I will solve the exam in physics. Evaluation system for individual tasks and work as a whole

VPR. Physics. Grade 11

All-Russian test work in PHYSICS




Grade 11

prepared by the Federal State Budgetary scientific institution

"FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF PEDAGOGICAL MEASUREMENTS" 1. Appointment of the All-Russian test work

All-Russian test work (VPR) is intended for final assessment training graduates who studied school course physics at a basic level.

2. Documents defining the content of the VPR

The content of the All-Russian test work in physics is determined on the basis Federal component state educational standard(FC GOS) secondary (full) general education in physics, basic level (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the Federal component state standards primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education").

3. Approaches to content selection and development VPR structures

Based on the State Educational Standards FC for basic level physics, a codifier has been developed that defines a list of content elements and a list of methods of activity submitted for final testing (see Appendix).

The structure of the test work reflects the need to check all the basic requirements for the level of training of graduates in a basic-level physics course. The work includes groups of tasks that test skills that are integral part requirements for the level of training of graduates. The selection of the content of a physics course for graduate education is carried out taking into account the general cultural and ideological significance of the content elements and their role in general education training graduates.

At the beginning of the work, 10 tasks are offered that test the understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course. This group of tasks tests the ability to distinguish between studied conceptual apparatus and apply quantities and laws to describe and explain phenomena and processes. Here 3 tasks are based on the content of mechanics; 2 tasks – on the content of molecular physics; 3 tasks - on the content of electrodynamics and 1 task - on the material of quantum physics.

Next group of two tasks tests the maturity of methodological skills. The first task is based on a photograph measuring instrument and evaluates the readings taking into account the specified measurement error. In the second task, based on a given hypothesis, you are asked to independently plan a simple study and describe its implementation.

Next, a group of three tasks is proposed that tests the ability to apply acquired knowledge to describe the structure and principles of operation of various technical objects or recognize the studied phenomena and processes in the surrounding world. The first task has complex nature and asks students to either identify a physical phenomenon that manifests itself in various processes from surrounding life, or determine the physical phenomenon underlying the principle of operation of the specified device (or technical object). Next come two contextual tasks. Here is a description of a device (usually these are devices that students encounter in Everyday life). Based on the available information, students need to identify the phenomenon or process underlying the operation of the device and demonstrate an understanding of the basic characteristics of the device or its rules safe use.

Last group of three tasks tests the ability to work with textual information of physical content. As a rule, the proposed texts contain different kinds graphic information (tables, schematic drawings, graphs). The tasks in the group were selected based on testing various skills in working with text: from questions to highlighting

and understanding the information presented explicitly in the text, before tasks involving the application of information from the text and existing stock of knowledge.

4. Structure and content of the all-Russian test work

Each version of the VPR contains 18 tasks, differing in forms and levels of complexity. The work includes 13 tasks, the answers to which are presented as a sequence of numbers, symbols, letters, a word or several words. The work contains 5 tasks with a detailed answer, which differ in the volume of a complete correct answer - from a few words (for example, when filling out a table) to three or four sentences (for example, when describing a plan for conducting an experiment).

When developing the content of the test work, the need to assess the assimilation of content elements from all sections of the basic level physics course: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics is taken into account. The table shows the distribution of assignments across sections of the course. Some of the tasks in the work are complex in nature and include content elements from different sections; tasks 15–18 are based on textual information, which can also relate to several sections of the physics course at once. Table 1 shows the distribution of tasks for the main content sections of the physics course.

Table 1. Distribution of tasks according to the main content sections of the physics course

Physics course section

Number of tasks


Molecular physics


The quantum physics

The VPR is developed based on the need to verify the requirements for the level of training of graduates specified in Section 2 of the codifier. Table 2 shows the distribution of tasks by basic skills and methods of action.

Table 2. Distribution of tasks by types of skills and methods of action

Basic skills and methods of action

Number of tasks

Know/understand the meaning physical concepts, quantities, laws. Describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies

Explain the structure and operating principle of technical objects, give examples practical use physical knowledge

Distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories, draw conclusions based on experimental data, conduct experiments on

research of studied phenomena and processes

Perceive and, based on the knowledge gained, independently evaluate information contained in the media, the Internet, and popular science articles

Table 3. Distribution of tasks by difficulty level

Difficulty level of tasks

Number of tasks

Maximum score

Percentage of maximum score for assignments this level complexity from the maximum initial score for the entire work equal to 26


5. Grading system individual tasks and work in general

Tasks 2, 4–7, 9–11, 13–17 are considered completed if the answer recorded by the student matches the correct answer.

