Preparing for school after the summer holidays. How to prepare your child for school after the holidays

1. The first thing you need to start with is the transition to school mode. Already two weeks before the start of the school year, begin to gradually put your child to bed and wake him up 20-30 minutes earlier. If you abruptly interrupt the usual summer routine and switch it to a school one - with early awakening, this will cause conflicts in the family, stress, school anxiety, psychosomatics (stomach pain, headaches, etc.).

To make early awakening easier, you can find incentives for your child. For example, spending pleasant time together with parents (interesting walks, watching short good cartoons, etc.). 2-3 hours before bedtime you need to exclude TV, computer, noisy games, loud music, and heavy food. Instead, you can read together, play calm games, take a walk, listen to a good fairy tale. Sleep should be restful in a dark, ventilated room without extraneous sounds. It is important to remember that a child in primary school needs at least 10 hours of sleep.

2. In parallel with the sleep regime, we also establish a nutritional regime. Choose one similar to the one that will be at school. Try to give your child as many fresh fruits and berries as possible, because... they are rich in vitamins and will protect against frequent colds in the fall.

3. Don't put off buying school supplies and clothes until the last minute. It is advisable to go to the store with your children to avoid mistakes with sizes and possible conflicts due to differences in tastes. Do not deny children the pleasure of choosing their own stationery and backpacks. This will help the student get used to the idea that school time will begin soon.

4. It is very important to replace empty time in front of the computer, phone or TV with useful activities, outdoor games, sports, family walks, hikes, excursions, visits to zoos, exhibitions, and so on. After each walk, you can discuss with your child what interesting things you learned and what you liked most. And entrust your child with capturing the best moments of your family time together (and then creating a beautiful presentation).

5. You need to talk to children about school only in a positive way. Remember what your child loves most about school and focus on this (communication with friends, favorite subjects, school clubs, new interesting knowledge, new achievements).

Set your child up to believe that everything will work out, that he will overcome any problems. Tell him more often how much you love him, how proud you are of him, how much you believe in him.

There is no need to frighten children (and especially first-graders) with school difficulties, teacher punishment, and cumbersome homework. This will only increase school fears and discourage any desire to learn. Particular attention should be paid to children who are going to 1st or 5th grade. For first-graders, everything is just beginning, and waiting for school can become very exciting. And for schoolchildren who have entered the 5th grade, difficulties are associated with the appearance of new teachers and subjects in their lives.

It is also worth especially supporting the child if he has been transferred to a new school - in this case it is even harder for him, since even his old friends will not be nearby. Set your child up for positivity in advance - “You will definitely succeed!”, “You can handle it!”

6. Any problems (serious gaps in knowledge, lack of self-confidence, first unrequited love, etc.) associated with school must be eliminated in advance so that the child does not have fears before the new school year. It is advisable to talk with children more often about what they expect from school, about their fears, friends, and so on. This way, it will be easier for parents to “spread the straws” and prepare their student for school life in advance.

7. In the second half of August, you need to devote about 30 minutes a day to repeating the most difficult subjects for the child, as well as reading the literature assigned for the summer (if the child has not touched it before).

You can conduct small dictations (at least 3-4 lines each) to prepare your hand for writing, restore normal handwriting, and remember the basics of spelling.

It would be nice to work with the child in a foreign language (it’s better to learn through play).

If a child has serious problems in some subjects, then it is advisable to work with a tutor (but only with one who can interest the child).

Such classes should take place in a calm, friendly atmosphere and preferably at the same time. Encourage and praise your child more often for the slightest successes. This will give the student confidence in his abilities and help improve his performance. And, of course, you shouldn’t overload your children with lessons, so as not to discourage them from learning. A child should look forward to September 1st as if it were a holiday.

It would be very cool if your family had a tradition - to celebrate Knowledge Day with your family and give your child gifts in connection with the beginning of the new school year.

Anastasia Sergeeva

Back to school soon: how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays?

The closer the beginning of next September, the more questions parents begin to ask themselves. How to prepare a child for school in August so that further adaptation is successful? Should I burden him with studies or give him more rest? Is it possible to go to the sea right before the start of the school year? What to consider when purchasing school supplies? It's time to give answers to these and other questions.


