English Olympiad for 7 8. There are three tasks

English language. Assignments, grades 7-8.


Task1. Listen to the text and choose the right answer.

1.According to the text O'Neill

a) was the king of England

b) cut off his hand as it hurt

c) was in the fastest boat

d) became the king of Ireland

2. According to the text the other Viking leader

a) was not as clever as O’Neill

b) cut off his left hand

c) didn’t want to become a king

d)reached the Irish land first

3. The text you've heard is

a) a real historical event

c) a scary story for children

d) an old Irish joke

4. The best title for the text is

a) Irish monarchy

b) How Ireland got its king

c) O'Neill and his army

d) A red right hand

5. The symbols of Ireland are now

a) the shamrock and the crown

b) the red hand and the arrow

c) the red hand and the shamrock

d) the rose and the eagle


Task 2. The parts of the following text are all mixed up. Put them in the right order.

    Once the king showed a new portion of his stories to a well-known critic. The critic decided to tell the truth and said that the stories were bad and poor.

    When the critic was brought to the palace the king asked him about the stories again. But the critic said he would rather get back to prison.

    Of course people were afraid of criticizing the king so they had to lie. Everyone said the stories were extremely good, which was not at all true.

    An old king liked to write stories which he thought were very good and professional. He showed them to everyone and asked what those people thought.

    After some time the king thought he had been too cruel and decided to set the critic free. He sent his men to the prison and told them to bring the man to the palace.

    The king got very angry with him and ordered his men to take him to prison. Sothe critic was sent for telling the truth.

Lexico- grammar test.

Task3. Choose the right answer.

    I finished the project but my friends didn’t finish…………..

a)them b)theirs c)their

2. It’s taken me a long time to clear away the……….. toys.

a) children b) children’s c) childrens’

3. I think Germany…… win the football match.

a) is going to b) shall c) will

4. She is very busy today. She ……… letters since morning.

a) has been typing b) is typing c) had been typing

5. John…..down the road when he fell.

a) walked b) was walking c) had walked

a) the cleverest b) clever d) cleverer

7. There is….. in the cupboards. We have to go to the supermarket.

a) everything b) nothing c) anything

8. Yesterday…5 p.m. they were cooking dinner

a) on b) at c) in

9. He is fond ... doing sports.

a) at b) of c) on

10. You...water flowers. I've already done it.

a) mustn’t b) can’t c) needn’t

Task 4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

    The……… on a …….. is called fur. a) hare b) hair

    Have you ever heard a fairy…..about the cat with no…… ? a) tale b) tail

    The sky was clear….. but the wind…. from the north. a) blue b) blew

    After his illness John felt … for a ……. . a) week b) weak

    He announced which…. of the boys...the game. A) one b) won


Task 5. Complete the dialogue. You have to invite your friend to your granny on the weekend. Try to be convincing and polite. You have to use about 50-55words.

    Hi Phil! Nothing unusual I think. I'll stay at home with my lap top.

    Will she? You know I’m not a fan of the country and also I hate mosquitos very much.

    Does she? To tell the truth I like pies, especially with jam. OK then When and where should I come tomorrow?

  • Phil, thank you very much for your idea. I'm so pleased.

Regional studies

Task 6. Find matches between the left and right columns. (7 phrases and 8 meanings)

    You are pulling my leg.

    An experienced person

2.Do you need a hand?

b) to tell something secret

3.I'm pressed in time.

4. Keep a stiff upper lip

d) to offer some help

e) don’t look for problems. It might be dangerous

6.Let the cat out of the bag

f) don't open your mouth

7.Let sleeping dogs lie

g) hide your emotions

h) be in a hurry

English language. Keys 7-8 grade.

Listening. 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c

Reading. DCAFEB

Lexico-grammatical test. 1-b, 2-b, 3-c, 4-a, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c

1-b,a, 2-a,b, 3-a,b, 4-b,a, 5-b,a

Regional studies. 1-c, 2-d, 3-h, 4-g, 5-a, 6-b, 7-e (f is an extra option)

Reading Comprehension

Part 1. Questions 1-5

The people below live in London and are all interested in keeping fit.
On the opposite page there are descriptions of eight websites for people wanting to keep fit.
Decide which website would be the most suitable for the following people.
For questions 1-5, mark the correct letter (A-H) on your answer sheet.

1. Klara has recently moved to London and enjoys serious running. She is looking for a club where she can take part in competitions.

2. Sami wants to find some ideas for keeping fit at home and communicate online with other people doing the same thing. He doesn’t want to have to pay for using the website.

3. Kumiko is a member of a local gym where she goes at least twice a week. She does not get much time to shop, so wants to buy gym clothes and shoes online.

