Real exam exams in English. Unified State Examination in English

English can rightfully be called the most popular of the list of languages ​​that can be taken in the selective Unified State Exam category. A foreign language is an indispensable exam for those who wish to become a linguist, translator, or plan to make a career in the diplomatic field. It is worth noting that this exam cannot be called simple, especially after speaking was added to the written part of the exam.

It is not surprising that the Unified State Examination in English will require many hours of labor-intensive preparation and, quite possibly, additional classes in courses or with a tutor. Another important point concerns the structure of the ticket and changes to it. We suggest that you take a closer look at this issue so as not to encounter any unpleasant surprises during the 2017 exam.

The written part of the Unified State Exam 2017 in English will take place on June 15, and the oral part on June 16-17.

Demo version of the Unified State Exam-2017

Unified State Examination dates in English

The national English exam will be held on the following dates:

  • Early period. The early exam can be taken on 03/18/2017 and 03/22/2017, and the days 05/3/2017 and 05/5/2017 are designated as reserve days;
  • Main stage. The main exam will be held on 06/15/2017 (written part), the oral part is reserved for 06/16/17/2017.
  • Reserve date. The reserve date for the written part will be 06/21/2017, and for the oral part – 06/22/2017.

Let us remind you that only certain categories of students can take the exam ahead of schedule. For example, these include:

  • graduates of previous years;
  • evening school students;
  • schoolchildren who go to serve in;
  • athletes who will be absent due to national or international competitions or training camps;
  • participants in olympiads or competitions of federal or international significance;
  • eleventh graders who go to live or study abroad;
  • students who have been ordered by the medical board to undergo treatment, rehabilitation or prevention that coincides with the dates of the main Unified State Examination.

You must write a statement that you want to take the exam ahead of schedule in advance - before 03/01/2017.

Statistical information

The popularity of this exam is confirmed by statistics. About 9% of 11th grade students take English as a selective Unified State Exam every year. On average, graduates manage to score about 64.8 points in this exam, which is a good result. At the same time, the percentage of those who could not pass English even with a satisfactory grade has fluctuated in recent years from 1.8 to 3.3% - a very gentle figure in comparison with other Unified State Examinations.

96.7% of schoolchildren can score at least in English

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2017 in English

The experts did not voice any significant changes in the procedure or layout of the exam. The only thing that can be mentioned is the clarification of the wording in task No. 3 in the oral part: the word “imagine” was removed from the wording.

KIM structure in English

The exam consists of two parts:

  • written, which takes 180 minutes;
  • oral, which takes place within 15 minutes.

What is included in the written part of the exam?

The ticket structure has several main sections.

  • Listening. This part of the exam takes 30 minutes and consists of the following tasks:
    • No. 1, in which the student is asked to identify the correspondence between sounding statements and statements. You need to evaluate 6 statements and bring them into line with 7 answers (one of them is incorrect). The correct answer is worth 1 point, a total of 6 points can be scored for the exercise. The listening technique assumes that the student has 20 seconds to read the answer options, then listens to the recording 2 times and fills out the answers on the form;
    • No. 2 – listening to a short dialogue. Next, you should familiarize yourself with the judgments and evaluate their accuracy with the words correctly - true, incorrectly - false, did not sound - not stated. The ticket contains seven judgments, each of which can bring 1 point, the maximum score for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 3-9 – a high school student must listen to a short interview and choose one correct answer from the three offered on the ticket. This is usually a question that needs an answer or a sentence that needs to be completed. A correct answer earns 1 point; you can score 7 points in total.
  • Reading Skills Assessment. To complete the assignments, the student receives half an hour, during which he must complete the following exercises:
    • No. 10, in which you need to read 7 short texts and identify their correspondence with 8 proposed headings (one of the options will be incorrect). For the correct answer, 1 point is awarded, the maximum points for this exercise is 7;
    • No. 11 - the student will have to work with a text with six missing parts. There are 7 fragments to choose from. A correct answer adds 1 point. Thus, you can earn 6 points here;
    • No. 12-18 – you need to familiarize yourself with a fragment of an artistic or journalistic text and work with it. For each of the texts, questions are asked or unfinished sentences are given, to which you need to select answer options from four offered to choose from. Each task can earn 1 point, giving a total of 7 maximum points.
  • Vocabulary and grammar. This part is considered the most difficult, therefore it is here that graduates make the maximum number of mistakes in comparison with other parts of the KIM in English. 40 minutes are allotted to complete the work. The section includes the following tasks:
    • No. 19-25 - the student needs to read short texts with missing parts. Words should not just be inserted, but subjected to the correct transformation and the correct answer written down. In total, you can earn 1 point per answer, which gives a maximum of 7 points in total;
    • No. 26-31 - tasks related to the problems of word formation. In them, you need to familiarize yourself with the text in which there are omissions and identify which parts of speech were missed. Students must change one part of speech into another - for example, a noun into an adjective - and write the changed word on the form. The scoring principle is the same as in previous exercises - 1 point per answer, total point - 6;
    • No. 32-38 - tasks testing vocabulary knowledge. Here again you will have to work with texts in which omissions have been made. It's usually a word or a preposition. The correct answer can be selected from the proposed options. The correct answer gives you 1 point, you can score 7 points in total.
  • Assessment of writing skills. You have 80 minutes to complete the tasks. In this part you need to do the following exercises:
    • #39 is writing a personal letter of 100 to 140 words. You will have to do it in about 20 minutes (the time is recommended, but, as practice shows, whether you have time to complete all the tasks on the ticket depends on the proper distribution of time resources). In total, you can get 6 points for writing;
    • No. 40 - task in which you need to write an essay of 200 to 250 words according to the proposed plan and topic. The outline of the essay is standard and includes an introductory part, a statement of one’s own opinion supported by arguments, a counter-opinion and counter-arguments, and a final part. It is proposed to complete this task in an hour. You can get 14 points for it.

When passing English, you will not only have tests and essays, but also speaking!

What is included in the oral part of the exam?

Let us remind you that a separate day and time are allocated for passing the oral part. The oral exam takes only 15 minutes, but you will have to wait in line until you get into the classroom. The oral part includes the following tasks:

  1. The student is asked to read a short text aloud. You will be given one and a half minutes to familiarize yourself with the passage, and the same amount to voice it. You can get 1 point for this;
  2. The student needs to read a short text (usually of an advertising nature) for one and a half minutes, and then formulate 5 questions about it. No more than 20 seconds are allowed per question. The task is worth 5 maximum points;
  3. The high school student is offered three photographs, from which he chooses one. The task is to describe the photo according to the proposed plan. Let’s make a reservation right away: you shouldn’t think that here you can turn on your imagination and weave whatever your heart desires. Members of the commission do not welcome it when something is described that is not indicated in the figure, and they really do not like assumptions. One and a half minutes are allotted for preparation, another two are given for the story. Here you can earn 7 points;
  4. The student is asked to compare two photos, describing their similarities and pointing out the differences, as well as expressing his own opinion. Preparation takes the standard one and a half minutes, and the answer takes no more than 2 minutes. The maximum that can be obtained is 7 points.

Unified State Examination in English

The latest news suggests that the exam score is going to be transferred to the usual five-point system, and the results will be taken into account when marking the final certificate. This way, you can improve your school grades. According to the points transfer reference system, in previous years they were distributed as follows.

Perhaps in 2017, the results of the Unified State Exam will affect your school certificate
  • 0-21 points mean unsatisfactory knowledge, that is, the mark “2”;
  • 22-58 points are translated into a mark of “3” - your command of English is satisfactory;
  • 59-83 points mean that your level of foreign language is not bad, and the score is “4”;
  • Those who know English perfectly (score “5”) earn 84 points and above.

To pass the exam, you need to try to score 22 points or higher. In total you can get 100 points. Let us also remind you that the procedure for conducting a foreign language exam does not provide for the presence of any additional materials - dictionaries, audio equipment, smartphones and other items that may cause your removal from the classroom.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in English

To properly prepare for the exam, it is worth working through the demo versions of the 2017 tickets (they can be downloaded directly from our website - see the beginning of the article). This will help you better understand the structure and content of real KIMs, as well as prepare mentally for the Unified State Exam, so as not to waste precious time in the classroom. Almost all the wording contained in the task description is given in English, so it is worth translating in advance to avoid fatal mistakes during the exam itself.

To come to the exam fully prepared, solve the demo versions in advance

Remember to spend enough time listening. Not all schools teach students the ability to perceive information by ear. Regularly listen to audio books read by native speakers - such training will help you cope with this difficult task. It is also considered good practice to watch films or TV series with original dubbing.

