Harmony with yourself and others. Think long term

For me, beauty is harmony. When everything is combined and complements each other, when it is good for both body and soul, nothing “hurts the eyes” and cats don’t scratch at the soul - then - beauty!

And we have already shared with you many ways to create external beauty that is visible to the eye. Thanks to everyone who became members of the Secrets of Female Beauty club, who writes their own articles and comments on others. I am sure that together we can solve any problem and find an answer to the most difficult question! I am deeply convinced that only a Happy person who is in harmony with himself can make people around him happy. How to achieve this balance?! Here are ten simple ways!

Assess your surroundings. Are there people in it who absorb your energy? You can easily identify them: after communicating with them, you feel tired and depressed. It seems as if even more problems have fallen on your shoulders. Get rid of them or reduce communication to a minimum - and life will take on a new taste. It works!

Get enough sleep, no matter how trivial it may sound. Adequate sleep will give you a surge of energy and vigor, and will also help improve your health.

Try to spend less time on social networks. Stop comparing yourself to others who you think are better off than you. These are just photographs and you will never know what truth lies behind them. Enjoy reality and focus on your own goals.

Start eating more fruits vegetables and herbs, and drink plenty of water. Trite again? However, within a week you will notice changes in how you feel.

Stop judging yourself for past mistakes, thoughts and actions. You are a living person, no one is perfect. Love yourself.

Believe in your strengths and capabilities, make your ideas and dreams come true. Even if they start judging you. Remember that it is up to you how you live your life.

Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts. Trust your instincts. In general, you understand.

Play sports. If you don't like going to the gym, just do some stretching or yoga every day, lessons for which can be easily found online. It is very important to take care of your body and health!

Speak out loud your dreams and desires, even if they seem completely unrealistic or crazy to you. This way you will bring them closer to you and understand what actions need to be taken to make them become a reality.

Don't sit at home. Go to places where people with similar interests as you gather - be it a library, cafes or theme stores. After all, there is a high probability that you will make new acquaintances with people who will inspire you.

What are you girls, what harmony with yourself? With the modern way of life, when every minute counts and every calorie is counted, there is no time for harmony with yourself. I wish I could do everything on time, but don’t sit in front of the refrigerator after six in the evening! This is how most of our society lives, even sadly. It is clear that it is not possible to abandon generally accepted standards altogether. Man is a social being; he cannot be outside of society. But I ask you, dear women, strive to live in harmony with yourself. Life is so short, so let's live it happily, receiving from it not only worries, but, first of all, pleasure.

To turn the river of your life into a channel that is harmonious for you, you need to try to adhere to some rules. These rules are both simple and complex at the same time. But without observing them, it is very difficult to understand how to live in harmony with yourself .

Harmony with yourself

Live in the moment. When you wake up in the morning, remind yourself that today is the most important day at this stage of your life. Yesterday is gone, you can’t change it, what will happen tomorrow is unknown. And today is real life. Be real, don't have high expectations for tomorrow. Tell yourself: “I live a good life, I have a good family, friends, job,” and not: “I will soon live a good life.”

How to live happily

Live happily. In order to live happily, it is enough for you to realize that only you yourself are capable of making yourself happy, right now, if you firmly decide to be happy. No one around you will give you this state if you resist and convince yourself that you lack something to be completely happy. A happy life is something that a person has from birth; it does not need to be “earned”. Happiness is inner harmony, a state in which a person is satisfied with both himself and the life that surrounds him. It is harmonious people who become successful, and not those who constantly strive to achieve something. But when they get the result, they don’t feel truly happy. And remember that bad thoughts can materialize. Get rid of all the negativity, learn, don’t think bad about life, and life won’t be bad.

How to love yourself

Love yourself. How often do we hear this expression? What does it mean? Accept yourself as you are: with all your strengths and all your shortcomings. Your self-esteem should not be affected by the fact that not all people like you or that you are not knowledgeable in all areas of life. Be calm about the fact that sometimes you make mistakes. There are no ideal people. Evaluate yourself adequately. You are who you are. Respect your opinion, listen to your desires, pamper yourself and those around you will also begin to love and respect you.

How to live harmoniously

Listen to your body. If your body lacks something, pamper it too.

About sleep. If you have to get up early in the morning and you feel like you are not getting enough sleep, then go to bed earlier. Lack of sleep has a very detrimental effect on both well-being and mood.

About diets. If you watch your weight and constantly limit yourself to eating certain foods, but you really want to eat forbidden foods. Make concessions sometimes, unless, of course, the desired product is contraindicated for medical reasons. Sometimes a plate of fried potatoes makes a woman happier.

About sex. A lot has already been said about the benefits of this activity. I will only dwell on the fact that women who regularly have sex can boast of a state of vitality and good mood. So let’s not forget about this gift of nature.

