"Peddlers" (Nekrasov): analysis of the poem (2nd version). Literary direction, genre

Nekrasov spent the first post-reform summer, as usual, in Greshnev in the circle of his friends, Yaroslavl and Kostroma peasants. In the fall he returned to St. Petersburg with a whole “heap of poems.” His friends were interested in the mood of the post-reform village: what would the people’s dissatisfaction with the reform lead to, is there any hope for a revolutionary explosion? Nekrasov answered these questions with the poem “Peddlers.” In it the poet went out to new road. His previous work was addressed mainly to readers from educated classes. In “Peddlers” he boldly expanded the intended circle of his readers and directly addressed the people, starting with an unusual dedication: “To my friend Gavrila Yakovlevich (peasant of the village of Shody, Kostroma province)". The poet also took a second unprecedented step: at his own expense, he published the poem in the “Red Books” series and distributed it among the people through peddlers - merchants of small goods.

“Peddlers” is a travel poem. Village traders - old Tikhonych and his young assistant Vanka - wander through the rural expanses. Before their inquisitive gaze, motley pictures of life in the anxious pre-reform times pass one after another. The plot of the road turns the poem into wide view Russian provincial reality. Everything that happens in the poem is perceived through the eyes of the people; everything is given a peasant verdict. The true nationality of the poem is also evidenced by the fact that its first chapter, in which the art of Nekrasov’s “polyphony” triumphs, the art of making the people’s view of the world one’s own, soon became the most popular folk song- “Box.” The main critics and judges in the poem are not patriarchal men, but “experienced” men who have seen a lot in their wandering life and have their own judgment about everything. Colorful living types of “mental” peasants, village philosophers and politicians are created. It is no coincidence that in “Peasant Children,” created simultaneously with “Peddlers,” Nekrasov glorifies the harsh prose and lofty poetry of peasant childhood and calls for keeping the eternal moral values, associated with labor on earth, is the same Christian “centuries-old inheritance”, which the poet considers the source of Russian national culture:

Play, children! Grow in freedom!

That's why you were given a wonderful childhood,

To love this meager field forever,

So that it always seems sweet to you.

Keep your centuries-old inheritance,

Love your labor bread -

And let the charm of childhood poetry

Leads you into the depths of your native land!..

Nekrasov spent the first post-reform summer, as usual, with his friends in the city of Greshnev. In the autumn the poet returns to northern capital with many poems.

In some, he tried to answer questions from his friends regarding the mood that existed in the villages after the reform. Will it popular revolt either revolution or not? The poet tries to answer this question with his poem entitled “Peddlers.”

It is worth noting that in this poem Nekrasov took a slightly different path, deciding to appeal through his work not to the educated strata Russian society, as he usually did up to this time, and to to the common people. The seriousness of the task assigned to the author is evidenced by the fact that the series “Red Books”, which, in fact, included the poem “Peddlers”, was printed exclusively at the expense of Nekrasov’s personal funds.

“Peddlers” is a travel poem that tells the story of old Tikhonych and his young assistant Vanka, traders roaming the countryside. It is the plot of the road that helps Nekrasov create a completely detailed overview of the provincial reality of that time.

Everything that takes place in this poem is perceived through the prism of folk morality. If we talk about the real “nationality” of this poem, then it is necessary to especially highlight the fact that this work a little later it was transformed into a folk song called “Korobushka”.

In the poem, the main critics are not ordinary patriarchal men, but experienced people who have seen a lot in their lifetime and have their own own point view of what is happening in the country. Nekrasov managed to create truly bright and colorful, living images of Russian peasants - bearers of people's morality and conscience.

But there was something to condemn in Russia then. The men are distressed by the destruction of the eternal foundations that existed in Rus' and begin their fair people's trial of the top of Russian society of that era from the Tsar-Father himself. The Crimean War is subject to criticism and condemnation.

Series: "Library of a junior school student"

"Frost, Red Nose" (1863) - the most perfect and most unsolved poem of the classic Russian literature Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821-1878). Glorified with the talent of a great artist, peasant labor and short-lived happiness, love and death, the poetry of the people's worldview and the deep, true faith with which this work is permeated place it among the best creations of Russian poetry. Among the illustrations for Nekrasov’s poem, the drawings of A. F. Pakhomov (1900-1973) remain unsurpassed. The depth of understanding of the writer's intention, knowledge of the Russian village and the exceptional skill of the artist, a peasant by birth, made them an outstanding phenomenon of art. These illustrations, published in 1938, are being republished for the first time. For primary school age.

Publisher: "Amphora" (2011)

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    "Peddlers" analysis of the work - theme, idea, genre, plot, composition, characters, issues and other issues are discussed in this article.

    History of creation

    The poem “Peddlers” was written in 1861 and published in the magazine “Sovremennik” No. 10. In 1862, the poem was published in the “Red Books” series, intended specifically for the people and sold for 3 kopecks.

