Extract the root of the corresponding degree from a given number. Extracting the root of a complex number

It is impossible to unambiguously extract the root of a complex number, since it has a number of values ​​equal to its power.

Complex numbers are raised to the power of trigonometric form, for which Moyward's formula is valid:

\(\ z^(k)=r^(k)(\cos k \varphi+i \sin k \varphi), \forall k \in N \)

Similarly, this formula is used to calculate the kth root of a complex number (not equal to zero):

\(\ z^(\frac(1)(k))=(r(\cos (\varphi+2 \pi n)+i \sin (\varphi+2 \pi n)))^(\frac( 1)(k))=r^(\frac(1)(k))\left(\cos \frac(\varphi+2 \pi n)(k)+i \sin \frac(\varphi+2 \ pi n)(k)\right), \forall k>1, \forall n \in N \)

If the complex number is not zero, then roots of degree k always exist, and they can be represented in the complex plane: they will be the vertices of a k-gon inscribed in a circle centered at the origin and radius \(\r^(\frac(1) (k))\)

Examples of problem solving

  • Task

    Find the third root of the number \(\z=-1\).

  • Solution.

    First we express the number \(\z=-1\) in trigonometric form. The real part of the number \(\ z=-1 \) is the number \(\ z=-1 \), the imaginary part is \(\ y=\operatorname(lm) \), \(\ z=0 \). To find the trigonometric form of a complex number, you need to find its modulus and argument.

    The modulus of a complex number \(\z\) is the number:

    \(\ r=\sqrt(x^(2)+y^(2))=\sqrt((-1)^(2)+0^(2))=\sqrt(1+0)=1 \ )

    The argument is calculated using the formula:

    \(\ \varphi=\arg z=\operatorname(arctg) \frac(y)(x)=\operatorname(arctg) \frac(0)(-1)=\operatorname(arctg) 0=\pi \)

    Therefore, the trigonometric form of a complex number is: \(\z=1(\cos \pi+i \sin \pi)\)

    Then the 3rd root looks like this:

    \(\ =\cos \frac(\pi+2 \pi n)(3)+i \sin \frac(\pi+2 \pi n)(3) \), \(\ n=0.1, 2\)

    \(\ \omega_(1)=\cos \frac(\pi)(3)+i \sin \frac(\pi)(3)=\frac(1)(2)+i \frac(\sqrt( 3))(2)\)

    For \(\n=1\) we get:

    \(\ \omega_(2)=\cos \pi+i \sin \pi=-1+i \cdot 0=-1 \)

    For \(\n=2\) we get:

    \(\ \omega_(3)=\cos \frac(5 \pi)(3)+i \sin \frac(5 \pi)(3)=\frac(1)(2)+i \frac(- \sqrt(3))(2)=\frac(1)(2)-i \frac(\sqrt(3))(2) \)

  • Answer

    \(\ \omega_(1)=\frac(1)(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(3))(2), \omega_(2)=-1, \omega_(3)=\frac( 1)(2)-i \frac(\sqrt(3))(2) \)

  • Task

    To extract the 2nd root of a number \(\z=1-\sqrt(3)i\)

  • Solution.

    To begin with, we express a complex number in trigonometric form.

    The real part of a complex number \(\ z=1-\sqrt(3) i \) is the number \(\ x=\operatorname(Re) z=1 \) , the imaginary part \(\ y=\operatorname(Im) z =-\sqrt(3) \) . To find the trigonometric form of a complex number, you need to find its modulus and argument.

    The modulus of a complex number \(\r\) is the number:

    \(\r=\sqrt(x^(2)+y^(2))=\sqrt(1^(2)+(-\sqrt(3))^(2))=\sqrt(1+3 )=2\)


    \(\ \varphi=\arg z=\operatorname(arctg) \frac(y)(x)=\operatorname(arctg) \frac(-\sqrt(3))(1)=\operatorname(arctg)(- \sqrt(3))=\frac(2 \pi)(3) \)

    Therefore, the trigonometric form of a complex number is:

    \(\ z=2\left(\cos \frac(2 \pi)(3)+i \sin \frac(2 \pi)(3)\right) \)

    Applying the formula for extracting the 2nd degree root, we get:

    \(\ z^(\frac(1)(2))=\left(2\left(\cos \frac(2 \pi)(3)+i \sin \frac(2 \pi)(3)\ right)\right)^(\frac(1)(2))=2^(\frac(1)(2))\left(\cos \frac(2 \pi)(3)+i \sin \frac (2 \pi)(3)\right)^(\frac(1)(2))= \)

    \(\ =\sqrt(2)\left(\cos \left(\frac(\pi)(3)+\pi n\right)+i \sin \left(\frac(\pi)(3)+ \pi n\right)\right), n=0,1 \)

    For \(\ \mathrm(n)=0 \) we get:

    \(\ \omega_(1)=\sqrt(2)\left(\cos \left(\frac(\pi)(3)+0\right)+i \sin \left(\frac(\pi)( 3)+0\right)\right)=\sqrt(2)\left(\frac(1)(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(3))(2)\right)=\frac(\sqrt (2))(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(6))(2) \)

    For \(\ \mathrm(n)=1 \) we get:

    \(\ \omega_(2)=\sqrt(2)\left(\cos \left(\frac(\pi)(3)+\pi\right)+i \sin \left(\frac(\pi) (3)+\pi\right)\right)=\sqrt(2)\left(-\frac(1)(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(3))(2)\right)=-\ frac(\sqrt(2))(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(6))(2) \)

  • Answer

    \(\ \omega_(1)=\frac(\sqrt(2))(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(6))(2) ; \omega_(2)=-\frac(\sqrt(2 ))(2)+i \frac(\sqrt(6))(2) \)

  • numbers in trigonometric form.

