Computing center of Moscow State University. MSU Research Computing Center

As part of the project, the following events will be held at Moscow State University in October - December 2018:

  • “Socio-economic geography of the Russian border: us and our neighbors” (Department of Geography, Moscow State University). October 6, 2018, starts at 15.00. Target audience: geography teachers, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Difficult issues in the school chemistry course - methodological approaches and recommendations” (Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University). October 13, 2018, starts at 15.00. Target audience: chemistry teachers of secondary educational institutions, methodologists. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Methods for solving geometric problems in mathematics (OGE, Unified State Exam, Olympiads)” (Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Moscow State University). October 13, 2018, starts at 15.00. Target audience: mathematics teachers, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Selected problems of the Olympiads in mathematics “Lomonosov” and “Conquer the Sparrow Hills”” (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University). October 20, 2018, starting at 12.30. The target audience is high school mathematics teachers. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Final school essay: subject and objectives” (Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University). October 20, 2018, starting at 15.00. The target audience is teachers of Russian language and literature, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Why should schoolchildren know about supercomputers?” (Research Computing Center of Moscow State University). October 27, 2018, starting at 11.00. Target audience: teachers of mathematics, computer science, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Alexander II and the Great Reforms” (Department of History, Moscow State University). October 27, 2018, starting at 14.00. Target audience: history teachers, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Modern astronomy and teaching astronomy at school” (P.K. Sternberg State Astronomical Institute, Moscow State University). October 27, 2018, starting at 16.00. Target audience: teachers of physics and astronomy, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Research projects of schoolchildren in the field of applied mathematics and physics” (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University). November 10, 2018, starting at 15.00. Target audience: teachers of mathematics, physics, computer science, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “The collapse of the “Great Alliance”: why the USSR and France could not stop Hitler together” (Department of History, Moscow State University). November 17, 2018, starting at 14.00. Target audience: history teachers, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Robotics and mechatronics” (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University). November 17, 2018, starting at 15.00. Target audience: physics, computer science, technology teachers, additional education teachers, robotics teachers. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Digital technologies for preparing for the Unified State Exam in English” (Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies of Moscow State University). November 24, 2018, starting at 10.45. Target audience: teachers and teachers of foreign languages, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Reserved territories of Russia and environmental safety: teaching methods at school” (Faculty of Soil Science, Moscow State University). November 24, 2018, starting at 11.00. Target audience: teachers of geography, biology, primary school, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Interdisciplinary research projects under the guidance of a Russian language teacher” (Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University). November 24, 2018, starting at 15.00. The target audience is teachers of Russian language and literature, teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:
  • “Human ecology at school: educational technologies and project activities” (Department of Geography, Moscow State University). December 01, 2018, starts at 15.00. The target audience is teachers of biology, geography, ecology, methodologists and teachers of additional education. You can get more detailed information and register on the website:

Participation in project events is free. All participants will be issued MSU certificates.

Please note that to participate in any of the events you must pre-register.

  1. Register on the website (if not already registered). To do this, on the event page you need to go to the “Participation” tab, on the tab that opens, click the “Login to your personal account” button, then “Register”, fill out all the fields in the form that opens and click the “Register” button at the bottom of the form.
  2. After registering on the site, go back to the page of the event you are interested in, go to the “Participation” tab, and on the tab that opens, click the “I will participate!” button.
  3. To enter the event in the Moscow State University building, you must have a passport. You will also need to additionally register on site.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Computing Center of Moscow State University- scientific department of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.


The Moscow State University Computing Center was created in 1955 at the Department of Computational Mathematics on the basis of the Department of Computers of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. It was the first computer center in the university system and one of the first in the USSR in general. The creation of a computer center at Moscow State University was caused by the need to train a large number of highly qualified specialists in the field of computer science, as well as specialists who can solve complex scientific and national economic problems using the most modern computer technology.

The initiator of the creation of the computer center was academician S. L. Sobolev, who headed the department of computational mathematics. The organizer and first director of the computer center was the professor of the department I. S. Berezin. Ivan Semyonovich Berezin not only created the CC, but also determined its work style and traditions for many years.

The computing power of the center in the first years of its existence amounted to over 10% of the total computing power of all computers then available in the USSR. It quickly acquired the status of a major scientific center. Already in the first years, it solved the most important national economic problems related to meteorology, the launch of rockets and artificial Earth satellites, manned flights in space, aerodynamics, electrodynamics, structural analysis, mathematical economics, etc. Great success was also achieved in solving theoretical problems. problems of numerical analysis and programming. For these and other works, a number of employees of the computer center were awarded orders and medals, the Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University, the State Prize of the USSR and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The status of the computer center has changed several times. From 1955 to 1972, it was an institution that was part of the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. From 1972 to 1982, it was an institute within the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and was named the Moscow State University Research Computing Center (NICC). In 1982, the Research Computing Center was separated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics and became one of the institutes of Moscow University, reporting directly to the rector’s office.

After Professor I. S. Berezin, the directors of the computer center at different times were Academician V. V. Voevodin, Professor E. A. Grebenikov, Associate Professor V. M. Repin.

Activities of the center

The computer center has always been equipped with the most advanced Soviet technology. Already in December 1956, the first serial Soviet machine “Strela” was installed at the Exhibition Center. By the way, many modern ideas were implemented in it (it had special processors for quickly executing short programs, programming was carried out in terms of vector operations, etc.). In 1961, the M-20 vehicle was installed, in 1966 - BESM-4. By 1981, four “BESM-6”, two “ES-1022”, “Minsk-32”, two “Mir-2” computers and the world’s first lampless computer “Setun” with a ternary system, developed in the TC itself, were functioning Reckoning.

The computer center has various contacts with all departments of Moscow State University. But the closest interaction has always been with the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, headed by A. N. Tikhonov. Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov was the scientific director of the Moscow State University computer center for almost a quarter of a century. This was the period of formation of computational sciences at Moscow University. At this time, the computer center was most closely associated with the pedagogical process.

The MSU Computing Center and its divisions often became a place for coordinating the scientific efforts of representatives of various research organizations. Thus, for many years, at the Computing Center of Moscow State University there was a scientific seminar on the application of numerical methods in the dynamics of liquids and gases, which was organized and headed (together with G.F. Telenin, L.A. Chudov and G.S. Roslyakov) academician G.I. Petrov.

Currently, the director of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Tikhonravov.

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  • Mechanics at Moscow University / Ed. I. A. Tyulina, N. N. Smirnova. - M.: Iris-press, 2005. - 352 p. - ISBN 5-8112-1474-X.
  • Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University 80. Mathematics and mechanics at Moscow University / Ch. ed. A. T. Fomenko. - M.: Publishing house Moscow. University, 2013. - 372 p. - ISBN 978-5-19-010857-6.


An excerpt characterizing the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University

Nikolai gloomily, continuing to walk around the room, glanced at Denisov and the girls, avoiding their gaze.
“Nikolenka, what’s wrong with you?” – asked Sonya’s gaze fixed on him. She immediately saw that something had happened to him.
Nikolai turned away from her. Natasha, with her sensitivity, also instantly noticed her brother’s condition. She noticed him, but she herself was so happy at that moment, she was so far from grief, sadness, reproaches, that she (as often happens with young people) deliberately deceived herself. No, I’m having too much fun now to spoil my fun by sympathizing with someone else’s grief, she felt, and said to herself:
“No, I’m rightly mistaken, he should be as cheerful as I am.” Well, Sonya,” she said and went out to the very middle of the hall, where, in her opinion, the resonance was best. Raising her head, lowering her lifelessly hanging hands, as dancers do, Natasha, energetically shifting from heel to tiptoe, walked through the middle of the room and stopped.
"Here I am!" as if she was speaking in response to the enthusiastic gaze of Denisov, who was watching her.
“And why is she happy! - Nikolai thought, looking at his sister. And how isn’t she bored and ashamed!” Natasha hit the first note, her throat expanded, her chest straightened, her eyes took on a serious expression. She was not thinking about anyone or anything at that moment, and sounds flowed from her folded mouth into a smile, those sounds that anyone can make at the same intervals and at the same intervals, but which a thousand times leave you cold, in the thousand and first times they make you shudder and cry.
This winter Natasha began to sing seriously for the first time, especially because Denisov admired her singing. She no longer sang like a child, there was no longer in her singing that comic, childish diligence that was in her before; but she still did not sing well, as all the expert judges who listened to her said. “Not processed, but a wonderful voice, it needs to be processed,” everyone said. But they usually said this long after her voice had fallen silent. At the same time, when this raw voice sounded with irregular aspirations and with efforts of transitions, even the expert judges did not say anything, and only enjoyed this raw voice and only wanted to hear it again. In her voice there was that virginal pristineness, that ignorance of her own strengths and that still unprocessed velvet, which were so combined with the shortcomings of the art of singing that it seemed impossible to change anything in this voice without spoiling it.
“What is this? - Nikolai thought, hearing her voice and opening his eyes wide. -What happened to her? How does she sing these days? - he thought. And suddenly the whole world focused for him, waiting for the next note, the next phrase, and everything in the world became divided into three tempos: “Oh mio crudele affetto... [Oh my cruel love...] One, two, three... one, two... three... one... Oh mio crudele affetto... One, two, three... one. Eh, our life is stupid! - Nikolai thought. All this, and misfortune, and money, and Dolokhov, and anger, and honor - all this is nonsense... but here it is real... Hey, Natasha, well, my dear! Well, mother!... how will she take this si? I took it! God bless!" - and he, without noticing that he was singing, in order to strengthen this si, took the second to the third of a high note. "My God! how good! Did I really take it? how happy!” he thought.
ABOUT! how this third trembled, and how something better that was in Rostov’s soul was touched. And this was something independent of everything in the world, and above everything in the world. What kind of losses are there, and the Dolokhovs, and honestly!... It’s all nonsense! You can kill, steal and still be happy...

Rostov has not experienced such pleasure from music for a long time as on this day. But as soon as Natasha finished her barcarolle, reality came back to him again. He left without saying anything and went downstairs to his room. A quarter of an hour later the old count, cheerful and satisfied, arrived from the club. Nikolai, hearing his arrival, went to him.
- Well, did you have fun? - said Ilya Andreich, smiling joyfully and proudly at his son. Nikolai wanted to say “yes,” but he couldn’t: he almost burst into tears. The Count was lighting his pipe and did not notice his son’s condition.
“Oh, inevitably!” - Nikolai thought for the first and last time. And suddenly, in the most casual tone, such that he seemed disgusted to himself, as if he was asking the carriage to go to the city, he told his father.
- Dad, I came to you for business. I forgot about it. I need money.
“That’s it,” said the father, who was in a particularly cheerful spirit. - I told you that it won’t be enough. Is it a lot?
“A lot,” Nikolai said, blushing and with a stupid, careless smile, which for a long time later he could not forgive himself. – I lost a little, that is, a lot, even a lot, 43 thousand.
- What? Who?... You're kidding! - shouted the count, suddenly turning apoplectic red in the neck and back of his head, like old people blush.
“I promised to pay tomorrow,” said Nikolai.
“Well!...” said the old count, spreading his arms and sank helplessly onto the sofa.
- What to do! Who hasn't this happened to? - said the son in a cheeky, bold tone, while in his soul he considered himself a scoundrel, a scoundrel who could not atone for his crime with his whole life. He would have liked to kiss his father's hands, on his knees to ask for his forgiveness, but he said in a careless and even rude tone that this happens to everyone.

General information . NIVC consists of 20 research laboratories and two research and production divisions, the number of employees is 230 people. 79 researchers are involved in scientific research and development, incl. 4 corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 27 doctors of sciences and professors, 37 candidates of sciences. The institute's research work is supported by grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Russian Science Foundation and Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation (26 grants). Employees take part in work under the federal target program “Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2014–2020.”

The science . Research and development under state orders was carried out on 15 research topics within the framework of priority areas:

1. Fundamental problems of high-performance computing and data processing.

2. Fundamental problems of building automation systems, methodology, technology and security of large information systems.

3. Mathematical modeling, methods of computational and applied mathematics and their application to fundamental research in various fields of knowledge and nanotechnology.

4. Modern computer technologies in teaching.

“Development of the supercomputer complex of Moscow State University, training of highly qualified personnel in the field of supercomputer technologies”

Work continued on the use and development of supercomputer technologies in science, education and industry. The capabilities of the MSU Supercomputer Complex were used by more than 1000 users from many departments of the university and more than 150 scientific and educational organizations in Russia. Effective support has been provided for the Moscow State University Supercomputer Complex, which is the most powerful supercomputer center in Russia, and includes the Chebyshev and Lomonosov supercomputers. We provide technical and system monitoring, installation of updates, daily support for supercomputer users (solving technical issues, assistance in mastering supercomputers, consultations), and maintaining the functionality of equipment and system software.

In 2014, the most complex applied and fundamental problems were solved at the Moscow State University Supercomputer Complex. The interdisciplinary nature and versatility of supercomputer technologies have ensured their successful application in various fields of science and technology, including the development of supercomputer technologies, the creation of high-precision computational models and predictive modeling methods for the transfer of mechanical engineering, medicine, energy and the industry of new materials to a high-tech development model.

Based on the implementation of many projects to study the mathematical and physical principles of the development of supercomputer technologies, incl. exascale using technologies for processing large volumes of data, the creation of super-scalable algorithms, packages and software systems that implement high-precision computational models and predictive modeling methods, as well as methods for their implementation in the technological cycle of Russian industrial and scientific organizations is underway.

An extremely important result of this activity is the training of highly qualified personnel capable of using, developing and implementing new generation supercomputer technologies in practice. In 2014, the first stage of development of the Moscow State University Supercomputer Complex in the new territory was completed, associated with the preparation for commissioning of the new generation supercomputer “Lomonosov-2” with a performance of 2.5 Pflops.

"Development of university management information systems"

NIVC supports the operation of a server complex for data processing of administrative management information systems, created within the framework of the Moscow State University Development Program. Currently, the complex includes 28 blade servers, has 312 computing cores, over 3 TB of RAM and 150 TB of data storage space. The disks are combined into a fault-tolerant shared NetApp storage with technologies for caching the most frequently read data, creating disk snapshots, and the ability to back up to a tape library without interrupting services.

Protection is provided by 2 high-performance Checkpoint hardware firewalls with intrusion detection and prevention technology, operating in a failover cluster. The system implements multiple redundancy of power supplies. All system software components have FSTEC certificates.

Information systems for the administrative management of MSU developed at the Research Computing Center provide support for new admissions, the educational process, and accounting for staffing and personnel of MSU.

“Creation of a set of tools for automating the development processes and optimization of parallel programs”

Laboratory parallel information technologies(Head Corresponding Member of the RAS Vl.V. Voevodin). The goal of scientific research and development carried out in the laboratory is to create scientific, software and hardware solutions in the field of ensuring the efficiency of supercomputer centers of small, medium and high performance levels, as well as promising centers of ultra-high performance levels. The project is creating a set of methods and software aimed at ensuring the efficient functioning of existing computing systems and supercomputer centers of the future. This will speed up research in areas such as the oil and gas sector, mechanical engineering, production of new materials, ecology, energy and others. The application of the results obtained in this project will have a positive impact on the development of not only the supercomputer industry, but also science, technology and industry in general. As a result of the work, prototypes of software and hardware solutions will be developed that will cover the most significant aspects of the functioning of a large supercomputer complex in terms of its use, administration and support for its functioning.

To date, an analytical review of modern scientific, technical, regulatory, and methodological literature affecting the scientific and technical problem has been completed. The review includes an analysis of existing research in 8 different areas and shows that, despite the relevance and availability of a large number of works on the problem under consideration, at the moment there is no general approach to solving it. Various assessment techniques have been developed to reflect the total amount of data that needs to be collected and analyzed to obtain detailed information about the state of modern supercomputers. Based on these methods, appropriate assessments have been made that show the practical possibility of solving the tasks set within the project. The architecture of a prototype software system for ensuring the efficient operation of supercomputer centers has been developed and a set of its components has been determined. In the proposed architecture, the prototype consists of 4 interconnected logical blocks, each of which includes several components, often also interconnected. The proposed multi-component approach to implementing the prototype will allow, if necessary, to easily increase functionality, as well as add new or improve existing components. The developed tools and components are being tested at the Supercomputer Center of Moscow State University.

“Creation and development of information systems for educational and administrative purposes at Moscow State University”

Laboratories information systems and laboratory information systems for mathematical sciences(Head: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences O.D. Avraamova), laboratory organization and maintenance of databases(Head: Ph.D. A.D. Kovalev). In connection with the emergence of a new procedure for admission to universities, the AIS “Applicant” and the systems associated with it were modified - “Exam”, designed to provide encryption when checking written work of applicants, “Medical examination”, designed to dispatch the flow of applicants sent to the Moscow State University clinic, “ Olympiad”, used to support school Olympiads held by the university. A web-based system for generating and printing applications from applicants of all faculties and generating a structured data file has been created. The corresponding adapter for receiving structured data is built into the “Abiturient” system.

The AIS “Preparatory Department” was modernized in connection with changes in the rules for admission and training in vocational education.

The “Faculty of Military Education” subsystem has been developed and implemented as a module of a unified system of the educational complex, which makes it possible to record students studying in various programs at the Faculty of Military Education, in the context of their current academic status at the main faculty, as well as to assign additional scholarships due to them.

The development of the “MFK” web module has been carried out, allowing for independent online registration of students for interfaculty training courses. The “MFK” and “Student” systems implement adapters for the automated exchange of data on the range of training courses, the number of students and the grades they received.

The ability to print the third generation curriculum form in English (in hours and credit units) from the system has been added to the “Curriculum” module. The structure of the MSU subject classifier, which contains over 25 thousand positions, was modernized in order to adapt the model of interfaculty courses.

A mechanism has been created for transferring archival data from the Student AIS to the auxiliary database in order to limit the number of personal data subjects.

The “Postgraduate” system was created and put into operation on the basis of the 1C Enterprise platform, designed to record the contingent of graduate students, doctoral students, residents and interns of Moscow State University. Work has been carried out to consolidate data from various sources in order to initially populate the system database. More than 30 faculties are connected to the system.

The AIS “Pedagogical Load” was developed, which makes it possible to take into account more than 50 types of pedagogical work in accordance with the standards of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. It implements the ability to generate a general report on the teaching load with a user-defined grouping of data into sections and subsections of the report with the ability to detail each position down to the individual teacher and course.

The consolidation of data on budgetary staffing positions in the automated information system “Staffing and Personnel of Moscow State University” developed by the Research Computing Center is being completed, which allows for complete automation of personnel document flow and fully takes into account the characteristics of the academic institution. A system for authenticating AIS users using hardware security devices has been put into operation.

Employees of the laboratory for organizing and maintaining databases regularly carried out payroll calculations for university employees. The safety and security of information in databases containing the results of calculations and information about employees necessary to perform calculations and prepare regulated reports was ensured. Work was carried out to prepare reporting documents on paper and computer media for transmission to the pension fund and tax inspectorates in accordance with the requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Consultations were regularly provided to employees of the accounting departments of Moscow State University on all aspects of payroll calculation.

Work continued to ensure the automated exchange of personnel information between the “Staffing list and personnel of MSU” system and the payroll system “1C Salary and personnel of a budgetary institution” operated by the Research Computing Center. The operation of previously developed software for importing orders on admissions, dismissals, personnel transfers and personal data of employees prepared in the “MSU Staffing and Personnel” system was carried out. The previously developed software was modernized, taking into account the results of their operation.

“Mathematical models and experiment in electrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics”

Laboratory computational experiment and modeling(Head Prof. A.V. Tikhonravov). As part of the implementation of approved research topics, in 2014 the laboratory staff continued the development of highly efficient algorithms for the design of dispersive mirrors intended for operation in various devices for generating and processing ultrashort pulses.

The study of the behavior of the broadband monitoring system under various modes and parameters of deposition of multilayer optical coatings was continued. Work continued to improve the methodology for determining the parameters of layers of complex multilayer mirrors for innovative laser applications based on

1) on-line broadband monitoring data;

2) spectrophotometric data and

3) measurements of group delay and group delay dispersion.

The effectiveness of the technique has been proven on a wide range of experimental data obtained in collaboration with foreign partners.

Within the framework of the topic devoted to modeling the magnetic fields of galaxies, the role of random fluctuations in the formation and evolution of an obviously large-scale phenomenon - the solar magnetic activity cycle - was investigated. It turned out that the control parameters of the solar dynamo, which is the physical cause of the cycle, are burdened by noise, which leads to long-term evolution of the cycle on scales of tens and hundreds of cycles. In addition, noise components become significant during certain phases of the cycle, most notably during magnetic field reversals. As a result, the stochastic component of the solar cycle turns out to be much more significant than the stochastic components of more traditional physical phenomena.

As part of the creation of models and algorithms for processing spectroscopic analysis data, the development of a program for modeling the optical properties of thin films, based on the results of molecular modeling, continued. Methods for numerical modeling of the process of deposition of atoms onto a substrate are implemented in the form of a software package that allows modeling on a computer cluster with a large number of processor cores using parallel modeling technologies. The main attention is paid to modeling the optical parameters of amorphous substances and thin-layer structures themselves. A program has been developed for calculating the optical properties (refractive index and extinction) of thin films, which allows taking into account the inhomogeneity of the deposited structures. Mathematical models relating the parameters of the atomic structure of the sprayed coating with the refractive and absorption coefficients of the substance have been formulated and studied. The possibilities of calculating complex dielectric constant using quantum chemistry methods (based on the VASP software package) have been studied. The optical properties of thin layers obtained as a result of molecular modeling were calculated.

“Computational and information technologies for mathematical modeling of natural and anthropogenic changes in climate and natural environment”

Laboratory supercomputer modeling of natural and climatic processes(Head Corresponding Member of the RAS V.N. Lykosov). Research work in the laboratory was carried out on the topic “Computational and information technologies for mathematical modeling of natural and anthropogenic changes in climate and the natural environment.” The main attention was paid to research in the following areas.

In order to further develop climate models towards creating models of the Earth system, together with the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, based on a simple 5-component formulation, a computational unit for a local plasma-chemical model of the ionospheric D-layer has been developed. The properties of the differential problem are studied, the convergence of the solution to a stationary point determined by the total charge is shown, as well as the continuous dependence of the solution on the parameters of the system. An effective semi-implicit numerical scheme for solving the system, which has the law of conservation of charge, is constructed. The initial identification of a coupled model of the troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere and the ionospheric D-layer was carried out based on the use of direct local measurement data and empirical models of vertical electron density profiles. The problem of radio wave propagation in the D-layer of the ionosphere is considered, the model is identified using data on the absorption of short-wave waves and monitoring of medium- and long-wave radio signals. A satisfactory reproduction of the climatic characteristics of the ionospheric D-layer and the possibility of developing the presented model for use in applied problems are shown.

As part of the second direction, dedicated to the study of regional natural and climatic processes, the one-dimensional model of the reservoir is supplemented with parameterization of biochemical processes involving oxygen, carbon dioxide and methane. The model also includes seiche parameterization. Numerical experiments were performed to simulate methane emissions from lakes in the Seida area (Komi Republic). Using a regional atmospheric model, the sensitivity of mesoscale vortex disturbance to stratification, background flow velocity, water-air temperature difference, and turbulent closure was analyzed.

The third direction is associated with the development of a finite-difference eddy-resolving model designed to reproduce the statistical characteristics of turbulence in geophysical boundary layers at high Reynolds numbers. The model of the atmospheric boundary layer includes a block for calculating the Lagrangian transfer of tracers. A simple algorithm is proposed that requires significantly lower computational costs compared to known stochastic models of “subgrid” transport and allows tens of billions of particles to be transported simultaneously with the calculation of turbulent dynamics. The eddy-resolving model is used to determine the trace of scalar flows from a heterogeneous surface using the example of modeling turbulent flows over heterogeneous natural landscapes (using the example of small-scale lakes surrounded by forest). Such modeling makes it possible to clarify the methods for carrying out field measurements over the water surface near the shore. Calculations were carried out for numerical modeling of a turbulent Couette flow under conditions of stable density stratification and in the range of Reynolds numbers from 5200 to 100 thousand. Estimates of the characteristics of the turbulent flow regime were obtained in a parameter range expanded in comparison with the results of studies based on direct numerical modeling known from the literature.

“Methods for building information systems based on automated meaningful processing of semi-structured data”

Laboratory analysis of information resources(Head: Ph.D. B.V. Dobrov). The following results were obtained: an effective computational complex for parallel processing of large arrays of text information was formed; methods have been developed for visualizing cognitive schemes of objects and subjects of a thematic collection of news documents; methods have been developed to improve the composition of topic models that include multi-word expressions based on improving the selection of term-like words and expressions; prototypes of information and analytical systems for monitoring, analysis and forecasting of complex socio-political or scientific and technological processes were implemented based on the mass automated generation of analytical reports of various types by sequentially solving problems of search, classification, information extraction, clustering and review abstracting; An updated version of the Russian language thesaurus RuTez-Lite (100 thousand text inputs) for applications of automatic text processing and information retrieval has been published.

In the interests of the Bank of Russia, research work was carried out “Development of specialized technological solutions for presenting consolidated financial and economic information on the information portal.” The purpose of the research work was: optimization of the composition of information resources and services of the Consolidated Economic Department (SED), necessary for employees of the Bank of Russia; assessment of the quality of presentation of accumulated information on the EDMS portal; optimization of technological chains for supporting the quality of information support for EDMS; formation of recommendations for the development of information support for EDMS.

As part of the research work: the types of information resources needed by Bank of Russia employees were determined; a study of existing technological services used by Bank of Russia employees was conducted within the framework of the EDMS portal; recommendations have been developed for modifying technological chains for collecting and processing structured and unstructured information in the socio-economic sphere for the EDMS portal; recommendations have been developed for the development of information support for the EDMS portal.

“Research on the issues of building embedded telecommunication applications of increased reliability based on modern backbone-modular systems”

Laboratory mobile and embedded software systems(Head: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences I.V. Pochinok). AdvancedTCA (ATCA) is an open cluster system architecture designed primarily for telecommunications applications. Physically, the ATCA system is a collection of boards and modules located in a chassis. Modules can be added, removed, and replaced during system operation without powering down the chassis. The chassis provides all boards and modules with a common power supply, a common cooling system, and a set of signal lines for interaction between modules using standard network protocols.

For ATCA systems, software has been developed that provides support for various aspects of the system's operation: visual means of displaying the hardware and software environment of the system structure, viewing the status of sensors, viewing and editing information about system modules have been improved. Visual tools are supplemented with diagnostic tools for the status of modules; the set of functional blocks of the language for describing the hardware and software environment of the system has been expanded; a mechanism for updating the software of the chassis control module and board control modules has been implemented.

“Creation and software implementation of methods and algorithms for solving problems of numerical analysis”

Laboratory automation of software computing systems(Head Prof. O.B. Arushanyan). A quasi-linear model of the inverse Stefan problem is proposed, which, in a thermophysical interpretation, consists of determining the temperature field, phase front (for example, melting front) and the convective heat transfer coefficient from the temperature distribution and front position given at the final instant of time. The global bifurcation bifurcation and multiple buckling of a system with a pair of strong irrational nonlinear restoration forces, which is called a smooth and discontinuous oscillator, are studied. It is shown that the SD oscillator allows complex bifurcations of codimension three with two parameters at the catastrophe point. A numerical analysis of a semilinear parabolic problem in Banach space is performed. The problem of constructing a discrete dichotomy in a general formulation is formulated and shading theorems are proved, which allow one to compare solutions of a continuous problem with its discrete approximations in space and time. A new method for regularizing the inverse problem of heat conduction (the problem of historical climate) has been developed, which makes it possible to use the Fourier method to solve it. Unlike other methods, the proposed method does not lead to an increase in the order of the regularized differential equation. The correctness of the regularized problem is proved and estimates for the solution are obtained. An approximate analytical method for solving the Cauchy problem for systems of ordinary differential equations is proposed. The method is based on orthogonal expansions of the solution and its derivatives included in differential equations in a series in shifted Chebyshev polynomials of the 1st kind. It is shown that for non-rigid problems the method has high accuracy characteristics and greater stability compared to classical one-step and multi-step methods for the numerical solution of differential equations.

“Development and application of high-performance computational methods of molecular modeling to solve physical, physicochemical,

biophysical and medical problems"

Laboratory computing systems and applied programming technologies(Head: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences V.B. Sulimov). The stage of development of urokinase inhibitors (uPA) has been completed - together with the Faculty of Basic Medicine. The goal is to develop a new antitumor drug based on new inhibitors of the proteolytic center of urokinase. An original low-molecular urokinase inhibitor with an activity of about IC50 = 5 micromoles was obtained.

For the first time, the new quantum-chemical semi-empirical method PM7 was used for post-processing in the development of new inhibitors, in particular urokinase. This method is interesting because for the first time among all existing semi-empirical methods, it self-consistently takes into account corrections for dispersion intermolecular interactions and hydrogen bonds, which are absent in other semi-empirical methods. The PM7 method was shown to better describe protein-ligand interactions than the previously used MMFF94 force field.

Using the original generalized direct docking program FLM (Find Local Minima), a detailed study of the reliability of ligand positioning was carried out by finding the spectrum of low-energy local minima of the protein-ligand system using several different target functions and comparing the found positions with experimental ones. Studies were carried out on 16 protein-ligand complexes containing various proteins and ligands. It was revealed that taking into account the solvent in the continuum model during the docking process significantly improves the accuracy of ligand positioning. It was also shown that the use of the semi-empirical quantum chemical method PM7 gives better positioning results than the use of the MMFF94 force field.

Methods, algorithms and programs have been developed, incl. and for supercomputers, for the application of Bayesian network technology in the field of expert systems for personalized medicine. An original method for optimizing Bayesian networks by the number of nodes has been developed, and for several diseases it has been shown that it can significantly improve the quality of predicting adverse outcomes for patients, as well as identify parameters critical for predicting the condition of patients. This approach was applied to predict the outcome of breast cancer in collaboration with the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimov (responsible G.P. Gens), and as a result, appropriate prognostic models were developed and the most important prognostic factors were identified.

“Development of effective mathematical methods for modeling nonlinear problems of optics and acoustics”

Laboratory mathematical modeling(Head Prof. Ya.M. Zhileikin). The nonlinear excitation of an acoustic wave by two pump waves in a three-phase marine sediment, which consists of a solid frame and a liquid phase containing air cavities, has been studied. The interaction of waves was considered in the frequency range where significant dispersion of the speed of sound is observed. A numerical study of the dependence of the amplitude of the excited wave on the distance and on the resonant frequencies of the cavities was carried out. Methods for numerically solving integral equations using Galerkin-type methods have been studied. To solve the equations, wavelet transforms, methods of orthogonal bases and quadratures were used. Research has been carried out on the discrete wavelet transforms of Haar, Shannon and Daubechies, which are widely used in smoothing perturbed values ​​and detailed analysis of time-frequency signals. Further study of effective numerical methods for mathematical modeling of the propagation of high-power optical pulses and beams in media with various types of nonlinearity and initial intensity distribution was continued. Laboratory staff continue to carry out work together with the information systems laboratory: support of MSU management information systems and the 1C system (creation of remote access points), preparation of related documentation for the automated information systems “MSU Personnel”, “MSU Staffing List” and “Graduate Student”.

“Linguistic modeling of non-standard texts and the problem of choosing an adequate model for describing various language levels and processes”

Laboratory automated lexicographic systems(Head: Candidate of Philology O.A. Kazakevich). In 2014, the laboratory celebrated its 50th anniversary. It was founded in 1964 as a laboratory for structural typology of languages ​​and linguistic statistics on the initiative of B.A. Uspensky and V.M. Andryushchenko. Initially, it was located at the Department of German for Humanities faculties, then it was briefly transferred to the Institute of Oriental Languages, and in 1968 it became interfaculty, receiving a new name - the Laboratory of Computational Linguistics. Under this name, in 1979 it became part of the structure of the Research and Computing Center and in 1988 received its current name. The laboratory has established itself as a serious linguistic center in Moscow, maintaining a high scientific standard to this day.

An anniversary scientific conference was held (April 22, An article by O.A. Kazakevich and S.F. Chlenova about the history and modern directions of research at the laboratory was published (Bulletin of the Russian State University for the Humanities. No. 8. Series “Philological Sciences. Linguistics” / Moscow Linguistic Journal. T. 16. M., 2014).

Three topics were completed, supported by grants from the Russian Humanitarian Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Project “Creation of an Internet resource “Small languages ​​of Siberia: our cultural heritage”: based on the languages ​​of the Middle Yenisei basin and the Middle and Upper Taz” (RGNF, director O.A. Kazakevich; junior researcher M.I. Vorontsova , junior researcher Yu.E.Galyamin, programmers D.M.Vakhoneva, T.E.Reutt; A.V.Chvyrev, E.L.Klyachko, L.R.Pavlinskaya, K.K.Polivanov, I.N. Rostunov). A multimedia Internet resource has been created presenting materials on the three small languages ​​of Siberia - Selkup, Ket and Evenki:

Project “Expedition to the Selkups and Evenks of the Turukhansky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” (Russian State Humanitarian Fund, director O.A. Kazakevich; programmer D.M. Vakhoneva, students of the Russian State University for the Humanities and St. Petersburg State University). An expedition was carried out to the Turukhansky region, during which unique linguistic and sociolinguistic material was collected on the disappearing dialects of the Selkups of Turukhan and the Evenks of Sovetskaya Rechka (

“Scientific project of conducting an expedition to document the dialects of the Evenki Uchami and Yukta. Evenki municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory" (RFBR, director O.A. Kazakevich; programmer D.M. Vakhoneva; L.M. Zakharov, E.L. Klyachko). An expedition was carried out to the Evenki municipal district, during which valuable linguistic and sociolinguistic material was collected on the Evenki dialects of the villages of Uchami and Yukta (

“Research and development of lattice representation models and computational methods for processing objects of geometric-topological structure

in computer visualization systems"

Laboratory computer visualization(Head Corresponding Member of the RAS G.G. Ryabov). Based on representation theory, a definition of a symbolic matrix over a finite alphabet A=(0,1,2) is introduced as a bijection of complexes of k-faces in an n-cube. Methods and algorithms for reducing such matrices to k-diagonal form have been studied. A number of new properties of such matrices are proved, and, first of all, the ergodicity property when mapping matrices into a sequence of states of homogeneous Markov chains for one family of random matrices of transition probabilities. For the first time in the framework of the direction of algebraic combinatorics (Stanley, Vershik, Okunkov), a measure of combinatorial filling between classes of isomorphic shortest paths in the n-cube was introduced and calculated. A method of cone-oriented mapping of n-cube structures into a 3d polyhedron is proposed and tested to improve the visual analysis of multidimensional structures in an interactive mode.

“Inverse problems of synthesis of flat computer optics”

Laboratory development of image processing automation systems(Head Prof. A.V. Goncharsky). As part of the current research project, the problem of developing methods for automated control of the authenticity of nano-optical elements for the protection of banknotes was solved. Principles have been developed for the formation of the structure of nano-optical elements and protective features that are invariant with respect to the shift of the optical protective element relative to the control device. The use of nano-optical elements that form an image asymmetric relative to the zero order makes it possible to reliably protect nano-optical elements from imitation or counterfeiting. Security features are proposed that allow automated control that is invariant with respect to rotation in a given range of angles.

Together with FSUE GOZNAK, a patent was received for “Method of paper control and device for its implementation (variants).” The invention relates to technologies for monitoring paper (including banknotes) with optical security elements.

Another direction of the laboratory’s work on the topic “Inverse problems of synthesis of planar computer optics” is the development of nano-optical elements for the formation of 3D images. Using the method of mathematical modeling, the optimal parameters of optical elements that form 3D images for visual inspection were determined.

As part of the work on ultrasonic tomography, research was carried out on the development of algorithms for solving coefficient inverse problems for three-dimensional hyperbolic equations on supercomputers on graphics cards. The following main results were obtained:

Effective algorithms and numerical methods have been developed for solving direct and inverse 3D problems with a full range of data, focused on the use of graphics processors.

Software was developed and model calculations were carried out on the Lomonosov supercomputer on small computational grids.

The calculation results showed both the promise of three-dimensional (3D) tomography in comparison with layer-by-layer (2.5D) tomography in the case of wave sensing, and the advantages of using graphic processors compared to general-purpose processors. The specificity of solving the inverse problems under consideration is associated with the need for repeated calculations of wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium. Such calculations have a high degree of data parallelism. The GPU architecture allows you to “place” the entire task in the device’s high-performance graphics memory and process it in parallel, ultimately obtaining 20–30 times greater performance than using a conventional computer.

“Construction of simulation models of economic and financial activities and the creation of computer business games based on them”

Laboratory simulation modeling and business games(Head: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.V. Timokhov). The development of computer business games in the BUSINESS COURSE series continued, designed to develop skills in managing a company in a competitive environment and studying a wide range of issues related to the financial and economic activities of enterprises. Each individual program has an individual option (for self-education and independent study by students) and a collective option (for group classes under the guidance of a teacher). An extensive help system is integrated into each program, which is an electronic textbook on this topic. The BUSINESS COURSE series programs are used in the educational process of the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Public Administration and the Moscow School of Economics of Moscow State University, as well as a number of other educational institutions in the country.

– Symbolic calculations in n-cube structures and ergodic properties of symbolic matrices (G.G. Ryabov, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics);

– international conference “Marginalia-2014: borders of culture and text”.

Doctors and Candidates of Science 2014 . Leading researcher laboratory of information resources analysis LukashevichNatalya Valentinovna defended her dissertation on the topic “Models and methods for automatic processing of unstructured information based on an ontological knowledge base” for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.25.05 - information systems and processes). A specialized model for describing the conceptual model of the subject area is proposed, which is aimed at use for automatic text processing. The model was built as a result of many experiments on real text data and became the basis for several large computer resources for text processing, including the Socio-Political Thesaurus, the Russian Language Thesaurus RuTez, Ontology for Natural Sciences and Technologies (OENT), Avia-Ontology, etc. Methods for modeling the content of a connected text based on the proposed linguistic ontology model are considered.

N.s. laboratory of computer systems and applied programming technologies Katkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna defended her thesis “Application of molecular modeling methods for the development of new drugs.” The possibility of using a combination of docking and postprocessing methods, incl. using the new semi-empirical quantum chemical method PM7 to calculate protein-ligand binding energies.

Publications . Two issues of the journal “Computational Methods and Programming” have been published. Volume 15." 3 monographs, 5 textbooks, 2 collections of conference proceedings have been published.

The Computer Center of Moscow State University was created in 1955 on the basis of the Department of Computers of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. It was the first computer center in the university system and one of the first in our country in general. The creation of a computer center at Moscow State University was caused by the need to train a large number of highly qualified specialists in the field of computer science, as well as specialists who can solve complex scientific and national economic problems using the most modern computer technology.

The organizer and first director of the computer center was MSU professor Ivan Semenovich Berezin. I. S. Berezin not only created the CC, but also determined the style of its work and traditions for many years. The fundamental principles of the operation of the Computer Center are: attraction of highly qualified scientific and engineering personnel; use of modern computer technology; conducting research at the highest level; active participation in the pedagogical process; introduction of advanced computer technologies into practice.

