What is a hobby hobby definition. The meaning of the word hobby in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

Everyone probably knows what a hobby is. It can be called differently: a favorite activity, a hobby - but the meaning does not change. What is it and why is it needed?

What is a hobby

Everyone has their own free time. For a person to feel happy, he needs to while away these hours somehow. It is best to spend them usefully. Often a favorite hobby that interests a person turns into a business that will generate profit.

Why do you need a hobby?

Each person is different from the other. We differ from each other in appearance, character and hobbies. The most important thing in life is self-realization, the search for something that would benefit both oneself and others. Hobbies (hobbies) help to realize this need.

When does a hobby begin to form?

What is a hobby for common man? This is what he always liked. Personality formation occurs around the age of five or six. It is during this period of life that the foundation is laid. At school, the child learns a lot of new things, he begins to be interested in something. It is at this very stage that hobbies are formed. Some people become interested in music, some in sports, and some in literature. Anything you were once interested in can become your lifelong passion.

Favorite activity is the key to mental satisfaction

For a good and calm life you need first of all good health, material well-being. But without the passion that will bring real pleasure, the person will feel like a failure. Such a depressed mood will not benefit anyone - that's for sure. Least favorite job very painful. Really, who wants to do something that doesn't bring them satisfaction? A hobby is like a window in a stuffy room, which helps to cope with emotional experiences and difficulties. When there is something that allows a person to truly reveal himself, life becomes easier and more fun.

Hobbies are the key to success

What is a hobby for famous businessman? All the famous ones this moment businessmen and oligarchs were once also simple guys who became very passionate about some activity. They liked to do their business, which began to bring in a lot of money.

How to find a hobby

For many reasons, a matter of interest cannot become the work of a lifetime. This is what a hobby is for. Some people cannot immediately find something suitable for themselves. Everyone has different abilities and aspirations, so you cannot expect help from others in this matter. You need to find for yourself what you like most.

What are your hobbies?

There are almost as many hobbies as there are people on earth. It is impossible to list them all. Therefore, they were combined into the categories to which they belong.


Sport is movement and active pastime. It is useful not only for the body, but also for the soul. Sport develops inner rod, endurance and willpower. You can turn everyday sports into a hobby (if you really like it).

Many people simply cannot imagine life without football, boxing or running. It became a hobby for them. Since in modern life few vivid impressions, but at the moment they have become very popular extreme species sports More and more often you can see new people who have begun to engage in skateboarding, snowboarding, cycling, mountaineering, and so on.


When you hear the word “collecting,” stamps immediately come to mind. But they are not the only things you can collect. Many people spend a lot of money to add new exhibits to their private collections. Vintage cars, toys and even boomerangs - all this can be collected and collected. Only for this you need to know a lot and understand this topic.


Many people have chosen needlework as their hobby. It’s very nice when people like something you made with your own hands. And by selling well-made things, you can also make money.


Art attracts talented people. You can practice music, photography, poetry or dancing. This kind of work brings a lot positive emotions both to the person himself and to those around him.

  • HOBBY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (English hobby) any hobby, favorite activity on ...
  • HOBBY in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    (English hobby), hobby, favorite activity on ...
  • HOBBY in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (English hobby), any hobby, favorite activity on ...
  • HOBBY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    uncl., p. Hobby, favorite pastime for yourself, on...
  • HOBBY V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , uncl., cf. A hobby, a favorite activity for yourself, at your leisure. Its x. - collecting...
  • HOBBY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HOBBI (English hobby), k.-l. hobby, favorite pastime...
  • HOBBY in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    several , With. Passion for something., favorite leisure activity. Have a hobby. Hunting was his hobby. If I had...
  • HOBBY in the New Dictionary of Foreign Words:
    (English hobby) hobby, favorite pastime for oneself, on ...
  • HOBBY in the Dictionary of Foreign Expressions:
    [English] hobby] hobby, favorite pastime for oneself, on ...
  • HOBBY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    occupation, hobby, addiction, weakness, passion, ...
  • HOBBY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    pl. several Favorite hobby, hobby for yourself, on...
  • HOBBY full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    hobby, non-cl., ...
  • HOBBY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    x'obby, uncl., ...
  • HOBBY in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    hobby, favorite pastime for oneself, at leisure His x. - collecting...
  • HOBBY in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    (English hobby), any hobby, favorite activity on ...
  • HOBBY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    hobby plural several Favorite activity, hobby for yourself, on...
  • HOBBY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    several Wed Favorite activity, hobby for yourself, on...
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When meeting new people, you can often hear the following questions: “What is your hobby?”, “What do you like to do?”, “What are your hobbies?”

