How to create a nuclear warhead at home. DIY: Atomic bomb in the kitchen

S Leskov.

How to make an atomic bomb is no secret. This has been described many times in various books, and first-year physics students are theoretically savvy in this matter. But it’s one thing to know, quite another to be able to do it. According to the laws of nuclear physics, in order to make an atomic bomb, you need either a radioactive isotope of uranium-235 with an enrichment of 90%, or a radioactive isotope of plutonium-239 with an enrichment of 94%. Uranium-235 is used in nuclear power plants as reactor fuel, but plutonium-239 is not used in the energy sector. The degree of enrichment of reactor uranium is only 5%. At nuclear power plants you can find plutonium-240 with an enrichment of 30%. This plutonium has very high radioactivity, from which it is impossible for a thief to protect himself from it in field conditions. The fuel contains many dangerous isotopes of strontium, cesium, and iridium. But the suitability of the material for an atomic bomb and radioactivity itself have nothing in common with each other. Moreover, the high radioactivity of plutonium in principle hinders designers.

A special feature of plutonium-240 is its enormous heat generation. It heats up to 130 degrees, zones of penetration appear, which requires heat-generating removable bridges, without which it is impossible to solve the problem of synchronized detonation of the charge. The physics of these processes is non-trivial, and even for a high-tech laboratory this would be a very difficult task. Thus, the theft of reactor plutonium from a nuclear power plant is not of particular value to a nuclear terrorist. Uranium-235 is used in both peaceful energy and nuclear weapons. And also in research reactors. Even at MEPhI on Kashirskoye Highway there is a reactor with uranium-235 with 90% enrichment. There are several other similar reactors in Russia; they were also built in Kyiv and Alma-Ata. It is not difficult to make a primitive but effective bomb from uranium. The most elementary method is the cannon, or barrel, scheme, which was used in Hiroshima.

For plutonium, this scheme will not work: the nuclear reaction will begin prematurely, and the explosive equivalent will be scanty. In addition, this scheme requires a large amount of plutonium. Weapons-grade plutonium is used in so-called impact bombs. The power and material utilization rate in them are two orders of magnitude higher than in uranium bombs. But this circuit is very complex and requires a very precise charge crimping circuit.

Only countries that dream of joining the “nuclear” club are trying to make more primitive uranium bombs. To create an atomic bomb, at least 45-50 kg of weapons-grade uranium is required. Attempts to acquire exactly this amount of enriched uranium for Arab terrorists were discussed at hearings in the US Congress. But the facts of the successful theft of weapons-grade uranium (and plutonium) are unknown. According to experts, only about 50 kg of enriched uranium are sold illegally in the world. According to unverified information, 30 of them disappeared in the territory of the former USSR.

So, the fundamental question is whether terrorists, having acquired unenriched uranium, can bring it to the level of enrichment required for an atomic bomb? Experts unanimously agree that no terrorist group is capable of enriching uranium on its own. Even the first, simplest American bomb was made by about 2 thousand companies. The technology for enrichment "on the knee" is unknown. Radioactive materials are processed in huge factories that occupy areas the size of a small city. Even Iraq, with all the power of the state, was unable to obtain enrichment technologies using electromagnets, which were used in the production of the first Soviet atomic bomb.

In addition, terrorists may seek access to 20% enriched uranium, which is used in some research reactors and in the power plants of older nuclear submarines, many of which are decommissioned. However, Alexander Koldobsky claims that nuclear physics does not know how to make an atomic bomb even from such material. But let us recall the unconditional law of all technical systems: there is no complete guarantee...

HOWEVER: K. Getmansky: Do It Yourself

There is a declassified American intelligence report about a unique experiment conducted about forty years ago. The experiment proved that back in the early 60s, nuclear weapons could be created by any qualified physicists using data published exclusively in the open press. Three young graduates of American universities were able to produce a nuclear bomb in just three years - David Dobson, David Piepkorn and Robert Selden, who had never before dealt with the problems of creating nuclear weapons.

In other words, forty years ago the top leadership of the United States of America had proof that a nuclear bomb could be created independently by almost any state on the planet. And most importantly, as the scientists themselves assert in their report, modern terrorist groups, for example, al-Qaeda, can do the same. And without much effort. 1964 The United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain and France already possess nuclear weapons. According to intelligence data from these countries, China should soon become the fifth nuclear power. The US public still knows nothing about the further spread of nuclear technology. Ordinary Americans, frightened by the recent Cuban missile crisis, are sure that in order to create an atomic bomb, you need to know some special secret, accessible only to great powers and great scientists. The US government, despite the fact that it actively promotes this thesis, is no longer confident in it. To find out whether other countries could create nuclear weapons, the Pentagon decided to conduct an unusual experiment at the Lawrence Military Radiation Laboratory in Livermore (California). It was called symbolically “Country N”. N meant the serial number of a country that could become a nuclear power in the foreseeable future.

“The goal of the work is to create a design for a small atomic bomb that can be produced on an industrial scale,” said the experimental rules. - Possession of such weapons can give any small nation advantages in foreign policy. Participants in the experiment are not familiar with the technology of creating nuclear weapons and do not have access to classified information. They can use only open sources and offer laboratory specialists projects for tests on secret equipment, the results of which will be reported to them in writing."

The experiment, which began in May 1964, involved two young physicists, David Dobson and David Piepkorn, who were interning at the Lawrence Laboratory in California. For a year, they studied scientific literature accessible to any mere mortal in order to gain the necessary knowledge about radioactive fissile substances.

“Before participating in the experiment, I had never attended any lectures or courses on radioactive substances, except that I saw at an exhibition a model of the chain reaction process made from mousetraps and ping-pong balls,” David Dobson wrote in the final report, talking about the purity of the experiment .

Piepkorn left the race a year later, and Dobson was joined by Robert Selden, also a young physicist, who, after graduating from university, was drafted into the American army.

