National University of Information Technologies. International rankings of Russian IT universities

An IT specialist is one of the most in-demand professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to do to master such a profession? Where can you get this profession? What “inconveniences” do IT professionals face? Let's try to figure this out.

In the twenty-first century, information decides everything, and practically no industry operates without the use of information technology. Hence, there is constantly a high demand, both for the development and implementation of special programs for existing and newly opened enterprises, and for specialists in this field.

That is why an IT specialist is one of the most sought-after professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to do to master such a profession? Where can you get this profession? What “inconveniences” do they face? IT specialists? Let's try to figure this out.

Who is an IT specialist?

Scientists began developing information technologies back in the mid-twentieth century, when the need arose to automate the processing, systematization and storage of information, since classical sources (library, periodicals) could no longer cope with this task fully.

By the way, nowadays librarianship also cannot do without the use of technical support: the network of electronic libraries is expanding, ancient manuscripts and archives are entered into electronic file cabinets and duplicated in digital form. This makes rare editions more accessible to the general public, while access to original sources remains very limited.

The first computers (electronic computers), which appeared in the late sixties of the last century, have already sunk into the past. This technique recorded information on punched tapes, long strips of paper with a dot pattern. But such information also needed to be stored somehow. Since the beginning of the 60s, humanity began to actively use magnetic recordings and cellular communications, and by the end of the 90s, hard drives appeared that record information in the language of numbers. Processing information required people who knew how to create commands (programs) for machines, as well as specialists who created artificial intelligence.

This is how a whole family of professions appeared, which are united by one name: programmer, system analyst, system architect, system administration specialist, information systems specialist, information security specialist, PC operator, information technology manager, database administrator, Web master, etc. .d.

Today, information technologies are widely used for communication, in management, banking; on their basis, educational programs, geo-exploration and resource extraction are developed and implemented; high technologies are necessary in modern industry, medicine, and security. The scope of application of information technology in a variety of industries is gradually expanding, and this directly indicates a constant and increasing need for the services of IT specialists, which means we can safely say that this profession of the future.

What personal qualities should an IT specialist have?

To become a sought-after IT specialist, you must first of all have a high basic level of training in such disciplines as mathematics and English. This requirement is due to the fact that all computer programs are written in the language of numbers, and the international language, English, is used to create them.

Also, the future IT specialist must:

  • have a good memory;
  • be able to find logical relationships;
  • demonstrate non-standard approaches to solving various problems;
  • be diligent and attentive;
  • have a tendency to self-organize;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • take the initiative.

We emphasize that the listed requirements are only the “Minimum” program.

To realize yourself in one of the specialized areas of information technology, often certain creative abilities are required: artistic taste, creativity, passion for the field of activity for which the program is being developed.

Advantages of being an IT specialist

It is believed that every job should have at least three advantages, which are the incentive to take it up. The profession of an IT specialist has the following advantages:

  • Every person strives to keep up with the times, engaging in self-development, improving education, and broadening their horizons. But for this, most often, you need to specially allocate free time from work. An IT specialist has the opportunity to improve his intellectual level without leaving work, since this is his direct responsibility.
  • Since labor activity of an IT specialist is intellectual, then, thanks to the same technologies, he can carry it out while being at a great distance from the immediate place of work (that is, remotely).
  • It is impossible not to note the demand for the profession and the fairly high level of salaries (both in private business and in the state system). According to statistics, this profession is marked by an annual increase in wages of 10-16%, which is often paid in dollar equivalent.

In addition, the still existing shortage of personnel in the field of IT technologies makes it easy to resolve employment issues, while for specialists in other professions the search for available vacancies is associated with great difficulties. This trend will continue for quite a long time, because the training of specialists in the field of technology provision is still noticeably lagging behind the growing demand for their services.

Disadvantages of the IT specialist profession

It's no secret that even the smartest machines sometimes break down and require the intervention of a person who is able to get them working - an IT specialist. Well, since machines have not yet learned to determine whether it is working time or a day off, they break down at any time of the day. This means that such a profession is most often associated with an irregular work schedule, which, of course, often violates personal plans.