Summer is a rather leisurely time for children: they go to bed later than usual, sometimes after midnight, and, therefore, get up much later. Parents allow their offspring such liberties, as if giving them the opportunity to have a good rest and sleep off all the hours of sleep lost at school. And there is nothing wrong with this, unless, of course, the child systematically goes to bed at one in the morning and wakes up at noon. But if late going to bed and getting up continue until September 1, whenever you want or don’t want, and you have to get up early, then this will become stressful for the child. Therefore, you need to prepare your child for a stricter daily routine gradually, starting at least two weeks before school.

This does not mean that you need to immediately set bedtime at nine or ten in the evening, and wake up at six - shift the time gradually. First, put your child to bed 30 minutes earlier (and wake him up accordingly), then an hour, and then two (depending on how much the sleep-wake pattern has changed during the holidays).

To make it easier for the child to prepare for the new regime, and nothing prevents him from falling asleep on time, he should fall asleep in a calm state, when nothing can distract him. Try to ensure that at least 1-2 hours before bedtime he does not watch TV, play computer or mobile games, listen to loud music, or read comics and magazines. You can read a fiction book with your child, or just talk to him, ask how his day was, find out what interested him today - this way the child will find a listener, share his emotions and impressions with you, and fall asleep much more peacefully.

Child nutrition

To understand how to prepare a child for school, you need to worry not only about sleep patterns, but also about diet. In the summer, children don’t always eat on time, run home for a snack only when they have free time from walking and playing with friends, eat a lot of sweets like candy and ice cream, steal sweets from friends and eat at a party, pick apples from trees... No rules there is no question here.

Therefore, at least 2-3 weeks before September 1, start feeding your children according to the school schedule: at least three times a day, at the same time (taking into account how late classes will end), minimizing harmful treats and saturating the diet with healthy and tasty ones. dishes with sufficient vitamins and microelements. Games and walks should not interfere with sleep and eating!

Development of communication skills

Throughout the years, one of the few things that made children want to go to school was a long-awaited meeting with friends after the summer holidays: an exchange of impressions, the opportunity to find out how someone spent the summer, whether someone had changed in appearance, acquired some new clothes and etc. If your offspring, even for this reason, does not want to go to school, then perhaps the problem is not only in anticipation of boring and difficult studies. Perhaps the child has problems with self-esteem, he is enslaved, and he has no friends among his classmates. Reluctance to go to school also manifests itself in children who move to another grade in parallel, or to another school.

If the problem is serious, then it is better to show your child to an experienced child psychologist, but you can also have time to help your child socialize better in the classroom. Fill the rest of his summer with bright impressions! Go for walks, to the cinema, to an ice cream cafe, go to a river or lake, have a picnic, ride bicycles, play various games, visit an amusement park, an interesting museum, a zoo. All this will go on the list of how he spent his summer - active, eventful, fun - so that he would not be ashamed to tell his friends.

  • But it’s better not to plan trips to other countries and other climatic zones at the end of August: acclimatization and new experiences will confuse the child when he immediately sits down at a school desk upon returning and will be forced to calmly, diligently study and listen to the teacher.

Buying a desired toy, gadget or other thing can also become a pleasant new thing for a child, which he can show off to his classmates and become cooler in their eyes, which is typical for children and even teenagers. In addition, due to the popularity of social networks and the availability of gadgets for everyone (even fifth-graders can use Instagram), children need photographic evidence of a good rest.

If your child’s peers live in your house or on the street, encourage them to play together, invite them to your home so that the children can watch cartoons together, cook something, play and chat - this will also help speed up socialization in the team and make it easier to prepare for school.

Be sure to attend the school “roll call” with your child, which is usually held in the last 2-3 days of August. This way, the child will be able to immerse himself in the school environment again, walk along the school corridors, sit at a desk, meet with the class teacher, teachers and classmates, but at the same time he will not have to immediately start studying and sit in class. This will be a small rehearsal for going to school that will help you prepare your child for school and help him adapt.

How to prepare your child for school

Parents often wonder whether they should prepare their children for school in August, or let them enjoy the holiday while they can. In this case, the “golden mean” rule applies: you shouldn’t burden your child with repeating all the materials, but there’s no need to completely bypass home preparation.

In the first academic quarter, many subjects provide for repetition of the material covered, so you can leave mathematics, your native language and other subjects alone for now. But so that your child remembers how to hold a pen in his hands again, give him a short dictation, which you can find on the Internet, and at the same time check your child’s literacy.

