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EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING OPTIONS for the Unified State Exam in Literature with answers



Part 1


Whoever you are, oh my reader,

Friend, foe, I want to be with you
To part now as friends.

Sorry. Why would you follow me
Here I did not look in careless stanzas,
Are they rebellious memories?

Is it a rest from work,

Living pictures, or sharp words,

Il grammatical errors,

God grant that in this book you
For fun, for dreams,

For the heart, for magazine hits
Although I could find a grain.

We'll part for this, sorry!

Forgive me too, my strange companion,

And you, my true ideal,

And you, alive and constant,

At least a little work. I knew you
Everything that is enviable for a poet:

Oblivion of life in the storms of light,

Sweet conversation with friends.

Many, many days have passed
Since young Tatiana
And Onegin is with her in a vague dream
Appeared to me for the first time -

And the distance of a free romance
Me through a magic crystal
It was still unclear.

(A. S. Pushkin. “Eugene Onegin”)

1. In the novel “Eugene Onegin” A. S. Pushkin realized aesthetic principles innovative for the first half of the 19th century V. artistic method and literary direction. Indicate its name.

Answer: .

2. The author often deviates from the plot narrative, interrupting it with inserts of lyrical and philosophical themes. What is the name of this compositional and stylistic device that allows the writer to open form express personal opinions on various issues?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. The given fragment of the novel is an extended statement by the narrator addressed to the reader. What is the term for this form of speech?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters of the novel “Eugene Onegin” and their author’s characteristics: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

5. To make important meaningful accents, A. S. Pushkin resorts to repeating words at the beginning of several adjacent lines:

For fun, for dreams,

For the heart, for magazine hits...

And you, my true ideal,

And you, alive and constant...

What is the term for this stylistic figure?
Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What is the violation called? direct order words in poetic speech?

And the distance of a free romance
Me through a magic crystal
It was still unclear.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . Please enter a name artistic definitions, brightly and colorfully depicting images of Pushkin’s work (“living pictures”, “sharp words”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

9. Which works of Russian classics contain direct appeals to the reader and what are their similarities and differences with Pushkin’s?


Are you still alive, my old lady?

I'm alive too. Hello, hello!

Let it flow over your hut
That evening unspeakable light.

They write to me that you, harboring anxiety,
She was very sad about me,

That you often go on the road
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.

And to you in the evening blue darkness
We often see the same thing:

It's like someone is in a tavern fight with me
I stabbed a Finnish knife under my heart.

Nothing, dear! Calm down.

This is just a painful nonsense.

I'm not such a bitter drunkard,
So that I can die without seeing you.

I'm still as gentle
And I only dream about

So that rather from rebellious melancholy
Return to our low house.

I'll be back when the branches spread out
Our white garden looks like spring.

Only you have me already at dawn
Don't be like eight years ago.

Don't wake up what was dreamed of

Don't worry about what didn't come true -
Too early loss and fatigue
I had the opportunity to experience in my life...

And don’t teach me to pray. No need!
There is no going back to the old ways anymore.
You alone are my help and joy,

You alone are an unspeakable light to me.

So forget about your anxiety.

Don't be so sad about me.

Don't go on the road so often
In an old-fashioned, shabby shushun.

(S.A. Yesenin, 1924)

10. The poet tells readers about how he misses his mother and home, how he dreams of returning to his homeland. What term denotes such a circle of events reflected in the work and held together by the author’s intention?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11. Give a genre definition lyrical work S. A. Yesenina.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. The poem opens and ends with the image of a mother going out onto the road to meet her son “in an old-fashioned, ramshackle shushun.” Indicate the name of this type of composition.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13. Select three titles from the list below artistic means and the techniques used by the poet in the last stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) alliteration 2) litotes 3) sarcasm 4) epithet 5) anaphora

Answer: _______________________________________ .

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. What is the confessional nature of the poem “Letter to a Mother”?

16. Which of the Russian poets of the 20th century. addressed a similar genre and in what ways can their works be compared with Yesenin’s poem?

Part 2

17.1 What are the features of the composition of N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”?

17.2 What is the uniqueness of Chekhov’s intellectuals (based on the stories “Student”, “Ionych” or the play “ The Cherry Orchard»)?

17.3 Reveal the meaning of the atheistic rebellion in V. V. Mayakovsky’s poem “A Cloud in Pants.”

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

Do you remember your childhood years:

I have never known tears;

But then I cried without shame.

Who could see? Only a dark forest
Yes, a month floating among the heavens!
Illuminated by its ray,

Covered with moss and sand,
An impenetrable wall
Surrounded, in front of me
There was a clearing. Suddenly on her
A shadow flashed and two lights
Sparks flew... and then
Some beast in one leap
He jumped out of the bowl and lay down,

While playing, lie down on the sand.

It was the desert's eternal guest -
Mighty leopard. Raw bone
He gnawed and squealed joyfully;

Then he fixed his bloody gaze,
Wagging its tail affectionately,

On full month, - and on it
The wool shone silver.

I was waiting, grabbing a horned branch,
A minute of battle; heart suddenly
Ignited with a thirst for fight
And blood... yes, the hand of fate
I was led in a different direction...

But now I'm sure

What could happen in the land of our fathers
Not one of the last daredevils.

I was waiting. And here in the shadows of the night
He sensed the enemy, and howl
Lingering, plaintive like a groan
Suddenly there was a sound... and he began
Angrily digging the sand with your paw,

He reared up, then lay down,

And the first mad leap
I was threatened with a terrible death...
But I warned him.

My blow was true and quick.
My reliable bitch is like an axe,
His broad forehead was cut...

He groaned like a man

And he capsized. But again,

Although blood poured from the wound
Thick, wide wave,

The battle has begun, a mortal battle!

He threw himself on my chest;

But I managed to stick it in my throat
And turn there twice
My weapon... He howled
rushed out last bit of strength,

And we, intertwined like a pair of snakes,
Hugging tighter than two friends,
They fell at once, and in the darkness
The battle continued on the ground.

And I was terrible at that moment;

Like a desert leopard, angry and wild,
I was on fire and screaming like him;

As if I myself was born
In the family of leopards and wolves
Under the fresh forest canopy.
It seemed that the words of people
I forgot - and in my chest

That terrible cry was born

It's like my tongue has been around since childhood
I'm not used to a different sound...

But my enemy began to grow weak,

Throw about, breathe slower,

Squeezed me in last time...

The pupils of his motionless eyes
They flashed menacingly - and then
Quietly closed in eternal sleep;

But with a triumphant enemy
He faced death face to face

How a fighter should behave in battle!..

(M. Yu. Lermontov. “Mtsyri”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. Indicate the type of literature to which “Mtsyri” by M. Yu. Lermontov belongs.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2 . Name literary direction, which is characterized by the opposition of dreams and reality, the motif of loneliness, and the depiction of an exceptional individual in exceptional circumstances.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3 . What is the name of artistic device, which is based on the transfer of the properties of one object or phenomenon to others (“the heart suddenly/lit with a thirst for struggle”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters and their characteristics: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. The author repeatedly resorts to depicting nature in the poem (“Who could see? Only the dark forest/Yes, the moon floating in the middle of the heavens!/Illuminated by its ray,/Covered with moss and sand,/Surrounded by an impenetrable wall/Surrounded, in front of me/There was a clearing”). What is this description called? work of art?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. “And I was terrible at that moment;/Like a deserted leopard, angry and wild...” What technique is used in this phrase?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7. What term denotes the way of displaying the internal state of the heroes, the thoughts and feelings that possess them (“And I was terrible at that moment; / Like a desert leopard, angry and wild, / I was flaming, squealing like him; / As if I myself had been born /In the family of leopards and wolves/Under the fresh forest canopy")?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. What role does the above scene play in the development of the plot of the poem?

9 . What works of Russian classics depict duels and in what ways can these works be compared with M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Mtsyri”?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

In our life, beautiful and strange,
and short, like the stroke of a pen,
over a smoking fresh wound
It's time to think about it, really.

Think about it and take a closer look,
think while you're alive,
what lies there in the twilight of the heart,
in his darkest closet.

Let them say that your affairs are bad,
but it's time to learn, it's time
don't beg for pitiful crumbs
mercy, truth, goodness.

But in the face of a harsh era,
which in its own way is also right,
don't swindle the pitiful crumbs,
and create by rolling up your sleeves.