How to live in harmony with yourself every day? It is possible and absolutely necessary. After all, this is your life, it is you who live it, and do not look at it from the outside. Harmony within you and happiness are one whole, you will see!

1. Let go of people and situations

Don't scroll through possible events. It happened as it happened. When it's hard to let go, ask two questions:

“Will this be important to me in 5 years?”
“Tonight I’m flying to Buenos Aires (any place you really want to visit), will I take this problem with me?”

2. At the end of each week, answer the following questions:
“What did I learn last week?”
“Biggest accomplishment of the week?”
“What was your most memorable moment this week and why?”
“Have I wasted my time on something? If yes, then for what?

3. Watch your appearance
Always be prepared for new achievements and unexpected encounters.
"Hello! I can’t wrap my head around it... I’ve dreamed of meeting you all my life! Uh... Just excuse me, I don’t look very good today... I’m tired, you know...”

4. Don’t whine or complain about fate.
Silently get up, go and do whatever needs to be done.

5. Travel! Twice a year, go somewhere you've never been. Traveling will help you find yourself.

6. Allow yourself to make mistakes

If you missed something, don’t miss the lesson from it. A mistake is a great opportunity for development.

7. Develop individuality
You are who you are. You are not competing with anyone but yourself.

8. Make your own decisions
Don't cook according to other people's recipes.

9. Don't be obtrusive
The world is huge - there is definitely someone in it who will be happy receiving your look and smile.

10. Meditate every day
Learn to relax and concentrate.

11. Smile if something doesn't work out as you planned.
Remember, not getting what you want is sometimes luck.

12. Learn to say “NO”

Don't be afraid to refuse!

– Would you like to make a courtesy call? No?

13. Evaluate the spoken word on truthfulness, usefulness and kindness. Speak to the point, nothing superfluous. NO to gossip, lies and complaints! It's better to remain silent if you have nothing to say.

15. Don't get angry

If you happen to get very angry with someone, wait 24 hours before responding.

16. Be independent and self-sufficient
Happiness depends only on you, and not on how other people think and act.

17. Respect yourself and others
A person chooses for himself. Don't interfere in matters that don't concern you. Don't look into someone else's life with thoughts and words - don't lose sight of your choice!

18. Act exclusively within your own sphere of influence

Don't worry about what you can't control.

19. Get outdoors every day
Regardless of the weather and mood.

20. Believe in dreams and ideas
Time is not linear. They have already come true!

21. Develop talents
Remember, you have them! Just open your eyes.

22. Be responsible for your words and actions
Your words have great power.

23. Be true to people, principles and choices
Being faithful is not an innate quality. This is the solution!

24. If there is a matter, which will take less than 3 minutes to complete, should be completed immediately. Don't put it off for a long time. Nothing has been placed there for a long time.

25. Watch your health
It is one. You have achievements ahead - you will need health to realize them. Sports, yoga, meditation will help. Check it out!

26. Find inner peace and harmony
The true strength of a person is manifested not in impulses, but in calmness.

27. Accept the fact that the past is in the past.
It doesn't exist! Learn from the experience, let go and move on.

28. Prioritize
Everything has its place.

29. Conquer your fears
Fear is just an illusion.

30. Never give up!

Perseverance and perseverance are always rewarded.

Most people believe that if they have something they don’t currently have, they will become happier, more prosperous, calmer, more loved. They frantically try to achieve what they want - but in the process they do not experience any of the above. Many of us spend our entire lives chasing what we don't have and never becoming what we want to become.

The main secret of a successful person is achieving a state of inner harmony, satisfaction with oneself and the world around us, what we call “happiness.”

Secret No. 1. be happy

Happiness is not acquired, it is an inalienable human right from birth. People around you are unable to make you happy because The source of true happiness is not outside, but within ourselves. The paradox is that a person can achieve any state as soon as he understands that everything depends on his choice. If you want to become happy, become happy right now, be happy no matter what. Happiness is your choice, not a consequence or result of some action.

Secret No. 2. Evaluate yourself adequately

Adequate self-esteem is absolutely necessary when we have to overcome life's difficulties. It gives us the inner strength to:

  • Do not be afraid of the questions that confront us and find answers to them.
  • Recognize the fact that not everyone likes us.
  • Recognize the fact that we cannot understand all areas of life. And yet, if we want something strongly enough, we can achieve our goal, overcoming obstacles.
  • Try to cope with conflict situations, do not try to hide from them.
  • Admit to ourselves that we are not perfect and we cannot avoid mistakes.

Secret No. 3. Love yourself

The best way to achieve agreement with yourself is the following affirmation: “I love myself and accept myself along with my emotions and sensations.” You can repeat these words out loud or in your mind.