“At the University of Wisconsin, I took a six-month course in experimental nuclear physics,” Selden wrote in a report on the knowledge he had before participating in the experiment. “Only a small part of the course was devoted to nuclear fission and nuclear reactors. But I knew that uranium -235 and plutonium-239 are fissile materials, and was also aware of the "gun" method of creating a critical mass for explosion." Selden became a participant in the experiment at a time when Dobson and Piepkorn had already agreed to work on a bomb project similar to the one that the Americans dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki in 1945. To cause a chain reaction, it used the so-called principle of implosion, an “explosion inward.” Using a system of special lenses, diverging blast waves were transformed into a converging spherically symmetric shock wave, sharply compressing a ball of fissile material. Creating such a bomb was much more difficult than the one that exploded over Hiroshima, in which two pieces of fissile material simply move closer to each other, creating a critical mass. The scientists deliberately chose the more difficult option, realizing that the bomb project, the theoretical principle of which many colleagues knew about, would not bring them laurels.

Under military control, Dobson and Selden, in the spring of 1965, began ordering publicly available literature that helped them begin the actual creation of the atomic bomb project. Scientists have read hundreds of scientific articles on the practical uses of fissile substances. All the notebooks in which they made notes, as well as sketches of possible tests, were bound together and assigned numbers. Most of these recordings and transcripts of conversations between Dobson and Selden, in which they shared their thoughts with each other about the progress of the work, are still classified as "Top Secret".

“We attended public events and lectures at the Lawrence Laboratory,” Dobson said in the report. “But the various experiments and equipment we saw - the laboratory reactor, the laser in building 154 and the nuclear laboratories in building 174B - did not give even a hint of how a bomb could be created ". “I also visited the laboratory’s computer center building and the chemistry building, but by that time our knowledge of the problem was already so deep that these visits were not important for our project,” Selden stated after the end of the project. By May 1965, two scientists had designed a lens system that results in implosion. In June, laboratory staff were already invited to conduct the first experiment with an initiating explosive for a bomb. By December, a clear implosion scheme had been defined, using equipment created by Dobson and Selden.

Military censorship makes it impossible to find out what the scientists did for four months after that - these parts of their report are still secret. But it is known that in April 1966 the first complete drawing of the design of an atomic bomb appeared. Due to its large size, this device could not be installed on existing ballistic missiles, but it could easily be carried on board a bomber. In December 1966, the participants in the experiment submitted their final report to their Pentagon supervisor, nuclear physicist Art Hudgins. Attached were all the blueprints, as well as a long list of open scientific papers that were useful in creating the atomic bomb project. The Pentagon has not yet declassified this list. All these materials were sent to leading American experts in the field of nuclear weapons. They had to determine whether the bomb created by Dobson and Selden would explode or not. In April 1967, experts made a final verdict: if the atomic bomb proposed by Dobson and Selden had been built, it would certainly have exploded and could have destroyed a city with a population of one hundred thousand people. Experts then concluded that almost any country, if it manages to obtain the drawings of this bomb, will be able to organize the production of such weapons.

“The design of the bomb proposed by the participants in the experiment uses uranium and plutonium, the production of which is now generally thought to require special knowledge and experience,” wrote Richard James, one of the American nuclear physicists who examined the Dobson-Selden report, in 1967. “But with the support of the state, a group of 10-20 chemical engineers will not have any difficulties in creating real production of these substances on an industrial scale.”

Robert Selden, after the end of the experiment, continued to work in secret laboratories of the Pentagon. He is confident that modern terrorist groups can also create nuclear weapons.

“Of course, they will need access to modern manufacturing, as well as knowledge in the field of physics, chemistry, explosives and electronics,” Selden wrote in the late 90s in his scientific work, which examined the capabilities of modern terrorist organizations. “But to build bomb, terrorists do not need to have any knowledge of nuclear physics at the very beginning of the process."

David Dobson decided, after successfully developing the atomic bomb project, to teach physics, as well as problems of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

“If al-Qaeda members were not now hiding around the world, they could obtain the most dangerous weapons of terror,” he writes in one of the studies. “It seems to me that they have both the money and educated people to create nuclear weapons "They can deliver a bomb to the shores of the United States in any sea container."

Dobson is confident that North Korea, whose nuclear program is of concern to the United States, already has nuclear weapons.

It is clear to everyone that the Koreans know exactly how to make a bomb, and most likely have already created several samples. They will not use these weapons, but they need money to develop the country. Therefore, North Korea may well sell production technology or the products themselves to other countries, Dobson said recently.

Biographical information.

David Dobson was born in 1937 in California. In 1959, he received a bachelor's degree in chemistry from the University of Berkeley. Five years later he defended his dissertation in physics there. Since 1968, he lectured on physics at Benoit College, Wisconsin. In 2002 he retired.

Robert Selden was born in 1936 in Arizona. He received his bachelor's degree in physics in 1958 and completed his PhD in physics at the University of Wisconsin in 1960. He worked at Lawrence Laboratory for more than 30 years, where he held key management positions. He is currently an active member of the US Army Air Forces Scientific Council.

David Piepkorn was born in 1936 in Wisconsin. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Princeton University in 1958. His main specialty is energy engineer. In 1964 he defended his dissertation in physics at the University of Illinois. After leaving the experiment, he worked at various industrial enterprises.

Now let's turn to the next generation of weapons - the hydrogen bomb.

The operating principle of the first hydrogen bomb (proposed by Academician Sakharov) resembles a “puff pastry”. This is simply an enhanced atomic bomb, which additionally uses the synthesis of light elements. This is a regular atomic bomb with layers of uranium and lithium/deuterium around it. During the explosion, the uranium evaporates and the pressure increases. The layer of deuterium and lithium deuteride contracts and a thermonuclear reaction begins. However, the power of such a system is limited. Therefore, in a “real” hydrogen bomb, another reaction is used - the fusion of deuterium with tritium, which gives several times greater energy output. But tritium does not exist in nature - it is radioactive and lives for about 18 years. So it was necessary to replace it. Academician Ginzburg suggested a solution. The fact is that when the Lithium isotope (Li6) is irradiated with neutrons, tritium is produced (plus some more energy). However, ordinary lithium (mainly Li7) contains only about 6-7%, so it is impossible to do without an isotope separation plant.

I. Introduction

It is no secret that the greatness of each state is determined
three mandatory factors - the presence of a corrupt
government, mafia and atomic weapons. With the first two positions
we did it. But what about the third point? You just
think! Our country has not yet been included in the honorary list
nuclear powers! Look at France, China, Iraq! And we
We are still marking time!

No, this situation must be corrected immediately. And, as always,
Our hope is only in you, our dear housewives. Let's help the country!

