Information why a person was given life. Man - you have been given life! But for what

Having reached a certain age, people begin to think - why does a person need life, what is the meaning of our existence? Why do you need a goal in life? These are very deep questions, the answer to which must be found in otherwise you won't be able to become happy. “Popular about health” will try to answer them.

Why was life given to man??

Many people ask why we live, because in the end, death awaits us anyway? Yes, life is fleeting, and before you know it, old age is coming. That's when people think the most about why they were given life.

If we talk about how the world works, how beautiful it is, then we can assume that life is given to people for enjoyment. So many things bring us pleasure - delicious food, music, birdsong, the rustling of waves, a warm gentle wind, the sun that gives warmth, bright colors and wonderful smells, children. We can see, hear and feel all this. Our body is also interesting - it is amazingly designed. We can create something with our own hands, analyze, undertake, we can love, experience joy and happiness, inspiration, thanks to the brain. Man is a real miracle. Moreover, only 10% of the brain’s capabilities are revealed. If we think about all this, we should live to enjoy every minute, no matter what we do.

Work, hobbies, sports, raising children, relationships, travel, food, nature - everything we encounter every day brings joy. However, we do not always notice everything beautiful around us. Most people are focused on the bad, they complain about life and are constantly unhappy, they do not experience happiness because they do not value their life. With their dissatisfaction, they attract negative events into it, which only makes them once again convinced that their life is devoid of meaning and does not bring joy.

A person needs life to be happy, to enjoy. And also, thanks to her, we learn to accept right decisions, improving our personal traits, thereby making the world around us even better. Every person is capable and should become an adornment of the world, everyone is endowed with some gift or talent that can be used for the benefit of others. This is why life must have a purpose. Without it, existence is meaningless.

Why do you need a goal in life??

You need a purpose in life to reach your potential. Every person has certain characteristics or skills that need to be discovered, developed and demonstrated. They are given from above, it is a gift. This gift cannot be hidden, but must be used for the benefit of others to make the world a better place. If a person discovers some talent in himself and then gives it to others, he feels the happiest on Earth.

The goal in life is not necessarily global. Everyone has their own idea of ​​happiness and different goals. As they say, to each according to his ability. However, often we simply do not look for ourselves, we do not try to “unearth” our talent. How to do it?

To find worthwhile goal in life, you need to think about what your soul gravitates towards, what you really want to do, even if this type of activity is far from a person and is not yet possible in principle. It is important to understand what you really want. What activities ignite the fire within? Psychologists advise imagining that you are completely wealthy, that you have absolutely everything you can dream of. What would you like to do in such a situation? What comes to mind is necessarily related to purpose. This is exactly the goal you need to set for yourself.

Surprisingly, if a person moves in the direction to which his soul is drawn, he will certainly achieve his goal. And she is the one who will make him happy. The goal in life can be anyone - one person enjoys designing, while another cannot imagine his life without traveling. Someone else dreams of helping sick children, while another wants to provide all residents of his city with affordable vehicles. In each case, having achieved the goal, these people will experience great satisfaction. Plus they will make the world a better place.

You shouldn’t wait until old age sets in and then end up sitting and thinking about why I was given life and what its purpose is. It’s important to ask yourself now – what do I want? What mark will I leave behind in this world? To find your purpose, you need to focus on positive events and stop complaining about life. You can’t dwell on problems, it’s better to try to find joy in every day. Then life itself will lead in the right direction.

Everything will change by itself, new decorations will appear to replace the old ones. New opportunities will arise, doors that were previously closed will open, new acquaintances and connections will appear. If there is a goal, you just need to go towards it, and circumstances will change for the benefit of a purposeful person.

Life is a valuable gift and should be cherished. Who knows how long each of us will live. Therefore, it is worth being happy today. A goal will help you move towards your happiness and overcome any obstacles along the way.

Stupid question, isn't it? So it’s clear why: in order to live, what else do you need to find out and invent for yourself, and even more so for anyone else?
explain and prove something. Everything, in principle, is clear to everyone, the main thing is to live like everyone else, and understanding will come by itself.
But don’t bother yourself with such nonsense, the “experienced” ones who have lived a long and “interesting” life, as it seems to them, will tell you.