TO disadvantages of the IT specialist profession This can also include constant and high mental stress, which negatively affects the emotional state and normal functions of the nervous system. Therefore, when choosing a profession, a person must be able to properly organize work and rest, despite an irregular schedule.

We should not forget about the negative impact of professional activity on health: constant and very high visual loads require careful attention to the visual organs, and a “sedentary” lifestyle often leads to problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal system.

  • (Russian State University of Oil and Gas); Faculty of Automation and Computer Science;
  • ; Faculty of Information Technologies.
  • By the way, if you have a good basic level in mathematics and English, then before taking the entrance exams to a university it would be a good idea to take special courses: icnd1 or Cisco. Such preliminary preparation will help you successfully pass entrance exams, practice and get an initial idea of ​​​​future work.

    Based on a number of studies, an international ranking of the best universities in Russia producing IT specialists (information technology specialists) was compiled.

    Part 1. International rankings

    Information Technology(IT, also - information and communication technologies - processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, distributing information and methods of implementing such processes and methods, techniques, methods and methods of using computer technology in performing the functions of collecting, storing, processing , transfer and use of data, resources necessary for collecting, processing, storing and distributing information.

    Information systems and technology professionals are often referred to as IT or IT specialists.

    The IT industry is an extremely dynamic area of ​​activity in modern society. Digital technologies affect all aspects of human life. The dynamics of development of the IT industry are so fast that it is extremely difficult for universities to prepare a modern, highly qualified specialist.

    Entire areas of IT may become obsolete while still studying at university. In these conditions, the training of highly qualified personnel is an important and pressing issue both for the IT industry in particular and for all of humanity in general.

    This study was carried out in order to assess the demand for graduates of various universities and determine the quality of education in Russian universities that train specialists in the field of "Information Technology".

    The study contains an overview of various issues of the functioning of Russian higher professional education in the field of IT, main trends, and analyzes various ratings of universities producing IT specialists.

    The assessment was carried out on the basis of a quantitative analysis of data from an open database of resumes from a Russian online recruitment company HeadHunter. The study examined more than 17,000 resumes of university graduates from 2006 to 2017.

    The main criteria were:

    • salary expectations from 100,000 rubles. up to 500,000 rub.
    • Experience from 1 year;
    • professional field – information technology;
    • geography of research – Russia.

    As a result of the analysis, the following ratings were compiled:

    • universities whose graduates earn more;
    • cities with the greatest demand and supply in the IT vacancy market;
    • salary expectations of IT specialists.

    Dynamics of Russian IT education

    After the decline in demand for IT specialists observed during the financial crisis, the demand for these professions began to increase. Thus, starting from 2016, a clear positive trend in the growth of the number of vacancies can be seen on the market. The average salary in 2016 increased by 8%.

    The information technology sector remains second in demand after sales. Salaries of IT specialists in 2017 increased by about 10%, and in some, especially scarce areas, the increase was up to 25% or higher.

    It is expected that the demand for IT specialists will continue to grow in 2018.

    The IT sector is characterized by rapid changes in the technologies, solutions and products used. In turn, the emergence of new technologies entails a sharp surge in the need for relevant specialists.

    Thus, in 2016-2017, the widespread use of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies caused a natural increase in demand for specialists in this field. The situation is such that, for example, a payroll accountant now and 10 years ago is the same person who has only changed tools a little, and in the IT field 5 years ago some vacancies did not exist, while others, on the contrary, ceased to be relevant by now. 2018.

    Universities in our former Soviet republics are not lagging behind Russian universities. The Ukrainian IT School occupies a particularly strong position, among which stands out Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics, which produces highly qualified specialists in the IT field ().

    The educational programs of classical universities have difficulty adapting to such rapid changes in the market. However, the situation is not so dire. If we compare it with the late 90s and early 2000s, when mass computerization took place and there was practically no quality education in the field of IT, now the situation has improved significantly.

    Thus, in 2015, changes were made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, according to which professional standards regulating the level of education of an employee began to apply in state-owned companies.

    This means that a lawyer or chemical engineer by training will not get a job as a software engineer in a state-owned company, even if his experience in programming is significant.

    Moreover, today, Russian universities have significantly improved the quality of education. In 2017, 8 Russian universities were included in the international subject rankings QS Computer Science & Information Systems.

