Is it harmful to sit next to a microwave? Truth and fiction about whether a microwave is harmful to humans - what scientific research says

A microwave oven is a household appliance that allows you to heat food using microwaves. These are ordinary radio waves with a frequency of 2450 MHz. Microwaves penetrating the product cause the product molecules to vibrate. More precisely, not all molecules vibrate, but only water molecules. Due to this, food products are heated, since water is contained in any of them. No significant changes occur in the product itself, so food from the microwave is not at all harmful, and is even beneficial - unlike, for example, frying in oil, in which carcinogenic substances are formed under the influence of high temperatures.

Is microwaved food harmful or healthy?

The latest research by scientists and comments from experts will help us understand this.

When microwave ovens first appeared on the market Russian market, a horror story immediately appeared with them: “Microwave food causes cancer.” There were also scares that microwaves affect intrauterine development child, causing pathological changes. That microwave food is simply full of carcinogens...

According to latest research market of household appliances, every fifth Russian family has a microwave. And in the United States, only 10 people do not have microwave ovens. When purchasing, sales consultants assure that “this stove model” is shielded from radiation and is completely safe for health. So, is there still a danger?

Don't put your hands in the oven!

“Well, of course there is,” says Oleg DRONITSKY, director of the TEST-BET testing center. – If you put your hand in the microwave, you will get a burn. Just like in a regular oven. But you are unlikely to succeed in trying to fry it in the microwave. Because all modern models are equipped not only with a lock when the stove is operating, but also with child protection when the appliance is turned off.

A microwave oven uses radio waves, just like a regular receiver, only much more powerful and of a different frequency. We are exposed to radio waves every day. different frequencies– from cell phones, televisions, computers, etc. Microwave waves directed at food bind protein, which also happens during boiling. After finishing work, no residual radiation remains in the food. That is, in fact, food from a microwave is just as harmful as food cooked on a regular stove.

Yes, microwave radiation in pure form can affect a person, including serious burns. But microwave ovens are equipped with a special metal mesh through which radiation does not pass. So the harm will be noticeable only if for eight hours every day the person experiencing this harm is at a distance of 5 cm from the microwave. Only at this distance can harmful microwaves breaking through from the microwave be partially detected.


In Russia there are sanitary standards - “Extremely permissible levels energy flux density created by microwave ovens" (SN No. 2666-83). According to them, the energy flux density is electromagnetic field should not exceed 10 µW/cm2 at a distance of 50 cm from any point of the furnace body when heating 1 liter of water. Almost all new modern microwave ovens meet this safety requirement with a large margin.


Food is like steam

“I can’t say that microwave ovens are absolutely safe,” says gastroenterologist Galina SAMOILOVA. – But the idea that food from the microwave becomes carcinogenic is complete nonsense. It may be carcinogenic if it originally contained harmful substances. But they will not be able to form during the cooking process.


Will microwaves treat arrhythmia?

Australian scientists have developed a method that allows the desired areas of the heart to be heated to 55 degrees in a few seconds. Temperature destroys damaged areas, blocking the paths of propagation of “wrong” cardiac impulses.

– The same way a microwave oven heats meat. Only in our case, the area of ​​action of microwaves is much more precise, and local heating is recorded and controlled,” the scientists explained.

Scientists' opinions: pros and cons

American scientists say that thanks to microwave ovens, the incidence of stomach cancer has decreased in America. And all because no oil is added to food cooked in the microwave. And the cooking method resembles the most gentle one - steam.

Microwaves also preserve vitamins and minerals in food twice as well due to the short cooking time. The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences calculated that when cooking food on a stove, up to 60 vitamin C is destroyed. And under the influence of microwaves - only from 2 to 25 percent.

But Spanish scientists, on the contrary, indignantly claim that broccoli cooked in the microwave loses up to 98 percent of its vitamins and minerals.

In 1989, Swiss biologist Hertel, together with Professor Bernard Blank, tried to study the effect of microwave food on humans. Since they were not given money for a full-scale study, the scientists limited themselves to one experimental subject, who took turns eating food cooked on the stove and then in the microwave. Scientists assured that after microwave food changes occurred in the test subject’s blood that resembled the onset of a pathological process, that is, cancer. In other words, the number of leukocytes increased. Therefore, regularly eating microwaved food could lead to blood cancer, scientists said. But their words were not heeded.

And this year, the World Health Organization issued a verdict: microwaves use radiation that does not have a harmful effect on either humans or food. The only “but”: implanted cardiac stimulators can be sensitive to the intensity of the microwave flux. Therefore, WHO recommends that those with pacemakers avoid cell phones and microwaves.