4. Peter loves the outdoors and cycles to different places each weekend to keep fit. He wants a website which will give him suggestions for a range of suitable destinations.

5. Stefano is a student and is looking for a gym where he can keep fit. He wants to pay each time he visits the gym rather than paying a fee to become a member.


A www.activelife.co.uk This site is perfect for those who like to combine living a healthy lifestyle with enjoying the countryside. Type in the name of the town and you get a list of locations that offer routes for cycling or exploring the area on foot. There is also information on cycling competitions in Britain.
B www.fitinfo.com This online shop offers books, magazines, DVDs and software connected to keeping fit. You simply type in the aspect of keeping fit that you are interested in, such as ‘keeping fit outdoors’, and a super selection is displayed.
C www.fitnet.co.uk Steve Amos started this site for busy people wanting to keep fit. Fill in a questionnaire and Steve will create a fitness program for you. Although Steve’s fee is high, you can email him for advice whenever you want. In addition, Steve has designed a range of fitness clothes and footwear, which anyone can order (48-hour delivery).
D www.NAG.co.uk The National Athletics Group is a site for people interested in athletics. It allows you to find out where your nearest athletics club is and provides information about races and other athletics events around the country. There is a popular chatroom where athletes exchange suggestions and ideas.
E www.swavedon.com Swavedon is a national park with a lake, which offers many different ways of keeping fit in the great outdoors. There are three cycle routes, a jogging track around the lake and several woodland walks.
F www.fitnessonline.co.uk This is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit. It gives diet advice, and allows you to work through a fitness program without leaving your house. It also offers advice on gym equipment to buy and has a chatroom, where you can compare experiences with others.
G www.fitnessclub.co.uk This website tells you all you need to know about this chain of gyms, including where your nearest Fitnessclub gym is, how you can become a member and how much the yearly fee is. Advice is given on everything from using a running machine to buying the right equipment. Each gym has a swimming pool and a shop selling gymwear.
H www.sportsarena.co.uk This website tells you how you can keep fit at this group of London sports centres. You don’t have to be a member — these centers operate a pay-as-you-go system. They all have a pool, squash courts, gym and outdoor tennis courts. The website includes details of locations, opening times and prices.

Answers: 1-D, 2-F, 3-C, 4-F, 5-H

Part 2. Questions 6-15

Look at the sentences below about a book club.
Read the text on the opposite page to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, mark A on your answer sheet. If it is not correct, mark B on your answer sheet.

6 By ordering a book, you qualify to become a member of the International Book Club.
7 Every new member can request a watch from the book club.
8 You can buy a DVD more cheaply when you join.
9 All club books cost half the publisher’s price.
10 Each club magazine gives you a choice of over 1,000 books.
11 You get a different choice of books if you order from the website.
12 One special book is recommended every month.
13 You may receive a book that the club has chosen for you.
14 You must pay the postage when sending your application to join the club.
15 You should pay as soon as you receive your books.

Answers: 6-A, 7-A, 8-A, 9-B, 10-B, 11-B

International Book Club
Have you ever thought of joining a book club and buying new books through the post? Here at the International Book Club, we already have many members buying books from us by mail.

To join:
You just need to send us your first order from our book list.
Immediate benefits:

  • As a special offer, you may choose any reduced-price books from our new members’ book list, to the value of £6 in total (plus postage and packing). By doing this, you will save pounds| on the publishers’ prices.
  • Tick ​​the box on your form to order a free watch.
  • If you reply within seven days, we will send you another free gift carefully chosen from our book list by our staff.
  • Order a DVD from the many on offer in our list, at half the recommended retail price.

When you've joined:
As a member, you’ll enjoy savings between 30% and 50% off the publisher’s price on every book you buy, and what’s more, they’ll come straight to your door. Your free club magazine arrives once a month, to keep you up to date with the latest best-sellers. This means that every year we offer over 1,000 books to choose from. On the Internet, you can find all our titles for the year on our exclusive members’ website.
Being a member:
All we are asking you to do while you are a member is to choose four books during your first year. After that, you can decide on the number of books you wish to take.
In each of our monthly club magazines, our experienced staff choose a Club Choice book — a work of fiction or a reference title which they feel is particularly worth buying, and which is offered at an extra-special price. However, if you do not want this book, just say so in the space provided on the form. We will always send the book if we do not receive this.
So, return your application form today, but hurry — it’s not every day we can make you an offer like this. To apply to become a member, all you need to do is simply fill in the enclosed form and return it in the postage-paid envelope supplied.
Before you know it, your books will be with you. Please don’t send any money now, as we will send you your bill with the books. And remember, you have up to a fortnight to decide if you wish to keep the books you have ordered. You should then either return the books or send your payment.