    Moreover, Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov entered the top 100 world universities in this area, taking 48th place. Also, an authoritative world ranking The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2018 in the field of Computer Science contains a large number of Russian universities.

    Russian universities in world subject rankings of universities, 2017 - 2018.

    Ranking according to QS Computer Science & Information Systems 2017"

    • 401–450 Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University

    Place in the ranking according to " THE Computer Science 2018"

    • 194 Lomonosov Moscow State University
    • 251–300 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
    • 301–350 Tomsk Polytechnic University
    • 351–400 Higher School of Economics
    • 401–500 Kazan Federal University
    • 401–500 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI
    • 401–500 Novosibirsk State University
    • 401–500 Saint Petersburg State University
    • 501–600 ITMO University
    • 501–600 Tomsk State University

    Russian programmers, and in recent years “Russian hackers” are a global brand. For the last six years, the ACM ICPC Team Programming Champions Cup has gone to St. Petersburg, either to ITMO University or to St. Petersburg State University.

    It is worth noting that the Russian scientific and educational community is already considering various options for IT professions of the future. Thus, the study “Atlas of New Professions” gives a long-term forecast of in-demand professions in the field of information technology.

    IT is one of the fastest growing areas of the economy. The changes taking place in it open up new and, at first glance, fantastic opportunities in other areas - for example, in design, transportation, people and resource management, marketing and education.

    It is worth noting that since the publication of the study in 2015, some of the professions described in it are already found in business practice. Among such professions are IT auditor, interface designer, Big Data developer.

    Forecast of new IT specialties that will appear in the near future

    • Information Security Curator

    » presented a ranking of Russian universities that train specialists for the software industry. The rating was first compiled in 2014 based on a survey of Russian software developers over 4 years (from 2011 to 2014).

    Universities are ranked by the number of times software companies mention specific universities as sources of recruiting new staff. When conducting a survey as part of the annual Russoft study, respondents answered the question about universities whose graduates are in greatest demand among IT enterprises in the region. Since large companies have development centers in various cities, they named universities not only in the city in which the head office is located (usually Moscow or St. Petersburg), but also universities in other cities.

    According to the rating methodology, one company can take part in the rating with only one vote, regardless of its staff. Giving more votes to large companies does not make sense, because in this case, only Moscow universities, where the largest companies in Russia are concentrated, will be at the top of the ranking. This will be followed by the universities of St. Petersburg and so on, depending on how large the city is represented in the survey and how many companies participated from it. The rating obtained in this way will be even less reflective of the real state of affairs. The use of the methodology of one vote from one company is also not ideal, but still allows us to consider the existing ranking quite objective, although with some reservations.

    Even greater confidence in objectivity appears when comparing universities in the same city, if it is represented in the survey by at least 10 companies. Such cities include Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Chelyabinsk.

    Since the study annually covered more than 130 companies (in 2017 - 152), and each year the composition of participants changed by 70-80%, the final rating for 4 years reflects the opinion of more than 300 employers representing the Russian software industry.

    In total, 119 Russian universities were mentioned as the best over the last 7 years, but most of them have no more than one vote. If a university has two votes over several years, it is also difficult to draw any conclusions about the quality of training of students at a particular university, but we still decided to take into account in the new version of the ranking universities that received at least 2 ratings from employers. This is done so that universities that are not among the leading ones are visible and have an incentive to move up. As a result, the full 2017 ranking consists of 51 universities, and not 19, as in its previous version.

