Option 3 biology exam. Evaluation of tests in biology of the Unified State Examination

AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of the glands and their type.
1) there are excretory ducts
2) there are no excretory ducts
3) secrete secretion into the blood
4) secrete secretions into the body cavity or organs
5) secrete secretions onto the surface of the body
A) external secretion
B) internal secretion
AT 5. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of muscle tissue and its type
1) forms the middle layer of blood vessels
2) consists of multinucleated cells - fibers
3) provides a change in pupil size
4) forms skeletal muscles
5) has transverse striations
6) contracts slowly
A) smooth
B) striated
AT 6. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature of a protein molecule and its structure.
1) the sequence of amino acid residues in the molecule
2) the molecule has the shape of a ball
3) formation of disulfide bridges between amino acid radicals
4) spatial configuration polypeptide chain
5) formation of hydrophobic bonds between amino acid radicals
6) formation of peptide bonds
A) primary
B) tertiary
AT 7. Establish the sequence of stages of the carbon cycle in the biosphere, starting with assimilation inorganic carbon.
A) formation of glucose in plant cells
B) absorption carbon dioxide plants during photosynthesis
C) the formation of carbon dioxide during respiration
D) use organic matter during feeding
D) starch formation in plant cells
C1. Why are there no plants or very sparse plants on forest paths?
C2. Why are owls in a forest ecosystem classified as second-order consumers, and mice as first-order consumers?
C3. What are the similarities and differences between the fruits of plants in the families Papiaceae (Legumes) and Cruciferous (Cabbage)?
C4. What adaptations do mammals have to seasonal environmental changes?
C5. Diheterozygous male Drosophila flies with a gray body and normal wings (dominant traits) were crossed with females with a black body and shortened wings (recessive traits). Determine the genotypes of the parents, as well as possible genotypes and phenotypes of the F1 offspring, if dominant and recessive genes! These characteristics are linked in pairs, and crossing over does not occur during the formation of germ cells. Explain your results.
C6. As a result forest fire part of the spruce forest burned out. Explain how its self-healing will occur.

Constant trampling leads to soil compaction (disturbance of the water and air regime of the roots) and oppression of plants

C2. 1) owls feed on herbivores, so they are classified as consumers
second order;
2) mice eat plant foods, so they are classified as first-order consumers
C3. Similarity between the pods of the legume and cruciferous families: they are formed from the upper multiple ovary, a single pistil. These are dry multi-seeded fruits. The bean is a dehiscent fruit; the pod can also be dehiscent if it has an inarticulate structure. Differences:
1) in legumes, the genice is monocarpous, therefore the fruit - a legume - is a monocarpic of one carpel. When the fruit is opened, the seeds remain on one of the carpel valves.
2) in cabbage genits, the genice is coenocarpic, so the fruit is a pod - a coenocarp of 2 fused carpels. When the fetus is opened, the seeds remain on a membranous frame - the placenta, separating the two nests of the fetus.
C4. 1) hibernate; 2) migrate to other territories; 3) store food and accumulate fat; 4) shed and grow thick fur.
C5. 1) genotypes of the parents: female - aabb, male - AaBb; 2) genotypes of the offspring: 1 AaBb - gray body, normal wings: 1 aabb - black body, shortened wings; 3) since the genes are linked, the male produces two types of gametes AB, ab, and the female produces one type of gamete: ab, therefore the offspring exhibit only two phenotypes in a 1: 1 ratio (other genetic symbolism is allowed that does not distort the meaning of solving the problem)
C6. 1) herbaceous, light-loving plants develop first;
2) then sprouts of birch, aspen, pine appear, the seeds fell with the help of the wind, and a small-leaved or pine forest is formed;
3) under the canopy of light-loving species, shade-tolerant spruce trees develop, which
will subsequently completely replace other trees


Option 3:: Biology

The answers to tasks 1–21 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase). Write your answers in the answer fields in the text of the work, and then transfer them to ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the numbers of the corresponding tasks, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas, etc. additional characters . Write each character in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

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    Consider the proposed scheme. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

    Review the Biology Methods table and fill in the blank with the appropriate term.

