Preparation for the exam. What manuals should I read to prepare for the Unified State Exam? What is a good teacher

Preparation for the Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Unified State Examination in other subjects:

Tell me, would you like to spend the next 5 years in such a way that you remember them forever, so that they are the happiest in your life?

Would you like to be proud of yourself for the rest of your life?

And perhaps the most immodest question. Would you like to earn a lot more than the rest and be happier?

Ru. I have two higher education, several years of work in top international companies(PwC and E&Y), its own consulting company...

But I started with this: I couldn't get into university.

By various reasons, but the most main reason- I DIDN’T BELIEVE THAT I NEEDED THIS. And I wasn’t prepared.

And then, after I failed, the fun began.

It was a shame...

Because I had to answer the questions many, many times: “How?!” You didn't get in?! Why?! You're smart!” You can’t argue... You can’t say: “No, I’m a fool...”

Then I had to go to GPTU. Now it's called a beautiful word"College". And then this abbreviation was deciphered differently: “Lord, Help the Stupid Man Get Settled.”

In general... it became completely unbearable. Because some of my friends did and somehow immediately became unattainable.

They went to college, hung out in dorms, had fun, and I went to the factory and nailed slats to wooden panels on a conveyor belt and this was called training.

I took the panel, put slats on it, 12 shots with an air pistol and... the next panel. And so for 8 hours... And so all life...

And then there was the army - not the most pleasant place on earth. To be honest it was real hell and just thrown away 2 years of life, so heavy that I could not even imagine.

A year of “study” at the State Technical University (essentially stupid, mechanical work at a factory) and two years of even more stupid and meaningless service in the army were very convincing.

The value of education was clearly explained to me in a simple, intelligible form. I realized one thing:..

I don't want to live like that!

I don't want to go to the factory to make mechanical work, earn little.

And so, after the army, I gathered my strength and with great difficulty entered... but not into college, but into the preparatory department, where they trained me for another year to enter a university.

It is unrealistic to enroll directly into a university after a three-year break from studying.

And only after preparatory department, I was able to somehow “crawl” into the institute on a budget. Far from the best, but still...

There were two institutes, 6 years of the most wonderful fun!

After the second institute I found a job and I began to receive more immediately, than my parents. AND the work was very interesting(much more interesting than nailing slats).

I went on business trips all over the country: I visited Nakhodka, Sakhalin, Lake Baikal, the Arctic Circle, took professional exams in the USA, and went to training courses in Germany and Hungary. I communicated with very different interesting people, on different languages. I made friends all over the world.

But... do you want to be honest?

It was incredibly difficult to get out of the hole I had driven myself into. I had to simultaneously earn my living, study, sleep very little, and catch up all the time...

Few can stand this.

Why am I telling all this? Not to brag. There's nothing to brag about here.

I can not understand…

Why am I so mediocrely overdue.. four of the most best of the year own life?!

And I encourage you to ask yourself a couple of questions right now...

Perhaps... it's worth being smarter than me? Perhaps you should try a little harder and enroll in your dream university this year? Perhaps it would be easier to enroll straight after school? Think about it. If the answer is yes, read on...

About urgent preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics

But first, one thought that, I know, gnaws at many, many schoolchildren like you. Here she is:

I have no talent for mathematics. I won't be able to pass the Unified State Exam.

Here's what I'll tell you about this. This is complete nonsense!

There are no people incapable of mathematics. There are people who are not capable of teaching it.

This may sound harsh, but it is true. Too many “teachers” are not capable of teaching.

The teacher’s task is not to demonstrate his knowledge (by definition he must have it), but to go down to the student’s level and rise with him at his pace along the steps of knowledge, explaining complex concepts on his fingers.

Maybe you just no luck with the teacher...

Look at the reviews for our textbook “For Dummies” on the website. Pay attention to how many schoolchildren understood complex sections of mathematics for the first time thanks to a textbook and wrote to us about it!

Why is that?

Because we have created a tutorial that is simple, human language explains complex math concepts. Because with its help you can deal with any topic in mathematics on your own.

For these schoolchildren (and their parents and even grandparents!) our textbook has become an excellent electronic teacher!

Another question that also really worries you:

How difficult is the Unified State Examination in mathematics?!

Take a look yourself. Here is the schedule of those who took the Unified State Examination different subjects by 100 points for 2018.

The graph shows that such lucky ones are only 0.03% of the number of those who passed and that Mathematics, like English, are the most difficult exams.

This means you need to seriously prepare for them. But don’t worry, if you’re reading these lines, you’ll know how to pass that ill-fated Unified State Exam in mathematics!

Why can our preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics and our textbook “For Dummies” help you prepare in the remaining time?

It's all about the interaction of the five parts of the site and the site

Look what these parts are:

    The school does not prepare you for the Unified State Exam for admission to a top university on a budget!

    It’s not clear what needs to be repeated, what tasks to pay attention to when preparing!

    Where I live there are no good teachers and I can’t find a tutor!

Which of these problems applies to you?

Preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics

Our preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics is yours electronic tutor. Its algorithms were developed by the best tutors in Moscow. You don't have to look for other materials, you don't have to think about anything - just go from module to module and solve problems. Just like in the game. If you can’t, look through the answers and solutions.

    At school I had a weak math teacher. I did not get anything.

    I got sick and fell behind. I couldn't catch up anymore.

    Mathematics is very difficult subject, available only to child prodigies!

    I have no talent for mathematics!

Did we already mention that this is nonsense?