When applying for a job, during an interview, a question about your hobby is also required. After all this information allows you to draw conclusions about what interests you, as well as some nuances related to the applicant.

However, sadly, today many young people fall into a stupor after similar question:

- Hobby? Yes, I like to sit at the computer... And so... I don’t even know...

This short article pursues simple, but such important goals: to awaken dormant forces in the reader’s brain, to motivate and give a new impetus for.

Your hobby

If you can answer the question about what your hobby is without any problems, you don’t need to read further.

First you need to figure out: what is a hobby?

Hobby (from the English hobby - passion, favorite thing) - type human activity, a kind of activity that is done at leisure and for pleasure.

A hobby is something that a person loves and is happy to do in his free time. Hobby is in a good way dealing with stress, anger, etc. negative manifestations. In addition, hobbies often help develop your horizons.

If a person does not have any hobbies, then he has a serious reason to think about whether he is developing correctly at all. And the point here is not at all about not blushing in front of your friends.

It’s just that our brain is designed in such a way that if we don’t use it for a long time, it gradually atrophies, and a physically strong person aged 50+ begins to inexorably degrade, ending his life with full-blown senile dementia.

The picture is certainly sad. But we deliberately show extremes so that the reader can understand the seriousness of the situation of those who have no hobby.

By the way, if you try to list 100 of any outstanding people(origin and field of activity are unimportant), then you will not find anyone who does not have some kind of hobby. Of course, this is not an accident.

Types of hobbies

The division of hobbies into male and female is a rather arbitrary thing. After all, there are often cases when men are quite seriously interested in cooking and generally love to cook food in their leisure time; and women enthusiastically drive cars or go mountain climbing.

Therefore, we will not categorize hobbies by gender, but will simply provide a list of popular hobbies that are relevant today.

Interests and hobbies

Despite the fact that we consider it inappropriate to divide hobbies into male and female, there is still a certain classification here. These are active and passive (or indoor) types of hobbies.

Active hobbies

  • Tourism
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Dancing
  • Any sports - tennis, cycling, martial arts and fencing, volleyball and basketball, football, etc.
  • Bird watching – amateur ornithology, observing and studying birds with the naked eye or with the help of binoculars.
  • Paintball is a team game using markers (air gun) that shoot paint balls (gelatin shell with food coloring), which break when they hit an obstacle and paint it.
  • Airsoft (from the English strike - blow, ball - ball) is a non-profit, team, military sports game.
  • Geocaching (English geocaching from the Greek γεο - Earth + English cache - cache) is a tourist game using satellite navigation systems, which consists of finding caches hidden by other participants in the game.
  • Historical reconstruction is the process of recreating the material or spiritual culture of a certain historical era and region (for example, creating a sample of armor ancient warrior) or playback historical event(For example, ).
  • Role-playing games– modeling of events occurring in a certain world at a certain time.

Home hobbies

  • Collecting puzzles
  • Floriculture
  • Gardening
  • Amateur photography
  • Amateur painting
  • Cooking
  • Playing in an amateur theater
  • Singing, karaoke
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Board games (dominoes, backgammon, mahjong, chess, etc.)
  • Intellectual games (crosswords, chess, puzzles, etc.)
  • Needlework. The list here can be quite large, so we will list only the most popular hobbies from this section:
    • Origami ( ancient art folding paper figures)
    • Sewing
    • Embroidery
    • Knitting
    • Scrapbooking (design of photo albums)
    • Burnout
    • Artistic carving
    • Modeling (shaping a plastic material using hands and auxiliary tools)
    • Weaving (a method of making more rigid structures and materials from less durable materials: threads, plant stems, fibers, etc.)
    • Painting (art painting of any objects)
    • Felting (a special handicraft technique in which wool for felting is used to create a pattern on fabric or felt, three-dimensional toys, etc.).
  • Collecting is an activity based on collecting a collection, that is, the systematic collection and study of any objects.
  • Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing.
  • Modeling is a type of hobby, the production of reduced models and layouts various equipment and architectural structures.

If we missed something from popular hobbies, write about it in the comments. But here one detail should be noted.

When preparing this article, we noticed that many sites classify “lounging on the couch,” “watching television,” etc. as hobbies.