    How many nucleotides in the gene encode the sequence of 90 amino acids in a protein molecule? In response, just write down corresponding number.

    All of the characteristics listed below, except two, are used to describe the organism shown in the figure. Identify two features that “fall out” from general list, and write it down in the table numbers , under which they are indicated.

    (Alexey Kouprianov)

    1) mixotrophic diet

    2) presence of two contractile vacuoles

    3) there is a stigma - a photosensitive eye

    4) ability to photosynthesize

    5) there are large and small nuclei

    Establish a correspondence between the stage of biosynthesis and its characteristics:

    In rabbits, gray hair dominates over white, and short hair dominates over long hair. Determine how many gametes a diheterozygous individual produces if the genes are not linked. In response, write down only the number.

    Identify two characteristics that “drop out” from the general list and write down the answer numbers , under which they are indicated. The haploid set of chromosomes is characteristic of:

    1. moss leaf cells (gametophyte)
    2. rat liver
    3. moss outgrowth
    4. first order oocytes
    5. plant eggs

    Establish a correspondence between the processes occurring at the given stages of development of the embryo of three-layered animals and the stages at which these processes occur.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

    numbers , under which they are indicated. The class of animals, the representative of which is shown in the figure, is characterized by the following features:

    1. The cuticle is impregnated with chitin.
    2. Closed circulatory system.
    3. Oxygen enters the body cells through the trachea.
    4. 3 pairs of limbs attached to the abdomen.
    5. Just simple eyes.
    6. The body is divided into three sections.

    Match the plant with the type of inflorescence.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

    Establish the sequence of passage of food in the body of the lake frog. Write down the corresponding sequencenumbers .

    1. esophagus
    2. colon
    3. pharynx
    4. stomach
    5. cloaca
    6. small intestine

    Choose three correct answers out of six and write them down in the table numbers , under which they are indicated. The nervous system provides:

    1. The orientation of the body external environment and adaptation to changing conditions.
    2. Coordinated work of bodies.
    3. Secretion of enzymes and hormones by glands.
    4. Conscious regulation of behavior and psyche.
    5. Transport of nutrients.

    Match the view internal environment body and its function.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

    Establish the sequence of the embryogenesis process. Write down the appropriate sequence in your answer. numbers

    1. Fertilization
    2. Blastula formation
    3. Formation of germ petals
    4. Formation of the neural tube
    5. Zygote fragmentation

    Read the text. Choose three sentences that describe ecological criterion large jerboa shown in the picture. Write it down in the table numbers , under which they are indicated.

    (1) The large jerboa can be found in the steppe zone, along the sides of dirt roads, the edges of fields, on pastures, along the gentle slopes of ravines and ravines. (2) The large jerboa has a relatively short body, the tail is approximately 1.3 times longer than the body. (3) The hind legs of these rodents are long and strong. (4) The large jerboa is an omnivore and can feed on both plants and animals. (5) Broods per year: 1-2; pregnancy lasts about 25 days. (6) The habitats of the great jerboa are varied.

    Establish a correspondence between the struggle of existence and the characteristics that belong to it.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

    Choose three correct answers out of six and write them down in the table numbers , under which they are indicated. In biogeocenosis, in contrast to agrocenosis

    1. has a varied species composition, long food chains
    2. unstable system
    3. the number of species is balanced
    4. organic substances are removed from the system by humans
    5. evolutionary factors are active
    6. artificially selected set of crops

    Establish a correspondence between the component of the biocenosis and its representatives.

    Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Training options for the Unified State Exam in biology

After thematic assignments in biology, start practicing. Since for demonstration high level knowledge, you need to confidently work with diagrams, tables and graphs. Explain biological processes using graphical information.

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Identify, analyze mistakes and practice again. Your success is permanent solution options during preparation!