Textbook “For Dummies” for preparing for the Unified State Exam in mathematics

You are 100% capable of mathematics. Read the reviews for our textbook. A lot of people figured it out on their own difficult topics Oh. We have written this textbook in such a way that it is clear so that anyone can understand any topic. In simple human language about complex things.

    I understood the solution correctly, but did not notice the trap and solved the problem incorrectly!

    The tasks were so unfamiliar! We weren't given these at school!

    The theory is clear, but practice is lacking!

    I solved difficult problems correctly. I know a lot and tried very hard, but I made a mistake on some nonsense!

Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Be sure that during the exam all the tasks will seem unfamiliar to you.

Trainers by type and topic

So there's no point in deciding all the time typical tasks. You need to look for and solve original problems in order to learn to think and not be afraid if the problem seems incomprehensible at first.

Our problems (especially complex ones) were invented by our mathematicians Elena Evgenievna Bashtova and Alexey Sergeevich Shevchuk. The tasks are original, that is, unfamiliar. Just what you need. By solving them, you will learn to think and prepare for the Unified State Exam in mathematics in the best possible way!

  • I solved everything, but I wrote down the answer incorrectly!
  • I knew how to solve it, but I didn’t have enough time in the exam!
  • The result of the trial Unified State Exam is either 50 or 90 points. There is no certainty about what will happen on the exam.
  • It's a shame to prepare whole year(and sometimes 2-3 years) and then not get a couple of points and not get into the university of your dreams!
  • Would you know how often we hear this phrase?! Why is this happening?! Because you haven’t adapted to stress, solving timed problems, you’re not used to controlling time.

    Trial Unified State Exam in Mathematics

    This part will allow you get used to stress, learn to control time and find out your real level.

    You can take the test exam in mathematics unlimited. The program selects every time new option tasks from a database of 6000 tasks.

    Result trial Unified State Exam, answers to every problem and solutions you you will receive it immediately!

    • I won't be able to force myself to study. I need someone who will help and motivate me!
    • I'm not sure I have enough time. There is... nothing left until the exam!
    • I need help. I don't like studying alone.

    It's simple!

    Parent's office

    In the parent's office you can see all the statistics of your progress. It is impossible to deceive him. Only correctly solved problems are displayed.

    You and your parents will be able to accurately estimate how much time you need to study per day in order to complete the entire Program before the exam.

    Our authors: who are they?

    What exactly will you get by purchasing our preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics and access to the textbook “For Dummies”

    Preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics

    • 25 modules on geometry;
    • 25 modules on algebra;
    • An entrance test that determines the student’s level and a training program adapted to his level;
    • Just go like in the game, from module to module;
    • Parent's office (to help the student).

    A great option for those who want to study on their own.

    Why great? Because the most budget (but very high quality!).

    Because I'm prepared the best tutors Moscow as an electronic replacement for a tutor.

    If you complete the Program to the end, increase your results by an average of 40%(according to a student survey).

    Problem solving simulators by topic and type:

    • 6000 tasks in the database on each topic and each type;
    • All problems with solutions and answers.

    An excellent option for those who don’t need a program, but want to get their hands on tasks on a specific topic or type.

      to don't make stupid mistakes in simple problems

      to learn how to write the answer correctly

      to achieve stability results

      to step on all the mistakes and learn solve problems with traps(of which there will be many in the exam)

      so that they are not afraid to solve unknown problems (our problems are unique, you can’t download them on the Internet)

    The best way to prepare with a trainer?

      You read the topic in our textbook “For Dummies”, solve all the problems on the topic, and then solve all the problems on the same topic in the simulator.

    Trial Unified State Exam - unlimited.

    • At any time you can sit down and write a trial Unified State Exam, temporarily. And immediately get the result and analysis of tasks.
    • Our trial Unified State Exam is as close as possible to the real one.

    You will know exactly what you are capable of.

    And most importantly, you can feel exam stress(the test is for a while) and get used to it.

    Parent's office.

    You can help the student by complicating or, conversely, simplifying his program.

    Can be assessed whether you have time to prepare for the exam or not, because all the student’s statistics are visible.

    Textbook (written in human language)

    You can understand any complex topic in mathematics simply by reading a chapter from a textbook.

    Don't believe me?

    Look at student reviews on any page of the textbook.

    Where I live there is no good math teacher. I found your training course and studied on my own for about 5 months. Plus I read your textbook and solved problems from it. Passed with 78 points. This is a lot for me! This is just a miracle! I recommend you to everyone!

    Galya Ferzhikova

    I was looking for inexpensive math courses for my son so that I could understand and help him. I’m lucky that I came across your course by chance. Sometimes we studied together, sometimes separately, and now he is in his first year! I wish you and your project good luck!

    Alexander Viktorovich Lovtsov

    I took the Unified State Exam 2 years ago, when your course was free (thanks for that!). I was never good at math, but your textbook helped a lot! I realized that I could master any topic. It was difficult at first with the preparation program, because I lied on your entrance test and received the program increased complexity. She's really complicated. Then I passed it again entrance test and everything went fine. The ability to understand the material myself was very useful at the institute. I'm still reading the textbook :)

    Galina K.- Student

    Who is our textbook and training program for?

    It is for the very smart, for the independent.

    For those who don't have much money to hire tutors.

    For those for whom it is important to achieve everything themselves and then, at the institute, when there is no father, no mother, no tutors nearby, not to get confused and get out of any situation.

    Of course, we like the idea of ​​studying with a tutor. But what about those who don’t have a lot of money to hire them?

    What should those do? who lives in a small village where there are no good tutors?