Completion of each of tasks 4–7, 9–11, 14, 16 and 17 is scored 1 point.

Completion of each of tasks 2, 13 and 15 is scored 2 points if both elements of the answer are correct; 1 point if there is an error in indicating one answer options that can be considered correct and evaluation criteria are given.

The completion of each of the tasks with a detailed answer 1, 3, 8, 12 and 18 is assessed taking into account the correctness and completeness of the answer. For each task with a detailed answer, instructions are provided that indicate what each point is awarded for - from zero to the maximum point.

6. Lead time

1.5 hours (90 minutes) are allotted to complete the entire work.

7. Working conditions

Answers to the tasks of the All-Russian test work are written down in the text of the work in the places provided for this. The instructions for the option describe the rules for recording answers to assignments.

8. Additional materials and equipment

When conducting VPR in physics, a non-programmable calculator is used (for each student).

9. General plan VLOOKUP option in PHYSICS

ES codes (content elements) are presented in accordance with section 1, and requirement codes are presented in accordance with section 2 of the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of graduate training educational organizations to conduct an all-Russian test in PHYSICS (see Appendix).

Difficulty levels of tasks: B – basic (approximate level of completion – 60–90%); P – increased (40–60%).

Tested Skills/Content Elements

Requirement codes

Task difficulty level


point for completing the task

Tasks 1–9. Understanding the meaning of concepts, quantities, laws. Explanation of phenomena

Grouping of concepts (physical phenomena, physical quantities, units of measurement of quantities, measuring instruments)

Interpretation of data presented in graph form / Kinematics

Understanding the meaning of laws and

principles / dynamics

Determination of changes in quantities in physical processes/ Conservation laws in mechanics

Description of processes using physical quantities / Molecular physics

Recognition of characteristics of studied objects and processes / Molecular physics

Application of laws and formulas to explain phenomena / Electrostatics

Application of a formula for calculating a physical quantity / D.C, a magnetic field

Recognition of characteristics of studied objects and processes / Electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic waves

Using models to solve problems / Quantum physics

Tasks 11 and 12. Methods scientific knowledge: observations and experiments

Determination of instrument readings / Beaker, dynamometer, barometer, ammeter, voltmeter

Planning a study based on a given hypothesis

Tasks 13–15. The structure and principle of operation of technical objects, physical phenomena in the surrounding life

Recognizing examples of the use of physical phenomena and processes in technology and their manifestation in the surrounding life

Determination of physical phenomena and processes underlying the operating principle of a technical device (device)

Explanation of the nature of the use of a technical device (device), including the rules for its safe use

Tasks 16–18. Working with physical text

Isolation of information presented explicitly, comparison of information from different parts text, tables or graphs

Conclusions and interpretation of information

Apply information from text and existing knowledge

Total tasks – 18 ; of which by difficulty level: B – 14 ; P - 4 .

Maximum score for work – 26 points.

Total time performing work – 90 min.

The Appendix provides a codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education organizations for conducting an all-Russian test in physics.



Elements of content and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education organizations for conducting an all-Russian test in PHYSICS

The codifier of content elements in physics and requirements for the level of training of graduates of general education organizations is compiled on the basis of the Federal component of state standards for basic general and secondary (complete) general education in physics, basic level (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).

Section 1. List of content elements tested by tasks of the All-Russian test work in physics



Scientific methods knowledge of the surrounding world

The role of experiment and theory in the process of understanding nature


Mechanical movement and its types. Uniform rectilinear movement

Rectilinear uniformly accelerated motion. Free fall

Laws of dynamics: Newton's first law, principle of superposition of forces, Newton's second law, Newton's third law

Universal gravity, law universal gravity

Conservation laws in mechanics: the law of change and conservation of momentum

Conservation laws in mechanics: kinetic energy, potential energy of a body in a uniform gravitational field, the law of change and conservation of mechanical energy


The emergence of the atomistic hypothesis of the structure of matter and its experimental evidence

Absolute temperature as a measure of average kinetic energy thermal movement particles of matter

Gas pressure

Equation of state ideal gas

Structure and properties of liquids and solids

First law of thermodynamics

Heat engines and security environment


Elementary electric charge. Law of conservation of electric charge

Electric field


Magnetic field of current

Phenomenon electromagnetic induction

Electromagnetic waves. Wave properties Sveta

Different kinds electromagnetic radiation and them practical use


Photo effect. Photon

Bohr's quantum postulates

Planetary model of the atom. Nucleon model of the nucleus

Nuclear reactions. Nuclear energy

solar system

Stars and their sources of energy

Modern representations about the origin and evolution of the Sun and stars. Galaxy

