How can you take revenge on a person who offended and betrayed you: ways. How to ruin a person's life and reputation

How, with the help of magic, you can take revenge on your father, friends, close relatives, loved ones who are always there, whom we trusted and believed infinitely. We celebrate the holidays, share grief, ask for help. You never think about the fact that loved ones can betray you. Their betrayal of loved ones is like a knife in the back: it is also painful, unexpected and takes a long time to heal. I really want to take revenge with the same coin or even more painfully, or maybe on the contrary I want to forgive everything and live as before. In both cases . Someone turns to psychologists, someone finds a way out in alcohol, and others are looking for other ways. Why make the influence of black magic that way out. When betraying, people close to you did not think about how bad it would be for you. Why then should you care about their welfare?

Taking revenge for the betrayal of loved ones is not so easy

Even for black magic this is not an easy task. Here you need to rationally calculate and calculate everything. It all depends on the degree of revenge you have in mind. Well, if you decide to forgive and return your loved one, magic also has its own ways of solving this situation. People close to you betrayed you, and you decided to forgive - nobly!

Close people betrayed you and you decided to take revenge on your loved one - fair!

As you know, parents are the closest people to us. We love them and respect them with all our hearts. Who else if not mom or dad to turn to for help or advice? Nevertheless, disagreements between children and parents are not uncommon. Okay, there are still disagreements, but sometimes there is hatred. The reasons to hate your parents must be very compelling. Society condemns those who speak badly about their parents, reproaching them with the fact that they raised us, educated us, and there is no gratitude. Yes it . But their behavior is sometimes difficult to explain: they are afraid of losing children dear to them, who in due course are separated from them, or they really begin to hate us and do all sorts of nasty things.

  • A father is always a symbol of support, help, strength, who will do everything to protect his child from trouble.
  • But, unfortunately, there is another category of fathers who you just want to get rid of, go far away, not hear anything and never see him again.

I can tell you with confidence that revenge on dad has now become a common occurrence. Why this happens, I cannot say. Maybe we have begun to understand poorly who parents are, who children are, and what kind of relationships we should have.

People often ask to take revenge on their father who betrayed him.

It even stopped surprising me. After listening to life stories, I simply began to understand that the desires of these people are justified and I confidently take on each individual task.

You are probably thinking now, what is my help? The thing is that I do black magic. I think magic is the most rational way - how to take revenge on your father. Because what I know is that if you don't do it with black magic, you will do it on your own. By doing so, you will create even more problems for yourself, and God forbid the law. Any magician can tell you about the methods of revenge on a bad father that black magic has. Revenge is not only the desire to do something bad to a person: to make someone sick, to make a conspiracy for loneliness, failure. Revenge on the Pope is also dictated by a person's desire. Magic can provide you with the opportunity to safely take revenge on your father, and I, in turn, can provide you with quality help. In this whole story, the black magician occupies far from the last place. I would really like you to solve problems with your parents peacefully, but if this is not possible, then you have the right to turn to a magician for help.

I always urgently ask or even demand my clients not to torture them to perform such rituals revenge on loved ones on one's own. A love spell or other ritual can turn you into damage! Pay attention to this!

Only a practicing sorcerer can occupy himself with such things. There are many secrets here that you cannot know about. You can fight the betrayal of loved ones only with the help of an expert in your field.

Watch the video how you can make damage from a photo

In moments of resentment and pain, your heart ached with hatred, and your thoughts were feverishly looking for an opportunity to inflict the same blow on the enemy. But then a cold mind immediately said “stop,” and wouldn’t it be better to do it beautifully and inventively. Admit to yourself that at least once you have thought, how to take revenge on an offender and searched smart ways of revenge. The reasons for this were different, and they are as individual as everyone living on earth.

Why do you want to take revenge?

Each of us has our own answer to this question. And, what is most interesting, it will never be the same and will not be repeated. There is, however, a clear definition. This is objective revenge for the discomfort and torment caused.

Some peoples consider revenge to be a noble pursuit. But there are still people on Earth who sacredly hope that revenge is taken by idiots who are alien to moral canons. How correct is this, whose side should we take on this issue?

How they took revenge in ancient times

Most likely, you must decide for yourself what this concept means to you.

Remember the actions of our ancestors. Almost all family members took part in this confrontation. Even close friends and acquaintances were involved. Revenge entailed a new reason for resentment and disappointment. The circle closed, and it was very difficult to get out of it. So what to do? Should we forget blood enmity?