Secret No. 4. Live in the moment

Remember that the most important moment in your life is happening right now. Feel joy and happiness right now. Once you stop thinking about what you don't have, you will begin to experience the joy of the present moment. By ceasing to give in to negative emotions, you can free yourself from the burden of past pain. Most people suffer not because of a lack of love: they simply do not realize that all the negativity lies within themselves. We let ourselves down, we set deadlines for ourselves, we make demands on ourselves and we are always waiting for something.

Secret No. 5. “Emotional Balance” Method

Two main methods of achieving emotional balance are working with acupuncture points and affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about how you would like your life to be. For example, “I respect, accept and love myself.” It is a method of focusing on what we really want. Stop using negative affirmations like, “My job is terrible!” or “I hate my own appearance!” Remember to say your affirmations in the present tense. For example: “I’m happy!”, “I feel good!” or “I have everything I need!” Give up phrases like: “I will achieve this” or “I need this,” because in this case your subconscious will decide that you need all this not in the present, but in the indefinite future.

Secret No. 6. Analyze your emotions

At the end of each day, analyze your emotional well-being. If you experience even the slightest stress, irritation or any other negative feeling, conduct a session using the Emotional Healing Formula method or write about this incident in your diary (don't forget to include the date). Be aware of thoughts in which you criticize, reject, or ridicule yourself. Learn to carefully observe yourself from the outside.

Emotional Healing Formula:

Every day, spend five minutes before bed and five minutes after waking up alone with yourself.

  • Step 1. Remember the problem that made you feel uncomfortable. Focus on her. Try to imagine in your mind how much it affected you. Rate the intensity of your experience on a scale from “0” to “10”, where “0” is a neutral feeling that makes you feel normal, and “10” is the worst feeling imaginable.
  • Step 2. Start massaging the acupuncture points on your body, remembering to say something kind and affectionate to yourself for two minutes.
  • Step 3. Refocus on the problem. Understand how strong the negative feelings are now. Rate their intensity from “0” to “10”. Typically, this step lowers the pain threshold.
  • Step 4. Repeat step 2.

Repeat this cycle until the stress, emotion or problem is completely gone. Typically this takes 7-12 minutes.

The standards of beauty and relationships with men imposed by television make almost every girl feel dissatisfied. Dissatisfaction may be related to appearance, the absence of a significant other, or one’s modest lifestyle.

Let's figure it out How to live in harmony with yourself, regardless of external pressure.

How to live in harmony with yourself

When we don't love our body, we deny our soul. In fact, the body is just a vessel for the possibility of physical existence here on Earth. We must first understand that the soul lives forever, and understanding the spiritual nature leads to miracles.

To love our body, we must take care of it. The truth is: we love those we care about. By taking care of our body and soul, we begin to love ourselves...

Most unmarried ladies believe that harmony and happiness in life are achievable only next to a man. Such girls try to imagine every male in their environment as their husband. By focusing on finding the man of your dreams, you may miss out on the real person with whom you could live happily ever after.

Try to become happy without marriage! An unmarried girl can become self-sufficient, pursue her interests, and develop as a person. And then men themselves will be drawn to you - all that remains is to make a choice.

When you choose a man, look at him with “wide open” eyes. Pay attention to his attitude towards life, how he communicates with parents, relatives, friends, how he makes contact, his principles, behavior in various situations, etc. Take off your rose-colored glasses and observe your potential groom!

And if his personality suits you, and it came to the registry office, where you said “yes,” then the time has come to forget all his shortcomings and concentrate on his advantages. Take care of your husband - you remember: the one we care about is the one we love.

They say that if a man does not want to take you to the registry office, then this is actually a woman’s internal protest against marriage. Try to deal with your fears and problems, and perhaps then the treasured ring will end up on your finger. But never force a man to the registry office.

It happens that a woman falls in love with a man, but he does not reciprocate. There is only one piece of advice - run away from such a man! Because the heaviest karma comes from those men who make you fall in love. If a woman is inflamed with love for a certain man, it has been proven that through this man the greatest suffering will come!!!

Please note that earlier marriages were built on prudence: a man and a woman saw each other’s strengths and weaknesses (parents also helped in this), and a strong family union was concluded. Nowadays, most marriages are concluded at the stage of love, on emotions, when the two halves do not really know each other yet...Is this why out of 100 marriages 80% are divorced???

Living in harmony with yourself is loving. But love is not a feeling, it is an action. We love those we care about. Take care of yourself, take care of your husband - your love for yourself and your other half will grow.

You need to get married very consciously. A happy marriage makes every woman beautiful. Beauty is harmonyharmony with its nature, God's plan, the other half. Grow in what you are given, accept what you cannot change, change what you can. And then it will be complete harmony - harmony with yourself and life.


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