For which we thank veterans. “We, the younger generation, honor the memory of veterans

Today I want to sincerely thank those who went through the pains of war. Those who sacrificed their youth and health for the sake of their country and its inhabitants. Our dear veterans, I bow to you for your heroism, courage and perseverance. For giving us our freedom, our life. You are the pride of the country, Heroes with a capital letter, an example to follow. Thank you for going through all the horror and staying alive. Health, long life and peaceful skies to you!

Thank you very much, our dear veterans. You performed not just feats, you not only defended your Motherland, you made great history and fought for a peaceful and happy life. Thank you for your heroism and dedication, for your courage and for our peace.

Our dear veterans, our eternal heroes and great people, thank you for the fact that we now live and enjoy the sun, for the fact that we raise children and grandchildren, for the fact that we have the opportunity to love, dream and bring our ideas to life . You have forever left a huge mark in the memory of all generations, may God grant you good health and abundance of strength.

We will always be in an unpaid debt to you, dear veterans. No amount of gratitude for the peaceful sky and carefree childhood, for your reckless youth and the opportunity to study, for the honor of the country and for the fact that you can proudly raise your head at the word “Victory” can express our gratitude to you. Low bow to you!

We would like to thank our respected veterans. You are a great pride, a standard and an example to follow. You have made an immeasurable contribution to the development and life of our great country. We wish you health and longevity, so that by your example you will always set guidelines for young people. Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, our dear veterans, heroes of all times and the most courageous people! Thanks to you, we live in this world, sing, fall in love, build families and raise children. Thank you for your Victory. Be healthy and mentally rich. We wish you not to know a single day of loneliness and sadness.

Dear veterans, expressing my gratitude to you, I want to say - thank you! Thank you for your courage, heroism, bravery and bravery. For loyalty, devotion and sacrifice. Your feat is alive! You are our heroes! Thank you for everything you have done!

Dear veterans, thank you for walking the earth today, for being able to love and build families, raise children and enjoy life. We are grateful to you, dear veterans, for your exploits, for your courage, courage, desire, bravery, heroism. Thank you for the peace.

Dear veterans, today we bow our heads with gratitude in our hearts, expressing our boundless respect for the immortal feat you accomplished during the war. We wish you happiness, warm emotions, health and longevity.

Thank you very much, dear veterans. You have made a difficult and brave path to peace and our happiness, we will always be sincerely proud of your exploits and dedication, great deeds and desperate patriotism.

Our dear veterans!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the holiday!
In addressing you, I would like to avoid the word “elderly”, because, looking at you, you understand that age is not the main thing for a person. Wise, experienced, honest, open - this is about you, but the elderly are not. So continue to carry the perky spark of youth in your heart, charge those around you with energy and optimism. I wish you good health and warmth from your loved ones!

For your modesty, honesty, nobility,
For the light of the soul, bow from all of us.
May you live for a long, long time,
And your home is filled with happiness!

OSHIVALKINA Tatyana Anatolyevna, director of the Krasnoturinsky Industrial College.

Dear veterans, pensioners, older generation of Krasnoturinsk Industrial College!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Elderly!
Please accept my warmest wishes for good health, longevity and happiness.
Today I especially want to say words of sincere gratitude and gratitude to people of older generations, labor veterans for their selfless work for the benefit of our city, our technical school, for their wisdom in life and spiritual generosity, for the children and grandchildren whom they raised and educated. Let your hearts be warmed by the attention and care of your loved ones.

Good health to you, veterans,
Good luck, warmth, never get sick.
There is no need for rest - it’s too early.
Have an active life now and always!

MIRONOVA Tamara Afanasyevna, Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Krasnoturinsky Industrial College.