    We think everyone should have a chance!

    What do we not like about other preparation programs for the Unified State Exam in mathematics and textbooks?

    We don't like the HOW most math textbooks are written.

    It feels like they were written by people who knew and could do everything right from birth, and no one taught them addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, or patiently explained tricky problems step by step. On fingers. In clear language.

    No. They immediately knew how to “differentiate and integrate,” and immediately understood mathematical language as their native language.

    Of course this was not the case. If they know mathematics well, that means someone has been messing with them, that means they have good teacher.

    What is a good teacher?

    This is not the one who knows everything and constantly demonstrates it, but the one who descends to the level of the student and, together with him, climbs the steps of knowledge, step by step, helping him so that he does not stumble.

    In order for you to learn something new, you need to first have it explained to you, then helped to consolidate it in practice, and only then you will be able to use this new skill very quickly yourself.

    It doesn't work any other way.

    So we tried to do this in our textbook.

    What does our textbook and training program NOT do?

      This is not just a theory. This is a focus on problem solving. Because at the Unified State Exam in mathematics you will be asked not for theory, but for problem solving. If you need an ordinary theory textbook, this is not for us.

      They won't study for you. If you're not in the mood to prepare, don't buy anything from us. We can't help you.

    Who is our textbook and training program NOT suitable for?

    They are not suitable for you if you:

    • unable to convince himself of the need to study;
    • unable to regularly sit down, open a computer and study.

    Or if you don't have someone to push you and motivate you.

    These could be your parents (In this case, open a parent's account for them so that they can see all your statistics and, if you are behind, help you)

    These could be your friends. You can agree with a friend and open a parent’s office for each other, compete with each other.

    Thanks for the test exam!

    I was very worried that my daughter would not be able to cope with her anxiety and that she would not have enough time for the real exam. And here is your training program! We actually studied with a tutor, but on your website we only took the trial Unified State Exam. Many many times.

    The tasks were always different, but my daughter coped with them and this gave her confidence. Passed the Unified State Exam with 91!

    Andrey Gusev

    I've been using your sites since I was in 8th grade. Mainly textbook and training on topics. The school doesn't explain clearly, your textbook is better!

    If something is not clear, I first look at the textbook and usually that’s enough. But, if not, I solve problems in the simulator on the same topic until I feel that I understand everything.

    I passed the OGE without any problems. Now I will prepare for the Unified State Exam.

    Irina Samoilova

    Questions and answers:

    What is on the site?

    On the website there is our famous textbook “For Dummies”, written in human language, allowing you to understand the topic yourself. The explanation is carried out “on the fingers”, it is very clear. If you look at the reviews under each topic, you can see how many students figured out the complex topics on one's own.

    What is on the website

    The website contains:

    • A preparation program for the Unified State Exam in mathematics and the Unified State Exam in mathematics, as well as preparation programs for grades 8 and 10 (for those who would like to prepare for exams in advance);
    • Simulators for solving problems by topic and type. For those who do not need a full-fledged training program, but who need to get their hands on solving problems of a specific type or on a specific topic. The database contains more than 6,000 problems with solutions and answers.
    • Trial Unified State Exam in mathematics and trial Unified State Exam in mathematics. For those who need to understand their real level, define weak sides, feel the stress associated with lack of time and get used to it.

    For what period is access to the textbook (website) given?

    We provide lifetime access to the textbook located on the website. It is limited only by the lifetime of the site.

    For what period of time do you provide access to the website?

    We provide lifetime access to all services located on the website It is limited only by the lifetime of the site.

    Are you preparing only for the Unified State Examination in mathematics?

    Yes, we only prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam in mathematics.

    How many options are available for the trial Unified State Exam in mathematics and the trial Unified State Exam in mathematics?

    You can take the trial Unified State Exam and the trial Unified State Exam an unlimited number of times. The program generates each time new list tasks.

    When are the results of the trial Unified State Exam in mathematics and the trial Unified State Exam in mathematics available if I take them on your website?

    Results are available instantly. You can also look at the correct answers and solutions to problems and understand where you made a mistake and what topics you need to improve. These topics can then be trained on simulators by topic or type.

    For what level of student preparation is your training program located on the website suitable?

    Our training program is suitable for any level of student. Before starting training, the student takes an entrance test and the system determines his level. Based on this level, the system develops a training program suitable for a particular student. Next, the student studies according to his program, according to the principle “from simple to complex,” step by step, module by module, going through the entire program.

    Where did you get the tasks from?

    We wrote all 6,000 problems in the database ourselves. Simple tasks are like simple tasks from other sources because it's hard to come up with something original. But complex tasks are unique. Our mathematicians worked on them. They cannot be Googled on the Internet. Therefore, solving these problems will teach you how to think and prepare you for the stress of the exam. It's no secret that during the exam all the tasks seem unfamiliar. So, there will be no such problem for you.

    My child is cheating. How can you help with this?

    To be honest, it is difficult to help in this situation. To get a high score on the Unified State Exam, you need to learn to think and not cheat. This takes time and work on your child's part. All that can be advised is to try to explain to the child the importance of the exam. It is most important. If you succeed, you can try to get as far along the training program as possible in the remaining time. You can open a parent’s account, see all his successes and help him, praise, encourage him...

    What's the best way to learn using our sites?

    Option 1. You read the topic in our textbook “For Dummies”, solve all the problems on the topic, and then solve all the problems on the same topic in the simulator of the Unified State Exam Preparation Program in Mathematics.

    Option 2. Follow the Preparation Program for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics and, if the topic is not clear, read the materials in the textbook “For Dummies” on this topic.