How to take revenge on the person who offended you

There are almost as many opinions on this matter as there are living people. In our age of developed information technology, we, of course, do not act as our relatives did in the distant past. But this same time, in turn, dictates new prospects for a more elegant and thoughtful revenge.

Regardless of what level of society you belong to, not everyone will decide to discuss their feelings with others. This bitter disappointment sits quite deep in your soul. However, so is the anger in the heart of your opponent.

Motives that are most often the root cause of revenge:

  • Insidious attitude
  • Envy,
  • Infidelity,
  • Betrayal,
  • Humiliation,
  • Insult and so on.

As you can see, these reasons are not always truly worthy. In some cases, your action may turn out to be low. But how to get out of the situation if you have really been seriously hurt?

But in this case, something may happen that will not take long to wait for a retaliatory strike from your enemy.

Advice Action
Stop the haste If you have suffered moral pain, it is very difficult to understand how great it is. It is unlikely that you will be able to deliver a similar blow.

Simply doing something nasty is beneath the dignity of any of us.

A fair answer will be more effective. And it requires thought.

Be aware of the possible outcome If you get carried away by thinking about how to take revenge on your offender and find clever ways to take revenge, you can do something irreparable. By crossing the line of what is permitted, you will commit criminal actions. Guess who will be worse off from this.
Don't involve others If anything goes wrong, they may witness your failure.
Cold calculation The famous catchphrase was not invented by the people in vain.

Let your feelings cool down a little.

Then you will be able to properly analyze the situation and find the most suitable way out of it.

Real ways of revenge

Time passes, and hurtful annoyance and bitter disappointment still rage in your heart. You want to throw a punch that will be remembered for years to come. Then you need to carefully consider all your further actions. You don't want them to look ridiculous, so don't do anything spontaneously, on a wave of emotions.

True revenge must be thoughtful. Study the object that caused you pain, identify its weak point. It is in this area that harm should be planned. Let the victim know that you have forgotten about him, the more unexpected the blow will be for the person who has lost his vigilance.

Resentment towards a loved one

Most often, hatred, like a fury, overcomes us when a lover betrays us. It is very disappointing to experience betrayal from your once dear and only one. It feels like everything good between you two has been tainted by dirt, and that makes it even more painful. You are increasingly wondering how to punish the person who offended you without harming yourself.

When the pain comes:

  • Treason has entered your life
  • You have been insulted
  • How can you punish an offender for humiliation?

Naturally, you will immediately want to break off all relations with him, having first created a huge scandal. But wait, there is a more interesting way of retribution. You can simply have a whirlwind romance with your ex’s boss. This type refers to feminine tricks. If everything goes as planned, then you can completely ruin his career at work, achieving dismissal and general negative attitude. This is not to say that this is an elegant method, but it is vigorously discussed in many women's novels.

Are there more beautiful options for revenge? Still, do not forget that you need to get out of any situation in such a way as not to lose your “face.” Try to do things that are more beneficial for yourself. If a person cheated on you, is it worth fighting for? It is clear that you must decide for yourself whether to continue the relationship with him. And, if the feelings are really strong, then after the venting of pain and resentment comes repentance for what has been done. The internal torment and self-destruction of the offender will allow you to understand that your goal has been achieved.

Of all the representatives of the living world living on earth, man is perhaps the most unfortunate. He is characterized by such feelings as analysis and elaboration of committed actions. In other words, if we cause suffering to someone, then the integrity of our soul is destroyed.

We are deprived of such people, and those around us understand that they should not have anything to do with us. Wouldn't this be the worst revenge? Perhaps there is absolutely no need to commit any bad deeds, the purpose of which is to take revenge on a once loved one for his betrayal. If he is not a completely lost man, he will soon realize what he has done. And constant thoughts about his offense will deprive him of peace of mind and balance.

Hatred towards strangers

It may happen that a passerby on the street, a neighbor on the landing, or a colleague is rude to you. This is a completely different twist. They may not even understand what they did. In an hour, they will forget about the bad deed, and you will remain in an oppressive negative mood for a long time. Are you familiar with this situation?

The rude impulse of a stranger is useless and inappropriate, and your once sunny day now seems dull and dreary. But, if this person is unfamiliar to you, is it worth taking his words so closely?

Of course, it’s unpleasant if a colleague is not correct enough and allows himself to make statements that hurt you. If you nevertheless decide to use retaliatory methods, will they not be to your detriment?