Use of English

Part 1. Questions 1-10

Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

0 A
most INm ore WITH be st D bet ter

0 A B C D

Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise is one of the (0) …………………successful actors in cinema history. However, life hasn’t always been that easy for him. As a young boy, Tom was shy and had (1) ……………………in finding friends, although he really enjoyed (2) ……………………part in school plays. (3) ……………………he had finished High School, Tom went to New York to look for work. He found employment as a porter, and at the same time he (4) ……………………drama classes. In 1980, the film director Franco Zeffirelli (5) ……………………Tom his first part in a film. Ten years later, he had become (6) …………………successful that he was one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, (7) …………………millions of dollars for (8) ……………………film. Today, Tom (9) …………………appears in films and is as (10) ……………………as ever with his thousands of fans from all around the world.

1 AworryINproblemWITHfearDdifficulty
2 AmakingINholdingWITHtakingDfinding
3 AWhileINDuringWITHAfterDUntil
4 ApreparedINwaitedWITHattendedDhappened
5 AsuggestedINofferedWITHtriedDadvised
6 AsoINsuchWITHtooDvery
7 ApayingINearningWITHwinningDreaching
8 AanotherINallWITHeachDsome
9 AyetINeverWITHalreadyDstill
10 ApopularINfavoriteWITHpreferredDapproved

Answers: 1-D, 2-C, 3-C, 4-C, 5-B, 6-A, 7-B, 8-C, 9-D, 10-A

Questions 11-15
Here are some sentences about learning Italian.
For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.
Write only the missing words on your answer sheet.
You may use this page for any rough work.


0 Daniel started Italian classes six months ago.
Daniel’s had Italian classes…………………………………………………….six months.

0 for


11 After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go.
Daniel……………………………………………………. an advertisement for Italian lessons and then decided to go.

12 There are fifteen other students in his Italian class.
His Italian class……………………………………………………. fifteen other students in it.

13 Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it.
Daniel doesn’t think that speaking is……………………………………………. as writing Italian.

14 Daniel’s teacher is Italian and her name’s Chiara Paolozzi.
Daniel’s teacher is Italian and she’s …………………………………………… Chiara Paolozzi.

15 The students are given two hours of homework each week.
Each week Chiara…………………………………………………….the students two hours of homework.



11 (first) saw/had seen
12 has/has
13 as/so
14 called
15 gives
  • This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend.

I’ve just seen a brilliant program about dolphins on television.
Which programs have you enjoyed recently?
How much television do you watch?

  • Now write a letter, answering your penfriend’s questions.
  • Write your letter on your answer sheet.

You should write 100-110 words


You each have a chance to talk by yourselves. The examiner gives you a color photograph to look at and asks you to talk about it. When you have finished talking, the examiner gives your partner a different photograph to look at and to talk about.

The examiner asks you and your partner to say more about the subject of the photographs in Part 1. You may be asked to give your opinion or to talk about something that has happened to you.


Questions 1-7
There are seven questions in this part.
For each question there are three pictures and a short recording. Choose the correct picture and put a tick ( ) in the box below it.

Example: Where is the girl’s hat?

1. Where will the friends meet?

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in English for grades 7-8.


    Listening. Time 10 minutes.

Listen to the text and choose the right variant.

1 . An unusual circus will be opened in….

A) England B) Scotland C) Wales

2. There are… performing mice in the circus.

A) eight B) twenty seven C) seventeen

3. The performance lasts….

A fifteen minutes B thirty minutes C) an hour

4. … people can watch the show at a time.

A) Eight B) Seven C) Twenty seven

5. The mice won’t perform if they are … .

A) hungry B) angry C) frightened

6. The National Center for Languages ​​is worried because young people don’t study … .

A) at school B) at university C) foreign languages

7 . Last year … percent of secondary school students took a foreign language.

A) forty four B) seventy one C) four point five

8 . In 1997 … pupils took a foreign language than last year.

A) fewer B) less C) more

9. The number of UK students taking modern languages ​​has … since 2002.

A) decreased B) increased C)not changed

10. The National Center for Languages ​​wants young people to….

A) study English B) travel more C) speak foreign languages

II.Reading. Time: 15 minutes

Task. 1 Match the titles and the letters

    Problems with mum

    Three's a crowd

A) I"ve got a terrible problem. I"ve got a lot of spots on my face. My mum doesn't understand the problem. She says it"s just acne and she says it"s normal. But I don"t want to go out because everyone laughs at me. What can I do?