The Unified State Exam test in biology 2019 includes 28 tasks.

  • Part 1 contains 21 tasks with a short answer (sequence of numbers, number, word or phrase)
  • Part 2 contains 7 tasks with a detailed answer (give a full answer: explanation, description or justification; express and argue your own opinion).

The option is grouped thematically.

  1. The first part contains 21 tasks, which are grouped into content blocks presented in:
    • On multiple choice;
    • To establish correspondences;
    • To establish the sequence of processes or phenomena;
    • Problems in cytology and genetics;
    • To complement the drawings;
    • Analysis of a diagram or table.
  2. The second part contains 7 tasks. To successfully solve which the student is required to thoroughly master conceptual apparatus and competently operate in biological terms.

A short analysis of the conditions of some tasks

Tasks from the block of the first ticket:

  • – a biological fragment is presented that requires establishing connections between concepts;
  • – count the number of chromosomes and determine the number of cells formed during various processes;
  • – find examples in the text that correspond to the concepts;
  • – to test knowledge of species properties – select criteria from the test that correspond to the species.

Evaluation of tests in biology of the Unified State Examination

Behind first part maximum ticket – 38 points.
For solving problems second part - 20 points.

The points received for correctly completed tasks are summed up.

Converting points to grades

  • 0-35 points - 2,
  • 36-54 points - 3,
  • 55-71 points - 4,
  • 72 and above points - 5;

For admission to budget place V prestigious university you must score more than 84 points.

Decide! Go for it! Strive for the best!

Option No. 743286

When completing tasks 1-22, choose one of the four proposed answer options. The answer to tasks 23-28 is a number or sequence of numbers.

Task 1 No.1863

Which of the following sciences studies the structure of human liver cells?

1) genetics

2) embryology

3) cytology

4) physiology


Task 2 No.34

Which chemical element is part of the vital organic compounds cells?

2) carbon


Task 3 No.771

Provides strength and elasticity to the plant body

1) conductive fabric

2) educational fabric

3) main fabric

4) mechanical fabric


Task 4 No.36

What is main function chlorophyll in plants?

1) release of carbon dioxide

2) absorption of light energy

3) protection of plants from fungal and viral diseases

4) turning plant leaves into poisonous for insect pests


Task 5 No.933

Which picture shows a characteristic characteristic of the class Dicotyledonous plants?


Task 6 No.1190

The body of arthropods, unlike annelids,

1) consists of segments combined into departments

2) soft to the touch

3) formed by two layers of cells

4) round in cross section


Task 7 No.295

At low air temperatures, birds fluff up their feathers. How does this behavior help birds?

1) It reduces heat loss.

2) This protects the feathers from damage.

3) It increases heat production.

4) This keeps their skin from drying out.


Task 8 No.200

The unity of members of a group of primitive people, communication using sounds, and then words, was facilitated by

1) permanent migration

2) eating meat

3) work activity

4) upright posture


Task 9 No.778

The human cerebral cortex controls

1) sneezing

3) blinking


Task 10 No.619

What number in the picture represents the triceps?


Task 11 No.1697

Which of the following glands is involved in maintaining a constant concentration of glucose in human blood?

1) thyroid

2) adrenal gland

3) pituitary gland

4) pancreas


Task 12 No.589

Which of the following vessels of the circulatory system has the lowest blood velocity?

1) inferior vena cava

2) carotid artery

4) capillary of the alveoli


Task 13 No.270

During digestion, fats are broken down into

1) glucose

2) amino acids

4) glycerol and fatty acids


Task 14 No.1263

Which skin structure(s) perform(s) the excretory function?

1) hair roots

2) sebaceous glands

3) stratum corneum cells

4) muscle fibers


Task 15 No.1576

Coordinate movement and orientation in space

1) medulla oblongata and cerebellum

2) midbrain and forebrain

3) cerebellum and cerebral cortex

4) spinal cord and cerebral hemispheres of the forebrain


Task 16 No.1702

Which one four types The temperament corresponds to the description: a slow, imperturbable person, with stable aspirations and a more or less constant mood, with a weak external expression of mental states.

