Formula for success - advice from successful people!!! Rich man's thinking. Billionaire Mark Cuban: "Don't take the easy way out"

Have you decided to start your own business but feel hesitant? Are you afraid that you may not succeed and see a huge number of obstacles? In 2013, according to the study National Association for Innovation and Development information technologies , in Russia there was a decline in innovation activity: a decrease in the number of requests and proposals from innovators, a general drop in interest in innovative projects. Among 538 developers innovative projects from 21 regions of the country, about 31% of participants planned to change their activities to permanent work in the real sector, and 13% had already left their projects. Such dynamics are reminiscent of similar processes in 2008–2009, which took place against the backdrop of the global crisis. Daniel Newnam, co-founder We Make Play and author of the book MedMenofMobile, based on her interviews with successful entrepreneurs, encourages optimism and confidence and offers nine tips to help you launch successful project. Which ones are you ready to adopt?

1. Don't be afraid to share your idea with everyone.

Entrepreneurs are notoriously suspicious people. Do you think that someone will steal your idea if you discuss it openly, for example on social networks? Not at all! Develop an idea that is difficult to steal, and surround yourself with trusted people. What matters is how you plan to bring your idea to life, not the idea itself.

The number of people who dare to launch their own startup is significant less number those who simply speak about their desire. And the whole point is that there will always be such “smart guys” from among friends, relatives, colleagues who will want to moderate your ardor, advising: “You are too young/old”, “You have no experience at all” or “You have no money". Sound familiar? In reality, no one understands the situation better than you and is able to assess possible risks. Trust your heart. Take a risk. And very soon you will understand what you are capable of: holding a tit in your hand or hunting a crane.

3. Don’t delay the project launch date.

Nothing stimulates people more than specific deadlines completion of the project. If bringing your idea to life takes an indefinitely long amount of time, then you will continue to find hundreds of reasons to further postpone this date. Remember: you can’t create something perfect right away. But over time, you can refine your idea, for example, based on customer wishes and feedback.

4. Choose your business partners responsibly

Evaluate your partners as meticulously as if you were choosing a husband/wife. After all, at first you will spend much more time with these people than with your family. Many unions of young entrepreneurs fall apart precisely because of interpersonal disagreements. Make sure before starting the project that your colleagues not only support your idea and are professionals in their field, but also that you are psychologically comfortable working with these people. After all, the success of a business largely depends on the team. In this matter, everyone must give 100%.

5. Love your business with all your heart

If a person is crazy passionate about his work, then the business has every chance of success. Such people think about their business day and night. And nothing matters to them. This drive will help the company survive in hard times, of which there will certainly be many. As I once said Chris Barton, co-founder of the project Shazam: “Persistence is the main component of a successful business. If you are not prepared to achieve the impossible, then your chances are zero.”

6. Don't obsess over money.

All the entrepreneurs with whom I had the opportunity to communicate Daniel Newnam, claim that when they opened their business, they did not even think about selling it. If you are not obsessed with your business and think only about money, everything is lost. You should want to work for your company happily ever after. In time you will be surrounded loyal people who know their business and are ready to help Hard time. Enjoy your startup. You will definitely be able to create a successful company that was just an idea in the beginning.

7. Don’t select employees based only on the principle of “the smartest”

Recruiting staff is a complex, time-consuming and expensive undertaking for those starting their own startup. You need like-minded people who are willing to work overtime, sometimes for an idea, to achieve what you want. A diploma with honors is not always the key to success, but a person with charisma, and to some extent an adventurer, is just the one you need. Over time, you will be able to thank him in full.

8. Remember that no one is irreplaceable

In your project, you must understand every detail. Then you won't be in a state of panic if the CFO suddenly wants to leave, or you one day have a fight with your partner. More on initial stage startup, do all the work yourself, because then you will clearly understand what you need and what needs to be done.

9. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

In America, people are not as afraid of failing in business due to fear of making mistakes as they are in Europe. But we are all not perfect and we make mistakes. It `s naturally. As they say: no water flows under a lying stone. Now imagine a different situation. How will you feel when you find out that your idea was brought to life by someone else and not you? And all because you were afraid.