Section 2. List of requirements for the level of training of graduates, the achievement of which is verified by tasks of the All-Russian test in physics

Requirement code

Requirements for the level of training of graduates


meaning of physical concepts

meaning of physical quantities

meaning physical laws

Be able to:

describe and explain physical phenomena and properties of bodies

explain the structure and operating principle of technical objects, give examples of the practical use of physical knowledge

distinguish hypotheses from scientific theories, draw conclusions based on experimental data

conduct experiments to study the studied phenomena and processes

perceive and, based on the knowledge gained, independently evaluate information contained in the media, the Internet, and popular science articles

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to ensure life safety, rational environmental management and environmental protection



Explanations for the sample of the All-Russian test work

When familiarizing yourself with a sample test work, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in the sample do not reflect all the skills and content issues that will be tested as part of the all-Russian test work. Full list content elements and skills that can be tested in the work are given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates for the development of an all-Russian test in physics. The purpose of the sample test work is to give an idea of ​​the structure of the all-Russian test work, the number and form of tasks, and their level of complexity.





Instructions for performing the work

The test includes 18 tasks. You are given 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete the physics work.

Formulate your answers in the text of the work according to the instructions for the assignments. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it.

You are allowed to use a calculator when doing work.

When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded.

We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

The points you receive for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as much as possible more tasks and dial greatest number points.

We wish you success!

Below is reference information that you may need when performing the work.

Decimal prefixes








acceleration free fall on the ground

g= 10 m/s 2

gravitational constant

G= 6.7 10 –11 N m 2 / kg 2

universal gas constant

R= 8.31 J/(mol K)

speed of light in vacuum

With= 3·10 8 m/s

coefficient of proportionality in Coulomb's law

k= 9 10 9 N m 2 / Cl 2

electron charge modulus

(elementary electric charge)

e= 1.6·10 –19 C

Planck's constant

h= 6.6 10 –34 J s

Read the list of concepts you encountered in your physics course. volume, diffusion, current strength, magnetic induction, boiling, light refraction

Divide these concepts into two groups according to the criteria you choose. Write down the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Name of concept group

List of concepts

A car is moving along a straight street. The graph shows the dependence of its speed on time.

Select two statements that correctly describe the movement of the car, and write down the numbers under which they appear.

    First 10 min. the car moves uniformly, and for the next 10 minutes. stands still.

    First 10 min. the car moves uniformly accelerated, and for the next 10 min. – evenly.

    The maximum vehicle speed for the entire observation period is 72 km/h.

    After 30 min. the car stopped and then drove in the other direction.

    The maximum acceleration module of the car for the entire observation period is 3 m/s 2 .

A man is trying to move a piano along the wall. In this figure, depict the forces that act on the piano and the direction of its acceleration if the instrument was able to move.

Read the text and fill in the missing words: decreases increases does not change Words in the answer may be repeated.

An icicle came off the roof of the house. As it falls, the kinetic energy of the icicle

_____________________, its potential energy relative to the Earth's surface ____________________. If we neglect air resistance, then we can say that the total mechanical energy of the icicle is ______________________.

Four metal bars (A, B, C and D) were placed close to each other, as shown in the figure. The arrows indicate the direction of heat transfer from block to block. Bar temperatures in this moment are 100°C, 80°C, 60°C, 40°C. Which of the bars has a temperature of 60°C?

Answer: block ______________

A curved cocktail tube (see picture) is inserted into a hermetically sealed juice bag, inside which there is a small column of juice. If you wrap your hands around the bag and heat it without putting pressure on it, a column of juice begins to move to the right towards the open end of the tube. Select all the statements that correctly characterize the process occurring with the air in the bag and write down the numbers of the selected statements.

    The air in the bag expands.

    The air in the bag is compressed.

    The air temperature is dropping.

    The air temperature is rising.

    The air pressure in the bag remains unchanged. 6) The air pressure in the bag increases.

Answer: _____________

The figure shows two identical electrometers, the balls of which have charges of opposite signs. What will be the readings of both electrometers if their balls are connected with a thin copper wire?


Electrometer reading A: _____

Electrometer B readings: _____

The passport of the electric hair dryer states that the power of its motor is 1.2 kW at a network voltage of 220 V. Determine the strength of the current flowing through electrical circuit hair dryer when plugged into a power outlet.