    Place in 2017 Place in 2014 The name of the university Number of mentions in 2014-2017 League
    1 2 Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman72 League A
    2 1 St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO)69
    3 5 St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University66
    4 4 Moscow State University64
    5 3 St. Petersburg State University63
    6 6 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology41 League B
    7 7 St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University37
    8 8-9 Novosibirsk State University31
    9 8-9 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute27
    10 10 Novosibirsk State Technical University22
    11 11 South Federal University20
    12 >19 Tomsk Polytechnic University15 League C
    13 12 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation14
    14 >19 Tomsk State University14
    15-16 15-19 Izhevsk State Technical University12
    15-16 >19 Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics12
    17 >19 Penza State University9 League D
    18-20 13-14 Voronezh State University7
    18-20 >19 South Ural State University7
    18-20 >19 Chelyabinsk State University7
    21-24 15-19 National Research Technological University (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys)6
    21-24 15-19 Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin6
    21-24 15-19 Belgorod State University6
    21-24 >19 Ulyanovsk State Technical University6
    25-27 13-14 Omsk State Technical University5
    25-27 >19 Don State Technical University5
    25-27 >19 High School of Economics5
    28-33 15-19 Moscow State Institute of International Relations4 League E
    28-33 >19 Samara State Aerospace University (Kuibyshev Aviation Institute)4
    28-33 >19 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University4
    28-33 >19 Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University (NSTU)4
    28-33 >19 Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky (NNSU)4
    28-33 >19 St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich4
    34-41 >19 Udmurt State University3
    34-41 >19 Moscow State Civil Engineering University3
    34-41 >19 Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev3
    34-41 >19 Moscow Energy Institute3
    34-41 >19 Volga State Technological University (Yoshkar-Ola)3
    34-41 >19 Saratov State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky3
    34-41 >19 Ryazan State Radio Engineering University3
    34-41 >19 Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhova3
    42-51 >19 Ulyanovsk State University2
    42-51 >19 Altai State Technical University2
    42-51 >19 Baltic State Technical University "Voenmech"2
    42-51 >19 Vladimir State University2
    42-51 >19 St. Petersburg State Transport University2
    42-51 >19 Omsk State University named after F.M. Dostoevsky2
    42-51 >19 Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics2
    42-51 >19 Vyatka State University2
    42-51 >19 Vologda State University2

    Leaders and significant changes

    At the very top of the ranking, a reshuffle occurred: the Bauman Moscow State Technical University rose from second place to first, displacing the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO) to a lower position. However, the difference between them is insignificant and is within the margin of error.

    There is a significant gap only between universities occupying 5th and 6th places, respectively. Therefore, we can quite confidently talk about the top five leading universities, which are approximately at the same level (in the previous version of the ranking, the first 7 universities could be distinguished in this way).

    In the top five, one can note the transition from 5th to 3rd place of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, which is hardly accidental. This university demonstrates its development in various areas, which should also affect the quality of training for high-tech industries.

    From 6th to 11th place, universities are ranked in pairs, judging by the proximity of the frequency of mention by employers. Compared to the previous version of the rating, all of them retained their positions.

    It is worth noting the appearance in the second twenty of three universities from Tomsk (they have a slight difference in the number of mentions, and therefore they can be classified in the same category), Penza and Chelyabinsk State Universities, as well as South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk). This rise is associated with more active participation in the 2017 survey by companies from Tomsk, Chelyabinsk and Penza. If they had also been active in the previous three years, their positions could have been even higher. We can say that the universities of these cities have now taken approximately the places they deserve, because at least 100 software companies operate in Tomsk and Chelyabinsk (in Penza there are slightly fewer of them - 30-40).

    It is known that there are also many software development companies in Tatarstan. However, we have not yet been able to fully cover the companies of this republic with our annual survey, although there have been attempts to involve local development institutions in the study. Due to the low representation of companies in the republic, the highest positions in the ranking (28-33rd place) among Kazan universities are occupied by Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University. Most likely, the position of universities in the capital of Tatarstan should be higher.

    It should be noted that in some regions there are not many software companies concentrated, which does not allow local universities to gain a sufficient number of rating points. However, the quality of education in them is at a fairly high level.

    Also, some universities can train highly qualified specialists, but are significantly inferior to competitors in the number of graduates going to work in software companies in the region, since their graduates go to other sectors of the Russian economy. It is known that of all working programmers, software companies account for 25-30%, and the rest work in other IT companies or in the IT departments of various enterprises, organizations and government agencies. Thus, the demand by software companies for graduates of a particular university does not always 100% reflect the quality of their training, although the presence in a certain city of a mass of competent specialists with a good university education implies that there should be successful software companies in this city.