What not to do headlong

Try not to lower yourself to his level. There is no need to run to complain to your boss or discuss inappropriate behavior with other employees.

  • Just watch your enemy for a while.
  • Take a closer look at how he behaves and what he does. Then it will be possible to understand how to take revenge on the offender; smart ways of revenge exist.
  • Pay attention to whether your enemy “hangs” in the smoking room for too long. Maybe he is new and is trying to gain the respect of others.
  • Monitoring all the actions of a colleague will encourage you to carefully study his work, find all the weak points and see the shortcomings.

Perhaps your proposals will be more successful, the manager will pay attention to them and offer to take a higher position with an appropriate monetary reward. To beat the loser in this way, isn't that your true goal? But how beautifully you will do it, remaining human in such a difficult situation.

Virtual vendetta

You are being annoyed in reality, this is understandable. You can guess what preconditions prompted you to cause trouble in this form. The true picture of what is happening is visible to the naked eye. The situation is more complicated in virtual space. The so-called “trolls” operate there.

How to resist virtual trolls

Their main goal is to provoke scandalous communication on forums and social networks. Their caustic remarks concern mistakes, external characteristics or upbringing. To stretch the conflict that has arisen over several pages and involve as many users as possible in it - that’s what they are trying to achieve.

It is also better for you to think logically in this situation. Just understand that this is actually their job; in fact, they may be absolutely indifferent to you. Compare such people with a waitress who didn’t answer you politely or with a security guard who didn’t let you into a nightclub. These facts are, of course, unpleasant for you, but not fatal. If the trolls still caused a flurry of negative excitement in you, then it means they coped with their responsibilities.

What to do if you were insulted in VKontakte or Odnoklassniki groups

Try to gather your emotions into a fist and react positively to such statements. If your opponent fails to make you angry, then his actions will become meaningless, and the negative energy sent will not be able to achieve its goal. Answer with humor and irony. You will see that the interlocutor will be taken aback and will not know what to object to you.

How to take revenge on an offender using magic - a simple way

Magic offers the most unusual methods of satisfying your vengeful desires. Witches and sorcerers, whose advertisements are full of newspapers and Internet pages, offer you endless opportunities to gain moral satisfaction from revenge. This is a slander, an evil eye, damage, retribution to the offender.

Magical methods of retribution

Many believe that this is not a deception, and the curses sent will overtake the person. But is it worth taking on such a grave sin?

Magic rituals will help us:

  • Deprive a person of a promising job.
  • Cause discord in family relationships.
  • Affect your health for the worse.
  • Contribute to the emergence of money problems.

But do not forget that these actions are very dangerous. And for you too. Therefore, turn to the help of sorcerers only if there is really no other way out, you have been beaten, seriously set up or deprived of what is most precious to you.

We present to your attention examples of the impact on the human psyche with the help of spells and witchcraft rituals.

Conspiracies against offenders

Name How to implement
Using the doll
  • Make your own doll that looks like the villain who hurt you.
  • Try to achieve maximum resemblance to a real person, even choosing the clothes that he most often wears.
  • One option involves you sending this attribute to the recipient.

Seeing his exact copy, he will think about the inconvenience caused to you. His subconscious will tense like an outstretched string, and you can breathe easy, your goal has been achieved.

If you want the punishment to come in the form of reduced health, then you must do the actions with the doll yourself.

Inflict certain injuries on her, and you will see that the well-being of the person being punished will also gradually worsen.

Whispers on the water Your tossing around in search of how to take revenge on your offender, clever ways of revenge, does not arise immediately.

Resentment accumulates for days, or even years.

We are trying to direct some of the negativity towards our enemy so that he feels at least a little bit of what we ourselves are experiencing.

To do this, remember the right words. They need to be said over a bowl of water, which you place on the Bible near the mirror.

Spell from evil

Ritual for protection:
  • In order to carry out such a ritual, you just need to prepare a sheet of clean paper.
  • When it strikes twelve at night, read the spell over it, which is presented below.
  • Then fold it in four, with the tips inward.

Further actions depend on the purpose for which you are performing this sacrament:

  • The resulting envelope, pinned to your belt (on the inside) will protect you from unkind glances.
  • A piece of paper placed under the rug at the entrance will protect your home from bad people.
  • A spoken piece of paper placed in your wallet will increase your financial capabilities.