Write down the formulas and do the calculations.

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________


Arrange views electromagnetic waves, emitted by the Sun, in order of increasing frequency. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

    x-ray radiation

    infrared radiation

    visible radiation

Answer: ____ → ____ → _____

The picture shows a fragment Periodic table chemical elements DI. Mendeleev. An isotope of uranium undergoes α decay, which produces a helium nucleus

2 He and the nucleus of another element. Determine which element is formed during the α-decay of the isotope

232.038 Thorium





Answer: _____________________

Atmospheric pressure was measured using a barometer. The upper scale of the barometer is graduated in mmHg. Art., and the lower scale is in kPa (see figure). The error in measuring pressure is equal to the price of a barometer scale division.

Write down the barometer reading in mmHg as your answer. Art. taking into account measurement error.

Answer: ____________________________________

You need to investigate how the period of oscillation depends spring pendulum from the weight of the cargo. The following equipment is available:

    electronic stopwatch;

    a set of three springs of different stiffness;

    set of five weights of 100 g;  tripod with coupling and foot.

Describe the procedure for conducting the study.

In response:

    Sketch or describe the experimental setup.

    Describe the procedure for conducting the study.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________








Establish a correspondence between the examples and the physical phenomena that these examples illustrate. For each example of the manifestation of physical phenomena from the first column, select the corresponding name of the physical phenomenon from the second column.

B) When you clean clothes with a hair brush, lint sticks to it.


    electrification of the body during friction

    electrification of the body through influence

    magnetization of a substance in a magnetic field

    interaction permanent magnet with the Earth's magnetic field

© 2017 federal Service for supervision in the field of education and science Russian Federation 23

To prepare for the VPR 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

VPR in physics grade 11 options with answers 2018

This test is not mandatory and is carried out in 2018 by decision of the school.

The test in physics includes 18 tasks, and 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted for its completion. Participants in the physics course are allowed to use a calculator.

The work tests the mastery of all sections of the basic level physics course: mechanics, molecular physics, electrodynamics, quantum physics and elements of astrophysics.

Carrying out VLOOKUP tasks, eleventh graders must demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge to describe the structure and principles of operation of various technical objects or recognize the studied phenomena and processes in the world around them. Also, within the framework of the VPR, the ability to work with textual information of physical content is tested.

The following skills are tested here: grouping learned concepts; find definitions of physical quantities or concepts; recognize a physical phenomenon by its description and highlight essential properties in the description of a physical phenomenon; analyze changes in physical quantities in various processes; to Work with physical models; use physical laws to explain phenomena and processes; build graphs of the dependence of physical quantities that characterize the process according to its description, and apply laws and formulas to calculate quantities.

At the beginning of the work, nine tasks are offered that test graduates’ understanding of the basic concepts, phenomena, quantities and laws studied in the physics course.

Next group from three tasks checks the level of methodological skills of graduates. The first task is based on a photograph of a measuring device and evaluates the readings taking into account the specified measurement error. The second task tests the ability to analyze experimental data presented in the form of graphs or tables. In the third task from this group, based on a given hypothesis, you are asked to independently plan a simple study and describe its implementation.

Next, a group of three tasks is proposed that tests the ability to apply acquired knowledge to describe the structure and operating principles of various technical objects. The first task asks graduates to identify the physical phenomenon underlying the operating principle of the specified device (or technical object).

Next follow two contextual tasks. They offer a description of a device or a fragment from the instructions for using the device. Based on available information, graduates must identify the phenomenon (process) underlying the operation of the device and demonstrate an understanding of the basic characteristics of the device or the rules for its safe use.

The last group of three tasks tests the ability to work with textual information of physical content. As a rule, the proposed texts contain various types of graphic information (tables, schematic drawings, graphs). Tasks in the group are structured based on testing various skills in working with text: from questions on highlighting and understanding information presented explicitly in the text, to tasks on applying information from the text and existing knowledge.

Sample VPR 2018 in physics, grade 11 with answers. All-Russian test work 2018 in physics, grade 11, contains 18 tasks. You are given 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete the physics work.

