry chef! Masters of the “sweet craft” are in demand in restaurants, cafes and pastry shops.

9th grade

Topic: Military-industrial complex

Target: to acquaint students with the composition, place and significance of this complex in the country’s economy, its main problems.

Tasks: 1 Educational : to form an idea of ​​the special role of the military-industrial complex, specifying the principles of location of military-industrial complex industries, conversion of military-industrial complex enterprises.

2. Developmental: improving skills to work with additional materials on the topic of the lesson; ability to analyze problems and establish cause-and-effect relationships.

3. Educational: development of detailed oral response skills. Ability to clearly express your thoughts. Fostering a sense of pride and patriotism for one’s Fatherland.

Lesson type : lesson presentation and learning of new educational material.

Lesson form : lesson – dialogue, group work.

Methods: 1. explanatory - illustrative

2. reproductive with elements of problematic presentation

3. partially search.

Means of education : posters, tables, presentation, drawings, atlas.

Motivation of the educational process : The military-industrial complex is a necessary industry whose main goal is the production of weapons and military equipment in order to protect the Fatherland.

During the classes:

To answer this question correctly and completely, remember the main dates and events of the formation of the army.

    June 22, 1941 - the treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union; the retreat of the Soviet Army - weakly armed, unprepared for war.

(view slides).

What are the tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in modern conditions?

In peacetime. To protect sovereignty and state interests Russia in the world on its own, as well as within the framework of the collective security system.

In wartime . For the strategic defense of the state, repelling aggression, reducing the military-economic potential of the enemy and covering Russian territory in military conflicts of any level and scale.

Problematic question : What reasons force Russia to arm itself?

(The answer is discussed in the form of a dialogue)

    lessons from the Great Patriotic War

    “Cold War” is an ideological confrontation between two superpowers, the USA and the USSR (Russia).

    NATO offensive on Russian borders ( Baltic countries, Ukraine and Georgia).

Explanation new topic:

Before the collapse of the USSR, the military-industrial complex consisted of 1,100 factories, employing 9 million

The military-industrial complex is a set of industrial enterprises and scientific and technological institutions that produce military equipment, ammunition and weapons.

Military-industrial complex enterprises were distinguished by their secrecy; cities with military-industrial complexes were guarded. In the 90s, cities emerged from their closed status by acquiring names.

    Composition of the military-industrial complex. Intersectoral complexes participating in the military-industrial complex

(table No. 1.)

The role of inter-industry complexes in the production of defense products

Intersectoral complex

Defense production

Specialized defense complexes



Nuclear fuel production

Nuclear weapons (nuclear weapons)

Mechanical Engineering

Shipbuilding, aviation, missile, tank, automotive, communications, firearms, electronics, electrical engineering, etc.

Aerospace and rocket space

Structural materials, metallurgical

Production of composites, metal powders and rolled products


Production of chemical reagents, compounds, lumber

Chemical weapons


Cement and other production

Military construction.


Casein production

Products consumer consumption services

Production of technical fabrics, uniforms

Aviation industry

Military shipbuilding

Production of nuclear weapons

Main branches of the military-industrial complex


Artillery systems

Production small arms

Rocket and space industry

Armor industry

Composition of the military-industrial complex(diagram No. 1)

Group 1 – make a diagram of the main branches of the Military-Industrial Complex. (Uch. Alekseev – p. 154)

Group 2 – analyze table 1.

The following complexes are distinguished as part of the military-industrial complex:

Nuclear - a shield that ensures the security of the country; there are 2 Russian nuclear centers: Sarov (Arzamas -16) and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk - 70). Nuclear weapons themselves were largely designed for use on missile systems.

Rocket and space industry The first centers of this industry were created in the Moscow region. Under the leadership of the famous designer S.P. Korolev in the city of Korolev (Kaliningrad) since 1946. work was carried out to create ballistic missiles, artificial satellites Earth and the Vostok rocket, on which cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin flew into space. The main military cosmodrome of the USSR, and now Russia, from which all major spacecraft were launched and military satellites were launched, are located near the city of Mirny, south of Arkhangelsk. There was another cosmodrome - Kapustin Yar - in the Astrakhan region, which was then turned into a testing ground for missiles and military equipment. Currently, a new Russian cosmodrome “Svobodny” has been created in the Amur region. The flight control center is located in Korolev, the Cosmonaut Training Center is in Zvezdny.

Aviation enterprises located with scientific centers and the largest design bureaus, where there are highly qualified personnel. The largest aircraft manufacturing centers are located in Balashikha, Zhukovsky, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Saratov, Kazan, and Samara. Helicopters are produced in Kazan, Tyumen, Perm, and Ulan-Ude.

Main center military shipbuilding St. Petersburg, submarines are manufactured in Severodvinsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Novgorod.

Centers armored industry - Nizhny Tagil, Omsk, armored vehicles are produced in Kurgan, Arzamas.

Important production centersartillery weapons - Perm, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and rifle - Tula, Izhevsk, Kovrov.

Chemical weapon - (before Russia abandoned its use) was produced in Dzerzhinsk and Novosibirsk.

    basic principles defining the geography of military-industrial complex branches: (p. 103)

    safety of location of its production facilities (Ural, Siberia);

    principle of duplication (backup enterprises are located in different regions of the country);

    concentration of production, research institutes, design bureaus in Moscow and the Moscow region;

    education closed cities with numbers and "ZATO"

    Main placement factors: (group work: determine placement factors using the table of factors)


    maintaining potential;

    knowledge intensity;

    highly qualified personnel;

    transport factor

    Conversion. Production of civilian products (Table No. 2). Conversion problems.

The military-industrial complex strives to produce as many weapons as possible. But how many weapons does the country need?

Huge expenditures on armaments were at one time one of the reasons that led the USSR economy to an economic crisis.

Due to the rapid reduction in military orders, many military enterprises were closed during the years of perestroika, others quickly began to restructure to produce civilian products.

Conversion is the transfer of military production to the production of civilian products.

When carrying out conversion, it is necessary to retain qualified personnel and use advanced technologies of military-industrial complex enterprises.

Assignment for the group (Analyze table No. 2)

Table No. 2.

Conversion of the military-industrial complex. Civil products.

Name of goods, products

Share of military-industrial complex enterprises in its output, %

Walk-behind tractors


Computer Engineering


Electric stoves


Vacuum cleaners

Sewing machines

Washing machines



Tape recorders

Main freight cars


Drilling rigs for oil and gas production


Teacher's story about the radical reform of the military-industrial complex:

    nuclear complex - the country's shield (atomic weapons)

    think tanks in Sarov (Arzamas - 16), Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk - 70).