In this article we describe the manufacture of a thermonuclear bomb
at home. For simplicity, the whole process is divided into ten
simple steps. The cost of the project ranges from 50 to 300 lats,
and everything basically depends on the “bells and whistles” that you probably
want to do it.

II. Theory

The main component of a bomb is plutonium -
radioactive metal element produced by decay
neptunia. Its structure is similar to uranium, saturium,
and marsium.

III. Method

1. First of all, you need to get 110 kg of purified plutonium.
You can go to Salaspils or Ignalina to get it, but it’s much easier
buy it from some terrorist organization -
for example, at the local branch of Perkoncrusts.

2. Please remember that plutonium, especially pure plutonium, in some cases
than dangerous. After contact with the material, do not forget to wash
hands with soap. Do not allow children to put it in their mouth or feed it
pets. Otherwise, plutonium dust is very useful
on the farm. It repels insects and rodents well - this
this fact has been confirmed by numerous scientific experiments. You can
store the material in a lead box or in empty cans

3. Make a metal container. For this purpose it can
sheet iron will come in handy. Although for aesthetes we recommend
something special - for example, your husband’s old “Cossack”
or the neighbor's Volvo. The main thing is not to use foil. Eat
things on which saving is harmful.

4. Make two hemispheres from plutonium and place them on
4 cm apart. To “bind” plutonium dust,
use liquid glass or, at worst, cement mortar.

5. Purchase 220 kg of trinitrotoluene (TNT). Gelignite,
of course it's better, but it's very dirty and can stain your entire

6. Place TNT around the hemispheres and secure it with clay to
modeling or plasticine. For beauty, use colored plasticine.
You can lay out some national pattern for them or
traditional patriotic slogan.

7. Place the resulting structure (step 6) into the container (step 3).
Using epoxy glue, fix the hemispheres into the shell. On
At this stage, try not to drop the prepared “filling”, as
any vibration can cause a fatal detonation for your city.

8. Any radio-controlled vehicle will be suitable as a detonator
mechanism from toy tanks and cars. The principle is simple:
a remotely controlled firing pin strikes the detonator primer and
causes a micro-explosion. Cap detonators are best
purchase at building materials stores. We recommend
Dutch brand "Blast".

9. Hide the device away from the eyes of children and envious people
neighbors. The garage is not suitable, as humidity and changes
temperatures will trigger a premature explosion. Ideal place
for storage there may be your closet in the hallway or a cabinet under
sink in the kitchen. However, you already know where to hide
good things.

10. So, you have become the owner of your own
thermonuclear device. You can brag about them at work and at a party,
use it for national defense purposes and lend it to the army
during the “Peace under the Baltic Skies” exercise. Thanks to your
“bomb” you can easily lower the rent for your apartment,
resolve the issue of accumulated debts and acquire unprecedented
popularity these days.

IV. Application

The device is triggered when the detonated TNT compresses
plutonium to critical mass. In this case, a chain reaction occurs,
similar to the fall of a chain of dominoes. She creates another chain
reaction, which is a thermonuclear explosion. Equivalent to yours
bomb is equal to 10 megatons of TNT.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how to make a nuclear bomb in Minectaft without special mods, cheats and other various things.

To begin with, of course, turn on the game, then I advise you to try it first in creative mode, because it is best to experiment where there are endless materials. So, you have entered the game, from the inventory we take the material we need. The materials we need include: any block (smooth sandstone, stone, clay, sand, etc.), a regular rail (you can use an energy rail), a trolley with dynamite and a red torch - all the necessary materials. Then we choose a territory convenient for us (a nuclear bomb will not take up much space). After which, we place one rail, and on both sides the block that you have chosen. Only these two blocks should be opposite each other. Afterwards, above the (energy) rail, we place another block so that the two blocks that stand on the sides should hold it. And we get some kind of mini-tower of three blocks, and under this tower there is a rail. So, why did we take the trolley with dynamite? And we took it in order to put this trolley on the rail. We place as many trolleys with dynamite under the blocks as possible (the more, the louder our nuclear bomb will thunder and the less there will be left around). After all these actions, you should have got: a lot of trolleys with dynamites, surrounded on both sides by blocks and one block above the trolleys. Then, on any side on which we have blocks (except for the top block), we will place our red torch at a distance of one block. Well, we are almost at the end, then we break all the blocks and we should be left with carts with dynamites and a red torch. And we approach the trolleys and push them towards the red torch, while we move away as far as possible to watch this spectacle.

I hope you did everything as I explained to you. If you did everything as I explained to you, then you should have been left with a large hole. Just imagine how long it would take you to dig this hole, and then build a nuclear bomb and everything is ready! Good luck!

Video on how to make a nuclear bomb in Minecraft without mods

The exact number of nuclear weapons and munitions currently in the world's arsenals is unknown. Perhaps only one figure is generally known. The total capacity of nuclear weapons now amounts to 5 thousand megatons - approximately 1 ton for every inhabitant of the Earth. "Nuclear suitcases" would not attract so much attention if it were not for the threat that they would fall into the hands of terrorists. And the likelihood of such a development cannot be discounted. So, what is the mechanism for the underground production of these terrible weapons of the twentieth century? What are the options for purchasing it? And who today can boast of possessing nuclear weapons?

How to make a bomb?

Although nuclear weapons are nothing more than a mechanism for “intimidating” the enemy, which hardly anyone would risk using, today’s rules of the game in the international arena are as follows: if you want to have influence in the “major league” - and at the same time make it clear to “some” countries that it is better not to mess with you - you will need nuclear weapons. There are three main ways to get it.

The "Just do it!" method. The most common opinion among experts is that making a nuclear bomb is easier than many people think. Making a bomb is even easier than stealing a finished bomb. To make a nuclear explosive device, you need a material that can explosively split atoms, plus experts, equipment, and delivery vehicles. So, the material - a nuclear device can be built from materials not directly intended for this (so as not to disturb the “nuclear experts” who are always ready to come out for inspection) - highly enriched uranium in metallic form will do. Delivering the device to the target, by many estimates, seems to be the simplest task. Experts ridicule the mythologized “suitcase bomb” but speak seriously of the “bomb in a large shipping container” (the so-called “conex bomb”, after the standard steel shipping containers in which most cargo is imported into the United States). In practice, less than 2% of containers are opened for inspection and most containers do not pass through X-ray detectors. So the chances of importing a “suitcase” are very high. Former head of US nuclear arsenals Eugene Habiger says that “the US is not yet able to defend against this.” According to him, it is quite possible to deliver a nuclear device to Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and kill tens of thousands of people. Apparently that’s why Habiger himself lives in San Antonio, far from river transport routes.