(B. Sh. Okudzhava, 1985)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10. Which thematic variety of lyrics can this poem be classified as?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11. What is the name of the sound match of ends? poetic lines(strange - wound, feather - time)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. To create a poetic mood, B. Sh. Okudzhava uses the definitions of “beautiful”, “strange”, “severe”, etc. What is the name of this artistic technique?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13 . From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) comparison 2) metaphor 3) grotesque 4) alliteration 5) rhetorical appeal

14. Determine the meter in which the poem by B. Sh. Okudzhava is written (without indicating the number of feet).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15 . What is the main idea of ​​B. Sh. Okudzhava’s poem?

16 . Which of the Russian poets addressed the problem of understanding the world and their relationships with the world, and in what ways can these works be compared with the poem by B. Sh. Okudzhava?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 How is the theme of “evil morality” revealed in D. I. Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor”?

17.2 What is unique? love lyrics F.I. Tyutcheva?

17.3 How does the image appear? strong man in M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”?

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

The old woman obviously often talked about Danko’s burning heart. She spoke melodiously, and her voice, creaky and dull, clearly depicted before me the noise of the forest, among which unfortunate, driven people were dying from the poisonous breath of the swamp...

“Danko is one of those people, a handsome young man. Beautiful people are always brave. And so he says to them, his comrades:

Don't turn a stone out of your way with your thoughts. If you do nothing, nothing will happen to you. Why do we waste our energy on thoughts and melancholy? Get up, let's go into the forest and go through it, because it has an end - everything in the world has an end! Let's go! Well! Hey!..

They looked at him and saw that he was the best of all, because a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes.

Lead us! - they said.

Then he led..."

The old woman was silent and looked into the steppe, where the darkness was thickening. The sparkles of Danko's burning heart flared up somewhere far away and seemed like blue airy flowers, blooming only for a moment.

“Danko led them. Everyone followed him together and believed in him. It was a difficult path! It was dark, and at every step the swamp opened its greedy rotten mouth, swallowing people, and the trees blocked the road with a mighty wall. Their branches intertwined with each other; the roots stretched everywhere like snakes, and every step cost a lot of sweat and blood to those people. They walked for a long time... The forest became more and more dense, and their strength became less and less! And so they began to grumble against Danko, saying that it was in vain that he, young and inexperienced, led them somewhere. And he walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear.

But one day a thunderstorm burst over the forest, the trees whispered dully, menacingly. And then it became so dark in the forest, as if all the nights had gathered in it at once, how many there had been in the world since the time he was born. Little people walked between big trees and in the menacing noise of lightning, they walked, and, swaying, the giant trees creaked and hummed angry songs, and lightning, flying over the tops of the forest, illuminated it for a minute with blue, cold fire and disappeared as quickly as they appeared, frightening people. And the trees, illuminated by the cold fire of lightning, seemed alive, stretching out gnarled, long arms around the people leaving the captivity of darkness, weaving them into a thick network, trying to stop people. And from the darkness of the branches something terrible, dark and cold looked at those walking. It was hard way, and the people, tired of him, lost heart. But they were ashamed to admit their powerlessness, and so they fell in anger and anger at Danko, the man who walked ahead of them. And they began to reproach him for his inability to manage them - that’s how it is!

They stopped and, under the triumphant noise of the forest, in the midst of trembling darkness, tired and angry, they began to judge Danko.

You, they said, are insignificant and harmful man for us! You led us and tired us, and for this you will die!

You said: “Lead!” - and I led! - Danko shouted, standing against them with his chest. “I have the courage to lead, that’s why I led you!” And you? What did you do to help yourself? You just walked and didn’t know how to save your strength for a longer journey! You just walked and walked like a flock of sheep!

But these words infuriated them even more.

You will die! You will die! - they roared.

The alley hummed and hummed, echoing their cries, and lightning tore the darkness to shreds. Danko looked at those for whom he had labored and saw that they were like animals. Many people stood around him, but there was no nobility on their faces, and he could not expect mercy from them. Then indignation boiled in his heart, but out of pity for the people it went out. He loved people and thought that maybe they would die without him. And so his heart flared up with the fire of desire to save them, to bring them to easy way, and then the rays of that mighty fire sparkled in his eyes... And when they saw this, they thought that he was furious, which is why his eyes flared up so brightly, and they were wary, like wolves, expecting that he would fight them, and They began to surround him more tightly so that it would be easier for them to capture and kill Danko. And he already understood their thought, which is why his heart burned even brighter, for this thought of theirs gave birth to melancholy in him. (M. Gorky. “Old Woman Izergil”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1 . What tradition of literary movement, which is characterized by an acute experience of the imperfection of reality, the confrontation between the hero and the world, is developed by M. Gorky in “The Old Woman Izergil”?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. What genre does the work “The Old Woman Izergil” belong to?
Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. The above fragment shows the moment of the clash between the hero and the tribe. What is the name of such an artistically significant contradiction that underlies the plot of a work?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters and their character traits: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Larra
B) Hutsul


1) “Almost gray-haired and so important, rich. He spoke like a ruler... His eyes were black... Straight eyes... They looked straight into the soul. He loved to pray very much.”

2) “And he was also proud and spoiled by us women. he laughed when he met me... he was mean!”

3) “...he was no better than them, only his eyes were cold and proud... And they talked to him, and he answered if he wanted, or was silent...”

4) “He was red, all red - with mustache and curls! Fire head. And he was so sad, sometimes affectionate, and sometimes, like an animal, he roared and fought.”

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. What is the image method called? mental life a person in a work of art, which M. Gorky uses when creating the image of Danko: “Then indignation boiled in his heart, but out of pity for people it went out. He loved people and thought that maybe they would die without him. And so his heart flared up with the fire of desire to save them, to lead them to an easy path, and then the rays of that mighty fire sparkled in his eyes...”?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What artistic means, which is a likening of related images, does the author use when describing people: “Danko looked at those for whom he had labored, and saw that they were like animals,” “...and they were wary, like wolves, waiting that he would fight them, and they began to surround him more closely..."?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . What artistic technique, based on the contrast of the mood and behavior of the characters, helps to feel the difference between people and Danko: “They walked for a long time... The forest became thicker and thinner, there was less and less strength! And so they began to grumble against Danko, saying that it was in vain that he, young and inexperienced, led them somewhere. And he walked ahead of them and was cheerful and clear”?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. What, in your opinion, is Danko’s strength?

9 . Which of the Russian classics depicts heroes capable of sacrifice in their works? How can these works be compared with M. Gorky’s “Old Woman Izergil”?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

O Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin!

Even though I have a lot to blame

Let it increase a hundred times
My fault is human malice -

Do not Cry! our lot is enviable,

They don't mock us:

Between me and honest hearts

You won’t let it break for long
Living, blood union!

Not Russian - he will look without love
To this pale one, covered in blood,

The Muse cut with a whip...

(N.A. Nekrasov, 1877)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10. What type of literature does the above work by N.A. belong to? Nekrasova?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11. Indicate the name of a figurative and expressive means based on the transfer of the properties of one object or phenomenon to another: “Between me and honest hearts / You won’t let a living, blood union break for a long time!”

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. Indicate the name of the stylistic figure, consisting of a violation of the usual word order (“our lot is enviable”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13. From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) hyperbole 2) irony 3) rhetorical exclamation 4) epithet 5) metonymy

14 . Determine the meter in which N.A.’s poem is written. Nekrasova (without indicating the number of feet).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. As N. A. Nekrasov decides in the poem “Oh, Muse! I'm at the door of the coffin! theme of the poet and the crowd?

16. Which of the Russian poets addressed the topic of the relationship between the poet and the crowd, and in what ways can these works be compared with the poem by N. A. Nekrasov?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 Why did A. S. Pushkin call Tatyana Larina a “sweet ideal” (based on A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”)?