About new types of weapons. What will the tank of the 21st century be like? BTR - armored vehicles. BMP, armored personnel carrier - light armored vehicles. (demonstration of weapons)

In the foreseeable future, not a single war, not a single armed conflict of any intensity, will survive without armored weapons and tanks. Main characteristics of the tank: weight - approximately 60-65 tons, not maneuverable, needs to be reduced to 45 - 50 tons. Modern tank models - T-80-84S, T-90.

Integration of on-board electronics into a single complex, new weapon control technologies (external target designation, automatic target tracking, remote detonation of ammunition).

Included Navy: about 100 submarines(missile carriers, nuclear and diesel submarines). Large anti-submarine ship "Admiral Chabanenko". Nuclear submarines of the Typhoon and Gepard types. Submarine Northern Fleet Novomoskovsk launched an artificial Earth satellite into low-Earth orbit. More than 70 combat submarines of the main classes; 250 ships and boats for coastal operations; 500 planes and helicopters. Aircraft carrier cruiser "Admiral Fleet" Soviet Union Kuznetsov", where the ship-based fighters SU-33 and (SU-27K) are based. heavy nuclear missile carrier cruiser "Peter the Great" (a ship with the most powerful weapons in the world, its Granit cruise missiles have no analogues in the world).

All these weapons and military equipment form the basis of the Russian Army, if we talk aboutvolumes of exports of weapons and military equipment, then Russia exports weapons for only 1.7 - 4 billion dollars and ranks 4th among exporting states, and the military-industrial complex accounts for less than 4% of Russian exports. Partners are considered to be India, China, South Korea, Bangladesh, Burma, Yemen, Greece and Vietnam.

Why does Russia sell military equipment to other countries?

Doesn't this weaken Russia's military potential?

Consolidation. Practical work. Determination of centers for the location of enterprises in the military-industrial complex. Draw a conclusion from the map diagram in the textbook Dronov p. 110, fig. 38, Alekseev., p. 155, fig.48

The final stage. Conclusion. Does the state need the military-industrial complex as a special branch of the country?

    armament of the country for defense capability, external protection from international terrorism.

    Creation of rapid deployment weapons

    The main stages of the creation of the Russian military-industrial complex.

Homework: finish practical work, read & 20 pp. 103 -111 (Dronov). & 33 pp. 152 – 158 (Alekseev).

Will the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) be able to serve as the basis further development Russia?

What is the military industrial complex?

The military-industrial complex of Russia is a system of enterprises that develop and produce military equipment and weapons. The terms “defense-industrial complex” and “military (defense) industry” are also used as synonyms for the military-industrial complex.

Russia inherited a huge military-industrial complex from the USSR. Taking into account family members, every tenth resident of Russia was associated with the military-industrial complex.

The weapons and military equipment of the Soviet military-industrial complex corresponded to the best world standards, and in many cases surpassed them. This was facilitated by the high technological level of most enterprises in the complex. The military-industrial complex concentrated the most qualified personnel, the best technology and skilled production organizers.

Military-industrial complex enterprises also produced the most complex civilian goods. For example, most of the tape recorders came from there and computer technology. And VCRs, televisions and cameras were created only in military factories.

Weapons and equipment were produced on a scale that exceeded the reasonable defensive needs and real economic capabilities of the country. The gigantic burden of military expenditures was one of the reasons that led the USSR to an economic and political crisis.

One of the tasks facing the military-industrial complex is its conversion (from the Latin conversis - change, transformation). Conversion of the military-industrial complex means the transfer of military enterprises (in whole or in part) to the production of civilian products. This is necessary for Russia, since maintaining the previous volumes of arms production is economically impossible and not necessary from a military-strategic point of view.

What are the features of the location of military-industrial complex industries?

Virtually all significant cities of Russia became centers of military production, where it was closely connected with “civilian” mechanical engineering, chemical industry and other industries.

The military-industrial complex led to the emergence in Russia of so-called “closed cities” - science cities. More than a dozen such cities were created in our country for the development and production of atomic and other types of weapons. They were not applied to any geographical map and wore conventional names: Chelyabiisk-70, Sverdlovsk-44, Krasnoyarsk-26, etc. These cities were distinguished by a high level of amenities, good supplies and complete privacy. The special nature of the work, the strictest requirements for discipline and compliance with production technology, highest qualifications workers - all this formed in these cities unique labor collectives capable of mastering the production of any, no matter how complex, products.

As an example of a closed city, the most famous among them is Arzamas-16, created in 1946 on the site of the famous Sarbva monastery. Surrounded by dense Mordovian forests, which then received the status of Mordovian state reserve, the center was especially secret. He was given the task of eliminating the US monopoly on nuclear weapons. World-class theoretical physicists such as three times Heroes of Socialist Labor Yu. B. Khariton, Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. D. Sakharov and many others worked at this scientific center. It was in Arzamas-16 (now the city of Serov) that the first nuclear and nuclear power plants in the USSR were created hydrogen bomb, subsequent generations have been developed nuclear weapons. Today the Russian Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov is a large multi-purpose research center. And the Sarov Avangard plant is dismantling the warheads it once produced as part of the nuclear weapons reduction program.

Where are air and space weapons produced?

The aviation and rocket and space industries are located in major cities- centers for concentration of qualified personnel. Finished products - airplanes, helicopters, ballistic missiles and others - are assembled from thousands of parts supplied by related enterprises. The production of space complexes especially stands out for its complexity.

In most directions in space technology our the country is coming"ahead of the rest." Unique Russian technologies provide long-term human flights in space. Our designers have developed the world's best automatic docking system spaceships. Russia also holds the lead in the creation of large structures in outer space, film and inflatable structures. Now our space industry is involved in many international projects.

The Baikonur Cosmodrome (in Kazakhstan) is now used by Russia on a lease basis. From here Russian and foreign cosmonauts go into space. In Russia itself there are currently two cosmodromes. One of them is Plesetsk.

At the end of the 1950s. among the forests, lakes and swamps of the Plesetsk region Arkhangelsk region a test site for missile forces was built strategic purpose and its “capital” is the city of Mirny. Since 1966, spacecraft have been launched from here. Since that time, Plesetsk has become the most “working” cosmodrome in the world, having no equal in the number of launches (more than 1,500). But it also remains a military training ground - it was here, for example, that the new Russian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Topol-M, which formed the backbone of the strategic nuclear forces our country at the beginning of the 21st century.

In the Amur region, on the basis of the former garrison of a strategic missile division, the second Svobodny cosmodrome in Russia was recently created. The first satellite was launched from there in March 1997.

Almost all unmanned spacecraft are controlled from Krasnoznamensk near Moscow (Golitsyno-2), and manned ones are controlled from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Korolev, Moscow Region.

Research and development organizations in the industry are concentrated largely in the Moscow region. Almost all Russian airplanes and helicopters are designed here, and intercontinental ballistic missiles and launch vehicles are developed.

Rice. 41. Products of the Russian military-industrial complex

Powerful aero space complex formed in the Volga region. Among its many major centers special place V domestic astronautics occupies Samara, where launch vehicles, rocket engines and satellites for various purposes, including photo reconnaissance aircraft, are developed and manufactured. In Nizhny Novgorod, the Sokol aircraft manufacturing plant, which produced La-5 and La-7 fighter aircraft designed by S. A. Lavochkin during the war years. It was on these machines that the number one Soviet ace and three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, I.N. Kozhedub, achieved all his victories (shooting down 62 enemy aircraft). Among the plant's current military products is the world's most powerful fighter-interceptor, the MiG-31.

Almost all the Mi-24 combat helicopters that fought in Afghanistan were manufactured in Arsenyev (Primorsky Territory), and now the world's first combat helicopter, the Ka-50, better known as the “Black Shark,” is being produced. Here they also make the unique anti-ship missile “Mosquito”, called “Sunburn” in the West (“ Sunburn"). This missile, capable of destroying an aircraft carrier, rushes to the target at a height of only 5 m at a speed of 2.5 times the speed of sound, automatically performing anti-aircraft maneuvers, which makes the Mosquito virtually invulnerable.

The former artillery plant in Votkinsk (in Udmurtia), founded in the 19th century, is now the only enterprise in Russia for the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles (Topol-M).

Where are other military-industrial complex products produced?

Among the centers of artillery and small arms weapons, we highlight Izhevsk in Udmurtia.

Do you know which Russian industrial product is the most widespread in the world? This is the famous AK-47 - a Kalashnikov assault rifle, produced in this city, and then produced in several other countries. In total, several tens of millions of pieces were produced, and it was so popular that it even appeared on National emblem one of the African countries - Mozambique. Izhevsk became the “homeland” not only of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, but also of the Makarov pistol, sniper rifle Dragunov. The Nikonov assault rifle, a weapon of the 21st century, was created here, in many ways constructive solutions has no analogues.

Motovilikha Plants in Perm continues to be one of the largest manufacturers modern species weapons, including Grad, Uragan and Smerch multiple launch rocket systems.

From the centers of the armored industry, find Nizhny Tagil, Kurgan and Omsk on the map.

The Nizhny Tagil production association "Uralvagonzavod", which produces the most popular tanks of the last quarter of our century, the T-72 and the new T-90 missile and gun tanks, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest industrial enterprise. In Kurgan they produce global recognition combat vehicles infantry (BMP).

After the war, Omsk tank builders mastered the production of new formidable vehicles. One of the tanks produced today - the T-80UM "Bars" - is called by experts as powerful as the Dreadnought, fast and comfortable as a Mercedes. A new generation tank, the Black Eagle, was also created in Omsk, which is currently the best in the world.

The most major center Russian military shipbuilding since the time of Peter I has been St. Petersburg. Local shipyards can build almost all types of warships from combat boats to nuclear powered ones missile cruisers. The largest center in the world and the only center of nuclear submarine shipbuilding in Russia is Severodvinsk.


Our country needs the military-industrial complex as a supplier modern technology and weapons for the Russian army (and for export) and as a “generator high technology» for civilian sectors of the economy. Therefore, it is important to preserve the core of the military-industrial complex, the research institutes associated with it, design bureaus and factories. This will solve the problem of the country's national security. The state simultaneously faces the difficult task of partially transferring military industry on peaceful tracks. This will make it possible to introduce new technologies into all areas of the economy, retain highly qualified personnel, and achieve the competitiveness of high-quality peaceful products.

Questions and tasks

  1. Name the main products of the military-industrial complex. What brands of military aircraft, tanks, and small arms do you know?
  2. How can we explain the concentration of various military industries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions?
  3. Compose abstracts:
    1. “New technologies of the military-industrial complex and their significance for civilian production”;
    2. "The military-industrial complex and its impact on the environment."
  4. How can we explain that it was in the military-industrial complex that the most highly qualified labor resources? What qualities do you think people working at military-industrial complex enterprises should have? Why?

Page 1

Military enterprises and facilities are natural resource users; plots of land, water, and forests are assigned to them. Military and defense authorities compensate for damage caused to the environment.

As a result of such cooperation, the Pinellas plant closed as a military enterprise earlier than planned, and its repurposing did not cost more than planned.

In the 60s, based on the conversion of military enterprises and new industrial construction, the production of electrical household appliances, the automotive industry, petrochemicals, the production of synthetic fibers and resins, and electronics were created from scratch.

At the same time, almost all coal mines were closed, unable to withstand the competition of cheap imported oil, which became fuel base energy economy.

Kyiv and NoShg OrrDe, Va., Edamir from Rostov was transferred and the episcopal throne; The prince's military enterprises, as well as the numerous stone construction carried out at this time, placed a heavy burden on the population.

In the conditions of creating the necessary legislative and economic environment, legislative and regulatory acts are adopted regulating the process of reducing military orders, repurposing and mothballing defense production, assistance to the territories most affected by the dismantling of military enterprises and facilities, and to the workforce of converted enterprises.

Many times, many intelligent people asked me with great insistence how this could happen to such a formerly kind and famous king, who so many times for the sake of the fatherland neglected his health, endured troubles, countless sufferings and hard work in military enterprises against the enemies of Christ's cross and used before everyone has a good reputation.

Economic conversion places emphasis on the sale of military products, i.e. for export. This type of conversion is preferable because military enterprises retain their personnel and advanced technologies, and the funds received from sales are used for the gradual repurposing of production.

The debt crisis of 1992 was not related to military enterprises. Defense executives really tried to develop a kind of entrepreneurial conversion, rushing to find Western partners and new organizational models. It was only when they realized that they had no expectation of reward for their efforts that discipline began to lapse, and then exports and increases in the military budget began to be seen as an alternative to conversion.

In fact, the former military-industrial sector was initially less impacted by the economic depression of 1992. This was partly due to better equipment, greater material reserves, and stronger ties among defense executives, which enabled them to better weather the supply shock that engulfed Russia. economy.

Physical conversion means repurposing defense factories for the production of civilian products.

This path creates many problems and is associated with large costs aimed at the physical destruction of military enterprises.

The gradual depletion of these fields raised concerns, which especially increased during the Second World War due to the sharp increase in gas consumption by military enterprises.

Each organization of salvation within the universal institution of grace feels responsible before God for the souls of all, or at least for the souls of the people entrusted to it, and therefore considers itself the right (and sees it as its duty) to counteract, if necessary with the help of violent measures, this , so that they do not find themselves on the wrong path in their faith, and apply saving means towards them.

However, at the same time, a holy or just war in fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord, a war for faith, which is always in some sense religious war, is sharply separated from all other purely mundane and therefore valueless military enterprises. Therefore, the chosen ones are not subject to compulsion to participate in wars political authorities, in wars that they do not recognize as sacred, in accordance with the will of God, which do not find a response in their hearts - this is exactly what the victorious Cromwellian army of saints did, disobeying compulsion and refusing to perform military service; They prefer mercenarism to forced military service.

In cases where people forcefully interfere with the implementation of the will of God, especially in matters of faith, Calvinists, remembering that obedience to God is more important than obedience to people, come to the conclusion about the need for active action, an uprising of believers.

Among the numerous military and trading campaigns of the Vikings in Eastern Europe The campaign of the late 30s and early 40s of the 11th century is best known to Scandinavian sources.

It ended tragically, and most of its participants died. This is the last Viking military enterprise in Eastern Europe mentioned in the sagas.

In connection with the conscription of thousands of workers into the army, the evacuation of Western enterprises, which sometimes accounted for only 30-40 percent of the workforce, and the expansion of production volume, the issue of providing industry with a workforce of workers became acute. Working hours were extended and canceled next holidays workers and employees who worked at military enterprises were declared mobilized until the end of the war, state bodies for accounting and distribution were created work force.

The workers, understanding the need to exert all their efforts to defeat the enemy, provided full support for these measures.

In connection with the conscription of thousands of workers into the army, the evacuation of enterprises from the West, which sometimes had only 30-40 percent of the workforce, and the expansion of production volume, the issue of providing industry with a workforce of workers became acute.

The working day was increased and regular vacations of workers and employees were cancelled, those working at military enterprises were declared mobilized until the end of the war, state bodies were created for the accounting and distribution of labor. The workers, understanding the need to exert all their efforts to defeat the enemy, provided full support for these measures.

Internal transfer means implementation on economic favorable conditions already existing scientific developments and technological projects, equipment and new materials in civil production sectors.

Legislative documents need to reflect the specifics of the internal transfer of defense technologies, as opposed to conversion, which consists of the transition of military enterprises to the production of civilian products. The adoption of legislative acts on the declassification of military technologies is required, as well as the creation of a regulatory framework that determines the procedure and economic benefits of the transfer, both for developers of innovations and for enterprises purchasing them for development.

Laws and other regulations should provide economic benefits for foreign firms and investors introducing modern and non-obsolete technologies.

Pages:      1    2

Article 16. Production of weapons and ammunition for them

The production of weapons and ammunition for them is carried out by legal entities that have a production license, as established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Legal entities producing weapons and ammunition for them must ensure production safety, production control, appropriate quality of products and their safety.

Each manufactured weapon, with the exception of mechanical sprayers, aerosols and other devices filled with tear or irritant substances, must have an individual number.

Military hand-held small arms, with the exception of prototypes, are manufactured only for supplies to state paramilitary organizations, as well as for supplies to foreign countries in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on military-technical cooperation with foreign states.

"Military Industrial Complex of Russia"

Federal Law of July 29, 2017 N 268-FZ)

(see text in previous)

Loading cartridges for a hunting firearm can be carried out by the owner of this weapon for personal use if he has a permit to store and carry a hunting firearm.

Repair and replacement of components of firearms, with the exception of the main parts of firearms, can be carried out by the owner of this weapon independently.

(as amended by Federal Law dated December 28, 2010 N 398-FZ)

text in previous)

In organizations engaged in the production of weapons and ammunition for them, positions related to the production, accounting, storage and sale of weapons and ammunition for them, the main parts of firearms, cannot be filled by persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for a crime committed intentionally, or in respect of whom the court has established a ban on holding such positions or engaging in certain professional or entrepreneurial activities in the field of arms trafficking.

(part five introduced Federal law dated December 28, 2010 N 398-FZ)

In the production of firearms of limited destruction, gas weapons, signal weapons, pneumatic weapons and products structurally similar to weapons, it is prohibited to use the main parts of military hand-held small arms and service firearms, including those deregistered with state paramilitary organizations, as well as decommissioned ones.

(part six in ed.

Federal Law of July 6, 2016 N 374-FZ)

(see text in previous)


Textbook for 9th grade

§ 12. Military-industrial complex of Russia

Will the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) be able to serve as the basis for Russia's further development?

What is the military industrial complex?

The military-industrial complex of Russia is a system of enterprises that develop and produce military equipment and weapons.

The terms “defense-industrial complex” and “military (defense) industry” are also used as synonyms for the military-industrial complex.

Russia inherited a huge military-industrial complex from the USSR. Taking into account family members, every tenth resident of Russia was associated with the military-industrial complex.

The weapons and military equipment of the Soviet military-industrial complex corresponded to the best world standards, and in many cases surpassed them. This was facilitated by the high technological level of most enterprises in the complex.

The military-industrial complex concentrated the most qualified personnel, the best equipment and skilled production organizers.

Military-industrial complex enterprises also produced the most complex civilian goods. For example, most of the tape recorders and computer equipment came from there. And VCRs, televisions and cameras were created only in military factories.

Weapons and equipment were produced on a scale that exceeded the reasonable defensive needs and real economic capabilities of the country.

The gigantic burden of military expenditures was one of the reasons that led the USSR to an economic and political crisis.

One of the tasks facing the military-industrial complex is its conversion (from the Latin conversis - change, transformation). Conversion of the military-industrial complex means the transfer of military enterprises (in whole or in part) to the production of civilian products.

This is necessary for Russia, since maintaining the previous volumes of arms production is economically impossible and not necessary from a military-strategic point of view.

What are the features of the location of military-industrial complex industries?

Virtually all significant cities in Russia became centers of military production, where it was closely connected with “civilian” mechanical engineering, the chemical industry and other industries.

The military-industrial complex led to the emergence in Russia of so-called “closed cities” - science cities. More than a dozen such cities were created in our country for the development and production of atomic and other types of weapons.

They were not plotted on any geographical map and bore conventional names: Chelyabiisk-70, Sverdlovsk-44, Krasnoyarsk-26, etc. These cities were distinguished by a high level of amenities, good supplies and complete closure.

The special nature of the work, the strictest requirements for discipline and compliance with production technology, the highest qualifications of workers - all this has formed in these cities unique labor teams capable of mastering the production of any, no matter how complex, products.

As an example of a closed city, the most famous among them is Arzamas-16, created in 1946 on the site of the famous Sarbva monastery.

Surrounded by dense Mordovian forests, which then received the status of the Mordovian State Reserve, the center was especially secret. He was given the task of eliminating the US monopoly on nuclear weapons. World-class theoretical physicists such as three times Heroes of Socialist Labor Yu. B. Khariton, Ya. B. Zeldovich, A. D. Sakharov and many others worked at this scientific center.

It was in Arzamas-16 (now the city of Serov) that the first atomic and hydrogen bombs in the USSR were created, and subsequent generations of nuclear weapons were developed. Today the Russian Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov is a large multi-purpose research center. And the Sarov Avangard plant is dismantling the warheads it once produced as part of the nuclear weapons reduction program.

Where are air and space weapons produced?