The light of memories will not fade

Time flies inexorably. Obeying the laws of nature, autumn gave way to the hot summer of 2010. An amazing holiday comes to us on the first day of October. It is an opportunity to once again express our respect, worship and love for an entire generation of our wonderful compatriots - those who have crossed a certain age limit beyond which a special, most leisurely stage of life begins - the stage of comprehension of the past years and the bright joy of meeting another day.
True, the name of this holiday is somewhat offensive - Day of the Elderly. But do those who have turned 60 or even 70 feel old? No - they are young!
Our subject commission of general education disciplines has a large and friendly team of veterans. Valery Aleksandrovich Lobanov led our educational institution for 20 years, and under him the technical school was renamed a college. And it’s impossible to count how many changes we experienced over those two decades, during perestroika. But the college managed to maintain its status as the largest educational institution in the northern Urals. For us, colleagues, Valery Alexandrovich is a good comrade, hunter, fisherman, wonderful husband, father and grandfather.
Mathematics teachers Klara Konstantinovna Pfening, Alexander Fedorovich Surkov, Vera Viktorovna Shchukina, Ivan Alekseevich Esaulkov worked side by side with us for many years. How many open lessons and extracurricular activities have been held! How many good memories of the holidays celebrated together!
Labor veterans Inessa Mikhailovna Rumyantseva and Zhanna Yakovlevna Lastukhina enjoy great respect among the college teachers. Graduates still remember their amazing lessons, their exactingness, their kindness.
Congratulations to all veterans - our colleagues on the holiday! We wish you longevity, happiness, joyful and pleasant meetings!

KHLYZOVA Lyubov Petrovna.

Autumn... Memories are like falling leaves...

Autumn. October is in full swing, nature is fading. Apparently it is no coincidence that the withering of nature was linked with the withering of man, and it was October that was declared the month of the elderly...
But memory knows no seasons, holidays, everyday life, and constantly returns to what you experienced, how your fate turned out, with whom it brought you together in life.
Life has turned out well for me. And above all, because I had the opportunity to meet amazing people. You can’t tell about them all, but here are at least some.
The very first person I recognized at the Krasnoturinsky Industrial College was Alexander Ivanovich Litvinov, since it was he who invited me to work by phone. A lot of good things can be said about him, but what is most striking is his remarkable organizational skills. He gave his all to his work and demanded the same from his colleagues. It was thanks to his strong-willed character qualities that the technical school simply thundered and received the title of Lenin Komsomol.
They say that it is almost impossible for a husband and wife to work fruitfully in the same organization. But we have many examples that refute this statement. Inessa Mikhailovna and Lev Sergeevich Rumyantsev are a fusion of intelligence, erudition, and internal culture.
Angelina Dmitrievna and Georgy Ivanovich Voronov are teachers in essence and by nature. They simply could not imagine another life for themselves (except for the writing activity of Georgy Ivanovich).
Yulia Dmitrievna and Valentin Mikhailovich Buravtsov are a union of opposites. Soft, efficient, neat Yulia Dmitrievna and next to Valentin Mikhailovich - the eternal seeker of his “I”, striving to be different from others, constantly carried away either by refurbishment of the laboratory, or by writing a book.
Jimma Mikhailovna Onkova and Yuri Aleksandrovich Golubev were true experts in their teaching profession. It seemed to me that it was simply impossible to love the sciences they taught - physics and chemistry - so much. And how much humor and gentle sarcasm there was in them. Despite the fact that they were very sick people, no one ever heard them complain, moan or whine. The collective farm “epic” without Yuri Alexandrovich (our cook) would remain in memory as a boring and difficult time. But he could easily brighten up any troubles, turn any situation into a funny one.
I remember Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Klyueva as intelligent, soft, very competent, with a keen sense of people and circumstances - a well-deserved “Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation”.
Soft, often naive, extremely trusting Irina Afanasyevna Guseva, with whom it was simply impossible to talk without a smile. Explosive, impulsive, but very businesslike Valeria Grigorievna Minyaeva, who created the “Search” club at the technical school, which is very popular among students. The most temperamental, the most inimitable, the most explosive, the most lively Alexander Andreevich Grekov. The wisest, most in-demand students of the technical school Euclids Vera Viktorovna Shchukina and Alexander Fedorovich Surkov - how dear to me are the memories of those days when we all came to work together every day to make someone smarter and better!
Lyubov Fedorovna Belyaeva worked at the technical school for many years (the taste of her tea at political seminars was simply divine!), Nina Stepanovna Mikhailova, Zhanna Yakovlevna Lastukhina. Amazing efficiency, complete dedication, an eternal search for something new and unusual, excellent contact with students and colleagues - this is what has always distinguished them.
Health to you, my dear colleagues, a strong core in your life today, a reliable guardian angel!
“Young” elderly (I’ll call those who are still working) don’t be sad, don’t mope – if something doesn’t work out today, it will definitely work out tomorrow. More positivity and smiles! Let students see in you true friends, smart, senior comrades who know their stuff, ready to help them in any situation.
Everyone, everyone! Health, hope for the best and good luck!