    Moivre's formula

    Let z 1 = r 1 (cos  1 + isin  1) and z 2 = r 2 (cos  2 + isin  2).

    The trigonometric form of writing a complex number is convenient to use to perform the operations of multiplication, division, raising to an integer power, and extracting the root of degree n.

    z 1 ∙ z 2 = r 1 ∙ r 2 (cos ( 1 +  2) + i sin( 1 +  2)).

    When multiplying two complex numbers in trigonometric form, their modules are multiplied and their arguments are added. When dividing their modules are divided and their arguments are subtracted.

    A corollary of the rule for multiplying a complex number is the rule for raising a complex number to a power.

    z = r(cos  + i sin ).

    z n = r n (cos n + isin n).

    This ratio is called Moivre's formula.

    Example 8.1 Find the product and quotient of numbers:



    z 1 ∙z 2



    Example 8.2 Write a number in trigonometric form

    –i) 7 .


    Let's denote
    and z 2 =
    – i.

    r 1 = |z 1 | = √ 1 2 + 1 2 = √ 2;  1 = arg z 1 = arctan ;

    z 1 =

    r 2 = |z 2 | = √(√ 3) 2 + (– 1) 2 = 2;  2 = arg z 2 = arctan

    z 2 = 2

    z 1 5 = (
    ) 5
    ; z 2 7 = 2 7

    z = (
    ) 5 ·2 7

    2 9

    § 9 Extracting the root of a complex number

    Definition. Rootnth power of a complex number z (denote
    ) is a complex number w such that w n = z. If z = 0, then
    = 0.

    Let z  0, z = r(cos + isin). Let us denote w = (cos + sin), then we write the equation w n = z in the following form

     n (cos(n·) + isin(n·)) = r(cos + isin).

    Hence  n = r,

     =

    Thus wk =

    Among these values ​​there are exactly n different ones.

    Therefore k = 0, 1, 2, …, n – 1.

    On the complex plane, these points are the vertices of a regular n-gon inscribed in a circle of radius
    with center at point O (Figure 12).

    Figure 12

    Example 9.1 Find all values


    Let's represent this number in trigonometric form. Let's find its modulus and argument.

    w k =
    , where k = 0, 1, 2, 3.

    w 0 =

    w 1 =

    w 2 =

    w 3 =

    On the complex plane, these points are the vertices of a square inscribed in a circle of radius
    with the center at the origin (Figure 13).

    Figure 13 Figure 14

    Example 9.2 Find all values


    z = – 64 = 64(cos +isin);

    w k =
    , where k = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

    w 0 =
    ; w 1 =

    w 2 =
    w 3 =

    w 4 =
    ; w 5 =

    On the complex plane, these points are the vertices of a regular hexagon inscribed in a circle of radius 2 with the center at point O (0; 0) - Figure 14.

    § 10 Exponential form of a complex number.

    Euler's formula

    Let's denote
    = cos  + isin  and
    = cos  - isin  . These relations are called Euler's formulas .

    has the usual properties of an exponential function:

    Let the complex number z be written in trigonometric form z = r(cos + isin).

    Using Euler's formula, we can write:

    z = r

    This entry is called exponential form complex number. Using it, we obtain the rules for multiplication, division, exponentiation and root extraction.

    If z 1 = r 1 ·
    and z 2 = r 2 ·

    z 1 · z 2 = r 1 · r 2 ·


    z n = r n ·

    , where k = 0, 1, … , n – 1.

    Example 10.1 Write a number in algebraic form

    z =


    Example 10.2 Solve the equation z 2 + (4 – 3i)z + 4 – 6i = 0.


    For any complex coefficients, this equation has two roots z 1 and z 1 (possibly coinciding). These roots can be found using the same formula as in the real case. Because
    takes two values ​​that differ only in sign, then this formula looks like:

    Since –9 = 9 e  i, then the values
    there will be numbers:


    Example 10.3 Solve the equations z 3 +1 = 0; z 3 = – 1.


    The required roots of the equation will be the values

    For z = –1 we have r = 1, arg(–1) = .

    w k =
    , k = 0, 1, 2.


    9 Present numbers in exponential form:



    10 Write numbers in exponential and algebraic forms:




    d) 7(cos0 + isin0).

    11 Write the numbers in algebraic and geometric forms:





    12 Numbers are given

    Presenting them in exponential form, find

    13 Using the exponential form of a complex number, perform the following steps:



