Let's define it, what is Glamor? Glamorous clothing style is a skillfully selected fashionable wardrobe, high-quality accessories, and brilliant jewelry. Glamor represents luxury and bohemian

What do you think the word means? glamor? It turns out that even fashion experts explain this term each in their own way. Some say that it is youthful, bright and expressive fashion that makes you stand out from the crowd. Others explain glamor as the most expensive and exquisite things from best designers. The French, true connoisseurs of beauty, who should be listened to, believe that glamor is, first of all, the ability to present oneself, it is an exquisite charm, it is the ability to stand out, and to stand out elegantly, without any elements of intrusiveness.

Glamor (eng. glamour, “charm”, “charm”, “charm”)

Glamor is the history of the word.

This word is English and arose in the Middle Ages (grammar “grammar”, “book”), borrowed from French. grammaire (witchcraft, spells - enchantment, charm) - “book of spells”. The word "glamor" was an occult spell among the ancient Scots that was used to make someone see things differently. But this was in ancient centuries, and then at the end of the 19th century, “glamor” began to be used, focusing on appearance. IN English language synonyms for this word are the words “beauty”, “attractiveness”, “charm”.

Glamor and style- This different concepts. Style is a commitment to a certain type of clothing, a certain direction in fashion, it is an emphasized individuality, it is internal attitude to beauty, clothes. Glamor can be external and intentional. Glamorous things show us in the right light. can create the appearance of beauty. This word became very common at the beginning of the 21st century. The word glamor in Russian can be replaced by the word “chic”.

Glamor - the use of the word in the 21st century.

“Glamour” - this word now combines several concepts - romance, seductiveness, and charm. When they talk about a glamorous thing, they always mean that the thing is expensive.

A glamorous girl is a seductive girl who captivates everyone, she is spectacular, beautiful, she wears beautiful expensive clothes.

The word “glamor” is used in relation to fashion, clothing, cosmetics, entertainment, as well as glossy magazines, which are sometimes called glamorous. Some movie stars are called glamorous. “Glamour photo” and “glamor model” (English glamor photo, English glamor model) are a certain genre of photography. In order to create, as was said, the appearance of beauty or beauty in a more favorable light, photographers use lighting, airbrushing methods, and cosmetics.

The concept of glamorization has also entered our lives, as in order to stimulate consumer demand they try to give things a glamorous look. Sometimes glamorization refers to both characters and events (in journalism).

What kind of women could we name? Cinema will help us answer this question. Cinema always goes hand in hand with fashion. What was fashionable was what the stars wore, and the audience tried to look just like their favorite stars. Therefore, ostrich fans and fur stoles had a stunning success in the thirties, and in the forties, Rita Hayworth made a huge impression in a tight-fitting lace dress, and Rita Hayworth in a black dress and elbow-length gloves became an example of glamor. In the fifties, Christian Dior created the silhouette hourglass, and the idols of this time and role model were Grace Kelly, who is rightfully considered the ideal of perfection of that time. But is she the only one - Brigitte Bardot, and Elizabeth Taylor, who amazed everyone with her dazzling beauty and femininity and in the role of Queen Cleopatra, one might say, upended everything familiar in makeup and introduced new ones bright colors in Egyptian style.

It was at this time, not far from the last war, that glamor disappeared from the screen, and many people wanted to live this way. There was a desire for perfection, a desire for a luxurious life.

Are there examples of glamor now? Most likely, yes, only the perception and attitude towards it has become somewhat different.

They also want to stand out, but sometimes not with their desire for femininity, but in order to show themselves that you are richer, and therefore better, they play roles not only in films, but also in life. But not everyone - some play, and some live in their own special style. So what is true glamor now? This is natural grooming, this is the desire for femininity, this is discreet luxury, this is the ability to present oneself without intrusiveness and affectation.

The procession of glamor begins from the Baroque era. Under the famous Sun King Louis XIV Luxurious fabrics, rich trimmings and many accessories came into fashion. At the beginning of the 20th century, movie stars showed off their glamorous style on screen, making many women want to look just as chic. With the development of the fashion and television industry, glamor has firmly established its position, and now many girls strive to be a stylish glamorous thing. History of glamor.

Basics of glamor style Looking at the glamor style of photos, you can understand the main trends. This means shine, shine, quality materials, furs and stylish accessories. You need to follow fashion. After all, only fashionable things will create a truly glamorous image. You need to choose your jewelry carefully. Inexpensive jewelry can ruin the entire ensemble. Makeup should be neat and emphasize elegance and well-groomed appearance. At any time of the year, you should choose only high-heeled shoes.

Glamor. Glamor is one of the most controversial subcultures. The fact is that this movement took shape in our subculture quite recently, although before that it was present in everything connected with club and social life. Encyclopedias still do not define this word as a cultural movement, although it has become increasingly active since the beginning of the new millennium. The very origin of the word is traced back to either the English glamor (“charm”) or the French glamor (“bright, brilliant”). Among characteristic features- following fashion, but one that claims sophistication, the desire to constantly embellish clothing, speech, lifestyle, musical preferences, in which there is no place for other subcultures: rap, rock, hip-hop, metal, gothic and so on, most often - just pop music.