An elderly (experienced) person who sincerely respects you all, Nina Ilyinichna MALKOVA.

And Bashkir honey to boot...

Unfortunately, every year fewer and fewer students learn about what collective harvesting actually means. Yes, this is not an easy job, but for some reason the difficulties are quickly forgotten, but funny incidents remain in the memory, and from the height of the years you have lived, you remember the collective farm ordeals as joyful moments of life...
It was in 1965, when for the first time, on the mandate of A.I. Litvinov, I went with a student detachment to the Krasnoufimsky district, the Tavrinsky state farm! Groups of students were placed in nearby villages, while I and three groups settled in the central estate of the state farm: the students - in apartments, I - in the office, where in a small room a trestle bed was made from boards.
We work, we rejoice in the presence of at least some kind of mechanization of work, we eat in the canteen, but after several days of work an unbearable desire comes to wash ourselves. And then such happiness - the leader of another team invites me to a bathhouse in a neighboring village. Together with my colleague E.E. Borzov, we arrive at the place in joyful anticipation of the bathhouse... But what is it? A black bath! Exotic and nothing more! But even despite our inexperience, we had a great time washing ourselves in it - the bathhouse is very hot: if you splash some water on the hot stones, it becomes so hot that you can run out. Yeah, you run out, and there are our girls - they’ll remember the embarrassment for the rest of their lives. Nothing, it worked out. They weren’t even smeared with soot, but it was as if they were born again. We did a great job then too, we brought a Certificate of Honor from the state farm, and I also brought a bucket of Bashkir honey. No, it’s still a pity that our current students and teachers won’t have such memories...
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all pensioners on Elderly Person’s Day! I wish you excellent health, success in all your worries and undertakings, all the best and good things!

MASTEROV Valery Nilovich.

With good wishes to our veterans

On these cold, gloomy October days, we warm with love and gratitude for our dear veterans - all those who became part of their native college, those who love it, served and are serving it. Time is inexorable. There is a generational change taking place. We believe in the talent and creativity of our young colleagues, but we remember that our origins are in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s. During these years, traditions were formed, ideas were born, and KIT-KIK gained its potential. There were also difficult times, but the team withstood the tests and again demonstrated its success in the field of open source education. Bows to you and best wishes, veteran workers of your alma mater, to those who taught and teach, treated and treated, fed and fed, cleaned and cleaned, repaired and repaired - everyone who became the pride of the college and its destiny.

With respect and gratitude, cycle commission of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines.

Woman with a capital letter.

That’s right – a Woman with a capital “W” - there’s no other way to call Rufina Ivanovna Koptyakova. She worked at our college for more than 40 years. This is an amazing person.
Rufina Ivanovna is an intelligent, kind, original woman with a good sense of humor, who has excellent knowledge of her discipline “Engineering Graphics”, which she conveyed to students in an accessible form. She evokes great sympathy and respect, you can always turn to her for help. She always generously shares her wealth of life experience and knowledge.
This is an interesting and amazing person who loves nature and hiking. For many years, Rufina Ivanovna led technical school students on hikes in the Ural mountains and forests. To this day, many former students remember these days, they do not forget Rufina Ivanovna, they often come to visit her. And Rufina Ivanovna still likes to make tea from spring water over a fire. On social networks, Rufina Ivanovna is looking for like-minded people.
Your work, Rufina Ivanovna, is worthy of emulation! We LOVE you, Rufina Ivanovna!!!

Cycle commission of construction disciplines.