In order to become an “expert” in the difficult task of making a bomb, you will have to look into the library and surf the World Wide Web quite a bit. The basic methods of making an atomic bomb have been known for 50 years and the recipes are described in detail in numerous works on physics. The simplest way is to take a small piece of enriched uranium, about the size of a small melon, and shoot it inside the barrel of a large gun at another uranium melon. Theodore Taylor, nuclear physicist and creator of both the largest and smallest American nuclear warhead, and now a staunch opponent of any nuclear devices, notes that the attentive reader can glean enough information about the nuclear bomb in the public encyclopedia - even the dimensions and workings are indicated there characteristics.

However, the business of creating a bomb is a risky gamble. David Albright, who served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq, notes that Saddam Hussein's failed attempt at a nuclear weapons program in 1990 shows how one mistake can lead to failure. Iraq obtained nearly enough highly enriched uranium from a research reactor to create a nuclear bomb. However, the person in charge of the casting, for fear of spilling or contaminating the uranium, decided to mix the materials in small quantities. As a result, most of the uranium was still lost and the resulting material was not enough to create a nuclear bomb. Albright notes: "It is theoretically possible to make a bomb, but good organizers are needed to carry out the entire process, and errors are possible."

A way to “borrow a semi-finished product.” There is, however, another way to make your own nuclear weapons: they can be produced from weapons-grade uranium or plutonium purchased in another country. Moreover, the amount of fissile materials required for each charge will be very small. In 2002, the UN proposed adopting the following quantities of fissile components of nuclear weapons as the initial standard: uranium-233 - one kilogram, uranium-235 - three kilograms and plutonium - one kilogram. This amount can be carried in an ordinary suitcase.

So, the task of manufacturing nuclear weapons is greatly simplified. The time for its production is also reduced. Pentagon experts give the time frame: if there is uranium or plutonium with an enrichment level of less than 20%, the required period is about a year. If highly enriched plutonium or uranium in metallic form is used, then the manufacturing time for a nuclear weapon will be only 7-10 days. In addition, it is possible to do without the laborious creation of a complex complex that mines uranium and brings it to the appropriate degree of purification. It is enough just to obtain weapons materials in another country - buy or steal.

"Hot offer" method. Finally, the third way is to obtain the nuclear weapons themselves in combat-ready form. In this case, the bet can be placed on the purchase or theft of only small-sized tactical ammunition - artillery shells, engineering land mines or sabotage backpack mines. And this is even easier to do. Every year, the IAEA records more than 200 attempts to purchase nuclear weapons on the black market. Russia is considered one of the potential “sellers,” since about 15 thousand of the 25 thousand nuclear warheads existing on Earth are located there. The yield of these warheads starts at 500 kilotons, which is enough to devastate most of Manhattan. Every year, the Russian press describes disturbing stories. For example, a 19-year-old sailor carried out a massacre on an Akula-class nuclear submarine, killing eight people and threatening to blow up the boat and its nuclear reactor. Another story: Five soldiers at a Russian nuclear facility killed a guard and took a hostage while trying to take over a plane. This information was indirectly confirmed by the statements of Alexander Lebed and about one and a half dozen examples when various special services discovered nuclear materials stolen from Russian facilities.

Like the "old people" - the owners are trying to curb the ardor of the young

Today there is a supposedly irrefutable thesis: nuclear weapons are a means of “deterring” the enemy, and not as a means of waging war. I deter you from using nuclear weapons by the threat of retaliatory use, and you deter me accordingly. You only hope that the enemy will not attack, because he knows that in return you will destroy him. However, in reality, the “system of mutual deterrence” does not work.

First, there may be nuclear weapons states and there may not be a mutual nuclear deterrence relationship between them because they are beyond the range of their nuclear weapons from each other. For example, Great Britain and China, or Great Britain and India, are nuclear powers, but they simply cannot strike, fight or “intimidate” each other.

The next exception is when there is a huge nuclear superiority of one state over another, as a result of which the “deterrence” is one-sided. A state with superiority can do whatever it wants to another state, even if it has some nuclear weapons. But it doesn't work in the opposite direction. Example: China and the United States of America. Only recently, China has produced several missiles that are capable of reaching the territory of the United States of America. And the United States of America could destroy China over the course of 60 years using both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons, and it retains and will retain this possibility for the entire foreseeable period. China, of course, will most likely increase its nuclear weapons, and gradually deterrence will become more equal, more reciprocal. But it cannot yet be said that there is a nuclear deterrent relationship between the United States and China.

Another exception is India and the Russian Federation. Indian missiles reach Russian territory, and, accordingly, even more so Russian missiles reach India. But Russia does not aim its weapons at India, because they know that Indian nuclear missiles are directed against China and against Pakistan. And therefore Russia is not worried about this. The same can be said about France and Israel. They are not allies, they “get” each other, but their missiles are clearly intended for other purposes. The same can be said about China and Pakistan. China helped Pakistan build nuclear weapons. China is not an ally of Pakistan. But China is confident that Pakistan is targeting its funds at India, not China. Thus, the system of nuclear "checks and balances" does not work.

Where did the “newbies” get nuclear weapons?

Eight countries are known to have nuclear weapons today: the United States, Russia, China, Great Britain, France, India, Pakistan and Israel.

The explosion at the top of Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945, ushered in the era of nuclear weapons. Just four years later, in August 1949, the Soviet Union tested its bomb. In October 1952, the British tested their nuclear device on the island of Monte Bello, in 1960 the French exploded their bomb in the Sahara Desert, and in 1964 the Chinese exploded their bomb at the test site near Lake Lop Nor. So they legally own nuclear weapons, they are, as it were, “thieves in law”, they have nuclear weapons, which were handed to them by international law and sanctioned by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The Treaty directly states that nuclear powers (that is, legitimate) are those that “created nuclear weapons before 1967,” and this includes the top five. But all the rest are already illegal owners. It’s as simple as that: whoever didn’t have time is late. That's all. "Legal production" became "illegal distribution". But then there were misunderstandings and incomprehensible things.

Israel - "a bomb in the basement by someone else's hands." The first country to unofficially add this weapon to its military capabilities was Israel. Israel created its nuclear weapons without conducting a single test at all, so Israel’s model for joining the nuclear club is called a “bomb in the basement,” conditionally. Israel's nuclear program began in 1956 in cooperation with France and with the tacit approval of the United States. France helped Israel build a secret nuclear reactor in Dimona. Although Israel has not officially conducted the test, it is suspected that it has conducted a test with the Republic of South Africa there in southern Africa or the South Atlantic to see if its device works or not. But formally, there was not a single nuclear explosion that could be directly attributed to Israel, for which it would take responsibility. He holds his weapon, content with the fact that the Arabs know that he has it, that is, this weapon performs a deterrent function, but on the other hand, no one can find fault with him and accuse him, and cannot point a finger at him.

The Africans “denied it, but gave it up.” South Africa is a good example of how nuclear weapons were secretly created. They hid it, they denied it, they seemed to be a member of the nuclear club, and they seemed to be not members of the nuclear club. And everything was revealed only when the black majority came to power. Then the white ex-leadership of South Africa, fearing that nuclear weapons would go to the black majority, admitted that they had them and, under international control, destroyed them. But by 1989, South Africa was the owner of six ammunition with a capacity of 10-18 thousand tons of TNT equivalent. The seventh warhead was in production in 1991, when the South African government decided to abandon nuclear weapons. South Africa became the first country in the world to unilaterally destroy its nuclear capabilities.

India - and again "Pancha Shila". India carried out a nuclear explosion in 1974, but said: this is not a weapon, this is a peaceful nuclear explosion. And thus, India cannot be blamed for taking the path of nuclear proliferation. How to distinguish between peaceful and non-peaceful, especially since no one was there and did not control? Only in 1998 did India join the “nuclear club” when it officially announced the presence of atomic weapons. Currently, there are 9 industrial and 8 research reactors operating in India, and “for some reason” not a single Indian nuclear facility has been inspected by the IAEA.

"Oriental bazaar - sometimes true, sometimes deception." There are other, more recent examples of states adopting nuclear programs “under the roof” of legal developments. This refers to the so-called “dual-use materials”, when it is impossible to verify whether they are used for military or peaceful purposes. In fact, many states seeking to acquire nuclear weapons do not want to develop any peaceful nuclear energy at all. They don't need it. For example, why does Iraq or Iran need peaceful energy? They have a huge amount of their own oil - in order to meet their energy needs, and also bring them huge income from trading this oil. That is, they only need nuclear energy to create nuclear weapons. They can enter into the Non-Proliferation Treaty, use assistance in the development of peaceful nuclear energy, and then themselves, having acquired materials, equipment and intellectual experience, create nuclear weapons on this basis.

What should we “finish” ourselves? Nuclear technology is now a market where the rules are dictated by the buyer, who, however, subsequently “is not always right.” A state that has the money to pay for nuclear materials and nuclear technology can choose from suppliers - everyone is trying to rush to it to offer it their services, and under these conditions put pressure on it within the framework of the Non-Proliferation Treaty “look, nothing like that” Don’t do what’s forbidden, otherwise we won’t give you anything.” But then the buyer begins to download the rights. By the way, the experience with North Korea in this sense is very indicative. The Soviet Union and then Russia were building a light water reactor there, which is relatively safer in terms of using material technology for military purposes, and the United States pushed hard on the Soviet Union to end this cooperation. And when, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the coming to power of a new leadership in Russia, everyone suddenly forgot about North Korea, North Korea faced the prospect that no one would complete the construction of this reactor. And then suddenly the United States came. And they told the same leader and the same regime: “We will build you exactly the same station instead of the Soviet Union, but you, of course, must not create nuclear weapons.” They said: "Okay, let's build it." True, then the United States stopped this cooperation, and in response to this, North Korea was offended and said: “If so, we will produce nuclear weapons - we have plutonium.” There was a reactor, rods, and it was possible to reprocess spent fuel. And now North Korea is probably going down this path.

"Dirty bomb" of Islamic persuasion. The Pakistani nuclear program, according to most experts, was built precisely on the use of “black market” technologies. The fact is that the radioactive filling of a “dirty bomb” can be used nuclear fuel or isotopes released during the purification of nuclear fuel. There are many such materials, and they are much less secure than the highly enriched materials suitable for a real bomb. A dirty bomb could be filled with cobalt-60, which is often found in hospitals for use in radiation therapy and in cooking to kill bacteria in fruits and vegetables. The dirty bomb could also be filled with cesium-137, which is commonly used in medical instruments and radiation therapy machines. The filling can also be the isotope americium, which has properties similar to plutonium and is used in smoke detectors and in oil exploration. Finally, plutonium is found in many US research laboratories.

"How Gaddafi made a deal." Libya began working in this area in the 1970s, when it first tried to acquire nuclear weapons from China. However, for unknown reasons, the deal fell through. In 1977, Libya offered Pakistan financial assistance and a supply of uranium from neighboring Niger (which is heavily influenced by Libya) in exchange for nuclear and missile technology. Pakistan accepted Libyan aid but did not fully fulfill its obligations. As a result, Libya began independently developing atomic weapons. At the end of 2002, Libya announced its intention to cooperate with the international community and allowed international inspectors to visit secret nuclear sites. Then it turned out that Libya has the equipment and technologies necessary to enrich uranium and produce plutonium. In January 2004, 25 tons of documents were delivered from Libya to the United States concerning secret Libyan programs in the field of creating weapons of mass destruction, ballistic missiles. According to preliminary information, it was the “Libyan dossier” that convincingly proved that Pakistan transferred its nuclear secrets to third countries.

Threats of "intimidation" weapons

Real threats of using nuclear weapons today can hypothetically materialize in two scenarios. The least likely, but most destructive, is a true nuclear explosion, which would cause massive destruction and spread toxic smoke and radiation. To do this, you need a nuclear warhead purchased on the black market from an already existing arsenal of some country. The explosive can also be homemade: it can cause significant casualties, but its strength will be less than that of a factory-made nuclear charge.

The second category is a radiological attack, which would involve the dissemination of radioactive materials into a public place using a "dirty bomb" or the release of such materials into the air or water. In addition, sabotage at nuclear power plants may occur. Compared to carrying out an actual fission nuclear explosion, such sabotage may seem simple, but it can lead to panicked evacuations, increased cancer rates, costly cleanup efforts, and possibly the preventive destruction of entire residential areas. Al-Qaeda has claimed to have a "dirty bomb": unconfirmed, but possible.