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Youth movement

“Youth groups” - To build competence in the field of independent cognitive activity; critical thinking. The growth of youth groups. How do teenagers express their individuality? Results of research presentation: T.G. School 14. Balakhna. Subculture. Methodological goals project: Sergeeva. Didactic goals project:

"EMF" - Administrative grants. International youth meetings. Who can apply? Youth events are different from meetings. European Youth Foundation. What does it finance? Category B Grants. Pilot Projects. Grants Category C. Council of Europe. Category D Grants. When to Apply? Who can apply?

“Informal youth movements” - And emo comes in different forms. Introduction. Punks. Period Khrushchev's Thaw. Conclusion. Nazi Skins. Sports informals (fans). Informal movements in Russia. Hippie. They may participate in fan fights, but they may not take part.

“Problems of modern youth” - Teenagers’ relationships with their fathers are more tense. May only happiness and success accompany the young people on their journey. Leaving us with a legacy of many glorious songs and names. Youth and politics. Hurry up to do good deeds. Although, in my opinion, taking care of your own health should be a priority. To attract young people to an active life position.

“Informal youth associations” - Hippies. Goths: Identifying the role of deviant groups in society as a whole. Completed by: Artemyeva.A. Rzhantsova K. Head: Bakulina L.V. Project goal: 1. Study the main literary and journalistic sources on the problem of youth movements. Research methodology: Skinheads. After analyzing the work, the results obtained were summarized in a diagram.

The pursuit of happiness is again unsuccessful...
And it’s a rainy evening, it’s gloomy outside...
And as a child... I spread jam on a bun
And definitely happy, stupidly happy...

Glamour, etiquette, diamonds, jacuzzi...
Now, in addition to happiness, in the fate of “All inclusive”,
And as a child I ate sunflower seeds,
And happiness seemed to have no limits...

We have become very much like clowns...
Everyone is wearing makeup that laughs on the outside...
And in childhood... only the sun broke through from the sky
And the happy heart smiled so much...

We select people like buckwheat in Cinderella...
Contact everyone you need... Those who are unprofitable go to the stove...
And in childhood, clear skies believed in us...
Where is the joy from the smell of fresh bread?

And now friendship can be bought too...
We made it... We live in a world of fur and leather...
And in childhood they saved the mongrel from the rain...
And by giving happiness, they received it.

We have lost sincerity and sensitivity over the years...
We came up with boundaries and frames ourselves...
Do you have a bun and a jar of cherry jam?
So be happy as hell!

See that pack of deadly sticks on the top of the piano? Everything you need to know about life is contained in these four cardboard walls. Notice that one side of your personality is seduced by the illusory grandeur of a healthy golden tutu with a royal crest - an attractive hint of glamor and wealth. We are subtly hinted that cigarettes are our faithful and noble friends, but this is not true. Another part of your personality attracts back side question. It says in bold black and white that these neat little soldiers of death actually want to kill you. And it is true. Oh, that seductive call of death. How can you resist her sweet whisper? Sweet things always turn bitter, and everything bitter will someday become sweet. That's why you and I love drugs. And that's why, Pete, I can't give the painting back. Now please pass the lighter to me.

From the book "Man and Woman. Secrets of Family Happiness" Instead of brains - rhinestones, instead of sparkle in the eyes - grease-smeared ruins, instead of a face - an unsuccessful caricature, instead of luxurious hair - varnished stuck together strands, instead of skin - a brown film, instead natural beauty- fashionable glamor, instead of a girl - a doll. "Beauty will save the world! But glamor will destroy this beauty." (Nikolai Ushakov)

It's important to give people the feeling that they can do something. Without emotional involvement in the drama of life, neither glamor nor discourse works. Here the Chaldeans are absolutely right. Let people believe in their strength. Let the office worker shout “yes, we can!” between diarrhea and flu. And all will be well. The backlash in our heads will go away. People will again start watching TV series, looking for moral authorities in the field of show business and whittling new pinocchio for us at night. And we will hide for a long time in the densest shadow

Protest is free glamor for the poor. The poorest segments of the population democratically meet with the richest to share the struggle for a just cause. Moreover, a meeting in physical space is no longer necessary today. You can mingle with the rich and famous on the Internet. A controlled glamor revolution is as promising a direction as nuclear fusion

The human mind today is subject to three main influences. This is glamor, discourse and so-called news. When a person is fed advertising, expertise and the events of the day for a long time, he has a desire to be a brand, an expert and news himself. That's what they exist for latrines souls, that is, Internet blogs. Blogging - protective reflex a mutilated psyche that is endlessly torn by glamor and discourse. You can't laugh at this. But for a vampire to crawl through this sewer is humiliating.

Night. Street. Cars. Headlights. Glitter. Pop is their mother, and glamor is their father, The sound of DJ samples hurts the ear, They are simply children of Captain black nightclubs. Parliament. Camel. Bond.Marlborro. Сocktails. Killed gene pool. Lipstick in the purse. Contempt. Slims. If such a life makes sense at all? Chicks. Girls. Maines. One night. Who wouldn't mind having fun this night? Pj. Thongs. Girls. Dance floor. Getting to know each other. Alcohol. Crawl under the table. Laser show. Heat. Debauchery.Photographers. Bi. Gays. Complete luck. Sexy atmosphere reigns everywhere, Hello menagerie! And goodbye manners! Morning. Street. Window. Rays. Dawn. Cold shower. Brine. Contact. And-net, the mother’s cry penetrated the ringing in the ears, They are just clubs of night souls