    And now the story I promised is that you should not give up under any circumstances.

    1991 My friend is 24 years old. He is a 3rd year student. He just had a child, the country has lowered prices, and if he starts working in his profession after graduating from college, the money he will earn will not be enough for food... My wife and child live in a hostel in another city. That is, he and his family also have nowhere to live.

    I don't know who told him, but he's in this situation for some reason I started learning English. In those days it was not as easy as it is now, it wasn’t good textbooks, courses, the teachers themselves could not always speak English well. But he took whatever textbooks he could get his hands on and studied them from cover to cover.

    When he announced to everyone that he would be entering International University They laughed at him openly. The university was supervised by Russian President Yeltsin and Moscow Mayor Popov. The university provided a hotel room for two for out-of-towners. Nobody believed that you could get there “from the street.”

    Next, what my friend did... He understood that he has no objective chance of getting in because of English. He also knew that the exam would include an essay in English. free topic. And he thought that the topic might be: “Why do you want to study at the International University?”

    Again, what were the chances that he would get it right? Very small...

    My friend hired a tutor, wrote an essay on this topic with him and memorized it down to the comma. He would like to write a few more essays on other topics, but he no longer had money for a tutor.

    And then he took and for some reason corrected one sentence in this essay - made it more complex grammatically, the same as in one grammar textbook...


    English was last exam. And - a miracle! Indeed, there was such a topic in the essay and my friend carefully rewrote everything to the comma received 23 points out of 25 possible!

    Did it help him?

    Despite all efforts, he was 12th on the list of 10 budget places. It seemed like I could give up. He did everything he could. But this guy wasn't like that.

    He went to challenge the work English language, because this is the only thing that could be challenged (mathematics and Russian could not be challenged). Although even if he was given 25 points out of 25, he would still not be enough to get into the top ten lucky ones. But he went...

    He asked why he was given 23 points and not 25? The teacher replied that the essay was excellent, but he had one stylistic error and pointed to the SAME sentence that my friend corrected!

    Imagine what a shame! I ruined everything with my own hands! End?

    Yeah... right now!

    A friend finds that same grammar textbook right there in the department, opens it to a page with an example of that very difficult grammatical construction and shows the teacher: “This is not a mistake, but a stylistic device.”

    The teacher looks and is inspired: “Oh, so that’s what you meant! This is interesting... Okay. I'll give you 25 points... and I'll add 2 more points for deep knowledge in English!"

    Bingo! 27 points out of 25 possible! Just unbelieveble!

    The guy got in?!

    Not so. He became 11th on the list of 10 budget places...

    And then he had a dilemma. It was possible to transfer to another faculty, where he would have enough points, but this faculty, as he thought then, was not so interesting and he decided not to twitch, hoping that someone in front of him would drop out of the race...

    If you don’t give up and do everything to make you lucky, you will be lucky until the end!

    And so it happened. Two friends before him transferred to that same easier faculty. They wanted to study together, but one of them failed...

    And he became 10th...

    The International University changed everything in his life. He built an excellent career and everything is fine with him now.




    You have... 3 months left.

    Or already 2 or even! - doesn't matter!

    Do not give up!

    Take our textbook and study as much as you can before the exam. Learn to solve problems in our simulator. Or take the Training Program and complete it as much as you can.

    Try your best. Do not give up!

    One day left?

    Learn ONE topic and learn to solve problems on it.

    Perhaps this topic will give you those 27 points out of 25 that will decide EVERYTHING.

    We recently talked about how to prepare for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam. But there are still very (VERY) many resources on the Internet with high-quality and interesting materials, which will help graduates prepare properly and pass everything. We have collected useful video lectures, manuals, tests and even TV series on all subjects that can be taken for the Unified State Exam.

    For those preparing for the main school exam

    Sites with useful information For Unified State Exam preparation- that's always good. But no matter what subject you choose, you first need to go to the FIPI website in the section “Demo versions, specifications, codifiers" and download documents on the right item. It is FIPI that develops tasks for the Unified State Exam, so this step cannot be skipped.


    61. Interactive history textbook - 20 lectures on history from the Foxford online school. Lectures are given by teachers from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics.


    62. Materials for the Unified State Exam - 7 manuals for the Unified State Exam in geography.

    63. For the geography lesson - 75 educational materials: textbooks for grades 5-11, atlases, contour maps, lesson plans, materials for preparing for the VPR.

    64. Geographer's Library - VKontakte group in which users share useful books by geography. More than 2000 books have been uploaded there!

    65. Programming Basics for Geographers - YouTube channel about GIS programming.

    66. Playlist "Geography" on the channel of the online school “Webinarium” - 15 videos with analysis of Unified State Exam tasks and recordings of webinars.

    67. World maps - What is geography without maps: maps of the General Staff (the whole world), maps of the US Army (the whole world), water maps are collected here in one place.

    68. Geographical terms (Android) - the appendix contains the main geographical terms With detailed explanations and pictures.

    69. Geography of the World - Quiz (iOS)- an application in which you can learn geography in game form. The quiz has questions about population, religion, capitals and languages different countries.

    Social science

    70. Materials for the Unified State Exam - 24 best textbooks for the Unified State Exam in social studies.

    71. For the social studies lesson - 67 educational materials: textbooks, workbooks, lesson plans, tests. Everything can be downloaded.

    72. Interactive textbook on social studies - 42 lectures from the Foxford online school. Classes are taught by teachers from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, and Higher School of Economics.