However, in our modern times, per century greatest discoveries and achievements, this question becomes even more acute and acute for a person. Why -
begs the question. There is only one word that can characterize and measure everything that happens in this world - Happiness!

It would seem that we have achieved everything we wanted, we have everything we dreamed of. But there is no happiness and no sparkle in the eyes of our people
time. Whom you look at now - on the street, in the store, at work, in places of rest..., almost everyone has a dimmed look, melancholy,
sadness and despondency. It is rare, rare to see the glowing and “naturally” joyful face of a person in whom everything is: kindness and calmness.
and contentment (with what he has, even if he is poor). It’s not for nothing that they say that a person’s face is, as it were,
What happens inside a person is transmitted and projected onto the face - it is, as it were, a mirror of the human soul. You can hide things
intentions and especially thoughts. But everything is revealed and imprinted on the face.

If the aliens were to draw a conclusion, it would be something like this: human race lives very strangely, they all have
the desire to find happiness, but no matter how hard they try to achieve it, they cannot, for the entire centuries-old history.
Instead of
peace and tranquility, they constantly fight and shed blood. You can agree with aliens, especially if you look at the global goals
humanity that we only destroy, not create. And even if we create, we soon destroy. We are going to the wrong place and looking for happiness in the wrong place,
and why, we live . Why such nonsense? Since it’s nonsense on such a scale, it means that we, people, really put before
We set ourselves the wrong goals and, accordingly, we do not use the opportunities and abilities that are within us. We don’t pay attention to them at all
attention. All interest is focused only on to the outside world of things. We spend all the strength of our souls on vanity and pleasure.

But since we are here, living on earth, that means someone needs us, that means higher intelligence- God created us for some purpose. But God is
a perfect being who cannot make mistakes and what he does is worthy of Him. God knows in advance that what he does is not in vain
and for a reason. The one who created everything in the world knows what is good for man.

Let's finally look into ourselves, what do we have?

Why are we given this life?

What sleeps in us and longs for its own
opening and awakening, which will truly make us truly happy and content. Notice one small and very important
the thing is that nothing external and no one from the people will make you happy, and this,

Why was life given to man?

    We come into this world for a reason! and to each his own! I think so))) our souls all live in paradise.. we all live there (if you can call it that, of course).. bam.. we messed up something.. well, I don’t know..))) we messed up something like that there..)) well, and for this we are for correction, for teaching, well, in general for good purposes, here in this world.. and here we get what we must realize, feel..)) I won’t say that this is like a punishment for us, rather a method of education).. that’s when the person will pass this stage is worthy (or not worthy.. how does it work out for anyone)) and will return to heaven)).. I think there is different reasons returning us to this world, that’s why everyone is given their own life. depending on the jambs there!! in Paradise))))

    The meaning of human life unknown We are limited in our consciousness. We can know something, comprehend something, but higher spheres not available to us yet. This question is similar to the question Is there life after death?

    Any person who dies regrets that he is leaving this life. This applies to everyone: both enlightened academics and Chukchi from the distant tundra, who have never seen anything in life except where they live.

    A dying millionaire regrets his life, a poor man who has lived his whole life from hand to mouth regrets his life. I am sure that even homeless people regret their lives and do not want to die.

    Suicides take their own lives. Why they decide to do this is unclear. In the works of the French sociologist Durkheim talking about social anomie. When the whole society is sick, it puts pressure on individual person and forces everyone to death - both rich and poor. However, this scientist admitted that there are no non-sick societies.

    In suicides, the normal mechanism of perception and analysis of information is most likely disrupted (or maybe vice versa - it becomes normal). After all, we see for ourselves that we all do not live the way we want. We don't say what we think. But we think about the wrong things.

    In general, this topic is very confusing. No one knows the answer to this question in their lifetime. Everything will be known there (if, of course, it exists there).

    Of course you can quote it well famous monologue Pavki Korchagin from the book How the Steel Was Tempered: Life must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful

    But there is another version, based on information obtained from the Bible.

    God has a very definite plan for people, and now, to put it modern language, he assembles a reliable team of people who live by his laws and carry out his will. As a reward, these people will receive eternal life on Earth and then God’s plan will be revealed to them.