17.2 What is the role of the grotesque in the fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin?

17.3 What is the meaning of the title of I. A. Bunin’s story “ Clean Monday»?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks, the MC has shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to read the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

We were both rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that people stared at us in restaurants and at concerts. I, being from the Penza province, was at that time handsome for some reason, with a southern, hot beauty, I was even “indecently handsome,” as one famous actor once told me, monstrously fat person, a great glutton and clever. “The devil knows who you are, some Sicilian,” he said sleepily; and my character was southern, lively, constantly ready for happy smile, good joke. And she had some kind of Indian, Persian beauty: a dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat ominous hair in its thick blackness, softly shining like black sable fur, eyebrows, eyes as black as velvet coal; the mouth, captivating with velvety crimson lips, was shaded with dark fluff; when going out, she most often put on a garnet velvet dress and the same shoes with gold clasps (and she went to courses as a modest student, ate breakfast for thirty kopecks in a vegetarian canteen on Arbat); and as much as I was inclined to talkativeness, to simple-hearted gaiety, she was most often silent: she was always thinking about something, she seemed to be delving into something mentally; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, she often lowered it and looked inquiringly in front of her: I saw this, sometimes visiting her during the day, because every month she did not leave the house for three or four days at all, she lay and read, forcing me to sit in a chair near the sofa and read silently.

“You are terribly talkative and restless,” she said, “let me finish reading the chapter...

If I hadn’t been talkative and restless, I might never have recognized you,” I answered, reminding her of our acquaintance: one day in December, when I got to the Art Circle 1 for a lecture by Andrei Bely, who sang it, Running and dancing on the stage, I was spinning and laughing so much that she, who happened to be in the chair next to me and at first looked at me with some bewilderment, also finally laughed, and I immediately turned to her cheerfully.

“That’s all right,” she said, “but still be silent a little, read something, smoke...

I can't remain silent! You can’t imagine the full power of my love for you! You don't love me!

I present. As for my love, you know very well that I have no one in the world except my father and you. In any case, you are my first and last. Is this not enough for you? But enough about that. We can’t read in front of you, let’s drink tea... (I. A. Bunin. “Clean Monday”)

1. Indicate the genre of I. A. Bunin’s work “Clean Monday”.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2 . Name the category of poetics of a literary work, which, along with space, is one of the forms of being and thinking and allows you to give a comprehensive description of the life of Bunin’s heroes.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. What artistic technique does the author use when comparing the characters of his characters - the lively, light-hearted hero, always ready for a joke, and his silent, thoughtful lover?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters of “Clean Monday” and their statements: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5 . The heroes of “Clean Monday” share with each other their views on love. Name a form of oral speech that serves as one of the ways to reveal the characters’ characters.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What term is used to denote figurative definitions that give artistic description the external appearance of the heroine (“...dark-amber face, magnificent and somewhat ominous hair in its thick blackness...”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7. What is the name of the cycle of works by I.A. Bunin, which includes “Clean Monday”?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. How do the ideas about love of the main characters of I. A. Bunin’s work “Clean Monday” differ?

9. In which works of Russian literature of the 20th century. Has a concept of love feeling been created that is similar or fundamentally different from Bunin’s?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

Learn from them - from the oak, from the birch.

It's winter all around. Cruel time!
In vain the tears froze on them,

And the bark cracked and shrank.

The blizzard is getting angrier and every minute
Vomits angrily last sheets,

And a fierce cold grabs your heart;

They stand, silent; shut up too!

But trust in spring. A genius will rush past her,
Breathing warmth and life again.

For clear days, for new revelations
The grieving soul will get over it.

(A. A. Fet, 1883)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10. What is the name of an artistic technique based on the likening of events? human life natural phenomena used by the author of the presented poem?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11 What term is it customary in literary criticism to designate a stylistic figure that enhances the emotionality and expressiveness of a statement (“keep quiet too!”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. A. A. Fet resorts in this poem to a system of sound repetitions, pauses, various types of intonation that create the melody of sound combinations (“And a fierce cold grabs the heart...”). Indicate the name of this artistic technique.

Answer: _______________________________________ .


1) anaphora 2) hyperbole 3) personification 4) epithet 5) inversion

14. Indicate the name of the stylistic phenomenon characteristic of the artistic style of A. A. Fet, which conveys feelings in color and light expression and reproduces the impression of the object.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15 . What is the role in the transfer psychological state Is the lyrical hero A. A. Fet played by images of trees?

16. In which works of Russian literature of the 19th century century there are images of trees and what is the similarity or difference between their functions and the work of A. A. Fet?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 Do you agree with the opinion that the “silent scene” of N. V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” imitates the crucifixion scene?

17.2 Comment on V. Anikin’s statement about the style of N.A.’s poem. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'”: “...the combination of stylistic flows is connected with the ideological concept of the chapters and the work as a whole.”

17.3 What development in the novel by C.T. Aitmatov’s “Scaffold” receives evangelical motives?

1 Moscow literary and artistic circle, of which the Bunin brothers were members.

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

Since the evening, Oblomov, as usual, listened to the beating of his heart, then felt it with his hands, believed whether the hardness there had increased, finally delved into the analysis of his happiness, and suddenly fell into a drop of bitterness and was poisoned.

The poison acted strongly and quickly. He mentally ran through his entire life: for the hundredth time, remorse and later regret about the past came to his heart. He imagined what he would be like now if he walked forward cheerfully, how he would live more fully and multifacetedly if he were active, and moved on to the question of what he was now and how she could, how Olga could love him, and for what?

“Isn’t this a mistake?” - suddenly flashed through his mind like lightning, and this lightning struck his very heart and broke it. He groaned. "Error! yes... that's it! - he was tossing and turning in his head.

“I love, I love, I love,” suddenly rang out again in my memory, and my heart began to warm up, but suddenly it grew cold again. And this triple “I love” Olga - what is it? The deception of her eyes, the sly whisper of a still idle heart; not love, but only a premonition of love! (I. A. Goncharov. “Oblomov”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. What type of literature does I. A. Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” belong to?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. The principles of which literary movement were embodied in the novel by I. A. Goncharov?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. What kind of conflict does the hero’s doubts contribute to?
Answer: _______________________________________ .


Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. Name a technique based on the likening of correlated concepts and phenomena: “...suddenly it flashed through his mind like lightning, and this lightning struck the very heart...”

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What is the name of the figurative definition (“The deception of her eyes, the sly whisper of a still idle heart...”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7. Indicate the name of the trope based on the transfer of the properties of one object or phenomenon to another (“‘I love, I love, I love’,” suddenly rang out again in my memory, and my heart began to warm up, but suddenly it grew cold again”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. How does Ilya Oblomov appear in the above fragment?

9. Which works of Russian classics depict difficult relationships between a man and a woman and how can these situations be correlated with the relationships between the heroes of I. A. Goncharov?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

Before spring there are days like this:
The meadow rests under the dense snow,
The dry and cheerful trees are rustling,

And the warm wind is gentle and elastic.

And the body marvels at its lightness,

And you don’t recognize your home,

And the song that I was tired of before,

Like new, you sing with excitement.

(A. A. Akhmatova, 1915)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10. Which poetic movement the beginning of the 20th century represents early work A. A. Akhmatova?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11 . Name a figure of speech consisting of a violation of the usual word order (“Before spring there are days like this...”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12 . What is the name of the stylistic device based on the repetition of vowel sounds (“Before spring there are days like this”, “And you don’t recognize your own house”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13 . From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) personification 2) grotesque 3) epithet 4) gradation 5) anaphora

14. Determine the meter in which the poem by A. A. Akhmatova is written “Before spring there are days like this...” (without indicating the number of feet).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. How does A. A. Akhmatova’s poem reveal the theme of soul renewal?

16 . Which of the Russian poets, besides A. A. Akhmatova, correlates the state of the natural world and human soul and in what ways are these works close to Akhmatova’s?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 How is the “philosophy of the fathers” revealed in A. S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”?

17.2 Which eternal themes Are reflected in the lyrics of N. A. Nekrasov?

17.3 What is the complexity of the attitude of A.A. Blok to revolution (based on A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”)?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks, the MC has shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to read the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

The artist updated Shukhov’s “Shch-854” on his padded jacket, and Shukhov, no longer wrapping his pea coat, because the search was not far away, caught up with the brigade with a rope in his hand. And he immediately saw: his teammate Caesar was smoking, and he was smoking not a pipe, but a cigarette - which means he could get shot. But Shukhov did not ask directly, but stopped very close to Caesar and half-turned, looking past him.

He looked past and seemed indifferent, but he saw how after each puff (Caesar took a puff rarely, in thought) the rim of red ash moved along the cigarette, decreasing it and approaching the mouthpiece.