    73. Directory of Peter Baranov - an excellent guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam, the structure of the book corresponds to the codifier on the basis of which they are compiled Unified State Exam options.

    74. Social studies in diagrams and tables by Renata Lebedeva - the main topics of the social studies course and everything is clear.

    75. Economics for schoolchildren - a site where you can find books, problems and video lectures on economics.


    76. Lesson in A4 format - a very useful site with materials about Russian writers, works and characters.

    77. Materials for the Unified State Exam - 12 excellent aids for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

    78. To the literature lesson - 290 educational materials: textbooks for grades 5-11, workbooks, tests, lesson plans and monographs.

    79. Russian literature of the 19th–20th centuries (set of 2 books) - one of the best textbooks on Russian literature. Books prepared for Faculty of Philology Moscow State University. - tests, theory, analysis of works.

    81. Audiobooks for schoolchildren - on the works of Russian classics for students in grades 5-11.

    82. Arzamas - courses about different writers and movements (it’s better to watch courses only on those topics that are in the codifier).

    Five the best benefits preparation for the Unified State Exam (GIA) in mathematics

    The Unified State Exam has been held in our region since 2005. Since then, I have tried many books when preparing students for the exam. Today I can name my top five, in my opinion, benefits.

    Semenov A.V. Unified state exam. Mathematics. A set of materials for preparing students. Tutorial. 2017

    Consists of two parts. In the first part, the tasks are divided into topics, the second part contains 24 training options(12 options profile level, 12 options basic level). The contents of the manual were created using the updated open bank tasks, corresponds to modern Unified State Exam requirements. The manual was developed with the scientific and methodological support of FIPI.

    The structure and content of this manual make it possible to use it both for self-preparation and for organizing repetition in the classroom. Tasks are mainly given in pairs, which allows you to analyze one of them collectively and solve the other independently.

    The manual offers tasks different levels. More widely represented basic tasks. In the section “Tasks of Increased Complexity,” the authors, without pretending to be complete, give an idea of ​​tasks of an advanced and high level. At the end of the collection, answers to all tasks and options are indicated; there are no comments. Tasks with a detailed answer for one of the options have been analyzed. Tests are compiled in accordance with the specification and demo version current year. The manual contains reference material, included in the basic level CMM.

    According to the authors, the manual can be used from the 6th grade. From work experience, I advise you to start working in 10th grade. The contents of the manual will allow you to repeat the topics of basic school and prepare for the exam at a basic level. Then in 11th grade you can focus on preparing for specialized mathematics. Working with this book will allow you to complete 13-15 tasks, which corresponds to 70-80 points. The book is relatively inexpensive, and the work on it is productive. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of typos in the text of the tasks and answers.

    Konnova E.G. level Mathematics. Basic Unified State Exam 2014. A guide for dummies. 2011

    This book is included in training and metodology complex"Mathematics. Preparation for the Unified State Exam” edited by F.F. Lysenko. Among the short answer tasks there are problems in which schoolchildren make mistakes every year. The manual allows us to strengthen work in these areas. The book is intended to develop stable skills in solving basic-level tasks. Five most problematic topics have been identified: “Calculations and transformations”, “Derivative and study of functions”, “ Applied tasks", "The largest and smallest values functions" and "Construction and research mathematical models" Each topic is clearly discussed typical tasks from an open bank, tasks are proposed for independent decision. The book also contains 12 training options.

    At the beginning of each topic, systematized theoretical material. Content matches Unified State Exam codifier. At the end of the book there are answers to all tasks and options. No comments. The tests are based on the stated five topics. The level of tasks in the tests corresponds to the tasks discussed in the topics.

    You can start working with this manual as early as 10th grade. More prepared students can independently analyze ready-made solutions and complete tasks for self-test. For students with insufficient level In preparation, ready-made solutions should be analyzed in class or with a tutor, and the following tasks should be offered for homework.

    The price of the benefit corresponds to its benefits. Often students applying for high scores, make 1-2 mistakes in basic level tasks. Working with this manual allows you to reduce the number of errors by improving your skills in solving typical problems.

    Panferov V.S., Sergeev I.N. Excellent student in the Unified State Exam. Mathematics. Solution complex tasks. 2012

    A higher number of points on the profile-level Unified State Examination are provided by tasks with a detailed answer. This manual provides preparation for these types of tasks. The presentation of the material is accessible to students with high level preparation.

    Soft binding, white paper, black and white illustrations.

    The manual contains analyzed solutions to tasks, comments and assessment criteria, tasks for independent solution, preparatory tasks and a list of literature for independent preparation for the exam. Preparatory tasks simpler in comparison with training ones, which allows you to organize work in elective classes to increase the level of complexity.

    It is better to work with this manual in 11th grade. The book is small but very useful. Increases your chances of getting the highest scores.

    Kolesnikova S.I. Mathematics. Intensive course preparations for a single state exam. 2008

    Soft binding, gray paper, black and white illustrations.

    The manual contains effective methods for solving complex equations and inequalities. The book is available to students with good level preparation, claiming high results. And although it was published a long time ago, its usefulness has not diminished. The approaches discussed in the manual are largely absent from school textbooks. The book contains two sections. In chapter " Effective methods solving the main types of problems in algebra and analysis”, the concept of equivalence, the method of rationalization and other solution methods are considered non-standard equations and inequalities. In the second section there are 20 options, solutions to many tasks, two complete options.

    For each type of equation, theoretical material is systematized, the rules are illustrated ready-made solutions with the author's comments. It is worth noting the deep study of topics.