Based on materials from: Military-Industrial Courier, Institute for Nonproliferation Research, National Institute for Strategic Studies, Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies, Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies, Internationale Politik, Washington ProFile, Finacial Times, Economist.

How to make a Hydrogen Bomb

To create and have a Hydrogen Bomb is a task only a true American can accomplish. Who wants to be a passive victim of a nuclear war when with a little effort you can become an active participant? Those who sit in bomb shelters are losers. Do you want to sit in this crowd underground and chew canned food? Winners want to push the button themselves. The creation of a hydrogen bomb is a big step, truly nuclear, as they say, Edrit It...


The “heart” of a working hydrogen bomb is a working atomic bomb. All you have to do is combine the components so that when the atomic bomb detonates, it triggers thermonuclear fusion.

Part I: How to assemble a Bomb

Step 1: Getting spare parts

Uranium is the main working substance of an atomic bomb. When the nuclei of uranium atoms split, they release enormous amounts of energy (for their size) and release neutrons, which break apart other uranium nuclei, releasing even more energy, in what is called a chain reaction. (When nuclei split, matter turns into energy, according to Einstein's formula E=MC2. What better way to celebrate his birthday than with his personal atomic fireworks?)

There are two types (isotopes) of uranium: the rare U-235, used in bombs, and the more common but useless U-238. Natural uranium contains less than 1 percent U-235. To be used in bombs, it must be "enriched" to 90% U-235.

Plutonium-239 can also be used in bombs instead of U-235. Five kilograms of U-235 (or slightly less plutonium) is all that is needed for a bomb. Less than five kilograms will not create a critical mass. But the task of purifying or enriching natural uranium ore may become an insoluble problem for you. It is incomparably easier to steal already enriched uranium or plutonium. “Stealing uranium” just sounds scary.

There are at least three sources of enriched uranium and plutonium.

Enriched uranium is produced at a gaseous diffusion plant in Portsmouth, Ohio. From there, the uranium is transported in 10-liter containers by plane and truck to processing plants, where it is converted into uranium oxide and uranium metal. Each 10-liter vessel contains 7 kilograms of U-235, and each conventional load contains 20 such vessels.

There are processing plants in Hematite, Missouri; Apollo, Pennsylvania and Erwin, Tennessee. The Kerr-McGee plant in Crescent, Oklahoma "lost" 20 kg of plutonium during processing. Enriched uranium may be lost at these plants or at nuclear fuel plants such as those in New Haven, San Diego; Lynchburg, Virginia. (Former Kerr-McGee plant manager James W. Smith, when asked what measures were taken at the plant to prevent product theft, he replied: “No measures. No, no security, no fencing, nothing.)

Plutonium is obtained, for example, from United Nuclea in Rowling, New York; at Newclea Fuel Services in Erwin, Tenn.; General Electric in Pleasanton, California; Westinghouse in Cheswick, Pennsylvania; Nuclea Materials and Equipment Corporation in Leechburg, Pennsylvania. And also at plants in Hannford, Washington and Morris, Illinois.

After all, you can steal enriched uranium or plutonium while it is being transported from enrichment plants to nuclear fuel plants. It is usually transported in the form of uranium oxide (a brown powder similar to instant coffee) or in small metal pieces (also called "broken buttons"). Any form of uranium is transported in small tin boxes, secured together by 10-cm cylinders on forged legs inside ordinary 200-liter tanks. These tanks are often labeled with the words “Fissile Materials” or “Danger! Plutonium". They are typically shipped from the processing plant in Portsmouth, Ohio to the reprocessing plant in Hematite, Missouri, from there to Kansas City by truck, from where the cargo can be airlifted to Los Angeles and from there by truck to the General Atomic plant. in San Diego. The plans for the General Atomic plant are on file in the meeting room of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1717 H Street NW, Washington. For the convenience of the public, a photocopier is also located there.

If you can't get enriched uranium at all, then get uranium enriched to commercial use levels (20% U-235). It can be stolen from university reactors such as TRIGA Mark II, where the level of security is even lower than in commercial plants.

If you are too honest to steal, you can buy uranium. Unenriched uranium can be obtained from any chemical supply company for $23 per half kilo. Commercially enriched uranium (from 3% to 20%) for $40 per half kilo at Gulf Atomic. All you have to do is enrich it. Frankly, this could be a big adventure on your ass. To begin with, you need a little more than 25 kg of “commercial grade” uranium-235 (This is only 20% of uranium-235 at best, despite the fact that you need 5 kg of uranium-235). On a small kitchen bench for chemistry experiments, you should be ready to turn the solid uranium oxide you purchased into liquid form. Once you do this, you will need to separate the required amount of uranium-235 from uranium-238.

First of all, pour about one and a half dozen liters of concentrated hydrofluoric acid, or hydrofluoric acid, into the uranium oxide to convert it into uranium tetrafluoride. (Important note: Concentrated hydrofluoric acid is so caustic that it will eat through glass, so only store it in a plastic container. A plastic milk bottle will do). Now we need to convert uranium tetrafluoride into hexafluoride, the gaseous form of uranium most convenient for separating the isotopes of uranium-235 from uranium-238.

To make hexafluoride, add fluorine to a container of uranium tetrafluoride. Fluorine is supplied in pressurized tanks by chemical companies. Be careful when using this gas because it is even more poisonous than chlorine, a classic World War I chemical warfare agent.

If you have done all this correctly, you have the right amount of hexafluoride to enrich it. In the old days, enrichment was achieved by running hexafluoride through thousands of kilometers of pipes, bushings and filters until the uranium-235 was sufficiently separated from the uranium-238. This gas-diffusion process, as it was called, is difficult, time-consuming and expensive. Gas diffusion plants occupy hundreds of square meters and cost about $2 billion each.

First, turn the gas into a liquid by subjecting it to pressure. You can use a bicycle pump for this. Then make a simple home centrifuge. Fill a standard liter bucket completely with uranium hexafluoride. Tie the handle of the bucket to a two-meter rope. Now swing the rope (and the bucket attached to it) over your head as fast as you can. Continue doing this for 45 minutes. Slow down gradually and then very carefully place the bucket on the floor. Uranium-235, which is lighter, will float to the surface, where it will form a foam, like cream. Repeat this step until you have the required 5 kg of uranium. (Important note: Do not put all the enriched hexafluoride you extract into one bucket. Use at least two or three buckets, which you keep in different corners of the room. This will prevent premature accumulation of critical mass.)