    2013: Plans for creating Centers for breakthrough IT research in Russia

    Government initiative

    In May 2013, during an expanded board of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, the head of the department Nikolay Nikiforov announced that it is planned to create up to 50 centers for breakthrough research in the field of information technology on the basis of existing Russian universities and research institutes.

    The amount of required funding for power centers was estimated at up to 4 billion rubles. for five years, and it was proposed to implement it by allocating a separate block in the IT area in the federal target program “Personnel”, designed for 2014-2020.

    Information technology specialists are in high demand in companies engaged in the production of a wide variety of goods and services around the world. Direct proof of this is the level of salaries offered to IT specialists. Let's say, in the USA, an IT manager earns about $120,000 per year (about 650,000 rubles per month), in Europe - $100,000 per year (about 500,000 rubles per month).

    At the same time, IT workers are much less tied to the cultural environment of a particular country than specialists in other industries. You can get an education in Australia and find a job, for example, in Hong Kong. And if you get tired of Hong Kong, you can go travel to Europe or America.

    Of course, domestic universities also offer IT training programs. But, unfortunately, diplomas from Russian universities are poorly valued on the international labor market. In addition, in order to find work abroad, the Russian “crust” will have to be nostrified.
    And if you are not particularly strong in English, after completing your basic education you will have to spend quite a lot of time to master the language at an acceptable level.

    In this sense, it is much wiser to go study IT abroad. This way you can kill two birds with one stone: get a diploma from a prestigious university and learn an international language.

    We have compiled a list of the most popular educational institutions in the world where you can get a degree in information technology.

    Australian National University, Australia

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 28,000 US dollars

    One of the largest universities in Australia Australian National University This is not the first year that it has held leading positions in international rankings of educational institutions.

    For example, the QS World University Rankings agency placed ANU in 1st place in the national classification of universities. The university took a high 22nd position in the global ranking.
    In addition, according to the 2015 Emerging Global Employability Survey, ANU graduates have the highest employment success rate of any Australian institution.

    ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science, which is part of the university, offers the following training programs for future professionals in the field of high technology:

    Bachelor's degree

    • Modern computing technology
    • Information Technology

    Master's degree

    • Applied Data Analysis
    • Computer Engineering
    • Engineering in digital systems and telecommunications

    Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma)

    • Applied Data Analysis
    • Computer Engineering

    In addition to the college, ANU also includes the Research School of Computer Science, on the basis of which research work in computer science and computer science is conducted.

    Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia

    Melbourne Institute of Technology- one of the most dynamically developing universities in Australia. Today the institute has 2 campuses located in the largest cities of the fifth continent - Melbourne and Sydney. Although the size of the institution, and along with it the number of students, has grown steadily in recent years, MIT prides itself on its ability to provide individual attention to each student.

    MIT provides training in the following IT specialties:

    Bachelor's degree:

    • Computer networks

    Master's degree:

    • Computer networks
    • Engineering Technologies (Telecommunications)

    Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma):

    • Computer networks

    The Diploma of IT program deserves special attention. This course is not equivalent to Graduate Diploma programs - it is intended for applicants who do not have a degree. Upon completion of the 8-month Diploma of IT, the student has the opportunity to immediately enroll in the second year of a bachelor’s degree.

    Sheridan College, Canada

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 12,000 US dollars

    Founded in 1967 Sheridan College Over its half-century history, it has grown from a small local college of 400 students into the largest university in the province of Ontario. Sheridan's four campuses are located in Mississauga, Oakville and Brampton.

    The college is also considered one of the strongest technological institutes in the country. It was Sheridan that was one of the first in Canada to use computer technology in the educational process - even in those specialties that are in no way related to IT.

    The college offers a large selection of educational programs in the field of information technology:

    Bachelor's degree:

    • Mobile computing
    • Information Security
    • Computing and Network Communications - Internet Communications

    Diploma programs:

    • Programming
    • Software Engineering
    • Software Development and Network Engineering
    • System analytics
    • Information support
    • Internet communications

    Upon completion of the diploma program, the student can continue his education at the university by enrolling in the 3rd year of a bachelor's degree.

    Simon Fraser University, Canada

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 19,000 US dollars

    Simon Fraser University ranks 11th in the ranking of the best universities in Canada according to the QS World University Rankings. Among the university's graduates and faculty, more than 40 people have been awarded the prestigious Royal Society of Canada Fellowship and the Rhodes Scholarship.