In any case, you will receive excellent armor from any hostile enemies and protection from possible harm.

Cast the following spell

How to punish an offender with a conspiracy at a distance at home

Hex on a scarf is a powerful magical way to punish an offender.

What do we have to do:

  • To perform magical acts, you need to take a handkerchief that has not yet been used.
  • The only point that you must take into account is that the words of the prayer are always read before you go to some place where they might wish you harm.
  • You need to wash it first each time so that damage does not inadvertently overtake you.

When you are about to leave, looking at the handkerchief, you need to say the spoken words.

Then wipe your face with it three times counterclockwise and put it in your pocket. You can confidently go about your business; bad words and thoughts cannot harm you.

The search for ways to take revenge on the offender using clever methods of revenge was not successful. Don't despair. There is another way that will help you get rid of its negative influence.

By performing such a ritual, you will put an invisible wall between you, which will push the enemy away, and his bad thoughts will be directed against him. If you decide to take such actions, then the day before, try to stop feeling hostility towards the enemy, think only about what is bright and pure. If you do not get rid of attacks of anger, then in a moment of strong concentration your thoughts will return all the negativity back to you.

A spell to make your enemy leave you alone Wait until the moon enters its 22nd or 30th cycle. This is the most optimal time to perform the sacraments. The ritual performed must be supplemented with the following attributes:
  • Church candles in the amount of 3 pieces. Buy them on a regular day when there are no church holidays.
  • Matchbox.
  • The tablecloth is black. If you don't have one in your house, just take a piece of fabric.
  • Photo – 1 piece (of the offender), 1 piece (yours). Choose photos that don't include other people. By your actions, you can unconsciously cause harm to them. The photograph must be full length.
  • Mirror – 2 pieces (without frame).

How to perform the ritual

  • The process itself should take place after sunset.
  • Two photos are laid out on a table covered with a black tablecloth.
  • On the right is your enemy, on the left is you, at a certain distance of ten centimeters.
  • The mirrors are checked, face up.
  • Then light one of the candles with a match.
  • It is under no circumstances recommended to use a lighter in this case.
  • Place it in a candlestick between the photos on the table.
  • You light the second candle from the flame of the first, place it on the mirror lying on your photo, saying: “I name you (what is your name).”
  • You do the same with the third one, but put it on the mirror in the photo of your enemy with the same words, only instead of your name you indicate the name of the one who offended you.

Looking at the light of the second candle, you say the cherished words, exactly as many times as necessary for you to feel relief.

When you realize that there is no longer room for hatred in your heart, turn your attention to the third candle and say the following over it:

People who wish us misfortune do not always carry out their plans through material actions. They may simply speak unkindly, be jealous of our successes, or simply feel hostile. There is no need to think that this is all empty, and words cannot affect us in any way.

In fact, waves of negative energy can ruin our career, ruin us, and quarrel with our family and friends.

If we know that someone is harming us, and deliberately, then naturally there may be a desire to protect ourselves, and not only ourselves, but also our home as a whole. And this does not mean that we will wish for death.

We just want the bad person to get what he deserves, so that all the misfortunes that he predicts for others will fall on him. Examples of how to take revenge on an offender - smart ways of revenge still exist. But to do this, you need to put together all your positivity and choose the most sophisticated method. Just remain human in any situation.

You might find it interesting.

Perhaps Christian morality and spirituality, if they are firmly established in a person’s worldview, will teach him forgiveness and love. However, there are few saints among us, and sometimes we seriously think about how to take revenge on the person who insulted us or our loved ones.

And sometimes the desire to repay in kind is so strong that it drives all actions, all thoughts. Novels are written and films are made about such a passionate desire for retribution. And in many national traditions and customs, vendetta, or, is a mandatory attribute of the concept of family or personal honor.

However, we will not sharpen knives or load revolvers. Firstly, it is not in our character, but it is still distinguished by its peacefulness and ability to understand and forgive. And secondly, we don’t need our search for ways to take revenge on the person who offended us to lead us to the dock or, even worse, to jail. That is why all violent methods and actions should be discarded immediately. Don’t even think about taking revenge with physical violence - there is a high probability that you will suffer from this first of all, and not the offender.