What is better to do, at least partially, is to read the literature assigned for the summer. Reading develops abstract thinking and imagination in a child, and introduces him to new social situations, so do not avoid this task. Even if there are a couple of weeks left until September, read at least one book, or several stories. You can also devote at least twenty minutes a day to repeating a foreign language, only in a playful way if the child is in elementary school - for example, using cartoons or funny videos.

Purchasing educational supplies

And finally, the most interesting and important stage for children is the purchase of notebooks, diaries, pens, pencil cases, backpacks and other school things and little things that will be useful to him in class. Be sure to take your child shopping with you and do not buy anything without his knowledge, especially clothes, a diary and a bag.

Always give him the right to choose, don’t force him to buy something he doesn’t like. Even if you are on a limited budget, offer him to choose, say, a pencil case, from three inexpensive options. This way, the child will still have the feeling that he himself influenced the final decision, he will feel his importance and will look forward to going to school and filling a new backpack with new notebooks, and a new pencil case with new pens and pencils.

We hope this plan will help you understand how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays, even if there are only a few weeks left before school starts. How to prepare a first-grader who is not yet familiar with school for school? Watch the opinion of an experienced doctor in this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

Read also on our website:

After the summer holidays, and what to do to make the adaptation period go smoothly for both schoolchildren and their parents.

Summer holidays are a long enough period of time for both children and parents to relax and completely forget what the school regime is. After a long rest, it is difficult to return to work.

Take into account simple tips for adapting your child and parent to school life after vacation, camp and the usual summer idleness.

Daily regime

Now is the time to gradually return to the “school” routine of the day. A sharp transition from a state of rest to a working mode is stressful for both children and adults. You can now gradually wake up in the morning and go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

Summer setback in knowledge

Three weeks before school, you can, at a relaxed pace, without pressure or coercion, look through the reference books for the previous year. Or download a curriculum on the subject from the Internet, and at least just look at the titles of the topics.

Start with circles and sections

If during the school year it is planned that the child will go to clubs and sections, it is better to start studying in August.

Strengthen the body to protect against stress

The first months of school are stressful. Especially in a new school or in a new class. The education system is changing, but many children are still scared to go to school. And the life of teenagers, as it happens physiologically, is always stressful.

In a state of chronic stress, our brain becomes deficient in zinc. Zinc affects the functioning of the hippocampus, which helps process and remember large amounts of information.

Now is the time to strengthen your body. Use what you believe in: products containing zinc, vitamin complexes, dietary supplements.

A preliminary meeting will help you return to the team

For introverted, shy children who have also spent the summer months alone, returning to the team is a burden and a possible source of tension.

You can suggest that on one of the days remaining before, we meet with the whole class and go to the cinema or on a picnic. This will help reduce anxiety and may help children express aspects that they find difficult to express at school.

Before the first of September, it is important to come to school, walk along the corridors, go into the office

If a child brings something of his own to class - a book from the library, a flowerpot, a poster, a photograph - it is as if he is putting an imprint of “I am here.” This makes it easier to adapt and get used to the class.

It’s great if the class makes a common “newspaper” with photographs of all students.

Create a “stock of positivity”

If a child tends to focus on the negative, he “has nothing good and never will,” he tends not to notice resourceful events and joys - help him see the positive.

Make a collage of photos of the most joyful moments of summer. Let these pictures even be taken on a mobile phone. Write down all the most significant things in a “journal of memories”, gratitude, successes. It's great to put this into regular practice.

Put an end to summer events

Sometimes, when a child returns from camp, we have the feeling that he “didn’t come back.” His thoughts remain in the summer events. We need to help him complete the stage.

Celebrate your return from camp, from vacation, celebrate the end of your vacation. Greet even an adult child from camp or after any absence with a surprise - a balloon, a gift, a handmade poster, a cake.

We, adults, should also learn to consciously “put an end to” various processes. This makes it easier to make the transition to other actions and to “acclimatize” psychologically.

The child returned from camp and changed

It is important for us to give ourselves the opportunity to get used to the child who has changed over the summer. A child's life is constantly enriched by new relationships, new roles, new knowledge, words and “systems”. The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children.

Our role next to the child, on the one hand, is unchanged, but on the other, it also transforms in its facets. It is important for us to try not to worry and not to regain our power and authority through force.

The child fell in love

A child falling in love is always a new level of relationship with parents. It is important to be respectful of your child or teenager's feelings. It is important to keep secrets if they are shared with us. It is important not to invade personal space if it is being protected from us.