Tim, Birmingham

B) I"m 16 and I"ve never had a boyfriend. But I"m not surprised. I"m fat, my hair"s a mess and I haven"t got any good clothes. My friends have all got boyfriends, but I"m so unattractive, I can"t see how anyone could Iove me. It's not fair.

JAsmine, Liverpool

C) There's a gang of kids at our school who are making my life hell. A few weeks ago they asked me for money. I said No, but then they pushed me and hit me. Like a fool, I gave them my bus fare and so I had to walk home. But that was only the start of it. Every day after that they asked for more. I started taking money from my mum"s purse to pay them. Now I can"t face them any more. I haven"t been to school for over a week. I"m so frightened. Please help me. I can"t talk to anyone else about my problem.

Nicola, Edinburgh

D) My girlfriend and I love each other very much, but her mother doesn't like me at all. A couple of weeks ago, I took her home after midnight. There was a big argument and now I"m not allowed to go to her house any more. We have to meet in secret.

Robert, Bedford

E) My boyfriend, Steve, and I never go out on our own. He always brings his best friend with him, when we have a date. He says that he feels guilty if he doesn't invite his friend. But what about me?

Liz, Carlisle

Task 2. Read the text and do the task below.

Big Red London Buses.

What is the best-known symbol of London? Big Ben? St Paul's Cathedral? Can it be the big red London double-decker bus?

It certainly can be. Every day, thousands of Londoners use the big red buses to move around the town. Every tourist knows that a one-day London bus pass can be used on all bus routes. London bus can offer a wonderful way to see the sights of Britain's capital city.

Since 1911 the big red motor bus has been London"s "king of the road". The idea of ​​the "double-decker" is much older than the motor bus. Until the 1930s the "double-decker" bus had no roof. Some passengers sat inside, and the rest traveled on the roof. It was too bad if it was raining! But then all new buses became equipped with roofs over the upper deck.

Today the only open-topped buses are the special tourist buses.

The most popular buses are those from the "Routemasters" which date from the 1950s and 60s. It is popular because it has an open platform at the back end and passengers can climb on and off when they want, even if the bus is moving (though this is not recommended!). These buses were designed specially for London, by people who knew what London needed. They have served their purpose well!

Choose the right answers.

6) How do the Londoners use the big red buses?

a) They use them to move to another countries.

b) They use them to move around town.

c) They don't use them at all.

7) What kind of a London bus pass offers a wonderful way to see the sights?

a) a one-day bus pass

b) a seven-days bus pass

c) a three-days bus pass

8) How were all new buses equipped?

a) They were equipped with upper decks.

b) They were equipped with roofs.

c) They were equipped with new wheels.

9) How are open-topped buses used?

a) as special tourist buses

b) as special buses for workers

c) as special buses for students

10) Why is the "Routemaster" the most popular bus?

a) Because it is the fastest bus.

b) Because it is the warmest bus.

c) Because passengers can climb on and off when they want in this bus.

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

III.Use of language. Time: 15 minutes

Task 1. Read this piece and fill in the blanks with the best items chosen from the list below. Write your answers (A, B, C or D) in the answer sheet.


Mark Twain, 1 ____________ lived from 1835 to 1910, is one of America’s most famous authors. He wrote many books, 2 ____________ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain's own life was 3____________ enough to be a book.

Twain was born in the state of Missouri, near the Mississippi River. He 4___________ from a poor family. His father died when he was twelve, 5____________ he had to leave school. While he was still a boy, he worked as a riverboat pilot. He steered boats up and down the long Mississippi River.

The Civil War, which started in 1861, made traveling on the Mississippi impossible. Twain then went west to Nevada. There he worked with a newspaper. In 1864 he went to California to find gold. Twain did not have much 6 ____________ as a gold miner. He left California to travel in Europe. Twain wrote a book about his trips around Europe.

But the most important influence on Twain and his books was the Mississippi River. When Twain finally settled down, he lived in a house with a porch that 7____________ like the deck of a riverboat. Huckleberry Finn, Twain's greatest book, is about the adventures of a boy on the Mississippi River. 8 ____________ of Twain's books is called Life on the Mississippi.

In fact, even the name of Mark Twain comes from the Mississippi. Mark Twain's 9 ____________ name was Samuel Langhorne Clemens. On the river Samuel Clemens often heard the boatmen shout “Mark Twain”. This 10____________ the water was twelve feet deep. When Samuel Clemens began to write he chose for himself the name Mark Twain.

Very interesting

Task 2. Choose the right option

11. I __________ 50 years old in 2030.

A is B am C will be D am being

12. There aren’t __________ students in the class today.

A much B some C many D none

13. Excuse me? Can I buy __________ green apples please?

A a few B less C a bit D a little

14. Sorry, we have __________ green apples.

A no B none C any D nothing

15. Sorry, I __________ here on Thursday. I have to go to the dentist.

A is B'm C'll be D won't be

16. __________ my brothers live in the U.S.A.