The first piece of advice that can be given is, as banal as it sounds,

try to understand. It is not aimed at protecting your enemy, but at preserving your inner peace and tranquility. You shouldn’t turn the other cheek, but how to take revenge on a person destroys the offended one first of all. Yes, of course, there are situations when you cannot sacrifice honor, principles, and pride. And when there is no need to wait for retribution from justice or the Almighty. But still... If you are thinking about how to take revenge on a person for an insult, try to first understand what was guiding him. Perhaps he was defending his pride, perhaps something happened in his life and he insulted you unintentionally. Remember the simple truth: in every villain there is a victim hiding. It seems to you that your offender is - but in fact he is just a weak, vulnerable person. Who, like everyone else, has minor and major troubles.

By the way, the second piece of advice is related to this. Still wondering how you can take revenge on a person who humiliated and insulted you? Show him that you see his weakness and vulnerability. Perhaps he is trying to create an atmosphere of fear and suppression of others around himself. And the fact that someone is not afraid, but takes pity on him, will be the best revenge. After all, condescension will destroy all his psychological “fortifications and bastions.” Thus, the offender will automatically be in a weak and disadvantageous position.

With the development of virtual space, one can observe

that often, not knowing how to take revenge on a person who has caused harm or pain, people splash out their emotions on the Internet. However, before taking such a step, I would like to warn you. Only the uninitiated thinks that he can write everything he thinks about his offender, indicate his personal information, and retribution will take place. In fact, such actions can harm not only and not so much his reputation as yours. After all, a separate article is provided for the publication of defamatory information, for insulting honor and dignity. And it may happen that, wanting revenge, you will only bring additional problems onto your head. Therefore, be careful and act only within the law. And remember: revenge is a dish that should be served cold. In the heat of emotions, you should not take any steps, because they can turn against you.

As the Klingons said, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." If someone has done something that annoys you, is so heinous, so downright upsetting that you have no choice but to get revenge, it can be difficult to know where to start. There are many insidious options available to you: passive revenge, active revenge and just plain nasty revenge. How to choose? wikiHow can help. See Step 1 for more information.


Part 1

Passive revenge

    Ignore the person. Sometimes, just sitting and doing nothing is the best way to respond to a bully or tormentor who wants to hurt you. By responding when you hurl insults at them and vent your anger, they continue to gain the upper hand over you and prove that you are getting what you deserve. By ignoring and excluding a person from your life, you make them dead to you. It all ends and you can forget about them.

    • Being ignored can be just as frustrating, if not more so, than being taken advantage of. This technique works especially well with people who try to embarrass you in front of others, such as siblings, bullies at school, or co-workers who make fun of you.
  1. Live your life."The best revenge is to live well." Act as if everything that happened and what caused your revenge had no effect on you. Put up a barrier and continue to live as always. Even if you are in a stupor because someone hurt you, hold your head high and don't let them see how hurt you are. The sweetest revenge is to continue to live and live better than the person who hurt you.

    Don't help a person when he needs it. This works especially well in a production environment or any situation where you are constantly criticized for your honest attempts to help or get your job done. Let them work on their own and know how to manage without you. They will get an answer.

    • If you're working on a team project at school and everyone is laughing at your efforts, step away and work on your own. When the deadline comes, let the teacher know that your group has decided not to support you.
    • If one of your siblings, roommates, or your partner criticizes some of your efforts around the house, stop doing the laundry or doing the dishes and let them do the work themselves.
  2. Insult them publicly. Order offensive materials and mail them to your victim at a compromising time of day. Order the latest dirty videos or VHS box of Essentials DVDs and send them to the office, making sure they get to the person at work during a meeting or other important time. Don't write a specific office to make sure the delivery person asks around the entire office park before finding the person.

    Scare them. Send them something nice, like flowers, but from someone disgusting or disreputable. Make sure you order anonymously and pay in cash so they receive flowers with a note that says, “Your yard is really comfortable to sleep in.” or anything else creepy, they will be terrified.

    • Being sinister is acceptable, just don't go overboard. You don't have to actually sleep in their yard or do anything illegal.
    • You can write "Lucifer Rising" in lipstick on their windshield or create gothic designs with rocks on their porch. Make a super creepy voodoo doll with their face on it and leave it in their mailbox. See how sleepy they will be at work the next day from nightmares.
  3. Understand the line between stalking and pranking. Be reasonable if you are going to take revenge on someone with a joke. Harassment includes unwanted epithets, slurs and other intimidating tactics and is illegal. Don't go too far.