A microwave oven can do almost everything: defrost meat, bake fish, cook grilled chicken. It's very convenient - no doubt about it. But talk about the dangers of microwaves never ceases.

Microwave ovens have become indispensable assistants for many. Those who have children no longer need to worry about the child, who will now heat up his own lunch without turning on the stove. And it has become much easier and faster for very tired adults to heat up their dinner after returning from work late. Fast defrosting is another plus. Using a microwave, food can be defrosted much faster. Inner surface Microwaves are made of stainless steel or ceramic. Both surfaces are easy to clean. In addition, the electricity consumption of microwave ovens is almost half that of electric stoves. It is not necessary to buy special dishes for microwaves. The one you already have in your kitchen will do. The main thing is that there is no metal trim on it.

However, with the advent of microwave ovens, endless debates began in almost every home about the fact that such useful household appliances can be harmful to health. Naturally, we were talking about the dangers of rays, with the help of which the stove heats food, for human health.

Here It is necessary to understand exactly what processes occur when foods are heated. The microwave emits ordinary radio waves at a frequency of 2450 MHz, which penetrate the food and cause the water molecules it contains to vibrate. As a result of these vibrations, heat is created. After finishing the work, the waves cannot remain in the product itself. So food cooked in a microwave cannot be harmful. And compared to food fried in oil, food cooked in the microwave is even healthy. Waves can damage the health of a person or any other creature only when direct impact on some part of his body. That's why you won't find a microwave that can operate with the door open. Also, the glass on the microwave doors is covered with a metal mesh, which absorbs the waves and prevents them from affecting anything outside the microwave. But experts still recommend buying the latest models of microwave ovens, and if you use a very old model, they recommend replacing them. So There is nothing to be afraid of - feel free to buy a microwave oven. It will save you a lot of time and help you prepare delicious food quickly and conveniently.

  • Ameli

    I’m thinking... should I buy either a slow cooker? or a microwave? which is better and which company? who understands this?
    or cook like before on a gas stove...
    And respect to Dmitry!

  • Asya

    Lilya, please share, where did you get the signal about Dallas’ plan to exterminate the Russian population? or after all, not all the gadgets were thrown out of the house and succumbed to info-zombification on the mystical Ren-TV and TV-3? It feels like you foreign agent, receiving grants from negative comments on this site.. As you can see, such arguments can go far.

  • Ameli

    hide your sting of poison... I'm already tired...
    let's get to the point...

  • Heat

    Natalya, practically no GMO plants are grown in hydroponic greenhouses; GMOs are soybeans, corn, sugar beets, etc. and large open areas are sown with them.

  • Yuri

    Anatoly, some people usually set their phone as an alarm clock at night and put it away from them. I do that too. But I didn’t think of using airplane mode. Thanks to Ruslan.

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Yuri. Don't waste your nerves. If you see that a person in a dialogue is not bringing you any benefit, then there is no need to react - I think so. Adrenaline - it ages you a lot. Let Vegans write. Here, everyone understands what they are saying and cannot prove anything. There are some vegans here who want to understand something and discuss with others the language of science. And this is worthy of respect. They themselves choose to be vegans, but they don’t try to convince anyone to be the same.

  • Larisa

    Kefir probably shouldn’t be heated in the microwave either, they’ll die beneficial bacteria? What is the best cookware to use?

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Of course, kefir cannot be heated. Definitely not plastic. Another ceramic one is most likely possible, but I did not check this fact, but I did not find any harm to the ceramic one.

  • Alexei

    Hello again! I remembered something and wanted to write it down. Namely.
    How to test old and new wetwave in a store to see if it is leaking radiation?
    1. unplug the microwave from the network.
    2. put your mobile phone on the dish and close the door
    3. From another phone we try to dial to our mobile phone
    4. your phone should be inaccessible in the stove, if this is not the case, we throw it away or don’t buy the stove
    Very often, the “tightness” of an old stove is broken due to the accumulation of dirt and grease on the door, which just needs to be washed well.

  • Yuri

    Is there any information about charging phones? How harmful is this? When is your phone nearby charging?