Another problem is speaking. Among graduates, there are often those who do an excellent job with grammar, but score few points in the oral part. To practice this skill, experts recommend describing everything you see on the way to school, as well as collecting a large number of different pictures and describing one per day.

control measurement materials of the unified state exam


Explanations to the demo version of the oral part

control measuring materialsUnified State Exam 2017 in English language

When familiarizing yourself with the demonstration version of the oral part of the 2017 Unified State Exam test materials in English, you should keep in mind that the tasks included in it do not reflect all the content issues that will be tested using the CMM options. A complete list of questions that can be tested on the Unified State Exam is given in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of educational organizations for the 2017 Unified State Exam in English.

The purpose of the demonstration version is to enable any USE participant and the general public to get an idea of ​​the structure of future CMMs, the number of tasks, their form and level of complexity. The given criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this option, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of a detailed answer in oral form. This information will allow graduates to develop a strategy for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Instructions for completing tasks

The oral part of the KIM Unified State Examination in English includes 4 tasks.

Exercise 1– reading aloud a short text of a popular science nature.

IN task 2 You are asked to review the advertisement and ask five questions based on keywords.

Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

IN task 3 You are asked to choose one of three photographs and describe it based on the plan.

Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

IN task 4 The task is to compare two photographs based on the proposed plan.

Preparation time: 1.5 minutes.

Total response time one examinee (including preparation time) – 15 minutes.

Each subsequent task is issued after the completion of the previous task. The entire response time is audio and video recorded.

Try to fully complete the assigned tasks, try to speak clearly and clearly, stay on topic and follow the proposed answer plan. This way you can score the most points.

English language. Grade 11 Demo version 2017

© 2017 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Speaking Part

Task 1

Imagine that you are preparing a project with your friend. You have found some interesting material for the presentation and you want to read this text to your friend. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, then be ready to read it out aloud. You will not have more than 1.5 minutes to read it.

The first maps were drawn by explorers to help them find their way home and show people where they had been. The maps showed the shape of the land, distances between places and special features such as caves and old trees. Nowadays, maps show the towns and villages, and the roads, railways, rivers and mountains. Symbols are used to show all the different things on a map and there is a key to explain what the symbols stand for.

Over the centuries, people explored most of the Earth and put together the map of the world we use today. Maps of the world or large areas are often either “political” or “physical”. The political map shows territorial borders. The purpose of the physical map is to show features of geography such as mountains, soil type or land use including roads, railroads and buildings.

Listen to the audiofile

Audio: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or higher) is required to play this audio. Download latest version. In addition, JavaScript must be enabled in your browser.

Mind your pronunciation!

–k ey, tr ee,betw ee n,f ea ture

[ɜː] – f ir st, w er e,w or ld, p ur pose Ear th

[ θ ] Ear th , th ings

[ð] th ey, th em, ei th er, toge th er,

[f]ph ysical, geogra ph y


area /ˈeəriə/ – district, place, region

shape - form

cave - cave

feature /ˈfiːtʃə/ – trait, characteristic feature

century /ˈsentʃəri/ – century, century

territorial borders - territorial boundaries

to draw /drɔː/ (drew /druː/, drawn /drɔːn/) – draw

to stand for – decipher, designate

to explore /iks ˈplɔː/ – to explore, study

explorer /ɪkˈsplɔːrə/ – explorer, traveler

either … or /ˈaɪðə/(UK) /ˈiːðə/(US) – or … or

Dear colleagues and owners of educational websites (portals)!

All site materials are freely available to network users. Moreover, the use of site materials is encouraged.


When copying and posting full or partial information on third-party resources, in design works and presentations An active link to the website is required.

Task 2

Study the advertisement.

Make your life easier with our new kitchen unit!

You are considering buying the appliance and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out about the following:

2) if one can buy it online

3) number of functions

4) guarantee period

5) recipe book to go with the unit

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

Sample answers

  • How much is this kitchen unit? / How much does this kitchen unit cost? / What is the price of this kitchen unit?
  • Can I buy this kitchen blender online? / Is there any possibility to buy this unit online? / Is online purchase of this unit available? / Is this kitchen unit available for online purchase?
  • How many functions does this kitchen tool have?
  • How long is the guarantee period of this appliance? / How long is the warranty of this kitchen blender? / How many months is the guarantee period of this kitchen unit? / How many months is the blender guarantee period?
  • Does a recipe book go with the unit? / Is there any recipe book to go with the blender?

Enjoy watching!