  • You have to stand up for yourself, and don't be afraid to experiment.
  • If you are going to take revenge in stages, and not all at once, set a trap and stay away, never appear at the scene of the "accident" too often, otherwise suspicions will arise.
  • Keep your head high, don't look back at them and act like you are better than them.
  • The enemy of your enemy can be your friend. Bring some people with you.
  • If you're going to do more than one thing, stretch out the fun. You can do one small thing every two weeks or one big thing every month. Thus, it will be unexpected for them.
  • Make friends with the enemy's friends so that you can defeat him from within.
  • Insult them!
  • If you're annoyed, revenge should be mega easy.
  • Don't hurt your enemy. Just ignore him.
  • Revenge should ALWAYS be a last resort. Try to resolve the issue differently before taking revenge!


  • Be very careful not to overdo it. Otherwise, you will end up in serious trouble and your enemies will probably gloat.

Many beautiful, but invariably cruel words have been said about revenge. And, probably, there is no person in the world who could boast that he has never felt a thirst for revenge. Everyone has their own reasons for this. And, despite the fact that the soul is burning, and the heart is eager to bring pain to the offender equal to that which he caused to us, we still want to remain human, and if we take revenge, then take revenge beautifully.

What is revenge?

This is one of those questions that you can ask every person living on Earth and never hear the same answers. Dictionaries state that revenge is just retribution for inconvenience and suffering caused. In some cultures, this is considered a noble cause. But a large number of people sincerely believe that only fools who lack moral principles take revenge. Who is right and how to choose your side in this issue? Probably the first thing you should do is decide on your understanding of this word. In ancient times, revenge led to terrible and bloody consequences, since all family members and friends of the warring parties entered into the conflict. Every action, seemingly done with good intentions in restoring justice, led to a new reason for revenge. It turned out to be a vicious circle from which it was impossible to get out. Just remember Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". Is it really wise to leave a blood feud after many generations? But is it fair to forget a long-standing grudge? There are so many people, so many opinions, but in our time, when progress does not seem to sleep, it is worth listening to the voice of reason and ethics in order to know how to take graceful revenge on the offender.

Reasons for revenge

It so happened that, despite the fact that almost all segments of society are subject to the thirst for revenge, it is still not customary to talk about it. The offender cultivates his anger too deeply in his soul, and the offended person cultivates his indignation. Sometimes the basis of revenge is envy, and this suggests that such “retribution” will definitely be a low act. But what if there was betrayal, betrayal, deep resentment? How to take revenge in this case? It is unreasonable to be ashamed of your desire for retribution. But before you look for ways to take revenge on your offender, listen to yourself: will this really make you feel better? Will your resentment really diminish? If the answer is an unequivocal “yes,” then such a step is apparently really necessary. But be prepared for the fact that any action you take will entail a response from the enemy.

Each of us has faced a choice between the simple and the right, so there is no point in giving clear instructions on behavior when anger clouds our eyes. But there are some general recommendations that will help optimize the situation and mitigate the consequences.

So, the first and most important recommendation would be to moderate your ardor and understand that it is difficult to assess the level of damage caused to you and respond with something similar. Don't just try to make proportionate crap. Think about how to take revenge on the offender effectively, but fairly. Only in this case you will not lose face.

The second tip goes hand in hand with the first: remember the possible consequences! Your actions may go beyond the law, and the most unfortunate result of your revenge may be criminal punishment.

Do not involve strangers in your business. You yourself can later repent of having offended or humiliated an absolutely innocent person.

Well, the last recommendation can be expressed in one catchphrase: “Revenge is a dish that is served cold.” Wait a little and let the feelings subside. Assess the situation from the outside, and you will find effective ways to take revenge on the offender.

To the point

If even after a while your heart cannot calm down, and you are drawn to give the offender what he deserves, then start planning your actions.

Yes, revenge is not done spontaneously, unless, of course, you want it to be remembered. Take a closer look at the object of your retribution, discover its weak points, decide where you want to strike. Let your hypothetical victim relax and forget about you. If the enemy does not expect the blow, then he loses his vigilance. The easiest way to figure out how to take revenge on an offender is to use an example.

If your lover cheated

In most cases, revenge is committed out of great feeling. It is very painful to realize that a loved one suddenly turned out to be a traitor and literally dragged into the mud everything that was bright and good in your relationship.