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Yuri. I haven't studied this issue

  • Anonymous

    I doubt it's harmful.
    Modern chargers use a pulse converter. The mains voltage is rectified and converted into a voltage with a frequency of about 20-50 kHz, which is supplied to a small transformer; increasing the frequency makes charging small and easy, because More current cycles pass per second, which means that the energy of a unit period stored in the magnetic field of the transformer is less and the transformer itself is smaller. After the transformer, the voltage is rectified again and supplied to the phone.
    To effectively radiate in the range of 20-100 kHz, you need multi-meter antennas, and not a centimeter-sized transformer in charge. The wire to the telephone cannot emit radio waves, there D.C. already. The charging power is 5-10W and it goes into the phone and heating the charger; a very tiny part is spent in the form of radio emission. As for chargers for laptops, the principle is the same, but many of them are also surrounded by a metal screen inside so that there is less interference and better heat distribution.
    True, there is such a problem that low-quality chargers do not have filters at the input (they save on them) and release high-frequency interference into the network wires, which can emit it better. But energy-saving light bulbs containing the same high-frequency converters damage the network even more; perhaps the most RF interference in the network will be the cheap power supply of the computer, where they also saved on input filters.
    Personally, I do not consider this level of radiation at frequencies of 20-100 kHz to be powerful and dangerous enough to affect the body. In any case, the charger makes noise on the air at the energy-saving level, and many computer power supplies will make much more noise. And any devices with commutator motors where brushes spark make noise in this way on the radio.
    But this is still an insignificant radiation and the frequencies differ by orders of magnitude from the frequency of a microwave or telephone. I think such frequencies should be absorbed worse by the body than higher ones, but I’m not sure about this.
    In any case, charging is no more harmful than energy saving ones, and if you bother, you can end up having to replace all the light bulbs with incandescent ones and throw everything away modern sources power supply, a vacuum cleaner and a mixer, put an LC filter at the entrance of the wiring to the apartment so that the neighbor’s HF interference does not penetrate and wrap itself in foil :)

  • Dmitry Veremeenko

    Sweeteners are a lie to yourself. When we eat them, they stimulate the appetite just like sugar. And even if he does not have CGP, then the very increase in food eaten is harmful. The safest sweetener is xylitol. It's even useful.
    I don’t know if osomaltose is harmful at all, but “Numerous studies have shown that taking isomalt has little effect on glucose and insulin levels in healthy people and patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (G. Siebert et al., 1975; W. Bachmann et al., 1984; D. Thiebaud et al., 1984; M. Drost et al., 1980).”

  • Modern technologies make our life easier and more comfortable. Most people use microwaves. These devices will save time and effort when preparing food. Before purchasing a microwave oven, many people think about whether these devices are safe for human health. After all, there are rumors that microwaves negatively affect the condition of the products that people eat. The harm of microwave ovens has not been fully proven. Scientists' opinions are divided.

    Some studies regarding the benefits of microwaves suggest that microwave ovens significantly reduce the number of diseases associated with gastrointestinal tract. This is explained by the fact that people do not need to add oil when heating and cooking food.

    Food that is cooked in the microwave is similar in principle to food that is steamed. This method can be called safe for health.

    Some experts believe that the microwave allows food to be preserved greatest number nutrients, which do not have time to collapse in a short time their preparations. Research shows that cooking on a stove causes food to lose more than 60% of its nutrients. But using microwaves for cooking saves almost 75% useful substances.

    Microwave damage:

    • Food cooked in the microwave poses a danger to human life.
    • Foods cooked in the microwave are destroyed and undergo irreversible changes.
    • Microwave-cooked food contains microwave energy that is not present in conventionally cooked food.

    The microwave oven and its effects on the human body are controversial. WHO assures that radiation from a microwave does not harm humans, and therefore it is safe to heat food in it. However, it is worth noting that intense microwave flow affects the operation of implanted cardiac stimulators. This is why people with pacemakers should avoid using microwaves and cell phones.

    Harm of microwave ovens: myth or reality

    Many people use microwaves, but still cannot decide the answer to the question: “Are microwaves harmful to health?” The press is full of articles that the influence of microwaves is so dangerous that it can lead to illness and even death. Readers may be frightened by “molecular rot”, “molecular rupture” and other scary terms. Some myths can be successfully debunked.

    An insufficiently informed person may fall under the influence of myths, which all insist on the undeniable dangers of microwaves and the inadmissibility of eating food heated in a microwave.

    Of course, you can cook in the microwave. Here everyone must determine for himself which of the arguments to believe. Before you make a purchase or get rid of a microwave, you should familiarize yourself with how it works.

    Microwave device:

    • The furnace body contains a magnetron, which emits electromagnetic waves, having a certain frequency. The length is determined so that the microwave does not interfere with the operation of other devices in the room.
    • Electromagnetic radiation is produced not only by microwaves, but also by telephones, electric shavers, etc. But until now there has been no reliable information that there are victims from it.
    • The walls of the device are well insulated so as not to allow radiation to pass beyond its boundaries.