    A person is not physical body, as many are inclined to believe. Man is a soul. So life is given to cleanse the soul. We are specifically given a sea of ​​temptations so that we either strengthen spiritual values ​​or succumb to temptation and commit sins. Our soul must be cleansed of vices and everything bad.

Why was life given to man? Interest Ask. Since ancient times, people have wondered about the meaning of life. Parents give life to a person. And, in my opinion, our primary duty is not to live it in vain. But how to do that? The answer to this question lies in the world in which we live. At first the world, the environment that surrounds a person is not ideal. Throughout the history of mankind, man has made many interesting and useful steps that have shaped not only his own story, as well as her environment. But, unfortunately, the person also made many wrong steps.

Vivid examples of the former can be, for example, the development of sciences, enriching knowledge about nature and man himself. Leonardo da Vinci, the Wright brothers, Jacques Cousteau. The list of people and their achievements that have benefited humanity and our planet is endless. But, unfortunately, not only lofty motives often guided outstanding people. Wars of conquest, inept use of one's own achievements, as well as human greed and selfishness caused great harm to humanity and the planet. Humanity and the planet are still healing the wounds caused by the Second World War. Wounds from Chernobyl disaster and the recent sensational disaster at the Fokushima Nuclear Power Plant will take many centuries to heal.

In my opinion, these examples clearly reflect acute problems humanity and point to the meaning that every person seeks in life. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “What is the meaning of life? Serve others and do good.” And I completely agree with him. Now I’m in ninth grade, I have parents, and when I grow up, I’ll probably have children. And I believe that right now, by studying and acquiring useful knowledge, I ensure a happy future for myself and my loved ones. And what, if not the happiness of loved ones, is the main goal and meaning in a person’s life?

Many times and in any difficulties, we ask the question: “What are we living for? What meaning is given to our life? And sometimes many of us do not find the answer to this question. And when we asked ourselves this question and did not find an answer to it, our simple existence began. Yes, yes, exactly, existence. We simply begin to go with the flow, without thinking at all that at the slightest movement, we begin to make adjustments that may one day play an important role in our lives.

But there are few such swimmers, as a rule, in Hard time a person gives up, and the flow of life simply carries him day after day to where the river is directed. Yes, it’s much easier, much simpler to live, or rather to exist. After all, there is no need to fight for anything, strive for anything, everything goes as it goes. But at the end of the journey, when the river of life has carried a person to the finish line, he, looking back, realizes that there is nothing left behind him. Emptiness…

Come and see the world.

Emptiness both external and internal. And that's when it gets really scary. It’s scary to understand that you can’t bring back the past, time can’t be stopped, and nothing can be corrected. We simply spent the most precious thing that is given to a person, the very thing that is unique and unrepeatable, or rather we didn’t even spend it, because when you spend, you get something in return, and in the case of a barren life, in more precisely existence, you don't get anything. The ancient Slavs had such a concept as the world of reality and the world of Navi. The world is real, it's real existing world with living beings, the Navi world is a world of dreams and otherworldly forces. For our perception, the world of reality is already a deep philosophy about the meaning of life.

So why not think at the beginning of this path and find an answer to the question: “Why am I living? And why do I need this life?”

And the answer is very simple - you don’t have to live for something, you don’t have to live for something, and even more so you don’t have to live for someone, because everything is fleeting, everything changes in the blink of an eye, today it’s there, but tomorrow it’s gone , and then the meaning of life is lost again. So don’t live for the sake of..., but just live. Live every day, every hour, every minute, don’t waste a minute of time, a second has passed and you can’t get it back, never and for any money, appreciate this time, appreciate what is happening around you. In every breath of the breeze, in every ray of sunshine, in every dewdrop, look for happiness, because only happy man- a living person, this is the waking world.

We must always remember that our whole life is a continuous struggle. The struggle is not only for a place in the sun, but above all it is a struggle with oneself. We very often drive ourselves into a framework of gray everyday life and we stop noticing the bright colors that decorate our lives. Everything around becomes gray and uninteresting, and each person has his own reason for this situation. But no matter how hard it is, no matter how much you want to scream in pain or choke yourself with tears, you need to look for and find the strength to live within yourself. It is to live in the world of reality, and not to exist in the world of Navi.