Have you been cheated on? Were you insulted? Humiliated? How to take revenge on the offender? Most often, the next stage is scandal and breakup. But there are more original ways to punish the offender. They cheated on you - answer in the same coin, but to do this, become better, more confident, more interesting. Have an affair with your significant other's boss. This is rather a female version of revenge. With a successful development of events, the offended lady can achieve reduction of her offender in the service and general censure. Unfortunately, this method of revenge cannot be called beautiful, although in women's novels it always evokes strong emotions.

How to take revenge on an offender beautifully?

Let's remain human, even using revenge to benefit ourselves. If a couple has cheated, is it worth fighting for this person? Everyone decides for themselves, but it seems that the main nuance of the answer to this question is the depth of feelings. If they exist, then the lover will give in to the loved one, allowing him to take out fear, pain and resentment.

In some aspects, man is the most unhappy among the representatives of the living world, as he is prone to self-examination and criticism. In other words, by hurting another, we damage ourselves, our integrity and our soul. If we destroy a person’s faith in ourselves, then we lose him, and those around him see this and understand that they cannot trust us. So is there a worse revenge? Therefore, it is better to leave thoughts of retribution on your loved one. Let him go and trust him to judge his own actions.

In the case of a stranger

It’s a completely different matter when the role of the offender is a stranger, a passer-by, a neighbor, a work colleague, or just a street lout who flaunts his bad manners in front of his friends.

For them, perhaps the action is not so important. They will forget it in a minute, and your mood is hopelessly spoiled. Who among us has not been in such a situation when a fleeting word thrown after us was more humiliating than a thoughtful speech, and a sunny day suddenly seemed dull and worthless? Let's think, if we consider a person to be an outsider, then what weight do his words or actions have? Is it worth paying attention to them?

Are you thinking about how to take revenge on an offender at work? Yes, the situation when a colleague cannot behave correctly is very unpleasant. But retaliatory actions can harm you, so you shouldn’t be like your offender. Refrain from complaining to your superiors or gossiping among other colleagues. Instead, take a closer look at the employee’s actions and behavior. Remember that careful observation is more likely to tell you how to take revenge on the offender at work. Does he laugh a lot and regularly spend most of the day in the smoking room? Maybe he has no friends, and this is how he tries to gain a foothold in society. After work, he invites the entire department to the bar? Isn't this a hidden problem with alcohol? Observing a colleague will force you to listen carefully to his presentations, ask incriminating questions and, accordingly, delve deeper into the topic. Searching for weaknesses in your opponent at work can quite logically lead to the fact that your superiors will pay attention to your composure and offer you a higher position with an appropriate salary and a comfortable office. So your revenge will be accomplished, note, it is very beautiful, during the implementation of which you remain human!

Taking revenge in the virtual world

If in reality we can see the offender and at least guess what pushes him to such actions, then in the virtual world this is more difficult. For such people who spend their days provoking scandals on all kinds of forums and pages of social networks, they even have their own name - “trolls”. They caustically notice the slightest mistakes, shortcomings in appearance or upbringing, instantly get personal and are happy to try, stretching the conflict over many pages with the involvement of more and more new heroes.

First of all, you need to realize that this is a daily activity for them, almost work, and they may not experience any special negative feelings towards you. Do we get offended by waiters when they treat us indifferently? Or do we want to take revenge on the security guard if he didn’t let us into the club? This is their job, and since trolls cause negativity, it means they do it well. If, nevertheless, we are thinking about how to take revenge on the offender on VKontakte, then we should approach this with irony and humor. If our opponent cannot cause negativity in us, then he loses his strength and begins to weaken, like an energy vampire. Amaze him with bright emotions and consider that your revenge is accomplished.

Let's go into the wilds of magic

To conclude our article, let's talk about the most unexplored area of ​​revenge - magic. When it comes to the question of how to take revenge on an offender, magic offers a huge range of possibilities. Various healers, witches, sorceresses, who place their advertisements in newspapers, promise complete moral satisfaction, damage and fair retribution.

No one can say with certainty that this is a deception, and the conspiracy will not work, so why would you take responsibility for a possible sin? There is another relatively harmless, but terrible way of revenge - this is a doll. Does everyone remember voodoo magic? So, sew a doll of your offender, try to make it as similar as possible, dress it up in clothes and send it to him. You don’t need any slander or prayers; you don’t even need to turn to magicians who can tell you how to take revenge on your offender. There is no conspiracy here, but a person who receives an exact copy of himself in a parcel will be very frightened and will seriously think about his behavior. However, this method of revenge is still designed for people with strong nerves. So think about your actions and do them with a pure heart.