    Powered by SFU Fraser International College, which is very popular among foreign students: a 2-year college course allows you to make up for the missing year of the school program and guarantees enrollment in the 2nd year of a bachelor’s degree.

    Future IT specialists study at SFU in the following programs:

    Bachelor's degree

    • Information Technology
    • Software
    • Mathematics and Information Technology
    • Linguistics and information technology

    The School of Information Technology, operating on the basis of the university, provides the opportunity to obtain a Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate, master's or doctoral degree in the field of IT.

    University College Dublin, Ireland

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 18,000 US dollars

    The largest university in Ireland University College Dublin was founded in 1854. During its existence, the university managed to graduate 3 presidents of Ireland, 6 prime ministers of the country, as well as a number of famous politicians and public figures.

    Today, more than 30,000 students from 120 countries study at UCD. The university also holds the country's record for the number of areas of study. Among the many specialties offered by University College Dublin, a number of programs are dedicated to training specialists in the IT field:

    Master's and doctoral studies:

    • Information Technology
    • Software development
    • Computer technology in litigation
    • Computing in Litigation and Cybercrime

    Graduate Diploma, Graduate Certificate:

    • Computing in Litigation and Cybercrime Investigations

    Helps make it easier for international students to enroll in UCD preparatory center, working at the university.

    Universityof California,Irvine, USA

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 37,000 US dollars

    One of 10 campuses of the famous University of California University of California, located in Irvine, is the youngest member of the prestigious Association of American Universities - an association of US research centers.

    The level of academic preparation at UCI is eloquently evidenced by the fact that 3 of its graduates became Nobel Prize winners.

    As for the training of IT specialists, the university ranks 35th in the international ranking of educational institutions Best Global Universities for Computer Science from U.S. News & World Report.

    The university’s School of Information & Computer Sciences division trains bachelors, masters and doctors in the following areas:

    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer science
    • Statistics

    The computer science department has a rather rare bachelor's degree program in computer game programming.

    Fontys University of Applied Sciences, Holland

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 7,000 US dollars

    One of the largest European universities of applied sciences Fontys It is famous, first of all, for its partnership programs - with other educational institutions, as well as enterprises operating in various fields of activity.

    Fontys cooperates with 45 universities in 30 countries. University students can gain valuable international experience by spending one semester in another country. And thanks to the university’s connections with large companies, Fontys students already undergo paid internships during their studies and meet potential employers.

    The IT training programs provided by Fontys often overlap with business education:

    Bachelor's degree

    • Business Informatics
    • Software development
    • Information and communication technologies and business
    • Information and communication technologies and software development
    • Information and communication technologies and engineering

    Training takes place in English, German and Dutch.

    Saxon University of Applied Sciences, Holland

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 9,000 US dollars

    Another Dutch university, where education is predominantly applied in nature, is Saxon University of Applied Sciences. In addition to traditional academic programs, the university offers short-term courses in the fields of business, ecology and technology. In addition, Saxion University offers preparatory courses for foreign students.

    The IT training programs offered by the university are often at the intersection with business or art programs:

    Bachelor's degree:

    • Applied Information Technologies
    • Information technology in business
    • Computer game engineering
    • Production and creation of computer games
    • IT management
    • Software development

    Singapore Institute of Management, Singapore

    Approximate cost of a year of study: 16,000 US dollars

    Singapore Institute of Management is the oldest private educational institution in Singapore. The main source of pride for SIM is its developed partnerships with universities around the world: university students regularly participate in exchange programs with educational institutions in the USA, Britain, Australia and other countries.

    The university provides the following programs in the IT field:

    Bachelor's degree

    • Information systems in business
    • Information systems and management
    • Information technology and computing
    • Information technology digital information security
    • Information technology and creation of multimedia and computer games

    Diploma programs (Graduate Diploma)

    • Information Systems

    The university also provides the opportunity to obtain a double degree under the Double Degree program, which involves simultaneous study in 2 faculties, upon completion of which the student is awarded 2 academic degrees. Such a double diploma significantly increases the graduate’s chances of successful employment.