    Training options do not match modern structure profile Unified State Examination in mathematics, but this does not detract from their dignity. Tasks with a detailed solution require the ability of schoolchildren to transfer knowledge to a new non-standard situation. The book by S.I. Kolesnikova provides such an opportunity. I recommend this as a tutor for working with students with a high level of training.

    Wolfson B.I. Geometry. Preparation for the Unified State Exam and GIA-9. We learn to solve problems and repeat the theory. 2013

    It is no secret that students experience the greatest difficulty when solving geometric problems. This manual is in accessible form offers technology for teaching problem solving.

    Soft binding, gray paper, black and white illustrations.

    The second, significantly revised edition of the book corresponds to the changed structure and content of the Unified State Exam mathematics. Each technological step is illustrated with solutions to problems from the FIPI open task bank. An analysis of the geometric tasks of the OGE and the Unified State Exam was carried out. There is reference material and assignments for independent work. The answers without commentary are given at the end of the book.

    The book is useful not only for students, but also for teachers. The proposed technology for working with geometric problems can be implemented in lessons starting from 8th grade. It allows you to remove the fear of geometry problems, develop skills in data analysis and draw up a plan for solving a problem.

    Wolfson B. I. discovered the book only in this academic year, but I assume that deep work above its content will allow students to increase their scores by solving problems No. 14 and No. 16 with a detailed solution.

    5 best textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian

    Legotskaya V.S.,

    teacher of Russian language and literature

    MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5" of Bryansk

    I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian language. Workshop and diagnostics. Tsybulko I.P., Vasiliev I.P., Aleksandrov V.N.

    1. I will pass the Unified State Exam! Russian language. Modular course. Practice and diagnostics. Tutorial for educational organizations. Ed. I.P. Tsybulko. M.: “Enlightenment”, 2017.-320 p.

    2. Download this manual you can

    3. The material is presented in an accessible manner

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand and correspond real CIMs, they can be used in Russian language lessons at the stage of summarizing the material and preparing for the Unified State Exam, as well as when independent work students.

    2. The level of difficulty of tasks varies - from basic to advanced complexity.

    3. All topics school course of the Russian language have been worked out widely and completely.

    5. The material presented in the manual is conveniently systematized and corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

    6. The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 7, individual tasks, sir 6th grade.

    8. As already noted, there are no illustrations and tables, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

    9. The benefit is quite expensive, the minimum cost is 320 rubles. We, teachers of the Russian language, know that all books by I.P. Tsybulkoare more expensive than other authors, and we understand why. I.P. Tsybulko heads federal commission test developers measuring materials in Russian and is not shy about selling his books successfully and at high prices.


    1. This manual can be used for self-preparation, for frontal work in class, training with tutor. Particularly interesting in the manual is the system of homework from lesson to lesson, the completion of which ensures both repetition and advanced familiarity with the material.

    3. The price of the benefit, as already mentioned, is high.

    5. All skills that are tested on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and syntactic norms. If you wince, benefits can also be arranged effective work over an essay in Unified State Exam format. The manual contains a rich selection of modern texts, an algorithm for completing tasks for writing a creative work.

    6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam if you prepare diligently using this manual are great, but provided that the work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely solely on self-study for this manual.

    Unified State Exam. Russian language. Independent preparation for the Unified State Exam. Highest mark.

    1. Russian language. Independent preparation for the Unified State Exam. Highest mark.Egoraeva G.T., Serebryakova O.A.M.: “Exam”, 2017.-352 p.

    3. The material is presented in an accessible manner; I would like to note the rich theoretical material and the dictionary of Unified State Exam terms.

    4. Artistic design. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand and correspond to real CMMs,The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam; it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will help develop the necessary skills, primarily speech science.

    3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language are studied broadly and completely; the authors’ unconditional merit is a serious study of topics in morphology, which in many ways goes beyond the scope of the Unified State Exam, but is necessary for the formation of general grammatical thinking.

    4. Comments on the answers are clear and accessible to students.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher from the 7th grade, individual tasks, in particular, spelling roots and prefixes, from the 5th grade. Material on spelling, in particular, spelling, may be especially valuable for a practicing teacher. homonymous parts speech. This material can be used by the teacher in lessons starting from the 7th grade.

    8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The diagrams and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to clearly familiarize yourself with the material being studied, they are relevant and methodologically sound.

    9. The cost of the benefit and the benefits of it practical application correlated correctly average cost 260 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. The study of topics on morphology is especially valuable in the manual; these materials can also be used at the secondary level in preparation for Olympiads and intellectual marathons, in extracurricular work.

    2. Parents who are far from the Unified State Exam and the Russian language will most likely find it difficult to check, using this manual, how their child is coping with preparing for the exam.

    4. The manual meets all the latest Unified State Exam requirements.

    5. All skills that are tested on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich material for checking morphological and spelling standards, for studying and consolidating vocabulary topics.

    Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. 50 variants of typical test tasks.Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.

    1. Unified State Exam -2017 . Russian language. 50 options for typical text tasks.Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., Lvov V.V.,M.: Publishing house "Exam"", 2017.-448 p.

    2. You can download this manual

    provides readers with information about the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.

    4. Artistic design. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The tasks presented in the manual are easy to understand and correspond to real CMMs,there are answers to all test options, comments to the answers; samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers.The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam; it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will help develop the necessary skills. Particularly valuable is the material with answers to task 24. The table shows approximate circle problems and the position of the author, which will allow students to correctly navigate the texts, write an essay correctly, following the algorithm.