Portal materials were used in preparing the

We continue to talk about what entrepreneurial activity what is important and what is secondary. Experienced and successful entrepreneurs In their speeches and interviews, they repeatedly talked about what rules were born to them in the process of work, what secrets emerged. It is very useful for every entrepreneur to become familiar with these postulates; they will definitely come in handy and help avoid many unpleasant situations. So, we continue to discover the secrets of entrepreneurship.

1. You should really like what has become the basis of your business. Firstly, you need to do this activity all the time, except when you are sleeping. This is the first time. And then you will need to work as creatively as possible on your project; You can’t work on what you don’t like. It’s easy to give up what you don’t like, but you can’t give up your business. Therefore, start working only on what gives you great pleasure. Creativity, science, travel, communication, children, fashion clothes- all this can become the basis of your business.

2. Be sure to take care not only of your rest, but also of your health. So don't forget to move, drive healthy image life, undergo preventive examination. It is very useful to go to resorts and sanatoriums. Visit the swimming pool, fitness, aerobics, etc. The workload you will bear in connection with creating a business is great, which means you need to take care of your health. Remember that business is created for you, not you for business.

3. Next rule– don’t let anyone run your business. Only you should have the right to make decisions, only you are responsible for the result of your work. And only you should have the right and opportunity to manage the company’s money. Remember that the temptation to touch money is very great. Knowledgeable people They say that you can buy anyone, the only question is the price. You can have different attitudes to this statement, but one thing is definitely true - you should not lead other people into temptation and give them the opportunity to decide how to manage your money. You must do this only yourself.

4. Only professionals, people with talent, and not just well-trained ones should be accepted into the team. One small addition. Now there are many ways to study a person’s personality: tests, surveys, etc. Use them to find out which employees are capable of creating their own business and who are not. If the result of such a study is positive, then evaluate how much you need this employee. You must understand that you will train a specialist, and sooner or later he will leave and create his own individual entrepreneur and become your competitor. Therefore, decide for yourself whether you are ready to hire people with high entrepreneurial potential.

5. Set yourself a plan for the month, year. Be sure to start the planning process for mid-November next year. You will have time to collect information on all areas of your business (finance, product, raw materials, costs, income, marketing, personnel, etc.) At the end of each month, draw up a report, this data will form a report for the year. As a result, you should strive for annual growth in the performance of your enterprise. Firstly, inflation in Russia is from 6 (officially) percent to 14 (real). Therefore, if the growth was 14%, then you broke even. Anything above 14% is your real annual growth. He speaks of success and correct development.

6. The moral code of a businessman is a very real concept. For several years you will have to work in strict accordance with moral principles entrepreneur. Then you yourself will no longer want to live and work differently. But by this time, word of your ideal business will have already spread and become firmly entrenched in the minds of consumers. It sounds somewhat cynical, but it’s clearer. For the first 3-5 years you work for your name and your brand, and then they will work for you personally. You will already be able to live well and beautifully, work only on strategy, and your employees will deal with tactics.

7. Have you already defined your business goal? We hasten to please you, there should be several goals. The first, strategic - for 5 years, the second - for 3 years, the third for a year, and during this year - a separate goal for each month. The differences in goals are in the wording. In small ones, numbers and specific parameters predominate, in the most long-range goals– socially significant and moral and ethical parameters may appear. This is very good; the social orientation of business makes our country truly stronger.

8. An entrepreneur’s rule regarding personal image: always dress well and expensively, be attentive to details during appearance. If you have not yet earned money for an expensive and large wardrobe, buy 2-3 items and wear them to work and going out. Cleanliness, neatness and neatness - these are your basic rules, you must strictly follow them. And then you will become a model for your employees and partners.

9. Be sure to make a list of questions and statements that you will use in negotiations and meetings various levels. Many successful businessmen have this secret. There are several rules for compiling such a list. The main one: each phrase should force the interlocutor to talk about his true intentions at the conclusion of the deal. We'll talk more about list making in another article, but you should know about this secret technique and use it constantly.

10. Read a lot, follow the news, attend exhibitions, seminars, and meetings trade unions, at demonstrations advanced technologies. This will allow you to know about all the innovations, you will be the first among competitors, you will become a leader! Learn, discover and create!