Immediately Fetyukov, the jackal, got sucked in, stood right in front of Caesar and looked into his mouth, and his eyes were burning.

Shukhov didn’t have a single piece of tobacco left, and he didn’t expect to get one today before evening - he was all tense in anticipation, and now this tail of a cigarette was more desirable to him than, it seems, the will itself - but he wouldn’t have dropped himself like Fetyukov , I wouldn’t look into your mouth.

Caesar is a mixture of all nations: he is either a Greek, or a Jew, or a gypsy - you can’t understand. Still young. He shot pictures for cinema. But even the first one didn’t understand how he was imprisoned. His mustache is black, merged, thick. That's why they didn't shave it off here, because in reality it was filmed like that, on the card.

Caesar Markovich! - Unable to bear it, Fetyukov slobbered, - Let me pull once!

And his face twitched with greed and desire.

Caesar opened his eyelids, half-lowered over his black eyes, and looked at Fetyukov. Because of this, he began to smoke a pipe more often, so that they would not interrupt him when he smoked, or ask him to hold out. It was not the tobacco he felt sorry for, but the interrupted thought. He smoked to arouse a strong thought in himself and let it find something. But as soon as he lit a cigarette, he saw in several eyes: “Leave it to finish!”

Caesar turned to Shukhov and said:

Take it, Ivan Denisych!

AND thumb he twisted the burning stub out of the short amber cigarette holder.

Shukhov perked up (he was expecting Caesar himself to offer it to him), hastily gratefully took the half-smoke with one hand, and with the other he secured it from below so as not to drop it. He was not offended that Caesar was disdainful of letting him finish smoking in the cigarette holder (some had a clean mouth, and some had a bad mouth), and his hardened fingers did not get burned, holding onto the fire itself. The main thing is that he crossed Fetyukov the jackal and now he was blowing smoke while his lips began to burn from the fire. Mmm-mm! The smoke spread through the hungry body, and there was a sensation in the legs and in the head. (A.I. Solzhenitsyn. “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. What principles does A. I. Solzhenitsyn develop in his work?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. In the fragment there are words like “shmon”, “gunyavyy”. What is the name of this type of speech that goes beyond literary norm?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. What is the name of the method of revealing the peculiarities of the inner life of the heroes, to which A. I. Solzhenitsyn resorts repeatedly in the story?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters and their character traits: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. Write your answer in numbers in the table.


A) Tyurin
B) Gopchik

B) Buinovsky


1) “...I carried milk to the Bendera people in the forest. They gave me the same sentence as an adult. He is an affectionate calf, fawning over all men. And he’s also very cunning: he eats his parcels alone, and sometimes chews them at night.”

2) “He never wastes words, and if he starts talking, it means he’s in good soul. He also didn’t learn to eat with a hat on... Without a hat, his head is already old. Swift
briefly, like everyone else, in the stove fire you can see how much gray hair there is between his grayish
hair scattered."

3) “...he does camp work as if he naval service looks: told to do -
then do it!”

4) “His face was all exhausted, but not to the weakness of a disabled wick, but to the point of a hewn, dark stone. And from his hands, large, cracked and black, it was clear that in all his years he had had little time to sit around like a moron.”

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. Name the trope, which is based on the transfer of properties from one object or phenomenon to another by similarity or analogy (“He smoked to arouse a strong thought in himself and let it find something”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . What is the name of an expressive detail that is important for characterizing a hero (for example, Caesar’s “amber short cigarette holder”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8 . What character traits of Ivan Denisovich are revealed in the above passage?

9 . Which of the Russian writers depicts in their works heroes who embody the Russian national character, and in what ways can these works be compared with A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

Doesn't require a poet yet
TO sacred sacrifice Apollo,

In the cares of the vain world
He is cowardly absorbed;

His holy lyre is silent;

The soul tastes cold dream,

And among the insignificant children of the world,

Perhaps he is the most insignificant of all.

But only a divine verb
It will touch sensitive ears,

The poet's soul will stir,

Like an awakened eagle.

He yearns for the amusements of the world,

Human rumors are shunned,

At the feet of the people's idol
Doesn't hang his proud head;

He runs, wild and harsh,

And full of sounds and confusion,

On the shores of desert waves,

In the noisy oak forests...

(A. S. Pushkin, 1827)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10 . Name the type of literature to which A. S. Pushkin’s work “The Poet” belongs.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11. Name the type of trope based on the comparison of objects or phenomena: “The soul of the poet will perk up, / Like an awakened eagle.”

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. Indicate the type of trope, which is based on the transfer of the properties of some objects and phenomena to others (“His holy lyre is silent;/The soul tastes a cold sleep”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13. From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the first stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) metonymy 2) hyperbole 3) inversion 4) epithet 5) personification

14. Define poetic meter poems by A. S. Pushkin “Poet” (without indicating the number of feet).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15 . What is the role of the opposition of worlds in A. S. Pushkin’s poem “The Poet”?

16. Which of the Russian poets revealed in their works the complex relationship between the poet and the outside world?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 What motifs and images are found in philosophical lyrics M. Yu. Lermontov?

17.2 What is the role of antithesis in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace”?

17.3 How does the image of a Russian soldier appear in A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks, the MC has shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to read the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

It is unlikely that anywhere one could find a person who would live like this in his position. It is not enough to say: he served zealously - no, he served with love. There, in this copying, he saw his own diverse and pleasant world. Pleasure was expressed on his face; He had some favorite letters, which if he got to, he was not himself: he laughed, and winked, and helped with his lips, so that in his face, it seemed, one could read every letter that his pen wrote. If rewards were given to him in proportion to his zeal, he, to his amazement, might even end up as a state councilor; but he served, as his wits, his comrades, put it, a buckle in his buttonhole and acquired hemorrhoids in the lower back. However, it cannot be said that there was no attention to him. One director, being a kind person and wanting to reward him for his long service, he ordered that he be given something more important than ordinary copying; It was precisely from the already completed case that he was ordered to make some kind of connection to another public place; the only thing was to change the title title and change here and there the verbs from the first person to the third. This gave him such work that he became completely sweaty, rubbed his forehead and finally said: “No, better let me rewrite something.” Since then they left it to be rewritten forever. Outside of this rewriting, it seemed that nothing existed for him. He didn’t think at all about his dress: his uniform was not green, but some kind of reddish flour color. The collar on him was narrow, low, so that his neck, despite the fact that it was not long, coming out of the collar, seemed unusually long, like those of those plaster kittens, dangling their heads, which are carried on the heads of dozens of Russian foreigners. And there was always something stuck to his uniform: either a piece of hay, or some kind of thread; In addition, he had a special art, walking along the street, of keeping up with the window at the very time when all sorts of rubbish was being thrown out of it, and therefore he was always carrying watermelon and melon rinds and similar nonsense on his hat. Not once in his life did he pay attention to what was going on and happening every day on the street, which, as you know, his brother, a young official, who extends the insight of his glib gaze to such an extent that he even notices who on the other side of the sidewalk, the stirrup of his trousers was torn off at the bottom, which always brings a sly smile to his face. (N.V. Gogol. “The Overcoat”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. What genre does N.V. Gogol’s work “The Overcoat” belong to?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2 . What is the name of the cycle that includes “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol?
Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. What type literary hero traditionally include the image of Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4 . Establish a correspondence between the characters and the details accompanying them in the narrative: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. The surname “Bashmachkin” contains a certain figurative characteristic. What are these surnames called?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. Name the technique that the author resorts to when drawing Bashmachkin’s appearance (“his neck, despite the fact that it was not long, coming out of the collar, seemed unusually long, like those of those plaster kittens shaking their heads”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . What term denotes the way of displaying the internal state of the heroes, the thoughts and feelings that own them (“Pleasure was expressed on his face; he had some favorites, which if he got to, he was not himself; he laughed, and winked, and helped lips, so that in his face, it seemed, one could read every letter that his pen wrote...")?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. How does the above fragment reveal the author’s attitude towards the hero?

9. In what works of Russian writers are images of officials found and in what ways can these works be compared?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay -

And I’m silver and sparkling!

My business is treason, my name is Marina,

I am the mortal foam of the sea.

Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -

The coffin and tombstones...

Baptized in the sea font - and in flight
By your own - constantly broken!

Through every heart, through every network
My willfulness will break through.

Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -

You can't make earthly salt.

Crushing on your granite knees,

With every wave I am resurrected!

Long live the foam - cheerful foam -

High sea foam!

(M.I. Tsvetaeva, 1920)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10 . Name the literary movement of the early 20th century, combining different movements, of which the work of M. I. Tsvetaeva became a part.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11 . What stylistic figure, consisting of a violation of the generally accepted order of words, does the poet use to create expressiveness and solemnity of speech (“Do you see these dissolute curls of me? - / You cannot make me salt from the earth”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12 . Indicate the name of the artistic device that allows the creator of the work to demonstratively contrast his lyrical heroine with the rest of the world.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13. From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) sound writing 2) metonymy 3) epithet 4) irony 5) repetition

14. Determine the poetic meter in which M. I. Tsvetaeva’s poem is written (without indicating the number of feet).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. How character is revealed in the proposed poem lyrical heroine?

16 . Which of the Russian poets revealed in their works the contradiction between the hero and the world?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 What meanings are contained in the title of A. S. Pushkin’s poem “ Bronze Horseman»?

17.2 What is the role female images in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”?

17.3 Which moral issues decides A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the story “Matryonin’s Dvor”?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks, the MC has shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to read the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

Donets says: “Oh Prince Igor! -
You have a lot of greatness, but Konchak has no love,
and joy to the Russian land."

Igor says:

“Oh Donets! You have a lot of greatness
who cherished the prince on the waves,
who spread green grass for him

on its silver shores,
who dressed him in warm mists
under the shade of a green tree;
you guarded him with a gogol on the water,
seagulls on the jets,
black creatures in the winds."

This is not the case, he says, with the Stugna River:
having a meager stream,
absorbing other people's streams and streams,
expanded towards the mouth,
imprisoned the young man Prince Rostislav.

On the dark bank of the Dnieper
Rostislav's mother is crying

after the young man Prince Rostislav.

The flowers are sad with pity,
and the tree bowed to the ground with sadness.

(“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. The work creates a situation verbal communication two persons: “Donets says” - “Igor says.” What is this form of communication called?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. From two phrases “ green grass"-"silver shores" choose an example with a constant epithet and write it down.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. What is the name for repeating the initial word in several lines (“and Konchak has no love, / but the Russian land has joy!”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and their social status: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. Name the artistic device with which the author gives nature human properties and qualities (“The flowers became sad with pity, and the tree bowed to the ground with sadness”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What type of trope, based on the comparison of one object or phenomenon with another, is used by the author of the monument (“That’s not what the Stugna River is like, he says...”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . Talking about the grief of Rostislav’s mother, the author breaks the direct word order in the sentence: “On the dark bank of the Dnieper / Rostislav’s mother is crying for the young man Prince Rostislav.” What is this figure called?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

9. What rivers are mentioned in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” and what is their ideological and aesthetic function?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

10. Which works of Russian classics tell about the grief of a mother who has lost her warrior son, and how can these situations be compared with “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign?”

Answer: _______________________________________ .

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

About valor, about exploits, about glory
I forgot on the sorrowful land,

When your face is in a simple frame
It was shining on the table in front of me.

But the hour came, and you left home.

I threw the treasured ring into the night.

You gave your destiny to someone else

And I forgot beautiful face.

The days flew by, spinning like a damned swarm...

Wine and passion tormented my life...

And I remembered you in front of the lectern,

And he called you like his youth...

Are you in blue cloak sadly wrapped up

On a damp night you left the house.

I don’t know where my pride has a refuge
You, my dear, you, my gentle one, have found...

I sleep soundly, I dream of your blue cloak,
In which you left on a damp night...

Don't dream about tenderness, about fame,

Everything is over, youth is gone!

I removed it from the table with my own hand.

(A. A. Blok, 1908)

The answer to tasks 10-14 is a word, or a phrase, or a sequence of numbers.

10. What is the name of a bright figurative definition (“on a sorrowful
earth...", "beautiful face", "spinning around in a damned swarm...")?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11. What term denotes an artistic medium based on a hidden comparison (“You gave your destiny to another...”)?

12. What is the technique of arranging words and expressions, as well as means of artistic representation, in ascending or descending order of importance called?

I called you, but you didn't look back,
I shed tears, but you did not condescend.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13. From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the fourth stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) alliteration 2) hyperbole 3) anaphora 4) personification 5) inversion

14. What means of artistic representation, consisting of replacing a word with a descriptive expression, does the author of the text use?

Your face in its simple frame
I removed it from the table with my own hand.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. What detail of the “material world” of the lyrical heroine A. A. Blok makes a psychological “sign of trouble” and why?

16. Which works of Russian poetry depict a turning point in the life of the lyrical hero - summing up his youth, saying goodbye to love, hopes, and youthful dreams?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 Prove that V. A. Zhukovsky’s ballad “Svetlana” is filled with the “Russian spirit”.

17.2 How should the surname of the main character be understood in the context of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment”?

17.3 What is the role of the number “12” in the symbolism of A. A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks we have shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to check out the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.


There was a gentleman of low birth,

He bought a village with bribes,

He lived in it continuously for thirty-three years,
He took liberties, reveled, drank bitter things.

Greedy, stingy, did not make friends with the nobles,

I only went to my sister for tea;

Even with relatives, not only with peasants,

Mr. Polivanov was cruel;

Having married the daughter, the husband of the faithful
He flogged them and drove them both away naked,

In the teeth of an exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

As he walked, he blew with his heel.

People of servile rank -

Real dogs Sometimes:

The heavier the punishment,

That's why gentlemen are dearer to them.

Yakov appeared like this from his youth,

Yakov had only joy:

To groom, protect, please the master
Yes, rock my little nephew.

So they both lived to old age.

The master's legs began to wither,

I went for treatment, but my legs didn’t come back to life...

Full of partying, playing around and singing!

The eyes are clear

The cheeks are red

Plump hands are as white as sugar,

Yes, there are shackles on my feet!

The landowner lies quietly under his robe,

He curses his bitter fate,

Yakov with his master: friend and brother
The master is calling faithful Yakov.

We whiled away the winter and summer together,

They played cards more

We went to see my sister to relieve boredom
Twelve versts in good days.

Yakov himself will carry him out and lay him down,

He himself will take 1 * to his sister on the long haul,

He will help you get to the old lady yourself.

So they lived happily - for the time being...

Jacob's nephew, Grisha, grew up

At the master’s feet: “I want to get married!”

Who is the bride? - “The Bride is Arisha.”

The master answers: “I’ll drive it into the coffin!” -

He thought to himself, looking at Arisha:

“If only the Lord could move his legs!”

No matter how much my uncle asked for his nephew,

The rival's master became a recruit.

I seriously offended the exemplary slave,

Jacob the faithful

Master, the slave has fooled me!

(N.A. Nekrasov. “Who Lives Well in Rus'”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 2

1. Indicate the genre of the work from which the given fragment is taken.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. In the work “Who Lives Well in Rus',” the image of the road becomes the simplest unit of plot development. What is such a stable formal-content element of a literary text called?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4 . Establish a correspondence between the characters in the work “Who Lives Well in Rus'” and the form of their revenge on the feudal landowners and enslavers: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. What is the name of the stylistic figure that consists of a consistent escalation of actions (“ groom, protect, please the master...”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6 . Indicate the term used to describe the appearance of a hero in a work of fiction:

The eyes are clear

The cheeks are red

Plump hands as white as sugar...

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . What is the name of a trope based on the comparison of two objects by common feature(“...Plump hands are as white as sugar”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. What development does the theme of lordship and servitude receive in the work of N. A. Nekrasov?

9. Which works of Russian classics show the confrontation between slaves and masters, and how can it be compared with the story depicted in the above fragment?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

From under a mysterious cold half mask
Your voice sounded to me as joyful as a dream,

Your captivating eyes shone on me
And the wicked lips smiled.

Through the light haze I involuntarily noticed
And the virgin cheeks and necks are white.

Lucky! I also saw a willful lock of hair,

The native curls who left the wave!..

And then I created in my imagination
By slight signs of my beauty;

And from then on, an ethereal vision
I carry it in my soul, caress it and love it.

And everything seems to me: these speeches are alive
In the years gone by I once heard;

And someone whispers to me that after this meeting
We will see each other again, like old friends.