    The conclusion may indicate that the device is quite safe for human use. But here it is worth clarifying one nuance - food should be cooked in a microwave whose service life has not expired. An old microwave model can be hazardous to human health. The instructions for them usually stated that you should not be at a distance of one and a half meters from her.

    Scientific evidence of harm from microwave ovens

    Many scientists look at the influence of microwaves differently. Some consider it safe for cooking and eating, others argue that food heated in it carries an increased danger. Evidence is important here, otherwise you can get confused in opinions.

    The whole truth about the dangers of microwave ovens can be revealed after the structure of the microwave oven has been thoroughly studied.

    The appliance is used to heat, defrost or cook food using microwaves. The waves move molecules, which heat the food. It has been scientifically proven that radiation does not penetrate products more than three centimeters.

    Research by scientists about the dangers of microwaves:

    • Microwave exposure leads to the breakdown of food.
    • When food is heated, carcinogens appear that are dangerous to human health.
    • Food changes in composition, which leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • The growth of cancer cells begins to progress if you constantly consume food prepared in microwave oven.
    • Food cooked in the microwave has a negative impact on the digestive system, which leads to its decomposition.

    In old Soviet studies it is written that being near the device is extremely dangerous. Microwaved food has negative effects lymphatic system body, which leads to serious pathologies. However, modern scientists believe that it is safe to use a microwave today, since modern devices are reliably protected and will not release radiation outside.

    Rules of use: is a microwave oven harmful?

    Modern scientists are debunking myths about the dangers of microwaves. It has been proven that food heated in the microwave does not lose its beneficial properties, but retains them. For safe operation of the microwave, it is important to follow the instructions for its use and know how many years the microwave can be safely used.

    An interesting fact is that carcinogens do not appear in foods if they are heated in the microwave. But how dangerous they are in food heated in oil is another question.

    When heating food in the microwave, you can be sure that different coli and other microorganisms will die, since high-speed heating kills them. Microwaves also cannot cause molecules to break down. And you can be near modern devices, since the share of radiation is very small.

    Rules for using the device:

    • The microwave must be installed correctly.
    • The ventilation of the device must not be obstructed.
    • There is no need to open the device during operation.
    • Do not use a microwave with damaged glass.

    You only need to heat a small amount of food at a time. Do not heat food in metal containers. Reviews from doctors about the microwave are mixed. But many argue that food cooked in it is healthy, as it hardly loses its qualities.

    How do microwaves affect humans?

    Research has shown that microwaves change the structure of foods. People who consumed such products experienced changes in blood composition, increased cholesterol and decreased hemoglobin. When determining the harmfulness of a microwave oven, you only need to take into account real facts based on scientific evidence.

    The microwave is dangerous because, under the influence of the waves, the body stops absorbing elements that are beneficial to it.

    Currently, numerous studies are being carried out on the influence of electromagnetic waves on human health, but the results so far do not indicate direct harm. It has been proven that many vitamins are retained in foods when heated. When purchasing a microwave, it is important to know its pros and cons, why you should not open it during operation, etc.


    • When operating the microwave, move away to a safe distance.
    • Use only modern models from well-known and reliable manufacturers.

    Modern analogues of microwave ovens are safe for human health. Even if a microwave is used every day, it does not pose any potential danger. Of course, you need to use the microwave correctly. Which microwave oven to choose depends on the individual requirements of the consumer.

    What are the harms of a microwave oven (video)

    Thermopot is very convenient to use, saves time and effort when preparing various dishes. In one of the episodes of the program, Elena Malysheva spoke about the dangers of microwave ovens. But whether it is harmful or not, it is still not possible to answer unequivocally. Therefore, before purchasing, it is important to study the opinions of experts and decide which one is more convincing.

    Many houses and apartments have microwave ovens, the users of which are not aware of possible harm these easy-to-use devices. At the same time, the media periodically discusses the question of whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health? Additionally, the results of studies are provided in which experts check whether microwave radiation is safe? They often disagree: some talk about its negative impact, while others note that cooking food in the microwave is even beneficial.

    For example, the benefits of food prepared in these ovens are associated with the preservation more vitamins The results of one study prove that up to 70% of ascorbic acid in vegetables is destroyed during cooking, and electromagnetic radiation destroys no more than 15%.

    Ambiguous opinions of scientists

    Scientists from the USA note that using a microwave is even useful. Thanks to these devices, the number of stomach cancer cases in the states has decreased as people began to use less oil when cooking. In their opinion, food cooked in a microwave oven is similar to steamed food. The device almost does not destroy vitamins and minerals, since the cooking time is much shorter.