11. Be very careful about new people and new proposals. Don’t forget that you shouldn’t let anyone into the money, but everyone else needs to be tested to the maximum. Get to know people, remember the conclusions of the personnel service and your own. You must learn everything about your employees in order to know for sure that they cannot harm your business in any way. This principle works mostly in Europe and especially in America. In Russia, everything is decided on trust, but it is best to trust only when you have thoroughly checked everything.

12. You can have several higher education And additional qualifications. But the most important thing in entrepreneurship is professional experience and intuition. You must always listen to her, even if her voice is timid and very quiet. Intuition has saved many businessmen from great collapses. And she will definitely save you! Develop your ability to hear inner voice, teach your inner voice to speak loudly and clearly! There are also certain exercises and trainings for this. This is very interesting topic and we will definitely talk about this in a separate article.

13. Believe in the best, but prepare for the worst - an excellent rule, many know it and use it in business. Optimism and faith in the best are very good quality, but it does not guarantee a perfect future. Life is a combination of white and black stripes. Therefore, the worst will definitely happen, but we are able to minimize its impact on our lives. Prepare for it - and bad things will not be able to radically change your life. Here you can also cite a law that says: “It won’t always be like this.”

There is a parable about a woman who was doing poorly, and a psychologist advised her to write a poster at home: “It won’t always be like this.” And her life changed for the better so much that she came to a psychologist with warm gratitude for her help. And then he advised her to come home and write another poster with the words: “It won’t always be like this.” The meaning of the parable is that if it’s bad now, tomorrow it will be good. And if it’s good, it will also be bad. But your task is to meet him competently, this is “bad”.

14. Little things are not just small events. These are signs pointing us to right decisions and telling us about the future. This is not mysticism! We are now talking about absolutely real facts. Noticed a crack in the ceiling in your office? You can safely predict that a piece of plaster will fall on someone's head. Where is the mysticism here? You just have to be careful. You also need to train your memory so that you can store a lot in your head and not on paper. important information. It’s completely normal to remember a lot and for a long time. And the fact that memory deteriorates over the years is a false opinion of those who do not want to work on their personal qualities.

15. Another piece of advice from abroad, which will seem funny to many provincial, and metropolitan, businessmen. Emotions are the enemy of business. Make transactions with a cool mind and a sober (!!!) memory. And if you can control your emotions at the moment of manifestations of friendship and love, then draw up marriage contracts, carefully check the contracts with the companies of your friends and relatives. Clearly separate business from emotions and passions.

16. Rule for conducting all business in general and each negotiation in particular: carefully prepare for any step. Calculate everything from drawing up a business plan to current plans. Good preparation does 80% of the success, you personally only have to do 20% of the job, and the profit is in your pocket. First you think, and then you act. What Russian proverb says this?

17. If you are looking for yours individual solution any problem, then look for information on how someone great and successful came out of a similar situation. See how his solution can be projected onto your story and the solution will work! Don't waste time inventing a bicycle, use ready-made solutions!

18. The most important judge of your business is the buyer, who will either bring you his money or not. All other opinions are empty chatter. You can listen to them, but conclusions must be drawn only based on the consumer’s opinion. Therefore, it is best to spend time researching consumer demand, rather than spending it thinking about the statements of colleagues, among whom, rest assured, there are many envious people.

19. Respond to customer complaints! Don't ignore them. Sometimes one complaint contains more information for business development than entire volumes of theorists. In addition, customer loyalty to your company will increase if management is responsive to complaints.

20. To do your job well and promote your business, you don’t need to talk a lot, you need to ask more questions and listen to what your representatives say target audience. Few words - a lot of action, an excellent rule for an excellent entrepreneur.

21. Be sure to check the impact of your advertising. There are many ways to test the effectiveness of the words, pictures, and slogans of your advertisement. Therefore, don’t just talk about the beauty of your products, but look at how much profit this or that ad, video, or poster brought you. As a result, you will receive a list of the most effective media for your product. Then you will regularly place ads with the greatest impact.