A Neither B Both C Any D None

17. When it rains we __________ inside.

A go B went C are going D goes

18. What __________ you do if it rains?

A shall B will C are D have

19. If you throw a stone into the water, it __________.

A sinks B sank C sunk D is sinking2

20. They are fond of ___________ football.

A in B of C at D by

Transfer your answers to the answer sheet!

V. Writing. Time: 20 minutes

Imagine that you are going to visit a museum soon. Write an e-mail to your friend and ask her/him to join you. Do not write down the address. Do not forget to write about:

    the date and the name of the museum you are going to visit

    why do you want to go there

    the program of your visit.

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 80 - 100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Answer sheet.


III. Use of language

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

Keys to the task:


III. Use of language

1 1

1 2

1 3

1 4

1 5

1 6

1 7

1 8

1 9

Evaluation criteria and scoring

Listening – the maximum number of points is 10. The task is checked using the keys. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, 0 points are given.

Reading - maximum score 10. The task is checked using the keys. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, 0 points are given.

Use of English - maximum score 20. The task is checked using the keys. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. For an incorrect answer or no answer, 0 points are given.

Writing - maximum score of 10. The assignment is assessed according to the assessment criteria.

When summarizing the results, the points for all competitions are summed up.

The maximum number of points for all competitions is 50 points.

in English for grades 7-8 (2015-2016 academic year)
Section 1 (Reading)

1 . Match topics A-H with texts 1-7. Use each letter only once. INtaskonesubjectextra.


1. For the first time since 1948, the British capital will host the summer Olympic Games. It was the fourth participation of Britain in the battle to host the games after failed attempts of Birmingham for the 1992 Olympics and Manchester for 1996 and 2000. "I'm looking forward to what I'm sure will be a fantastic Olympic Games," said Prince William.

2. There are many factors, both social and psychological, which influence the roles of teachers and learners in the classroom. The book “Roles of Teachers and Learners” by Tony Wright helps teachers to understand these roles. And the ways in which co-operative learning may best be fostered.

3. It’s calculated that Joanne Rowling, the author of very famous books about Harry Potter, is earning $36,000,000 daily and her total profit is already more than $1,000,000,000.

4. In 2005 “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” broke the previous record of Potter series itself as wall as all other records had ever held by freshly published books: more than 8.9 million copies had been sold within 24 hours since the moment of release.

5. The word “hamburger” comes from the name of the German city Hamburg and not from the word “ham”, and so the word “cheeseburger”, sometimes used to mean a similar kind of sandwich with cheese instead of meat, is based on a false analogy.

6. Reading works of literature gives students an insight into the variety of ways language has been handled over the last three centuries. It is both rewarding and motivating for learners to discover they can understand the language, and that they can even enjoy the experience of reading an English or American classic.

7. The world’s famous cycling race comes to its exiting conclusion when the riders cap off three weeks of road racing and 21 stages with a sprint down the Champs Elysees in Paris. The Tour de France will be broadcast live daily at Sport land at 5 p.m. until the last stage on Sunday, June 24.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2 . Read the text and complete the tasks. Answer the questions of the tasks by choosing one of the proposed answer options 1, 2 or 3.

There is something about the English Channel that has always fascinated the human race and it has always played a special role in British history. The sea itself has always been important to mankind but the Channel often created a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent. This barrier has existed for more than 12,000 years and the desire to break it has occupied the minds of many people for almost two hundred years.
The construction of the tunnel is perhaps the most incredible engineering project of the 20th century. In fact its completion was called a “technical triumph”.
However, the first proposal to build a Channel Tunnel appeared in 1802, when a French engineer presented his project for two tunnels to cross it. Historians say Napoleon was interested in that plan. But Napoleon was more interested in fighting the British than in linking the two countries, and shortly afterwards a new war between England and France began. There were many other plans to build a tunnel but unfortunately all of them failed. It was not until after the last war that Britain and France began seriously considering the project. On the 12th February, 1986, Mrs. Thatcher and President Mitterrand signed the Franco-British Treaty which allowed the construction and the operation of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel was completed eight years later.
It is now very quick and easy to cross the Channel. You don’t have to book a ticket. The Channel Tunnel trains operate twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. You can now cross the Channel in thirty-five minutes. At last the great barrier has been broken.
In 1996, the American Society of Civil Engineers, with Popular Mechanics, selected the tunnel as one of the Seven Wonders of the Modern World.