Now it's time to convert your enriched uranium back into metallic form. This is easy to do by pouring a few scoops of calcium (available from tablets at the pharmacy around the corner) into each bucket of uranium. The calcium will react with the uranium hexafluoride to create calcium fluoride, a colorless salt that is easily separated from your highly enriched uranium.

A few caveats:

* While uranium is radioactive it is not so dangerous that it is necessary to protect yourself. But if you plan to make more than one bomb, you'll want to be careful by wearing gloves and a lead apron, both of which you can buy from a dental supply company.

* Plutonium is one of the most toxic substances known today. Inhalation of one thousandth of a gram can cause massive pulmonary fibrosis. Even a millionth of a gram in the lungs can cause cancer. If plutonium enters the stomach, it will act the same as calcium. It will go straight to the bone tissue, where it will emit alpha particles, preventing the bone marrow from producing red blood cells. The easiest way to avoid ingesting plutonium is to hold your breath whenever you hold it in your hands. This is if wearing a mask is too difficult. To prevent plutonium from entering the body through the mouth, follow a simple rule: never make an atomic bomb on an empty stomach.

* If you are constantly sleepy at work or you just start to glow, in this case it would be a good idea to look at the blood. Prick your finger with a sterile needle, drop a drop of blood on a microscope glass, cover it with another glass and look under the microscope. (This is best done in the early morning) If you have leukemia, there are unformed blood cells in the bloodstream, and usually the number of white blood cells has increased (and should increase at least every 2 weeks). Red blood cells look slightly smaller than white blood cells. Unformed red blood cells similar to white blood cells. If you have more than 1 white blood cell (including unformed ones) per 400 red blood cells, then start to worry. But given your plans for using the bomb, a short life may not be considered a problem.

Step 2: Assembling the Atomic Bomb

Now you have the necessary enriched uranium, all that remains is to assemble an atomic bomb. Find a couple of stainless steel ice cream bowls. You also need to divide your 5 kg of uranium-235 into two pieces. (Keep them separate!) The idea is to stuff each half of your uranium inside each vase.

Take a piece of your uranium and hammer it inside the first vase. Uranium is malleable, like gold, so you shouldn't have any problems with this - hammer it down so that it evenly fills the inside of the vase. Take the second 2.5 kg piece of uranium and place it in another vase. These two vases of uranium-235, which make up the “critical mass,” when sharply and strongly compressed, form a critical mass that launches an atomic bomb. Keep them at a reasonable distance from each other, as you don't need critical mass yet. For now, but not quite.

Now empty the body of the vacuum cleaner and place the hemispherical ice cream bowls there, facing each other, at a distance of about 15 cm. Use adhesive tape to firmly secure each of the bowls in place. Why stainless steel vases and a vacuum cleaner? You may be surprised, but this will help reflect neutrons into the uranium for greater explosion efficiency. “A lost neutron is a useless neutron,” as the pioneers of the atomic bomb used to say.

The atomic bomb as it is is almost ready. The final challenge is to ensure that two hemispheres of uranium-235 can be pressed together with enough force to cause an effective chain reaction. Any type of explosive will work for this. Gunpowder, for example, can be easily made at home using sodium nitrate, sulfur and coal. Or you can take some dynamite (buy it or steal it from the warehouse). The best type of explosive is plastic C4. You can wrap it around ice cream bowls and it is safe to work with. (But it's better to first wrap it around some other ice cream bowls in another room, and THEN place it on the bowls with uranium. This is especially important in the winter, when there is a lot of static electricity that can affect C4. Responsible bomb makers put it in rule not to accidentally blow up more houses in the neighborhood than necessary)

Then, when the explosives are in place, all you have to do is install the detonator, a couple of batteries, a switch and a cord. Just remember that both charges must explode at the same time.

Now place everything in the body of the old vacuum cleaner and part of the job is done.

Step 3: Make atomic bombs according to previous instructions

A few words about waste

Once your atomic bomb is assembled, you'll be left with a bunch of intermediate-level radioactive waste, such as uranium-238. It's not dangerous, but you'd want to get rid of it. (Don’t be afraid to pollute the ocean; there is already enough radioactive waste there, so a couple of buckets won’t change the picture much). If you're squeamish - the kind of person who never throws gum under your seat during a movie - you can put the waste in coffee cans and bury it in your backyard. If the neighbor's kids are on the slide or have a pool there, tell them to frolic over the waste. And you will soon see that they will spend most of their free time in bed.

Higher and higher

If you're like us, you need cost-effective solutions and want to make your bomb using as cheap a method as possible, while still being powerful enough of course. By following the method we have given you, you can create a hydrogen bomb without straining your home budget too much. Without pomp and frills. It's a simple 5-megaton bomb, enough to burn out an area the size of central New York, San Francisco or Boston. But don't forget, your hydrogen bomb is only as good as the atomic bombs inside it.

If you want to spend a little more money, you can upgrade your atomic bombs somewhat. For example, instead of manually separating uranium isotopes, you can buy an industrial centrifuge (Fisher Scientific sells one for $1000). You can also pay more attention to design. The bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima was quite imperfect - only 1% of all uranium reacted in it, and therefore its yield was only 13 kilotons. In order for more uranium to react, the force of the explosion of your "starters" must be distributed throughout the uranium sphere. The pressure at each point of the sphere must be equal. (For the theft of similar technology used in the atomic bomb, the US government at one time accused and put to death Julius and Ethel Rosenberg).

Part II Putting the pieces of our hydrogen bomb together

At the heart of the hydrogen bomb is the process of fusion. Several atomic bombs, detonated in a specific order, create the exceptionally high temperature (100 million degrees) required for the fusion reaction of lithium deuteride (LiD) into helium. When lithium nuclei crash into deuterium nuclei, two helium nuclei are formed, and if a stable reaction occurs, it releases an enormous amount of energy: the energy of a hydrogen bomb. You don't have to worry about stealing lithium deuteride from anywhere, any chemical company sells it. It costs $1000 per half kilo. If your budget doesn't allow it, you can substitute lithium hydride for $40 per pound. You need at least 50 kg of it. This is a caustic and toxic powder, so be careful.