Man with a charming smile

Lev Sergeevich Rumyantsev worked at the technical school for many years. I was lucky enough to be his student and then to work together. He taught engineering graphics to students of various specialties. In 1974, a new specialty “Topography” was opened at the technical school and Lev Sergeevich began to conduct topographic drawing. He taught us to work with ink, watercolors, and create pieces of maps. We attended his classes with pleasure and learned a lot of new and interesting things.
This amazing person cannot sit idle, he is always busy with something, either sawing, planing, etc. The models he made are still used as teaching aids to this day. Even at his age, he can be seen skiing or cycling. An intelligent person, with a charming smile, intolerant of dishonesty and laziness, with a sense of humor - this is our Lev Sergeevich. I would like to wish him good health and longevity, optimism, a decent pension, and loving loved ones.

VDOVKINA Valentina Lukyanovna.

When I, a young teacher, came to work at a technical school (now a college), I was greeted very kindly by the cycle commission, the chairman of which was Inessa Mikhailovna Rumyantseva. I still remember my impression of meeting this charming, pretty, energetic woman of small stature. Her calm but firm voice, pleasant smile and ability to win her over - that’s what I felt from the very first minutes of our conversation. It was she who became a mentor for me in the greatest sense of the word. Her lessons were always so interesting that time often simply flew by. Inessa Mikhailovna gave students a lot of initiative in the classroom. I remember how during one of the open literature lessons she sat quietly on the sidelines (at least that’s what it seemed to me from the outside), and the guys conducted the entire lesson themselves. This was the highest class of skill! Under her leadership, the students published a newspaper and, of course, drew and wrote everything themselves, and Inessa Mikhailovna directed their creativity in the right direction. These newspapers were kept in the literature room for a long time, then they were transferred to the library. To this day, room No. 51 houses the “Youth” magazines with poetic selections of works by KIT students from the 70s and 80s.
Inessa Mikhailovna was a very respected person in the team; her opinion was listened to both at the teachers' council and in the cycle commission. As an intelligent and friendly woman, she often helped many in difficult everyday situations. And even now, periodically looking through notes for lessons, I sometimes catch myself thinking that it was precisely this moment of work or that question for conversation that Inessa Mikhailovna once suggested to me. Thank you for everything, Inessa Mikhailovna! I learned a lot from you.

Continuer of the cause of educating literate and creative students -
teacher of Russian language and literature Nadezhda Aleksandrovna KUZNETSOVA.

Soul of the team

It’s not easy to write about Vladimir Mikhailovich Khlyzov. We know him as an energetic, positive person who respects his colleagues and who can help at any moment.
We started working around the same time. He began his work with the reconstruction of the physics classroom in 1977-1978. Taught physics and electrical engineering. Very charming and sociable, he easily settled in and became the soul of the team. To reconstruct the office, he needed adhesive films, which he brought himself from Moscow with special permission. In the 80s, an electrical engineering laboratory was created. The technical school purchased laboratory tables - the first set of the Uralochka laboratory, which were installed in the former TOE laboratory, in room 23. These tables are now in working condition, and after inspection and repair they will now serve the college.
The work of a teacher requires broad-mindedness and constant updating of knowledge. Vladimir Mikhailovich reads a lot and shares information with students in class. He is excellent with a camera; which colleague in the family archive does not have photographs taken by V. M. Khlyzov? He was the first in college to master a video camera, filmed it, processed it, and used it in and outside of class. Who remembers the KVN team "SHKRABY" of college teachers, which, in conditions of not very principled judging, defeated the team of city school teachers? Of course, this event could not have happened without Vladimir Mikhailovich.
A demanding teacher, able to find a common language with any student, he was repeatedly awarded diplomas at various levels for his achievements. Awarded the “Honorary Worker of Education” badge.
One can write endlessly about the human qualities of Vladimir Mikhailovich. When a young engineer from Magnitogorsk M.N. came to work at the college. Kazakbaev, Vladimir Mikhailovich became his mentor and comrade. And even the Khlyzov couple organized the wedding of Marat Nikanorovich in their small two-room apartment in the Zarechny district. And who remembers V.M. Khlyzov? no accordion at our "family" parties in college? What about your favorite song about a tree?
There are probably many happy moments in the life of Vladimir Mikhailovich, but it is important for a person to remain human when difficult trials happen. Of course, for a worthy person - a worthy family, children and wife - Lyubov Petrovna Khlyzova did everything so that difficult trials would not break the person. And we are all witnesses to the perseverance, faith, and will of a person who has been fighting the disease for many years, preserving all the best that can be in a person.