1. Read the list of concepts you encountered in the physics course:

electrical capacity, pascal, liter, energy, henry, density

Divide these concepts into two groups according to the criteria you choose. Write down the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Name of concept group Concepts

2. Choose two true statements about physical quantities or concepts. Write down their numbers in response.

1. Elastic deformations are those that disappear after the action external forces stops.
2. When uniformly accelerated motion The body travels the same distance every hour.
3. The kinetic energy of a body depends on the height at which the body is located above the Earth’s surface.
4. The Ampere force is the force with which an electric field acts on charged particles.
5. Photons do not have rest mass and move in vacuum at a speed equal speed light in a vacuum.

3. When air leaks out of an inflated balloon it starts to move (see picture).

What is this type of motion called in physics?

4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with phrases from the list given.

The figure shows the moment of a demonstration experiment to test Lenz's rule, when all objects are motionless. The south pole of the magnet is inside the solid metal ring, but does not touch it. The rocker arm with metal rings can rotate freely around the vertical support. If you start to pull the magnet out of the solid ring, the ring will be ________________________________. If the magnet starts ______________________ with a cut, then the ring will be ___________________________.

List of phrases

stay still
follow the magnet
push away from a magnet
push out of the ring
push into the ring

5. A slightly inflated and tied balloon was placed under the bell of the air pump. As air is pumped out from under the bell, the ball inflates (see figure). How does the volume of air in the ball, its pressure and density change?

For each value, determine the nature of the change and put the “٧” sign in the table in the required cell.

6. Connected system elementary particles contains 9 electrons, 10 neutrons and 8 protons. Using a fragment of the Periodic Table of Elements by D.I. Mendeleev, determine which element this bound system is an ion or neutral atom.

7. Figures A, B, C show the emission spectra of atomic vapors of strontium, an unknown sample and calcium. Does the sample contain strontium and calcium? Explain your answer.

8. Water, the initial temperature of which is 25 °C, is heated on a stove with constant power. Heating water to boiling temperature required energy equal to 100 kJ. Next, 40 kJ were spent on boiling water. Draw the described processes on a graph of the dependence of water temperature on the energy received.

9. In the summer, Andrey lives in a country house in which the electrical wiring is made with copper wires with a cross-section of 1.5 mm2. The line for sockets is equipped with an automatic switch with a trip setting of 16A (the circuit opens when exceeding given value current). Electrical voltage 220 V.

The table shows electrical devices, used in the house, and the power they consume.

The house has an electric heater. Which of the following devices can be connected to the network in addition to the heater? Write down the solution and answer.

10. Atmospheric pressure was measured using a barometer. The upper scale of the barometer is graduated in mmHg. Art., and the lower scale is in hPa (see figure). The error in pressure measurements is equal to the barometer scale division.

Write down the barometer reading in mmHg as your answer. Art. taking into account measurement error.

11. The astronauts studied the dependence of gravity on body mass on the planet they visited. The error in measuring gravity is 2.5 N, and body weight is 50 g. The measurement results, taking into account their error, are presented in the figure.

What is the approximate acceleration due to gravity on this planet?

12. A magnet is inserted into the inductor. At the same time, an induction current arises in its winding. You need to investigate whether the direction depends induced current, arising in the coil, from the direction of the vector
magnetic induction of a magnet. The following equipment is available (see picture):

- inductor;
- ammeter (on the scale of which “0” is in the middle);
- magnet;
- connecting wires.

In response:
1. Describe the experimental setup.
2. Describe the procedure for conducting the study.

13. Establish a correspondence between technical devices and the physical phenomena underlying the principle of their operation.
For each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Technical devices

A. DC motor
B. incandescent lamp

Physical phenomena

1) interaction of permanent magnets
2) action magnetic field to a current-carrying conductor
3) thermal effect current
4) chemical action current

Read a fragment of the instructions for the washing machine and complete tasks 14 and 15.

Before plugging in the machine, connect the ground wire to the water pipe if it is made of metal. If water is supplied through pipes made of synthetic material such as vinyl, grounding cannot be made to the water pipe. A different grounding method must be used.

Caution: Do not connect the ground wire to a gas pipe, lightning rod, telephone lines, etc.

For maximum safety, connect the ground wire to a copper ground plate or stake and bury the plate or stake at least 20cm deep in the ground.

14. The instructions require connecting the ground wire when installing the washing machine. Why is grounding done?

15. Why do the instructions prohibit grounding through a water pipe made of a synthetic material such as vinyl?

Read the text and complete tasks 16–18.