(M. Yu. Lermontov, 1841)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10 . What term denotes expressive detail that contributes to the creation of the mysterious appearance of a beauty (“...I also saw a willful lock of hair...)?”

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11 . The author of the poem resorts to using a trope based on the transfer of properties or characteristics of one object to another based on the principle of similarity (“Your captivating eyes shone for me”). Please provide a name for this trope.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. What stylistic variety of literary language vocabulary does the poet use in his work (“lanits”, “mouth”)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13 . From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the third stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) inversion 2) rhetorical exclamation 3) gradation 4) metaphor 5) litotes

14. In what size is the poem “From Under the Mysterious Cold Half Mask...” written (without indicating the number of feet)?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. In the memories of Lermontov's hero, what kind of beauty does he meet at the masquerade?

16. In which works of Russian literature of the 19th century does the theme of masquerade sound and what are the similarities and differences between its solution and the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 For what purpose does N.V. Gogol resort to the image of an imaginary auditor (based on the play “The Inspector General”)?

17.2 Prove that N. A. Nekrasov’s lyrics are democratic in nature.

17.3 The theme of fate in the works of M. A. Sholokhov (based on the story “The Fate of a Man” or the epic novel “ Quiet Don»).

1 Dolgushka - a cart with a body placed on long flexible strips (drogas) connecting the front and rear axles.

2 Please note: in this and other tasks we have shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to check out the tasks in the demo version on the website

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Kondratyeva V.V., Skripka T.V., Logunova N.V., Sekacheva E.V. LITERATURE. 15 TRAINING OPTIONS FROM 2017 DEMO VERSION


Part 1

Read the fragment of the work below and complete tasks 1-9.

Luk a. (thoughtfully, to Bubnov). Here... you say - it’s true... It’s true - it’s not always a person’s illness... you can’t always cure a soul with the truth... There was approximately such a case: I knew one person who went to the righteous land believed...

B u b n o v. What?

Luk a. To the righteous land. There must, he said, be a righteous land in the world... in that, they say, land - special people inhabit... good people! They respect each other, they simply help each other... and everything is nice and good with them! And so the man kept getting ready to go... to look for this righteous land. He was poor, his life was bad... and when it was so difficult for him that he could even lie down and die, he did not lose his spirit, and everything happened, he just grinned and said: “Nothing! I'll be patient! A few more, I’ll wait... and then I’ll give up this whole life and go to the righteous land...” He had only one joy - this land...

Ashes Well? Are you going?

Bubnov. Where? Ho-ho!

Luk a. And to this place - it was in Siberia - they sent an exile, a scientist... with books, with plans, he is a scientist, and with all sorts of things... The man says to the scientist: “Show me, do me a favor “Where is the righteous land and how is the road there?” Now this scientist has opened his books, laid out his plans... he looked and looked - there is no righteous land anywhere! That’s right, all the lands are shown, but the righteous one is not!..

Ashes (quietly). Well? No?

Bubnov laughs.

Natasha. Wait... well, grandpa?

Luke. The man doesn’t believe... There must be, he says... look for something better! Otherwise, he says, your books and plans are of no use if there is no righteous land... The scientist is offended. My plans, he says, are the most correct, but there is no righteous land anywhere. Well, then the man got angry - how could that be? Lived, lived, endured, endured and believed everything - there is! but according to plans it turns out - no! Robbery!.. And he says to the scientist: “Oh, you... such a bastard! You’re a scoundrel, not a scientist...” Yes, in his ear - once! Moreover!.. (After a pause.) And after that he went home - and hanged himself!.. (M. Gorky. “At the Bottom”)

The answer to tasks 1-7 is a word, or phrase, or sequence of numbers 1

1. Which character in the above passage is implicitly opposed to Luke?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

2. In the above fragment, the heroes in indirect form are having a philosophical debate. Name the subject of the dispute (give the answer in nominative case).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

3. Name the term that refers to the explanation that precedes or accompanies the course of action in the play (“Bubnov laughs”).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

4. Establish a correspondence between the characters of the play “At the Bottom” and their statements: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

5. What are the names of words belonging to the reduced variety? spoken language(“Simply, die”, etc.), which Luke uses in his speech?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

6. What term is used to denote an expanded replica? actor in a dramatic work?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

7 . The philosophical conflict of Gorky's drama is resolved by the suicide of the Actor. What is the name in literary criticism for the plot element that marks the end of a conflict in a dramatic work?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 8 and 9, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 9, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

8. Which one symbolic meaning in the context of Gorky's play, does the parable told by Luke about the righteous land receive?

9 . What works of Russian literature contain inserted short stories and what are the similarities or differences between these short stories and the ideological and artistic concept of Luke’s parable?

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

I met you - and everything is gone
In the obsolete heart came to life;

I remembered the golden time -

And my heart felt so warm...

How late autumn sometimes
There are days, there are times,

When suddenly it starts to feel like spring
And something will stir within us, -

So, all covered in a breeze

Those years of spiritual fullness,

With a long-forgotten rapture
I look at the cute features...

Like after a century of separation,

I look at you as if in a dream -

And now the sounds became louder,

Not silent in me...

There is more than one memory here,

Here life spoke again, -

And you have the same charm,

And that love is in my soul!..

(F.I. Tyutchev, 1870)

Read the work below and complete tasks 10-16.

10 . The poem “I met you - and everything of the past...” is permeated with memories of the past, nostalgia for past love. What is the name of the complex of psychological experiences of the poet’s hero that is repeated in the work?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

11 . Your encounter with the past lyrical hero F.I. Tyutcheva compares with the breath of spring in autumn time. Indicate the term that denotes this technique of likening the events of human life to natural phenomena.

Answer: _______________________________________ .

12. Which Pushkin poem forms the associative background of the lyrical work of F.I. Tyutchev “I met you - and all the past...”?

Answer: _______________________________________ .

13 . From the list below, select three names of artistic means and techniques used by the poet in the third stanza of this poem. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) assonance 2) litotes 3) epithet 4) silence 5) rhetorical question

14 . Please indicate the size it says this poem(without indicating the number of stops).

Answer: _______________________________________ .

When completing tasks 15 and 16, first write down the task number, and then give a direct, coherent answer to the question (approximate volume - 5-10 sentences).

When completing task 16, select two works by different authors for comparison (in one of the examples, it is permissible to refer to the work of the author who owns the source text); indicate the titles of the works and the names of the authors; justify your choice and compare the works with the proposed text in a given direction of analysis.

Write down your answers clearly and legibly, following the rules of speech.

15. Prove that in F. I. Tyutchev’s poem “I met you - and all the past...” romance motifs are embodied.

16. Which of the Russians poets XIX-XX centuries turned to the romance genre in his work and what is the originality of Tyutchev’s poem?

Part 2

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the proposed essay topics (17.1-17.3).

Indicate the number of the topic you have chosen, and then write an essay on this topic of at least 200 words (if the essay is less than 150 words, then it is scored 0 points).

Argument your theses based on literary works (in an essay on lyrics, you must analyze at least three poems).

Use literary theoretical concepts to analyze the work.

Think over the composition of your essay.

17.1 Reveal the meaning of the epigraph that precedes the main action of N. V. Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” - “There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.”

17.2 How is the conflict between the eternal and the temporary revealed in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”?

17.3 What are the thematic varieties of elegies by S. A. Yesenin?

1 Please note: in this and other tasks we have shortened the wording associated with the answer forms, so be sure to check out the tasks in the demo version on the website

Title: Educational training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. 9th grade. GIA in new form.

Collection test tasks designed to prepare for an exam in the form of testing in algebra in grade 9 at a basic level.

The proposed manual consists of two parts. The first part of the manual presents educational and training tests, consisting of 16 tasks in 10 variants.
The second part of the manual presents thematic test tasks on 16 topics: comparison of rational numbers; arithmetic Square root; solving problems involving percentages; calculation of values algebraic expressions for given values ​​of variables; compiling an arithmetic expression according to the conditions of the problem; integer conversion arithmetic expressions; performing actions with algebraic fractions; transformation numerical expressions, containing degrees with an integer exponent; solution linear equations and systems of linear equations; solving second degree equations with one variable; finding the coordinates of the intersection points of the linear and linear graphs quadratic functions; solving linear inequalities; solving second degree inequalities with one variable; arithmetic and geometric progression; domain of definition of a function; recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. Addressed to mathematics teachers and primary school students.