SIMONOVA Nadezhda Khalidovna.

There are thousands of people living in our country who have earned the honorary title of veteran with blood and sweat. Some of them went through the horrors of war, others worked all their lives for the good of their fatherland, and others were pioneers in many fields of science. All of them are our pride. That is why all congratulations to veterans must be sincere and warm, so as not to disgrace them in their eyes.

Unfortunately, this is not so easy to achieve. After all, words are not always able to express all the feelings that reign in our hearts. And yet, when composing congratulations to veterans, it is necessary to do everything possible to ensure that tears of joy still flow from their eyes.

Congratulations to veterans in prose

Many people believe that a beautiful congratulation must be in verse. However, it is not. In reality, what matters is not what style the text is written in, but how much emotion is put into it. That is why genuine sincerity and warmth of feelings are much more important than the beauty of the stanzas.

Therefore, congratulations to veterans in prose can be just as touching as those in rhyme. Here everything will depend only on the author’s writing skills and his desire to put his soul into his works.

Respect is the basis of everything

Regardless of the specific merits for which a person received the title of veteran, one thing should be understood - it was not an easy path. In most cases, it was filled with a lot of suffering and titanic efforts that are even difficult to imagine now. That is why congratulations on Veterans Day should be imbued with respect and gratitude from beginning to end.

  • “Our dear veterans, thank you so much!!! For your courage and bravery, which gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. For your unwavering steps forward, bringing Victory Day closer day by day. For us, each of you is a great hero. We will never forget your exploits and achievements, and therefore accept our deepest bow.”

What can't be forgotten

Humanity must not forget what its heroes did for it. Thus, the exploits and merits of our veterans should not sink into oblivion, at least during their lifetime. Therefore, congratulations to veterans should not only show respect for them, but also demonstrate that we do not forget their achievements. For example:

  • “And on this day we remember everything,
    What happened to you and your enemies?
    Like in the forty-fifth, warm May
    A joyful bell rang.
    The war is over, the fascist is defeated,
    Which means everything went as it should.
    We only feel sorry for those who failed
    Live until this moment.
    And now we're talking
    Thank you for this joy,
    For a warm home, for the world around,
    Because you, dear ones, are with us!”

Special treatment for female veterans

If the congratulation is intended for a woman, then even more gratitude should be shown. After all, just imagine what such a fragile creature had to endure, and what troubles befell her. But these proud women not only did not bend, but also overcame them, and in spite of everything they became mothers.

Therefore, such congratulations to veterans should be very warm and tender, because they are primarily addressed to a woman.

  • “How much have you experienced: war, loss and destruction,
    And yet they were able to survive, to the fear of their enemies and evil fate.
    And then they joined the ranks of those who revived our state,
    With their work and faith in the truth, they returned us to our former glory.
    Now it’s our turn to say a huge thank you,
    For those sleepless hours, for the work and long prayers.
    We will remember you forever, love and tenderly cherish you,
    And here’s our big bow to you, and a huge bouquet of red roses.”

Congratulations to veteran teachers

We should not forget about those who earned their title not only through courage in war, but also through wisdom in peacetime. And to be more precise, about veteran teachers. It should be understood that the fighting brought destruction not only to cities and towns, but also to the minds of people.

At the end of the war, most children could not even count, let alone write. But fortunately there were those who wanted to correct this. The teachers of that time had a very hard time, and yet they overcame all the hardships. It was thanks to their efforts that Soviet children became standards of intellectual thought among many countries of that time. And you should always remember this

  • “Teaching is the greatest profession. After all, they are the ones who help our children gain the experience and knowledge that is so necessary for life. Therefore, on this significant day, we would like to wish you happiness, joy and health with all our hearts. Please know that we have not forgotten the great contribution that you made to the development of the country's intellectual heritage. And therefore, once again, Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.”