E. Shchugoreva

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Create successful business It’s not easy, and no one does it alone. Many businessmen who were able to do this, in difficult times received important tips from people who were also able to overcome difficulties. They were smart enough to listen to this advice and follow it, reports


Billionaire Mark Cuban: "Don't take the easy way out"

Investor and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban shares advice his father gave him: “Work for it. Work harder. Think more. Sell ​​more than you can expect. Don't look for easy ways." This advice was given to him by his father, who worked in car interior trim when Cuban was still at university. “He always encouraged me, although he was a realist,” Cuban says of his father.


Restaurateur Jon Taffer: “Notice every detail of your business”

“Years ago, I was very young,” recalls Taffer, host of the TV show Bar Rescue and former businessman, - when the Hyatt vice president looked at me and said: “You look, but you don’t see.” Taffer learned not just to see the big picture, but to notice the smallest details. “Learn to see every crack, every detail. I learned to really see and not just look at my business,” he says.


Founder of fashion line FUBU Daymond John: “Don’t chase money”

When he was still little, John's mother said: “Money is both a slave and a master.”

"I used to work because I really thought I wanted to be rich," John says. “For the most part, these projects failed, and then I started doing something that I liked, and it was this business that became successful.”


Real estate mogul Barbara Corcoran: 'My best advice- resentment"

It was resentment that became the best motivator for Barbara Corcoran, which helped her succeed. “It's quite strange. The best advice I received was the most worst advice. My friend and business partner told me that I would never be able to succeed without it. Without a doubt, I was offended. But in general it’s good that he offended me, because I wouldn’t have been able to create a business without it. It was this resentment that forced me to try any possibilities, because I could not allow him to see how I was not coping. So the best advice for me was to be offended,” she says.


Dilbert founder Scott Adams: "Don't give up"

“I asked professional cartoonist Jack Cassady, who hosted a TV show called Funny Business many years ago, for advice. I wrote to him and he gave me advice: “It’s a competitive business, but don’t give up.”

“It doesn’t sound very deep, but let me tell you more,” Adams says. - I collected several comics and sent them to magazines - The New Yorker, Playboy - but they refused to publish them. Then I said, “Well, I tried.” A year later I received a second letter from Cassady. He was cleaning out his office and found my drawings. He wrote that he just wanted to make sure I didn't give up. But I gave up. So I decided to try again. And it turned out that another attempt saved me, which, however, would not have happened without this advice.”


Lululemon Founder Chip Wilson: "It's OK to Ask for Help"

"I've spent a lot of time figuring this out, but my advice is to ask for help," Wilson says. - People like to help. I don’t doubt it at all.” It was the ability to trust others that led to Lululemon's success, as Wilson was also running another company.


Entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss: "You are who you associate with"

"The best advice I've ever received is, 'You're the average of the five people you hang out with the most,'" says Ferris, author of the bestselling book The 4-Hour Challenge. work week” (this advice was given to him by his wrestling coach when Ferris was in university). - I always kept this in mind when choosing startups to invest in, choosing investors, sports teams or people with whom I had lunch. I always remember this."


Hello Design CEO David Lay: “Your time is a priceless commodity”

“When I was little, my father always told me: “There are only 24 hours in a day. What defines us is what we choose to do with our time,” Lay recalls. “This is something you will never get back.”


“The best advice I ever received was from my first accountant when we were discussing starting a company,” says Rothman, founder of advertising agency MODCo. - We talked about my business plan and how much money we need to borrow to start the company. And she said: “It takes so much money to barely make ends meet; don't think about your peace of mind. It's important to remain a little scared at the beginning."

“But I prefer to describe this feeling as “a little hungry” rather than “scared”, but I still think it’s great advice", she says. “I realized that this hunger is a great motivator. Calmness is the enemy. Hunger drives you to do what is necessary to survive, grow and develop."


SumAll CEO Dan Atkinson: “Learn to say no and focus on what you do best”

“The thing that took me a while to figure out is that you need to focus on what's really important,” Atkinson says. - Sometimes you need to say “no” good ideas to find brilliant idea. Taking every step along your path, you must stick to one road. And it’s not easy because you’re not always sure if you’re making the right move.”

Do you want to get rich? This desire requires considerable strength and understanding of what special things you can give to other people. Before the beginning own business make sure you are willing to work hard. Here are 15 tips on what to do on the way to achieving your dreams, from already successful entrepreneurs.