    Nekrasov conceived the plot of the poem during a hunt with the peasant Gavrila Zakharov, to whom he dedicated the poem, calling him a friend. The companion told Nekrasov about how a hunter killed two snipes at once with a double-barreled shotgun, and then about the murder of two peddlers in the Miskovskaya volost.

    Literary direction, genre

    The poem "Peddlers" is realistic. Democratic revolutionaries perceived it as a propaganda poem that would help bring them closer to the people. "Peddlers" - folk poem, it was written for the people and about the people, the reader sees Rus' through their eyes. This is an epic journey poem.

    Theme, main idea and composition

    The theme of the poem is crime among the people.

    The main idea corresponds to the views revolutionary democrats who believed that a person’s character and actions depend on his social status, and crimes among the people are associated with his hard life, unsatisfactory life.

    The poem consists of six chapters, epigraphs from folk songs clarify the meaning of each.

    In the first chapter, Katya did as the song says, taking only a turquoise ring as a souvenir from the peddler Vanya. The beginning of the first chapter became a song.

    The epigraph to the second chapter is one of the refrains of the ofens (merchants). Thanks to the fact that a woman, once she starts buying, cannot stop, the peddlers successfully sold the goods.

    The meaning of the epigraph of the third chapter is metaphorical: the people must drink their cup to the bottom. Tikhonych talks about the bitter fate of the people: guys are taken to war, women howl, men drink, the tsar steals the treasury, the bosses take away everything the people have earned.

    In the fourth chapter, Tikhonych complains that nowadays even old ladies with fake braids do not buy goods from peddlers, because now everything Parisian is in fashion. This chapter is a journey across the entire expanse of Russia, meetings of peddlers with various representatives of the people: barge haulers, gardeners, a shepherd, captured Turks, the master's hounds.

    The fifth chapter is about how sometimes the roundabout path is closer than the direct one. She talks about the fate of poor Katya, who is waiting for Vanya and drowning her melancholy in hard work, and about peddlers who decide to go straight through the swamp to shorten the route home.

    Epigraph to last chapter- a formula from an epic song that means the death of a good fellow. In this chapter, it is not only the peddlers who die, who are killed by the forester-robber with a double-barreled shotgun in order to take about 1000 rubles. The forester himself ruins his soul, and even his life, by ending up in prison. Nekrasov shows sympathy for the destroyer. But he laughs evilly at the bosses who stole 1000 rubles even before the judges arrived.

    The last chapter has an inserted episode, told by Tikhonych, about the weaver Titu, who was mistakenly imprisoned for 12 years. After leaving prison and learning about his wife’s betrayal, he composed a song, a lyrical element of the poem that Tikhonych sings in the forest to cheer himself up.

    The song of the wretched wanderer is the heart of the poem, in it Nekrasov explains the true (from his point of view) reason for the suffering of the Russian people (and the entire Russian space, along with forests, animals and fields) - cold and hunger. These two misfortunes justify every action.

    Heroes and images

    All images in the poem are typical and therefore devoid of external signs. Portrait characteristics a pathetic, worthless person is given only to one negative hero- forester-killer. Vanya is a young peddler, true to his word, who dreams of returning with a profit and marrying his sweetheart. Tikhonych is an elderly, experienced peddler who is guided by the formula “if you don’t deceive, you don’t sell.” But this is his biggest sin. He is wise and prudent, knows many stories.

    Katerina - ordinary peasant girl who dreams of getting married and being happy. Her fate after Vanya’s death is unknown. So Nekrasov shows how neglected women's destiny public consciousness.

    The honest weaver Titus from the peddler's story is a man whose life was ruined by a mistake. The judge's apology could not fix anything.

    The main robber in the poem is a murderer. But worse than him are those who drove him to murder. Negative images in the novel - a tsar who extinguishes the Black Sea with blood, sends ships to the bottom, wears out the Russian treasury (metaphors), a kisser who robs the people, assessors who mistakenly imprisoned Titych, the authorities who released the murderer, stingy old ladies who " everything is glued, tied up” (metaphor).

    The author characterizes positive heroes with the help of constant folklore epithets or stable folklore expressions (proverbs, aphorisms). The speech of the characters and the poem itself is close to folk. There are many colloquial words and forms, and there are dialect words.

    Meter and rhyme

    The poem was written by a dolnik. Nekrasov uses this verse, which is close to tonic, to imitate folk song. Dactylic rhyme alternates with masculine rhyme. Cross rhyme.

    An 8 letter word, the first letter is “N”, the second letter is “E”, the third letter is “K”, the fourth letter is “P”, the fifth letter is “A”, the sixth letter is “C”, the seventh letter is “O”, the eighth letter is “B”, the word starting with the letter “N”, the last “B”. If you don’t know a word from a crossword or scanword, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

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