A country built by the hands of ordinary workers

As stated earlier, the war brought a lot of destruction. Therefore, one can only sympathize with those people who rebuilt our country from ruins. Just imagine how much effort was spent on this, how many sleepless nights were spent in hard work.

But these people did not lose heart, because they were doing a good deed with their own hands. And this bore fruit, because a new, great country was built on the remains of the past.

And therefore, the congratulations should be just as big and meaningful. After all, this is the only way to thank them for the work they have done.

  • “On this wonderful day, I would like to congratulate all those who served our people with honor and truth. Those who were not afraid of hard work and, overcoming fatigue, built the well-being of our country day after day. Great glory and honor to you. Know that your work has not been forgotten, and the achievements that you left behind will remind your descendants for a long time about what fearless people their ancestors were. And inspired by your victories, they will build an even better country. After all, it was you who showed them this sacred path.”
[in prose 2]

Our dears! Perhaps there are no words in any language in the world that can express all the gratitude from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat at the front and in the rear. Therefore, we will not say much - we will bow our knees before you, ordinary heroes, whose deeds will live for centuries! I wish you good health, unquenchable optimism and positive emotions! Happy holiday, veterans! Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans, you brought us victory by sacrificing yourself, your youth, health and life! Huge gratitude to you for this! For the happiness of seeing the smiling sun, feeling the warm wind, looking at the bright sky. Our gratitude is simply limitless, because there is no measure that could measure the fullness of the happiness you have given us! Live long, look cheerful, rejoice in your heart! Avoid sadness, avoid sadness, because you gave Victory! Great and glorious!

Dear, beloved and respected veterans! This holiday became a cause of great joy and great pain for all people in the country. On this day, we want to thank you with all our hearts for the peace and tranquility that you gave us! Thanks to you, today a clear sky spreads over us and brings peace and order every day! Thank you and low regards! Be always healthy and happy!

Our dear veterans! It was your honor and courage that more than half a century ago gave the right to life to subsequent generations; thanks to you, we have a Motherland - a country that you defended with your blood. I wish you health, warmth and peace, because it was for peace – in the camp and in every family – that you sacrificed your lives almost three generations ago. Sun warmth, love and good health!

Above us there is a peaceful, bright sky, we breathe air without the admixture of gunpowder, we walk on safe roads and we know about war only from books and films thanks to you, our dear veterans. With all our hearts, we wish you health, long life, many reasons for joy, as well as love and respect from everyone. We are proud of you and immensely grateful to you, not only today, but every day. Happy Victory Day, dear veterans!

Our dear veteran defenders! That's right - defenders of our homeland! A huge holiday is approaching, perhaps the most significant in our history - Victory Day. The holiday of victory over evil - fascism. Celebrations to you, strength of spirit and perseverance. This is your holiday, your victory in the name of our future. Low bow to you from us, those whose future you defended, health, longevity and optimism to you!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Victory Day! I would like to sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity! Live long, happily, joyfully, surrounded by loving, caring family! Thank you very much for peace, for the fact that we live in a free, happy country! Thank you for your courage, hard work and will to win!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on the long-awaited Victory Day! Every year the horrors of the Great Patriotic War recede further and further, but our gratitude becomes stronger and stronger! Thank you for your courage, for your courage, for your care, for giving us this peaceful life! Please accept our deepest bow and wishes to feel the care and love of your loved ones every day!

Another anniversary of the Great Victory has arrived! This triumphant and great day is an eternal reminder of the strength and courage, heroism and unshakable will of our grandparents. Thank you, our dear veterans, for the fact that you once risked your life, your happiness, your destiny for the future of the whole country, for the future of your descendants, for all of us. We remember those who never returned from that terrible war, those who never knew that the Great Victory had come. Eternal memory to the heroes! The pain of loss and the fire of memories will remain with us forever. But to those veterans whose warm hearts are still beating, I would like to wish only clear clear skies, good health and not a lonely old age. Let your grandchildren and great-grandchildren be a worthy continuation of your glorious family!