1. Spend less than you earn

Venture capitalist Chris Saccia says the best advice for getting rich quick is to spend no more than you actually need. Once you have saved enough money, you should immediately start your own business. This is exactly what Uber founder Travis Kalanick did, and he was not alone.

2. Raise the bar higher

A small profit margin is not an obstacle to success. A truly interesting case will definitely attract the attention of investors. Don't wait right away big money, gradually increase momentum and raise the bar higher.

3. Help people

Share your talents, experience or passion with the world. If you are willing to spend your time and acquired skills to improve the lives of others, it will help you earn money and achieve success. You can simply tell people about your actions.

4. Believe in your qualifications

You should not compare yourself to others and worry that you are worse than someone else in certain areas. If you are asked for a service or advice, demand a competitive price. Remember that you always need to learn and grow.

5. Don't rush to buy a house

Owning your own big house- the dream of many people. Today, however, the entrepreneurial lifestyle means living in one place less and less. Therefore, it is wiser to rent housing, directing available funds on investment than for a long time pay off the loan.

6. Choose an area of ​​work that interests you

Start your own business in an area that interests you, this will help set you up for success. Entrepreneurship is hard work, which is very time consuming. You will not be able to achieve success if you are not interested in your chosen business. By choosing your favorite direction, you significantly increase your chances of achieving your goals.

7. Solve problems

There must be a market for the product or service you offer. According to Shark Tank star Robert Herjavec, you should offer exactly what your customers want. If someone is already working in this area, try to do everything better than your competitors.

8. Make a financial plan

How do you intend to achieve your goal? What tasks will you have to solve on the way to achieving wealth? Compose. Write everything down in detail on paper. Describe possible difficulties, determine taxes, set deadlines for completing tasks, and set priorities correctly.

9. Improve your credit history

With a good credit history, you will be able to increase the turnover of your business through new loans. If you have had problems with debt repayment in the past, you may not be given a new loan or may be offered it at an inflated rate. For supporting good condition credit history, always repay debts on time and check your credit score periodically to avoid problems.

10. Stay up to date

Need to be aware of everyone latest events. You should subscribe to news relevant to your industry. This will help you stay on trend, ahead of your competitors. Record your transactions and important events, search potential partners that will help develop your business.

11. Wake up early

According to research, most successful businessmen- early birds. By getting up earlier than your family and colleagues, you can get on with your business calmly and without distractions. This will help you actively solve any problems that arise.

12. Be consistent

Teach everyone that your service or product comes at a specific point in time. This tactic especially pays off when used social networks. Exactly In a similar way Casey Neistat organized his work, whose weekly video blog has already attracted over 6 million subscribers. Casey’s Instagram account also helps with promotion.

13. Walk like a leader

Feel free to copy manners successful people. Find yourself a role model. Try to gain respect through your image. Remember that it is important to both exude confidence and be careful, as overconfidence and arrogance can lead to mistakes.

14. Delegate authority

Even the most talented businessmen cannot achieve success alone. Hire qualified employees who will compensate weak sides your business and highlight the strengths. If you don't have experience in hiring, it's worth finding someone who can assemble a team. Dedicate your valuable time solving problems that you are best at. Leave any questions that are difficult for you to the experts. Many investors are looking for experts in certain fields who can professionally handle specific projects.

15. Look for other forms of enrichment

Money is not everything. You should definitely pay attention to your physical, spiritual and emotional well-being, trying to live a full, productive life. Focusing on personal priorities like health and relationships will definitely make you happier. And this financial flow will only increase.

Many people dream of starting their own business, but the unknown often becomes a stopping factor. It is important to force yourself to leave your “comfort zone” and follow your goal.

The experience of many businessmen will help you develop the right strategy and start your own business. Remember that successful people also started their journey into the unknown, but overcame doubts, preferring to develop rather than wait for the right opportunity or “ kind person”, who would do everything for them.

1. Get ready to become risky person. Make smart decisions, weigh your steps carefully, but be prepared to take decisive action on the edge. Don't try to act thoughtlessly, relying on fate. You alone are responsible.

2. Don't forget that you will have to develop and keep up with the times every day. New knowledge and skills that you can use to develop your business will help you stay afloat and become competitive.