Quite soon the computer center acquired the status of a large scientific center. Already in the first years, it solved the most important national economic problems related to meteorology, the launch of rockets and artificial Earth satellites, manned space flights, aerodynamics, electrodynamics, structural analysis, mathematical economics, etc. Great success was also achieved in solving theoretical problems. problems of numerical analysis and programming. For these and other works, a number of employees of the computer center were awarded orders and medals, the Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University, the State Prize of the USSR and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The computer center has always played a prominent role in the dissemination of advanced computer technologies. The forms of this distribution were very different. This is the provision of scientific and technical advice, the provision of computer time, the exchange of experience, and assistance in solving specific problems. The latter type of activity led to the creation in the computer center of the largest library of numerical analysis programs in our country.

The computer center paid and continues to pay special attention to the dissemination of advanced computer technologies at Moscow University itself. In addition to the above forms of dissemination, specific ones arose, related to the huge size of the university. It is difficult to manage such a large university. Therefore, back in the early 70s, the computer center took the initiative to create an automated information service at Moscow State University. In a short time, the “Student”, “Applicant”, and some others systems were developed and implemented, without which it is now impossible to imagine either the educational process, or the admission of students, or much more. The information service of Moscow State University is currently at the forefront of the interests of the computer center.

The computer center has always been equipped with the most advanced domestic technology. Already in December 1956. The first serial domestic machine "Strela" was installed in the VTs. By the way, many modern ideas were implemented in it. In today's language, it had special processors for quickly executing short programs, programming was carried out in terms of now fashionable vector operations, etc. In 1961, the M-20 machine was installed, in 1966 - BESM-4. By 1981, four BESM-6, two ES-1022, Minsk-32, two Mir-2 computers and the world’s first lampless computer “Setun” with a ternary number system, developed in the CC itself, were functioning in the CC.

To ensure the effective use of computer technology, highly qualified specialists are needed. And not so much in engineering, but in the field of programming, numerical methods, mathematical modeling, etc. That is why the main computer technology was concentrated in the computer center, where the necessary personnel with the required qualifications were available. However, the remoteness of MSU departments from each other and from the Computer Center significantly complicated access to computer technology. This led in the mid-70s to the idea of ​​creating a system for collective use at Moscow State University. Its main elements were to be a global network connecting the departments of Moscow State University with each other, and coordination of work at Moscow State University in the field of using computer technology. The leading organization in solving this problem was the computer center. For many reasons, the problem posed has not been completely solved, but it still has not lost its relevance.

The computer center has various contacts with all departments of Moscow State University. But the closest interaction has always been with the Department of Computational Mathematics, headed by A. N. Tikhonov. Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov was the scientific director of the Moscow State University computer center for almost a quarter of a century. This was the period of formation of computational sciences at Moscow University. At this time, the computer center was most closely associated with the pedagogical process. CC employees taught basic and special courses, conducted practical classes, organized terminal classes and taught students the basics of using computers. In the first years after the creation of the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, most of the teaching work there was carried out by employees of the computer center. Many former CC employees still work at the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology.

The status of the computer center has changed several times. From 1955 to 1972, it was an institution that was part of the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. From 1972 to 1982, it was an institute within the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and was named the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University. In 1982, the Research Computing Center was separated from the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology and became one of the institutes of Moscow University. He reports directly to the rector's office.

After prof. I. S. Berezina directors of the computer center at different times were corresponding members. V.V. Voevodin, prof. E. A. Grebenikov, associate professor V. M. Repin. Currently, the director of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Tikhonravov.


The computing center was created in 1955 on the basis of the computer department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. It was the first computer center in the university system and one of the first in the USSR in general. The creation of a computer center at Moscow State University was caused by the need to train a large number of highly qualified specialists in the field of computer science, as well as specialists who can solve complex scientific and national economic problems using the most modern computer technology.

The organizer and first director of the computer center was MSU professor Ivan Semenovich Berezin. I. S. Berezin not only created the CC, but also determined the style of its work and traditions for many years.

The MSU Computer Center quickly acquired the status of a major scientific center. Already in the first years, it solved the most important national economic problems related to meteorology, the launch of rockets and artificial Earth satellites, manned flights in space, aerodynamics, electrodynamics, structural analysis, mathematical economics, etc. Great success was also achieved in solving theoretical problems. problems of numerical analysis and programming. For these and other works, a number of employees of the computer center were awarded orders and medals, the Lomonosov Prize of Moscow State University, the State Prize of the USSR and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

The status of the computer center has changed several times. From 1955 to 1972, it was an institution that was part of the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. From 1972 to 1982, it was an institute within the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and was named the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University. In 1982, the Research Computing Center was separated from the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics and became one of the institutes of Moscow University. He reports directly to the rector's office.

After prof. I. S. Berezin directors of the computer center at different times were academician V. V. Voevodin, prof. E. A. Grebenikov, associate professor V. M. Repin.

Activities of the center

The computer center has always been equipped with the most advanced Soviet technology. Already in December 1956, the first serial Soviet machine “Strela” was installed at the Exhibition Center. By the way, many modern ideas were implemented in it. In today's language, it had special processors for quickly executing short programs, programming was carried out in terms of vector operations, etc. In 1961, the M-20 machine was installed, in 1966 - BESM-4. By 1981, four BESM-6, two ES-1022, Minsk-32, two Mir-2 computers and the world’s first lampless computer “Setun” with a ternary number system, developed in the CC itself, were functioning in the CC.

The computer center has various contacts with all departments of Moscow State University. But the closest interaction has always been with the Department of Computational Mathematics of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, headed by A. N. Tikhonov. Academician Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov was the scientific director of the Moscow State University computer center for almost a quarter of a century. This was the period of formation of computational sciences at Moscow University. At this time, the computer center was most closely associated with the pedagogical process.

Currently, the director of the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University is Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Tikhonravov.



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