Please note the updated version of the wording of Task 3, which appeared in 2017!

Task 3

These are photos from your photo album. Choose one photo to describe to your friend.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3

You will have to start speaking in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember to speak about:

  • where and when the photo was taken
  • what/who is in the photo
  • what is happening
  • why you keep the photo in your album
  • why you decided to show the picture to your friend

You have to talk continuously, starting with: “I’ve chosen photo number …”

Enjoy watching!

Sample answer

I’ve chosen photo number 1.(Be sure to start your answer with this phrase after selecting the photo number.)

Well, recently I have decided to start a blog about a healthy lifestyle. I write short stories about healthy food. Also, I often take pictures of my friends and relatives to show to my followers (readers) which exercises they do to keep fit. (intro) 3

So, this picture was taken a week ago when my sister and I went jogging in our park near the river. 1

In the foreground of the photo you can see my elder sister Stacy. She is running in the park at the moment. The morning is sunny and quite warm, so Stacy is wearing a nice T-shirt. (I should say that coral is her favorite color.) She looks pretty slim because she does her regular exercises and keeps on a healthy diet (maintains a balanced diet). She says it always helps her to be in a good mood and shape. (6)

In the background of the picture there are lots of green trees. The air is usually fresh in the morning. And I think it’s the best time for doing sports. (3)

I keep this photo in my album because I am going to use it on my blog. (1)

I know that you are trying to lose some weight. So, I show you the photo of my sister to encourage you to take up jogging. Also, to gain the best results, you can follow her eating habits advice. (3)

That's all I wanted to say. (phrase For examiner)

Task 4

Study the two photographs. In 1.5 minutes be ready to compare and contrast the photographs:

  • give a brief description of the photos (action, location)
  • say what the pictures have in common
  • say in what way the pictures are different
  • say which of the ways of reading a book presented in the pictures you’d prefer
  • explain why

You will speak for not more than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). You have to talk continuously.

Sample answer

Now I will compare and contrast these two photos.

I’d like to stress out right from the beginning that such hobby as reading gives you an excellent opportunity to learn new things wherever you are: at home, on the bus, at the sunny beach and even in the queue (in the line). And these two photos prove that. (introductory phrase) (2)

So, the theme which relates these photos are a reading activity. (1)

Let me start with the first picture which shows a young girl who is sitting on the sofa. She might be in her flat at the moment. She is absorbed in reading. I cannot say for sure but it seems to me she is holding an e-book in her hands. (4)

As for the second picture you can see a young girl who is traveling by underground (metro). She is standing near the window and is reading a book, too. I really like her clothes. This checkered short-sleeved shirt makes her look pretty stylish. (4)

First, we independently perform the audition for 2017.

  1. A uniform makes the school a better organized place.
  2. Uniforms help improve the discipline at schools.
  3. Uniforms can help prevent crimes at school.
  4. Uniforms will not make life at school better.
  5. Uniforms can teach students how to behave professionally.
  6. Getting used to uniforms is good for a future career.
  7. Uniforms make students focus more on their learning.

My comments on task No. 1 – Listening – Early Unified State Examination in English – 2017

The verdict is final and not subject to appeal - A disgusting assignment.
The student who took the exam and posted the answers on the Internet made 1 mistake.
Her answers to the early Unified State Exam in 2017. the next ones are 341576.
This means one answer is incorrect. I am sure that there is an error in text C - instead of the number “1” you should most likely select “2”.
My answers coincided with the student’s answers, and I would have received 5 points out of 6 (read below about how I “calculated” the correct 2 answers in the most controversial texts D and F).

More than 90% of teachers with experience in preparing for the Unified State Exam chose the following answers: 341675, which means that they made 3 mistakes out of 6, and would receive 3 points for the basic level task. Unreal, right?

The reason is a disgustingly written task, which proves that the Unified State Examination exam is still a lottery. The headings are composed very illiterately, they have strong overlaps in words. I suggest you see this with your own eyes.

First pair of overlaps:
1. A uniform makes the school a better organized place.
2.Uniforms help improve the discipline at schools.

Second pair of overlaps:

5. Uniforms can teach students how to behave professionally .

6.Getting used to uniforms is good for a future career .

Want to know how I got the last pair correct?
Easily! For the first time in my life, I decided to throw away all the deep analysis and when I heard the words from 6 ‘FUTURE CAREER’, I realized that this was our key! I don't care if it matches the title exactly. At least some kind of hook. And this was the correct answer)))))
Not logical, right? (At first they say - think and don’t rush into similar phrases, but in reality it’s the other way around).