1) phlegmatic

2) choleric

3) sanguine

4) melancholic


Task 17 No.1671

What is the first thing to do to a heatstroke victim?

1) measure the temperature

2) drink sweet tea

3) take it to the shade

4) put on your stomach


Task 18 No.1140

A state of summer dormancy, accompanied by the complete death of ground parts, is characteristic of

1) tulip

3) dandelion


Task 19 No.1077

What was the basis for the evolution of plants?

1) natural selection

2) hereditary variability

3) struggle for existence

4) natural isolation between species


Task 20 No.406

Study the graph of the dependence of remembered information on time (along the axis X time is plotted (in hours), and along the axis at- amount of remembered information (in %)).

How much information will a person remember after 30 hours?


Task 21 No.1979

In the table below, there is a relationship between the positions in the first and second columns.

What concept should be entered in the blank in this table?

1) fertilization

2) division

3) embryonic period


Task 22 No.56

Are the following judgments about the life processes of plants correct?

A. Organic substances move through the vessels of plants.

B. They move along sieve tubes minerals, soluble in water.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Task 23 No.2376

Which of the following is characteristic only of eukaryotic cells? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) plasma membrane

2) endoplasmic reticulum

3) flagella

4) mitochondria

5) nuclear membrane

6) ribosomes


Task 24 No.1678

Which of the following organelles are present only in plant cells? Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) chloroplasts

2) central vacuole

3) endoplasmic reticulum

4) cell wall made of cellulose

5) mitochondria

6) Golgi apparatus


Task 25 No.2016

Establish a correspondence between the characteristic and the type of plant tissue to which it belongs. To do this, select a position from the second column for each element of the first column.


Task 26 No.1439

Establish the sequence of taxonomic units in the chamomile classification, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) Dicotyledons

2) Chamomile

3) Plants

4) Astroflowers

5) Flowering, or Angiosperms

6) Asteraceae, or Compositae


Task 27 No.220

Insert into the text “Reproduction of freshwater hydra” the missing terms from the proposed list, using numerical notations. Write down the numbers of the selected answers in the text, and then enter the resulting sequence of numbers (according to the text) in the table below.


Freshwater hydra reproduce sexually and ___________ (A). In the warm season, ___________ are formed on the body of hydras (B). These outgrowths enlarge, tentacles and a mouth are formed at the free end of their body, then a sole. In the fall, when unfavorable conditions occur, tubercles appear on the hydra’s body, in which ___________ (B) are formed. Both eggs and sperm are formed on the hydra’s body, so the hydra is classified as ___________ (G).


Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Task 28 No.381

Look at a photo of a Dalmatian dog. Select characteristics that match it external structure, according to the following plan: dog color, head shape, ear shape, neck position, tail shape. Use a ruler and pencil when doing the work.

A. Color

B. Head shape

B. Ear shape

D. Position of the neck (the dotted line, forming an angle with the horizontal plane, is parallel to the back of the neck and passes through the eye)

D. Tail shape

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


Task 29 No.2096

1) What class of animals does the liver fluke belong to?

2) Who is the definitive owner of the bovine tapeworm?

3) What other structural features, besides those indicated in the text, associated with a parasitic lifestyle, exist in flatworms?

Task 30 No.2428

Using Table 1 “Origin of the main domestic animals”, as well as using knowledge from the biology course, answer the question next questions.

1) Which animal was domesticated first?

2) The wild ancestor of which animal was the tarpan?

3) Why are bees not used in northern Eurasia?

Task 31 No.2054

Svetlana, a theater school student, always watches her figure and does rhythmic gymnastics at the fitness club three times a week. After an hour and a half lesson, Svetlana enters a fast food restaurant

food to have a snack. Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer the girl the optimal calorie menu from the list of proposed dishes and drinks in order to compensate for energy costs during an hour and a half lesson.