The aviation and rocket and space industries are located in large cities - centers of concentration of qualified personnel.

Finished products - airplanes, helicopters, ballistic missiles and others - are assembled from thousands of parts supplied by related enterprises.

Military-industrial complex. 9th grade

The production of space complexes especially stands out for its complexity.

In most areas in space technology, our country is “ahead of the rest.” Unique Russian technologies enable long-term human flights in space.

Our designers have developed the world's best automatic docking system for spacecraft. Russia also holds the lead in the creation of large structures in outer space, film and inflatable structures. Now our space industry is involved in many international projects.

The Baikonur Cosmodrome (in Kazakhstan) is now used by Russia on a lease basis. From here Russian and foreign cosmonauts go into space.

In Russia itself there are currently two cosmodromes. One of them is Plesetsk.

At the end of the 1950s. Among the forests, lakes and swamps of the Plesetsk district of the Arkhangelsk region, a test site for strategic missile forces and its “capital” - the city of Mirny - were built.

Since 1966, spacecraft have been launched from here. Since that time, Plesetsk has become the most “working” cosmodrome in the world, having no equal in the number of launches (more than 1,500). But it also remains a military training ground - it was here, for example, that the new Russian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) Topol-M, which formed the backbone of our country’s strategic nuclear forces at the beginning of the 21st century, got its start in life.

In the Amur region, on the basis of the former garrison of a strategic missile division, the second Svobodny cosmodrome in Russia was recently created. The first satellite was launched from there in March 1997.

Almost all unmanned spacecraft are controlled from Krasnoznamensk near Moscow (Golitsyno-2), and manned ones are controlled from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Korolev, Moscow Region.

Research and development organizations in the industry are concentrated largely in the Moscow region. Almost all Russian airplanes and helicopters are designed here, and intercontinental ballistic missiles and launch vehicles are developed.

Rice. 41. Products of the Russian military-industrial complex

A powerful aerospace complex has been formed in the Volga region.

Among its many large centers, Samara occupies a special place in the domestic cosmonautics, where launch vehicles, rocket engines and satellites for various purposes, including photo reconnaissance aircraft, are developed and manufactured. In Nizhny Novgorod, the Sokol aircraft manufacturing plant, which produced fighter aircraft designed by S.

A. Lavochkina La-5 and La-7. It was on these machines that the number one Soviet ace and three-time Hero of the Soviet Union, I.N. Kozhedub, achieved all his victories (shooting down 62 enemy aircraft). Among the plant's current military products is the world's most powerful fighter-interceptor, the MiG-31.

Almost all the Mi-24 combat helicopters that fought in Afghanistan were manufactured in Arsenyev (Primorsky Territory), and now the world's first combat helicopter, the Ka-50, better known as the “Black Shark,” is being produced.

The unique anti-ship missile “Mosquito”, called “Sunburn” (“Sunburn”) in the West, is also made here. This missile, capable of destroying an aircraft carrier, rushes to the target at a height of only 5 m at a speed of 2.5 times the speed of sound, automatically performing anti-aircraft maneuvers, which makes the Mosquito virtually invulnerable.

The former artillery plant in Votkinsk (in Udmurtia), founded in the 19th century, is now the only enterprise in Russia for the production of intercontinental ballistic missiles (Topol-M).

Where are other military-industrial complex products produced?

Among the centers of artillery and small arms weapons, we highlight Izhevsk in Udmurtia.

Do you know which Russian industrial product is the most widespread in the world? This is the famous AK-47 - a Kalashnikov assault rifle, produced in this city, and then produced in several other countries.

In total, several tens of millions of pieces were produced, and it was so popular that it even ended up on the state emblem of one of the African countries - Mozambique. Izhevsk became the “homeland” not only of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, but also of the Makarov pistol and Dragunov sniper rifle. The Nikonov assault rifle, a weapon of the 21st century, which has no analogues in many design solutions, was created here.

Motovilikha Plants in Perm continues to be one of the largest manufacturers of modern weapons, including multiple launch rocket systems Grad, Uragan and Smerch.

From the centers of the armored industry, find Nizhny Tagil, Kurgan and Omsk on the map.

The Nizhny Tagil production association "Uralvagonzavod", which produces the most popular tanks of the last quarter of our century, the T-72 and the new T-90 missile and gun tanks, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest industrial enterprise.

Internationally recognized infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) are produced in Kurgan.

After the war, Omsk tank builders mastered the production of new formidable vehicles. One of the tanks produced today - the T-80UM "Bars" - is called by experts as powerful as the Dreadnought, fast and comfortable as a Mercedes. A new generation tank, the Black Eagle, was also created in Omsk, which is currently the best in the world.

The largest center of military shipbuilding in Russia since the time of Peter I is St. Petersburg. Local shipyards can build almost all types of warships, from attack boats to nuclear-powered missile cruisers. The largest center in the world and the only center of nuclear submarine shipbuilding in Russia is Severodvinsk.


Our country needs the military-industrial complex as a supplier of modern equipment and weapons for the Russian army (and for export) and as a “high-tech generator” for civilian sectors of the economy.

At the same time, the state is faced with the difficult task of partially transferring the military industry to peaceful ones. This will make it possible to introduce new technologies into all areas of the economy, retain highly qualified personnel, and achieve the competitiveness of high-quality peaceful products.

Questions and tasks

  1. Name the main products of the military-industrial complex. What brands of military aircraft, tanks, and small arms do you know?
  2. How can we explain the concentration of various military industries in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions?
  3. Compose abstracts:
    1. “New technologies of the military-industrial complex and their significance for civilian production”;
    2. "The military-industrial complex and its impact on the environment."
  4. How can we explain that it was in the military-industrial complex that the most highly qualified labor resources were concentrated? What qualities do you think people working at military-industrial complex enterprises should have? Why?

Military shipbuilding and armored industry

Military shipbuilding difficult to separate from civilian ones, since until recently most Russian shipyards worked for defense.

Nuclear submarines were previously produced in Nizhny Novgorod, Severodvinsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Currently, their production remains only in Severodvinsk.

The country has created a unique research and production base for underwater shipbuilding. Domestic designers have developed over 300 submarine designs, more than half of which were implemented in metal.

Russia is the world leader in the export of submarines, which were supplied to the fleets of 14 countries. Domestic boats hold records for speed (up to 50 knots per hour) and diving depth (up to 1,000 meters).

Only in Russia was the construction of submarines made of titanium alloys mastered. The first domestic nuclear submarine of Project 627 was built in 1958.

Other centers of military shipbuilding are a number of cities on rivers where small ships are produced (Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Zelenodolsk, etc.)

To date, the United Shipbuilding Corporation of Russia includes regional subholdings:

Northern Shipbuilding Center (Severodvinsk).