Often a “feeling” child, when falling in love, ceases to be a “thinking” child. Academic performance drops during this time.

And adults don’t always know how to cope with the “load of feelings,” and it’s even harder for children. But it is important for them to go through their first experience of love, charms and disappointments.

Buying important and useful things for school

A child has very little choice in life. If financially possible, let him choose at least the design of covers and diaries and the model of pens.

The huge selection of goods in the store frightens a child, sometimes even hysterics occur when the child is offered to choose everything he wants.

The child is in a dual state. On the one hand, a new school class is an increase in status. On the other hand, fear of this new thing, fear of growing up, may appear. It’s great if, in addition to rational and obligatory purchases, if the child wants, you buy something “childish” from an adult point of view.

Hey everyone!

2 months of summer have already passed. There is a lot to do in August - both to enjoy the summer warmth and to prepare for school. By the way, today I want to tell you about preparing for school.

If you don’t want to shock your brain with an incredible amount of information on September 1, then it’s better to start training it now, in August. And then the first days of school won’t seem like real hell to you :).

So, I suggest you 9 ways to prepare for school during the holidays :

  1. Follow the latest news and events in the world(the personal life of stars does not count :)). Knowing what's going on now will definitely help you in high school history classes.
  2. Watch popular science programs and films. Believe me, they are actually not as boring as they seem at first glance. There are very interesting and funny films and videos about the life of animals, the wonders of the planet and technology. By the way, if you watch such films with friends, it is even more interesting (tested from my own experience :)). Personally, I really liked the film “Oceans” - the filming there is simply incredible and it makes you think about a lot. After watching several of these films, you will definitely be able to surprise your biology teacher :).
  3. Practice with cards. Are you going on a trip with your parents or just visiting your grandmother? Then be sure to take a map with you (or print it from Yandex or Google maps). I'm sure you'll enjoy studying your route on the map. It's much more fun than geography lessons :). In addition, such exercises develop your sense of space, which you may need in geometry lessons.
  4. Look at the starry sky. It’s best to do this outside the city and not alone :). The stars are not only romantic, but there are thousands (and maybe even millions) of constellations. Try to find several constellations or come up with your own :).
  5. Try to write every day. You can keep a diary or just write small notes about your day or various events (by the way, you can write me an article on my blog, I will be happy to post it here :)). Such daily exercises will keep your arm muscles relaxed and, of course, will develop your writing skills (and I’m sure you have them!). After such training, any essay assigned by the teacher will seem simple to you and writing it will take very little time.
  6. Solve the crossword puzzle. Oh, it won’t be easy, but this “warm-up exercise” is very useful.
  7. Calculate your budget. Did your parents give you money or do you have some supplies left? Then write a list of what you need to buy and plan your purchases. After that, don't forget to count everything. This is how you will repeat mathematics :).
  8. Learn something new about the history of your city or area. Yes, history books are very boring, but this does not mean that there is nothing interesting in the history of your city. Take your friends with you and go to the museum. I am sure that you will definitely learn something new for yourself.
  9. Read books. Try to read at least a few pages every day. It doesn't have to be classic literature assigned by teachers for the summer. Choose what you like best. Reading will improve your vocabulary and this will definitely affect your grades in school.

Girls, what do you do during the holidays to keep yourself in good mental shape?

How should a future first-grader spend the last summer before school? Do you need to specially prepare for school or, on the contrary, “have a blast” to the fullest? Our useful tips!

No fears!

Most preschool children want to go to school. Even if they have older brothers and sisters, and they have a good idea of ​​the everyday life of a schoolchild. Therefore, the task of parents is not to discourage this desire.

What you should never do:

  • Worry too much yourself. Children perfectly sense the mood of their parents and are able to become infected with your anxieties.
  • Scare a child with school, teachers, classmates, workload.
  • Keep your child busy with school throughout the holidays. Instead of keeping your future first-grader at the table for hours, forcing him to read, count, and write, it is better to walk more, play, and watch what is happening around him. Let your child come to school rested, with new impressions and positive emotions.
  • Take away all the toys or most of them, explaining your actions by saying that the preschooler is now quite big and will soon become a schoolchild.