Our dear veterans! Today is the most important holiday for the whole country - Victory Day! Today’s generation is indebted to you and only you for the peace that you defended in bloody battles. You went to the front very young, went through pain, experienced losses. You have suffered for your and our common victory! We will never forget ourselves and tell our children about your courage and self-sacrifice. I wish you health, peace and tranquility!

[in prose] [in prose 2]

More for Victory Day on our website:

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers and residents of the Saratov region!

On May 9, our entire country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

65 years ago, the victorious Soviet soldiers put an end to this bloody war, not only defeating the invaders, but also freeing Europe from the yoke of fascism.

Today we all remember the feat that all the soldiers of our Motherland, including our fellow Saratov residents, accomplished. Among them were people of our profession, who built bridges and crossings, and after the war, restored cities and villages destroyed by enemies.

On Victory Day, we must express words of gratitude to the living front-line soldiers - veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers. They endured difficult trials and difficult post-war everyday life. Their life is an example of courage, heroism and devotion to the Motherland.

Our duty is also to remember everyone who died in battle and did not live to see this day. We owe them an enormous debt.

All of them made a huge contribution to the Victory, which earned them eternal memory and recognition from their descendants. We remember them and are proud of them.

Without that Victory on May 9, 1945, today's Russia would not exist. Their feat is an example for the current generation.

I wish all veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers health, happiness, prosperity and long life, and peace and prosperity to all Saratov residents.


General Director of the non-profit partnership “Interregional Association of Builders (SRO)

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War!

I sincerely congratulate you on such a wonderful and important
for every Russian a holiday - Victory Day!

The memory of the great feat of our people must live in every new generation. We must remember, we must be proud of the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who for four long years waged a stubborn struggle against the invaders and won for you and me the right to live under a peaceful sky.

65 years is a long time. There are fewer and fewer veterans left alive, witnesses of that bloody and cruel war, but the memories of these people who are able to convey the whole truth about the war are all the more valuable. It is all the more important to fill their lives with attention and care.

In the year of the 65th anniversary of the Victory, the government of the Saratov region implemented a number of events in support of veterans. All veterans who registered as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 2005 have already been provided with housing. Now those who registered later are receiving apartments and social benefits. Additional social support measures are also being implemented to carry out major repairs in the residential premises of veterans at the expense of the regional budget. Our task is to provide decent living conditions for every veteran.

Happy holiday once again, our dear veterans! I wish you good health and long life, surrounded by care and warmth!

Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region

Dear veterans, home front workers! Dear fellow countrymen!

Please accept my heartiest congratulations on Victory Day!

65 years have passed, but the years cannot overshadow the experience. In the Great Patriotic War, our people won not only by force of arms, but also by strength of spirit. He fought for the right to live on his own land, speak his native language, and have his own traditions and culture. These were years of severe trials and heavy losses, but also years of incredible growth of the national spirit and immeasurable valor that our fathers and grandfathers showed on the front line and in the rear.

For all Russians, Victory Day is truly a holiday with tears in our eyes. On May 9, tears of joy and pride are mixed with tears of bitterness and loss. Paying tribute to the memory of fallen front-line soldiers, deceased veterans, and honoring those who are now living, we understand: it was thanks to their courage on the front line and heroic work in the rear that Victory was achieved. It was they who won peace on earth; the price of their blood paid for the independence of our Motherland and the free life of all future generations.

You fought courageously on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, gained fame as fearless and hardy soldiers, and became heroes. Unfortunately, many of our fellow Saratov residents did not return home from the war. We will always remember them as fearless, resilient people. Their names today are carefully preserved in the volumes of the Book of Memory published in the region, monuments and obelisks in every district and city of the Saratov region. Their immortal feat lives in our hearts.

I bow to you for the peaceful sky above your head, for the fact that, at the cost of incredible efforts, you were able to withstand that terrible war and revive the wounded country.

May 9 is a holiday not only for veterans, but also for all generations of Russians. Years, decades will pass, but the memory of the Great Victory will be cherished forever. The more years that separate us from the victorious May 1945, the more magnificent the incomparable feat of the people who defeated fascism seems. We are confident that the children and grandchildren of the winners will also deeply love their Motherland, preserve traditions and always remember the great feat of their people.