When choosing, keep in mind that Svetlana chooses dishes with the least amount of carbohydrates and drinks tea without sugar. In your answer, indicate: energy consumption during gymnastics; ordered dishes that should not be repeated; calorie content of lunch and the amount of carbohydrates in it.

Table of energy and nutritional value of fast food cafe products

Dishes and drinks


value (kcal)

Proteins (g)

Fat (g)

Carbohydrates (g)

Double McMuffin (bun)

ka, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato,

cheese, pork)

Fresh McMuffin (bun,

mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato,

cheese, ham)

Chicken Fresh McMuffin

(bun, mayonnaise, salad,

tomato, cheese, chicken)

Omelette with ham

Vegetable salad

Caesar salad (chicken,

salad, mayonnaise, croutons)

Country style potatoes

Small portion of potatoes

Ice cream with chocolate

Waffle cone

Coca Cola

Orange juice

Tea without sugar

Tea with sugar (two teaspoons

Energy consumption for various types of physical activity

Types of physical activity

Energy cost

Walk – 5 km/h; cycling – 10 km/h; volleyball

amateur; archery; folk rowing

4.5 kcal/min.

Walk – 5.5 km/h; cycling – 13 km/h;

table tennis; tennis (doubles)

5.5 kcal/min.

Rhythmic gymnastics; walk – 6.5 km/h; riding on

bicycle – 16 km/h; canoeing – 6.5 km/h; riding

riding - fast trot

6.5 kcal/min.

Roller skates – 15 km/h; walk – 8 km/h; riding on

bicycle – 17.5 km/h; badminton - competitions;

tennis - singles; easy descent from the mountain

by ski; water skiing

7.5 kcal/min.

Jogging; cycling – 19 km/h; vigorous

skiing down the mountain; basketball; ice hockey;

football; playing with a ball in the water

9.5 kcal/min.

Task 32 No.2055

What is dietary fiber? Why is dietary fiber good for the body?

The answers to tasks 1–21 are a sequence of numbers, a number or a word (phrase).


Consider the proposed scheme. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.


Choose two correct answers out of five and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

At what levels of living organization do they study the significance of photosynthesis in nature?

1. biosphere

2. cellular

3. biogeocenotic

4. molecular

5. tissue-organ


How many nucleotides make up the tRNA anticodon?

Answer: ______


All but two of the following characteristics can be used to describe functions nucleic acids in a cage. Identify two characteristics that “drop out” from the general list and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. carry out homeostasis

2. transfer hereditary information from nucleus to ribosome

3. participate in protein biosynthesis

4. included cell membrane

5. transport amino acids


Establish a correspondence between the process occurring in the cell and the organelle in which it occurs: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. reduction of carbon dioxide to glucose

B. ATP synthesis during respiration

B. primary synthesis of organic substances

D. conversion of light energy into chemical energy

D. breakdown of organic substances to carbon dioxide and water


1. mitochondrion

2. chloroplast


What ratio of phenotypes will be obtained by crossing two heterozygotes with complete dominance genes? Write the answer as a sequence of numbers in descending order.


Below is a list of terms. All but two of them are used to describe genetic processes and phenomena. Find two terms that “fall out” from general series, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1. X chromosome

2. consumer

3. divergence

4. heterozygote

5. sex chromosome


Establish a correspondence between the characteristics of sexual and asexual reproduction: For each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. forms new combinations of genes

B. forms combinative variability

V. forms offspring identical to the maternal

G. occurs without gametogenesis

D. caused by mitosis


1. asexual

2. sexual


Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. What characteristics are characteristic of plants of the Dicotyledonous class?