2. Western shipbuilding center (St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad).

3. Far Eastern shipbuilding center (Vladivostok).

4. Southern shipbuilding center (planned).

In Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region) there are four military and civil shipbuilding enterprises (Northern Machine-Building Enterprise - the world's largest center for the construction of nuclear submarine cruisers; the Zvezdochka ship repair center, SPO Arktika, OJSC Northern Road).

Modern technologies make it possible to create stealth frigates made of carbon fiber: they absorb or partially conduct radio waves through themselves, and this ensures invisibility from radars.

Such ships began to be built at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg.

Armor industry. Before the revolution, despite the presence of several original projects, tanks were not produced in Russia (only two prototypes were built).

On the basis of domestic and mainly foreign cars, armored vehicles were assembled by the Izhora, Putilov and Obukhov plants in the country's leading mechanical engineering hub - Petrograd. During the Civil War, production of armored vehicles, including half-tracks, continued. The first small series of light tanks was built at the Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod in 1920. A French captured tank was used as a sample. As a result of the development of the concept of the first Soviet tank at the Leningrad plant "Bolshevik" (Obukhov plant) in 1927-1931.

the first large series of light tanks MS-1 was produced, and in Kharkov, the leading industrial hub Ukraine, at the Kharkov Locomotive Plant named after the Comintern (KhPZ) in 1930.

Enterprises of the Military Industrial Complex of Russia

The production of a small series of T-24 medium tanks was organized.

During the Great Patriotic War, the geography of domestic tank building expanded sharply, especially to the territory of the Urals and the Volga region. The T-34 tanks that found the most widespread use in the war were produced at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Gorky, as well as at the Stalingrad Tractor Plant (STZ) and Uralvagonzavod in Nizhny Tagil.

The Moscow Ordzhonikidze Plant was evacuated to Sverdlovsk, the Leningrad Kirov Plant to Chelyabinsk, and the Leningrad Voroshilov Plant to Omsk and Barnaul. The main production of armored vehicles took place there.

In the post-war years until the end of the 80s.

Mass production of armored vehicles continued. The main centers of tank production remained Nizhny Tagil, Omsk, Kharkov, Leningrad, and Chelyabinsk.

The armored industry was one of the most developed branches of the military-industrial complex of the USSR. Over the last period at factories former USSR 100 thousand tanks were produced. Of the four Russian factories, tanks are now produced at only two - in Nizhny Tagil and Omsk, while the factories in St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk are being repurposed.

Armored personnel carriers (APCs) are produced in Arzamas, and infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) are produced in Kurgan.

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them. M.V. Lomonosov

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on economic and social geography of Russia.

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Question 1

    Meaning and role in economics. Specific features.

    Composition of the complex.

    Communication with other industries and complexes.

    Territorial organization, placement factors.

    Problems and prospects for the development of the complex.

Question 2 Infrastructure complex of Russia.

    Composition and significance of the complex.

    Characteristics of the most important types of transport.

    Services sector.

    Current status, development problems.

List of used literature

Characteristics of the Russian military-industrial complex.

The military-industrial complex (MIC) of Russia is a powerful system of enterprises producing military equipment, weapons and ammunition.

The terms “military industry” and “defense” are also used as synonyms for the military-industrial complex.


The military-industrial complex includes:

— research organizations (their task is theoretical developments);

— design bureaus (KB) creating prototypes (prototypes) of weapons;

— testing laboratories and testing grounds, where, firstly, the “finishing” of prototypes takes place in real conditions, and secondly, the testing of weapons that have just left the factory walls;

- manufacturing enterprises where mass production of weapons is carried out.

But in addition to military products, military-industrial complex enterprises produce civilian products.

Most of the refrigerators, tape recorders, computer equipment, vacuum cleaners and washing machines in Russia were produced at military-industrial complex enterprises. And televisions, video recorders, cameras and sewing machines were produced only in military factories.

Thus, the military-industrial complex concentrates the production of more complex products.

contributed to the high technical level of most military-industrial complex enterprises. This was the sector of the national economy in which production was at the level of the best world standards, and in many cases exceeded it.

The military-industrial complex concentrated the most qualified and proactive personnel, the best

equipment and skilled production organizers.

Its scale was enormous. At the end of the 80s. About 4.5 million people were employed at 1,800 enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex, including 800 thousand in the field of science. This represented about a quarter of those employed in industry. Taking into account family members, 12-15 million were directly associated with him.

people, that is, every tenth resident of Russia.

The costs of maintaining the army and the military-industrial complex were borne by the entire population of the country, reducing

his standard of living. In the defense industry, the prevailing belief was that the most important thing was to produce as much product as possible.

A feature of the military-industrial complex is the location of many of its enterprises in “closed” states.

childbirth, which until recently was not mentioned anywhere, they were not even marked on geographical maps.

Only recently did they receive real names, and before that they were designated by numbers (for example, Chelyabinsk-70).

The military-industrial complex consists of several main industries:

— Production of nuclear weapons

— Aviation industry

— Rocket and space industry

— Production of small arms

— Production of artillery systems

— Military shipbuilding

— Armored industry.

The nuclear weapons complex is part of the Russian nuclear industry.

It includes the following productions.

1. Extraction of uranium ore and production of uranium concentrate. In Russia, only one uranium mine is currently operating in Krasnokamensk (Chita region). Uranium concentrate is also produced there.

2. Uranium enrichment (separation of uranium isotopes) occurs in the cities of Novouralsk (Svedlovsk-44), Zelenogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-45), Seversk (Tomsk-7) and Angarsk.

Russia has 45% of the world's uranium enrichment capacity. With production cuts nuclear weapons these industries are increasingly export-oriented. The products of these enterprises go both to civilian nuclear power plants and to the production of nuclear weapons and industrial reactors for the production of plutonium.

The production of fuel elements (fuel rods) for nuclear reactors is carried out in Elektrostal and Novosibirsk.

4. Production and separation weapons-grade plutonium is now carried out in Seversk (Tomsk-7) and Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26).

Plutonium reserves in Russia have been accumulated for many years to come, but nuclear reactors these cities do not stop because they provide them with heat and electricity. Previously, a major center of plutonium production was Ozersk (Chelyabinsk-65), where in 1957, due to a failure of the cooling system, one of the containers in which liquid production waste was stored exploded.

What is the role of the military-industrial complex in the Russian economy? Characteristics of the military-industrial complex of Russia

As a result, an area of ​​23 thousand km was contaminated with radioactive waste.

5. The assembly of nuclear weapons took place in Sarov (Arzamas-16), Zarechny (Penza-19), Lesnoy (Sverdlovsk-45) and Trekhgorny (Zlatoust-16). The development of prototypes was carried out in Sarov and Snezhinsk (Chelyabinsk-70). The first atomic and hydrogen bombs were developed in Sarov, where the Russian Federal Nuclear Center is now located.

6. Disposal of nuclear waste is one of the most difficult environmental problems today.

The main center is Snezhinsk, where waste is processed and buried in rocks.