What can and should be done:

  • Talk about interesting and (most importantly!) life-affirming incidents from your school life. Remember your classmates and common games, activities and pranks, look at photographs from your school childhood, organize a whole PR campaign to create a positive and attractive image of the school. But at the same time, do not hide or hush up the real difficulties that a child may face during his studies. Otherwise, it may turn out like in that joke: “Why didn’t you tell me that THIS is now for eleven years?!” The main thing is not to exaggerate or minimize anything. Answer questions in detail and truthfully, while demonstrating confidence and calm with your entire appearance.
  • Read funny stories about school life.
  • Smoothly rearrange the child’s daily routine to fit the school routine.
  • Teach your child independence.
  • Together we choose and buy everything we need for our studies.
  • Explain the rules of behavior at school (especially if the child did not attend kindergarten).
  • Play school. Let the child be both a student and a teacher. This way he will better feel and understand the relationships that are built between children and adults at school.
  • Walk around the school so that the future first-grader gets used to the territory (if he did not go to this school for preparatory classes or did not meet his older brother or sister from classes).
  • Organize competitions to collect a briefcase. The child should try to collect everything he needs quickly and accurately, without forgetting anything on the table or dropping anything.
  • At the dacha, you can grow flowers for a bouquet that a first-grader will give to her first teacher.

Let's get ready with pleasure

Although you don’t need to spend hours studying in the summer, you can still complete some useful tasks. They will not cause the child to have an aversion to studying, because they are not at all similar to lessons, but at the same time they will definitely help him in the future, since they will develop all those qualities and skills that are needed at school:

  • Create a daily routine. It can be made using any technique, for example, in the form of a collage. Let the future schoolchild cut out and then paste onto cardboard pictures illustrating his day (getting up, breakfast, getting ready for school, etc.). This way he will exercise his hand, get pleasure from creative work, and prepare himself a “hint” about what, how and in what order to do during the school day. On the first of September, hang the schedule in a visible place, supplement it with the lesson schedule, and the child will be happy to use his handiwork.
  • Collect and prepare natural materials (leaves, acorns, flowers, etc.) for future crafts that children will probably make at school. Teach your child how to properly dry and carefully store collected items.
  • Start compiling a herbarium. This, again, is training fine motor skills of the hands and at the same time preparing for the study of such a subject as “The World Around You”.
  • Prepare a photo report about your vacation. Let your preschool child try himself as a photojournalist and take pictures of all the most beautiful, interesting, unusual things that he encountered in the summer, and then he will paste his works into an album, sign them, and complement everything with drawings and applications. Later, it will be possible to agree with the teacher for the child to speak in front of his classmates with a story about the summer and show the report he made in his own hand.
  • Train your hand for writing not in boring copybooks, but by performing interesting and at the same time extremely useful for future schoolchildren graphic dictations. They are good because they not only prepare the muscles of the hand, but also teach how to navigate on a notebook sheet, consolidate spatial concepts and train attentiveness.

Examples of graphic dictations can be found on the Internet. With a little practice, you can easily compose them yourself, choosing for your child those topics that interest him (for example, cars or animals). Keep in mind that if the child has never performed graphic dictations before, then you need to start with the simplest ones, in which there is movement only in the up-down and left-right directions. Introduce dictations with movement also diagonally only if preschoolers perform simpler versions quickly and accurately.

  • Pay attention to the development of interhemispheric connections. To do this, invite your child to draw simple drawings (houses, clouds, mushrooms, etc.) with both hands at the same time. It is better to do this with felt-tip pens or soft pencils.

Low start

When there is less than a month left until the First of September, you will need to pay attention to some more points:

1. If the child’s schedule is still free, it’s time to rebuild. Put your first-grader to bed no later than nine o'clock in the evening. If he sleeps for a long time in the morning or gets up sleep-deprived, move his bedtime another half an hour.

2. Don’t forget about your family’s bedtime rituals. Yes, a preschooler is almost a schoolboy, but this does not mean that you need to stop reading to him at night or having long conversations about everything in the world. On the contrary, it is important for a child to feel that although a lot changes in his life, there remain things in it that are still unshakable and important, both for him and for the people closest to him, his parents.

3. Do not bring your child back from vacation (especially from a different climate) at the last moment, on the eve of “X-day”. It is better if he has a few days to get used to his hometown again and adapt to a different rhythm of life.

4. If you follow these tips, then over the summer your child will rest, gain strength and only become even stronger in his desire to go to school. And a good, correct attitude is a great thing.