    Other experts from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the information that cooking food in a microwave retains more nutrients in the composition of the food. Researchers from Spain do not agree with this, who claim that broccoli cooked in the oven has lost up to 98% of its nutrients. They explained this by saying that water molecules are damaged under the influence of microwave waves, and food turns from healthy into dangerous.

    Manufacturers of kitchen appliances claim that talk about the dangers of microwaves has no scientific evidence. Only facts sometimes indicate the opposite, if you delve into the details. For example, on the Internet you can find an experiment conducted by one schoolgirl. The girl heated water in the microwave and daily watered her indoor flower, which died a week later. It is difficult to say whether this is true or fiction, since there is no scientific evidence.

    Recently, WHO published information that a microwave oven operates using radiation that does not harm either humans or the food being prepared. At the same time, they made a reservation that the waves can be dangerous for people with cardiac stimulators, but they are not recommended to use even mobile phones.

    Thus, it is impossible to make a clear verdict, and scientists continue to work to study the effects of microwave waves on people and food. Also try to follow the instructions and remember a few recommendations that we will give at the end of the material. To complete the picture, let’s look at the main factors that make people talk about the dangers of microwaves.

    Microwave oven technology

    There is such scientific term, like a torsion field. It is on the basis of the torsion component of radiation that Russian, French and other European doctors agree that due to the operation of microwave ovens, people may experience unpleasant symptoms:

    • headache;
    • irritability;
    • insomnia.

    Theoretically, this is possible, but modern devices have reliable protective screens that block harmful human body radiation.

    Are high microwave temperatures harmful?

    Microwave ovens emit high-temperature frequencies, the impact of which on humans has a detrimental effect on the internal organs without blood vessels. For example, when the body heats up, the blood reduces the temperature, spreading heat throughout the body. In some internal organs there are no vessels, and heating can negatively affect them, disrupting their functioning. For example, under the influence of high-temperature frequencies, the lenses of the eyes are damaged, and the process is irreversible. As was said, microwave ovens have protection that delays radiation, so do not be afraid of such negative consequences.

    Impact of waves on food

    You've probably heard about the effects of microwaves on food, but we'll tell you whether it's a myth or reality. She really changes to molecular level when exposed to microwaves. Atoms lose or gain electrons, beginning to ionize and causing a change structural composition products. Let's look at examples of specific food that is cooked in a microwave oven:

    • if you defrost or cook meat in the microwave, some carcinogens are formed in it;
    • milk and cereal also contain carcinogens;
    • defrosting fruits or vegetables in a microwave oven supplies them with galactosides and glucosides;
    • defrosting greens leads to the breakdown of nitrilosides and glucosides;
    • If you heat milk in the microwave, it converts amino acids into isomers (they harm the digestive system).

    We've sorted out microwave food, but isn't it harmful to heat water? Of course, it also comes under a certain influence, but it does not have any unambiguous harm on the human body.

    Why are microwave ovens and food prepared in them dangerous for humans?

    The benefits and harms of a microwave oven to a greater extent depends on the frequency of preparation and consumption of food prepared in this device. Even more important is how often you stand near operating equipment. Some scientists believe that the stove is initially safe for health, and people are discovering Negative influence only many years after its regular use. There is no real scientific evidence for these claims, so it is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or fiction.

    At the same time, there are results of a large-scale study conducted several years ago. It confirms that a change has occurred in the blood of people who constantly consume fruits and vegetables from the microwave: the composition of the blood has changed slightly. This largely concerns the hemoglobin content, which has decreased. In addition, microwave rays increase cholesterol levels, so it is better to avoid using the oven too often.

    If you regularly cook and heat food in an oven, including for children, this can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Doctors do not even rule out gastritis and ulcers, explaining the situation by a change molecular structure products. In their opinion, even melting cheese in the microwave, defrosting fish or meat, or heating pasta is harmful. Scientific evidence there are no arguments for these, so if you are used to it, continue to use the oven, but do not overuse it.

    How to check if a microwave is safe?