1. reticulated leaf venation

2. root system fibrous

3. tap root system

4. arcuate leaf venation

5. two cotyledons per seed

6. parallel veining of leaves


Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of animals and the class for which this characteristic is characteristic: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. presence of a cervical vertebra

B. absence of ribs

B. indirect development

D. presence of lever limbs

D. two-chambered heart

E. absence of lungs

2. Amphibians


Establish the order in which the systematic groups of plants are located, starting with the largest. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

2. legumes

3. red clover

4. angiosperms

5. dicotyledons


When the sympathetic nervous system as opposed to excitation of the parasympathetic nervous system

1. arteries dilate

2. rises arterial pressure

3. intestinal motility increases

4. the pupil narrows

5. blood sugar increases

6. heart contractions become more frequent


Establish a correspondence between the protective property of the human body and the type of immunity: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. the presence of antibodies in the blood plasma, inherited

B. obtaining antibodies with therapeutic serum

B. formation of antibodies in the blood as a result of vaccination

D. the presence in the blood of similar proteins - antibodies in all individuals of the same species


1. active

2. passive

3. congenital


Establish the order of the organs digestive system starting from the colon. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

2. oral cavity

3. colon

4. small intestine

5. stomach

6. esophagus


Select three sentences from the text that describe the paths of macroevolution organic world. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.


Establish a correspondence between the characteristic of a large pond snail and the criterion of the species for which it is characteristic: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A. sense organs - one pair of tentacles

B. Brown color shells

V. inhabits fresh water bodies

G. eats soft tissues plants

D. shell spirally twisted


1. morphological

2. environmental


Choose three correct answers out of six and write down the numbers under which they are indicated. Which anthropogenic factors influence the population size of the lily of the valley in the forest community?

1. cutting down trees

2. increased shading

3. lack of moisture in summer period

4. collection of wild plants

5. low temperature air in winter

6. trampling the soil


Establish a correspondence between the cause of speciation and its method: for each position given in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A. expansion of the range of the original species

B. stability of the range of the original species

B. division of the species' range by various barriers

D. diversity of variability of individuals within the range

D. diversity of habitats within a stable range


1. geographical

2. environmental


Establish the sequence of ecosystems, taking into account increasing their stability. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers.

1. spruce forest

2. mixed forest

3. birch grove

4. oak grove


Analyze the table. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the concepts and terms given in the list. For each lettered cell, select the appropriate term from the list provided.

List of terms:

1. thylakoid membranes

2. light phase

3. fixation of inorganic carbon

4. water photosynthesis

5. dark phase

6. cell cytoplasm


Study the graph of fluctuations in the number of hares depending on the number of predators. Select statements that can be formulated based on the analysis of the proposed schedule. Write down the numbers of the selected statements in your answer.

1. Fluctuations in the number of a species are population waves, or “waves of life.”

2. One of the reasons for population waves is an abundant food supply.

3. The increase in the number of predators outpaces the increase in the number of prey.

Part 2.

First write down the task number (22, 23, etc.), then detailed solution. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.

Malaria is a human disease that results in anemia. Who causes it? Explain the cause of anemia.

Show answer

Malaria is caused by Plasmodium falciparum. The carrier of plasmodium is the mosquito. An infected mosquito bites a person, the malaria pathogen enters the human blood and begins to actively multiply in red blood cells, destroying them. A decrease in the content of red blood cells in the blood is one of the causes of anemia.

Which human organ is indicated in the figure by number 4? What structure does it have? Explain the functions it performs based on its structure.

Show answer

The number 4 in the figure indicates the trachea. This is the tube through which air flows when you breathe. It is surrounded by cartilaginous half-rings that maintain the shape of the trachea, but do not compress the esophagus adjacent to the trachea from behind.

Find three errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which they are made, correct them.

1. The polysaccharide cellulose performs a reserve, storage function in a plant cell. 2. Accumulating in the cell, carbohydrates mainly perform regulatory function. 3. In arthropods, the polysaccharide chitin forms the integument of the body. 4. In plants cell walls formed by the polysaccharide starch. 5. Polysaccharides are hydrophobic. 6. By functional properties polysaccharides are divided into three groups: structural, water-soluble and reserve.