Table of contents

Preface. 3
Review. 5
1 part. Educational and training tests. 7
Option 1. 7
Option 2. 11
Option 3. 15
Option 4. 19
Option 5. 23
Option 6. 27
Option 7. 31
Option 8. 35
Option 9. 39
Option 10. 43
Part 2. Thematic tests. 47
1. Comparison of rational numbers. 47
2. Arithmetic square root. 49
3. Solving problems involving percentages. 53
4. Calculation of values ​​of algebraic expressions for given values ​​of variables. 55
5. Drawing up an expression according to the conditions of the problem. 57
6. Converting integer expressions. 61
7. Performing operations with algebraic fractions. 63
8.Converting numerical expressions containing powers with an integer exponent. 67
9. Solving linear equations and systems of linear equations. 69
10. Solving equations of the second degree with one variable. 71
11. Finding the coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of linear and quadratic functions. 73
12. Solving linear inequalities. 76
13. Solving inequalities of the second degree with one variable. 78
14. Arithmetic and geometric progressions. 83
15.Domain of definition of a function. 86
16. Recognition of graphs of linear and quadratic functions. 91
Answers to educational and training tests. 1 part. 98
Answers to thematic tests. 99
Literature. 101

These educational, training and thematic tests are intended to prepare for the state final certification in mathematics in grade IX at a basic level of difficulty.

Purpose exam paper- assess the level of general education preparation in algebra for students in grades IX educational institutions for the purpose of their state (final) certification. The content of the examination work is determined on the basis of: Federal component state standard general education. Mathematics. Basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval federal component state educational standards general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education").

The structure of the examination paper meets the goal of building a system of differentiated education in a modern school. Differentiation of teaching is aimed at solving two problems: the formation of basic mathematical training in all students, a component functional basis general education; simultaneous creation for some schoolchildren of conditions conducive to obtaining advanced level training sufficient for active use mathematics in further education, especially when studying it in high school at a specialized level.

The exam is designed to help schoolchildren and their parents take informed decisions when choosing a profile and educational institutions, in which they will continue their further education.
When completing the tasks of the first part, students must demonstrate a certain systematic knowledge and breadth of ideas. It tests not only mastery of basic algorithms, but also knowledge and understanding important elements content (concepts, their properties, methods for solving problems, etc.), the ability to use various mathematical languages, the ability to apply knowledge to solve mathematical problems, not reducible to direct application algorithm, as well as the application of knowledge in the simplest practical situations.

These tests were created based on materials from regional training and diagnostic work conducted by the Department of Education and Science Krasnodar region, and are intended for practicing the tasks presented in the first part of the examination paper.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Educational-training and thematic tests in mathematics. A basic level of. 9th grade. GIA in a new form. Popova I.N., 2010 -, fast and free download.

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 1.

1. The table shows the distances from the Sun to four planets solar system. Which of these planets is farthest from the Sun?





2. Reduce the fraction.


3. Dried herb seasoning consists of parsley and celery leaves, in a ratio of 5:1. Approximately what percentage of this mixture is parsley leaves?

4. Simplify the expression:(x+2y) 2 - (X 2 +4у).

Answer: ________


6. a , in which it makes sense.

A) 1)

B) 2)

AT 3)


7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.

9. The graph shows demographic situation in the cityN** for 19** years. (The horizontal axis shows the time that has passed since the beginning of the year, in months; the vertical axis shows the number of babies born during this time, in thousands.) How many babies were born in the first six months?


10. Solve the equation:.

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 2.

1. Area coral sea 407 thousand km 2 . How is this quantity written in standard form?

2. Reduce the fraction. 1)

3. Over the course of a year, the team must lay 1,720 km of gas pipeline. In the first half of the year, 65% of the plan was fulfilled. How many kilometers of gas pipeline does the crew have left to lay?

4. Simplify the expression:(7 a - b ) 2 - 49 a ( a - b ) .

Answer: __________

5. Which of the following expressions is equal to the product 25∙5 n ?

6. Match each expression to a set of variable valuesx , in which it makes sense.

A) 1)

B) 2)

AT 3)


7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.



10. Solve the equation:

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 3.

1. Write down the value of the quotient in standard form.

2. Perform multiplication. 1)

3. The confectionery factory exceeded its annual plan by 207 tons of sweets, which amounted to 9% of the annual plan. Determine the annual production plan for candies (in tons).

4. Simplify the expression: 5 n (5 n – 8)– (4 – 5 n ) 2 .


5. Imagine the expressionx -8 x 3 : x 4 in the form of a power with a basex .

6. x

1) 2) 3) 4)

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.

P** for 19** years. (The horizontal axis shows the time that has passed since the beginning of the year, in months; the vertical axis shows the number of babies born during this time, in thousands). How many babies were born in the first three months?


10 . Solve the equation:.

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 4.

1. The table shows the distances from the Sun to the four planets of the solar system. Which of these planets is closest to the Sun?





2. Simplify the expression.


3. The vitamin collection includes crushed raspberries and rose hips in a ratio of 2:7. Approximately what percentage of this mixture is rose hips?

4. Simplify the expression: ( a -4) 2 -3 a -4.

Answer: __________.

5. Express the expression as a power with a base.

6. Specify the scope of the expression.

1) 2) 3) 4)

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.


10 . Solve the equation:

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 5.

    Write in standard form the number that is the value of the fraction

2. Simplify the expression. 1)

3. In six months, the team managed to install 1,079 m of gas pipeline, which is 65% of the annual plan. Determine the team's annual plan.

4. Simplify the expression:a (10 a – 28)– (3 a – 4) 2 .


5. Which of the following expressions is equal to a fraction?


1) 0 2) 4 3) 2 4) -4

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.



10 . Solve the equation:. .

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 6.

2. Reduce the fraction. 3. The product arrives at the store at a price of 5200. The store makes a markup of 18%. At what price will the buyer buy this product?

4. Simplify the expression:(3 a – 1) 2 –3 a + 6.


5. Which of the following expressions is equal to the product 27∙3 n ?

1) 2) 3) 4)

6. Which of these numbers is not included in the scope of the expression?

1) 9 2) 3 3) 0 4) 7

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.



10. Solve the equation:.

Mathematics test 9th grade Option 7.

    The table shows the distances from the Sun to the four planets of the solar system. Which of these planets is farthest from the Sun?





2. Reduce the fraction.

3. During the sale, the store gives a discount on goods in the amount of 350 rubles. By what percentage did the store reduce the price of the product if before the sale its price was 4,375 rubles? 4. Simplify the expression:(3 – 4 a )(3 + 4 a ) + 8 a (3-2 a ).


5. Which of the following expressions is equal to a fraction

1) 2) 3) 4)

6. Specify all values ​​of the variablex

1) only whenx= - 4 2) atx= - 4 andx= 4

3) only whenx=0 4) only whenx=4

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.

9. The new Vityazevo airport accepts passengers from two airlines - the companyAand companiesB. The graphs show the movement of passenger traffic of these airlines during the week. (The horizontal axis shows the time since the airport began operating, in days; the vertical axis shows the number of passengers who arrived during this time, in thousand people.) How many total passengers of these airlines arrived at Vityazevo in the first five days?


10 . Solve the equation:.

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 8.

    Area of ​​the Adriatic Sea 1.44·10 8 m 2 . Express this value in km 2 .

2. Reduce the fraction. 1)

3. The healing tea includes tea leaves and mint leaves in a ratio of 6:1. Approximately what percentage of this mixture is mint leaves?

4. Simplify the expression:(x – 8) 2 – (x - 8) (x + 8).


5. x .

1) x 11 2) x 9 3) x -2 4) x 3

6. Specify all values ​​of the variablex, in which the expression does not make sense.

1) only whenx= - 7 2) atx= - 7 andx= 7

3) only whenx=7 4) only whenx=0

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.

Answer: ___________________.

10. Solve the equation:

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 9.

1. Moon mass 7.35 10 22 kg, and the mass of the Earth is 5.98 10 24 kg. How many times is the mass of the Earth greater than the mass of the Moon?

About 1.2 times

About 81 times

About 810 times

Approximately 8.1 times

2. Simplify the expression.


3. The store's daily revenue amounted to 480,000 rubles. Of these, 288,000 rubles were received in the afternoon. What percentage of the day's revenue was received in the first half of the day?