I would like to express my gratitude to the public organizations of veterans actively working in the region, whose activities are aimed at creating conditions for the social and creative activity of older people and protecting their interests.

We will continue to do everything so that you are not alone, so that you feel confident and protected, and receive everything you need, including being provided with housing.

Please accept my most sincere gratitude for your immortal feat, for the great Victory. Your contribution to the good that you have done in the name of peace on earth, for the benefit of the development of your native land and everyone who lives here, is invaluable. Low bow to you.

With all my heart I wish everyone health and prosperity, peace and goodness. Be happy.

Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Saratov Region

Dear veterans, fellow front-line soldiers and home front workers!

Please accept my sincere, heartfelt congratulations on this significant date - the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War!

May 9 is a day of celebration of the unparalleled courage of Soviet soldiers, a day of bright memory of the immeasurable sacrifices of our people. On this day, we traditionally bow our heads to the heroism and resilience of the entire military generation. You not only defended the country in a mortal battle with a cruel enemy, you proved to the whole world that a people fighting for their freedom, for the peaceful life and happiness of their children and grandchildren cannot be defeated.

The streets and squares of many European capitals witnessed your victorious march on Berlin. You liberated enslaved Europe from fascist invaders. The red banner over the Reichstag was the result of four years of heroic battles and the most difficult trials that befell our country. These years are forever inscribed in the annals of national and world history.

During the war years, more than 500 thousand people left Saratov for the front, more than 300 thousand did not return to their homes. To know and remember each person who died, to bequeath to preserve the memory of this great sacrifice to all future generations is the civic duty of each of us.

We admire the military courage of our fellow countrymen, but we also remember the great feat of life of those people who, despite hunger and devastation, within weeks restored evacuated factories in vacant lots and began producing products for the front in the open air; who dug trenches, who continued to grow bread, who saved wounded soldiers in hospitals. We remember everyone who brought the Great Victory closer day after day.

Dear veterans, you went to the front, leaving your families and homes behind. The thought of home, of the opportunity to return and continue a peaceful life, warmed and strengthened you in the most difficult moments. That’s why today we want every veteran’s home to become brighter and more comfortable during this anniversary year, and for those who were never able to get their own home, to finally have one.

We are indebted to you for saving the world, for persistent work, for faith in the future. Our deep respect and gratitude is in the daily help and support of older people, war veterans. We can and must manage to make their lives easier, bring joy and goodness to every new peaceful day.

A low bow to you, winners, and a big filial thank you for life, for peace, for freedom!

Leonid PISNOY,
Deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, General Director of ZAO Saratovoblzhilstroy

Combat friends, dear fellow countrymen!

On behalf of the Military Council of the Red Banner Volga-Ural Military District, I personally congratulate you on the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In the fateful forties, Soviet citizens showed unparalleled mass heroism, loyalty to military duty and boundless love for the Motherland.

At a huge price, our people acquired the happiness of living under a peaceful sky in a free country. Both in the rear and on the front line, sparing no effort and life, overcoming incredible difficulties, people fulfilled their civic duty and made a worthy contribution to the Victory over fascism. Every family has experienced the grief of loss, which is why Victory Day is so dear to each of us. Our duty is to sacredly preserve and carefully pass on from generation to generation the chronicle of the heroic deeds of our native country, to honor the memory of its defenders, to educate a new generation of soldiers using the worthy example of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

Dear front-line soldiers, you have shown the whole world your indestructible willpower and desire for Victory, low bow to you for your courage and fearlessness.

Dear home front workers, during the war years you stood at machines, worked on collective farm fields, giving the front everything they needed: weapons, clothing, food. Low bow to you for your dedicated work.

The military heroic traditions are worthily continued by the current generation of warriors. They religiously fulfill their constitutional duty, persistently strengthen the country’s defense capability, show restraint, perseverance, and perseverance in improving their combat skills. After all, you, veterans and home front workers, set an example for them. Happy Victory to you, on the holiday of unbending will and perseverance, courage and spiritual unity of the army and people in the battles against fascism for the freedom and independence of our Motherland - Russia.

Arkady BAKHIN, commander of the Volga-Ural Military District, lieutenant general