The aviation industry is located, as a rule, in large industrial centers, where finished products are assembled at parent enterprises from parts and assemblies supplied by hundreds (and sometimes thousands) of subcontractors.

Main placement factors manufacturing enterprises– convenience of transport links and availability of qualified labor. And the design of almost all types of Russian aircraft is carried out by the Moscow and Moscow region design bureaus. The only exception– Beriev Design Bureau in Taganrog, where amphibious aircraft are produced.

The rocket and space industry is one of the most knowledge-intensive and technically complex industries.

For example, an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) contains up to 300 thousand systems, subsystems, individual instruments and parts, and a large space complex contains up to 10 million. Therefore, there are many more scientists, designers and engineers in this field than workers.

Research and development organizations in the industry are concentrated

largely in the Moscow region.

ICBMs (in Moscow and Reutov), ​​rocket engines (in Khimki and Korolev), cruise missiles (in Dubna and Reutov), ​​and anti-aircraft missiles (in Khimki) are being developed here.

And the production of these products is scattered throughout almost all of Russia.

ICBMs are produced in Votkinsk (Udmurtia), ballistic missiles for submarines are produced in Zlatoust and Krasnoyarsk. Launch vehicles for launching spacecraft are produced in Moscow, Samara and Omsk.

Spacecraft are produced there, as well as in St. Petersburg, Istra, Khimki, Korolev, and Zheleznogorsk.

The main cosmodrome of the former USSR was Baikonur (in Kazakhstan), and in Russia now the only operating cosmodrome is in the city of Mirny, Arkhangelsk region (near the Plesetsk station). Anti-aircraft missile systems tested at the Kapustin Yar test site in the Astrakhan region.

The military space forces and all unmanned spacecraft are controlled from the city of Krasnoznamensk (Golitsyno-2), and manned ones are controlled from the flight control center (MCC) in the city of Korolev, Moscow Region.

Artillery and small arms are a very important branch of the military-industrial complex.

The most famous and widely produced type of small arms is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is used in at least 55 countries (and in some it is even depicted on the state emblem).

The main centers for the production of small arms are Tula, Kovrov, Izhevsk, Vyatskie Polyany ( Kirov region), and the presenter science Center is located in Klimovsk (Moscow region). Artillery systems are produced mainly in Yekaterinburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod.

The armored industry was one of the most developed branches of the military-industrial complex.

Over the last period, factories of the former USSR produced 100 thousand tanks. Now a significant part of them is subject to destruction within the framework of the Arms Limitation Treaty in Europe. Of the four Russian factories, tanks are now produced at only two - in Nizhny Tagil and Omsk, while the factories in St. Petersburg and Chelyabinsk are being repurposed.

Armored personnel carriers (APCs) are produced in Arzamas, and infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) are produced in Kurgan.

Military shipbuilding is difficult to separate from civilian shipbuilding, since until recently most Russian shipyards worked for defense.

The largest shipbuilding center since the time of Peter I is St. Petersburg, where there are about 40 enterprises in this industry. Almost all types of ships were built here.

Nuclear submarines were previously produced in Nizhny Novgorod and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Currently, their production remains only in Severodvinsk. Other centers of military shipbuilding are a number of cities on rivers where small ships are produced (Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Zelenodolsk, etc.)

Speaking about the Russian military-industrial complex, one cannot fail to mention such a concept as the conversion of the military-industrial complex (from the Latin word conversic - change, transformation).

It means transferring military production to civilian products. This is vitally important for Russia, since it is economically impossible to maintain the previous volumes of arms production, and even from a purely military point of view it is not necessary, since former potential adversaries become Russia’s partners.

At the same time, the most advanced technologies are concentrated in the military-industrial complex. It is necessary to preserve them during conversion so that qualified personnel can contribute to the creation of new civilian industries.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the production of the most effective types of military equipment in order to be able to equip the Russian army with the most modern weapons, as well as supply weapons to other countries.

Until recently, all information on such an industry of the military-industrial complex as the production of armored vehicles was closed. IN last years, due to general course to greater openness, the commercial interest of manufacturers in advertising their products, the desire to expand exports in mass media And specialized literature Many publications have appeared about production in the military-industrial complex.

Russia has actually lost most of the traditional markets for its weapons.

Foreign firms compete not only in the trade of new equipment, but even in the modernization of Soviet equipment of past decades, which is in service with the armies of a number of countries. The problem of reviving domestic production now

is becoming more and more relevant.

Another problem facing the military-industrial complex is the problem of conversion.

It's too complicated, it doesn't have simple solutions, requires constant attention and time. Even in the United States, a country with a developed market economy and a powerful civilian industrial sector, it required a large-scale structural maneuver and a radical change in the entire system of procurement of weapons and military equipment.

The economy of the USSR historically developed as a militarized economy, oriented towards a purely cost-intensive production structure, incapable of competition, oriented towards a closed domestic market.

Attempts at reforms made in some years failed. One got the impression that the created system was not capable of reform through evolutionary means.

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To determine what the role of the military-industrial complex is in the Russian economy, it is necessary to understand the meaning this concept. The first person to coin the term military-industrial complex was the President of the United States of America, Dwight Eisenhower. By the concept he meant not only the scale of production of weapons and military goods, but also other structures that support the power and combat effectiveness of the state’s armed forces.

The military-industrial complex in the modern Russian Federation can be a more narrow-profile term. The Russian military-industrial complex is a structure that includes production facilities, design bureaus, and research institutes that are directly involved in the production of military equipment, guns and shells.

Connection between civil and military sectors

Military-industrial complex enterprises are not only objects military orientation. Factories and factories that work primarily for civil society also provide the army with everything they need. These are the light, food, woodworking, and chemical industries. One of the key sectors supporting the military-industrial complex is mechanical engineering. This includes the production of vehicles, instruments, and equipment for other industries. Although these branches of the military-industrial complex are not leading in the state’s military industry, they ensure the integrity and productivity of defense facilities.

There is also Feedback. The peculiarities of the Russian military-industrial complex do not end with the work of civilian enterprises for the country's army. It so happened that in the absence of special orders, the factories of the complex are engaged in the production of household and household goods. This is mainly home appliances.

Composition of the Russian military-industrial complex

The structure of the Russian military-industrial complex includes the following components:

  • research institutes that engage in theory development and design research;
  • design bureaus, whose employees are responsible for creating experimental models and prototypes of real weapons;
  • experimental laboratories, bases, testing grounds and airfields, where tests of technical equipment and their elements are carried out before launching into mass production;
  • production facilities: factories and enterprises producing defense industry objects;
  • consulting firms that help solve commercial, marketing, legal, financial and foreign economic issues.