1. What has always been important to all people?
a. The English Channel.
b. The sea.
c. The tunnel.

2. What did Europeans want to do for many years?
a. To create a barrier between Great Britain and the Continent.
b. To sign a contract on the construction of the tunnel.
c. To connect Great Britain and the continent by train service.

3. When did the Channel Tunnel begin to function?
a. In 1994.
b. In 1986.
c. In 1996.

4. Who proposed the first plan to build a tunnel under the Channel?
a. Napoleon
b. A French engineer.
c. President Mitterrand.

5. When did the construction of the tunnel become possible?
a. After the treaty had been signed.
b. After the engineering project had been presented.
c. After many other plans had been discussed.

6. Why is it easy to cross the Channel at present?
a. The tickets are cheap.
b. The tickets are sold everywhere.
c. The trains go day and night.

7. What is the best title for the text?
a. Engineering Projects.
b. The Channel Tunnel.
c. Seven Wonders of the World.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Olympiad tasks of the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
in English for grades 7-8 (2015-2016 academic year)
Section 2 (lexico-grammatical test)
1. Read the gap sentences below and decide which of the three options given for each gap corresponds to the correct answer. Circle the number of the answer option you selected.
1. The clothes are absolutely wet.
I should dry...
a) it b) their c) them
2. If you don’t understand the meaning of this word, look it ... in the dictionary.
a) for b) up c) at
3. The forecast promises such … good weather but I don’t believe it.
a) a b) __ c) the
4. You should eat...sweets. It's bad for your teeth.
a) little b) less c) fewer
5. Everyone has to answer for his actions, ...?
a) hasn’t he b) has he c) doesn’t he
6. This car...a lot last year.
a) cost b) costs c) costed
7. Neither Nick nor Ann … to play tennis.
a) likes b) like c) doesn’t like
8. Your shoes are...fashionable.
a) such a b) such c) so
9. The boy feels so …today
a) more bad b) badly c) bad
10. If it... tomorrow we shall play football outdoors.
a) not rain b) doesn’t rain c) won’t rain
11. The pupils were ... a new film yesterday.
a) showed b) show c) shown
12. They arrived…the airport on time.
a) at b) in c) to
13. Her parents always… at this school.
a) working b) have worked c) work

2 . Read the blank text below and decide which of the three options given for each gap is the correct answer. Circle the number of the answer option you selected.


When Bo the cat decided to explore a furniture van, she had a bigger adventure than she expected. She was discovered (1)…….the driver, after he had completed a (2)…….of over 500 kilometers. It was (3)……end of a long day. The driver and the cat were both hungry! He gave her some milk and started making enquiries. He telephoned his last (4)……., but they had not lost a cat. It was getting late, so he took Bo home for the night and (5)…….morning brought her to an animal hospital.
The cat’s owner (6)……done some detective work too. After searching everywhere for the cat, he suddenly remembered the furniture van (7)……had made a delivery to a neighbor. Fortunately he (8)…….the name of the company. He called their office and in a short time Bo was (9)…….safely.

1. a) of b) from c) by

2. a) trip b) travel c) tour

3. a) an b) some c) the

4. a) shoppers b) buyers c) customers

5. a) next b) following c) other

6. a) has b) was c) had

7. a) what b) this c) which

8. a) called b) remembered c) saw

9. a) returned b) taken c) given

Section 3 (Writing)

You have received a letter from your friend from England named Tom Green, who writes...

I live in Manchester. I like my city very much but sometimes the people here are not very friendly and they don’t try to keep our city clean and beautiful. And do you enjoy living in a small town? How do you spend your spare time there?
Anyway, I’m thinking of traveling to Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect?

Write him an answer, according to the rules for writing a letter to a friend.
The volume of the statement is 80-100 words.

Reading (35 points)

1 task (7 tasks of 2 points, total 14 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Task 2 (7 tasks each worth 3 points, total 21 points)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
b c a b a c b
Lexico-grammatical test (35 points)

1. 13 tasks for 2 points, total 26 points

1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-c, 5-c, 6-a, 7-a, 8-c, 9-c, 10-b, 11-c, 12-a, 13- b
2. 9 tasks for 1 point, total 9 points

1-c, 2-a, 3-c, 4-c, 5-a, 6-c, 7-c, 8-b, 9-a

Letter (20 points)
content – ​​10 points
vocabulary – 5 points
grammar – 5 points

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

I (school) stage

English language

7-8 grades

Teacher's kit

Total time to complete the work – 90 minutes

Maximum points – 70

The set of materials required for the competition includes:

2. Description of the competition procedure

3. Text of the task

4. Keys

5. Answer form (for each participant)


Understanding spoken text (Listening)

You have 10 minutes to complete the tasks., which includes entering answers into answer sheets. The task is presented twice.