Place lithium deuteride or hydride in glass jars and attach four atomic bombs to them on all sides. Also install detonators so that all bombs explode at the same time. A container for the entire hydrogen bomb would not be difficult to find. It can be placed, for example, inside an old refrigerator.

When the detonator on all four atomic bombs fires and the eight hemispheres of fissile material collapse into each other, at the same moment four critical masses will be created and four explosions will occur. They will raise the temperature of lithium deuteride to 100 million degrees Celsius.

Part III What to do with your bomb

Now you have a fully assembled hydrogen bomb sitting in your home, feasting your eyes. “What should I do with her?” - you ask yourself. Each family might have their own answer to this question, but you might want to consider some of the possibilities, such as those that have been happily opened up by the American government.

1. Sell your bomb and make tons of money.

Nowadays, when inflation is rising, unemployment is increasing and the economic situation is unstable, it happens that the activities of some entrepreneurs are akin to the action of a bomb. If your future is uncertain, your own hydrogen bomb can save you from living on the dole. Regardless of your income level, a homemade hydrogen bomb making business can make an invaluable addition to your household budget.

Unfortunately for such activities, the central government has already staked out all the important positions in the world market. However, this does not mean that it has already satisfied all potential demand. There are still plenty of different nationalists ready to notify the world of their presence. The possibility of having a hydrogen bomb will make them simply jump for joy. And how many countries around the world that do not have enough money not only for a nuclear reactor, but even for a sufficient amount of rice and sugar!

If you are wondering: how can you sell such weapons to countries or underground groups if their actions are not always...ahem, correct? Never mind, take an example from our government: there is no ideology, but there is money that loves counting. And remember, trading in hydrogen bombs is like a chain reaction. You sold a bomb to South Yemen, and a few days later you will receive requests to sell a bomb from North Yemen, and perhaps from Saudi Arabia, perhaps also from Egypt and Ethiopia. In the same way, selling a bomb to the IRA will force the Ulster Authority to buy a bomb. Sold to Tanzania, Uganda will also want a bomb. Well, etc.

It doesn't matter WHOSE side you're on, because you can't count them all. Don't forget also about the possibility of re-selling bombs to your regular customers. Experience shows that any single country would like to buy a hydrogen bomb. In short, there are so many potential buyers that it’s impossible to even imagine

2. Using a bomb for household purposes

For many families, the hydrogen bomb can serve as a home watchman. A simple piece of paper with the words “This house is protected by a hydrogen bomb” will help deter tax collectors, as well as those who conduct various types of censuses, not to mention Jehovah’s Witnesses. You will be amazed at how quickly the crime rate will drop and the standard of living in your area will rise. And one day, when the news spreads that you have a hydrogen bomb at home, you will suddenly discover that you now have the final say in all the disputes that take place near your home - from where and how to park your car, how the music should be loud, and ending with how much you actually have to pay for kindergarten. What a pleasure, joy and pleasure it is to have a hydrogen bomb at home!

But is this for you?

You have to be honest. Not everyone can have a hydrogen bomb. There are people for whom it is even contraindicated. They break out in a rash even at the mention of megatons of TNT, radioactive dust or radiation sickness.

We offer you a test that will help you find out whether you can become a full-fledged owner of a hydrogen bomb. If you answer “yes” to six or more questions, you are eligible to join the nuclear club. If not, then a more suitable weapon for you may be, for example, botulinum toxin, laser beams or nerve gas.


1. I ignore everyone who approaches me.

2. I subscribe to one of (or several) publications: “Soldier of Fortune”, “Playboy”, “Science and Life”, “Do It Yourself”.

3. I have many interesting acquaintances, but my best friend is myself.

4. I know what you will say to me after you say “Hello!”, but I rarely continue the conversation.

5. I've watched The Deer Hunter many times.

6. I know that anyone could achieve anything if they wanted it. That's basically what I do.

7. I have some (or all) of the following things at home: a gun, a video game, a trash compactor, a snowmobile.

8. I am convinced that leukemia is a disease of the nerves.

9. I believe that most vegetarians are impotent.

10. I have proof that solar energy is a communist invention.

Myths about nuclear war

Even after the nuclear mushroom mushroomed over Hiroshima, ushering in the nuclear age, pathetic groups of unintelligent people tried to stir up campaigns and demonstrations to convince Americans that using nuclear energy, and in particular having a hydrogen bomb, could be dangerous and even harmful to health. . Using their exceptional influence on television and radio, these people tried to discredit everything related to the atom - from energy to military use. With their dirty insinuations about the use of nuclear weapons, they have so confused the Americans that many now do not know where the lie is and where the truth is. So here are the myths and here are the real facts.

Myth: After an exchange of nuclear strikes, the earth will not be suitable for human habitation.

Fact: This is complete nonsense. As one scientist said: “The largest bomb that was detonated was 60 megatons, which is one thousandth the force of an earthquake, one thousandth the force of a hurricane. In places where hurricanes and earthquakes occurred, people continue to live for a long time.” Another scientist said: “It is often stated that a full-scale nuclear war could be the end of humanity. This is far from reality. To put an end to life on earth, it is necessary to detonate at least a thousand times, and possibly more, all the nuclear weapons available today.” Even if humanity were to die out completely, there would still be many living forms left, such as cockroaches, certain types of bacteria or lichens.

Myth: Radiation is bad for your health.

Fact: Anything can be bad if consumed in excess. If you eat too many bananas, you will get a stomach ache. If you lie in the sun too long, you'll get sunstroke and maybe even peel off your skin. It's the same with radiation. You may feel bad from everything, but according to official assurances from nuclear power engineers, there is currently no evidence that low levels of radiation can have any negative effect on health. By the way, high levels of radiation even bring benefits. Its impact accelerates evolution, frees unnecessary genetic lines and creates new ones. (Remember the old proverb: “One head is good, but two are better”). Exposure to radiation will save you from the annoying grass growing in front of the house and constantly scratching your feet. And teenagers will discover that short-term exposure to a nuclear explosion will completely rid the skin of pimples, blackheads and other troubles. (Many survivors of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima found themselves without skin at all, and, accordingly, without problems associated with caring for it).

We hope that all of the above will completely clear your doubts. Enjoy your own hydrogen bomb!