Detailed analysis of task No. 1 for the early Unified State Examination
– English – 2017

Let's see which sentences can be used to understand which heading goes where. So, the correct answers to the early Unified State Exam in English - listening test No. 1


Key words in headings are highlighted in capital letters

Speaker AUniforms can help prevent CRIMES at school.
I honestly support school uniforms and let me explain why. I think one of the problems our current generation is facing is that they are all influenced by gang* culture . It is the root cause of numerous evils at schools, and many people from my school are members in the so-called school gangs . With uniforms, I believe, there are not so many chances for conflicts and violence . Besides, it creates a healthy team culture and harmony on campus.
*By the way, when I first listened to it, I couldn’t make out the word GANG at all. It’s great that the guy said it again, plus the words conflicts and violence convinced me that my guess was correct.

Speaker B – Uniforms will NOT make life at school better.

I think when a person hears the word ‘school’, the first two things that come to mind are discipline and rules. Everybody knows that we kids love to break rules and it is hard to make us obey . Almost daily at schools, it is common to spend some time making us obey certain rules and disciplining us. Making us wear a uniform is a part of it but I don't think there’s any point in trying to do so because kids will be kids. They never obey .
A lot about discipline and rules: discipline, obey, break rules, obey, rules, obey. It's starting to seem like this is either the 1st headline or the 2nd. But no, the phrase there’s any point in trying to do so. The girl clearly shows her negative attitude, which is confirmed in the title through will NOT.

Now hold on tight!
We have two twin headings. And if the girl chose headline number 1 incorrectly, then the correct headline is number 2.

  1. A uniform makes the school a better ORGANIZED place.
  2. Uniforms help improve the DISCIPLINE at schools.

Speaker C
My school has a dress code which is not exactly a uniform and some students treat this too creatively. Every morning our teachers start to check our clothes and so on. This happens during the first class so I think a lot of valuable lesson time could be saved if we had a strict uniform policy at school . People in charge would not have to worry about checking what each and every student is wearing and whether it’s acceptable or not.
If we think logically (which, as we found out, it is better NOT to do on the Unified State Exam in English), then heading No. 1 is better, because ORGANIZED place is exactly the place where people do not waste time checking the dress code in the first lesson .
And to make it even more logical: discipline = organization, organization = discipline. I can’t imagine on what basis the compilers of the Unified State Exam made a distinction between these two concepts.

Speaker D Uniforms can teach students how to behave PROFESSIONALLY.

My school doesn’t have a uniform and I don’t like it. You may be surprised but look – the best schools in the country do have uniforms and nobody there minds that! I think a uniform creates a sense of belonging and a feeling of pride amongst students towards their institution. I think students wearing a school uniform are more likely to develop a sense of community spirit which can be later quite useful at work with teambuilding and things like that.
Confusion level - 99. There are no direct clues, but the highlighted words leaned me more towards heading #5 (and I was right).

Speaker E Uniforms make students FOCUS more on their LEARNING .
I think school isn’t about studies now. It’s more about hanging out at the canteen, and playing music but you rarely hear anyone having a good conversation about a lecture. I wish we had a uniform to help us concentrate more on our studies. When all students are wearing a similar outfit, they are less concerned about what other people are wearing. They tend to bond nicely with peers and can create an environment where they can learn in a group.
The easiest piece of listening for me, which was clear to me immediately. Unfortunately, two of my five students made a mistake here:((….

Speaker F Getting used to uniforms is good for a FUTURE CAREER.

I support uniforms because I think they are useful for my future career . Dress codes and uniforms are a part of almost every job now. Professionalism* is very important as we grow up and especially when we enter a corporate setup. Of course, I understand that there are no uniforms in some offices but I believe professionalism* is what uniform-friendly children are better at than casually dressed kids. So I don’t mind wearing a uniform to school.
*Here we hear the words FUTURE CAREER and PROFESSIONALISM. What to choose?.. After all, these words are in two headings. What should I do?.. I solved this question in a very “smart” way))) There was not a single word in passage D, but there was no hint of a future career, but here there is FUTURE CAREER. It is on this basis that I made my conclusion.

P.S. Maybe the second heading is wrong?... Numbers 3 and 7 (texts A and E) were the same for everyone, but texts B and C are a big problem...