Evaluation criteria: For each correct answer 1 point is given.The maximum number of points is 7.

Understanding written text (Reading)

The reading task is aimed at understanding the text. The student is required to read and understand the text, then, after reading the statements under the text, make an alternative choice (right/wrong).You have 20 minutes to complete the task., which includes entering answers into answer sheets. The correct completion of tasks is checked using the keys.

Evaluation criteria: For each correct answer a 1 point. The maximum number of points is 8.

Lexico-grammatical test (Use of English)

There are a total of 35 questions in this block.

Students must demonstrate an appropriate level of mastery of lexical material and the ability to operate with it in multiple choice conditions

First task - this is text containing gaps. The student is required to demonstrate knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and fill in the blanks with one word from the selection. For each correct answer is given 1 point. The maximum number of points is 10.

In the second taskit is necessary to express the lexical phrase in one word. For each correct answer is given 1 point. The maximum number of points is 14.

Third task requires the student to know the rules for using articles, degrees of comparison of adjectives, tense forms of verbs, etc. For each correct answer is given 1 point. The maximum number of points is 11.

The correct completion of tasks is checked using the keys.

Written speech (Writing)

The task is a short written work (a written statement with elements of reasoning). The recommended number of words is 80-100. When checking this assignment, you should pay attention to the fact that the work is checked and evaluated even if the number of words is insufficient or, conversely, exceeds the norm. In this case, the number of points for the “Content” criterion will be lower.

The maximum number of points is 20.The recommended time to complete the task is 35 minutes.

The correct completion of tasks is checked using the keys.

Competition procedure

General rules

  • Before entering the classroom, the participant must present a passport.
  • Participants should sit in the audience at such a distance from each other so as not to see the work of their neighbor.
  • The participant can take a pen, glasses, chocolate, and water with him to the classroom.
  • It is not allowed to take paper, reference materials (dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, etc.), pagers and mobile phones, voice recorders, players and any other technical equipment into the classroom.
  • While performing the task, the participant may leave the classroom only if accompanied by an attendant.
  • The participant cannot leave the room with the assignment or answer sheet.


Each participant is given an answer sheet ( Answer Sheet ) and double title page andInstructions are provided in Russian on the procedure for holding the Olympiad, filling out answer sheets and the order of their submission after completion of work:

  • Participants fill out Title page indicating the title of the work, school number, class, full name.
  • Upon completion of work, completed The answer sheet is included in the title page and is sent to the encryption point.
  • Corrections on answer sheets are not considered errors; however, the handwriting must be clear; controversial cases (about or a) are interpreted not in favor of the participant.
  • Assignments are completed only in black or blue ink/paste (red, green ink, and pencil are prohibited).

Before listening to the excerpt, the jury member turns on the recording and allows the participants to listen to the very beginning of the recording. Then the recording is turned off and a member of the jury asks the audience if everyone can hear clearly. If one of the participants in the audience cannot hear the recording well, the sound volume is adjusted, and all technical problems that affect the sound quality are eliminated. Then the recording starts from the very beginning, does not stop and is listened to until the very end.

Participants can review the questions before listening.

The audition procedure is recorded on disk.AFTER THE FIRST LISTENING, THE JURY MEMBER PLAYS THE RECORDING AGAIN.The task record on the disk is presented 2 times in a row (a technical pause of 10-15 seconds is allowed).

During the audition, participants cannot ask questions to the jury members or leave the audience, as noise may disrupt the competition procedure.

The duration of the competition is limited to the time required to listen to the submitted tasks. Each task is presented twice.

Participants are given assignment texts and paper for drafts. The text of the assignments contains all the instructions for completing the assignments. Participants receive blank paper for drafting, and the draft is submitted along with the answer sheet. However, only the answer sheets are subject to verification. Drafts are not reviewed.

A member of the jury in the audience must record the start and end times of the task on the board.

15 and 5 minutes before the end of the work, a member of the jury in the audience should remind about the remaining time and warn about the need to carefully check the work.

After the completion of the tasks, the answer sheets are collected.

Immediately after writing the Olympiad, the participants’ works are transferred to the head of the School of Education. The work is checked under the guidance of an experienced leader who gives instructions and instructions to a group of checking teachers. The evaluation criteria in the form of a table are given to each assessor.