4. Simplify the expression:8x - 4(1 – x) 2 .


5. Express the expression as a power with a basex .

1) x 11 2) x 30 3) x 15 4) x 38

6. Specify all values ​​of the variablex, for which the expression makes sense.

1) 2) 3) 4)

7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation.

Answer: __________.

. Cafe "Kholodok" sells two types of ice cream - "Nut" and "Cherry". The graphs show how these types of ice cream sold during the week. (The horizontal axis shows the time elapsed since the start of sales, in days; the vertical axis shows the number of servings sold during this time, in units.) How many more servings of “Nut” ice cream than “Cherry” were purchased in the first three days?

Answer: ___________________.

10. Solve the equation.

Mathematics test 9th grade. Option 10.

1. The population of Kropotkin is 8.02 10 4 people, and Moscow – 1.04·10 7 Human. How many times is the population of Kropotkin less than the population of Moscow?

2. Reduce the fraction. 3. To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, we took sage and chamomile flowers in a ratio of 5:6. Approximately what percentage of this mixture is sage flowers? 4. Simplify the expression:3a(a + 2) – (a + 3) 2 .


5. Express the expression as a power with a basex .

1) x 3 2) x 6 3) x 14 4) x 13

6. Match each expression to a set of variable valuesa , in which it makes sense.

A) 1)

B) 2)

AT 3)


7. Solve the inequality.

8. Solve the equation


9. A bus and a car left two cities at the same time towards each other. The figure shows the movement graphs of these machines. (The horizontal axis shows the time elapsed since the start of movement, in hours; the vertical axis shows the distance traveled, in km). How many kilometers were between the bus and the car 2 hours after the start of movement, if the distance between the cities is 710 km?

10. Solve the equation: .

Typical test tasks in mathematics contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified state exam in 2013. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of tests measuring materials 2013 in mathematics, degree of difficulty of tasks.

The team of authors includes specialists who have extensive experience working in schools and universities and who take part in the development of test items for the Unified State Exam.
The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of one of the options. In addition, samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers and solutions are provided.

The manual can be used by teachers to prepare students for the mathematics exam in Unified State Examination form, as well as high school students and applicants - for self-preparation and self-control.

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Instructions for performing work 5
Option 1 6
Part 1 6
Part 2 8
Option 2 9
Part 1 9
Part 2 11
Option 3 12
Part 1 12
Part 2 14
Option 4 15
Part 1 15
Part 2 17
Option 5 19
Part 1 19
Part 2 21
Option 6 23
Part 1 23
Part 2 25
Option 7 27
Part 1 27
Part 2 29
Option 8 31
Part 1 31
Part 2 33
Option 9 35
Part 1 35
Part 2 37
Option 10 39
Part 1 39
Part 2 41
Replies 43
Option 1 43
Option 2 43
Option 3 43
Option 4 44
Option 5 44
Option 6 44
Option 7 45
Option 8 45
Option 9 45
Option 10 46
Solving problems 49
Option 5 49
Part 2 49

Rostov-on/D.: Legion-M, 2009, 64 p.

The proposed manual is a collection of tests that complements the previously published book “Algebra. 9th grade. Preparation for the final certification - 2009.” It contains 12 proprietary educational and training tests, developed on the basis of the latest plan for the final certification in algebra 2009, and solutions to two options.

The manual is intended for self-study graduates of 9th grades of general education institutions for the state final certification in algebra, as well as for teachers who can use it in preparing their students.

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Table of contents
From the authors 3
Educational and training tests 6
Option No. 1 6
Option No. 2 9
Option No. 3 13
Option No. 4 17
Option No. 5 20
Option No. 6 24
Option No. 7 28
Option No. 8 31
Option No. 9 34
Option No. 10 37
Option No. 11 40
Option No. 12 44
Replies 48
Solutions 52
§ 1. Solution of option No. 5 52
§ 2. Solution of option No. 11 57
Literature. 62

Rostov-on/D.: Legion, 2008 - 256 p. ("Final examination")

For several years, Russia has been conducting an experiment to introduce and test new forms of state (final) certification of 9th grade graduates in a number of subjects, including algebra. Test technologies similar to the Unified State Exam are used. Since the importance of testing technologies in the educational process is steadily growing, our book should become useful for schoolchildren and teachers of all regions - both those participating and not participating in the above experiment.

The proposed manual includes 42 educational and training tests, compiled according to latest plan final certification, and a problem book containing about 600 problems illustrating the main ideas of the final certification tests of previous years. Solutions are provided for three options, and answers for all tests and problems.
As in previous years, along with this book, the “Reshebnik” is published, which includes solutions to all tasks of an increased level of complexity.

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Table of contents
From authors 6
Chapter I. Educational and training tests 11
§ 1. Educational and training tests 12
Option 1 12
Option 2 15
Option 3 19
Option 4 22
Option 5 25
Option 6 29
Option 7 32
Option 8 35
Option 9 38
Option 10 42
Option 11 46
Option 12 49
Option 13 53
Option 14 56
Option 15 59
Option 16 63
Option 17 67
Option 18 71
Option 19 74
Option 20 78
Option 21 81
Option 22 85
Option 23 88
Option 24 91
Option 25 94
Option 26 98
Option 27 102
Option 28 106
Option 29 109
Option 30 113
Option 31 117
Option 32 120
Option 33 124
Option 34 128
Option 35 131
Option 36 135
Option 37 139
Option 38 143
Option 39 146
Option 40 150
Option 41 154
Option 42 157
Answers to tasks in part 1 of tests 162
Answers to tasks in part 2 of tests 167
§ 2. Solving problems of option No. 9 171
§ 3. Solving problems of option No. 11 172
§ 4. Solving problems of option No. 15 174
Chapter II. Problem book 176
§ 1. Basic level (part 1) 176
1.1. Percent 176
§ 2. Increased level (part 2) 178
2.1. Transformations of algebraic expressions 178
2.2. Equations and systems of equations 183
2.2.1. Equations 183
2.2.2. Systems of equations 184
2.3. Inequalities and systems of inequalities 187
2.4. Sequences and progressions 191
2.4.1. Arithmetic progression 191
2.4.2. Geometric progression 194
2.5. Functions and graphs 197
2.5.1. Function graphs 197
2.5.2. Function Domain 202
2.5.3. The greatest and smallest value functions 202
2.6. Word problems 203
2.7. Jobs with parameter 215
§ 3. Solutions to problems from collection 222
§ 4. Answers to the collection of problems 248
Literature 254

Training options examination papers for the state final certification in a new form.

M.: AST: Astrel, 2009 - 55 p. (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements)

The proposed collection includes training versions of control measuring materials (CMM) in geometry for grade 9, which allow you to prepare for the state final certification in a new form. The collection also includes answers and solutions to examination tasks, describes the structure and content of the examination work, provides instructions for filling out answer forms when performing the examination work of the State Examination Institute of 9th grade graduates and a layout of such forms.

The manual is addressed to a wide range of participants educational process: students and their parents, school teachers, teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions, pre-university training structures, specialists of regional educational development centers.

Table of contents
Preface 3
Review 5
1 part. Educational and training tests 7
Option 1 7
Option 2 11
Option 3 15
Option 4 19
Option 5 23
Option 6 27
Option 7 31
Option 8 35
Option 9 39
Option 10 43
Part 2. Subject tests 47
1. Comparison of rational numbers 47
2. Arithmetic square root 49
3. Solving problems with percentages 53
4. Calculation of values ​​of algebraic expressions for given values ​​of variables 55
5. Compiling an expression according to the conditions of problem 57
6. Converting integer expressions 61
7. Performing operations with algebraic fractions 63
8. Converting numerical expressions containing powers with an integer exponent 67
9. Solving linear equations and systems of linear equations 69
10. Solving equations of the second degree with one variable 71
11. Finding the coordinates of the intersection points of the graphs of linear and quadratic functions 73
12. Solving linear inequalities 76
13. Solving inequalities of the second degree with one variable 78
14. Arithmetic and geometric progressions 83
15.Domain of definition of function 86
16. Recognizing graphs of linear and quadratic functions 91
Answers to educational and training tests. Part 1 98
Answers to thematic tests 99
Literature 101