X-rays are electromagnetic waves whose photon energy falls on the electromagnetic wave scale between ultraviolet radiation and gamma radiation.
X-rays are produced whenever electrons moving at high speed are slowed down by the anode material (for example, in a gas discharge tube low pressure). The part of the energy that is not dissipated in the form of heat is converted into the energy of electromagnetic waves (X-rays).
There are two types x-ray radiation: inhibitory and characteristic. Bremsstrahlung X-ray radiation is not monochromatic; it is characterized by a variety of wavelengths, which can be represented by a continuous
(continuous) spectrum.
The characteristic X-ray radiation is not continuous, but line spectrum. This type of radiation occurs when a fast electron reaching the anode knocks electrons out of the internal electron shells atoms of the anode. Empty places shells are occupied by other electrons of the atom. In this case, X-ray radiation is emitted with an energy spectrum characteristic of the anode material.
Monochromatic X-rays, whose wavelengths are comparable to the size of atoms, are widely used to study the structure of substances. At the core this method lies the phenomenon of diffraction x-rays on three-dimensional crystal lattice. X-ray diffraction by single crystals was discovered in 1912 by M. Laue. By directing narrow bun x-rays onto a stationary crystal, he observed a diffraction pattern on a plate placed behind the crystal, which consisted of large quantity located in in a certain order spots
The diffraction pattern obtained from polycrystalline material (such as metals) is a set of clearly defined rings. Amorphous materials (or liquids) produce a diffraction pattern with blurry rings.

16. Which type of X-ray radiation has a line spectrum?

17. The figures show diffraction patterns obtained on a single crystal, metal foil and water. Which of the pictures corresponds to diffraction by a single crystal?

18. Is it possible to explore atomic structure single crystal using infrared rays? Explain your answer.

Answers to Sample VPR 2018 in physics, grade 11
Name of concept group
Physical quantities
Units of physical quantities
Density, energy, electrical capacity
Henry, pascal, liter
2. 15
3. jet propulsion(or reactive)
4. move after the magnet push into the ring / pull out of the ring remain motionless
The volume of air in the ball increases.
The air pressure in the ball decreases.
The air density in the ball decreases.
6. oxygen ion
7. The spectrum of the sample contains spectral lines atomic strontium, but there are no spectral lines of calcium. Therefore, the unknown sample contains strontium but does not contain calcium.

9. The maximum power for which the wiring is designed is P = IU= 16,220 = 3520 W.
The total power of all electrical appliances connected to the network should not exceed 3.5 kW. The electric heater has a power of 2000 W. This means that at the same time you can connect to the network either only the iron, or only the TV, or only the microwave oven. Or you can turn on the TV and microwave oven at the same time (their total power consumption is 1300 W)
10. (744 ± 1) mm Hg. Art.
11. any value in the range from 7.3 to 8.8 m/s 2
1) The installation shown in the figure is used. The coil is connected to an ammeter. A magnet is inserted into the coil and the appearance of an induction current is observed.
2) The direction of the magnetic induction vector of the magnet is changed by introducing the magnet into the coil, first north, and then south pole. In this case, the speed of the magnet in the two experiments is approximately the same.
3) The direction of the induction current is judged by the direction of deflection of the ammeter needle.
13. 23
14. If there is a problem with the electrical network of the machine, its body may become energized.
If the body of the machine is grounded, then when you touch it, no current will flow through the human body, since its resistance is much greater than the resistance of the ground wire.
15. A plastic (vinyl) pipe does not conduct electricity, which means it cannot be used for grounding.
16. characteristic x-ray radiation
17. 2
1) It is impossible.
2) Wavelengths infrared radiation a lot of more sizes atoms, so IR rays will bend around the atoms (“without noticing” them)

– a control event carried out at the all-Russian level on unified standard. When new way knowledge control was officially approved, the Ministry of Education explained its importance in the following way: VPR will allow you to monitor not only the level of knowledge, but also the effectiveness of the methodological apparatus used by teachers in a particular school in the Russian Federation.

However, these good intentions do not negate the fact that the introduction of the VPR was an unpleasant surprise for graduates. Not only do many difficult tasks await them, but they also need to learn several additional items, many of which are not even useful in . One of the most complex disciplines included in the all-Russian measurement of knowledge is physics - a science characterized by a voluminous categorical apparatus, numerous laws and complex calculations.

Those who are already taking physics will definitely not have to worry about the VPR. Well, for schoolchildren who do not plan to connect their lives with exact sciences, it will be useful to know all the intricacies of assessing and writing a CD, including the structure and content of the work. Despite the fact that the VPR does not affect the ability to obtain a certificate, you are unlikely to want to provoke the teacher’s anger by writing test with unsatisfactory results.