So these types of “activities” have nothing to do with hobbies. After all, we have established that a hobby is a type of activity, which implies certain actions, not inaction.

What is your hobby? And do you think this question important for modern society?

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A hobby is a passion certain activity, which brings moral satisfaction to a passionate person, makes his life richer and more interesting. In addition, a hobby promotes personal self-realization, broadens one’s horizons, helps cope with stress and find new friends. Very often, a hobby becomes a significant part of a person’s life and is very important for him. great importance.

The main purpose of a hobby is to bring joy to a person, help him escape from problems and relax. However, some hobbies, such as handicrafts, can also bring tangible benefits. A craftswoman can please herself and her loved ones with exclusive items made by... In some cases, a hobby becomes a source of income - primary or additional. True, this only happens when high level mastery and when the results of creativity are in demand.

The variety of hobbies is amazing, but among them the main groups of hobbies can be distinguished. One of the most popular is collecting. This hobby can captivate a person from childhood, when a child can start collecting candy wrappers or toys from chocolate eggs. The collecting process is addictive; a passionate person constantly strives to expand his collection. Among serious art collectors you can find those who have assembled a unique exhibition worthy of the best museums in the world.

Sport is a hobby for active people. This hobby is good for health, it allows a person to maintain good health. physical fitness and constantly be on your toes. However, in some cases, an active hobby can be dangerous - if a person is interested in extreme sports, parkour, etc. Such dangerous activities often chosen by teenagers and people seeking to diversify their lifestyle quiet life.

Neat, calm and patient people often enjoy handicrafts. Mainly skilled in embroidery, knitting, sewing, doll making and soft toys become women. For this hobby, desire alone is not enough; you also need design abilities, good imagination, and spatial thinking.

The most creative and extraordinary individuals choose photography, drawing, music, writing poetry or works of art. This hobby allows you to realize creative potential person and gives strong feeling satisfaction.

Thanks to deep penetration into people's lives computer technology, some are interested in programming or web design. This kind of hobby requires special knowledge and skills, but can also be a source of income. Here's a hobby computer games and social networks can lead to the emergence psychological dependence.

When choosing a hobby, strive to find a pastime that will truly engage you, paint your life with bright colors, and give you a feeling of happiness and involvement in something beautiful.

Related article

There are thousands of hobbies and interests in the world. When a person finds his passion, he gets down to business with joy, devotes a lot of time to it and waits for any free minute to continue what he started, and doing what he loves improves his mood.

Popular hobbies for women

Particularly popular already long years enjoys handicrafts. Sewing, knitting, embroidery are the most common hobbies among women. Only you choose what to knit for your family and friends. Perhaps it will be a woolen sweater, jumper or dress. Sewing is enough useful option hobby. You can sew it yourself, which will perfectly highlight your figure. In addition, in this way you can significantly reduce shopping trips in search of the necessary thing. If you have no experience in tailoring, but have a desire, then you can sign up for a cutting and sewing course.

One more interesting hobby is . This hobby is suitable for those who want to diversify a boring item by decorating it with applique or embroidery. Considerable popularity in Lately Soap making is gaining momentum, which makes it possible to make soap of any shape.

Cooking is not just a hobby, but also a necessity for many women. In order to create family comfort and surprise your husband, you can take up carving. Cut fruits and vegetables, bake a beautiful cake or make candy.

Many people enjoy hobbies related to mental activity. Can be studied foreign language, visit an exhibition or take up painting.

Popular hobbies for men

Championship among male species Hobbies include fishing and hunting. For many, this is not just a hobby, but a lifelong endeavor. Regardless weather conditions, the men arm themselves with fishing rods and weapons and go for the loot. Second place should be given to the passion for cars and motorcycles. Most men enjoy and relax when they tighten nuts, wipe down the body of their favorite car, or change the oil.

Sports take third place in popularity. Someone personally plays football, hockey, basketball or trains in gyms, while some people like to watch sports matches and matches in the company of friends or family. Brave men will enjoy extreme sports such as diving, rock climbing and jumping from heights.

Particular attention should be given to the hobby of computers. Many men love to design websites, do 3D modeling, blog and share own knowledge with users global network.

Collecting is a hobby that will always be in fashion. You can collect coins, statues, stones, magnets, stamps, hats and more.

One of the most popular hobbies nowadays is photography. This hobby is especially good because the memory of best moments in life and funny situations.