    4. Comments on the answers are clear and accessible to students.

    5. The material presented in the manual is conveniently systematized and corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

    6.The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from the 7th grade.

    9. The cost of the manual and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 230 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent preparation, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is the selection of texts; they are understandable modern schoolchildren, the problems raised in them are relevant and interesting to high school students.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

    4. The manual meets all the latest Unified State Exam requirements.

    6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam if you prepare diligently using this manual are great, but provided that the work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely only on self-study using this manual; you should also not consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam, because comments on the answers are given only for two options (No. 20 and 31), which is certainly not enough to prepare for the exam. exam.

    Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. A set of materials for preparing students. Drabkina S.V., Subbotin D.I.

    1. Drabkina S.V. Unified State Exam.Russian language. A set of activities to prepare students. Tutorial.-M.: Intellect-Center, 2017.-320 p.

    2. You can download this manual

    3.The manual presents theoretical material in the most structured form, which allows you to independently master topics in the Russian language.

    4. Artistic design. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. This manual presents a step-by-step system of preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, which provides, firstly, familiarization with the content exam tasks, secondly, algorithms and patterns of reasoning for their the right decision. The manual contains a logically structured sequence of actions necessary to select the correct answer, given in the form of algorithms. Are being considered typical mistakes that students make when completing assignments. Contained guidelines on writing an argumentative essay, sample essays are provided. Set of standard training tasks With methodological instructions and answers allows you to consolidate the acquired knowledge and prepare for passing the Unified State Exam In Russian. The manual contains approximate options Unified State Exam 2017. The manual is addressed to high school students preparing for the Unified State Exam independently or under the guidance of a teacher. Can be used by teacher practical work when developing the necessary skills in the Russian language.

    2. The level of difficulty of tasks varies - from basic to increased complexity; working with the manual will allow you to ensure how to overcome minimum threshold and getting a high score on the exam.

    3. All topics of the school course of the Russian language are studied broadly and fully; the authors’ undoubted merit is a detailed commentary on the solution of such complex topics as “Identification main information contained in the text", "Means of communication of sentences in the text", "Contextual definition lexical meaning polysemantic words."

    4. Comments on the answers are clear and accessible to schoolchildren, the algorithm for completing tasks is presented step by step, a sample application of the algorithm is presented, a commentary on completing the task, there are tasks for independent work.

    5. The material presented in the manual is conveniently systematized and corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

    6.The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from the 8th grade; theoretical material can be presented to students from the 7th grade, in particular, the algorithm for completing tasks and commentary on them.

    8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. The diagrams and tables presented in the theoretical part allow you to clearly familiarize yourself with the material being studied, they are relevant and methodologically sound. The manual contains tables that are not found in many other manuals.

    9. The cost of the manual and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 300 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent preparation of students, the teacher for organizing frontal, pair and individual work in class, training with tutor. The theoretical material and algorithms for completing tasks are especially valuable in the manual; these materials can also be used at the middle level in preparation for Olympiads and intellectual marathons, and in extracurricular work.

    2. Parents can use this manual to check how their child is coping with preparing for the exam.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

    4. The manual meets all the latest Unified State Exam requirements.

    5. All skills that are tested on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual. I would like to note the rich theoretical material on all topics of the Unified State Exam.

    6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam if you prepare diligently using this manual are great, but provided that the work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher.

    Unified State Exam 2017. Russian language. 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. Egoraeva G.T.

    1.Egoraeva E.G. Unified State Exam: 1000 tasks with answers. All tasks of part 1. -M.: Publishing house "Exam"", 2017.-415 s.

    2. You can download this manual

    3. The material is presented in an accessible manner,will help students not only generalize and systematize the acquired knowledge in all areas of the science of language, but also assess their level of preparation for the upcoming exam.

    4. Artistic design. There are no illustrations, which is methodologically justified.

    5. Offset paper, offset printing.

    Professional assessment

    1. The collection contains a large number of tasks corresponding to the demo version of control measuring instruments Unified State Exam materials in the Russian language 2017, by solving which graduates will be able to acquire practical skills in completing exam tasks and in minimum terms close existing knowledge gaps. The manual is intended for teachers who use tests to prepare students for the Unified State Exam; it can also be used by students for self-preparation and self-control. With the help of the manual, the teacher can organize a system of homework that will help develop the necessary skills.

    2. The difficulty level of the tasks is average, but working with the manual will ensure that you not only overcome the minimum threshold, but also get a high score on the exam.

    3. All topics of the Russian language school course are studied broadly and completely, in strict accordance with the Unified State Exam KIMs.

    4. Comments on the answers are clear and accessible to students.

    5. The material presented in the manual is conveniently systematized and corresponds to KIMs in the Russian language.

    6.The tests presented in the manual objectively assess the degree of preparedness of students for the Unified State Exam.

    7. This manual can be used under the guidance of a teacher starting from grade 5.

    8. As already noted, there are no illustrations, but this is not necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language.

    9. The cost of the manual and the benefits of its practical application are correlated correctly, the average cost is 200 rubles.


    1. This manual can be used for independent preparation of high school students, for frontal work in the classroom, preparation with a tutor. Particularly valuable in the manual is the selection of tasks for practicing morphological and syntactic norms.

    2. It will most likely be difficult for parents to check, using this manual, how their child is coping with preparing for the exam.

    3. The price of the benefit and the benefits of its use, as already indicated, are correlated correctly.

    4. The manual meets all the latest Unified State Exam requirements.

    5. All skills that are tested on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language are formed by this manual.

    6. The chances of getting a high score on the Unified State Exam if you prepare diligently using this manual are great, but provided that the work is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. You should not rely solely on self-study using this manual; you should also not consider this manual as the only one when preparing for the exam.