Demo version of VPR in physics

Date and regulations of VPR-2018 in physics

In the VPR schedule for 2017/2018 academic year allocated for test work in physics March 10, 2018. The VPR rules in physics state that the student must complete his version in 90 minutes. When solving a test, schoolchildren will be able to use a calculator for calculations, which does not have a programming function or the ability to store information. Primary score, scored by an eleventh-grader for CDF, is translated into grades as determined by the teaching council of each particular school.

This work will make a final measurement of knowledge among 11th grade graduates. A basic level of preparation assumes that students can easily understand and explain physical terms, as well as apply your knowledge in everyday life. Based on the results of the control work, the relevant department will make a conclusion about whether it is advisable to make changes to school curriculum, and whether it is necessary to increase professional excellence subject teachers.

The specialized commission named mechanics, molecular and quantum physics, elements of astrophysics, as well as a section studying electrodynamics. When evaluating test papers, the commission will check:

  • knowledge of the categorical apparatus of this science (i.e. phenomena, quantities and units of measurement, the goals of physics and methods of achieving them through the use of various equipment);
  • ability to interpret received information and data presented in graphical and tabular form;
  • understanding how the laws of physics work;
  • the ability to describe and characterize processes using physical quantities;
  • willingness to apply formulas used in physics;
  • the ability to read instrument readings (beakers, dynamometers, barometers, voltmeters and ammeters), conduct observations and experiments in accordance with the proposed hypotheses;
  • the ability to explain physical phenomena that occur in the world around us.

On the physics course, 18 tasks await you, for which 90 minutes are allotted.

Structural features of VPR in physics

In each version of the test, students will be offered 18 tasks, differing in form and complexity of the solution:

  • tasks 1 to 10 are basic, testing knowledge of terminology, basic quantities and main laws of physics. Three tasks relate to the section studying mechanics, two relate to the section on molecular physics, three are electrodynamics assignments, and one involves quantum physics;
  • tasks 11 and 12 will test the methodological skills of schoolchildren. In the first, you will need to record the readings of the device, based on the proposed photo, and in the second, you will need to sketch out a plan for a simple experiment, adhering to a certain hypothesis;
  • tasks 13-15 test how well eleventh graders can use physical knowledge when describing various devices and instruments (including those that they use in everyday life), and whether they can characterize the principle of their operation;
  • tasks 16-18 will test your skills in working with physical texts and information in the form of a table, diagram or graph.

13 test tasks require that the student write a short answer in the form of a number, symbol, the right word or phrases, or simply select the correct answer from the proposed list. For 5 tasks you will need to give a detailed answer - this could be several sentences describing the stages of the experiment, or filling in the blanks in the table.

In total, you can score 26 points for the test, 19 (or 73%) of which can be obtained for solving 14 simple tasks, and 7 points (27%) for working with 4 complex tasks.

How to prepare for the VPR in physics?

Spend time not only on textbooks, but also on working through the demo version of VPR

From the structure of the ticket it is clear what to type high score, having learned only physical terms and laws, it definitely won’t work. If your goal is to earn maximum points, then you need to thoroughly understand the logic of calculations, remember and understand formulas, and understand the mechanism of action and manifestations of physical laws. Schoolchildren who wrote a CD in physics last year, as well as subject teachers, give the following preparation recommendations:

  • be sure to download and solve the demo version of the 2018 VPR, which was developed by specialists from FIPI (see links at the beginning of the article). This way you will understand how the ticket is built and evaluate your level of preparation;
  • if you have not chosen, then to prepare for the VPR it will be enough to repeat the materials presented in school textbooks;
  • students who are not good at experiments and do not know how this or that device works should consult with a tutor or watch videos that clearly demonstrate working with various equipment and reading readings;
  • To reinforce the terminology, take several online tests.

The manual presents 20 versions of test papers in physics for 7th grade students. Each test contains 10 tasks that cover all the main topics of the physics course in the 7th grade of general education institutions. All questions have answers and detailed system evaluation of their implementation. The workshop is necessary for 7th grade students, teachers and methodologists who use typical tasks to prepare for the All-Russian test work.
The test includes 10 tasks, the completion of which takes 1 lesson (45 minutes). Formulate your answers in the text of the work according to the instructions for the assignments. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write down the correct answer next to it.
You are allowed to use a calculator when doing work.

VPR. Physics. 7th grade. Workshop. Ivanova V.V.

Description of the textbook

Fill in the right column of the table by entering the words water, time, diffu
Zia, stone in accordance with the words in the left column.