    Modern microwave ovens, according to manufacturers, are completely safe, and you can cook and heat any food and drinks in them. We will give a few simple ways, allowing you to check the harm of a microwave oven for standing nearby of people. In general, devices have a certain protection that absorbs electromagnetic waves, and you can verify this like this:

    • Turn on the stove in the dark by placing a fluorescent light bulb near it. If it blinks or starts to glow, the device is releasing significant radiation. The damage from the microwave is obvious and it needs to be replaced urgently!
    • Check to see if the body, door, or handle of the device gets hot. If they are noticeably warm after cooking, this is a bad sign.
    • Turn off the oven and put it inside mobile phone. Try to call him - if you succeed, the equipment is equipped with reliable protection. If the phone rings, the oven emits dangerous waves when operating.
    • Try boiling a cup of water in a microwave oven. If the water does not boil within a few minutes, the rays come out of it, causing bad influence on people in the room.

    How to avoid harm from the microwave?

    We have found out whether it is harmful to heat or cook food for adults and children in microwave ovens, but how to minimize their negative impact? You don’t have to give up using a device that you are already used to, but you just need to remember a few basic rules.

    Do not stand in front of a working microwave or keep your hand on the door while waiting for the heating or cooking to finish. Of course, the protection should not release waves outward, but in any case, the further you are from the device, the safer.

    Do not open the oven door while it is operating or turn it on without closing it. In the majority modern models There is special protection that prevents this from happening, but older devices do not provide this. Do not place the device near a place where you are constantly present (eating, cooking). It is better to place the device in the far corner of the kitchen. Also, stay away from a running stove if you have a pacemaker in your body.

    Try not to cook food in the microwave, but use it to reheat food. In general, initially these devices were created specifically for heating and defrosting food, and not for preparing ready-made dishes.

    So is it possible to use a microwave?

    We've found that while you may benefit from using a microwave, it can also cause harm. Scientific research is being conducted to debunk myths about negative impact easy-to-use devices. Undoubtedly, the device has design flaws, but if you use it measuredly 1-2 times a day to heat food from the refrigerator, you will not harm either yourself or your children. At the same time, you will significantly simplify your life, since the microwave oven is very convenient to use.

    Video about the benefits and harms of microwave ovens for humans

    Harmful microwave oven. Research

    The Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted an examination of food prepared in a microwave oven. The level of vitamin retention during the preparation of vegetable and meat dishes was checked. And the result exceeded all expectations - even the most valuable vitamin C was preserved after processing in the oven by 75-98%. And with traditional cooking methods, the preservation of this vitamin does not exceed 30-60%.

    However, think for yourself, if we cook food in a microwave oven faster than usual and at a temperature no higher than the boiling point of water, then the danger of preserving all kinds of bacteria and chlorine-containing organic matter is not small.
    If we simply heat up food or ready-made dishes in a microwave oven at a low temperature, then this is always a loss of the original taste properties, and may also provoke the proliferation of any microflora in long-term or improperly stored products. Well, if we cook food without water or in small quantities of water, then where should all the heavy metals, nitrates and nitrites?
    You just need to imagine what happens when you use one or another method of cooking.
    Soviet research on the dangers of microwave ovens
    In the USSR, microwave ovens were banned in 1976 due to their harmful effects on health, as many studies had been conducted on them. The ban was lifted in the early 90s after Perestroika.
    Here are some of the research results
    1. Accelerate the structural breakdown of products.
    2. Carcinogenic substances are created in milk and grain crops.
    3. They change the elemental composition of food products, causing digestive disorders.

    4 . They change the chemistry of food, which can lead to malfunctions of the lymphatic system and the destruction of the body’s ability to protect itself from malignant tumors.
    5. Lead to an increase in the percentage of cancer cells in the blood.
    6. Lead to malignant tumors of the stomach and intestines, general degeneration of peripheral fiber, as well as the gradual destruction of the digestive and excretory systems in statistically high percentage of people.
    7. Reduces the body's ability to absorb B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E, essential minerals and lipotropics (substances that help accelerate the breakdown of fats in the body).
    8. Microwaves near the oven also cause health problems.
    9. Heating cooked meat in the microwave causes the appearance of d-nitrosodiethanolamine (a widely known carcinogen), destabilization of biomolecular compounds of the active protein,
    creation of carcinogenic agents in protein hydrolyzate compounds in milk and cereals.
    10. Microwave radiation also causes a change (decay) in the catabolic behavior of glucoside and galactoside elements in frozen fruits if they are thawed in a microwave oven.
    11. Cause a change in the behavior of catabolic plant alkaloids in raw, cooked or frozen vegetables that have been exposed to radiation even at short term.
    12. Cancer-causing free radicals were formed in certain molecular structures of trace elements in substances plant origin, especially in raw root vegetables.
    13. Those who consumed microwaved food showed statistically higher rates of gastrointestinal cancers, as well as general degeneration of peripheral fiber with gradual destruction of digestive and excretory system functions.

    “Increasing widespread nutritional deficiencies in Western world correlates almost perfectly with the advent of microwave ovens. This is no coincidence. Microwave ovens heat food by creating a process of molecular friction, but it is this same friction that quickly destroys fragile molecules of vitamins and phytonutrients (plants). medicines), found naturally in food. One study shows that microwave heating destroys up to 97 percent of nutritional value (vitamins and other plant nutrients that prevent disease, boost immunity, and promote health).”
    There is a lot of research into microwave ovens and the effects they can have on human body. Conclusive studies have not yet been published, but if any of the above is any indication negative influence on food, one can only imagine what effects these consequences will have on the human body. So if you can do without using a microwave, do so. Even if it's just to maintain the nutritional value and quality of your food.

    How does a microwave oven work?
    Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, just like light waves or radio waves. These are very short electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light (299.79 km per second). IN modern technology Microwaves are used in microwave ovens, for long-distance and international telephone communications, transmission of television programs, and operation of the Internet on Earth and via satellites. But microwaves are best known to us as a source of energy for cooking - the microwave oven.
    Every microwave oven contains a magnetron, in which electrons are charged by electromagnetic fields in such a way as to produce microwave radiation, equal to 2450 Megahertz (MHz) or 2.45 Gigahertz (GHz). This microwave radiation interacts with food molecules.
    The magnetron in a microwave oven is the most important component. It is the source of microwave heating in a microwave oven. Food molecules - especially water molecules - have positively and negatively charged particles, like the southern and north poles Earth.
    Microwaves “bomb” food molecules, causing polar molecules to spin at millions of times per second, creating molecular friction that heats the food. This friction causes significant damage to food molecules, breaking or deforming them. IN scientific world this process is called structural isomerism.
    Simply put, microwaves cause breakdown and changes in the molecular structure of food through the process of radiation.
    Who invented microwave ovens
    The Nazis, for their military operations, invented a microwave stove - "radiomissor", for cooking, which they were going to use in the war with Russia. The time spent on cooking in this case was sharply reduced, which made it possible to concentrate on other tasks.
    After the war, the Allies discovered documents medical research, carried out by the Germans with microwave ovens. These documents, as well as some working models, were transferred to the United States for "further Scientific research"The Russians also received a number of such models and conducted a thorough study of them biological effects. As a result, the use of microwave ovens in the USSR was strictly prohibited. The Soviets have issued an international warning about harmful substances, biological and environmental, from exposure to microwaves.
    Other Eastern European scientists have also identified harmful effects microwave radiation and created strict environmental restrictions on their use.

    Microwaves are not safe for children
    Some of the amino acids L - proline, which are part of mother's milk, as well as in infant formula, are converted under the influence of microwaves into d-isomers, which are considered neurotoxic (deform the nervous system) and nephrotoxic (toxic to the kidneys). It is a disaster that many children are fed on artificial milk substitutes ( baby food), which become even more toxic with microwave ovens.
    Scientific data and facts
    IN comparative study Microwave Cooking, published in 1992 in the USA, states:
    "WITH medical point view, it is believed that the introduction into the human body of molecules exposed to microwaves has a much more chances do more harm than good. Microwave food contains microwave energy in molecules that is not present in food products prepared in the traditional way."
    Microwave waves artificially created in a microwave oven, based on alternating current, produce about a billion polarity changes in each molecule per second. Deformation of molecules in this case is inevitable. It has been noted that amino acids contained in food undergo isomeric changes and are also converted into toxic forms under the influence of microwaves produced in a microwave oven. A short-term study raised significant concerns about changes in the blood composition of people who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables. Eight other volunteers ate the same foods, but prepared in traditional ways. All foods that were processed in microwave ovens led to changes in the blood of volunteers. Hemoglobin levels decreased and cholesterol levels increased.

    Swiss clinical trials
    Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel, participated in a similar study, and worked for many years in one of the large Swiss companies. Several years ago, she was fired from her position for disclosing the results of these experiments. In 1991, she and a professor at the University of Lausanne published a study showing that food cooked in microwave ovens may pose health risks compared to food prepared in traditional ways. An article was also presented in the magazine Franz Weber No. 19, which stated that consumption of food cooked in microwave ovens has a malignant effect on the blood.
    Dr. Hertel was the first scientist to carry out clinical trial on the effects of microwave food on the blood and physiology of the human body. This small study reveals the degenerative forces that occur in microwave ovens and food processed in them. Scientific findings have shown that cooking food in a microwave oven changes the nutritional composition of food. This study was carried out together with Dr. Bernard H. Blanc from the Swiss federal institute technologies and the Institute of Biochemistry.
    At intervals of two to five days, volunteers received one of the following options food on an empty stomach: (1) raw milk; (2) the same milk, heated in the traditional way; (3) pasteurized milk; (4) the same milk heated in the microwave; (5) fresh vegetables; (6) the same vegetables prepared traditionally; (7) traditionally thawed frozen vegetables; and (8) the same vegetables cooked in the microwave.

    Blood samples were taken from volunteers immediately before each meal. Then a blood test was performed at certain intervals after drinking milk and plant products.
    Significant changes were found in the blood during the meal intervals exposed to microwave ovens. These changes included a reduction in hemoglobin and changes in cholesterol composition, especially the ratio of HDL (good cholesterol) to LDL (bad cholesterol). The number of Lymphocytes (white blood cells) increased. All these indicators indicate degeneration. In addition, part of the microwave energy remains in food, consuming which a person is exposed to microwave radiation.
    Radiation leads to the destruction and deformation of food molecules. Microwaves create new compounds that do not exist in nature, called radiolytics. Radiolytic compounds create molecular rot - as a direct consequence of radiation.

    Microwave manufacturers claim that microwaved food does not have much difference in composition compared to traditionally processed food. The scientific clinical evidence presented here suggests that this is simply false.
    No one State University in the United States has not conducted a single study on the effects of modified food in a microwave oven on the human body. Isn't this a little strange? But there is a lot of research about what happens if the microwave door is not closed. Once again, common sense tells us that their attention should be paid to what happens to food cooked in a microwave oven. We can only guess how molecular rot from the microwave will affect your health in the future!
    Microwave carcinogens
    In an Earthletter article in March and September 1991, Dr. Lita Lee provides some facts about the operation of microwave ovens. Specifically, she stated that all microwave ovens have leaks electromagnetic radiation, and also deteriorate the quality of food, converting its substances into toxic and carcinogenic compounds. The summary of research summarized in this article shows that microwave ovens are much more harmful than previously thought.
    Below is a summary Russian studies published by the Atlantis Raising Educational Center in Portland, Oregon. They say that carcinogens were formed in almost all food products exposed to microwave irradiation. Here is a summary of some of these results:
    Cooking meat in a microwave oven creates the known carcinogen Nitrosodienthanolamines.
    Some of the amino acids found in milk and grain products have been transformed into carcinogens.
    Defrosting some frozen fruits converts glucoside to galactoside into carcinogenic substances.
    Even a short exposure of fresh, cooked or frozen vegetables to microwaves converts alkaloids into carcinogens.
    Carcinogenic free radicals were formed by exposure to plant foods, especially root vegetables. Their nutritional value was also reduced.
    Russian scientists also discovered a decrease in the nutritional value of food when exposed to microwaves from 60 to 90%!

    Consequences of exposure to carcinogens
    Creation of cancer agents in protein compounds - hydrolysate. In milk and cereals, these are natural proteins that, under the influence of the microwave, break down and mix with water molecules, creating carcinogenic formations.
    Changes in elementary nutrients result in disorders in the digestive system caused by metabolic disorders.

    Because of chemical changes in foods, shifts in the lymphatic system have been observed, leading to degeneration immune system.
    The absorption of irradiated food leads to an increase in the percentage of cancer cells in the blood serum.
    Defrosting and heating vegetables and fruits leads to the oxidation of the alcoholic compounds they contain.
    Exposure of raw vegetables, especially root vegetables, to microwaves promotes the formation of mineral compounds free radicals that cause cancer.
    As a result of eating foods cooked in a microwave oven, there is a predisposition to the development of cancer of intestinal tissues, as well as general degeneration of peripheral tissues with gradual destruction of functions digestive system.
    Direct location near a microwave oven. According to Russian scientists, it causes the following problems:
    Deformation of the composition of the blood and lymphatic areas;

    Degeneration and destabilization internal potential cell membranes;
    Electrical failure nerve impulses in the brain;
    Degeneration and decay of nerve endings and loss of energy in the area nerve centers both in the anterior and posterior central and vegetative nervous systems;
    IN long term the cumulative loss of vital energy, animals and plants that are within a radius of 500 meters from the equipment.

    Whether or not to cook food in the microwave is something everyone decides for themselves. A microwave oven significantly reduces the time of cooking, heating and defrosting food, which is important in our lives today. One way or another, many of us will cook or eat food cooked in a microwave oven. Perhaps there will be useful tips and recipes for cooking in the microwave.