    Hello, Dear friends and readers! Today is not quite an ordinary post. This is a post-response. Such a normal and great answer to the most frequently asked question, which the guys always ask me: “What do you recommend reading, what textbooks should I use to prepare for the Unified State Exam in history or social studies?”

    Let me do this. In the first part of this post you will read what you want to hear. What they will tell you without me. OK? But the second part of the post will be for those children and their parents who really want high scores on the Unified State Exam in a few months.

    Part one: what you want to hear

    • L. Katsva. The history of homeland. Handbook for high school students and applicants to universities. Any edition.
    • A.S. Orlov. History of Russia: textbook. Any edition

    You also need to stock up on tests, they can be found on well-known sites on the Internet, everyone knows them very well. And they are too famous for us to name them here).

    If you wanted to hear exactly this answer to the question: what aids and textbooks should you use to prepare for the Unified State Exam, then you don’t have to read any further. The information below is not at all for you. Feel free to take these manuals, read them, solve tests, and God help you!

    Second part of the answer to the question: my real answer

    It’s not worth taking or buying any benefits at all. Here are the reasons:

    • The manual contains absolutely no apparatus for reflection: for example, for independent work.
    • Everything in the manual is presented dryly, it is assumed that you already have an idea of basic concepts. In history, these concepts are: civilization, state, apparatus of power, forms of power, surplus product, natural economy, and many other concepts. Same for social studies.
    • There are no tests in the manuals.
    • The manual does not explain how to solve tests, what are the principles for solving them. In the collections of tests themselves, at the very beginning, extremely dry information is given with the characteristics of the test itself; there are no principles there at all.

    Despite these huge disadvantages, every year millions of children buy these manuals and prepare using them. The result is very deplorable, look at the statistics of Rosobrnadzor. On my own behalf, I can say unequivocally: 95% of the guys who read manuals and prepare using them will never pass the exam in history or society with high scores. Yes, knowledge may improve, but it will not solve the test for a high result. Maximum points for 60 out of 100.

    What to do. First, read And . Secondly, if your goal is self-study: you don’t want to use the services of tutors and third-party services and sites, then the preparation option (really correct and competent) can only be this.

    STEP 1. Buy school books(preferably the latest edition): in history - buy a textbook for each period: for Ancient Rus', on the Middle Ages, on the New Age, etc. Authors on history: Sakharov, Buganov, Danilin, Kosulina, Rybakov, etc. On social studies it is similar. Take textbooks for grades 10 and 11.

    STEP 2. For history, take historical Atlases and Outline maps. On society, you will need to take plus a manual in which social science is presented in the form of diagrams.

    STEP 3. In both disciplines, you are looking for where you will solve tests. Tests need to be verified so that you can check yourself based on the answers.

    STEP 4. Self-preparation technique:

    According to history

    Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. Read the chapter, look at the Atlas at the same time. You tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot. Read it again. You're retelling it again. You note that you missed it again. You read it a third time, a fourth time, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. After that, answer the chapter questions at the end of the chapter. It’s better to write, as this will sharpen your ability to formulate thoughts.

    Then read the second chapter and do the same work. A day later, return to the first chapter and check yourself that you remember. If you forgot everything, re-read it again and proceed as described above.

    If you have mastered the period of Ancient Rus' in this way, for example, take thematic Unified State Exam tests based on this period, you solve both the first part of the test and the second. In the second part you will test yourself using the answers in the manual.

    In social studies

    Take a textbook on the first period of Russian history. You read the chapter, look at the same time, write down unclear terms, look for their definitions on the Internet or in the textbook (there is a Glossary at the end). You tell yourself what you understand. Next, look at the chapter that you forgot, what terms you missed, learn them. Read it again. You're retelling it again. You note that you missed it again. You read it a third time, a fourth time, until you can properly retell what the chapter is about. After that, answer the chapter questions at the end of the chapter. It’s better to write, as this will sharpen your ability to formulate thoughts.

    We reached the end of the section, for example, Man and Society, take out a test on this topic and solve it. Solve both the first and second parts. In the second part you will test yourself using the answers in the manual.


    Is everyone capable of such training? No, not everyone. It requires serious erudition, normal memory, good perseverance and determination. Most will run out of steam by the second week of this type of training, or they will have breakdown. Believe me, I’ve seen enough of this over the years of working with children (I also worked at school)

    What to do?

    Modern training to the Unified State Exam with really high scores is unthinkable without ongoing support competent teacher. Who, when he receives your tests, your questions, will give recommendations that will clarify the material and principles of solving tests.

    The trouble is that there are no such courses on the Internet now... Why? Because in all other courses you will be offered work in so-called groups: when the guys are driven into a webinar room, and the teacher conducts something like this group lesson. Homework is also checked randomly, or given to the computer. As a result, an individual student is simply lost against the background of the others, and no one EXPLAINS HIS mistakes specifically to HIM.

    To our training courses

    In our courses, each student's mistakes are explained individually thanks to an excellent preparation service. The student watches a video lesson. He can view it as many times as he wants, at any time of the day or night when the student is COMFORTABLE and CONVENIENT. Next, the student completes the task. He can ask the teacher directly any questions. And the teacher will give a clear, competent, professional answer in a timely manner.

    All assignments are checked by an experienced teacher. Without assignment approval, no student will be able to access the next lesson until the assignment is completed to the required standard. How to do this is also explained. Cool?! Yes!