Value of division_
Instrument reading_
The vehicle speed is 60 km/h. How far will he travel in 10 minutes? Write down the formula and do the calculations.
The motorcycle's gas tank capacity is 16 liters, gasoline density is 710 kg/m3. Find the mass of gasoline filling the gas tank. Write down the formula and do the calculations. 1 l = 0.001 m3.

NAME OF FORCE A) Elastic force B) Friction force
1) The force with which the Earth attracts bodies to itself
2) Occurs when one body moves along the surface of another
3) Acts on the support or stretches the suspension
4) Occurs when the body is deformed. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

1) Pressure is measured in pascals.
2) Atmosphere pressure measured with a dynamometer.
3) The pressure of the liquid on the bottom and walls of the vessel is inversely proportional to the density of the liquid and the height of the liquid column.
4) A hydraulic press is a machine that gives a gain in strength.
5) In communicating vessels, the liquid level is always the same.
The Archimedean force acting on a body immersed in a liquid turned out to be less strength gravity. What will happen to the body?
The picture shows a falling ball. Draw in this figure the force of gravity acting on the ball.
The load is kept in balance using the block shown in the figure, acting by a force F = 8 N. What is the weight of the load?
An athlete throws a ball weighing 0.45 kg (see figure). What is the kinetic energy of the ball? 10 m/s

Fill out the right column of the table by entering the words and phrases force, glass, parachutist's descent, closet in accordance with the words in the left column.
Physical body
Physical quantity
Physical phenomenon
Look carefully at the drawing. Record the division value and the meter reading.
Value of division_
Instrument reading_
How fast was the motorcycle moving if it traveled 15 kilometers in 20 minutes? Express your answer in km/h. Write down the formula and do the calculations.
You can pour 200 grams of water into a glass. Find the capacity of this glass if the density of water is 1 g/cm3. Write down the formula and do the calculations.
Match the name of the force with its definition.
A) Body weight 1) Occurs when one body moves along
B) Gravity of the surface of another

3) Occurs when the body is deformed
4) The force with which the Earth attracts bodies to itself
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.
Select two correct statements from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
Solid body pressure is physical quantity, equal to the ratio force acting perpendicular to a surface to the area of ​​that surface.
The pressure of the liquid on the bottom and walls of the vessel is directly proportional to the density of the liquid and inversely proportional to the height of the liquid column.
An example of communicating vessels are sluices. Atmospheric pressure increases with altitude.
The hydraulic press is solid, which can rotate around a fulcrum.
The balloon was filled with helium. The Archimedean force acting on the ball turned out to be greater than the force of gravity. What will happen to the ball?
The figure shows a block sliding across the surface of a table. Draw in this figure the force of gravity acting on the block.
The picture shows a lever. Force Fx = 20 N, force F2 = 40 force 1g = 4 dm. Find the length of the force arm 12. The mass of the bench press lever is small. Write down the formula and do the calculations.
An apple weighing 150 g hangs on a branch of an apple tree (see figure). What is the potential energy of an apple?
Write down the formulas and do the calculations. Express your answer in joules.
Fill out the right column of the table by entering the words and phrases air, skateboard movement, volume, block in accordance with the words in the left column.
Physical body
Physical quantity
Physical phenomenon
Look carefully at the drawing. Record the division value and the meter reading.
Value of division_
Instrument reading_
The bus speed is 50 km/h. How far will he travel in 90 minutes? Write down the formula and do the calculations.
The silver ring has a mass of 5.25 g and a volume of 0.5 cm3. Find the density of silver in g/cm3. Write down the formula and do the calculations.
1 5 1 Match the name of the force with its definition.
NAME OF FORCE A) Elastic force B) Gravity force
1) Occurs when the body is deformed
2) Acts on the support or stretches the suspension
3) The force with which the Earth attracts bodies to itself
4) Occurs when one body moves along the surface of another
Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters. Answer:
Select two correct statements from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) The pressure exerted on a wooden block by a weight placed on top is transmitted in all directions without change.
2) Atmospheric pressure is measured with a beaker.
3) In communicating vessels, the height of the liquid column is c higher density will less height a column of liquid with a lower density.
4) According to Pascal's law, the pressure exerted on a liquid or gas is transmitted with increasing pressure to each point of the liquid or gas.
5) The action of a hydraulic press is based on Pascal's law.
A toy boat floats in the pool. A small weight was placed on it. What will happen to the boat?

VPR. Physics. 7th grade. Workshop.