Formations of the Russian military-industrial complex

The military-industrial complex of Russia was formed at the stage of industrialization in the Soviet Union. Increased ergonomic and strength requirements began to be imposed on the production of defense industry objects. According to government requirements, the weapon had to be as simple as possible so that any soldier without special skills could use it.

In the defense industry, highly skilled workers were highly valued, so wages and social benefits were much higher for workers in this industry.

To understand the role of the military-industrial complex in the Russian economy, you need to estimate the number of people employed in this area. At the time of perestroika, about five million people worked in the state's defense sector. This is twenty-five percent of all employees industrial production. Scientific personnel made up a fifth of all specialists.

The role of the military-industrial complex for society

All developments of the military-industrial complex are financed by the population of the country. At the same time, not all products produced by defense enterprises are necessary only for combat operations. The country, first of all, must show the power of its army to others. In this case, weapons act as a deterrent.

One of the main prerequisites for the development of the military-industrial complex is doctrine. This normative document establishes the goals and objectives of defense, determines its role in the international arena, opportunities, and threats from potential adversaries.

The Russian military-industrial complex has always been distinguished by the production of a large number of various weapons. In Soviet times, the country produced defense industry objects many times more than all potential adversaries combined.

The design and production of military equipment helps to introduce new advanced methods into other industries. Based on developments in the defense sector, modern motor vehicles, ships, aircraft, communications and computing devices. And this is only because they do not have sufficient potential for the defense sector.

Industry structure

The branches of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation include a set of production and research facilities that provide the army with everything necessary. The military-industrial complex, in addition to the production of objects, is also characterized by a leadership and management apparatus.

It is in this sector that the most qualified personnel work and the best achievements of science are collected. This is due to the fact that the military-industrial complex produces equipment of complex design.

Geographical division

Military-industrial complex enterprises are evenly located throughout the Russian Federation. Each region has at least one link that is part of the defense industry. But depending on the required conditions, different industries are based in different places.

In large cities, there are knowledge-intensive facilities that are difficult to implement and require qualified personnel. In first place is the capital - Moscow, important points for military-industrial production are St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk.

A peculiarity of the geography of elements of the defense sector is the creation of closed towns. Previously, they were listed under assigned numbers, and only now they received names. In such populated areas it is easy to ensure the secrecy regime that is necessary to preserve industrial secrets and technologies. In closed cities, as a rule, the social level is an order of magnitude higher.

The location of industrial facilities was influenced by geographical, strategic and other factors that determine the convenience of the location. For example, development nuclear warheads occurs in the most remote corners countries, and military shipbuilding is developed in places with water areas. The latter include the cities of Taganrog, Severodvinsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The center for the production of small arms is Tula, and the center of artillery is the Urals. Space objects are based in places remote from populated areas.

Aviation industry

Factors influencing the location of aviation industry facilities are:

  • the ability to assemble a finished product from parts and assemblies;
  • availability of highly professional specialists;
  • convenient transport interchange.

Mostly all design bureaus are located in Moscow and the Moscow region. The only design bureau that develops the design and technology of an amphibious aircraft is located in Taganrog.

Basically, the capital is the center of the aviation industry. Companies that produce world-famous aircraft brands such as Yak, Il, Tu, Su and others carry out their work here. In the Moscow region they are engaged in the production of individual parts of aircraft.

The largest aviation facilities are located not only in Moscow, but also in Smolensk, Voronezh, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Omsk, Irkutsk.

Rocket and space industry

The modern military-industrial complex of Russia cannot be imagined without the rocket and space industry, which is the most knowledge-intensive, expensive and complex to implement. The capital and its surrounding areas are the base for scientific research and technology development. This is explained by the fact that there is access to highly qualified personnel. It is in Moscow that specialists are developing ballistic, cruise, anti-aircraft missiles and engines.

For security and secrecy reasons, rocket and space industry enterprises are not located in close proximity to state borders.

The country's main cosmodrome is located in the Arkhangelsk region. It is from here that military artificial satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles are launched. To support this industry within the framework of international cooperation, the Russian Federation leases the Baikonur cosmodrome from Kazakhstan.

Artillery and rifle complex

The importance of the military-industrial complex in the Russian economy cannot be overestimated. Thanks to the production of unique products, the defense industry brings good income to the country's budget. One of bright examples is a small arms, namely a Kalashnikov assault rifle. It is known throughout the world and is the most widespread type of this type of weapon.

Enterprises engaged in the production of artillery and small arms are located near metallurgical plants. This is economically due to a decrease in the number of goods transport operations.

The Urals are rightfully considered the center of artillery production. It is in Yekaterinburg and Perm that the Grad, Smerch, Hurricane multiple launch rocket systems, guns, howitzers, mortars, anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles are manufactured.

Armor industry

The influence of the military-industrial complex on the Russian economy may not be positive. For example, the armored tank industry is currently in a period of deep crisis. The authorities are trying to reorient and repurpose the facilities of this complex. Only the plant for the production of armored personnel carriers in Kurgan is distinguished by stability in its work. Many of the industries in this industry this moment engaged in booking passenger cars.

Military shipbuilding

It is impossible to assess the role of the military-industrial complex in the Russian economy without characterizing the shipbuilding complex. Thanks to this branch of the military-industrial sector, construction companies are always provided with work. Most of the enterprises involved in the manufacture of warships are based in the central part of the Russian Federation. This is necessary to increase the level of security of such objects.

The production of submarines is now practically non-existent. The shipbuilding defense complex facilities are located in Northern capital state - St. Petersburg. In addition to it, the centers of ship production are Nizhny Novgorod, Severodvinsk, Kaliningrad and Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Enterprises in this sector are characterized by a narrow focus and a monopolized market. Military shipbuilding is one of the first sectors to suffer from the economic crisis.

Nuclear industry

This sector consists of two parts:

  • nuclear power;
  • nuclear weapons complex.

The nuclear industry is most often secret facilities located in closed military camps. the main objective their work is to protect the nuclear space and security of the Russian Federation. Previously, these were bases equipped with everything necessary. The people living on their territory, although they were limited in their actions, had a better standard of living.

Now the demand for nuclear products has fallen, so the enterprises are no longer so secretive. They begin to expand the range of products they produce, surprising with their versatility. Many nuclear industry facilities are engaged in the dismantling and elimination of nuclear weapons.

Uranium industry

The uranium industry plays a key role in everything military-industrial complex. This sector includes:

  • extraction of this natural resource;
  • enrichment;
  • metallurgy.

The main uranium deposits are located in the Irkutsk region.


In order to understand what the role of the military-industrial complex is in the Russian economy, it is necessary to analyze separately each industry included in it, because all sectors have their own characteristics and focus. For this reason, the production of some objects replenishes the country’s budget with good amounts, while others require additional funding. The defense sector provides jobs for millions Russian citizens, is the engine of progress and helps bring the country's economy out of the financial crisis. Thanks to the achievements of the military sector, other areas of society are developing.