Evaluation criteria

III place

From 50% to 69%

II place

From 70% to 90%

1st place

From 91% to 100%







  1. Eisteddfod is the best known festival in England.
  1. The festival is held twice a year.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The festival has great medieval history.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The festival takes place in the town.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The Chief Druid is the main character of the festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. The bard of the year is not awarded.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Only folk art is presented at the festival.
  1. True 2) False 3) Not stated




In a normal life a person sleeps for about twenty-five years. But why do we sleep? The simple answer is: we don’t know. We need more sleep when we are young. A baby sleeps for about ten hours. A teenager sleeps for about eight and a half hours. An adult sleeps for seven or eight hours. Old people need only five or six hours.

There are two kinds of sleep. When you go to sleep you go into deep sleep. Your temperature falls, your body relaxes, and you breathe slowly. After about half an hour you go into active sleep. This is also called rapid eye movement sleep (or REM sleep), because your eyes move. You dream in both deep sleep and REM sleep, but in REM sleep you dream in pictures. If you wake up in REM sleep you can usually remember your dream. Your body spends about twenty minutes in REM sleep and then goes back into deep sleep for an hour.

Do you ever talk or walk in your sleep? People sleepwalk in deep sleep and sleepwalkers do amazing things. They open doors and windows, they ride bicycles and drive cars. They cook, they take a bath or a shower (often in their pajamas), they shave, they clean their teeth, they get dressed, they dig the garden and do other things.

Sleepwalkers are asleep, but they have their eyes open and they can see. They can't wake up easily. If they do, they can’t remember anything. Do you ever sleepwalk? Are you sure? Perhaps you do, but nobody sees you.

  1. Everyone sleeps for eight hours a night.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Teenagers need less sleep than adults.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Some people sleep for only one or two hours.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. REM sleep is the same as active sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. You only dream in deep sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. People sleepwalk in REM sleep.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Sleepwalkers can't see.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

  1. Sleepwalkers remember everything they do.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated




Task 1.

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

  1. It was his ________ for selling the most tickets.

A. prize B. tasks C. news

  1. Most of the machines had _________ to earth.

A. expressed. B. covered. C. crashed.

  1. Children often go round the streets raising money for ________.

A. offer B. history. C. charity

  1. She can _________ her chances if she stops smoking.

A. phone B. improve C. depend

  1. What is the _________ of the Forest Service?

A. danger B. bucket C. mascot

  1. Our house had a bad __________ for our neighborhood.

A. attract B. treated C. reputation

  1. Who got most of the _________ ?

A. life B. votes C. people

  1. Can you ___________ a child from a poor family?

A. pretend B. look C. sponsor

  1. Do you know the ___________ of the Scouting movement?

A. cheaper B. founder C. fever

  1. Is it polite to ________ people?

A. ignore B. untie C. appear

Task 2.

Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

  1. Full of fear – a_ _ _ _ d
  2. to take the first step – b_ _ _ n
  3. a town where a seat of government is – c_ _ _ _ _ l
  4. the end of life – d_ _ _ h
  5. to come or to go into – e _ _ _ r
  6. very well known – f _ _ _ _ s
  7. to take place – h _ _ _ _ n
  8. to spring over – j _ _ p
  9. the male rule of the country – k _ _ g
  10. a speech to a group of people – l _ _ _ _ _ e
  11. to walk like a soldier – m _ _ _ h
  12. the dark part of each day – n _ _ _ t
  13. not shut – o _ _ n
  14. to put in the ground to grow – p _ _ _ t

Task 3.

Choose the right option:

  1. I…learn the French language.

A. am not B. don't C . isn't

2… anyone… this car? No, it's free, you can take it.

A. Do... use B. Are ... using C . Is... using

3. I... this sandwich. I'm not hungry.

A. Don’t want B. have moved C . doesn't want

4. I ... the dishes before mum came back from her work.

A. washed B. was washed C. had washed

5. … it … raining yet?

A. Has … stopped B. Had … stopped C . Did... stop

6. … Tom … home when you saw him?

A. Has...gone B. Did... go C . Was...going

7. James…a new car last month.

A. bought B. has bought C. had bought

8. This house is one of ... in the street.

A. higher B. the highest C . as high

9. Let's go by train. It's much...

A. cheap B. cheaper C . the cheapest

10. He was one of the… criminals in the country.

A. dangerous B. more dangerous C. most dangerous

11. I heard a noise. There is... in the cupboard.

A. anything B. nothing C. something



You have received a letter from your friend from England named Tom Green, who writes...

... I live in Manchester. I like my city very much but sometimes the people here are not very friendly and they don’t try to keep our city clean and beautiful. And do you enjoy living in a small town? How do you spend your spare time there?
Anyway, I’m thinking of traveling to Russia next summer. Could you tell me what weather to expect?

Write him an answer, according to the rules for writing a letter to a friend. The volume of the statement is 80-100 words.


1 Listening


3. Use of English

Task 1. Task 2. Task 3.

















1 Listening
